Use the word pedestrian in a sentence

1. In Los Angeles a pedestrian is a rare spectacle.

2. She was mown down on a pedestrian crossing.

3. The pedestrian stopped at the curbside.

4. The criminal pushed a pedestrian down and ran away.

5. New pedestrian pathways are being built alongside the road.

6. The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle.

7. The lorry driver escaped unhurt, but a pedestrian was injured.

8. Life in the suburbs can be pretty pedestrian.

9. His speech was long and pedestrian.

10. The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian.

11. Her books, with few exceptions, are workmanlike but pedestrian.

12. I traversed the narrow pedestrian bridge.

13. The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway.

14. He was rather a pedestrian student.

15. He ran through the pedestrian subway.

16. Her latest play is more pedestrian and less ambitious than her earlier work.

17. The pedestrian who had nearly been run over reported the incident to the police.

18. The driver was slanging a pedestrian who had got in his way.

19. We have had repeated requests for a pedestrian crossing near the school.

20. His style is so pedestrian that the book becomes a real bore.

21. The pedestrian signal had turned to green.

22. The second concern was the shortage of pedestrian crossings.

23. Pedestrian accidents are down by 5%.

24. The jockey collided with a pedestrian, knocked himself out and is sidelined with concussion.

25. The project could include a pedestrian bridge over Valley Parkway that would allow easy access to the arts center and City Hall.

26. Crime statistics, pedestrian activity and public perceptions of security will all be monitored before and after scheme installation.

27. The plan entails rerouting traffic through a tunnel to create a vast pedestrian area around Al-Azhar.

28. The car mounted the kerb and knocked over a pedestrian.

29. He jumped like a man who’d been zapped with 1 0see also PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, PELICAN CROSSINGapping through some modern novels at the moment.

30. All three, when they achieve greatness, have also an undeniable high style which separates them from the pedestrian mobs.

Use ‘pedestrian’ in a sentence | ‘pedestrian’ example sentences

1- A policeman was gazing at a suspicious pedestrian.

2- Yesterday a pedestrian was run over by a truck at this pedestrian crossing.

3- A cyclist struck a pedestrian, severely injuring him, at this crosswalk this morning.

4- Someone once joked that one traffic hazard that drivers seem determined to eliminate is the pedestrian.

5- The officer also notified authorities that he had struck a pedestrian.

6- “You need better pedestrian safety along the Strip, obviously,” he said.

7- 66207A pedestrian told KRDO that he was almost caught in the crossfire.

8- A public pedestrian walkway will be maintained along the current sidewalk.

9- Or question if the one-time front-runner was merely a pedestrian candidate.

10- Vu was cited for failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk, police said.

11- The popular 4-mile-long Strip becomes a lengthy pedestrian mall for the night.

12- The woman was the sixth pedestrian to die on Edmonton streets so far this year.

13- The pedestrian is stable and in good condition, according to CNN affiliate WSB.

14- The pedestrian falls to the ground, gets up and runs to his car, parked nearby.

15- View photo A pedestrian walks past an entrance of Moabit prison in a file photo.

16- As a result, pedestrian fatalities in particular are higher in poor communities.

17- He struck the pedestrian along with three cars, and one of those hit another car.

18- The injured pedestrian was a man who looked to be in his early 20s, says McGuigan.

19- Too early to question if the one-time front-runner is merely a pedestrian candidate.

20- Police said the pedestrian who was hit, 54-year-old Tina Collins, died 10 days later.

21- Police said they would release the name of the pedestrian after relatives are notified.

22- This is the third pedestrian to be struck and killed by a vehicle in the GTA this week.

23- View gallery A pedestrian passes outside an old factory in Athens, Monday, May 25, 2015.

24- “Right now, being a pedestrian and being a cyclist can be a scary moment,” Hawkins said.

25- The northern side of the carriageway will be widened to improve pedestrian accessibility.

