Use the word patent in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word patent, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use patent in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «patent».

Patent in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word patent in a sentence.

  1. Hall’s patent was granted in 1889.

  2. Pierce at Bell Labs in a 1948 patent.

  3. He was issued a patent later that year.

  4. In 1747, Fleetwood’s playhouse patent expired.

  5. Glidden kept his one-tenth right of the patent.

  6. Barley himself published four books under his patent.

  7. In 1907 he had sufficient success to apply for a patent.

  8. He was awarded his first typewriter patent, US Patent No.

  9. He also sold, incongruously but typically, patent medicine.

  10. The new design, however, infringed a patent granted to Charles A.

  11. Department of Commerce secrecy order on the GE patent applications.

  12. The patent describes a banana plug that consists of two parts only.

  13. Two years later, Morley died, and his music patent fell into abeyance.

  14. Pfizer was given a broad patent on PDE5 inhibitors in Britain in 1993.

  15. Cartwright would patent the prototype for a power loom within the year.

  16. This land patent allowed them to settle at the mouth of the Hudson River.

  17. His final version was completed in 1912 and his patent issued on June 20.

  18. After securing a patent, Héroult could not find interest in his invention.

  19. In 1684, Great Britain granted the first formal extraction process patent.

  20. Corporations used patent laws to restrict competition and stifle innovation.

  21. In 1929 Richard Hirschmann was granted a patent for an improved banana plug.

  22. He filed a patent for his idea of a simple nuclear reactor the following year.

  23. The congregation obtained a land patent from the Plymouth Company in June 1619.

  24. On November 18, 1991, O’Neill filed a patent application for a vactrain system.

  25. The Magnuson bill emphasized basic research and protected private patent rights.

  26. As of 2020, there are over 5000 published patent applications in the United States.

  27. Instead, his first three letters describe Wood as the mastermind behind the patent.

  28. This letter is seen as the final salvo in the Drapier’s fight against Wood’s patent.

  29. On 2 December 1874 the Lord Chancellor revoked Kenealy’s patent as a Queen’s Counsel.

  30. John was one of the original settlers of Flushing, having been granted a patent by Gov.

  31. According to the Drapier, the Whigs are the ones who Wood bribed in securing his patent.

  32. Also, Hendricks (1961) described the outcome of the camera patent similarly to Braun (pp.

  33. However, Carteret privately attempted to destroy the patent to damage Walpole’s reputation.

  34. Section 10 assigned the patent for any invention related to atomic energy to the commission.

  35. The first patent law in 1447 in Venice protected the rights of inventors to their inventions.

  36. Salomon August Andrée, an engineer at the patent office in Stockholm, shared these enthusiasms.

  37. The next year, he secured a valuable patent to print the works of John Ponet and Thomas Beccon.

  38. In 1578, Elizabeth I granted a patent to Humphrey Gilbert for discovery and overseas exploration.

  39. In exchange he and his estate received royalties on its production until the patent expired in 1930.

  40. On average, Texas A&M files a patent every week and closes a license agreement every other week.

  41. A process using roll film was first described in a patent application submitted in France and the U.S.

  42. Rather, the only legal protection to such principles can be through holding a patent or by trade secret.

  43. This process lasted for six years as the patent office questioned whether Bradley’s ideas were original.

  44. However, none of the music books Adams published afterward contained any recognition of Barley’s patent.

  45. Bradley applied for a patent in 1883; due to his broad wordings, it was rejected as composed of prior art.

  46. Due to its visual aesthetic, Emerson called this innovation the «Wave»and secured a patent for it in 1998.

  47. In 1980, after the 200th AMX-30E was delivered to the Spanish Army, the tank’s patent was awarded to Spain.

  48. After Tallis died in 1585, Byrd continued holding the patent, producing works with his assignee, Thomas East.

  49. Rhode Island had received a patent for the area in 1693, which had been disputed by Massachusetts Bay Colony.

  50. He applied for another patent on an alloy he called stainless steel, now known as martensitic stainless steel.

Synonyms for patent

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word patent has the following synonyms: apparent, evident, manifest, plain, unmistakable, obvious, unobstructed, letters patent and patent of invention.

General information about «patent» example sentences

The example sentences for the word patent that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «patent» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «patent».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


A utility model patent provides the same exclusive right as an invention patent.

Патент на полезную модель имеет тот же объём исключительных прав, что и патент на изобретение.

To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public as a patent application.

