Use the word phenomenon in a sentence

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1. This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.

2. Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

3. Homelessness is not a new phenomenon .

4. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon.

4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

5. This phenomenon is unique in nature.

6. This phenomenon has become known as the «Californian syndrome».

7. An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon.

8. Inflammation is a phenomenon of disease.

9. It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly, but its effects can be seen in the rise in global temperatures.

10. Bankruptcy is a common phenomenon in an economic recession.

11. Terrorism is a phenomenon of the 20th century.

12. This phenomenon piqued Dr Morris’ interest.

13. This phenomenon can be easily explained.

14. E-commerce is a relatively recent phenomenon.

15. This phenomenon is not as outrageous as it seems.

16. Early retirement is a relatively new phenomenon in Britain.

17. The causes of the phenomenon are still incompletely understood.

18. The imperative mood is a kind of grammatical phenomenon.

19. Beethoven was a phenomenon among many musicians.

20. Johnson calls this phenomenon ‘the principle of minimal effort’.

21. This phenomenon has been observed experimentally.

22. Language is a social and cultural phenomenon.

23. The phenomenon occurs during early foetal development.

24. The Beatles were a phenomenon — nobody had heard anything like them before.

25. This phenomenon has been observed in both laboratory and field studies.

26. This phenomenon, sometimes called wanderlust, may explain why people spend so much time and money on trips to interesting places.

27. One of businesses of the sociologists is to study the social phenomenon.

28. The dramatic desiccation of North Africa is a perplexing phenomenon.

29. A number of theories have been proposed to explain the phenomenon.

30. Scientists have advanced a new theory to explain this phenomenon.

More similar words: enough, enormous, give notice, take note of, indigenous, take notice of, by no means, astronomer, moment, momentum, in a moment, at the moment, for the moment, not to mention, at this moment, come home, commencement, amendment, sphere, atmosphere, euphemism, photographer, then, when, by then, hence, and then, no more, kitchen, now and then.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word phenomenon, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use phenomenon in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «phenomenon». In addition, we also show how different variations of phenomenon can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are phenomenon’s, phenomenons and phenomenon—his. If you click on the variation of phenomenon that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Phenomenon in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word phenomenon in a sentence.

  1. They are a New Age phenomenon.’.

  2. An eclipse is a natural phenomenon.

  3. This phenomenon is called a «dread».

  4. This phenomenon was dubbed «quiescence».

  5. This phenomenon is called opposition surge.

  6. The title refers to the déjà vu phenomenon.

  7. This phenomenon is known as the Venus effect.

  8. The media dubbed the phenomenon «Austenmania».

  9. This phenomenon is known as synchronous rotation.

  10. She gave the phenomenon the name «radioactivity».

  11. This phenomenon has been used as a diagnostic test.

  12. This phenomenon has been also observed in rural areas.

  13. He is the hottest single phenomenon since Elvis Presley.

  14. This phenomenon is related to Bose–Einstein condensation.

  15. The Kreutz sungrazers are probably not a unique phenomenon.

  16. Helens Volcano, Washington» that initiated widespread interest in the phenomenon.

  17. He believed that the Maya aligned their calendar to correspond to this phenomenon.

  18. This weaker kind of repetitive cataclysmic phenomenon is called a (classical) nova.

  19. He also worked on the phenomenon known as runt disease (graft versus host disease).

  20. The reality of this phenomenon, named the Allais effect, has remained controversial.

  21. This phenomenon was a new type of nuclear disintegration, and was more powerful than any seen before.

  22. Jenkins notes that critics draw a parallel between prosperity theology and the cargo cult phenomenon.

  23. In this framework, the phenomenon of gravity is viewed as a consequence of the geometry of spacetime.

  24. This phenomenon is now known as T-duality and is understood to be closely related to mirror symmetry.

  25. The kernel and image of group homomorphisms and the first isomorphism theorem address this phenomenon.

  26. Rowson cites as an example of the last phenomenon the well-regarded Zaitsev Variation of the Ruy Lopez.

  27. Before psychological research on confirmation bias, the phenomenon had been observed throughout history.

  28. After these initial observations in plants, laboratories searched for this phenomenon in other organisms.

  29. Also a hit internationally, «Thriller» is often cited as a pop culture phenomenon and a Halloween anthem.

  30. This phenomenon causes red blood cells to clump together because of antibodies bound to the cell surface.

  31. The magnetic polarity of sunspot pairs alternates every solar cycle, a phenomenon known as the Hale cycle.

  32. Sharing has become a phenomenon which social media and networks have uprooted and introduced to the world.

  33. Along with lightning, this phenomenon is one of humanity’s earliest recorded experiences with electricity.

  34. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) quarantines the area to study the phenomenon and search for a cause.

