Use the word picture in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “picture” in a sentence. How to connect “picture” with other words to make correct English sentences.

picture (n): a drawing, painting, photograph, etc.

Use “picture” in a sentence

That picture will amuse you.
I helped her hang the picture on the wall.
Can you identify the man in this picture?
Who painted this picture?
Let’s take a picture here.
Could you please take a picture of us?
Can I take a picture here?
This picture reminds me of my childhood.
He secretly showed me her picture.
I will show you some pictures.
Look! That picture is upside down. You hung it the wrong way.
I helped her hang the picture on the wall.

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«Wow,» Jorma was impressed with this revelation, though he found it hard to picture

You probably can see the picture

I barely remember Earth and when I try to picture it in my mind today I notice the fields covered with ribbonleaves and archwoods shading the houses

I say the word ‘palm tree’ today but my mind brings up the picture of a nullbreak hangleaf

Her side of the headboard was picked over, the light stuff was gone, a picture of a home in the inner canals remained, a feathered set of hair rings was gone

She looked like she couldn’t picture it at all

All of those parts of the picture are affected by aging

Underling say he needed this report? Henry could picture it now

«I’m an American, far removed, but I can picture four tons of aluminum

With toddlers, suggest that parents show your grandchild a recent picture of you as you talk over the phone

From her picture, not a woman men refuse

John looks at the picture

«A pity,» doostEr said, remembering the picture

I saw a picture of the boat but that was long after the job I did for him

He’d found her picture in the eye, she was not the type to excite Estwig so there was no use boring him with it

Surrounded by Khmer lettering was a small but intricate picture of an event

He stops and takes a picture of the clutter

Awad’s picture is skewed and yellowed

television monitor that shows the courtroom, John situated in the middle of the picture

Ajarn’s tattoo had taken he himself out of the picture and replaced him with someone else

Why couldn’t it be this guy? But there was a mark on the forehead of the guy in the picture, a crescent shape

«There is a picture of a Chinese man on the wall

She was a Buddhist and always had a picture of the laughing Buddha on their bedroom wall

But no-one knew about that old tattered picture of the laughing Buddha on their bedroom wall

’ He said, suggesting that he has had a similar mental picture

There was a picture of a busty naked blond holding pom-poms at the back of his open locker and one of an AK-47 on the inside of the door

It’s about three months since I first noticed a radical change in Persephone’s behaviour: She is always shouting and laughing at top voice, she is trying to be clever and expert in all subjects, she is constantly asking for favours: “Type these poems for me” … “Tell your mother to sew this skirt of mine” … “Will you paint this picture for me?” … “Go to that public service and ask this or that” and so on

I could see smiling faces, maybe a radio on in the background, a picture not so very different from the one at home

He takes us through to his lounge – a room which stretches across the back of the house with a large picture window opening out onto the back …

I gave up humming and instead tried to erase everything from my mind except a picture of my mother and father

Just as I started to get the image into some sort of focus, at the critical moment when I started to remember details about the garden, their clothes and the house, right then the truck would bounce or shake over rough English roads, and these carefully assembled pieces of the picture puzzle would break and scatter

I can picture Apollo holding it, experience it’s texture, rubbing the strands between his thumb and index finger, «How could you do any of this? I was at the orphanage by then

I search through the computer and eventually realize where the picture is coming from,

many people who have qualms about including a picture in the profile

Now, coming to the picture as such, if you are sending over a picture of yourself, for

heavens sake, send over a decent picture

And remember that it has to be a picture of you smiling

«In the big picture, yes,» he said, «But in day-to-day life, we haven’t been very caught up in religion

No picture formed in his mind of what that ship was like

Meanwhile Alan was still transmitting, mostly a picture of the blond woman, not a bad image to have in your view, especially with the riverbank beyond

Closing her eyes, fighting against the sharp disinfectant smell of the hospital, she forced herself to picture the interior of the bus … nauseating diesel fumes … a dingy, well used fabric covering the seats, chipped and faded paint on the accoutrements of metal … or was it plastic? She found it hard to tell sometimes … she heard again the chatter and laughter of the young people as they swayed along the aisle towards the door as the vehicle approached the bus stop

Just because they on this earth cannot fathom eternity or the whole picture of the world’s history or even beyond the picture of world history does not mean that God cannot either

I can still see the picture in my mind of sitting on the shore of that little pond, eating breakfast and looking up at those peaks watching over it from all sides

and though I fear to see a pretty picture conjured

to the picture of a man lain low two years ago

Luray didn’t understand enough of this to get a picture of what he was trying to say

