Use the word personality in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “personality” in a sentence. How to connect “personality” with other words to make correct English sentences.

personality (n): the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think

Use “personality” in a sentence

His wife has a strong personality.
I don’t like his shallow personality.
I don’t like his shallow personality.
She has a very strong personality.

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  • Use the word personality in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Your whole personality is sunnier.

With that type of personality that will surprise you. When they open up and start singing,

Hi. Good. Reba has a big personality.

All I got is my sparkling personality and this scam.

She’s smart, pretty, athletic with a great personality to boot.

The individual personality, having hardly had time to become conscious of itself… dissolved in the mass, and the mass itself became dissolved in the revolutionary ├®lan.

«I fear — — I too might fall under the spell of your personality

Salesmanship is 98% personality… and that’s something you haven’t got.

That’s not personality, that’s stupidity.

That’s what I mean. That’s personality.

There may be other crimes lying … You mean, there’s a sort of dual personality in her. One of these persons is violent and cruel and the other, just an ordinary woman.

If we set this bad personality free, we must be prepared to show her the responsibility.

Think of her personality.

You’ll have to keep her personality in mind.

It wasn’t your personality, Mr. Livingstone, just your very loud voice.

You’d be lovely to have around, just to sprinkle the flowers with your personality.

I got colur, I got personality.

That’s our racket giving you guerillas a personality.

He had a swell personality.

Scrapes. Dazzling clothes. A gorgeous pinwheel personality.

Didn’t you ever hear of personality?

You got a swell voice and a great personality.

Must be your personality, sweetmeat.

He’s got personality, he has. He’s different.

I have no protection I am not a personality.

Making the acquaintance of the charming lady with the, uh, Interesting personality.

Because a lady has a point of view, a personality and an individuality. All the devil you with.

The lady’s personality must be defended.

They can’t do that to a theater personality.

You’ve got a new personality, to say nothing of a new pose.

Mademoiselle, that brings out all the charm in your personality.

But I’m sure he’ll want me to have something that expresses my personality.

He knows so much more about your personality than I do. Oh, no. No, please.

I’m trying to find something to suit the personality of Miss Sophie Teale.

Is Miss Teale’s personality in there? — Yes, right in there.

Original personality… self-centered, withdrawn.

personality, make him your pal.

Let’s not deal in personality.

Turn on that 160 pounds of personality.

Myrt and Marge? — No. I’m a dual personality.

What standard do you take to assess his personality?

Ask you to forgive, respect our personality please!

Joke, respect personality

I’ll show you another facet of my personality.

Jorma and Ava had sparred about what was Tdeshi and what was a new personality before Jorma learned that Tdeshi’s body was possessed by a Yingolian ghost

His current position as a television personality has caused researchers to question the validity of previous records, or whether this Wolf Blitzer is the “real” one

Every female body on the male side was a perfect houri, designed to taste, with a personality designed to be pleasant and encourage the man to talk about himself

So, that was my reward for the hard, specialized and unpaid work of one and a half month: The guru talked to me for ten whole minutes (something unprecedented within the five years in total I have attended Janus), he advised me to wear more modern clothes and nicer glasses, and he made clear that men avoid me because of my high intelligence and strong personality

Teacher: If you see a teacher, it means that you should change your attitude and improve your personality; if you are the teacher, you will face psychological problems

She could sense no personality save for that one weird sense of longing that seemed to flow from his soul

Beyond the confines of earth-time, way out beyond the fringes of the universe where dark matter falls forever, Smith thought about nothing, taking slow but gigantic steps towards origin, and in thinking, even on a universal scale, Smith began to acquire the very first trappings of personality

No matter how hard He tried to order creation, however, he continually discovered unwelcome shades of black within the unlimited spaces of the void, and in so doing He revealed even more of a personality

In personality Desa was more outspoken, more direct, Luray was somewhat more aloof

Her sole purpose in life seemed to be dedicated to looking down her nose at people, and nowhere was this alarming personality trait more obviously demonstrated than in her reaction to possible suitors

My personality at the time was being fueled by religious fanaticism and a refusal to sleep made it a more serious case

A type 3 can act worse than a type 1, it all depends on who does or doesn’t get help or meds or whose personality elevates or depreciates the event with conflicting factors

The personality is so unique that it might be a pain wreathed

are really different in desires and personality traits

These listings hold the interests and personality answers to your opening profile questions, as these are used to locate a compatible mate, offering a nice

This shows that you have boldness and a direct personality, which may greatly help you when trying to network

This lovely old place was once owned by a famous television personality, whose claim to good fortune and favour was based upon his inestimable knowledge of all things horticultural

