Use the word pleasant in a sentence

pleasant — перевод на русский


Pleasant, especially when chance sent me a connoisseur.

И прежде всего приятно, что судьба послала мне ценителя.

It goes pleasantly in my veins.

Оно приятно бежит по моим жилам.

I’m sorry in a way because it would be so pleasant… to buy lovely «nonsensities» for somebody who’d never had them.

В чем-то это даже плохо. Было бы приятно покупать милые мелочи тому, кто их не имел.

That’s the first place you gotta go and it ain’t pleasant, the morgue.

Туда надо идти в первую очередь, а в морге не очень-то приятно.

— Did you have a pleasant trip, Nicholas?

— Твое путешествие прошло приятно, Николас?

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Very pleasant.

Очень мило.

You can come see me here. It’s much more pleasant.

Заходите ко мне сюда, тут мило.

Oh, it’s very pleasant.

О, это очень мило.

Doctor, you’re being very pleasant with me.

Доктор, вы со мной так мило шутите.

How pleasant of you to join us.

Как мило с вашей стороны присоединиться к нам.

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It’s pleasant and cool here.

Здесь хорошо и прохладно.

I wish her well, I want her to be happy, I want a normal, peaceful, pleasant life for her.

Я ведь хочу ей добра, счастья, чтобы жизнь сложилась нормально, хорошо, спокойно.

Pleasant trip?

Хорошо доехал?

How pleasant to see a man respond in such a way.

Как хорошо, когда человек так реагирует.


Теперь там так зелено и хорошо.

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It’s never pleasant.

Это всегда неприятно.

Now this isn’t going to be pleasant.

Итак, это будет неприятно.

Yes, well, I understand that it’s not very pleasant to have people saying that your girlfriend was raped.

Да-да, понимаю, крайне неприятно, когда весь город знает, что твою девушку изнасиловали.

— It is very pleasant.

— Было очень неприятно. Да?

What I have to tell you is no more pleasant for me than it will be for you.

То, что я должен сказать вам, будет более неприятно для меня, чем для вас.

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How pleasant is the life I lead

И знаю я, что славно жизнь моя летит.

You look pleasant.

Ты славно выглядишь.

You know, so he’s closed the drapes there so he can have a nice, pleasant conversation with your little sister.

Понимаешь, он задёрнул шторы,… чтобы мило и славно… поболтать с твоей младшей сестрой.

— It was pleasant.

— Это было славно.

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It’s pleasant that you grasp everything so quickly.

Мне очень приятно, что вы так точно все понимаете.

That doesn’t sound pleasant.

Звучит не очень приятно.

This isn’t going to be pleasant.

Будет не очень приятно.

Well, as pleasant as this has been, I’m afraid I’m going to have to run.

— Было очень приятно, но боюсь, мне нужно бежать.

Mmm. I tell you something, it was not pleasant.

Скажу тебе одно, это было не очень приятно.

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Good night. Thank you for a most pleasant evening.

Доброй ночи и спасибо за прекрасный вечер.

Well, good night, Susan, dear, and thanks for a pleasant evening.

— Что ж, спокойной ночи, дорогая Сьюзен, благодарю вас за прекрасный вечер.

Obliged by this pleasant night work, Lady Astwell.

Леди Эствилл, благодарю Вас за прекрасный вечер.

Sun’s going down, with my mates, it’s down below 90 degrees, we’re in the deep south, it’s a pleasant evening.

Солнце садится, оно уже почти за горизонтом, мы далеко на юге. Прекрасный вечер.

It’s another pleasant day for me, Peter the Strawberry.

Еще один прекрасный день у меня, Питера Клубники.

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Are you in advance for Mount Pleasant?

Ты расплатился за дом в Маунт-Плезант?

Mount Pleasant will be mine.

Маунт-Плезант будет моим.

This is Mount Pleasant.

Это Маунт-Плезант.

Trudiæemo to spend in Mount Pleasant!

Мы постараемся восполнить этот пробел в Маунт-Плезант!

Um, Mount Pleasant. And a British stamp.

Маунт-Плезант и британский штемпель.

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I have tickets to a bonsai exposition in Mount Pleasant Friday night.

У меня билеты на выставку бонсай в пятницу в Маунт Плезант.

Zach’s away and I’m going to Mount Pleasant on business today.

Зака нет, а я поеду по делам в Маунт Плезант.

I see that you made it back from Mount Pleasant.

Вижу, ты вернулся из Маунт Плезант.

Look, I’m in mt. Pleasant right now buying some end tables

Слушай, я сейчас в Маунтин Плезант, покупаю тумбочки.

