Use the word pier in a sentence

Synonym: breakwater, dock, wharf. Similar words: pierce, piercing, photocopier, robespierre, pie, pied, piece, piety. Meaning: [pɪr /pɪə]  n. 1. a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats 2. (architecture) a vertical supporting structure (as a portion of wall between two doors or windows) 3. a support for two adjacent bridge spans. 

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1. The ocean splashed against the pier.

2. We could anchor off the pier.

3. The ship lies at the pier.

4. We tied the boat to a pier.

5. The pier juts into the sea.

6. We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked.

7. The river bus leaves from Pier 4.

8. The pier has cafes and restaurants.

9. The warship was making towards the pier.

10. Waves pounded against the pier.

11. They walked the length of the pier.

12. The waves are breaking on to the pier.

13. The ship was making towards the pier.

14. The pier has a unique little puppet theatre.

15. The salvage was piled upon the pier.

16. The ship was moored broadside to the pier.

17. The truck stove in the pier of the road bridge.

18. To the east of the pier were miles of sandy beaches.

19. The pier was filled with hundreds of people.

20. They had applauded him on the pier.

20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

21. This pier was not a promenade for me.

22. Four motionless figures stood on the pier.

23. We take a tram to the Pier Head.

24. The cruise boards at 7 p.m. at Pier 33.

25. We strolled down the Morton Street Pier.

26. Pier 1 Imports. Patent leather purse, $ 22.

27. This was the pier where fourteen years before he had hauled paving blocks out of the holds of immigration ships.

28. The motorboat put on speed as soon as it left the pier.

29. After lunch, the family went for a walk along the pier.

30. Two or three fishing boats were moored alongside the pier.

More similar words: pierce, piercing, photocopier, robespierre, pie, pied, piece, piety, bier, fiery, drier, piebald, sapient, soldier, fierce, courier, sapience, a piece of, occupied, incipient, premier, supplier, cashier, barrier, glacier, carrier, courtier, fancier, earlier, piece rate. 

He wandered afterward, walking along a sixth floor street till he could see the pier their boat was on

He pulled off his shirt as he began the long walk out the pier in the direct rays of the setting sun

There were a lot of small cargo boats tied up here now and the center of the pier had hustling wagons

To get thru behind the main pier and Lastriss Point there is a canal of stone blocks, covered by the streets and plazas above except in a few atriums

On the drive up, Iain had suggested that they take Renald to a café on the sea front near the pier (whatever that was); with a bit of luck, she’d be able to experience something of what it meant to visit the seaside

In front of them, a vast expanse of sand stretched towards the distant waters and just round to the left was the aforementioned pier … a long narrow construction reaching far out across the sands towards the sea

my beloveds, for this is the end of the pier

There’s a pedestrian plankwalk on the second floor of the pier and they went to that immediately

There was plenty of foot traffic on the plankwalk and sheds on the pier had second floors where there were even a few cooks set up

They found a sign, ‘taking hands for Zhlindu’ before they even got off that pier

dying at the end of the pier

The refreshment hut I used to see on the cliff above Boscombe Pier is still there

trapped and drowned in the pier excavations when the

Nerissa stepped out on the pier, hoping to lift one of the smaller crates onto her shoulder

Jumping before he reached the end, he landed on the pier, then came at her

What I meant is that she’s still kept at the northern pier

Philemon pointed out the racing boat at the left end of the pier

Nerissa saw more torches approaching on the street that led down to the pier

As she was urging the still fuming Homer to accept her assistance, a knot of men approached the pier

“Get off that boat immediately!” shouted Stenarch as he stepped onto the pier

falling on the wooden pier, then the grunts of two large men wrestling like bears

Nerissa retrieved the torch that the watchman had dropped on the pier

As they got underway, six men came rushing up the pier

“That won’t be necessary,” said a ship captain, who’d come over from the pier

There was an Officer at the end of the pier who turned to us and said

Do this every time you unload and don’t worry every fatigue party is doing this and in a short time we will have a proper pier structure here

“Yon Officer is a pillock what the fucks he on about with his bloody stones in a week’s time this lot will have collapsed into the sea”, we all burst out laughing at the thought of the pier collapsing and disappearing below the waves