The gardens at the manor were extensive and with so many important assignments and projects to see to, neither the television personality nor his faithful gardener had ever found the time to finish remodelling every nook and cranny in the place

A personification could always be changed, but there was no one who’s personality really interested him

Ava’s personality hadn’t interested him for the past few years had it? She had always been full of herself as Systems Administrator

The Shark-IV had several user panels but they controlled things like what kind of suit it wore, the color and style of hair, features, build, the sound and tone of voice it used, its manners and personality type and what hobbies it should speak of in social settings

this alarming personality trait more obviously demonstrated than in

I skim through the diary entries for the years 1950-57 again, looking for any spark of personality, a mention of a friend

His personality is such that he need not challenge anyone, nor try to prove anything

Without the shonggot and a new personality grown in her place, the Yakhan would have changed her

as you said, she wasn’t anything much to look at, but her personality and sheer vitality were incredibly attractive

“But your personality is more like Tdeshi’s than Ava’s is

“They didn’t really give me a personality,” Ava continued, not giving him a chance to think this out

of natural personality and the circumstances of his birth meant that

“I am a different personality, I was created in a lab in the Kassikan

They managed to keep this body alive but a different personality grew up inside it

It is plain in these pictures that Tdeshi’s personality was changing

He is given the capability of emotions and conscience, and he may develop intellect and reason, respectively; we can also call these two subcategories of his spiritual nature essence and personality, something given and something acquired

“Never had a personality to load in place of the victim’s before I guess

During the long, pillow tossing watches of the night, between imagined conversations during which Andy persuaded the Sergeant by sheer dint of his charismatic personality that there had been nothing going on, the unwelcome thought had occurred to Andy that the Sergeant was being exceptionally curious about what Andy had been doing since he left Tracey

We found a lot of evidence that she had already undergone many personality changes from what her old boyfriend remembers

Some of these had less personality than some klizhorns and this seemed to be one of them

In the past he never saw a reason why a re-lighting of Tdeshi’s candle, a re-sparking of her life, would have produced such a different personality

She was certainly a different personality from Tdeshi, but she wasn’t even a moderately abnormal personality

By that time we’d stopped being an item and become friends – he’d phone me whenever he was having a problem just to talk it through – it was difficult … we’d nothing in common by that time … all part of his addictive personality, I suppose

“I do not presume to categorize my children by tucking them under some fixed label of personality, you understand, yet it is most apparent that Titania is far more ready to spend time in the forest and mountains, or on horseback, than inside four walls however pleasant the accommodations

From all the different levels of surprise and shock on his face she could see the difference the level of survival made in a personality

She was more than just pretty, it involved her actions and personality

She knew how Delos felt, but she knew enough about humans to know that without those androids Alan would be flinging excrement and have the personality of a spider

I soon found out she was still in existence! And yes! Doing the same job, although she had been through numerous changes and upgrades she was still the same personality!

and his shy personality was hardly attractive that day

He certainly had the right personality, but he had too much data about his life and this world’s history

There is a personality

What we find helpful is knowing something about the personality of the person involved

Mary is not a personality type in this story, nor does she represent some special ministry, but she represents the

These androids were merely I/O devices with the ability to capture a human body’s sensory input channels, and produce a human body’s output motions when controlled by a personality that was actually located on some host distributed on the commnet

I really didn’t put enough personality into it that you would have wanted to converse with it anyway

We will continue to research the personality transfer via helmet technique in hopes that someday we will be able to free her after all

We already know that parents exert a strong influence on their children’s personality

This is the area of your personality that you share with others in varying degrees, depending upon your trust level with

They need to have the correct skills, personality and motivations for

In Liam’s case, he seemed to be enjoying my annoyance and found my icy personality to be amusing

Are they religious? How many children do they have? What is their personality

Her Hellhound name was Poison, which suited her personality

But men tended to go for looks and not necessarily a nice personality

She seemed to have a very strong personality and looked like she could take control of any situation

But some children will show certain preferences early on, whether it’s an overt response to music, being very physically active, or having a reserved personality that is seemingly focused on internal thoughts

[215] For example, in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna refers to Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead

If you decide that Buddhism is your path, it is important to recognize that there are differences that you must take into account when choosing the school that best fits your personality

” When he interviews an applicant he looks for certain things: A down-to-earth personality, a caring about others, a desire to make one’s self better, and a conscience

personality as is the urge to procreate

My personality is basically a loner type

was sensitive and caring with a warm personality that immediately

he had part of his personality, a deep place that Jack knew his boy

therefore a jealous personality

They don’t have the personality or responsiveness of a dog, she’s often claimed

She felt that familiar block in her feelings towards him as she saw the shift in his personality

He had studied Tanya’s background; her psychology didn’t indicate any kind of addictive personality, though addiction to TIAR was doubtless understandable in their location