«I see, you’ll have to draw a picture sometime, I couldn’t see it in the dark

What a pretty picture she made surrounded by the yellow fronds on the bright green ribbonleaves holding that purple flower

«I suspect you won’t find any reports of a meteor strike,» he said, «because this picture was taken the following Garibivlast using the weather scope

» It was a picture looking down from the mountain at the cloud tops over the New Midlands

But at the top of the picture, high above the atmosphere, there was a tiny triangular sparkle

«A nice picture to start our last shift with

He was a picture of peace and good sense and I had to admit I was growing very fond of him

The only saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky citizen coming to the aid of a poor victim of racial abuse

Their life stories were told and compared and much was made of the fact that two very different worlds had collided and, out of the chaos of the moment, had created a perfect picture of what the country should be striving for

not more complex for the latter group since when there are kids in the picture, things can

partner’s kids with you being in the picture and reassure them you are not trying to usurp

After all, the political and media establishment knew about the magic powers this wonderful document possessed and the great politician knew that these people, who generally failed to see the bigger picture, would be as keen as mustard to see how unfit or stupid various members of the government might be

“You’re getting a picture of something, what is it?” she asked

I often remember that weekend we stole, the one when we went to the Isle of Wight … in mad moments, I’d try to picture what it would be like if we were together always and now …’ His voice is all husky and his eyes are bright with unshed tears

People wanted to know what Kate and Daniel looked like; but most of all they wanted to see a picture of Jake

I’ll put you in the picture

He never tried to picture it as other than it was in the ship’s mechanical innards

in the Arts and Heritage Year Book there was a picture of the

Tarak noticed a faint outline on the wall; a large picture had been recently removed

I can feel the tears starting in my eyes, and he hurriedly takes the picture from me, laying it carefully on the table, before turning to me and taking my hands

Everyone’s eyes were glued to the picture of the dead ship, slowly turning in space

will see a very visible distortion of the picture

as the magnet distorts the picture on the TV screen

flash bulbs popped as his picture was taken

She could not look upon a picture of an

Every one of his history and picture books was

stuck to the bottom of the pile was a picture of a most unsuitably

It was a complete picture! For a moment I thought she was going to explode with embarrassment – you know what she’s like … well, we all milled about helping ourselves to the buffet and the various people gave some short speeches

As we are leaving, I thank Peter for his kind words and for the picture

Simon carries the picture under one arm, and we amble along hand in hand, both of us lost in our thoughts

picture on the back of your t-shirt is affecting you

look at a picture of Mother Teresa, you will very likely

test strong, or sway toward her picture, toward all of

The word from the men of his Hold that pass thru here occasionally paints a picture of a man obsessed with his own self-importance

saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky

had created a perfect picture of what the country should be striving

With a sigh, partly out of frustration that I can’t find anything to push the story on and partly because the picture I have of Bunty alone in her flat tears at my heartstrings, I turn to the files for this period

northern island was once such and such and I can just picture them

Kerry’s face is a picture – so much so that Dawn nearly chokes on her drink

failed to see the bigger picture, would be as keen as mustard to see

It will be another two hours before we can get a definite picture

Then the picture seemed to fill with a dark grey color as the lead ship passed close to the probe

His picture of Bunty doesn’t tie in with the shy, isolated woman of the diaries … mind you, when Bunty was working in Italy, she moved up through the ranks and ended up in charge … that may have given her more confidence in her ability … and of course, she worked with the nuns as well

‘I quite understand that Kevin is out of the picture and I’ve thought about what you said on the phone the other day … I think you are better off without him

Here, I have this picture

his face was a picture

getting the big picture here?

Once they are out of the picture, it becomes more complicated

to everyone that she had sold the picture rights for the evening to

something modern? I try to picture Dave in an ultra modern, minimalist setting

‘ I replied, a very clear picture of his office in my mind

Holding the picture out he asked, “Is this your girlfriend?”

