Use the word passed in a sentence

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Sandi from Inspiration for Writers wrote to ask:

“Can you do a segment on Past vs. Passed–if you haven’t already? Too many get these words mixed up.”

Very happy to oblige, Sandi!

Past – relates to location

The word past locates something in time, and sometimes in space. It can be
used as an adjective, noun, or adverb.

“Past” as an adjective

The first definition which the OED gives for past as an adjective is “Gone by in time; elapsed; done with; over.” For example:

  • “The days for mourning are now past.”

When attributed to a group of people, past can also mean “Having served one’s term of office; former.” (OED)

  • “All past presidents of the United States were male.”

And in grammar, we have more examples of past being used as an adjective, such as in “past tense” and “past participle”.

“Past” as a noun

The main meaning for the noun form of past, given by the OED, is “The time that has gone by; a time, or all of the time, before the present.”

  • “In the past, standards were higher.”
  • “We cannot live in the past.”

“Past” as a preposition

As a preposition, past can mean: “Beyond in time; after; beyond the age for or time of; (in stating the time of day) so many minutes, or a quarter or half of an hour, after a particular hour.” (OED)

  • “It is almost half past five.”

It can also be used for location: “Beyond in place; further on than; at or on the further side of; to a point beyond.” (OED)

  • “My house is the one just past the turning.”

“Past” as an adverb

The first meaning the OED cites for past being used as an adverb is “So as to pass or go by; by.” For example:

  • “The ball sped past the goalkeeper.”

Passed – a verb in the past tense

Passed is the past participle of the verb “to pass”. It can be an intransitive verb (one which doesn’t require an object) or a transitive verb (one which requires both a subject and one or more objects).

“To pass” means “To proceed, move forward, depart; to cause to do this.” (OED) This can refer to movement forwards in time, in space, or in life (such as “to pass an examination”).

For example:

  • “The weeks passed quickly.” (Intransitive: subject “the weeks” and no object).
  • “I passed all my exams!” (Transitive: subject “I” and object “my exams”.)
  • “He passed the ball well during the match earlier.” (Transitive: subject “He” and object “the ball”.)

When do “past” and “passed” get confused?

Often, writers muddle the words past and passed in sentences such as:

  • “The heroes passed a village on their way towards the mountains.”

It’s common to see this written as:

  • “The heroes past a village on their way towards the mountains.”

But the word should be passed, as (in this sentence) it’s the past participle of the verb “to pass”. An easy way to tell is to rewrite the sentence in the present tense, as though you’re describing something which is happening currently:

  • “The heroes pass a village on their way towards the mountains.”
  • or “The heroes are passing a village on their way towards the mountains.”

However, if you wrote:

  • “The heroes walked past a village on their way towards the mountains.”

It’s correct to use past. The verb in this sentence is “walked”, and the “past” is acting as an adverb.

Unusual uses of the word “passed”

Most of the time, passed is a verb, as described above. There are a few occasions when it can be used as a noun or an adjective, though. For example:

  • “Don’t speak ill of the passed.” (noun)
    – This comes from the phrase “passed-away”.
  • “A passed pawn” (adjective)
    – Term used in chess.
  • “A passed ball” (adjective)
    – Term used in baseball.
  • “A passed midshipman/fireman/surgeon” (adjective)
    – Someone who has passed a period of instruction and qualified through examination – apparently this usage arose in the navy.

Have you come across any other unusual uses? Are there still any cases where you’re not sure whether to use passed or past? Share your examples with us in the comments below!

Why Do People Confuse “Past” and “Passed”, Anyway?

The words “past” and “passed” are homonyms (or homophones): they sound alike, but they’re two different words. This makes it easy to confuse them when writing – just like people often confuse the words “there”, “their” and “they’re”.

It doesn’t help that “past” and “passed” have quite similar meanings, each referring to movement relating to a fixed point (in time, space, or even life). This means it’s a lot easier to muddle them up than it is with some other homonyms with very different meanings, like “blue” and “blew”.