  35. Early studies of the phenomenon suggested one solution to the problem was to increase the compression rate.

  36. According to István Boná, the panic may be linked to a natural phenomenon: a lunar eclipse took place on June 25/26, 549.

  37. Even on Earth, the diversity of eclipses familiar to people today is a temporary (on a geological time scale) phenomenon.

  38. Message forums (a specific structure of social media) arose with the BBS phenomenon throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.

  39. The progeny feed on a skin layer that is specially developed by the adult in a phenomenon known as maternal dermatophagy.

  40. The effect is named after Christian Doppler, who offered the first known physical explanation for the phenomenon in 1842.

  41. To better understand the etiology of proteinuria, some scientists attempted to study the phenomenon in laboratory animals.

  42. The low seasonal activity is attributed to the presence of El Niño, which is a global coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon.

  43. Partially as a result of this phenomenon, Brookings recorded its highest temperature ever, 108 °F (42 °C), on July 8, 2008.

  44. This event catalyzed the transformation of Shi’ism, which hitherto had been a political stance, into a religious phenomenon.

  45. Middleton suggested that it was appropriate to speak of «a plethora of Rasta spiritualities» rather than a single phenomenon.

  46. The symptoms that are seen most often are the typical symptoms of the individual autoimmune diseases and include Raynaud’s phenomenon, arthritis, myositis and scleroderma.

  47. The potbellied contract killer Bob Biswas became an Internet phenomenon, the subject of several jokes and pieces of pop art, which circulated through Facebook and Twitter.

  48. This phenomenon has since been recognized as a feature of the plant immune system which allows the entire plant to respond to a virus after an initial localized encounter.

  49. Sadler spent years observing the sleeping man in an effort to explain the phenomenon, and eventually decided the man had no mental illness and that his words were genuine.

  50. The Swedish media started to show interest in the Fermenta phenomenon it had taken only a few years for the company to become a major actor in the pharmaceutical industry.

Phenomenon’s in a sentence

Phenomenon’s is a variation of phenomenon, below you can find example sentences for phenomenon’s.

  1. The no wave movement that developed in New York in the late 1970s, with artists such as Lydia Lunch and James Chance, is often treated as the phenomenon’s U.S.

Phenomenons in a sentence

Phenomenons is a variation of phenomenon, below you can find example sentences for phenomenons.

  1. While the show is often described as having a cult following, Eric Kohn of IndieWire said that the series has «started to look like one of the biggest television phenomenons of the decade».

Phenomenon—his in a sentence

Phenomenon—his is a variation of phenomenon, below you can find example sentences for phenomenon—his.

  1. To Al Pacino, «Gary Cooper was a phenomenon—his ability to take some thing and elevate it, give it such dignity.

General information about «phenomenon» example sentences

The example sentences for the word phenomenon that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «phenomenon» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «phenomenon».

phenomenon — перевод на русский


This is a well known scientific phenomenon called… Disintegration of matter.

Этот хорошо известный научный феномен называется … дезинтеграцией вещества.

Toto, you’re a phenomenon!

Тото, ты феномен!

— Toto, you’re a phenomenon!

— Тото, вы феномен!

Ladies and gentlemen next, we present a musical phenomenon.

Дамы и господа сейчас вашему вниманию будет предложен музыкальный феномен.

She accepts as a natural phenomenon the ways of this visitor who comes and goes, who exists, talks, laughs with her, stops talking, listens to her, then disappears.

Она приняла как естественный феномен, то как этот посетитель приходит и уходит. Как существует, говорит, смеется вмести с ней, прекращает говорить, слушает ее, затем исчезает.

Показать ещё примеры для «феномен»…

I was attracted by all that held us together… as well as all that separated us… a phenomenon surely related to physics… but not knowing physics, I called it physical.

Я был привлечён всем отрицательным, что в ней было противоположным у меня. Явление, безусловно, связанное с физикой не зная, физики, я назвал его физическим.

Silence is more than anything else a sysmatic phenomenon.

Тишина — раскольничающее явление прежде всего.

This must be some natural phenomenon.

Скорее всего, это какое-то природное явление.