Для получения патента требуется, чтобы техническая информация об изобретении была раскрыта публике в заявке на патент.

This patent will be the first patent in the world for the use of nitroglycerin as an explosive.

Этот патент станет первым в мире патентом на использование нитроглицерина как взрывчатого вещества.

The main purpose of obtaining a patent is to obtain a commercial benefit — a patent can and must bring profit.

Основная цель получения патента заключается в получении коммерческой выгоды — патент может и должен приносить прибыль.

Furthermore, the status of each individual patent is dynamic; each patent has a life cycle.

Кроме того, статус каждого отдельного патента динамично изменяется; каждый патент имеет свой жизненный цикл.

The innovation patent system was abolished and registration of the innovation patent is not possible anymore.

Было упразднено понятие «инновационный патент» и регистрация инновационного патента стала невозможной.

In almost every country the patent assessors declared that I was mad and some of them even refused to evaluate the patent applications.

Почти в каждой стране эксперты по патентам объявили меня сумасшедшим, а некоторые из них даже отказались произвести оценку прошения на патент.

This patent is an example of the so-called «umbrella» patent and has a wide area of protection rights.

Данный патент представляет собой пример так называемого «зонтичного» патента и имеет широкую область прав охраны.

The patent certifies the exclusive right to the industrial design, which is characterized by the essential features listed in the patent.

Патент удостоверяет исключительное право на промышленный образец, который охарактеризован перечисленными в патенте существенными признаками.

Between patent and patent, rumors have continued to date.

Между патента и патент, слухи продолжают до настоящего времени.

So he was faced with this patent and the patent holder was not even offering him the chance to get a license.

Так что он наткнулся на этот патент, а правообладатель патента даже не предлагал ему возможности получить лицензию.

So in fact my definition of a software patent is: a patent that can restrict software development.

Так что фактически мое определение патента на программы таково: это патент, который может ограничивать разработку программ.

Once the patent is granted for an invention-creation, no unit or individual can exploit the patent without permission of the patentee.

После выдачи патента на изобретение ни одна единица или физическое лицо не может использовать патент без разрешения патентообладателя.

Information disclosed in a patent cannot be qualified a trade secret after the patent is published.

После публикации патента информация, разглашаемая в патенте, не может квалифицироваться в качестве коммерческой тайны.

We obtained Russian patent for the innovative catalyst (obtainment of an international patent requires big investments).

На инновационный катализатор мы получили российский патент (для международного патента требуются большие инвестиции).

Bell’s patent number 174465 was the most valuable patent in history.

Патент Белла за номером 174465 стал самым ценным патентом в истории.

The patent was also found to be unenforceable due to Cephalon’s inequitable conduct during patent prosecution.

Также было установлено, что патент не имеет законной силы из-за неравноправных действий Cephalon при охране патента.

The bipartisan STRONGER Patents Act will address many deficiencies in the patent re-examination process, while protecting patent holders and small businesses from predatory demand letters.

Двухпартийный закон о патентах STRONGER будет устранять многие недостатки в процессе повторной экспертизы патента, а также защищать владельцев патентов и малый бизнес от хищных писем с требованием».

Bradley Kuhn reminded us of the GIF patent that IBM holds until 2006, even though the Unisys patent will expire soon.

Брэдли Кун (Bradley Kuhn) напомнил о патенте на формат GIF, принадлежащем IBM до 2006 года, несмотря на то, что срок патента, выданного Unisys скоро истекает.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: apparent, evident, letters patent, manifest, patent of invention, plain, unmistakable. Similar words: spate, patient, anticipate, participate, tent, threaten, intent, extent. Meaning: [‘pætnt /’peɪtnt]  n. 1. a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention 2. an official document granting a right or privilege. v. 1. obtain a patent for 2. grant rights to; grant a patent for 3. make open to sight or notice. adj. 1. (of a bodily tube or passageway) open; affording free passage 2. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. 

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1. This is a fact patent to the world.

2. The device was protected by patent.

3. The patent runs out in three years’time.

4. It was patent to anyone that she disliked the idea.

5. In 1843 Bain filed a patent for his fax machine.

6. He failed to patent his invention and never made a penny from it.

7. He applied for a patent for a new method of removing paint.

8. In 1880 Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent on an apparatus for signalling and communicating called a Photophone.

9. The item is Patent Pending No. 912057.

10. It was a patent lie.

11. He wore patent leather shoes.

12. How long does it take to patent an invention?

13. «No, » he replied, with patent distaste.