26- The school plans to emphasize pedestrian safety to students when class is back in session.

27- City of Edmonton officials spoke about a crash between a pedestrian and snow plow Thursday.

28- Abubkar was arrested for failing to yield to a pedestrian, and the TLC suspended his license.

29- But they took a strong view against any proposal to rid the area of the wide pedestrian zones.

30- The “courtyard” space would include traffic lanes for vehicles along with pedestrian sidewalks.

31- “The design won’t change whether we make it pedestrian or vehicular,” Mayor Clark Hill observed.

32- The double and triple lines of pedestrian and vehicular fences in other places should be pruned.

33- But Rauch will gradually be shaking up the often predictable, sometimes pedestrian OSF aesthetic.

34- A car was heading north on Highway 2 when it hit the pedestrian just before 11 p.m. MT, RCMP say.

35- 957454You can often find a stroopwafel vendor on Spuistraat, the main pedestrian shopping street.

36- Cyclists are also allowed, but the city says they have to walk their bikes in the pedestrian lane.

37- Amazingly, the reverse-driver avoids hitting oncoming traffic and even a pedestrian along the way.

38- A man walking on a pedestrian bridge is silhouetted against skyscrapers in Beijing January 21, 2015.

39- The boy, a passenger on the top deck of the bus, and the woman, a pedestrian, both died at the scene.

40- Woman hit by bus The collision was the second fatality involving a pedestrian in the city on Tuesday.

41- One curb cut is directly below a pedestrian bridge that is outfitted with a handicap accessible ramp.

42- Simply put, even a vigilant driver cannot see a darkly clothed pedestrian until it’s too late to stop.

43- Photo: Jessica Christian / The Chronicle A pedestrian jogs across Sagamore Street at San Francisco’s..

44- Most bridges on the island are for pedestrian traffic, bicycles and all-terrain vehicles only.

45- A walkway on the bridge is open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

46- The second, a pedestrian entrance, is at Broadway and East Broadway Avenues.

47- The -mile (0 km) Poughkeepsie Bridge was opened as a pedestrian walkway in 2009.

48- There are some pedestrian tunnels to get from building to building during harsh weather.

49- The model underlying pedestrian dynamics is the Social Force Model by Dirk Helbing et al. from 1995.

50- Summary Class 171 Turbostar from the pedestrian footbridge at Pevensey and Westham railway station, Eastbourne.

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peddlers – peddling – pederast – pederasts – pederasty – pedestal – pedestals – pedestrian – pedestrianized – pedestrians – pediatric – pediatrician – pediatricians – pediatrics – pedicab –

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Definition of Pedestrian

uninteresting or boring

Examples of Pedestrian in a sentence

A large number of people fell asleep during the pedestrian play.


If the book’s plot is pedestrian, then readers will quickly grow tired of the boring story.


I couldn’t help but yawn as I watched the pedestrian film.


Despite the glowing reviews of the hotel’s architecture, I found the establishment to be pedestrian and completely uninspiring in its design.


Because Jim found pedestrian life to be be extremely boring, he couldn’t wait to move back to the big city.


Other words in the Boring category:

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pedestrian — перевод на русский


To tell you the truth, when I see the plight of pedestrians,

По правде говоря.. Я чувствую вину, когда вижу пешеходов.

Each private automobile squeezes out a dozen pedestrians;

Каждый личный автомобиль вытесняет дюжину пешеходов.


В целях вашей безопасности вход на мост для автомобилей и пешеходов будет закрыт до окончания всех работ.

The port of San Ysidro, California: 45,000 vehicles on average, 25,000 pedestrians per day.

Границу пересекают в среднем 45 тысяч автомобилей и 25 тысяч пешеходов в сутки.

On my way to work, plowing down pedestrians.

Иду на работу, расталкиваю пешеходов.

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In pedestrian zones.

В пешеходных зонах.

You scared the life out of me the other day. Pedestrians do not have the right-of-way.