“Shut up you fucking idiot where do you think you are on the pier at Blackpool or what?” Things had started to get a bit tense as the build up for the ‘Big Push’ was still going on at quite a pace making tempers a bit frayed

It arrived at 5 the next morning and we reached the embarkation pier at 6 am

Troops at the extreme end of the pier were afterwards assigned to transports moored at the shore end, and vice versa

An eye-witness later told the local reporter how the hovercraft had headed up the loading ramp at full throttle, careering its way through a low fence onto Clarence Pier, where it smashed into The Golden Horseshoe Amusement Arcade, taking out a length of its side wall

The festivities had already started, but Jesús Paradela Fernández, Lucille’s first cousin and mayor of Pilar, was waiting for us at the pier with transportation to take us to the reunion venue

“It was years later, in November of `86, that Hall showed up in Limon on one of his rare visits, in the company of another American, John Sinclair – surprise, surprise! Well, Gordon knew the moment he saw the white hair at the end of the pier that there was trouble

The entire place, building and pier, sat on a narrow strip of land between the estuary and the Caribbean beach

They were boring, but the set-up of a pier hidden from the sea captured her attention, as did a boat tied alongside, half fishing craft and half oceangoing tug

“Its name is El Tiburón Limon and it will be at the fishing pier

Which one might be el Tiburón Limon? He removed the flashlight from the glove box and walked onto the pier, craning his neck and directing the beam of light to the name on each boat

The entire area in a wide arc surrounding the log yard and its pier underwent his intense scrutiny

That included water: with a rented rowboat he posed as a man fishing for a big catch, repeatedly casting between the pilings while conducting a close-up inspection of the underside of the pier

The pier next to the one where the barge would be tied had suffered a fire and been abandoned

Light faded and the orange of the clouds capping the mountains changed to purple, then black, and floodlights suddenly colored the log yard and pier with yellowed tones; still, the tug strained against its load

The truck then rumbled again towards the pier and the process would repeat

The sudden reverberation of a thump in the dark came from somewhere near the foot of the pier, sending an electric shiver that sparked his entire nervous system

Why were they at the base of his pier and not the other? Was someone else about? If so, where? Half of an hour passed, throughout which nothing changed on the neighboring pier

With the engine cut, excited whispers could be heard from the threesome down amid the barrels, and they began moving in the direction of the pier where their comrades had just arrived

The man then left and clambered to the pier, disappeared behind a stack of logs and was lost

The floodlights eventually winked out at the logging pier

They waited then for a full half hour to pass during which Truman studied the harbor with binoculars and saw nothing moving there or on the pier

The engine rumbled, vibrating the deck beneath her feet, a wash of water appeared behind and they were off, slipping away from the pier and its many boats

It would be much faster, getting them quickly away from the scene, and what cops are around at that time of the morning? The collection of barrels he spotted earlier and wanted to see again was at the foot of the neighboring burned-out pier, close to the water

They could get in there without being seen from the log yard and have a perfect view of the logging pier and its yard – even to the roof of the building, should snipers be posted

The man then made his way to the pier, up onto the crane, and lowered its cables for the woman to secure around the object hidden in the recess

From the direction of the other pier, a woman’s scream shattered the nighttime silence, charging his movements with renewed urgency

“Oh please Lord, have Raul lose his way, don’t let him turn towards the pier!” he prayed as he gingerly leapt over another open hole

Towards the pier, he ran, trading speed for stealth as he neared

Quietly, he picked his way through the debris on the pier and leapt onto a similar steel ladder on the exact opposite side of the barge

Ahead, only moments away, at the end of a fire-damaged pier, loomed a cluster of pilings

“Her name is Beth Tierney,” he called back, “and you’d better watch your head: she can throw that monkey fist like a grenade!” They were in the protected bay of El Bluff, Nicaragua, at the quiet northern end, where Carlos – Truman’s Bluefield contact – had built his company’s pier

The outcropping of land commanded a view of the pier and of every vessel that entered or left the harbor

After dropping off Beth, Truman drove to Jesus’ brother’s home, signed over the title of his Mitsubishi to Jesus with instructions that it could be retrieved late that night or the following morning in the parking lot of the fishing pier, then continued on his way