14. The drugs are protected by patent.

15. The defendant was enjoined from using the patent.

16. Genetically engineered plants can be protected by patent.

17. Edison took out a patent on the light bulb.

18. Try some of this new patent medicine.

19. The patent office pended the settlement of a patent application.

20. Murdock lost no time in taking out a patent for his invention.

20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

21. It is patent to all that this is a good chance.

22. If you don’t patent your invention, other people may make all the profit out of it.

23. The company took out/filed a patent on a genetically engineered tomato that remains firm longer than untreated tomatoes.

24. In 1995 he was granted a patent for his invention.

25. He wants to take out a patent on his new type of dustbin.

26. A patent will be refused if details of the item have already been released to the public.

27. The patent was granted in 1962 or 1963 — I can’t quite remember which.

28. Pearlized white patent leather handbags are popular, says Aaronson.

29. And they are taking out a patent on it.

30. Bristol-Myers Squibb holds the international patent on stavudine.

More similar words: spate, patient, anticipate, participate, tent, threaten, intent, extent, listen to, sentence, attention, potentially, consistent, inadvertent, to some extent, consistently, inadvertently, pay attention to, more often than not, a bone of contention, statement, accentuate, concentrate, entertainment, sentiment, pat, patch, patron, patrol, pattern. 

«patent in a sentence» at online dictionary. Definition of patent in a sentence. What is another word for patent in a sentence? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does patent in a sentence? However, check patent in a sentence at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:
  • Patent | Definition of Patent by Merriam-Webster
  • Use patent in a sentence | The best 374 patent sentence examples
  • Patent: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE
  • Patent in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…)
  • Use patents in a sentence | The best 104 patents sentence examples
  • Use “patent” in a sentence | “patent” sentence examples
  • Claim Drafting Strategies Revisited — Is The «Single Sentence Rule …
  • patent in a sentence — patent sentence
  • How to use «patent» in a sentence
  • An Appeal to the New Patent Office Director: Repeal the Single …

1. Patent | Definition of Patent by Merriam-Webster
Patent | Definition of Patent by Merriam-WebsterPatent definition is — open to public inspection —used chiefly in the phrase letters patent. How to use patent in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of patent.

2. Use patent in a sentence | The best 374 patent sentence examples
Jun 21, 2021 … The principle was patented, but the company owning the patent undertook to permit its free use by railway companies which were members of the …

3. Patent: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE
Patent: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCEExamples of Patent in a sentence. 1. After the consultation with a lawyer regarding my invention of a self-cleaning placemat, the lawyer explained that the …

4. Patent in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…)
Patent in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)Jul 21, 2016 … Patent in a sentence · 1. This is a fact patent to the world. · 2. The device was protected by patent. · 3. The patent runs out in three years’time …

5. Use patents in a sentence | The best 104 patents sentence examples
He took out patents for lamps to burn oil of tar, for the propulsion of ships at sea, for facilitating excavation, mining and sinking, for rotary steam-engines …

6. Use “patent” in a sentence | “patent” sentence examples
Use “patent” in a sentence | “patent” sentence examples · 1. This is a fact patent to the world. · 2. It was patent to anyone that she disliked the idea. · 3. In …

7. Claim Drafting Strategies Revisited — Is The «Single Sentence Rule …
Claim Drafting Strategies Revisited - Is The with claim construction issues. The. Court of Appeals for the Federal. Circuit (CAFC) was created in 1982 to bring about uniformity in patent law princi-.

8. patent in a sentence — patent sentence
Sentences Mobile · It dramatically speeds the ability of American companies to get patents. · Some of the women wear patent leather shoes studded with diamonds.

9. How to use «patent» in a sentence
How to use patent in a sentence · This research is an effort to create an awareness. · So we own the patent for customizing branded merchandising over a computer …

10. An Appeal to the New Patent Office Director: Repeal the Single …
An Appeal to the New Patent Office Director: Repeal the Single ...Sep 18, 2009 … The offending sentences are patent claims. … The consequence of the USPTO’s “single sentence rule” requires the patent drafter to cram …

Finally, you got the answer of patent in a sentence in this article. We update details about Patent | Definition of Patent by Merriam-Webster. Thank you for reading.

