Use the word photograph in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “photograph” in a sentence. How to connect “photograph” with other words to make correct English sentences.

photograph (n, v): a picture produced using a camera; to take a picture using a camera

Use “photograph” in a sentence

Here is a photograph of my family.
You are not allowed to take photographs here.
I went to Paris to photograph the Eiffel.

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On the chest of drawers on the other side of the room is a studio photograph of a woman

On one wall he sees a framed photograph of a smiling

He stops to study a photograph of a Teekra as a teen-ager with an older woman

had tried to be the woman in a photograph by her chair,

«We have this plate here,» Tarlass said, and put another photograph in the viewer

These instructions are simplicity itself and even the photograph of me lying with my head, shoulders and legs raised can give you little idea of the sheer muscular effort involved in holding them that way

He pointed with great display to a sun-bleached photograph of a super-tanker, ‘My ship

‘ Grinning, he lifted a finger for emphasis, then rifling a drawer beneath the window at the back he produced a photograph of himself with a priest

Coming through the back lane to the villa, I found the missing photograph on the ground

This meant someone had entered our house, selected a particular photograph and tried to destroy it, and I had a good idea who

Remembering the words of the wily old publicist, the young man said, “If we make you famous, you know, fifteen minutes and all that, could we have a signed photograph of you? You can even kiss Burberry on the cheek if you like”

more than a photograph and a half-stifled yawn

him tidy it up and found a photograph in the process

He turned the photograph over and read the words on the back — Michael Piker – late of the open prison near Bristol

” Harry said still looking down at the photograph

They kept a plate of the photograph for themselves and placed it on the mantle above the hearth at home

the photograph of a dead man’s arm hanging

The door had an oval window with a dark blue photograph of a fish etched into it

“You could send down an eye to photograph it

It had a glass barrel with a photograph cast into it

He handed a sepia-toned photograph to Eve

Harry was honored that the souvenir photograph of his graduation was prominent on the wall of the Drawing Room near the Christmas Tree

Judy includes a lovely photograph of her in on the back she writes Dearest Jeff, just for you to remember me by always

Ming bowed and gave Andrew a photograph

“Please keep the photograph

I can send a video probe down here and photograph this same scene can’t I?»

out of his photograph harmlessly, and gave an impression of a

He suggests that they send a reporter out to the school to photograph the car and use the event as a “curiosity news item

painting, with a photograph of ants in their

the photograph the Frenchman had paled at, however, the boy was looking directly at the camera

So Carter it was, slapped across a poor quality photograph of her with a scowl in her eyes

He took a look at Raven’s photograph on the inside cover and began to read the information stored within

Khan’s image was distorted as salty teardrops dripped onto the photograph

She looked up from Sanjev’s photograph and her eyes landed on her own new publicity poster, which hung on the wall

Soon, she realized that the only place that she hadn’t managed to photograph was where the scrolls were locked away in a glass cabinet

The old man started in recognition, paled a bit, but managed to stammer that he’d never seen the man in the photograph before

Harry took the proffered passport and flicked to the back, looking at the photograph

It was a black and white photograph of tourists under the Natural Bridge in 1922

” Paul reached for the book he had closed and flipped through the pages to find the black and white photograph he had seen when Helen appeared

“And you know what is unique about this photograph?” Paul continued as if to take pride in his observational skills

Helen was looking at the photograph, glancing at the figures under the bridge and in particular the clothing the women wore

Helen pulled her hand toward the magnifying glass and with Paul’s hand still over her wrist she placed the magnifying glass once again slightly over the image of the two men in the photograph looking up to the underside of the bridge

“Helen, this is William, what is he doing in the photograph? Please tell me how you or Paul found it and what it means

Kate was still staring at the photograph with the magnifying glass

“No, Kate, I think William has somehow traveled back in time and he happened to be there the day this photograph was taken, probably trying to find a way to get back to us

“Helen, how could he say that!” Kate picked up the magnifying glass again and hovered it over the photograph

It is the only thing that explains your story, this photograph and the fact that he is not back

“It is 1922, and it was placed just two days after the date of the photograph William is in

Helen was surprised that Paul for the first time spoke about the photograph like he had accepted the fact that it was William

He has found a direct connection with William in the photograph at the time it was taken

What if Kate saw an old photograph with William in it? Would she figure it out? But then why would she be looking for old photographs of the bridge?