“Why didn’t you say so right off? The boat is where it always is: at the fishing pier

“You’ll see the entrance marked by two pilings with rope wrapped around them, so everybody will know it’s the way to the pier

Suddenly, it opened to a cleared and leveled parking area behind a building, in front of which a pier extended into calm, protected water

He’d found it! He strolled around the building’s end and walked onto the pier, appraising the old boat and wondering where aboard her Mike stashed his cocaine, but to that question were as many possible answers as parts to the boat

In Puerto Cabezas, there is a kilometer-long pier

A feeble old man, his weight balanced between legs and cane, stands on the kilometer-long pier and watches bubbles rise to the surface of the water surrounding piling number one hundred thirty-nine

Without comment, he tucks the box under an arm and totters from the pier

“Navy Pier,” another Dauntless-born initiate calls out

I tense my shoulders, about to shrug and say I don’t know, and then an image of the pier stretching out beneath me comes into my mind

Jump off the pier if you want to, I don‘t care

A long pier was under construction as was a long row of dry docks east of the port

They led me to one of the ships tied up to the pier

Within four days, we were pulling up to the pier in Zheng He

He led me to the Khakhan’s ship, which was tied up to the westernmost pier

There is a ship tied to the second pier that is sailing to Longjiang tomorrow

It was, indeed, tied up to the second pier just as the Khakhan had said

The port had repair facilities, but no building docks and only one pier, although another one was under construction

I sought out the harbormaster and discovered that there was a ship going to Kujujuk currently tied to the pier

There was a sturdy long pier completed, another about half finished, and a dry dock was under construction

Two of the fuchuan type of ships were already tied to the pier, half a dozen larger ships were at anchor in the harbor and the sails of more were visible approaching from the north

Next I rode down to the dock and walked out the pier to the first ship

Besides Delco, I only took with me Sacook, Silpitocle, a jagun from the Maya tumen, and a man who could help us build a pier at our landing site

The Chono fled when we arrived, but we moved a little north of their village and started work on another pier

By the time the first pier was in place on the new port, Ignacebalikh, after Uncle Theodore’s first son, it was mid autumn

When we reached the port, Khan Henry stood on the pier with me while Theodore led the troop by in review

The ship pulled up to a pier and dropped anchor

Chowa led the Kashik, the ancient, and me along the pier to the town where a jagun was waiting to escort us to his residence

Once all were gathered at the end of the pier, I noticed a rather pungent odor coming from them

I sit on the bench of Pier 26

“To the pier, I heard there are some new rides

I pulled up outside of the pier

A group of young boys and girls, eighteen to twenty years of age, arrived at the pier to bid farewell to the visitors and, spontaneously, started dancing and singing

Of course, this concept never got an inch away from the pier before it sank out of sight

” Sergeant Ender gunned the weapons carrier and bounced toward the pier, spraying muddy water out of the potholes as he drove

“I began driving my staff car out to the shipping pier

from the pier loudspeakers, although there were few visitors to attract so early in the season

“Thank you for the advice,” he said, stepping onto the pier

The Reef Bar sits at the end of a thirty-yard long pier into

The North Pier Light at the entry of the Duluth Ship Canal and the Minnesota Point Light have historically illuminated the Duluth Harbor

Soon came hoots of laughter and comments on our seamanship, while a youth squatting on the edge of the pier reached down one leg to kick water at us

pier — перевод на русский


The French Line Pier.

Пирс на Францию.

— Doug, what was that pier for?

— Даг, для чего это пирс был?

— You see the French Line pier? — Yes.

— Видишь французский пирс?

You are not to go out on that pier… or near the boathouse!

на пирс выходить нельзя… И к лодочному сараю тоже!

— It’s a long pier.

— Это длинный пирс.

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I drove out to the playground alone… and I went out on the pier when it was dark and no one could see me… and I dropped the medal by the pilings in the water there.

Я съездила к заливу… Пошла на причал, когда стемнело, чтобы никто меня не увидел… И бросила медаль в воду, у опор.

Is that okay? The pier is ourjurisdiction, guys.