Nichols has filed a patent application for a line of equipment that uses a brief exposure to extreme heat and hot water for the control of whitefly, aphids, mealybug, scale and mite infestations

Johnny spun round slowly on the heels lf his patent leather shoes

She came out with a patent lie about Alan getting swallowed by a predator

He pawned his fine clothes, sold his gold wristwatch and hocked his patent leather shoes, until he had nothing left but his old army clothes

Her boots had long since lost their patent shine

his fine clothes, sold his gold wristwatch and hocked his patent

Now for that invention of mine which I couldn’t patent

It’s an invention I couldn’t patent, but I’m proud of it

I sat in the first class section, the green patent leather seats were cold, it was still very early in the morning and even though the sun was up the winter temperatures were frosty

«Uncle Hobart’s Patent Fly Catcher,» I groaned into the gas mask, shaking my head at the seething mass of bodies

A youth in a luminescent green shirt with trim of black fringe and patent leather shoes with taps grabbed her hand and gave her lessons in the middle of San José’s busiest street

George confirmed the rumors, but he said that, in just the nick of time to save himself from ruin, he had negotiated the sale of certain patent rights he held

And science isn’t about the quest for truth or knowledge, it’s about patent applications and making money out of poorly-tested products that ultimately cause more harm than good

And she had on this long skirt down to her ankles, and she had on patent leather shoes

accomplished alone: The patent and the definitive

Another cousin told her how she had looked that first day in the country long ago, sitting there on the veranda in a pair of white patent shoes, with her little pink purse on her lap

His own patent blessing on the food!

He and the patent counsel had gone to Harvard Law School; the other lawyer was a Yalie and Cornell Law

He and the patent counsel had gone to Harvard

two closed offices) with Patent Counsel W

A provisional patent

to patent offices) provisional patent pending protections

The Jewish Left needs a patent of immunity in

corruption, the lust for power, and patent greed begin to choke

His primary drug is patent protected for seventeen more years

black patent leather pumps she wore, but she did not notice

The United Kingdom Patent Office says this: “It may help

She carried a small black patent leather handbag

To bad he couldn’t have taken out a patent on it

Every patent in the United States Patent Office is the result of an idea

«They would have controlled the patent and the production of such a machine purely for their own profit and their own power

minimum of 20 years after the patent filing

idea and to make the patent as broad as possible, that it’s ba-

As she strolled back and forth, her shabby patent shoes squeaked on the tile floor

“Yes, my lord, and my patent machine can produce stock of this quality consistently twenty four hours a day, seven days a week

Once again she made things easy with a submission that confirmed the generalized belief that she was a poor devil, and the only souvenir she kept of Aureliano Segundo was a pair of patent leather boots, which, according to what he himself had said, were the ones he wanted to wear in his coffin

Actually, Aureliano Segundo understood from the night of his wedding that he would return to the house of Petra Cotes much sooner than when he would have to put on the patent leather boots: Fernanda was a woman who was lost in the world

Go in your sharp suit, your patent leather shoes, your best hat

Petra Cotes had shined his patent leather boots that he wanted to wear in his coffin, and she was already looking for someone to take them when they came to tell her that Aureliano Segundo was out of danger

Petra Cotes helped him pack his clothes and bade him farewell without shedding a tear, but she forgot to give him the patent leather shoes that he wanted to wear in his coffin

Owen had retained the patent for the machines and

dependant on a manufacturer or marketer running with it or buying the patent

and the secrets of getting patent protection at very little cost

You may think that this patent stuff is more or less obvious

inventors completely mess up with the patent side of things

money that would be much better spent on other stuff rather than on an expensive patent

And there is no need!! Using the methods below you’ll end up with just the same patent

Firstly, the common reason why inventors get a patent is that they think it then protects them

fact, I’ve seen that patent distraction thing crash many inventor startups

There is a thing called a Provisional Patent Application

safely develop and promote your invention, and can then be turned into a full patent

Now, to be granted a patent or Provisional you MUST NOT have already traded commercially

MUST use a Patent Attorney, and use the best you can find

I did the first ones with a Patent Attorney,

you can patent «improvements» to someone else’s existing patent

after time I’ve found that what I want to patent was already patented

my design improved the existing patent I’ve found that there is always a way to get patent

Use a Patent

Patent Attorney or research all the excellent information on Intellectual Property protection

But hopefully this will give you some good guidelines of when to patent and when not to, and

how to get the full protection underway with a Provisional Patent Application while avoiding

work in closely with a Patent Attorney even for your Provisional Patent Application

So, first make sure that your invention qualifies for a patent

Patent Attorney, or if you want to check up first then there are lists covering this online again