The photograph had been taken from an upstairs window, showing the view across the back field, towards Hogg Hollow

I tossed the photograph back at him

«Aye, well,» he answered in a quiet voice, guiltily turning away to study the photograph once more

«The vicar wants ter ‘ire the back field, but he insisted that the ditches are cleaned out first,» Uncle Hobart admitted, still studying the photograph with avid interest

The photograph showed the grassy bank of a canal, where a group of youngsters sat in a circle sharing a couple of bottles of what appeared to be vodka

Do I have to whip out the photograph of my team? Doesn’t he sense an easy sale?

We’ve found that roads are not very bike-friendly here in the Midwest, as you can tell from the two inch shoulder in the above photograph

But do I really remember that incident? Or is it the fact that my folks had a photograph in the family album, a picture to show me?

Both the passport and the “Collins” military identity card had his photograph on them, and he asked Elizabeth how she had managed that detail

He slid across the expanse of Gordon’s desk a photograph of two men seated at a table with their arms draped over one another’s shoulder

I have also prepared the names and other information to be used,” replied Colling, pushing across the counter the photograph he had had taken of himself three days earlier in Grabensheim by a photographer friend of Zinsmann’s, and the written instructions for the other passports

I’m really sorry I couldn’t get a copy of the photograph I found in the local press with the following caption

Looking again at the ageing photograph in the album that spanned my childhood and adolescent years, I study the neatly coifed grey hair, the carefully controlled expression

Underneath her photograph on the frontispiece, dated 1956, stand the words: “Dédié avec respect à Mlle

Zoe steps forward, sets the photograph down on the train tracks, then moves back to her original position

I leave the safety of our numbers and crouch near the photograph, watching her the whole time

Then I back up, photograph in hand

Still holding up his gun, Tobias touches my wrist with his free hand, guiding the photograph closer to his face

Silently, and without really looking at him, she passes him the photograph

The only thing that stops me from going is the photograph in my pocket

Zoe was young in the photograph where she stood next to my mother, but she was still there, so I figure she must know something

There’s a photograph of her on the next page, her mouth in a firm line, wisps of brown hair hanging around her face

Below is a close-up photograph I have personally taken of a dog’s “ashes” after the dog was cremated

On it was a black and white photograph of Noah, and under the picture was the caption,

palm, made of white plastic with Arkham’s photograph and the

and you will be more than just a photograph in a golden frame —

This photograph shows ranch

This photograph includes members of the





This panoramic photograph of The Amarillo

This photograph was taken in 1939

Above: This photograph depicts the

However, the government tourist office in Cuenca provided a photograph of

He started to float in the air, and I saw in his hands my photograph album of Shame

“That photograph is one of my most cherished possessions,” he said, gently nipping her ear before his lips trailed down the side of her neck

hand corner of the map was a photograph of a house and then next

now he stared at a photograph on his mother’s wall of his family from

For example, given a printed photograph of a pie, would a scientist believe first

in the physicality of the photograph itself, or in the matter presumed to constitute the pie which

quite backward to argue that the pie is physical but the photograph is not, but this is what many

His death was documented, photographed, and he was filed away in the morgue

Everyone is more interested in being given a designation and being photographed by the media

Early migrants to America and Australia were often photographed at weddings and in bars, raising a loving glass to the old country, showing great bravado, cigarettes drooping from their lips; young men sipping whisky in shirt sleeves and armbands, unbuttoned waistcoats and slackened ties, slicked back hair

She watched those screens and had recognition run on all the humans that were photographed

In the meantime, I have photographed the

Quite a few people dwelling in meta-physics believe that, when we are residing in a human form, part of our true selves could be photographed by way of the Kirlian process (named after Seymon Kirlian, the Russian inventor

Elmira smiled warmly at that, and Orion took several photos after Adem had photographed the two kings and queens for some time and showed them the pictures

crime scene in and around Mia»s apartment building would be preserved until the investigators had scoured for all possible traces of physical evidence and photographed everything from as many angles as possible

A meal meant to be photographed, above all else

Then, one page at a time, he photographed every sheet, constantly monitoring for clarity

In the company of the cousin, they traveled, late one night, to the New Brunswick, New Jersey, Coroner’s Office, where, in a truly chilling experience, they were fingerprinted and officially photographed as corpses, laying on a cold slab with talcum-dusted faces, blue lipstick and with their jaws held slack