Now something has occurred which would normally be considered a natural phenomenon.

Сейчас произошло что-то такое, что, как правило, рассматриваться всеми как естественное явление.

Captain, I only know for certain that the occurrence of the phenomenon coincides exactly with the moments that Lazarus has his alleged confrontations.

Капитан, я знаю лишь то, что это явление точно совпадает с моментом, когда Лазарь вступил в схватку.

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A phenomenon (Greek: φαινόμενον, phainómenon, from the verb phainein, to show, shine, appear, to be manifest or manifest itself, plural phenomena) is any thing which manifests itself. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«Official» sources say this recent unprecedented phenomenon is just «natural», are we to believe them?


The success of core ETFs isn’t just a Canadian phenomenon.


CCS Bard’s mission as an educational institution is to ground an understanding of art in contemporary culture and not as an isolated phenomenon.


While reading The Language of God, I experienced a strange phenomenon: I simultaneously grew more convinced that my faith in God was in fact reasonable while also growing more convinced that my belief in young earth creationism was not.


Humans across the United States are preparing for Monday’s solar eclipse, stocking up on special glasses and in some cases traveling hundreds of miles to see the sun totally obscured by the moon — a natural phenomenon that hasn’t been…


That narrative, more than the fan phenomenon that came after, convinced Franco there was a movie for him to make.


We are also witnessing the phenomenon of buyers in B2B marketplaces becoming more social in their interactions.


Through first-of-their-kind supercomputer simulations, researchers, including a Northwestern University professor, have gained new insight into one of the most mysterious phenomena in modern astronomy: the behavior of relativistic jets that shoot from black holes, extending outward across millions of light years.


Contrary to what you may have been reading, however, the exercise by municipalities of the power of the permit to require private sports programs to comply with state-mandated concussion safety laws, or impose additional conditions beyond those required by state law, isn’t an isolated or new phenomenon: it’s been a growing trend for years.


Social media, lame apps glad everyones hitting these phenomenon at the height of their trendiness.


He thinks a phenomenon called genomic imprinting may be at play.


And along with Ben Castleman, who is also at Harvard, they’re looking into this phenomenon that they’re calling summer melt.


The beauty of religion is how its founders interpret natural phenomena.


Synopsis: Mike Enslin (John Cusack) is a successful author who enjoys worldwide acclaim debunking supernatural phenomena — before he checks into the Dolphin… [MORE]


If there’s anything Western marketers and brands can learn from BeeLabs» rapid mobile success, it’s that the mobile industry is becoming a worldwide phenomenon and an important aspect to any business’s growth strategy.


Three-dimensional learning allows students to explore, examine, and explain how phenomena occur and strategize solutions in an integrative approach.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s «Black Panther» is shaping up to be a phenomenon at the box office — but it’s already made a pretty astonishing impression on critics.


And the political reality that matters most right now is that our fossil-fueled, corporate-controlled political system has both failed to respond in any serious way to the certainty of catastrophic climate change, and, at the same time, has produced the phenomenon of Trump’s all too serious bid for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination.


It is in this aggressive state, Th17 cells promote inflammation rather than mitigate it, a phenomenon that a growing number of scientists believes is a trigger for autoimmune disorders.


The study concluded finally that the Bradley effect was a real phenomenon, amounting to a median gap of 3.1 percentage points before 1996, but that it was likely not the sole factor in those discrepancies, and further that it had ceased to manifest itself at all by 1996.


I have noticed a similar phenomenon i myself.


Also presented in the gallery are jars with tissue samples and patient statements, all of which add to the subtle and ironic questioning of the modern phenomenon of plastic surgery.


On the other hand, our other source of pre-1800s data (ice cores) match the pre-1800 tree rings and we have a hypothesis whereby the slowdown is a new phenomenon.


By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries.


«If there’s not a lot of sellers, that means the volume is driven by the people that are buying because the number of sellers is relatively fixed, which is an interesting phenomenon


has produced a 78-48 ATS record with +25.92 units earned, so we wanted to know whether this phenomenon also exists during the MLB Playoffs.


The cycle of poverty is a phenomenon where poor families, more severely in LEDCs, become trapped in poverty for generations due to limited or no access to fundamental resources such as education, financial and subsequent generations also being underprivileged.


Venus» dark side actually glows — in real life as an unexplained scientific phenomenon — emitting a faint auroral effect known as the «Ashen Light.»