Тогда ты напугал меня до смерти Да и пешеходных переходов тут нет

Just wondering, is there something I don’t understand about the way pedestrian crossings function, or, got a little trick?

Просто интересно, есть что-то такое, чего я не понимаю в способе работы пешеходных переходов, или у тебя свой секрет?

Teach me anything about pedestrian crossings, will you?

Будешь рассказывать мне о пешеходных переходах?

Now let’s talk about pedestrian crossings.

Теперь давайте поговорим о пешеходных переходах.

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I thought it was a little pedestrian, rushed.

Я думал, что это немного прозаично, торопливо.

How absolutely pedestrian.

Как абсолютно прозаично.

— How pedestrian.

— Как прозаично.

Nothing so pedestrian.

Всё не настолько прозаично.

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Coast to coast, for more than 2 decades, teams of troops would just — appear out of nowhere and randomly stop cars and search pedestrians.

Более двух десятилетий по всей стране из неоткуда появлялись военные команды, наугад останавливая машины и обыскивая прохожих.

He was kicking cars and screaming at pedestrians.

Он пинал машины и кричал на прохожих.

Dr. Edward Jenkinson, a psychiatrist, two pedestrians, struck at random in the street and the perpetrator himself, who apparently committed suicide.

Доктор Эдвард Дженкинсон, психиатр, двое случайных прохожих на улице и сам преступник, который, по всей видимости, совершил самоубийство.

The rest of you, watch the street, keep pedestrians clear.

Остальные следите за улицей, смотрите, чтоб не было прохожих.

They can’t threaten my license over a pedestrian…

Они не могут угрожать мне отзывом лицензии из-за прохожего…

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Harvard is so pedestrian.

Гарвард — это так заурядно.

Ah, pedestrian.

А, как заурядно.

No, no, no, no, no, pizza is so pedestrian.

Нет, нет, нет, нет, пицца — это так заурядно.

The psychopath who called Bon Jovi pedestrian?

Это тот псих, который назвал Бон Джови заурядным?

I can handle that pedestrian sociopath.

Я могу справиться с этим заурядным социопатом.

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— I think Jerry is very pedestrian.

Я думаю, Джерри — это очень скучно.

That’s kind of pedestrian, don’t you think?

Это ведь скучно, вы так не думаете?

But herpes is way too pedestrian.

Но герпес это слишком скучно.

How pedestrian to expend all that effort on a mere demon.

Как скучно тратить свои силы на обычного демона.

he’s a pedestrian guy.

Он скучный парень.

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or else a light or an absence of light, a noise of an absence of noise, a wall, a group of people, a tree, some water, a porch, a fence, advertising posters, paving stones, a pedestrian crossing,

свет или отсутствие света, шум или отсутствие шума, стена, группа людей, дерево, вода, портик, забор, афиши, булыжники мостовой, пешеходный переход, витрина магазина, светящийся знак остановки, табличка с названием улицы,

Angela’s sketch shows the collapsed pedestrian walkway comes five feet from this drain.

Согласно эскизу Энджелы, обрушившийся пешеходный переход проходил в 5 футах от этого отверстия.

A third case of a bottle of sulfuric acid being dropped from heights took place in. Mongkok’s pedestrian zone last week.

Третья бутылка с серной кислотой была сброшена с высоты на пешеходный переход в Монгкоке.

It’s not like I mowed over a pedestrian.

Это не то, как если бы я скосил его на пешеходном переходе.

OK, we’re standing in the pedestrian crossing, alright, and I clearly pushed the button three times, OK?

Ладно, мы стояли на пешеходном переходе, и я явно нажал на кнопку три раза, понимаешь?

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Learn how to use pedestrian in a sentence and make better sentences with `pedestrian` by reading pedestrian sentence examples.