So far I have photographed over fifty flowers without really looking too hard

“What about the parade of hired guns Cory photographed going into Cerise Records on Monday? It could have been a couple of those guys

Before leaving Victoria, Roger and Lucille visited some nearby museums and had dinner at the elegant and historic Empress Hotel, one of the most attractive and photographed buildings in Victoria

While Josie was taking pictures of the Moroccan women with their beautiful costumes at the crossing of the border, those women being photographed were making hostile signs to them and calling them names, such as “bad Christians”

He was photographed in

One board I photographed during that trip foreshadowed doom

He visited every holding my father had, questioned the managers, saying he was my father’s relative and emissary and photographed the buildings for the purported documentary

It can’t hurt the island to be landed on, and it can’t hurt the castle to be photographed

Constable [18] has photographed many aerial objects using fast infrared film which he claims

Each group had a specific task and building to take care of and the deployment had been worked out after a daytime flyover by an aircraft that had photographed every part of the island in fine detail

William becomes one of LA’s most eligible bachelors, photographed with dozens of starlets attending many of Hollywood’s luxurious parties

The public toilet has inside and outside some colorful columns, mosaics, tiles, and inlays, and is frequently visited and photographed by tourists, who actually will come on a scheduled stop to see this unusual place

before Michael’s eyes mentally photographed every inch of her

sensitive areas photographed in his memory, his manhood throbbed

The scale of remuneration reflected society’s values; being photographed in sexy briefs paid twice as much as wearing a suit; naked and alone paid four times as much; and performing naked with others would have rewarded me with ten times as much as standing in pyjamas

After that, locate that Brotherhood bastard Roberto who you photographed at

Gomes smiled for a few moments but then his smile turned into a scowl because if this was blood on the end of the needle then the blood belonged to Vasquez then he was in his house… He took his camera and photographed the exact location of the needle and then got Gonzales to stand over the needle and point to it as he took several more pictures

«Observe! This is the community photographed at noon, local time

«The Cosmos B following three hours later, photographed the same building,» she said

That he had been photographed was a certainty; as was the deduction of the fare from his account

That was why he had photographed this spot, so he would know where the animal was buried

I know that this is being photographed, but my eyes may be able to tell us more

Iditarod trained dogs have been photographed chained or

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture

The last veterans of whom he had word had appeared photographed in a newspaper with their faces shamelessly raised beside an anonymous president of the republic who gave them buttons with his likeness on them to wear in their lapels and returned to them a flag soiled with blood and gunpowder so that they could place it on their coffins

The patrol car stopped at Whittier Police Department, where she was searched, relieved of all personal possessions, photographed, and electronically fingerprinted

An FBI agent Robert Barrett was reported by FBI agent Robert Gemberling to be the agent who removed a bullet from this scene and was photographed doing it

The men involved (I think women have more sense) partake in these dangerous undertakings – I like that word here – including skiing down 800 mountains that should only be photographed

The “umbrella man” near the Stemmons sign on the sidewalk was accompanied by a cohort who had their radio phone which was photographed

cameras might pick them up, as he was photographed going about his stately

The war correspondent could also see in the light of dawn that more women were taking defensive positions between the firefight and the installations of the 99th Air Group, something that Tregaskis also photographed

By now, Tregaskis knew that he had the materiel for a truly sensational article and he photographed Ingrid Dows’ women as they finally spread out and deployed in extended line on each side of the halftracks, to then advance and finish the Japanese soldiers, shooting from point blank and then poking with their bayonets each Japanese they encountered in the long grass

The name of the ill-fated jet had special meaning for Tanganyika Greeks who were photographed regularly, every seven years by John ‘The Comet’ whose return was as regular as any in the night sky

� For someone who didn�t know the real story, that picture could easily be interpreted as showing Nancy�s dead body, photographed after she had been tortured to death

Jenny Kawena was working frantically with her radar and radio operators onboard ‘Fox One’, flying high above Seoul, receiving and collating the in-flight reports coming from the RP-38Ns as they photographed their various objectives

freighter flying a Liberian flag, with the name, ‘Africa Belle’, that was photographed by a Navy