One book caught his eye; it had a picture of earth on its cover

resident of Gorky, embedded the virus in a picture of the girl and

The author pictured standing naked by a pond

Theo pictured a round, pale friendly face at the other end

For a moment Tig pictured all of them dying at these consoles and the junks flying on to warn Hardway

He had pictured their mission as being basically simple

She was exactly what he pictured a beautiful Elf woman to look like when he was a child reading fairy tales

A thonga is a lower, wider, eight legged version of what Alan always pictured a ‘cow’ would be like

He grinned to himself as he pictured her in some very explicit poses

The first stage of the Plough Posture is pictured in figure 44, page 137

The Shoulderstand is pictured in

I pictured food in the pot and someone, perhaps the cook from his ship, wiping down the wooden table then shaking out the cloth through the window — not realising he was scattering seeds

Except for a difference in appearance, she found they were warm and friendly and not at all as the Elders had pictured them

He could no longer hold back his tears as he pictured his youngest son’s anger pitted against the Plague

In the distant past some believe there was a civilization that was able to build flying machines of some kind, but this wasn’t how they were generally pictured

They were pictured as bigger than today’s floaters with open decks and enormous sausage balloons and horizontal fans to drive them, peddled by most of the troops aboard

He’d pictured the sun shining brightly, and a

She wished that the poem was depicting an exaggeration of Alataria’s true current state, yet from everything she had learned so far, she tended to believe that the poem pictured the actual, grim reality of the country

Lastly, she pictured to herself how this same little sister of hers would, in

Unbidden, an image of Jeremy as he’d been found in death flittered through Sebastian’s mind, only now he pictured Aspen in that alley, drained and lifeless

He always pictured a blue ‘U’ on his forehead shaped like a

He then pictured to them a brilliant and dashing cruise, and asked them to join the service of the Confederate

When I first started that’s exactly how I pictured it

I pictured bared fangs

In his mind, he pictured poor Billiken Bunkins in chains somewhere in Water-Down

And that almost made him laugh aloud as he pictured himself stuck in a washroom pissing

From Mike’s accounts, she had pictured a big, burly brute, but the cop turned out to be just a midget Indian, dressed like a circus clown in one of those multi-colored jackets the tourists were always buying

Do you know that through one port alone – Houston, for example – as many as ten thousand shipping containers may arrive in a single day, not to mention other classes of cargo? There is such volume moving through US seaports that it can best be pictured as a wide, swift river of goods flowing into the country

He pictured Truman and himself reunited

Like most Americans, and in spite of his Polish ancestry, he had always pictured Poland as a land of flat steppes

Colling had pictured the Vistula as having the sort of river-banks he was used to

He smiled, as he again pictured her, scrambling away to safety, well ahead of any danger

He pictured a ninety year-old guy hot-tubbing

It reminds me of the man that I pictured in chapter 3, “The Parable of the Beginning,” who had been given the gift of a vision into the Genesis of all things

I pictured it as a time similar to what had happened after the death of Alexander the Great, where able generals carved out their own spheres of influence

“In my wildest dreams, I could’ve never pictured us as prosperous as we are right now

” I immediately pictured a religious group, but a science community? Yes atheists, even the scientific variety, are believers in something also, even though their “pitch” is diametrically opposed to religion and its belief system

Science has pictured, as I’ve indicated in a previous chapter, the very beginning of life as one-celled things existing in a soup of finite hydrocarbon complexes from which they extracted their being

“What? Me teach weird kids who dribble and can’t think?” I’d always pictured myself in glamour roles

Then I pictured myself returning to this sad life where all I did was work, where nobody loved me and apparently never would, and flinched at the prospect

To look at him, one would expect him to be pictured on a Christmas card with his wife and two kids

The slogan went ‘We’re here to help’ and a nice packaged drug would be pictured below

I envisioned a small room inside my thought shield, and in that room I pictured a table and chairs for us all to sit at

He pictured her as he had seen her at Fountain Plaza the

“We can exclusively reveal that the gentlemen pictured here

pictured here in front of the Don and

Money Methods is pictured here with her

As he pummeled her, I pictured her

Sitting in class, I pictured

pictured Jack Morrison’s face

believe that there was some sort of super being, usually pictured as

Jesse mentally pictured the three bedrooms available

Shakespeare had pictured her as a determined and voluptuous young female who sought the affections of the Florentine, Michael Cassio

The birds pictured

“It’s all exactly as you pictured it, Yazadril

pictured her face doing this, and he told her he was

” I swallowed and pictured the moor

I had pictured my father dispensing wisdom like Uncle Remus in Br’er Rabbit, or even the guy behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz

We also pictured you as a northerner, with light skin and auburn hair and brown eyes

anticipation of the easy ride that he had originally pictured this would be

Lorna shivered when she pictured herself being torn limb from limb by a pack of hungry wolves

This is also the case with the menorah pictured in the opening chapter of Revelation, which is different again

the relics to be quiet, had already pictured the tattered buildings,

He then pictured himself as a modern day Job of the Bible

pictured him holding up his arms as one of the boulders sunk

Nothing was the way that I’d pictured it

’ A faint smirk crossed Athene’s face as she pictured his likeness to the giant cat

