Use the word patient in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word patient, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use patient in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «patient».

Patient in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word patient in a sentence.

  1. He was also a patient editor.».

  2. I was real patient until the white flag was up.

  3. Washington counseled the marquis to be patient.

  4. The leaf juice is applied on the head of a fever patient.

  5. However, the patient herself could not recall the incident.

  6. Its focus was on patient care and prognosis, not diagnosis.

  7. It causes the patient to become short of breath and cyanotic.

  8. For severe cases, earlier diagnosis improves patient outcome.

  9. Boasting that he has never lost a patient, Spinelloccio departs.

  10. He becomes more patient and caring, and less rigidly rationalist.

  11. This only works if the patient develops compensatory mechanisms, e.g.

  12. The North West Ambulance Service provides emergency patient transport.

  13. Nor was there any treatment other than rest until the patient recovered.

  14. After a ketogenic breakfast on the fourth day, the patient is discharged.

  15. Three leech doctors decide on bloodletting for their grasshopper patient.

  16. As commander and ruler in Egypt, al-Ikhshid was a patient and cautious man.

  17. It is difficult to understand the cheer with which they viewed their patient.

  18. For the role, she spent time with a Parkinson’s patient to research the disease.

  19. However, Croft did not allow Sims to see the patient, and forceps were not used.

  20. He also feared that the patient would face criticism if his identity were known.

  21. The «Home» began work with a patient load of five men and two women in the 1890s.

  22. The North West Ambulance Service provides emergency patient transport in the area.

  23. Du Fu is the first person in the historical record identified as a diabetic patient.

  24. That play was open all day, but Daryle told me to be patient, that we would get to it.

  25. A later review of over 80,000 patient treatments revealed an even lower rate: 0.0024%.

  26. Gastric lavage can be considered if the patient presents within one hour of ingestion.

  27. He conceded that one patient was shot in the leg while another received a grazing wound.

  28. Nanophage cards, patient records, radio-controlled cars and roses serve as collectibles.

  29. While the patient was sleeping he spoke to Sadler and claimed to be an extraterrestrial.

  30. There is increasingly strong evidence that closed units provide better patient outcomes.

  31. The environment and the activity of the patient thus played a large part in any treatment.

  32. McKinley drifted in and out of consciousness all day; when awake he was the model patient.

  33. Mutual was patient with Chaplin’s decreased rate of output, and the contract ended amicably.

  34. McKinley drifted in and out of consciousness all day, but when awake he was a model patient.

  35. The second class of treatment could be performed while the patient was in the electric bath.

  36. Through the magical healing texts, her efforts to heal her son are extended to cure any patient.

  37. As well as the patient, the partner of an injured person frequently needs support and counseling.

  38. The defeat marked a shift in emphasis in the style of Liverpool’s play to a more patient approach.

  39. The following verb shows how the verb is marked for subject, patient, object, and indirect object:.

  40. Sometime between 1906 and 1911, Sadler attempted to treat a patient with an unusual sleep condition.

  41. Respiratory therapists often work in intensive care units to monitor how well a patient is breathing.

  42. The group often held a forum to discuss the patient with the sleep issue and devise questions for him.

  43. Bayern maintained their patient passing game, but increased the tempo of the match in the second half.

  44. Shore traced the concept for the title character to his experience as a patient at a teaching hospital.

  45. Bird wished to free his hands to apply the electricity more exactly to the required part of the patient.

  46. Tessier of Versailles hospital contacted Percy to notify him that a patient of theirs wished to see him.

  47. It involves a consultation with the patient and their caregivers and, later, a short hospital admission.

  48. In an open ICU, the primary physician, who may or may not be an intensivist, can differ for each patient.

  49. In another episode, Noland hypnotizes a patient (Alice Ghostley) and, accidentally, Nurse Turner as well.

  50. His father Marvel, after suffering a near-fatal heart attack, died in 1947 as a psychiatric patient at St.

Synonyms for patient

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word patient has the following synonyms: diligent, persevering, enduring, long-suffering, forbearing, longanimous, tolerant, patient of, unhurried, uncomplaining, affected role and patient role.

General information about «patient» example sentences

The example sentences for the word patient that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «patient» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «patient».