Laughing without orders indicates f leftist longhaired liberal f ways with communist tendencies, but fortunately for the f Rooinek and I, he, Sergeant van der Merwe by the grace of General Coetzee blah blah blah, knows how to cure this f profound f error in my f personality and f stop me from degenerating into communist

His flair for laughter and his extrovert personality certainly made up for his lack in looks and physique

The kiss still did not have the fireworks that girls dream of, but he made up for that in the way he cared and with his bubbly personality

As luck would have it I have the type of personality which finds great amusement in my own jokes…for days on end

The US being militarily strong and aggressive is a central part of the identity and personality of some Americans

remembered with the outgoing personality who always remembered

She had a wonderful personality, and as I viewed the

I shrank away, but the force of his personality overwhelmed me and I took it despite myself

The kind of personality that runs a prison, or ‘detention barracks,’ is not often noted for artistic creativity

He needed to become one with this invented personality

Of prime importance was the matter of Teresa, her character, her tendencies, personality, her fine mind

The fact that a man can even consider whether he is worthy of receiving the Victoria Cross says something about his makeup, his personality

person does, or that I have to enjoy his personality

And maybe even congregations put far too much emphasis on the personality of their minister

Surely a machine of your higher intellect and quite evident power can only treat this inadvertent mishap as nothing more than a tedious trifle and I must say so, I’m considered well traveled from where we come from but I’ve never met such a charismatic personality such as yours

is vital to realise that the personality we have today is as a result of

Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria, accused him of teaching the dual personality of Christ, a view which was formally condemned and anathematized by the Third Council of Ephesus, 431…The controversy lasted for two centuries” (Encyc

Cara wasn’t sure if the closeness she was feeling toward Rob was due to his personality and character, or if his having talents had hurried the friendship process along

Adam has an extremely powerful personality

He said that Adam was of ‗superior intelligence‘ however, he also had personality disorders

Allerton‘s provisional diagnosis is Paranoid Personality Disorder

Each Bank3Sector has juridical personality and its actions occur through Usuarist Projects, as well as the actions of all the agreed organizations

I always received special treatment from gurus and spiritual healers because of my personality and wealth; so I feared the same here

I always received special treatment from gurus and spiritual healers because of my personality and wealth; so I feared the same

Definition of Personality

the attitude, temperament, and disposition of someone

Examples of Personality in a sentence

Many people loved Cassie’s personality because she would always make you laugh with her wonderful sense of humor and kindness.


On Sylvia’s blind date, she loved Mark’s personality because he was courteous, affectionate and humble.


Due to the candidate’s pessimistic personality, she kept talking about herself and how bad everyone else was being towards her.


Having such a calm and fun personality, everyone wanted to be around the young woman since she was so easy to talk to.


Since the leader had a charismatic personality, he gained the trust of the country’s citizens in order to become a dictator.


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Synonym: identity, individuality. Similar words: personal, personally, impersonal, interpersonal, nationality, personable, impersonate, impersonation. Meaning: [‘pɜrsə’nælətɪ /’pɜː-]  n. 1. the complex of all the attributes—behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental—that characterize a unique individual 2. a person of considerable prominence. 

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1) He maintained order by sheer force of personality.

2) She has such a kind, friendly personality.

3) His personality has several dimensions.

4) She had a bright and bubbly personality.

5) Serle has a blander personality than Howard.

6) Tom felt himself being drawn towards her vibrant personality.

7) He has a strong personality.

8) Be elegant and with nice personality.

9) His wife has a strong personality.

10) Gill had an extraordinary,( incandescent personality.

11) His personality is in good taste.

12) She has a very strong personality.

13) Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality.

14) His personality made him an easy subject for parody.

15) He developed a split personality after the crash.

16) People’s clothes are often an expression of their personality.

17) Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.

18) She has such an endearing personality.

19) They testify to the extraordinary potency of his personality.

20) A child’s personality is fixed in the first five years of life.

21) An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader.

22) A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.

23) He’s got a few kinks in his personality, if you ask me.

24) There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group.

25) He was an ambitious man with a strong personality .

26) He has magnetic personality.

27) What one describes in the books is one’s thought in his mind. The personality of a book is that of the author.

28) We don’t need people who follow the rules. We need people with personality.

29) It’s not suspicious that I’m fixating. It’s consistent with my personality.

30) The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.

More similar words: personal, personally, impersonal, interpersonal, nationality, personable, impersonate, impersonation, persona non grata, originality, person, in person, personnel, the first person, seasonal, personification, quality, nationalism, rationalize, mortality, sexuality, conviviality, essentiality, impartiality, technicality, ever so, cumbersome, resonant, resonate, resonance. 

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