To lessen an alleged threat from catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) and stronger extreme weather phenomena that has never been shown to exist.


You will experience this natural phenomenon, cage-less and free, as you dive to depths of about 5-7 meters and watch the scene unfold around you.


Over the decades, Banerjee and colleagues have developed a fundamental understanding of the details of the phenomena and processes that occur at these compliant interfaces and captured the essence of these in relatively simple expressions that have very wide ranges of applicability.


We may, according to current wisdom, safely study the human phenomenon we call «religion.»


Kant’s interest in the essay on the existence of God is to demonstrate that physical law holds sway over a much broader array of phenomena than is usually thought, even by Newtonians.


Jan 04,2016… The National Automobile Show… is a Big League event, a social phenomenon curiously and peculiarly A…


A vast number of mainstream Christians, for example, have no difficulty accepting scientific principles, and see the Bible as history, poetry, and literature, and many events as primitive explanations of phenomena by people with no concept of, say, a heliocentric system or tectonic plates.


Observations of two phenomena strongly suggested that light propagates as waves.


In fact, I was so interested in this phenomenon that I did an MA dissertation about why people write without certain markets once, and doing my research I worked out that there are roughly around 99 % more people writing fiction than would get accepted by commercial houses, i.e. 1 % would get taken on, if that.


He still marvels at the Harry Potter phenomenon and the «chops» of his young costars, especially Daniel Radcliffe.


The ubiquity of the phenomenon has even given rise to a new field known as eco-evolutionary dynamics (1).


Shown here is a PNNL illustration of the phenomenon, «solvent cavitation under solvo-phobic confinement,» which PNNL researchers saw occur with carbon-rich nanorods they mistakenly created.


The Minister of Education nominee, Matthew Opoku Prempeh at his vetting in Parliament on Tuesday [January 25], proposed that as part of reforms to address the phenomenon of examination question leakages,…


We always thought that the climate naturally changes from decade to decade and century to century, and that at least some of the reported «global warming» was probably just a natural phenomenon.


Of course, you must be ready with a plan on how to save them when a disaster phenomenon would come.


The details of this remarkable phenomenon are just now becoming clear


The floating phenomenons fill the void of the urban and natural landscapes.


The long-term effect of The Usual Suspects, besides kicking off the big twist ending (and the handling of the revelation) phenomenon, is the actors.


American Singles looking for love and relationship online has become a well-know phenomenon in the last few years when thousands of couples met each other at online dating services.


Commonly, the motifs are almost washed away and formed as specific signifiers of various phenomena.


As entangled particles can be in two or more states at once, the phenomenon is key to quantum computing.


This paper, a brief review and critique of the essay «Critical Assessment of Claims Regarding Management of Feral Cats by Trap-Neuter-Return» by Travis Longcore, Catherine Rich, and Lauren M. Sullivan, now includes sections on Toxoplasma gondii, the mesopredator release phenomenon, and more.


Recent studies have shed light on this phenomenon

If it was a naturally occurring phenomenon, Archimedes could predict it

This phenomenon is

“Right, it could be that this whole phenomenon he’s picking up is part of a self-replicating network that was released by Brasil a hundred years after we left

Counted among the best of the newest matchmaking phenomenon of the advanced

privacy of your home as you exchange news and views, there’s a lot this phenomenon has

» That was still seven months away and he doubted that this phenomenon would continue into the Kuiper belt because it was too warm for condensates to form

«There are other phenomenon that can effect instruments,» Thom said

I want to go back and re-examine that impactor to see if it shares this new phenomenon

They were discussing the phenomenon they were chasing, which they had already observed even before they finished the calibration

I have seen this phenomenon on countless occasions,

This inexplicable phenomenon is not restricted to the

and that the phenomenon of trapped emotions will

This result is a phenomenon I call “overload”, which

this phenomenon the “Heart-Wall”, and here is how

Terry and his magic shin pads were a phenomenon; they

Belatedly, he realised that he was experiencing that phenomenon

He took out his pocket watch, opened it and read again, Time is the uniquely subjective phenomenon

” Then he continued, “This inner halving, or doubling, is precisely what gives rise to the fractal phenomenon

Lastly, however, although I studied Jung extensively in school, I never read anything about his studies into ‘occult phenomenon

see this phenomenon – not wanting to look a gift horse in

«You do understand that those extra chances you gave him have made this expedition a planet-wide media phenomenon and cost all of us the opportunity of ever sending more probes to the surface?»