Next comes the Provisional Patent Application

When you come to the full patent there are various options

your Patent Attorney will advise

Software can be (and often is) protected via patent too

This covers 172 countries, and this is always the type of patent I go

to go the full patent with the Paris Convention method

Patent Attorney, as there are all sorts of technical considerations

intellectual property as well as with a patent

and the secrets of getting patent protection at very

I’d add no gutting of companies to lower the working force and make a quick buck, no monopolies, no monopolistic practices by a controlling group of corporations, responsible bidding, truth in advertising, positive advertising only, elimination of legalese and fine print, provisions for ending a contract, nationalization of key discoveries with ample one-time remuneration for the inventor and his company, equality in wholesale pricing, no tying up a competitor in court to drain his resources, procedures for quick settlement of patent violation suits, etc

De Forest had a patent for a tube he couldn’t explain how it worked or what it was good for; he had just thrown it together and got a particular performance that seemed interesting (but he didn’t even develop it); and Armstrong came along and re-did it in a slightly different way, better, while explaining how it worked and showed the benefits and possible uses that led to a huge industry in broadcast radio

They should be helping to change patent laws for use it or lose it patents, buying patents for wide scale free use by US manufacturers

Do the patent attorneys and patent courts have the advancement of civilization bogged down in court? Bog down challenges to conservative environmental practices instead (and clean up the planet with court delays)

What the courts need to do is get together and brainstorm a simpler system that has some of the features I mentioned: more common sense, use of non-attorney judges, judges in offices vice court rooms, smaller salaries, smaller fees, early partial payment of awards before appeal by big defendants, fees for time obstructions, not hearing cases where the big company is simply trying to run the small company out of business (with superior staying power in court), rapid patent settlements

One of the research papers we referenced earlier was a patent from Google about re-ranking

wood-stove stood my Grandmother, patent in her labors of love

Anna wore a dark grey business suit, white blouse and black patent heels which clicked rapidly across the concourse as she wheeled a small travel bag

pharmaceutical firm, for example, owns the patent on a miracle cure, it will be a short time

That sort of government interference is unnecessary, and the premise that patent and

proliferation; the patent and copyright system promotes waste

matters are the hoardes of patent and copyright lawyers preying on sick policy

Copyright and patent protection should be sparingly awarded and limited to five years or less for the combined prosperity and advancement of civilization

Reduce patent interference in the marketplace

– The purpose of the patent system is supposedly to increase innovation, but it actually has the opposite effect

The patent system wastes billions of dollars stifling competition while costing consumers billions more by virtue of product monopolies for companies that may well not have been the true inventors and

Consumers can thank the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Patent Office for the exorbitant cost of prescription drugs

At the time of writing this book, a Patent is being submitted for this program, so we can’t give you any detailed information without first signing an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement

Impressions were being created that although killing of ZTA leaders by the assailants were illegal and unlawful but any patent countryman who loved with his homeland would do the same as it would done for the traitors

“I, King Louis the Fourteenth of France, declare by this Letter Patent the said Nancy Laplante, also known as Nancy Sommers, daughter of Pierre Laplante and of Lady Suzan Sommers and born on the shores of the Saint-Lawrence River in New France on June 13th of the year 1635, to be the recipient of a title of pure honor and to be thus known from now on as Marquess Nancy de Saint-Laurent, by virtue of her courageous services to the crown of France

Nancy then took out her certificate and her Letter Patent of nobility, handing both to Charles

1991, United States Patent 5,071,878

While patent protection is said to be only worth what you are willing to spend

over a patent infringement that the buyer settled without the agree-

She was so keyed-up that she let out a shriek as her heel dug down into the patent leather shoe behind her

Just as they finished breading the fish with Bruce’s patented mix, the car returned

tions bills that effectively pushed the government to use the same patented green card technology and to produce the new card in

So what became known as a “talk sheet” was not an innovation for my convenience, but Park’s patented, regular business discipline

modes – if these existing forms have been copyrighted, trademarked, or patented, the property

And that can’t start until your ideas are laid out on the table and patented

“Have we had enough yet?” you ask her with that patented cheesy grin you wear

There’s a fast food joint offering a variety of the last of any 1 of 1061’s of extinct species of plants and/or animals deep-fried in a patented lightly spiced batter