‘Krakan’s shit-house — this wasn’t good,’ thought Corvus, just himself and Athene left to face an impossible foe, this was not how he had pictured his death

A reverie of married life—lived in this house, she’d pictured it—gone glimmering

“In this (vision) it was pictured as a game, but I knew it was anything but a game

Tamar’s words rang in her head again, she pictured Barrad face in her mind and could still clearly recall his face, ‘You fool,’ she thought – ‘Its only after you sleep with them that you forget

I pictured the red and blue path surrounded by nature as I had painted it

He continually pictured himself being the best cop in LA, envisioning a ceremony of fellow officers in his future, honoring him for his bravery and accomplishments

Armageddon and conspiracy theories never pictured

I never pictured myself in the dog-

She was thirteen then, and she pictured a lonely future for

I pictured Walt standing next to me, preferably without an arrow in him

I pictured hordes of newspapers, antique toys and old moldy shoes in my daughter’s house someday

Closing her eyes, she pictured them together, becoming one

Offers to come up at the weekends and help me re-build, to store anything personal, to use Mad»s studio… I thought I was over the shock of the vandalism and had pictured myself laughing it off with a manly shrug, but without warning and before I could thank them, I was wracked by a fit of the shakes

small postcard pictured with the words of the mountain that Jezzabell had been working in

All he pictured was a small weaselly man in white and black striped clothing carrying a bag of swag, face obscured with a strip of black cloth with the eyes cut out

It’s funny, but I’ve never pictured the Duke of Savonne as someone who enjoys silence

Angela pictured June in her typical position: on her sofa, legs tucked beneath her and hanging off the sofa to her side, head resting against the wall

Photos and words pictured the scene of the crime

«This had been pictured by the forensic expert as a means of further torture to Mr

They knew they were going to miss Jesus, and besides their fear and timidity, this was not the way they had pictured the kingdom of heaven being inaugurated

to produce the thing which is pictured in your mind

the object pictured, and your achievement is a manifestation of mind over matter

Plagued by the reality of the present, he pictured the possibilities of the future

Their poignant story that pictured the vicissitudes of life affected Suresh for days on end

And as she pictured his enamored face, she began surmising how she might have appeared to his eyes

However, it is worth noting that the Hindu puranas would have it rather differently with regard to the evolution of human nature as pictured in the Dasavataras—the ten incarnations in this world of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Hindu Deity

It was as if he looked upon something he had never seen before, but had dreamed of, or pictured mentally

He closed his eyes and pictured his father back in Sicily where he worked for Don Agostini as one of his soldiers

Joseph started his military career under the glare of a battery of photographers who pictured him kissing Helga goodbye at the gates of the school

If Xaltotun, then, is the man pictured on the coin, as his Majesty swears he is, that means he was no common wizard, even in his other life, for the years of his life were numbered by centuries, not as the lives of other men are numbered

They were pictured as tiny particles, indivisible and solid

Why in God’s name would his superiors send him to a tiny town with a ridiculous name when his services could be better used consulting on what he had seen and fought against? The way he pictured all this was that he only had two years left before he could leave honourably so being the dutiful soldier he was he packed his bags and hopped on a plane to Toronto

This man came here honestly from YingolNeerie, in the flesh, on a big flaming starship like Jorma had seen in sci-fi movies all his life, and pictures in the news twenty one decades ago

She knew all that from pictures

Again, this was something she had seen only in pictures, it was a famous monument

External objects, such as images of the deity, pictures or forms in nature

There were dozens of them and he had to go thru pictures, but he found the right one

Health related issues for over the age of 50, scientific discoveries, satellite and telescope pictures of recent discoveries are some of its highlights

but the most trusted draughtsmen precisely because I did not want to see pictures or

She’d have been about three when she died and I was a typical thirteen year old boy – not at all interested in babies, but I do remember some very clear pictures

«It’s the starship,» he yelled, I saw pictures of it in a schoolbook taken back at the turn of the century

He didn’t have a book about it, but he had seen the pictures in news magazines twenty decades ago

Clever user interface, you already always knew it, you explore the memories of knowing the facts, seeing the pictures, hearing the sounds

Bolt pushes along the fence row, snapping pictures as he walks of rocks, an acacia tree covered with windblown plastic bags, his shoe, a pile of garbage rotting in the sun, a dead sheep rotting in the sun