Examples of how to use the word “patient” in a sentence. How to connect “patient” with other words to make correct English sentences.

patient (n, adj): a person who is receiving medical care, or who is cared for by a particular doctoror dentist when necessary; having patience

Use “patient” in a sentence

My mother is less patient than my father
She’s very patient.
I’m not a patient person.
The patient got better little by little.
Be patient and the situation may resolve itself.
The patient is in severe pain.
The patient‘s condition is stable (= it is not getting worse).
The patient was transferred to another hospital.

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patient — перевод на русский


In here, you’re just my patient.

Здесь вы просто мой пациент.

As your patient, Dawson, I am asking.

Как твой пациент, Доусон, я спрашиваю.

I hope the patient is worthy of Jekyll’s attention.

Надеюсь, пациент заслуживает внимания Джекилла.

The patient expired.

Пациент истек кровью.

And the patient died.

И пациент умер.

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I’ve been very patient with you, Jerry.

Я был очень терпелив к тебе, Джерри.

If you’re patient, you’ll have the last word then.

Будь терпелив, и придет твой последний день.

— I’ve been pretty patient… with you, Carter, but if you insist, I’ll lock you up for kidnapping.

— Картер, я был терпелив с тобой, но если настаиваешь, посажу тебя под замок за похищение.

As a matter of fact, I’ve been extremely patient.

Я очень терпелив.

Captain Patch, I’m being very patient with you.

Капитан Патч, я достаточно терпелив с вами.

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Nurse Crane, your patient awaits.

Сестра Крейн, ваша пациентка ждёт.

— Your patient.

-Твоя пациентка.

Well, the patient should have come back.

Хорошо, пациентка должна вернуться.


Итак, вы моя пациентка, мисс Ливви.


Что за трудная пациентка.

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I ask my viewer to understand that in the following I let the same actress portray many different patients of related nervous disorders.

Попрошу только зрителей учесть, что в следующих сценах играет одна и та же актриса она изображает больных со схожим недугом.

It’s very late, yet he’s still out seeing patients.

Час поздний, а его ещё нет — обходит больных в городе.

About heart patients, I have to tell you a story.

По-поводу больных сердцем, я расскажу тебе историю.

I fear the other patients would find him rather shocking.

Я думаю, это шокирует других больных.

You want to say that you were with variola patients?

— Хочешь сказать, что видел больных Variola?

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«Take my advice… go home and wait patiently… until my treatment and the country air have done their work.»

«Мой вам совет: идите домой и наберитесь терпения, пока моё лечение и деревенский воздух не сделают свою работу.»

You must be patient.

Наберитесь терпения.

We must be patient.

Наберитесь терпения.

Oliver… be kind, be patient.

Оливер будь добр, наберись терпения.

We weren’t always patient with him.

У нас не было терпения к нему.

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Now, now… just be patient.

Ну, ну… потерпи.

Do be patient, just a little while.

Ну потерпи еще немного.

You have to be patient.

Только потерпи.

Now, just be patient.


Be patient, you’ll see.

Потерпи, вот увидишь…

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Just be patient.

Я больше не могу это терпеть.

Just be patient.

Твое дело — терпеть.

Well, we have to be patient.

Ладно, придётся терпеть.

Nick, my people have been patient long enough.

Ник, мои люди терпели очень долго.

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So perhaps you will swallow your prejudice against a humble astrologer… whose only medical diploma is the gratitude of his patients.

Возможно, ты переборешь своё предубеждение против скромного астролога, чей медицинский диплом — благодарность его клиентов.

I once knew a specialist, used to send his patients to me.

Я когда-то знала специалиста, он присылал своих клиентов к нам.

They rob patients to fund a political…

Но это деньги клиентов, основавших кассу в пользу соцпартии.

A therapist shouldn’t call her patients nuts.

Терапевт не должен называть своих клиентов сумасшедшими.

No, of course you don’t, because you wouldn’t have any patients.

— Конечно. Иначе у Вас не было бы клиентов.

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I’ll come to if you’ll just be patient and give me a little time to get over being confused.

Я хочу сказать, если ты сможешь немного подождать, чтобы можно было меня не стесняться…

Why not be patient, Val?

— Почему ты не можешь подождать, Вэл?

She said: If you’d be patient, she’ll come thank you herself.

Она хочет поблагодарить вас лично, если вы готовы подождать.

I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little patient, but, uh, we should know this evening.

Я боюсь, вам нужно подождать, эм-м, до вечера.

Wait, be patient. Your time will come.

Надо подождать.

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A mental patient?


He is a mental patient that I am taking downtown.

— О, нет. Он душевнобольной, за которым я присматриваю.