Even before this, the earliest known recordings of sound came in 1857 when Léon Scott patented the phonautograph

stacked with boxes of their bright idea they had manufactured (and patented!) and now can’t

not it «has been patented»

after time I’ve found that what I want to patent was already patented

I mean for this to help the world with energy production if it is a viable option; and if it is, I mean for my design idea to be made public for all to use freely and not be patented by anyone

Around about then, Arnold swooped in from above choosing to do one of his patented fly on the wall landings on a patch of low scrub growing out of a crack in the vertical rock face, just above the boulder line

I gave them one of my patented shit-eating grins that makes

This concept was so revolutionary, they patented it

If you’re an insurance professional and would like to explore how you can gain access to our patented version of the IUL and use it to help your clients achieve their retirement goals, give us a call

In effect removing the bags was now a rather laborious job as the ‘special patented quick release’ catches that held the panniers to the rack had all broken and our bungees had been pressed into service as temporary replacements

most firms don’t have the luxury of unique, patented or protected assets or

for mind melds, I would have already patented it

Luxury patented airwaves lead the bill beneath the doubt lies

Patented movement with artistic certainties

The 3D technology had been patented by a UK-based company, Musion

Perhaps, if communications-information corporations can will their dreamed ideal universally, then eventually every global brain cell – you and I – will have a universal communication device (patented, of course): a single chip-tapping communication gadget holographically connecting us to a Universal Brain – the UNITED SERVER

“Their patented gravity morphing technology bends light to project your I’mage upon a mirroring world

Dire austerity is a patented trigger to bring about social chaos scenarios, which diffuses compassion and replaces it with self-survival

They were in partnership with Holy Mountain Pharmaceuticals, this company was the one who patented the drug

The drug may be Extemiva that was patented by Holy Mountain, but remember that Pangeran Bashir was the Minister of Defense during the time of the experiments, so he would have access to the drug

Howard Hughes had patented a roller-cutter bit that dramatically improved the rotary drilling process for oilrigs

«Yes,» the man answered as he pointed at another bridge drawing, «and it also is a patented design that of course brings with it the demand for royalties

«There is a way to avoid paying royalties,» Olin assured him, «I recommend a third design to you, one that is not patented because it can not be patented

The DesignWorkshop interface provides the first real design tool for creating your dream house by drawing directly in a live 3D space, using our patented 3D

‘A Robert Barron has patented what he describes as a double-action lever-tumbler lock

The very DNA codes of the plants that we eat will be patented and owned and monopolized so that nobody can grow their own food without paying money to corporations who own the DNA rights to the seeds that you get out of your own garden

What happened when Thomas Edison patented his ideas? He died a pauper because of all the legal battles over the ownership of his patents

Most corporations exist only because they monopolize certain patented expensive, complicated processes

applications, user settings, and all data using patented disk

Until most of the words were patented

She gave him her patented thousand-yard stare

When all food sources are genetically modified and patented

All her patented moves used with maximum effect to seduce Christian’s brother, no less! What’s she going to think about me being here? I’ve never stayed out before

By the time a ship first sailed down the Suez Canal and Alfred Nobel had patented dynamite in 1867, John and the Widow Nolan had settled on the opposite bank of the Mersey, living in the thriving town of Birkenhead

He saw me, but didn’t come over, just flashed his patented smile across the broad concourse

The idea for tanks came from a new design of tractor with caterpillar tracks to go over rough terrain, patented in the USA in 1901

Biro patented and marketed his pens in Argentina through his company, Eversharp, where they attracted the notice of a sharp Chicago businessman called Milton Reynolds

For example, Tessera Technologies has patented a technology that enables devices such as laptops and mobile phones to pack more silicon inside their products

After his team reviewed some patented technology we could utilize, he was convinced this could be a game changer

com), which has a patented online system which, in just five minutes, will provide you with the following:

Using patented technology with bank-level security

What if every time we made a purchase, it helped someone? What if our small, ordinary daily transactions helped make an extraordinary impact across the globe? What if your credit card was a weapon against global injustice? In less than a minute, the SwipeOut app allows consumers to connect their credit/debit cards to the patented system that will automatically round up each consumer purchase to the nearest dollar

At one end of the first street, so pitched that it was directly behind his shining green truck, stood Dakin’s tent—a large, patented affair with a canvas wall in the middle, making two rooms

The Maker of this earth but patented a leaf

On the Revolving Steam-Engine, recently invented by Samuel Morey, and Patented to him on the 14th July, 1815, with four Engravings