He was working as a nurse at the free clinic in mount pleasant.

Он работал медбратом в бесплатной клинике «Маунт Плезант»

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It’d be very pleasant If men were to act like men again.

Это было бы очень пикантно. Может, глядя на него, мужчины снова начнут поступать как мужчины.

This is hardly a pleasant country just now. You’ve chosen an odd time.

Вы выбрали очень странное место для развлечений.

And it is a very pleasant place, captain.

Это очень прелестное место, капитан.

It’s a very pleasant room, Ben.

Это очень славное место, Бен.

Yes; everything went off very pleasantly, and dancing was kept up until five o’clock.

Как же! очень было весело; танцевали до пяти часов.

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Synonym: agreeable, appealing, charming, cheerful, delightful, desirable, enchanting, enjoyable, genial, gratifying, happy, likable, pleasing, satisfying. Antonym: unpleasant. Similar words: peasant, please, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, displeased, displeasing, plea. Meaning: [‘pleznt]  adj. 1. affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings 2. pleasant in manner or behavior. 

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1. Pleasant hours fly past.

2. If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. 

3. Pleasant hours fly fast.

4. Finished labours are pleasant.

5. Hoping you will have a pleasant trip!

6. All my good wishes for a pleasant journey!

7. The magnificent scene of the waterfall is pleasant.

8. I’ve got a pleasant little apartment.

9. The grass was cool and pleasant underfoot.

10. Wish you a pleasant journey!

11. Her voice has a pleasant tone.

12. It was pleasant to be alone again.

13. He is an extremely pleasant and obliging man.

13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. I wish you a pleasant journey.

15. We spent a very pleasant.

16. Provided it’s fine we will have a pleasant holiday.

17. We spend a very pleasant evening.

18. Her pleasant manner belied her true character.

19. He was a pleasant chap but didn’t talk much.

20. It is pleasant for me to see you.

21. The little beach hotel is pleasant.

22. With a pleasant mature attitude.

23. It had been a pleasant evening.

24. Her garden was a cool pleasant place to sit.

25. These trees afford a pleasant shade.

26. The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.

27. They spent a pleasant afternoon motoring through the countryside.

28. He spent a pleasant afternoon reading .

29. Floating can be a very pleasant sensation.

30. Make the night night, and the day day, and you will have a pleasant time of it. 

More similar words: peasant, please, pleased, pleasing, pleasure, displeased, displeasing, plea, plead, least, incessant, at least, release, by leaps and bounds, misanthropy, in the least, not in the least, as as, as a man, as a whole, sand, as a rule, sank, as a result, as a result of, tabula rasa, sand dune, sandwich, sanguine, sandstorm. 


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· To dwell more on pleasant things rather than unpleasant things, like comparing with less fortunate than with those who are born with silver spoons in their mouth

Ava could get up there for a visit every couple years, it was a pleasant neighborhood

They had very pleasant union

When you are with someone you love very much, you can talk and it is pleasant, but the reality is not in the conversation

The interior is pleasant – airy and comfortable

«The only pleasant part I remember is climbing in hangleaves with Dintin

memories, some of them even quite pleasant, but it was definitely time to rid herself

She was allowing herself a pleasant evening

Later, at Janus, we all had a pleasant surprise: Alexander finally agreed to our attempting a technique for astral projection in class, which consists of the following steps:

Every female body on the male side was a perfect houri, designed to taste, with a personality designed to be pleasant and encourage the man to talk about himself

We get along very well, we have pleasant chats, I like him

‘It is rather pleasant

Kara turned to see the young — twenty-something? — woman standing there, her pleasant face flushed as if the owner was uncertain about approaching strangers

It would be pleasant having company and yes, practical assistance might be useful

Rocket: If you see a rocket flying in the air, something very pleasant will happen to you soon

‘That is one very pleasant young woman

It flowed soothingly over Kara’s head, a pleasant, familiar re-embedding in what passed for normality in her life

The interior of the compound was a pleasant open circle of well-maintained grass dissected by gravelled paths around which the four two-storey warehouses were arranged

Whatever that is, but it doesn’t sound pleasant” said

Have a pleasant evening!