She had already been able to take some sensational pictures of the raid from the cockpit of the YC-10 and had even photographed the huge cloud of smoke and dust caused by the bombardment, but had been ordered back to her seat after she had photographed two parachutes opening over the old Forbidden City

As the cameramen photographed her repeatedly, she looked at the crowd of journalists and spoke in French, letting Marion Dietrich translate her words in English

The fact that O’Malley let the light on at first was a boon for her, as it allowed her to take clear pictures of his face as he photographed the naked boy

Going through the pile of pictures with growing horror and disgust, he saw that the apparent priest had been photographed, probably secretly judging from the angle of the shots, while sexually abusing a boy and a girl, both preteens, on two separate occasions

Before he could say more, one of Julie’s screens emitted a beeping signal, while a second image appeared beside that of the unknown woman photographed by Erik at the Puertobahia Hotel

He hated being photographed

Photographed and filmed by dozens of lenses, Bill Clinton exchanged a kiss on the cheek with Nancy, then shook hands with Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani

He had recorded her last night and he had shamelessly photographed her when he had first come to her house

Some drawbacks to trying to use landscaping pictures as a visualization and design aid is that you must carefully take into account key differences between your situation and that of the house being photographed

Some cultures think that taking pictures is like stealing a part of the soul of the person being photographed

In this location are being photographed many many orbs

Together with two local entrepreneurs who also investigated development potentials in the country, we did a business census, photographed and videotaped all the council, business, and state properties

Until they can show pictures of parts of the body “good” people keep hidden away in shame, while those same parts of our littlest ones are being looked at, photographed, poked, played with and tortured

pleaded, at least I believe it was her fictional impersonation and not an actual event, as Lady Madonna with a handful of UN babes at every photographed octo-breast

metre specimen was photographed on the water beside a

tation as a place where you could be photographed with

photographed but don’t of-

that, for example, can be photographed, whereas our mind

His present hobby is photography which he does well and has photographed several weddings

The ceremony was well conducted by a pleasant and professional celebrant and Scarlett (my great granddaughter, the most photographed baby in the whole world) was very patient with us and she didn’t complain once, in fact I think she enjoyed it immensely

The plundered room is photographed, as in this case

Gradually the crystals appear and they can be studied and photographed in the usual way—not only the shapes of the crystals, but also the relation that their angles bear to each other

But would she, herself, presently be photographed too and enlarged and hung there? There was room next to Vera, room for just one more before the sideboard began

The photograph that Mohammed had been given was of Dam, photographed entering *Angkor Wat, an ancient temple City in Cambodia, dressed in monks robes, clutching a phony, home-made relic

After that, one ray is reflected from a photographed object and the other ray mixes with its reflected light

Sheila stood terrified in the kitchen as officers photographed and scanned her details into the system

worry or hurry in what you are doing, this will not be clearly photographed upon the sensitized plate of

I agree, but only if they will let me be photographed with them

the walls taking stil pictures and video’s, the photographers then criss crossed the entire floor of the cavern and photographed everything, that took five

Taking out his phone, he photographed each page, noting a

that he was hiding and photographed them

photographed from all angles, he was put in jail –in the company of a group of

In 1970, the situation worsened: Onassis and Callas were photographed in

One glimpse of a natural landscape is worth a million painted or photographed ones

and photographed the broken hull of a huge boat

“Once it’s been appreciated and photographed, that’s fine—cake is meant to be eaten

He has refused to appear in public with Gerald Ford or even to be photographed with the president

What a scene! We stood dumbstruck, hearts pounding, before this shipwreck caught in the act, as if it had been photographed in its final moments, so to speak! And already I could see enormous sharks moving in, eyes ablaze, drawn by the lure of human flesh!