Причал — наша юрисдикция, парни.

What are you going to do, Turner? Put the entire pier in a little baggie?

Хочешь весь причал рассовать по пакетикам?

No one shall leave the pier

Никому не покидать причал.

Check the pilings under the pier.

Проверьте сваи под причал.

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— What are you? Pied Piper?

— Хочешь сыграть им на дудочке, крысолов?

There’s a big new up-and-comer. A real pied piper.

Появился новый Крысолов, под чью дудку многие готовы плясать.

The pied piper did.

Крысолов забрал.

All right, the pied piper is a nickname for a real person.

Крысолов — псевдоним реального человека.

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How bout pi?

Может, Пи…

And, you can’t make a circle without knowing the ratio of the diameter to the circumference, pi.

А окружность не построить, не зная отношения её длины к диаметру. Пи!

What is pi?

— Что такое Пи?

Compute to the last digit the value of pi.

Найди последнюю цифру числа Пи.

But, after all, three times three is nine, and if you divide by half of its own cubic capacity to the formula, Pi over four squared, I think you’ll have to agree with me.

Но, в конце концов, три на три девять, и если вы делите наполовину его кубического объема по формуле, Пи в квадрате, я думаю, что вы должны будете согласиться со мной.

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You be at pier at 8.30.

Будьте на пристани в 8-30.

Did you see that jerk with a mug at the pier?

Ты видал на пристани этого козла с кружкой?

5.:30 a.m., the G Street Pier.

5.:30, на пристани.

This should be it, lieutenant, shipping and employment records for pier 32.

Это должно быть именно тем, что вы искали. транспортировка и рабочие записи пристани №32.

Let’s go for lobsters on the pier, my treat.

Пойдем в Лобстерсон на пристани, я угощаю.

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First up from this lovely collection of gentlemen is Seth Lubinecki, mr. Psi Phi Pi.

Первый из этой прелестной коллекции джентльменов это Сет Любинеки из Псай Фай Пай.

And the Pi Delta Epsilons set up a bikini car wash.

А Пай Дельта Эпсилон устроили мойку машин в бикини.

I was a Tri Pi myself, you know.

Знаете, я из Трай Пай.

Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon,

Омикрон, Пай, Ро, Сигма, Тау, Ипсилон,

Hey Betsy, wasn’t there a pledge mixer with pi sigma tonight?

Бетси, разве у вас не должен быть микс с новичками из Пай Сигма сегодня вечером?

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— We hired the PI.

— Мы наняли частного детектива.

Oh,it’s my new hard— boiled PI character.

Это мой новый образ брутального частного детектива.

I hired a PI.

Я нанял частного детектива.

Frank, Dixie Stop PI?

Фрэнка — частного детектива?

I have a fucking PI license, you know?

У меня лицензия частного детектива.

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I mean pi.

— Я имею в виду число Пи.

Oh, hey, I was just calculating pi to relax.

О, эй, я просто вычисляю число Пи, чтобы успокоиться.

How is it that you can recite pi to 80 decimal places, but you can’t recognize sarcasm?

Как ты можешь знать число Пи до 80-го знака, но не можешь различить сарказм?

That man falls asleep counting pi to the 101st digit.

Он засыпает только произнееся число пи до сто первого знака.

Well, whistle me Dixie. the answer’s pi!

— Ох, черт возьми, это число пи!

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Apparently, Paula knew Piers had slept with her sister before I mentioned it in the speech.

Пола знала, что Пьер переспал с её младшей сестрой ещё до того, как я об этом обмолвился в своей речи.

Pier 56, please, as fast as you can.

Пьер 56, пожалуйста, как можно скорее.

Nick Fury, Panic at Malibu Pier, The Cartier Affair, Pleasure Cove.

В смысле, Обезглавить Гидру, Переполох в Малибу Пьер, Дело Картера, Бухта удовольствий, черт возьми.

Because of his avarice and his betrayal of the emperor’s trust… Pier della Vigna was disgraced, blinded and imprisoned.

По причине своей жадности и предательства императора Пьер делла Винья был лишен доброго имени, ослеплен и заключён в тюрьму.