May I be a pleasant one of her friends for you to dally with now and then

Caderl has a pleasant face and is broad and solid looking as Gilla described

‘You had a pleasant ride, Lintze?’ Wiesse asked as we begin our meal, his attempt at pretending an interest nearly oversetting me it is so forced

She had her skirt on, but it was low on her hip on that side and her smooth curve was most pleasant

At the kahtmaster’s house, the kahtmaster’s wife happily invites us to seat ourselves in the sun and plies us with a very pleasant lemon flavoured drink

‘Here we are sitting in the sunshine in this very pleasant Spanish town drinking some not at all unpleasant wine

Berndt appears for lunch and the three of us pretend that nothing has occurred, spending a pleasant afternoon taking it in turns to play the board game Berndt taught me on the barge … as then, he thrashes both Joris and I mercilessly

She was a bit plush and her dark hair was straight, but she was pleasant enough and he would just as soon have her as a bedmate and skip the club scene

Being plush, and obviously eager to bed someone important enough to be flown in to a meeting with the founders, it was very pleasant walking up the stairs with her

It was a pleasant press of warm bodies getting in there for there was quite a crowd

The weather was delightful; pleasant Morningdays, sunny, hot and humid Afternoondays, close but cool Nightdays

It is a pleasant evening – Gilla, clearly on cloud nine, produces a celebration meal

‘Yes, we had a very pleasant afternoon fossil hunting

This will not only make it more pleasant for you but will help you to establish an even rhythm

She hoped this surprise would be pleasant but fell asleep before Yarin came to bed

Then sink slowly into the Corpse Posture, close your eyes and try to empty your mind of all thoughts but one pleasant one

After a couple of minutes he returned carrying a cup of instant coffee and some slices of melon on a tray, ‘If you would like, it might be more pleasant in the yard now the sun is at the front

England’s green and pleasant land is no exception, with every home an entertainment gin palace, where businesses thrive and prosper in the information age, and where the electronically dispossessed watch the valves and fuses of their analogue existence slowly burn down towards a state of mass extinction

She was, anyway, helping a very pleasant young policewoman with her enquiries and Miss Jones was on fine form as the policewoman took her statement

The soldier lived well in the city, going out for expensive dinners at the finest restaurants, attending the theatre regularly, spending pleasant evenings in the brightest of celebrity haunts and even doing a little work for charity when time permitted

Alan would probably play with one or more of the village cherubs this evening if the weather stayed pleasant

In a small town set upon the flat plains of England’s far flung eastern lowlands there once lived a very pleasant young man

He came from a very pleasant family with a father who worked hard and diligently and with a mother who stayed at home and brought up her children until they were old enough to attend the local senior school

This is a pleasant way to travel and there is plenty to see

I tried to be pleasant but there was nothing pleasant on my mind, at least we’d put our case and had won a little victory

He had to admit, his fingers would have enjoyed working her over, but Ava was pleasant to hold also

All around the princess the ladies of the court sang and celebrated the occasion as the great and the good of the England’s green and pleasant land, the celebrities and the superstars, assembled to celebrate the marriage

An enjoyable dinner, some pleasant conversation, and they were soon off to bed

Not pleasant is it!”

Annie, knowing her brother from years of quiet observation, correctly suggested to her great-aunt that he would dedicate his new found personal freedom and financial independence to the pursuit of private digital excess, and it was this that great-aunt Edith was thinking about as she lay in bed after a very pleasant Saturday in the company of her poor, disappointed relative

I glance across at Alastair, engrossed in the music – he’s not what you’d by any stretch of the imagination call classically good looking but has a pleasant face and is considered attractive by many people … his hair is dark but there are grey hairs showing in places now – it needs a cut by the look of the way it’s starting to dangle over his ears

This song, a song that he had never heard before but seemed to know instinctively, filled him with warmth and life, and quite to the barman’s shock and pleasant surprise, Ken ordered his last pint with a smile

The wood the box is made of is called Cedar; it gives off a pleasant odor

It is neither pleasant for me to listen to nor particularly flattering to you

He had to admit it was a pleasant surprise to find that her feelings were so strong

Even though he had his hormones set at thirty percent, she was still a very pleasant presence to have in his space, especially if she came in a costume from Alan’s world

Her first pee since that garage in Reston was not going to be a pleasant one

Not that it was pleasant in Reston either

England’s green and pleasant land is no exception, with

This soldier was a pretty good looking guy and quite a pleasant lay now that he’d been washed, she knew she was too blotto to enjoy it, but she wanted it to be fun for him

A harmless activity, I thought, in a pleasant part of the country

She was, anyway, helping a very pleasant young

spending pleasant evenings in the brightest of celebrity haunts and

eastern lowlands there once lived a very pleasant young man

came from a very pleasant family with a father who worked hard

The meal had been pleasant … we discovered a mutual liking for Italian food, amongst other things