A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee

This makes a simple, cheap, flexible and effective binding, and is not patented

The work involved the continuing practice of developing and patenting new crops

protection by carefully patenting the improvements rather than the full device

In short, we’ve devised and installed an electromagnetic docking system, and we’re patenting it

The patenting of Life, the surveillance of Liberty and the pursuit of Hatred is the insipid preamble of those declaring their independence from empathy

In its most blatant form, it is bio-tech’s patenting of life, genes, cells and you

Some companies are attempting to avoid the intellectual property courts altogether by publishing their findings early to prevent the competition from patenting the product or service

The slow erosion of public wealth and public property by the encroachment of patenting intellectual property is also the slow erosion of the concept of public rights, or any common good

But this is all hidden by the Capitalistic corruption of the patenting process, the marketing process, the development process, and the research process

Until people were patenting the rights to use certain words to identify their brand or logo

The first English settlers in North America, however, offered a fifth of all the gold and silver which should be found there to the king, as a motive for granting them their patents

In the patents of Sir Waiter Raleigh, to the London and Plymouth companies, to the council of Plymouth, etc

Sometimes the best protection you can have for your product, even better than patents

She herself had considered it, but wondered if it would make her seem vain, and not the best example to set to those of her patents who were insecure about their looks

His hopes, he explained rested in the quick cash he intended to earn by selling the rights of two patents he held and ‘Ed’ represented the investors who wished to buy them: hence tonight’s meeting

I sold my patents, alright, only there was little problem with the bank, but at the last minute a friend came through and saved the day

The worse is, he had two patents worth millions and signed them over to the company he worked for and now there isn’t so much as a pension to raise their daughter on!”

“I don’t understand: he told me about his farm problems, but he also said selling his patents is how he saved it

He also had several patents to his credit, but all that meant nothing, he lamented: he was a finished man

Once your products are sold and on display out of your control you are powerless unless you have patents or copyrights on every nut and bolt

This abundance of resources in the form of products and services becomes immediately available to the cost zero and free from the tribute application or social cost, without the loan need with interests, also free from patents or royalties payment

Career choices like investing in real estate (such as a real estate developer, or commercial or residential investor), owning intellectual property rights (patents for inventions, licensing and even copyrights), being a bestselling author, investing in stocks or notes or bonds or being a successful business franchise owner are all ways to earn about a half a million dollars or more and that’s about the amount needed for Americans to earn if they don’t want to struggle from paycheck to paycheck but have enough to save enough and to really thrive financially

Most of the remaining factories in Germany had been dismantled and shipped to Russia and most patents and trade marks were practically given away to the victors as reparation

These are the basic facts of the recent case of Mitchell v BBC, a case which was transferred from the High Court to the Patents Court

In regard to patents, it is often said that there are so many of them that it is

An automobile is made up of thousands of different patents, and each year’s new

Television paved the way for countless hundreds of new patents

They were possibly better known for the controversy surrounding their biological patents of genetically modified crops and glyphosate

Under the control and influence of the Power Base many industries contained the marketplace by buying patents for new products that might influence their own position and profits

Large oil companies owned many patents which improved gas consumption of internal combustion engines, and many that indeed replaced the engine and the need for gasoline entirely

ware patents reflect the awkward nature of applying laws and

under software patents is subtle but significant

Software patents work differently

over copyright and the «look and feel» of various technologies, today’s Internet companies use patents as a way to stake out

For most companies, however, software patents have become a defensive

Stallman when it comes to opposing software patents

«Without patents, how would you suggest

there were even software patents and were paying no attention

The only reason to look at patents is to see

It will lead you to misunderstand things, because that term generalizes about copyrights, patents, and

because Xerox owned all the patents)

Thomas Alva Edison came up with hundreds of inventions, including 1,093 patents and still was only the fourth most prolific inventor in history

in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

Patents, when and why

So, from the point of protecting your invention, patents don’t work

Also, in the first flush of an inventor’s first commercialization of his idea, patents become what

All that rushing around and spending investor’s money getting patents, and ending up with a nice piece of paper and being able to say «I have

We establish principles of business that enable all to participate in our capitalistic system without being thwarted by people of money, and as discussed in Chapter 2 (no holding onto patents, use or lose), one time remuneration for critical discoveries, sharing economies of the big retailers, good ethical behavior, etc

A law to implement “use it or lose it patents,” no under selling at a loss to break a competitor, no use of force or threat of force, balancing work force income with capital investment to help balance supply and demand