And then the last photo, her head turned from the camera, her hand raised in a stop gesture, as if she didn’t want to be photographed

He told them that in order to be involved in politics, his children would be photographed and their names published

I photographed the grave of Rimbaud when I was twenty-six

From what Carl had said to Emory back at the fence between the orchard and Blue Sky Ranch, the cult had secretly photographed Lauren and the twins, perhaps at a distance, with a telephoto lens

Jong in the mid 1970s, photographed by science-fiction author and future husband Jonathan Fast, who had a matching hat

You were photographed with a known hit man

He called over the tech to shoot pictures of the contents of the box, then pulled out two items that were photographed as well

Faye Farmer had been photographed with Kennedy frequently over the last couple of years and had been quoted saying that she was going to be married–“to someone

And because she had been photographed by the press, and because Mr

Conklin stood beside Claire as she photographed the body and the wound

‗Probably, now Guapo‘s done a bunk and I‘ve discovered they‘ve been secretly photographing me and posting stuff on the internet

Routine printing on remaining fingers had predictably proved fruitless, therefore, after photographing the bar, it had been sent to Vancouver for further police checks and confirmation that it was indeed gold

Greg twisted around in his seat to see that Abraham had twisted around in his seat enough to be able to look out the front view port and was photographing the approaching ships

a chair and photographing her

wasn‘t limited to his photographing of General

had the grim task of photographing the search

By photographing samples of water and then freezing

“I will have to keep you at the station, in temporary custody but without fingerprinting or photographing

Telling herself that this had to be a one-of-a-kind opportunity, Margaret took photo after photo, both through her window and inside the cabin, photographing the two female gunners and the cargo master, standing ready

The shore house was now full of MPs and his investigation specialists were already at work photographing and documenting in detail the crime scene, as crime was definitely what had happened here in his opinion

A couple of her pictures even caught O’Malley as he briefly played with the boys’ penis to make it erect before photographing it from close by

‘’Craig, bring those two to the photo studio and tell Jim to start photographing them

While she obeyed Ingrid’s directive about not photographing the inside of her cockpit, she examined visually the instruments around her, impressed by the technological level evident in the cockpit

Experience gained in photographing racing cars led to contracts with the ‘Car’ and

photographing the motion of the trails from five camera sites

The picture, as seen above and on Friday, was done by first photographing a girl in the location

Billy and Doyle had heard Callie accuse me of photographing “hellspawn” in Pete’s earlier

Once more at the entrance the man took a camera from his carryall and began photographing the searches being carried out just inside the doorway

This is why any attempt to scientifically prove the existence of entities by photographing their auras will never succeed

methods of lighting up, refracting, and photographing this deadly drama

It wasn’t crowded, but there were enough people around for him to get what he needed, and he spent an hour photographing people from various distances

Since the days when, as a schoolboy, I used to bicycle round the neighbouring parishes, rubbing brasses and photographing fonts, I had nursed a love of architecture, but, though in opinion I had made that easy leap, characteristic of my generation, from the puritanism of Ruskin to the puritanism of Roger Fry, my sentiments at heart were insular and medieval

They’d both seen Sam photographing their early-December bombing runs

Conklin nodded at the tech who was photographing one of the grave markers

CSU was working fast and well, photographing scrapes on car doors, marking blood spatter, bagging found objects on the asphalt

As you try to compose a picture, it is sometimes hard to align the object you are photographing within the frame of the picture

After the obligatory studio photographs they had to individually sit for on the way in, presumably for record keeping purposes, they were frisked and taken to seats at long heavily loaded tables

It was a big liner, longer than the Brothers Formidable and with better appointed but tighter cabins decorated in a 52nd century theme and hung with great reproductions of some classic photographs from that era

Most people wanted photographs of beaded sweat on brown skin and slow turning ceiling fans in Bangkok, Phnom Penh or Vientiane

He searches about him, finds his camera, brings it up and photographs the sign — click, whir, click, whir

that the children in these photographs

wisdom of taking photographs of the Jodechians

Fred took more photographs of the Jodechians all sitting around

There were framed family photographs on top of the TV

There were noteboards with full clips hanging on the walls and a few framed photographs beneath them

I had seen her face in photographs at home; a strong young woman, a woman prepared, unflinching, a warrior in mountain clothes with shining, optimistic vision

In my arms I’m holding his favourite bouzouki, not the one with the inlaid mother-of-pearl flowers he holds in all his stage photographs, but his most treasured possession, the one he’d had since Piraeus, the delicate one; the undecorated one

‘You like the Nerantzaki? The one without the raki in?’ In the kitchen, he stood making up the potion, watching me looking at his photographs

Then he was away again, unveiling his possessions and finding little faded photographs everywhere

It was then they started taking photographs and mimicking her every time she cursed her burned fingers or spat on the ground