It wasn’t pleasant, I can tell you

green and pleasant land, the celebrities and the superstars,

Edith was thinking about as she lay in bed after a very pleasant

‘I could live without you, Dave, just as you could live without me … I didn’t say it would be easy or pleasant, but it would be possible

and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to see the sun

Yet they were faced with a conundrum: how to sabotage the upstart’s enterprise without soliciting collateral damage upon the stability of the village’s good reputation as a welcoming and pleasant retreat, as it was still viewed by the flocks of visitors for whom they yearly played host

Goodness only knows what she used to do for a living before she came here – it certainly didn’t include being pleasant or even polite

this pleasant feeling was accounted for by some kind of magic

The long shadows of late summer and the freshening breezes coming off the lake made the walk a bit more pleasant than it might have been earlier

He was surprised how pleasant that time with Ava had been

That was a pleasant change from the pop culture, sex and bodies that she had talked about all evening

Yorthops is one of the most pleasant to know

It was a pleasant room, overlooking the well-kept gardens which bordered this side of the building

It was pleasant sitting in the warm spring sunshine

This was a pleasant surprise, and once again, it couldn’t have happened without the Yingolian crystals because without them it is highly unlikely that she and her contact would ever correspond, Tahlmute’s current home is nearly an hour distant on needleboat and streetcar

Spelman who led the way to a pleasant restaurant on Kings Road, not far from the rail station, which would allow them to board a train to Birmingham, with connections to Redditch, Malvern, and Stratford

I actually like the guy, not a lot, but enough that this assignment has been fairly pleasant

That is why we have never been invaded by aliens; because the Aliens are filled with thoughts of hate, rage and destruction, and the asteroid sends out pleasant vibes they can’t stand, so they turn away

Lawrence Spelman reflected Harry’s smile, and the ladies took their pleasant expressions as license to request more time in the city

They sat silently and looked for all intents and purposes as two ladies entertaining a gentleman caller on a pleasant afternoon

It was a crisp, cool and overall pleasant morning in the small village of Trouble Valley

‘Jean! What a pleasant surprise

It is simply unacceptable,” the chairman said, “I can not bear to walk our fair streets on a given afternoon and overhear even long-time visitors say that his was ‘once such a pleasant little town

Johnson’s voice quieted to a pleasant tone, like that of father to his child

It wound thru real forest, beautiful, pleasant and shady, with whispering breezes above

She was concerned for a moment, but then told herself it was probably only the wind, and proceeded to lie down on her bed again, took a few deep breaths and enjoyed the pleasant softness of the bed underneath her

“I do not presume to categorize my children by tucking them under some fixed label of personality, you understand, yet it is most apparent that Titania is far more ready to spend time in the forest and mountains, or on horseback, than inside four walls however pleasant the accommodations

There is that ‘charge’ feeling but the tingle is being replaced by a pleasant warmth

“You haven’t had enough contact with people, you need to get used to it so you only have that pleasant warmth

‘Look, pleasant as all this is – my face pressed into

He thought back to remember how he used to just have pleasant times with his friends, before all this horrible stuff had begun happening

But the strange thing was, he couldn’t remember anything particularly pleasant that had happened before that fateful day when an alien spaceship had crashed in the forest

The distracting warmth of Kortrax and Desa were so pleasant that they kept bringing him back to the here and now

приятный, милый, славный, отрадный, веселый, шутливый


Мои примеры


a house in a pleasant suburban district — дом в приятном пригородном районе  
a place with a pleasant, equable climate — место с приятным, ровным климатом  
a pleasant amble by the river — приятная неторопливая прогулка вдоль реки  
friendly / nice / pleasant chat — милая, приятная беседа  
pleasant experience — приятное событие  
pleasant flavour — приятный вкус  
nice / pleasant aftertaste — приятный привкус  
pleasant incident — приятное событие  
pleasant memories — приятные воспоминания  
nice / pleasant / friendly neighbourhood — приятное соседство  
pleasant day — милый денёк  
pleasant, pleasing aroma — дивный аромат, приятный запах  

Примеры с переводом

It was very pleasant for me.

Мне было очень приятно.

He smiled pleasantly.

Он любезно улыбнулся.

We had a pleasant conversation.

Мы славно побеседовали. / У нас состоялась приятная беседа.

It left a pleasant aftertaste.

Это оставило приятный вкус.

A pleasant warm is felt near the sea.

Приятное тепло ощущается рядом с морем.

A pleasant female voice came over the phone.

В трубке послышался приятный женский голос.

The voyage was pleasant and uneventful.

Путешествие было приятным и без каких либо сюрпризов.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It had been a pleasant evening.

He has a very pleasant personality.

What a pleasant surprise to see you!

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