SoJudas and Pier della Vigna are linked in Dante… by the avarice he saw in them.

Иуда и Пьер делла Винья связаны, по мнению Данте,.. …алчностью, которую он в них видел.

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So the PI swears he’ll have a location for volchok by Monday.

Детектив клянётся, что будет знать где Волчек к понедельнику.

That PI that took the pictures. He is your blackmailer.

Детектив, который сделал фото, и был шантажистом.

Shapiro said he’d recommend us to any of his clients that might need PI work.

Шапиро сказал, что он порекомендует нас всем своим клиентам, которым может понадобиться детектив.

Is this PI good?

Детектив хороший?

— I’m a PI.

— Я детектив.

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Definition of Pier

a tall and long dock for boats or people that extends out several yards into a body of water

Examples of Pier in a sentence

Standing on the pier, the couple watched the surfers tackle the large waves as water crashed along the pier’s wooden posts.


While watching the sunset over the Pacific Ocean, the noise from the people on the pier distracted the peaceful atmosphere.


Jumping off the pier into the ocean, the adrenaline junkie didn’t realize how shallow the water was.


The Smith family decided to enjoy their last vacation dinner at the expensive Ocean View Restaurant located on the pier.


Without a doubt, the best place to catch a fish was on the pier since you can walk further out into the ocean without getting into a boat or in the water.


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Джейкобсу также принадлежала гостиница Pier House Resort в Ки- Уэст штат Флорида.

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Jacobs also owned the Pier House Resort on Duval Street in Key West, Florida.

Местоположение отеля Hampton

Inn& Suites Panama City Beach- Pier Park Area находится в городе Панама-

Сити- Бич, в торговой зоне.


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Property Location When you stay at Hampton

Inn& Suites Panama City Beach- Pier Park Area in Panama City Beach,

you will be in a shopping district, within a.


С восточной стороны

комплекса расположен пирс Tower Millennium Pier, с которого отходят рейсовые пассажирские клипперы Thames Clipper

и прогулочные теплоходы.


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On the East side of the complex is a pier Tower Millennium Pier, where you can take a passenger clipper Thames Clipper and pleasure boats.


От China Town рукой подать до Pier 17, также называется Pier of Switzerland, так как здесь находится генеральное консульство Швейцарии и известные швейцарские компании.


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From China Town it’s just a hop and a skip on foot to Pier 17, also known as the Pier of Switzerland as it is home to the Swiss General Consulate and a number of other renowned Swiss companies.


В декабре 2010 года американская компания WaterMelon выпустила коммерческую ролевую игру Pier Solar and the Great Architects,

являющаяся самой объемной из существующих игр Genesis объем картриджа- 64 Мб.

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In December 2010, WaterMelon, an American company, released Pier Solar and the Great Architects,

the first commercial role-playing video game specifically developed for the console since 1996, and the biggest 16-bit game ever produced at 64 Mb.

Комплекс La Locanda di San Pier Piccolo расположен в центре города Ареццо и занимает историческое

здание с.


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Set in the heart of Arezzo,

La Locanda di San Pier Piccolo is housed in a historic building with frescoed walls

and internal cloister.


Местоположение отеля The Pier Koh Phangan находится в городе Кох-

Фанган, на пляже.


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Property Location When you stay at The Pier Koh Phangan in Koh Phangan,

you will be on the beach, within a 15-minute walk of Thongsala Walking Street and.


Замечательные качества композиции, и сильно ориентирована на осознанные психологического

анализа в работе представлены функции, которые напоминают работы Pier Francesco Cittadini, упоминается Миланским.


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Of great compositional quality, and strongly oriented towards a lucid psychological analysis,

the artwork features traits that refer to the work of Pier Francesco Cittadini, known as’Il Milanese.


Вилла Дом отдыха Seatrees находится в 2. 8 км от таких мест,

как Great Yarmouth Britannia Pier, Lowestoft and East Suffolk Maritime Museum

и Sea Life Great Yarmouth.


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Les clients arriveront à Great Yarmouth Britannia Pier, Lowestoft

and East Suffolk Maritime Museum et Sea Life Great Yarmouth à 30 minutes à pied.