” He slips through the hole in the fence, snapping pictures as he walks

He took some pictures with his camera phone, then crossed the road and entered the narrow little premises that was the bane of Darklow’s new debtor classes

I’ve only seen pictures of him

The Brazilians had actually met them and broadcast their pictures to Earth

I watched mental pictures of them flash across the wall in front of me, images of gardens and soft sunlight

He had showed them both maps and pictures of Brasil, most of them now nearly three hundred Earth years old

They had to show him pictures before he would believe it, but the video of a theirops getting picked up in its jaws and chunked down in three bites was convincing

Their birth had been celebrity fodder, first Brazilian children born on Kassidor, with pictures of Isabel holding each infant, each half a local decade apart

All he has seen of that were telescopic photos of the one remaining pod and pictures that Ava had

Just take the pictures during Noonsleep when everyone is in bed and an overgrown ruin would be pretty convincing

Herndon had never seen the skies from the deep basins of this planet, but he had seen pictures

Angie picked one up and started browsing through it while Kara looked with interest at the pictures hanging on the walls

Lastriss streetcars appear to be made in the same factories as those in Zhlindu, she knew that from magazine pictures

You showed me pictures, gave me books to read and I read them

Could she have just kept up this caterwauling even then and claimed he just drew some blurry pictures? It looked like he had the choice of using force on her or giving this up and he had to make this decision while she was bellowing about how savage Alan said they were and how they would use force to take him back

Alan wasn’t any of the hundreds of humans he had pictures of by now

He and several programs studied those pictures and were sure they weren’t him

They could take these pictures from the ship, and had

Of course, there are always pictures of children,

It shakes the house and rattles the pictures on the walls

The whole house shook, several pictures fell off the walls, and she froze in mid step

Make it interesting; add pictures if it helps you visualize

A life fills her head full of pictures and sounds,

Luray hadn’t seen many pictures of Bordzvek, it was a ten year journey from the Zhlindu basin, and not an easy one

And although his taxi had a very impressive array of icons, holy pictures, crucifixes and little religious plaques arranged around the windscreen, there was nothing to dispel my fear that at any moment we’d be sailing through the air, over the cliffs and down, down, down into the sea

She knew that from magazine pictures, a city with two rings of glass and grown towers, miles around, sweltering in the jungle, with lemphs running in cages turning big slow fans that hung from the ceilings

She sent text messages by the score and took pictures of everything and anything that moved, but, and much to her delight, every time that she checked the credit on her phone it was full

pictures that you upload for others to see

‘Lectures with pictures about scientific, historical or whatever subject you like – some of those were quite interesting, especially the animal ones

The local paper took pictures of their resident hero and by the time that the fisherman got home to his caravan, his wife had heard all about her brave husband’s stirring deeds that afternoon on the radio

Framed pictures of children and wildlife hung from the whitewashed walls

Despite their busy hands working hard, the women appear happy … nothing like the pictures I have seen of factories in the Midlands

These images culminated in a sequence of grainy pictures depicting John Logie Baird, the inventor of television, as recorded at the dawn of the broadcast age

The cups they came in were pretty nice, stemmed glass with pictures in them, the stem made of a ceramic and the base was heavy

The lights, the pictures, the coat stand, his sad old shoes, everything was OK until I saw a photo of me and him kissing and I was in shreds again

Her great-aunt watched over her throughout the afternoon, revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from her own life story, all of which seemed to consist of too many broken hearts and broken heads, until, with the football results due in and Leonard Cohen starting to become a little bit overbearing, she turned to her young relative and asked, “Do you want to stay for dinner? There’s a DVD I want to watch and we could phone out for a curry”

After a week of clandestine activity the Trojan Horse virus despatched a summary of all the dreadful links, stories and pictures that it had found on its trawling expeditions in the howling hours and subsequently installed in a hidden area on Danny’s hard drive

She listened to the story unfold with a growing sense of unease and disappointment, a sense that rapidly turned to despair and utter devastation when the pictures cut to the image of an ecstatic twelve year old from Grimsby who would be attending a gala bash in London the following weekend where the boy and his band would finally be unveiled

But I found it when I was downloading the camera to the computer and thought you might … I’ve never seen any pictures of Sam here … I got a photographer to enlarge properly

Later at night, pictures of the first suspects were released

I shall get pictures for you so that you can see it

He refused to look at any of the other pictures,

In the eight months I have been here I have learned that the world is not what Lord Boras pictures