For a whole list of homonyms that commonly get confused, check out 25 Confused Homonym Pairs.

Quick Rules of Thumb When Dealing With “Past” and “Passed”

If you’re still struggling with “past” and “passed”, remember, “past” can’t be used as a verb.

If you find it hard to identify a verb, try replacing “passed” with the words “went by”, and see if your sentence works:

The heroes passed a village on their way towards the mountains.

The heroes went by a village on their way towards the mountains.

Time passed slowly that afternoon.

Time went by slowly that afternoon.

(This won’t work in every case – e.g. “He passed his exams” won’t sound right as “He went by his exams” – but it’ll help you a lot of the time.)

Alternatively, as mentioned above, you can rewrite the sentence in the present tense, as though it’s happening right now.

Right/Wrong Examples of the Use of Past and Passed

Sometimes, it’s helpful to take a look at some examples so you can double-check if you’re using “past” and “passed” the right way:

Right: He ran straight past the bus stop. (“Past” is acting as a preposition here and could be replaced with the word “by”)

Wrong: He ran straight passed the bus stop. (“Passed” can’t be a preposition.)

Right: He passed the bus stop on his run. (“Passed” is a past-tense verb here and could be replaced with “went by”.)

Wrong: He past the bus stop on his run. (“Past” can’t be a verb.)

Right: She passed the time by reading a novel. (Here, “passed” is a transitive verb and “time” is the direct object.)

Wrong: She past the time by reading a novel. (“Past” can’t be a verb.)

Right: It is past the time you should be home. (“Past” is a preposition here. You could replace it with “after” or “beyond”.)

Wrong: It is passed the time you should be home. (“Passed” can’t be a preposition.)

Hopefully this helps clear up any “past” vs “passed” confusion for you.

For each sentence, select whether “past” or “passed” is correct.

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I don’t think you passed that homework assignment.

She passed out at the sight of blood.

Your friend passed you in the race.

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The man passes the line

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Q: How do you use the word passed in a sentence?

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appealed before a court of second instance which examines the legality of


that have not yet come into force.


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обжалован в суде второй инстанции, который рассматривает законность


еще не приведенных в исполнение.


Referring to the death sentence passed on Mr. Salman Rushdie,

the representative emphasized that Mr. Rushdie’s book was a severe insult to Islam and to the prophet.


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то представитель подчеркнул, что книга г-на Рушди явилась грубым оскорблением ислама и пророка.


Mr. CITARELLA(Italy) said that a sentence passed in absentia was not enforceable

and could be suspended by the judge if the defendant could not be found.


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Г-н ЧИТАРЕЛЛА( Италия) говорит, что приговор, принятый в заочном порядке,

не обеспечивается правовой санкцией и его исполнение может быть отложено по решению судьи, если обвиняемый не может быть найден.


He was arrested on April 26, 1938,

and on 28 July he was shot according to a sentence passed by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

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Июля 1937 арестован, расстрелян 26 ноября того же года по приговору Военной коллегии Верховного суда СССР.

His self-decep tion consisted in his trying to convince himself that the actions

taken that evening were no less important than the sentence passed that morning.

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Обман же самого себя заключался в том, что прокуратор старался внушить себе,

что действия эти, теперешние, вечерние, не менее важны, чем утренний приговор.

By virtue of article 53 of the Constitution of Cyprus, the President of the Republic may, on the recommendation of the Attorney-General, remit,

suspend or commute any sentence passed by a court of law in the Republic.


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На основании статьи 53 Конституции Кипра Президент Республики может по рекомендации Генерального прокурора отменить,

приостановить исполнение или смягчить любой приговор, вынесенный уголовным судом Республики.


In communication No. 1086/2002, the author claimed, inter alia, that his extradition to the United States violated article 14, paragraph 5 in so far as he would not

be able to appeal either his conviction or his sentence passed in absentia.


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В сообщении№ 1086/ 2002 автор, среди прочего, утверждал о том, что его выдача в Соединенные Штаты Америки представляла собой нарушение пункта 5 статьи 14,

поскольку он не смог бы обжаловать ни его осуждение, ни его приговор, вынесенные заочно.