I saw a Ken Burns biography of the development of broadcast radio and (infant) TV last night and how two American engineers, Lee DeForrest and Edwin Howard Armstrong spent 20 years and millions in attorneys fees and court costs (1930s-1950s) to contest patents in court

But, on the last morning of the project, the day of the exhibition, when within an hour patents and local dignitaries were expected to view the culmination of the project’s work they arrived and discovered to their consternation, every piece of work daubed mercilessly with monstrous stars

Use it or lose it patents

One time purchase of patents by governments to enable wide spread manufacturing from a variety of sources with equal leverage on the market

They should be helping to change patent laws for use it or lose it patents, buying patents for wide scale free use by US manufacturers

Shawn has been granted four patents in the areas

marketplace, this is really important, patents reinforce credibility in the industry and

“We have world-wide patents on everything

lawsuits and expired patents

It’s costly and time-consuming to apply for, defend and enforce patents and copyrights

With FDA approval and monopolizing patents in hand, drug companies are then free to

The importance of string theory, for purposes of this blog and my patents, is the existence of

We could make a killing, you know, since we now own the patents on the new hardware

Patents are issued and are enforceable

There may be patents

• What patents have been filed or could be filed?

is heavily protected by patents, the corporation which misses out being the

the life of the product’s patents

He’s up to his ears in lawsuits over patents and other corporate stuff but only because his company is so good

I found some old patents relating to Cerestra Armour

science but the patents were nonetheless renewed and this feature was included in

The most common failures are claims of sales orders which turn out to be only letters of interest, and rock-solid patents which actually don’t exist

In countries ruled by monarchs this was often in the form of crown patents giving exclusive rights to carry out a certain business for example the collection of taxes

It is recognized by all of us that such a monopoly is earned! Also the patent or copyright is limited in time, 14 years for patents and copyright for the lifetime of the writer

(c) confer honors and patents of merit;

The reward is a lot of patents to do

China owes its intelligence to piracy, stealing patents from Europe and USA then selling them under “made in China” to the rest of the world

the patents and ideas that you were developing on company time,

Jade’s slow money corporation and her earnings from patents, licenses, ebooks, webinars, and

Trade secrets also don’t contribute to the valuation of the company to the degree that patents do, since a competing company may file a patent application, potentially barring the company from using its trade secrets

For example, is the metric an increased rate of innovation, an increased quality of innovation, or an increased number of innovations in a given area? Furthermore, what constitutes an innovation? In the long-term, “increased innovation” could be expected to result in quantifiable outcomes, such as an increased number of patent applications or patents, more white papers in the company library, more 154

Trademarking, trade secrets, and patents seem to be the ones that apply most in businesses

He holds a lot of patents on microprocessors

I had some of FBTI’s patents analyzed

King Bhumipol of Thailand holds the patent on this technique and three other patents in agricultural innovations

The last major innovation intensifying the insane greed of selective ownership was the creation of the legality of modern patents

What happened when Thomas Edison patented his ideas? He died a pauper because of all the legal battles over the ownership of his patents

The entire history of modern media, its monopolization, its corruption for corporate profits and self-interests… became a history of Robber Barons stealing patents from creative inventors who were legally robbed of their inventions

Their main legal defence is to buy up patents cheaply and then never use them so nobody else can use these new ideas

The entire dynamic of creativity and invention, and experimentation has been destroyed and killed dead for over two hundred years by the invention of legal patents trying to own something called ‘intellectual property’

Their main legal defense is to buy up patents cheaply and then never use them so nobody else can use these new ideas

Instead of waiting for their government to first establish a colony, and corner most of the wealth in royal monopolies and patents: they became impatient, they became even more greedy: they wanted to profit from these colonies by getting in there at the beginning, even before the Crown had a chance to establish itself as in control of the lands they were invading, er robbing, er colonizing, er exploiting…er, profiting from…

But although we may consider ‘God’ to exist as the Creator of the universe, Self needs to be mindful that just as children grow up and leave their patents and become independent, so do humans

There are patents on cheap modules that can be inserted into vehicles as they are right now that would enable them to be powered off of tap water or rainwater or even seawater

She truly believed that was her greatest moment in life out of all the award-winning patents she must have been personally involved with

Mark the spirit of invention everywhere, thy rapid patents,

Their patents of nobility are too common to be certain that they bear the seal of true honor

The right of Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

Karin Slaughter has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

James Patterson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

She had several patents, I think

Garth Risk Hallberg has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

The right of Clem Chambers to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

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