It reminded her of the palace of Knossos excavated by Evans, but was somewhat larger than Reston as she remembered it from her youth, and the colors were somewhat more tasteful than the pictures she remembered

score and took pictures of everything and anything that moved, but,

The local paper took pictures of their resident hero and by the

He was younger than most of his pictures, but his nose and hair were unmistakable

Rene looked out of place in 20th century tweeds, but the others looked just like pictures from their youth

wit and charm, painted pictures in sublime colours, formed living

pictures or other images through the WordPress web interface, they will also have

get the best quotes and the best pictures, and in the middle of this

He had seen pictures of earthlings before, but this one was different somehow

pictures on the covers

revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from

despatched a summary of all the dreadful links, stories and pictures

pictures cut to the image of an ecstatic twelve year old from

He tried to ignore the letter and review the prior week’s client records, but the pictures of her face kept flicking across his mind

She hooked her thumbs in her jean pockets and faced the wall, where there were pictures of Brownie and his parents and relatives

coloured, with pictures and some sort of writing, but it was now far

pictures and sounds faded to a pinprick before

The space was well appointed and well lit with golden panels and hung with pictures from the university’s history

She peered at the pictures, trying to commit them to mind so that she might recognise them outside

land girls whose propaganda pictures Tom had frequently seen in the

Pictures of the various plants she had seen in the book drifted past her mind’s eyes like a game of snap as she matched the illustrations with some of the plants she had passed on her way to the cove

Pictures of the man are screwed to the walls

Jorma spread out the pictures, this was Tdeshi

It is plain in these pictures that Tdeshi’s personality was changing

” They were all with pictures and thumb prints, none of whom matched and only eleven of whom were in the right time frame, fourteen were currently active

There were pictures in the messages sent out but I didn’t see that until after she came in

“And then there were the pictures,” he continued, “Paintings and

She knew from his old pictures that he had looked like a very old man for many centuries, not assuming his present appearance til the 40th century

The Sergeant held out the four pictures and watched as Andy looked through them

There would just be a thousand more pictures in the school tomorrow

won’t go into great detail about the contents of the pictures but one had to do with

He never threw a punch, and yet the pictures were still coming, more and

Weaving threads of silver, gold, and colored silk into her cloth, she made pictures of flowers, birds, and animals, so real they seemed almost alive

With the shapes and sounds come pictures, spooling reels in her head, the ticker tape grains of memory

The publication of those pictures had made Tdeshi a target hadn’t it? Kulai went on to tell him more about the investigation that had been made from their end, even offered him an RNAcid tab of Althart’s original helmet probe of Tdeshi’s brain

I have 441 of the pictures on file, let me see that marble again, I’ll compare it

“This takes awhile, but not as long as looking at all the pictures by hand

” A second later he said, “It didn’t find a very good match on any of the Tdeshi’s, but I’ll let it keep running across all my pictures for awhile

We stare in horror as the pictures show us a town with flattened buildings, film taken from the air as the roads are impassable

Along the way he encountered the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, even in pictures, even the ones Morg secretly let him see

Alan knew something of that from pictures taken by the probe

He had seen many pictures of the most spectacular scenery on Earth, but this would match anything that planet could offer, and those were merely images on a screen

Hailstorms, haunting pictures, and even strange ladies that smelled of roses in early spring, were no match for his harsh stares and unspoken reprimands

When there were pictures on the signs, they were often photographs of some kind of food

Sometimes the pictures and even the items in the windows were unrecognizable

He gazed out the window, picturing himself gently leaping from cloud to cloud as they descended Juneau

«Hmmm,» Violet said, picturing her pony army traipsing over the hills, nickering and shoving dumb boys out of the way

She was picturing this huge combine in a one acre garden

I was picturing you for coated karga strips on seasoned greens

lot of time thinking about his family, picturing Marguerite’s

Still, she couldn’t help picturing their deaths

As the large band of badgers marched towards their destiny, the column passed directly beneath Cherva’s hiding place and he stared down at them in contempt, picturing their lingering deaths in the coming battle

He stood on the spot picturing his dad’s good looks, (they used to say he was a dead ringer for Dirk Bogarde), and Stan’s endlessly fuming pipe

I was then picturing him running to one of his bookshelves and grabbing a science book and saying something like: what you are experiencing Phil is the phenomenon known as olfactory taste osmosis

Either we are a physical image of God, which some would say is anthropomorphism at its worst, picturing God as we see ourselves; or we have within us, in some manner, an image of God, that is not material

I kept picturing his brow-less brows raised as he laughed with joy through his nose about our victory

He said his other job was working with computers, but I still have trouble picturing him sitting in front of a screen all day