‘As I say, some time ago Pantelis got wind of what was going on and over a period of time he collected his evidence: names, numbers, times, photographs, dates, recordings; a comprehensive list of villains, including prominent public figures, involved one way or another in the smuggling and acquisition of priceless cultural objects

I’d seen photographs

The young man and his bride jetted off to their honeymoon paradise sponsored by a company that made coconut filled chocolate bars, and in return for a few more photographs, a short video and some encouraging words, they were given a wonderful time on golden beaches lapped by azure seas

If they really are, then ask them for a couple of signed photographs that each of you can keep with you wherever you go to remind you of your love for each other

Great-aunt Edith showed Annie how to scan photographs and store them as images on the computer, using a collection of her very own black and white artistic poses from her early days in the glamour business, images which would now be considered at best cute but in most cases just as period pieces

she made a gift of their photographs to him and asked him to select

Archibald’s mother did not check the photographs properly and

photographs stating that it stole their souls

them for a couple of signed photographs that each of you can keep

Howard opened the envelope and unfolded a letter with three photo copies of 5″ x 7″ photographs

Stock photographs and prints on the wall

On the wall above the bed Ted has a collection of photographs, some of them signed, mementos garnered from a life on the boards

Edge curled snapshots, photographs that have been bent back and forth so much that the polished gloss of the paper has cracked right across a face

photographs of tree branches

There wasn’t too much glass, but if there was, it usually had photographs in it and was usually upstairs

When there were pictures on the signs, they were often photographs of some kind of food

Millions of people lived inside the jungle-covered basaltic plug in the center of this basin making audio equipment, ceramics with photographs embedded in them and conducting research into the psychoacoustics of audio cognition

In turn they produced photographs of their new grand-daughter Hannah and the happy little family of San Francisco, their Pacific Heights house, and the Spelman’s new residence above the Lodges

The Flower pulled out several photographs, pictures of the inside and

leaving Thomas taking his first photographs of the trip

James and Thomas took photographs!

Enid asked to see the photographs of our villa

The photographs on the Internet hadn’t done it

Think: Photographs only tell the truth

) The Kirlian photographs show emanations of colors surrounding the human body which are interpreted as our energy field or aura

Japanese writing adorned the walls, interspersed with photographs of Seraphia smiling broadly with friends and Japanese children gathered around her

Dotted across the grey bed covers were drawings and photographs of Rome before the bombing

others had shown me photographs of the place but I wasn’t prepared for its nice layout and beautiful surroundings

She started taking photographs as previously agreed by the Rabbi

He had looked very closely at the photographs that Esther had taken and had his doubts about the key unlocking anything that he had seen so far

There were only a few sheets of paper, but tons of photographs

A brief but unseemly episode marred the otherwise well-conducted ceremony when Scovel, angry at being excluded by Shafter’s ban on the press, scaled the roof of the Palace in order to appear in photographs of the flag-raising

They killed about 1500 terrorists (known by counting the bodies via aerial photographs taken afterwards)

He returned the next day, photographs and identification in hand

Paul had been looking through as many history books as he could find that included older photographs of the Natural Bridge

William remembered how, the day before, the photographer at the Natural Bridge was taking photographs of the bridge and the people under it

He remembered how he was directly in front of the camera lens and that he was certain he would be in one of the photographs clearly

What if Kate saw an old photograph with William in it? Would she figure it out? But then why would she be looking for old photographs of the bridge?

The sheet of A4 paper had a couple of photographs printed on it, obviously taken at some kind of orgy

Charles Henry Brubaker of 853 Knight Street is known to police and has been seen taking photographs of young children in and around the St

Although we were lucky not to be home, we were also unlucky because we couldn’t rescue photographs or computer backups

“Do you have photographs of the others?” he asked

“I’m Langford, First Officer,” he said as he compared Colling and Elizabeth with the photographs in their passports

There were only two photographs in the wallet

Won’t the professor be excited when he sees these photographs; aren’t you excited? This is the first encounter with extra-terrestrials, your name will go down in history

“They have photographs of a war caused by GPs

photographs showed Soviet missiles on Cuba

Laughter fills the room, chattering about current events, promotions at work, and getting up to speed with who is richer and better off nowadays… Photographs are taken, addresses are written down and promises made…

A press clip was in the folder but the photographs weren’t clear

“It’s ten photographs of churches

My wife favors Venice and I am inclined to agree with her, having seen photographs of the city