  • Very pedestrian no excitement seems kind of rushed.
  • If she led a boring and pedestrian life, maybe she could have used a little zing.
  • The writing style was very plain, even pedestrian.
  • In Lukeville, Ariz ., the pedestrian border crossing is only open about eight hours a day, an Immigration and Naturalization spokeswoman said.
  • It is often indented into the sidewalk or other pedestrian area.
  • Two other, preliminary European Norms that are under development deal with internal pedestrian doors ( prEN 14351-2 ), smoke and fire resisting doors, and openable windows ( prEN 16034 ).
  • The story is pretty pedestrian and not outstanding but young men might enough it.
  • Huervos were pedestrian.
  • I also find the musings quite pedestrian.
  • You can simply skim the rest and skip to the Conclusion, which is rather pedestrian.
  • Thus the Absolute I attains a most pedestrian view.
  • A wonderful festival it was, in Maricao, where thousands of people filled streets turned into pedestrian malls, where booths offered everything from bread to barbecue.
  • While going at top speed it is almost immposible to pick up a pedestrian.
  • Pedestrian friendly shopping and schools close to home sprinkled among picturesque parks.
  • The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian.
  • My pedestrian tastes didn’t find that so appetizing, although the final impact was worth it.
  • I rarely venture down there ’cause it requires lots of pedestrian effort.
  • The sandwiches looked a bit pedestrian and were kinda pricey for what you got but tasted good.
  • None of the characters are especially likeable, which is fine, but their insights are pedestrian.
  • Frankly, it seems to be written by a rather pedestrian mind.
  • About time Paris was returned to the pedestrian was the general mood.
  • The pedestrian approach to the spires is from the west.
  • This novel’s serial killer plot is a little on the pedestrian side.
  • The fact is, pedestrian traffic downtown will dwindle to virtually nothing after the games.
  • The ingredients currently on offer are a little pedestrian.
  • It could be an attractive sculpture when parked on the pedestrian walkway.
  • I admit, I enjoy fine food, but I also have a taste for the more pedestrian.
  • As a pedestrian, you also need to pay close attention to the walk signs and follow them accordingly.
  • The peppers on the Philly added flavor, there were too many onions and the bun was pedestrian.
  • The pedestrian suffered a broken leg and head injuries and driver left the scene.
  • Such a contrast to the pedestrian doctor who offers security but no fire.
  • A man armed with a pocketknife ordered a male pedestrian to give him cash.
  • The second concern was the shortage of pedestrian crossings.
  • The criteria for choosing your colors are pedestrian at best.
  • A cycle and pedestrian walkway is on both banks of the River Usk.
  • Under the roads was a large car park with pedestrian subways.
  • Meanwhile, the set condition that pedestrian crossing transforms from non-signal control mode to signal control mode is analyzed by using probability theory and gap acceptance theory.
  • Lizzy’s assistants Jessica and Hayley are seriously annoying and the writing is pedestrian.
  • However, the pedestrian bridge that went from Excalibur to New York, New York was closed.
  • They provide background and context but are pedestrian and uninspired.
  • This is a rather pedestrian Doctor Who story, pleasant enough but not outstanding.
  • Totally pedestrian dish.
  • Other Indian is pedestrian once you have debu’s food.
  • Pretty pedestrian at the end of the day.
  • The writing is so pedestrian it is utterly distracting.
  • This is Vegas, baby, and these guys looked like they should be on a pedestrian bridge selling water.
  • The food similarly is good, but pedestrian.
  • It draws you in easily and keeps you in, never turning pedestrian or clumsy or repetitive.
  • Other sauce options include a pedestrian ranch and a sweet and hot mustard.
  • This was somewhat entertaining but a bit pedestrian.
  • A frat boy’s pedestrian discourse with celebrity types.
  • The writing is pedestrian, verging on amateurish.