“I can’t stop picturing it

I sit stunned in my chair, picturing the broken roads and shattered windows and toppled streetlights in the factionless sector of the city, the destruction that is evident nowhere else—not even north of the bridge, where the buildings are empty but seem to have been vacated peacefully

“Master Andreya, please show them this,” said Kellyn as she started mentally picturing all kinds of horrid creatures

I was picturing her in my head and

time picturing the angriest, most foul-mouthed female

He kept picturing a Special Forces sergeant held in a bamboo cage

” She cast a four-foot high illusion of the symbol she was picturing in the air

More than that, he knew he would never be able to convey it, either by writing or by picturing it in his mind for another

Saeed frowned, nodding his head as if he was picturing what Aaron was saying in his mind

Charly thanked her warmly, picturing herself in front of Clay Feister, his beady eyes popping with surprise as she bought a CD

This gets back to picturing a universe without other humans and you get a pretty simplified idea of what truth is about

While my confidence grew as I got older, I still had trouble picturing me being used like the great men in the Bible stories I would share

He leaned his head to one side, picturing the damage he would do

Picturing the coming evening‘s performance, and Sebastian in his tiny pouch at the pool, increased the pleasure of orgasm and he groaned in relief, relaxing for a minute before showering off sweat, cum and carpet fluff

I was seething on the inside, picturing little Nathan last night so worried about his mother, making me promise to make sure she was safe while meeting this vile man, his father

Easy! Instead of picturing yourself with your problems solved, hold pictures of

This they could achieve by picturing in the local media that the Indian writing in English was making waves everywhere in the West

“Why not, if only you serve me?” he said picturing their future

Now, what if I told you that she is a black woman? Were you picturing her as a generic

As we chatted I began picturing this

It’s just, I just have a hard time picturing you out there alone with some of the stories I have heard

Picturing the structure in which he wanted to rebuild that part of the ground into, Clastaan send this into the transmutation energy

She’s not picturing Andrew on one knee in front of her with a rose

Picturing a positive end result is an act of faith

Mitchell watched the three boys gasping for another precious breath, picturing his father�s face on the oversized catcher, with the loose lips

She was quite clearly picturing me, in that same chair, where I sit day after day, playing with my dick

Nevertheless, in mentally picturing the plane scenario, automatically sends his energy to the next stage, which is to collect how he feels emotionally

If he backs off the picturing and changes his images, the fear will dissipate, but it will not dissolve and next time it will resurface for experiencing

As there is an aversion to picturing and emotionally connecting to ones own death, then this maintains a natural level of resistance

While I understand that men readers spent their energy picturing the two women during coitus and female readers wondered if they were prettier than them when they were their age, neither of these justifies the amount of time I’ve spent in this building

“Oh yeah,” said Shoop gazing off into the middle distance picturing the

Margaret Thatcher shaving her legs but was disturbed to find that picturing

«It won’t be me,» added Brale, picturing the horror of it

Rooster would be cringing had he known a vagabond was drinking his prized liquid straight out of the bottle, and I couldn’t help but laugh picturing the expression on his face had he been standing next to me

I will have you know that he was picturing you on the table

I giggled, picturing Samual on a throne, adorned with a

He thought of his uncle as Reggie, picturing him as the mismatched suit of armor that had watched him all his young life

Before I experienced Him, I had to abandon my agreement with the lie, begin to embrace the truth, meditate in the truth, welcome it like a friend, hugging it, and seeing it, and picturing it, until my heart welcomed it, and the day my heart welcomed it, I felt the demonic realm shift around me, and I encountered the Lord

Now non-Christian meditation is about emptying yourself until there’s a vacuum all kinds of stuff can come into, but Christian meditation always means picturing, imagining, visualising, seeing God’s word over and over and over

“You know what, Alice? I was just picturing the First Mother retelling her

She forced her breath out slowly and softly, picturing the look of her table when the trial seemed at its best

Leesa smiled, picturing the silent way Rave moved and how quickly he covered ground

While preparing the coffee and picturing their togetherness on the train, she recalled her weird experience in the coupe, and as if the milk on the burner too shared her urge to narrate the episode to her lover, it boiled itself in double quick time

Juko stared up at the Emperor’s seats and, picturing the Decanus standing where Posides was, took Kai’s spear from out of his hand and launched it into the stands

” Halbrook glanced over his shoulder at the living witches, obviously picturing the same fate for them

Instead of picturing them in your mind, try to picture them in your heart

Picturing everyday life in Jerusalem70CE was different now from what it had been with only the