Bangladesh: on 7 February 2013,

expressing concern at a death sentence passed by the International Crimes Tribunal which failed to observe

all the guarantees of a fair trial and due process.


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Бангладеш: 7 февраля 2013 года-

с выражением беспокойства в связи со смертным приговором, вынесенным Трибуналом по международным преступлениям без соблюдения всех гарантий

справедливого судебного разбирательства и надлежащей процедуры.


According to the Criminal Procedure Code(art. 18, para. 3) the General Magistracy shall address to the same institution of a foreign State a request for the extradition of a citizen of the Republic of Moldova or another person who has committed

an offence on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, if no criminal trial was instituted or sentence passed.


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В соответствии с Уголовно-процессуальным кодексом( пункт 3 статьи 18) Генеральная прокуратура обращается к аналогичному учреждению иностранного государства с просьбой о выдаче какого-либо гражданина Республики Молдовы или другого лица, совершившего преступление на территории Республики Молдовы,

если это лицо не привлечено к уголовной ответственности или по его делу не вынесен приговор.


The sentences passed by the judges and magistrates are commensurate with the gravity of the offence.


Courts of appeal examine appeals against sentences passed by provincial courts of first instance.


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Апелляционные суды рассматривают апелляции, поданные в отношении приговоров, которые выносят окружные суды в качестве судов первой инстанции.


Nothing attests to this better than the huge contrast between sentences passed on Syrian Arabs and those


on settlers.


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Убедительнее всего об этом свидетельствуют огромные различия между приговорами, выносимыми сирийским арабам, и

приговорами, выносимыми



or ill-treatment were usually nominal and did not entail a period of imprisonment.


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Приговоры, выносимые должностным лицам, которые были признаны виновными в применении

пыток или в жестоком обращении, обычно являются номинальными и не влекут за собой лишения свободы.


Cited as proof was the huge contrast between the sentences passed on Syrian Arabs and those


on settlers.


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В качестве доказательства приводился разительный контраст между приговорами, выносимыми сирийским арабам и поселенцам.


He asked if there were any statistics indicating the kinds of

offences committed by juvenile offenders in Azerbaijan, and whether the sentences passed on them were adapted to their age.


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Ему хотелось бы знать, имеются ли статистические данные

о преступлениях, совершенных несовершеннолетними в Азербайджане, и выносятся ли им приговоры с учетом их возраста.


When you will gain some fluency in making sentences, pass to online chatting- this will increase the quickness of perception and reaction.


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Когда обретете некоторую скорость в составлении предложений, переходите к чату онлайн- это натренирует быстроту восприятия и реакции.


The Committee regrets that the State party did not provide

sufficient information regarding the prosecutions launched, sentences passed(which appear excessively light for offences of such gravity)

and reparation granted to the victims arts. 6 and 7.


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Комитет сожалеет, что государство- участник не представило достаточной информации,

касающейся возбужденных преследований, вынесенных приговоров( которые, очевидно, являются исключительно мягкими за совершение правонарушений подобной

тяжести) и компенсации, предоставленной жертвам статьи 6 и 7.


It is reported that, in accordance with the State of

Emergency Act No. 162 of 1958, sentences passed by the(Emergency) Supreme State Security Court

can only be reviewed by the President or a person mandated by the President.


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Сообщается, что,

согласно Закону о чрезвычайном положении№ 162 1958 года, приговоры, выносимые( чрезвычайным)

Верховным судом государственной безопасности, могут пересматриваться лишь Президентом или уполномоченным им лицом.


Paragraph 29 of the report raised the question of sentences passed by a foreign court on a Russian national for acts

of torture when the national was transferred to the Russian Federation to serve his



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В пункте 29 доклада ставится вопрос о вынесении приговора иностранным судом в отношении российского гражданина за совершение актов

пытки в тех случаях, когда этот гражданин для отбытия наказания передается Российской Федерации.