On the opposite end of the spectrum a similar phenomenon takes places while life goes on forever and ever, in an endless loop, where the past meets the present and goes on with its incessant renewal and evolution

Scientists considering the phenomenon from this limited angle can rightly come to the conclusion that the space-time notion is finite

In fact, no scientist can fully explain the phenomenon and neither can I

Personal experiences lead me to believe that the phenomenon is not only possible but that we realize it on a regular basis, in one way or another, without being conscious of the fact

Puberty saw the return of this phenomenon for one night

The resident physician couldn’t explain the phenomenon

Tohm laughed aloud, “Yes, Time is the uniquely subjective phenomenon

A glimmer of recognition and far deeper understanding of the wrinkle phenomenon welled up within her

“If it’s any help, we of Breuges have always privately held out the faint hope it might be some cosmic phenomenon that would do for us what our scientists couldn’t

a phenomenon often called the ‘Global Cooling’), which will then take the planet to the next Ice Age

Today, there is even an International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) for those who wish to obtain more information on such a phenomenon

This phenomenon is consistent with the notion that the creative process is a continuous one

Approaching the Lyridian-7 region, this was the edge of where the phenomenon was known to be affecting space with its most intense sign-wave

Chris was beginning to conclude that it could not be a natural phenomenon, for two reasons

Only a year ago of local time Zorandi himself had experienced the merest fraction of a second of this phenomenon; it sent him back to his childhood

A time dilational phenomenon as a layer around an opposing force

With our energy at an all time low, in the midst of the desert, someone screamed, “A sandstorm!” We stared at the on-coming phenomenon

4 If we wanted to perform an experiment that would prove that galaxies and other celestial objects in space are in general moving away from us, how would we go about doing this? The initial thought that led people to believe that objects are moving away from Earth (and that the Universe, as a result of this, is thought to be expanding), originated when they encountered the red-shift phenomenon when viewing the majority of stars and/or galaxies

We touched on this in previous chapters, but will now look at this phenomenon in a little more detail

5 Considering that the majority of the science community accepts that the speed of light has always had a constant value; the only explanation that would fit this phenomenon, would be to assume that objects are in fact, moving away from us and that the red-shift, is caused by the resulting Doppler Effect

What makes this phenomenon even more mind-boggling is the fact that we are working here with a genealogy – people’s names

This phenomenon is found throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament

The next phenomenon that we will consider is that of Equidistant Letter Sequences or ELS that are found in the original text of the Bible

This phenomenon was first discovered in the 1200s AD by rabbis who had devoted their lives to the preservation of the original texts contained in the Bible

If we analyse this phenomenon somewhat, it is logical to expect the word “Torah” to be found at various intervals throughout the Torah, due to the length of the word

If we consider the accurate letter skips that are used in each case, the unique and defined starting positions in each book, and the patterns that are mirrored around Leviticus; it is statistically much more improbable that this phenomenon occurred as a result of mere chance

For this phenomenon to have been included in the text by accident, we would have to multiply our already impossible odds of constructing the numerical structure of the text by another 3,000,000 to obtain the odds of this being a result of chance

Although some sceptics of this phenomenon have found similar patterns in secular books, their results were within statistically expected values

Statistically, and if one considers this phenomenon to be a result of chance, one is not supposed to find the kind of information in ELS’s as lengthy, as accurate and as complex as one finds it in the Bible

It is relatively easy to find 4 to 8-letter words or phrases in any text, but to have meaningful and relevant codes of 296-letters that convey an understandable message about a specific subject or person is a phenomenon that is only encountered in the Bible

This entire phenomenon is similar to what is found within the DNA molecule where the basic building blocks, or base pairs, are supported by a double-helix structure, the base pairs form genes and the genes form chromosomes

This phenomenon is only found in the Bible and no other book on earth has these characteristics

For a few seconds he stood frozen, captivated by this strange phenomenon, until some base survival instinct kicked in

More evidence of this phenomenon, recently discovered by seismologists from Washington University in St

The same phenomenon took place if they saw a

natural phenomenon, and it was exciting for all of those present

William Manchester, a noted historian described this phenomenon relative to Douglas Macarthur, in a 1970″s tome, as the „American Caesar

As the Shenandoah headed north, there was an eerie feeling for those who were not accustomed to this phenomenon, and it

Adem knew that in a way, Carl resented being an eyewitness to supernatural phenomenon; it made him feel that he needed purification from the sin of being witness to the afterlife