My companion meanwhile was taking photographs to capture the moment, laughing as he did so

As a member of the club, I was able to view the photographs of not only the victim, but the murder as it was actually happening, for just like the first time, the murderer was accompanied by a photographer

I have lists of members, accounts of conversations, copies of the club minutes, and copies of the photographs taken at each crime scene

Although I mention no names in this journal, I have enclosed in the box clear photographs of those carrying out the murders; although I believe that every club member is responsible to some extent

The photographs in the morning newspapers depict a woman mutilated almost beyond recognition, and lying on a bed in her room in Miller’s Court

Details of what was done to her body are in all the newspapers and there will no doubt be more information, but having seen the photographs of the crime scene before the public was able to see them, I can verify that several of the body parts had been cut off and placed carefully around the room

Yesterday he showed me a booklet for a museum in Venice, containing photographs of pottery, and other artifacts that were found nearby when the Roman Empire was at its height throughout most of Europe

aimlessly over the old photographs on the wall

“They took everything relating to the case, including all of Cory’s photographs

He kept photographs of her and even watched when she was involved with someone, knowing it would end, selfishly hoping every lover would hurt her so when she found him everything would be picturesque

The little vampire girl led them through the palace, the first hallway consisted of walls with gold frames showing paintings and photographs of the members of high society, the beautiful vampire’s family

I was hoping there would be something lying around which would ease my boredom, but I could see nothing more than old photographs and fraying furniture which reeked of mothballs

Underwear, photographs, Suzy’s confession after suspecting infidelity; it was all too much

On the other hand, to truly examine the history of the islands, it would be fitting to make a thorough visit to the National Archive Museum where newspapers, photographs and original documents are kept

photographs of Williams wearing a 12-year-old girl’s cartoon-decorated

· Profile Tab Photographs – This is where you can add or change your profile photo

swung back to the photographs

There are other photographs of them somewhere in the house, but I keep those there as a reminder of how they looked when they were still young and pretty

He had shown photographs, photographs he had carefully put

The idea of having Laura’s and Helena’s photographs on display troubled David not a little, but Alison disabused him of the thought that there was anything disloyal to her in the act

’I couldn’t bear to look at the photographs until you came here, you know that,’

Do leave the photographs there, David

After all, you’ve seen the photographs of Lucy

Long before photographs

Evidence in the form of photographs and films were presented in April to a council

When this young “relative” returned several months later, richer by far by pocketing most of the excessive funding for his travels, he presented my father with his massive collection of photographs

My eldest brother was not in the above photographs (1954)

Folded in his blouse pocket was a sheet of commercial black-and-white composite photographs of Charmaine in various poses

Wispy entities and orbs of light not seen by the naked eye appeared in photographs that were taken in and around her home

One result was, in addition to repre�senting the Sun, he was selling photographs with limited text to the Paris Match, a French magazine that wasn’t about to let up on the American cretins who thought they could accomplish in Indochina what La Belle France could not

The manageress recognized her from the photographs in the newspapers and television, and seemed quite impressed that such an important celebrity wanted to speak to her

She spends much of her time as a photographer, and her photographs of nature are some of the most moving I have ever seen

PHOTOGRAPHS are courtesy of the University of Wisconsin-Superior Martime Collections Archives in the Jim Dan Hill Library, and the U

The author’s wife, Mary Patricia Lamal Ostrom, took photographs of the U

Synonym: film, snap. Similar words: photographer, photography, biography, demographic, photo, metaphor, go together, program. Meaning: [‘fəʊtəgræf /-grɑːf]  n. a picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material. v. 1. record on photographic film 2. undergo being photographed in a certain way. 

Random good picture Not show

1 The girl squinted at the photograph.

2 The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.

3 I wish I had a photograph of Thomas.

4 Attach a recent photograph to your application form.

5 Betty took a photograph of us.

6 She went to Africa to photograph big cats.

7 I took a photograph of my girl friend.

8 Don’t look away while I am taking your photograph.

9 I chanced on this old photograph in his drawer.

10 The family grouped together for the photograph.

11 Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself.

12 His photograph appeared in the local paper.

13 Please keep/stay/hold/sit/stand still while I take your photograph.

14 This photograph is a libel on him.

15 The group was well posed for the photograph.

16 The photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days.

17 I can’t get this photograph off the page; it’s stuck on.

18 The mountains form a background to this photograph of the family.

19 Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it?