Picturing the behavior of any

Picturing the vampire queen, she relaxed her finger, releasing the arrow and hitting her target in the bull’s-eye

Picturing your customers makes it easier to understand what your customers want, rather than writing to the faceless “them

As she stroked and caressed she pushed the guilt of her straying imagination aside, picturing herself the confused heroine in an epic romance

The story about Josie Ward, picturing her grieving parents

Glancing up at the dead dinosaurs, and picturing that Trevain considered them more passionate than she was, she suddenly found herself doubling over in laughter

“A very sick person,” muttered Casey, but her mind was already miles away, picturing squeezing her parents tight and telling them everything would be okay

Indeed, she went further than Fanny in pity, picturing the day when there would be no fur coat, violets, lady’s maid and car any more, the day so terribly much nearer than it had seemed without her glasses, when the last sixpence was spent, when the ditch Miles said these women, if unrepentant, finished in, had been reached

That way, picturing the inevitable end, she felt much less nervous, and able to be affectionate

“What’re you doing?” I yelled at him, already picturing the worst

It was in picturing his daughter’s face that Bino ultimately found the courage to act

Still picturing her beloved child, Nurse’s smile hadn’t faded one whit

«But he came,» said Herr Dremmel, for whose enlightenment she was picturing the week she had had

His mind was on Melvin, picturing him taking a peek at his daughter through that hole

into an enchanting fantasy, picturing him in the seat of the dump truck

I’d spent much of the previous night picturing him on one, made of white marble and carved in the Roman style

Picturing being lighter, trying to focus, I fall further in

I was up all night picturing how this day would turn out

I was picturing splatters of brain and blood all over the stones

His body and affairs show forth what he has been picturing

observed this in the mother picturing disease for her child, or a woman seeing success for her husband

Her eyes scrolled through them again, picturing his mood as he typed them out

Picturing when he had first arrived in Yarmoria, the sereneness of that moment was

hear and feel them, picturing them in your mind

Picturing them rushing towards their location, Hanor could see the Souls surging

Picturing the future of the unsaved with all the horror that words can employ, an

Picturing the future of the unsaved with al

could tell by her eyes that she was picturing it all in her mind, “He laid

He inhaled deeply, salivating at the aroma of her blood and picturing the throbbing vein of her

” Emily’s eyes were far away, picturing the awful scene in her

Picturing the future of the unsaved with all the horror that words can employ, an eternity of woe and misery, and everlasting existence of torture

Picturing Scott’s body afloat in that empty, infinite plain of nothingness between all the conceivable passions ever felt by living things caused the nausea that she’d been stricken with over the past few mornings to grow green again

Picturing Scott’s body afloat in that empty, infinite plain of nothingness between all the conceivable passions ever felt by living things caused the nausea that she’d been stricken with over the past few mornings (likely due to the baby) to grow green again

Picturing yourself there, think back to

I stared at the door lock, picturing it unlocking, and was rewarded with a satisfying click

Используйте слова, под картинками, чтобы написать предложения о преимуществах и недостатках окончания школы. Напишите четыре предложения для каждого начала.
Example: 1. If you leave school, you won’t be able to go to university. — Если ты уйдешь со школы, ты не сможешь поступить в университет.
2. If you leave school, you will get a job. — Если ты уйдешь со школы, ты устроишься на работу.
3. If you leave school, you will earn some money. — Если ты уйдешь со школы, ты будешь зарабатывать деньги.
4. If you leave school, you won’t study hard. — Если ты уйдешь со школы, ты не будешь усердно учиться.
1. If you stay at school, you won’t have any money. – Если ты останешься в школе, у тебя не будет денег.
2. If you stay at school, you will be able to go to university. — Если ты останешься в школе, ты будешь иметь возможность поступить в университет.
3. If you stay at school, you won’t see your friends so often. — Если ты останешься в школе, ты не будешь видеть своих друзей так часто.
4. If you stay at school, you will get a better job later. — Если ты останешься в школе, ты получишь лучшую работу позже.





2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Write a sentence about each picture. Use words from each box.

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(2 оценки)



2 года назад

Светило науки — 5 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1.Doesn’t she is enjoy the book

2.Doesn’t it is live in the river

3.Doesn’t he is the play guitar

4.Doesn’t they are wear sweaters

(2 оценки)

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  • Use the word phrases in the list to complete the texts
  • Use the word photograph in a sentence
  • Use the word phenomenon in a sentence
  • Use the word personality in a sentence
  • Use the word personal in a sentence