He’s gonna think you’re a mental patient.

Он подумает что ты душевнобольной.

You dumb assholes, I’m a mental patient.

Полегче кретины! Я — душевнобольной!

Meantime, police have pieced together a scenario of the series of events… that began with escaped mental patient James Cole-

Тем временем, полиция восстанавливает цепь событий, которые начались возле университета, когда душевнобольной Джеймс Коул…

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Antonym: doctor, impatient. Similar words: orientation, twentieth, patent, occupation, client, ancient, lenient, nutrient. Meaning: [‘peɪʃnt]  n. 1. a person who requires medical care 2. the semantic role of an entity that is not the agent but is directly involved in or affected by the happening denoted by the verb in the clause. adj. 1. enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance 2. enduring without protest or complaint. 

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1. What I have done is due to patient thought. 

2. Patient men win the day.

3. Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. 

4. The patient died from acute cerebral hemorrhage.

5. She injected the patient with penicillin.

6. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation.

7. The patient was transferred to another hospital.

8. The doctor is very patient with his patients.

9. They had doped the patient heavily before the operation.

10. The patient thrashed about in bed.

11. The patient nurse ministered to the dying old man.

12. She’s been extremely patient about it all.

13. I shall go and see the patient anyway.

14. Be patient and the situation may resolve itself.

15. She’s very patient with young children.

16. The patient is on a diet.

17. The patient died from acute cerebral haemorrhage.

18. More often than not the patient recovers.

19. The doctors did their best to relieve the patient.

20. Treatment is tailored to the needs of each patient.

21. The doctor becalmed the agitated patient.

22. The patient was writhing on the bed in agony.

23. At 9 o’clock the patient was wheeled in.

24. The doctor drugged his patient quickly.

25. The patient made a rapid recovery.

26. The doctor inhibited the patient from taking that medicine.

26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

27. A patient throng was waiting in silence.

28. The attendant should make the patient happy and hopeful.

29. The young cashier gave a patient sigh.

30. Therapeutic measures were selected to fit the patient.

More similar words: orientation, twentieth, patent, occupation, client, ancient, lenient, nutrient, participation, transient, recipient, scientist, efficient, ingredient, scientific, sufficient, presentation, concentration, concentrating, identification, implementation, representative, representation, tie up, entertainment, sentiment, frontier, facilities, pat, patch. 

пациент, больной, терпеливый, упорный, настойчивый


- больной, пациент
- раненый
- объект воздействия


- терпеливый

to be patient with /towards/ smth. — терпеливо сносить что-л.
she was patient with her aunt’s infirmities — она терпеливо переносила хвори своей тётушки
he is patient in adversity — он терпеливо переносит трудности /испытания/

- упорный, настойчивый

years of patient labour — годы упорного труда

- (of) терпящий, допускающий

plants patient of cold — растения, не боящиеся холода, холодостойкие растения
facts are patient of various interpretations — факты допускают разные толкования

Мои примеры


extension of the patient’s life — продление жизни больного /пациента/  
a patient with a damaged kidney — пациент с нарушением функции почек  
a patient who is on tranquilizers — пациент, который находится на транквилизаторах  
the concept of total patient care — концепция тотального ухода за пациентами  
refer a patient to a specialist — направить больного к специалисту  
chronic patient — человек, страдающий хроническим заболеванием  
acute patient — больной в тяжёлом состоянии  
many years of patient labour — долгие годы упорного труда  
to handle a patient — лечить больного  
to treat a patient — лечить больного  
physician-patient privilege — привилегия на сохранение врачебной тайны  
he is patient under adversity — он терпеливо переносит несчастье  

Примеры с переводом

The patient cannot walk yet.

Пациент пока что не может ходить.

Louise was very patient with me.

Луиза была со мной очень терпелива.

Try all that ever you can to be patient.

Изо всех своих сил старайся быть терпеливым.

The patient made a quick recovery.

Пациент быстро выздоровел.

The patient is sinking fast.

Пациент быстро угасает.

Is the patient conscious yet?

Пациент уже пришёл в себя?

The patient was attended by Dr. Ronald.

Больного лечил доктор Роналд.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Ms. Hart was familiar with local medical-review policies from her work as a patient advocate.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

impatient  — нетерпеливый, нетерпимый, раздражительный, беспокойный, нетерпящий
inpatient  — стационарный больной
patiently  — терпеливо

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): patient
мн. ч.(plural): patients

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