Маленькая площадка в Терминале 2 находится в конце выхода Pier С и на первом этаже выхода Pier C.


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In Terminal 2, a mini play area is located towards the rear end of Pier C and on the ground floor of Pier C.


Д вухдневный международный симпозиум The Future of Composites in Transportation- Будущее композитов в транспорте-

пройдет 27 и 28 июня в чикагском Navy Pier Convention Center.


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T wo-day international symposium The Future of Composites in

Transportation will be held in Navy Pier Convention Center(Chicago), June 27-28.


Вилла Romar Village 311 находится в 1. 9 км от таких мест,

как Gulf State Park Fishing Pier, Orange Beach Waterfront Park и Orange

Beach Welcome Center.


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Hotel Tradewinds 1307 apartmán se nachází vedle Waterville USA,

Coastal Arts Center of Orange Beach a Gulf State Park Fishing Pier.


Вилла Romar Village 311 находится в 1. 9 км от таких мест,

как Gulf State Park Fishing Pier, Orange Beach Waterfront Park и Orange

Beach Welcome Center.


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Romar Village 311 est située à côté

de Gulf State Park Fishing Pier, Orange Beach Waterfront Park et

Orange Beach Welcome Center.


Вилла Дом отдыха Sweet Virginia Breeze находится в 3. 8 км от таких мест, как Национальный мемориал братьев Райт,

Avalon Fishing Pier и Full Throttle Speedway.


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Die Villa Sweet Virginia Breeze liegt 3.8 km entfernt von Wright Brothers National Memorial,

Avalon Fishing Pier und Full Throttle Speedway.


Появления в миссиях: Sweet& Kendl, Ryder, Cleaning the Hood, Drive- Thru, Nines and AKs, Drive- By, Home Invasion, Catalyst, Robbing Uncle Sam, House Party, Reuniting the Families, The Green Sabre,

Photo Opportunity, Pier 69 убит.


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Mission appearances: Sweet& Kendl, Ryder, Cleaning the Hood, Drive-Thru, Nines and AKs, Drive-By, Home Invasion, Catalyst, Robbing Uncle Sam, House Party, Reuniting the Families, The Green Sabre,

Photo Opportunity, Pier 69 killed.


Поездка в курортный город Санта- Моника( Santa Monica),

расположенный на побережье Тихого океана и знакомство с The Pier, улицей Променадом и знаменитым пляжем этого курорта.


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A trip

to the

resort town of Santa Monica(Santa Monica),

located on


Pacific coast and an introduction to The Pier, Promenade street and


famous beach of this resort.


Марш гордости», фестиваль« PrideFest» и вечеринка« Dance on the Pier» являются частью« Нью-йоркской Недели Гордости».

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rally, PrideFest(the festival), and


Dance on the Pier are


main events of Pride Week

in New York City LGBT Pride Week.

Ее работы были представлены в Галерее Кристофа Деклерка( Гент, Бельгия), Das Weisse Haus( Вена, Австрия), Homecomings( Берлин,

Германия), Pier 2( Тайвань),

Metamatic: taf( Афины, Греция), Баримарт( Южная Корея), Центр Дункэрн( Белфаст, Северная Ирландия), Space Idiot Турин, Италия.


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She participated in several art residences and exhibitions, such as Kristof Declercq Gallery(Ghent, Belgium), Das Weisse Haus(Vienna, Austria), Homecomings(Berlin,

Germany), Pier 2(Taiwan), Metamatic:

taf(Athens, Greece), Barimart(South-Korea), Duncairn Centre(Belfast, Northern-Ireland), and Space Idiot Turin, Italy.


Туристы могут отправиться на карнавальный Пирс Санта- Моники(

Santa Monica pier) и понаблюдать за проходящими людьми, сделать

покупки на улице Rodeo Drive или насладиться одной из лучших за пределами Мексики мексиканских кухонь.


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Students staying at an English school in Los Angeles

can head to carnival-like Santa Monica pier and watch as people go by,

do some shopping on Rodeo Drive, or enjoy some of the best Mexican cuisine you can find outside of Mexico.