Gina’s senses told her this was no more than a storm – albeit unlike one she had ever before witnessed, but still a natural meteorological phenomenon

Something was happening to time, a phenomenon he didn’t entirely understand

No language he knew had ever had to account for such a phenomenon

Ironically, this trend appears to be declining among Blacks and Whites, although a reemerging phenomenon appears to be gaining momentum among ―recently‖ arrived ethnic groups spanning second and third generations or perhaps it only seems that way

This sociological phenomenon owed more to circumstance rather than bias

This not so extraordinary phenomenon, that seeks the path of least resistance, does not bode well for America‘s blue collar workers whose jobs are being systematically eliminated at alarming rates exceeding the market‘s ability to replace them, if such is its intent, which it is not, I feel

Then the negotiations started, and a strange phenomenon emerged

Guilt is a solitary phenomenon understood by a troubled Conscience

The phenomenon of public opinion, or its volatility, I should say, is rooted, in part, in the (composite) uncertainties of a society‘s moral, spiritual and intellectual positions that are often unclear, if not incomprehensible to individuals who have never been properly instructed to learn or to think critically about what they have learned or make proper sense out of what they have learned; whose

This not so unusual phenomenon is oftentimes apparent in densely populated (urban) areas whose complexity and

This is not some recent phenomenon, although it may oftentimes appear that way in light of the many enhancements that continue to emerge without reprieve, but a cross-generational work in process, rather, that often assumes different sizes and shapes yet whose fundamental principles remain constant

A troubling (social) phenomenon has been gaining momentum in recent years: an increasing Islamic presence within the African

Somehow, whatever phenomenon transported Daniel forward in time, transported me back to you

I do not mean to imply that America‘s historical evolution was exclusively a White Male phenomenon

They further explain the phenomenon of multi-culturalism and its balkanize agenda calling for a new social order replacing homogenous ones

This is not to imply that morality is a relative phenomenon, however

But what was even more vicious than violence at polling stations was the new phenomenon of racist lynchings

This market phenomenon will assume special importance in the future for late marrying couples who will be raising families well into their forties or early to middle fifties

This may be due to what I call the “morning sickness phenomenon,” or the pain may have been reduced by a program of regular stretching

This is a psychological phenomenon in which captors express empathy and feelings towards their hostages

He drove the entire length of town several times, peering into the entrance of every waterfront property, but there was no sign of any fishing boats at all, a phenomenon he found strikingly odd: after all, the pueblo’s name in English was Old Port and what was a port without boats other than dug-out canoes or a public jetty? He returned the car to the general store, and decided to endure the heat trudging the length of the beachfront road in a more careful search for a dock or someone who knew the whereabouts of the Caroline

These social sites were a real phenomenon

Once that system had become inert, the gravitational forces, a natural phenomenon that Hilderich could not fully grasp yet, had torn the shell world apart within a few hours

As a separate phenomenon from the Black Sea flood story, what might have been the cause of the Mesopotamian version? I’ve already said that it could have come from beyond the headwaters of the Tigris-Euphrates river system as a catastrophic release, an incidental causative from the rapid retreat of the northern ice cap

I was then picturing him running to one of his bookshelves and grabbing a science book and saying something like: what you are experiencing Phil is the phenomenon known as olfactory taste osmosis

However, the phenomenon is much more complex

This phenomenon is called inspiration

Defoliation is a nonspecific phenomenon

A phenomenon I have seen in all my years of reading so-called Christian books is that when the highly educated theologian makes a statement, they usually supply a quotation from scripture in brackets and then continue with their teaching

There are many theories related to this phenomenon which makes it difficult to understand the reasons why elephants do this

The Word-of-Mouth phenomenon is established through the

Thoughts on the boundaries and the logic, preventing people’s attention to the Divine, suddenly fading as soon as the human eye falls on the unusual phenomenon in the center of this temple of nature

that there is no doubt this phenomenon will happen in other

From more figurative representation and the phenomenon of

Fall does not mean the end, withered flowers bloom is just a natural phenomenon, a natural process

However, the Sanskrit word karma means «action» and action is a phenomenon that is performed by a person

to the phenomenon of

Every mental or physical phenomenon could be explained by these all-embracing five orders or processes which are laws in themselves

It is therefore obvious that we should not focus on the temporary phenomenon of the wave, but on the force that causes, forms, and drives it

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