20 We should be glad to photograph the house and its grounds.

21 She dug out a photograph from under a pile of papers.

22 Might I ask for a photograph of your little daughter?

23 He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife’s lover.

24 This photograph is a bit too old and probably won’t enlarge well.

25 Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in this photograph.

26 A dirty face is not appropriate for the school photograph.

27 I was browsing through a magazine one day when a photograph caught my eye.

28 A large label had been gummed to the back of the photograph.

29 We asked them, as a matter of courtesy,( if we could photograph their house.

30 The little figure that you can just see in the background of the photograph is me.

More similar words: photographer, photography, biography, demographic, photo, metaphor, go together, program, grape, programming, phone, each other, a big shot, telephone, together, motor, a lot of, rape, trap, wrap, get together, altogether, therapy, rapid, go to sleep, protocol, together with, wrap up, progressive, go to pieces. 

  • Use the word Photograph in a sentences

Sentence Examples

‘I have a responsibility, as a documentary photographer, ‘to photograph the times we live in, what the world is about now.

That’s part of why I’m interested in this field, cos I’m gonna photograph nature in all four seasons.

I said «That’s typical. That’s the kind of photograph I took.»

I like this photograph, it’s maybe one of my favourite photographs because I didn’t know what I was doing.

Did people mind when you took their photograph?

He had a police radio in his car and he’d go running to the police station, he’d photograph all these dead Mafia people and so on. And he had this big 4×5 camera and a big cigar and a big, big mouth.

It’s a photograph of the European Brown Bear and it’s a sign describing what the bear is and all you see of the bear, the bottom jaw of the bear, reaching up.

How long did it take to photograph all the buildings? Oh, this took about…

Photographers continue to go out into the world in order to photograph life today.

You ought to go photograph the fire, too.

They’ll buy any good film so photograph anyting that’s interesting.

Twelve motion picture cameras will photograph the arrival… of Your Majesty and the prince consort.

The newpapers keep running my photograph.

I didn’t know you had a photograph of her.

There was a photograph of me in your room.

Your photograph with them.

Well, have you seen enough, or would you like a photograph?

No. But why should you want to take a photograph of me?

As a matter of fact, it’s a hobby of mine… to photograph the most beautiful thing I see in every port.

And here you have his photograph.

He had a photograph of you.

Oh, I cut that picture out of a photograph.

And you expect to photograph it?

If it’s there, you bet I’ll photograph it.

Suppose I don’t photograph well?

Please send a large autographed photograph for our club room.

I wrote him and sent him a photograph of a scene from the play and told him that I was coming to New York and expected to be famous and have a theater of my own so I could play his Cleopatra until I was too old for it, when I’d do Mrs. Warren’s Profession.

I want to take a photograph of you.


You stole a photograph out of my apartment.

The dame in that photograph must have been quite a bother to the boys in Vienna 30 years ago.

And this is the photograph gallery.

One moment, the photograph

Do you remember A photograph of yours I gave back to you When you left us?

Yes, I remember The photograph.

He’s much better looking than his photograph, isn’t he?

You’re taking enough time to photograph the City Directory.

Will you photograph it for me?

Instruct all divisions to restudy the features of Paul Lavond from the photograph issued, and impress upon them it was taken 17 years ago.

They had «It» all right, but they didn’t photograph it and put it to music.

Hit him over here in the sunlight… so the boys can photograph the body.

Another photograph showing Mr. Deeds jumping about a fire engine.

Just a little photograph that I’ve carried all my life, taken at Punxsutawney.

What did I do with that photograph?

A photograph, young lady?

There is a photograph here

Definition of Photograph

a picture taken with a camera usually so the event can be remembered later

Examples of Photograph in a sentence

As we walked down the aisle, I took a photograph using my cell phone of the famous celebrity so I could have a memento of the occasion.


During the 4th graders’ piano recital, every parent was taking a photograph of their child’s performance so they could remember this special event.


While rummaging through some old junk in my attic, I came across a photograph of my grandparents’ wedding.


The haunted house seemed harmless until a photograph was taken of it showing a mysterious ghostlike being in the house’s window.


Using my cell phone, I took a selfie of me in front of the building and then showed the photograph to my friends.


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