The Special Rapporteur calls on the Iranian authorities to review or

and to promulgate amnesties or any other appropriate measures to prevent the enforcement of the penalties imposed.


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Специальный докладчик хотел бы просить иранские власти пересмотреть или

отменить смертные приговоры бехаистам и

объявить амнистию или принять любые другие соответствующие меры для отмены вынесенных наказаний.


Statistical data should also be provided on complaints filed,

prosecutions launched and sentences passed for acts prohibited under article 4 of the Convention over the reporting period,

as well as a qualitative assessment of such data.


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Необходимо также представлять статистические данные о поступивших жалобах,

возбужденных уголовных делах и вынесенных приговорах в связи с совершением актов, запрещаемых статьей 4 Конвенции, за

отчетный период, а также качественный анализ таких данных.


Briefings saw approval for the need to study details of the numbers of children lost and found, names of places where children are lost and found,

and punishments or sentences passed on to apprehended kidnappers or traffickers.


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В ходе брифингов была подчеркнута необходимость тщательного изучения данных о числе пропавших и найденных детей, названиях мест, где дети пропали и были найдены,


Compile relevant and comprehensive statistics as soon as possible on complaints, inquiries, legal proceedings,

convictions and sentences passed in cases of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.


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Собрать в кратчайшие сроки полные и конкретные статистические данные


жалобах, расследованиях, судебных преследованиях, осуждениях,

а также о вынесенных приговорах по делам, касающимся применения пыток и жестокого,

бесчеловечного или унижающего достоинство обращения.


Calls upon national authorities to implement strictly the legislation related to bonded labour; the number of prosecutions brought,

successful convictions obtained and sentences passed against those using bonded labourers should be recorded

and made public on a regular basis;


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Призывает национальные власти неукоснительно соблюдать законодательство о кабальном труде; следует регистрировать и регулярно объявлять количество случаев возбуждения преследования,

успешного доказательства виновности и вынесения приговоров в отношении лиц, использующих труд закабаленных работников;


The Committee also recommends that the Government provide in its next periodic report information,

including the number of complaints lodged and sentences passed, about the implementation in practice of the legal provisions prohibiting

acts of racial discrimination and organizations which promote and incite racial discrimination, in accordance with articles 2 and 4 of the Convention.


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Комитет также рекомендует правительству включить в его следующий периодический

доклад данные о количестве поданных жалоб и вынесенных приговоров в рамках информации о практическом осуществлении законодательных положений, запрещающих проявления

расовой дискриминации и организации, поощряющие и разжигающие расовую дискриминацию, как это предусмотрено в статьях 2 и 4 Конвенции.


He regretted that the report failed to mention any cases in which those texts had been applied and he echoed the request made by

Mr. Sicilianos for more information about any complaints filed or sentences passed on the basis of those provisions,

because such judicial decisions would indicate compliance with article 6 of the Convention.


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Он выражает сожаление, что доклад не упоминает о каких-либо судебных делах, в которых эти тексты применялись бы, и он поддерживает запрос гна Сисильяноса о

получении дополнительной информации относительно каких-либо поданных жалоб или вынесенных приговоров на основе упомянутых положений, потому

что такие судебные постановления могли бы указывать на соблюдение статьи 6 Конвенции.





7 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Write true sentences in Passive Voice. Use the words in table.

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(3 оценки)



7 лет назад

Светило науки — 124 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

The house is built of stone.
The children are given textbooks at school.
We are invited to the concert.
The letter is written in English.
The newspapers are brought in the morning
Dinner is cooked by my mother.
The picture is painted by my friend.
The classroom is  cleaned every day.
I am not allowed to ride a motor-bike.
Potatoes are grown in many countries.

(3 оценки)

A. The words and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.

 Every year, several prizes are giving to the best students.

 When the pizza was delivering, it was cold.

 You will be telling when you can come in.

 That song doesn’t played on the radio very often, is it?

 Your money was stealing out of your bag?

 We haven’t allowed to use a dictionary in the exam yesterday.