Летом 2010 года команда играла на фестивале Pier Pressure в Гетеборге на одной сцене с такими группами,

как The Sounds, HIM, 30 Seconds To Mars, а также с Rammstein и In Flames среди других на протяжении фестиваля Metaltown днями позднее.

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In the summer of 2010 the band played at Pier Pressure(festival) in Gothenburg on the same stage as bands

such as The Sounds, HIM and Thirty Seconds to Mars and also Rammstein and In Flames among others during the Metaltown Festival in the days before.

Помимо больших детских уголков, в аэропорту также есть маленькие игровые площадки, расположенные в Терминале 1 Выходы A6- A9 и В7- В9,

а также на первом этаже задней части выхода Pier B.


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Alongside these large children’s corners, there are also mini play areas, located in Terminal 1 at Gates A6- A9 and B7- B9,

and on the ground floor towards the rear end of Pier B.


Термин прижился и применяется изданием NME в отношении Trash Fashion, New Young Pony Club, Hadouken!,

Late of the Pier, Test Icicles и Shitdisco,

которые формируют сцену, эстетически схожую с существовавшей ранее рейв- сценой.

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In Britain




indie with dance-punk was dubbed new rave in publicity for Klaxons and


term was picked up and applied by


NME to bands including Trash Fashion, New Young Pony Club, Hadouken!, Late of the Pier, Test Icicles,

and Shitdisco forming a scene with a similar visual aesthetic to earlier raves.

В разные годы на сцену» Пикника» выходили группы Madness, Amanda Palmer, The Future Sound of London, M83, Calla, Sons and Daughters, Buck 65, Beirut, Dengue Fever, Clinic, Mum, Dälek, Junior Boys, Martina Topley- Bird, DeVotchKa, Black Lips, The Teenagers, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, HushPuppies, These New Puritans, Lo- Fi- Fnk, Shy Child,

Late of The Pier, Chromatics, Glass Candy,

Minitel Rose, Fan Death, Telepathe.


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headliners are Madness, Amanda Palmer,


Future Sound


London, M83, Calla, Sons and Daughters, Buck 65, Beirut, Dengue Fever, Clinic, Mum, Dälek, Junior Boys, Martina Topley-Bird, DeVotchKa, Black Lips,


Teenagers, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, HushPuppies, These New Puritans, Lo-Fi-Fnk, Shy Child,

Minitel Rose, Fan Death, and Telepathe.


Министры финансов Мишель Sapin( Франция) и Ханс- Йорг Шеллинг( Австрия), отправленные девять его коллег правительств, желающих принять участие в активизации

сотрудничества в том числе итальянский министр экономики Pier Carlo Padoan,

письмо, в котором указать необходимость« чтобы начать на новой основе«, чтобы ввести налог на финансовые операции.


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Finance ministers Michel Sapin(France) and Hans-Jorg Schelling(Austria) sent to the nine colleagues governments wishing to participate in the enhanced

cooperation including the Italian economy minister Pier Carlo Padoan,

a letter in which state the need»to start on a new basis»to introduce the financial transaction tax.


Кроме них, в состав созданного курорта вошли новый тематический парк Диснеевский парк калифорнийских приключений; торговый, ресторанный и развлекательный комплекс, городок Диснея; перестроенный отель Диснейленда; Калифорнийский гранд отель и спа Диснея; и присоединенный Pan Pacific Hotel позже был перестроен и

переименован в Disney’ s Paradise Pier Hotel.

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At that time, the property saw the addition of the Disney California Adventure theme park, a shopping, dining and entertainment complex named Downtown Disney, a remodeled Disneyland Hotel, the construction of Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel& Spa, and the acquisition and

re-branding of the Pan Pacific Hotel as Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel.

Описание: Out of focus pier with leading lines down the pier for green screen or chroma key.


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Description: Out of focus pier with leading lines down the


for green screen

or chroma key.


Рекомендуемые отели вблизи Парк Pier A.


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Popular Hotels near Pier A Park.


В и в окрестностях Парк Pier A.


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Points of interest- Pier A Park.


В и вблизи города Парк Pier A.


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In and around Pier A Park.


Pier L Pvc Отпечатанные настольные покрытия Свяжитесь сейчас.

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Pier I Pvc Printed fitted table covers Contact Now.

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