  • While I found this to be a pretty original set up, everything that follows is fairly pedestrian.
  • Already there have been several pedestrian accidents and hit and run cross walk accidents.
  • Sorry to say the rest of the stories were pallid, pedestrian, some even clumsy and uncertain.
  • Iron pedestrian bridges and gondola rides give the area a Venice-like atmosphere.
  • Ting : pedestrian bridges to be made safer and user-friendly, NEW.
  • The service was also decent, if a bit aloof and pedestrian.
  • The Insalata alla Cesare looked very pedestrian, but it actually tasted better than its looks.
  • I didn’t care for the pedestrian traffic from the adjacent condos, but it’s their risk right.
  • Sorry but I find this novel totally pedestrian.
  • It is connected to the terminal by a pedestrian bridge.
  • His prose is pedestrian, and he has no flair for narrative.
  • :The zig-zag applies to pedestrian crossings in general.
  • The music they play is really pedestrian.
  • Out on the street, the store’s window display _ a mannequin dressed for the apocalypse _ caused pedestrian rubbernecking along Madison Avenue.
  • Pedestrian and unoriginal.
  • City planners envision a mid-density, pedestrian friendly, transit oriented development, bounded by Mowry Ave, Fremont Blvd, Walnut Ave, and Paseo Padre Pkwy.
  • Pedestrian for the renown and price.
  • Pedestrian food and service.
  • I do like the relatively pedestrian friendly space it provides to roam about and window shop.
  • There’s no pedestrian walkway if you enter through that gate.
  • Also, it can be tough to drive through Town Square on a busy day because of pedestrian traffic.
  • I have found that wine bars are usually either too pretentious or pedestrian.
  • Kuala Lumpur City Hall tops the list with 54 pedestrian bridges.
  • Food wise, I went with the shrimp tacos and they were pedestrian.
  • Pedestrian subway under the road also still exists.
  • New guardhouses monitor pedestrian traffic, which is still allowed.
  • This pedestrian story doesn’t quite capture the characters correctly.
  • The Cambie Bridge ranks second of the three False Creek bridges by measure of pedestrian crossings.
  • In eastern Baghdad’s Zayuna neighborhood, pro-Saddam slogans appeared this week on a pedestrian bridge.
  • Apparently blond is too pedestrian for this character.
  • That said, if you have some time, go ahead, but I did warn you it would be a bit pedestrian.
  • It didn’t budge until a pedestrian noisily shooed it away.
  • The Harlem Valley Rail Trail is a paved bicycle and pedestrian path, partly completed, that will run from Wassaic to Chatham, New York.
  • It’s not good when an entirely pedestrian spring roll is the best part of your meal.
  • The criminal pushed a pedestrian down and ran away.
  • At a height of 36 metres or 12 storeys from the road, it’s the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore.
  • It’s so pedestrian to serve these kinds of dishes on a winterlicious menu.
  • Story line is OK but the writing is pedestrian.
  • Very pedestrian writing of a fairly interesting story idea.
  • The writing is pedestrian and the author makes little attempt to build suspense.
  • The shoes that will carry a person comfortably through any situation not involving a salad fork are bound to be pedestrian, in every sense of the word.
  • We found it to be very pedestrian, very average.
  • Hampton is doubtless an accomplished airman, however his narrative abilities are more pedestrian.
  • Since they spoke so highly of her I was shocked to find how pedestrian this is.
  • They soon learn that Calpurnia’s grandson killed a drunk pedestrian the previous night while speeding in his car.
  • My other complaint about this novel is its consistently pedestrian writing.
  • Outbound traffic approaching a pedestrian crossing in Seville often queues up to 1.1 km.
  • It was predictable and pedestrian.

Similar words: Pedicurists, Pedestrians, Pedicels, Pedomorphism, Pedate, Pedicellariae, Pedanticism, Peddleries, Pedagogery, Pedroza, Pedagogue, PEDir, Pedigreed, Pedagogics, Pediastrum, Pedometer, Pedrail, Pedrero, Pedaler, Pedigrees

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