 That film won’t have shown in our local cinema for a long time.

 I will be picked up from the station on Saturday?


1 given   2 delivered   3 told   4 isn’t

5 Was your money stolen

6 weren’t   7 be   8 Will I be

B. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

 When people …………………… (arrest), they …………………… (take) to the police station.

 Milk …………………… (usually / keep) in the fridge.

 …………………… (we / tell) what’s in next week’s test?

 How did people communicate over long distances before the phone …………………… (invent)?

 …………………… (you / allow) to come to the party next Saturday?

 You …………………… (give) your exam results next Monday.

 …………………… (Aidan’s bike / find) yesterday?


1 are arrested/are taken

2 is usually kept

3 Will we be told

4 was invented

5 Will you be allowed

6 will be given

7 Was Aidan’s bike found

C. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the correct passive form of the verbs in the box. Add any other words you need.

call • catch • find • investigate • rob • send

1   At ten o’clock yesterday morning, the local bank in the high street ……………………. .

2   At one minute past ten, the police ……………………. .

3   A few minutes later, the police arrived at the bank. The crime scene ……………………. .

4   At twenty past ten, the robbers’ fingerprints ……………………. .

5   At half past eleven, the robbers ……………………. .

6   Next week, they ……………………. .


1 was robbed   2 were called

3 was investigated   4 were found

5 were caught   6 will be sent to prison

D. Answer the questions using your own ideas.

1   Where are cars usually fixed?

     They ……………………………………………………. .

2   Where will the next Olympic Games be held?

     They ……………………………………………………. .

3   Who are Oscars usually awarded to?

     They ……………………………………………………. .

4   What are you not allowed to do at school?

     I ……………………………………………………. .

5   What were you given for your birthday last yea1

     I ……………………………………………………. .

6   What will you be given for your next birthday?

      I’ll probably ……………………………………………………. .


Example answers

1   are usually fixed at a/the garage

2   will be held in Beijing in China

3   are usually awarded to film stars

4   am not allowed to eat in class

5   was given a new computer

6   be given some new clothes

E. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1   Will they send the letters first class? sent

     Will ………………………………………………. first class?

2   I’m not sure if they eat pizza in China. is

     I’m not sure if ………………………………………………. in China.

3   Someone told me that they don’t make cars in the UK anymore. made

     Someone told me that ………………………………………………. in the UK anymore.

4   Do they usually feed the animals three times a day? fed

     Are ………………………………………………. three times a day?

5   Mr Jones is ill, so he won’t give us a geography test today! be

     Mr Jones is ill, so ………………………………………………. a geography test today!

6   Did they take her to hospital in an ambulance? she

     Was ………………………………………………. to hospital in an ambulance?


1 the letters be sent   2 pizza is eaten

3 cars aren’t made   4 the animals usually fed

5 we won’t be given   6 she taken

F. Write one word in each gap.

The National Trust

There are lots of beautiful, large houses in Britain. Many of them (1) ………………… built hundreds of years ago. In the past, they (2) ………………… owned by very rich families. Today, many of them (3) ………………… owned by an organisation called The National Trust, which (4) ………………… created to look after them. The houses (5) ………………… kept in perfect condition, and visitors (6) ………………… allowed to look round them. It’s interesting to learn how different life was in an old house. Milk was (7) ………………… kept in the fridge, because they didn’t have fridges! Washing machines (8) ………………… only invented very recently, so washing (9) ………………… done by hand. In some cases, the house (10) ………………… still lived in today. When this happens, visitors (11) ………………… only shown part of the house. The private rooms (12) ………………… kept closed to the public. These houses often have beautiful gardens, too. The gardens (13) ………………… looked after by professional gardeners.

You usually have to pay to look round National Trust houses. Members of the National Trust (14) ………………… given a discount. This year, millions of people (15) ………………… be given the chance to see what life in an old country house was like.


1 were   2 were   3 are   4 was

5 are   6 are   7 not/never   8 were

9 was   10 is   11 are   12 are

13 are   14 are   15 will

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