Use the word particularly in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word particularly, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use particularly in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «particularly».

Particularly in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word particularly in a sentence.

  1. It’s a particularly British thing.

  2. He particularly applied it to U.S.

  3. Young Calvin was particularly precocious.

  4. Cleckley, which affected him particularly.

  5. Hobbs was particularly successful in 1925.

  6. It is particularly well suited for vaulting.

  7. Skulls were particularly vulnerable to this.

  8. It is particularly poorly compatible with O.

  9. It is particularly prevalent east of Boonah.

  10. The two were never particularly close friends.

  11. Its hearing is neither particularly acute nor poor.

  12. He was particularly noted for his skill as a bowler.

  13. But it was at cricket that he particularly excelled.

  14. Wodehouse, who particularly loved the school stories.

  15. CBT is particularly beneficial in preventing relapse.

  16. It has traditionally been inlaid into furniture and boxes, particularly in China.

  17. This cover is particularly thick on the leaves, giving them a silvery appearance.

  18. Kleptoparasitism by skuas, particularly the great skua, occurs at breeding sites.

  19. This idea was promulgated by many pages on the Internet, particularly on YouTube.

  20. Thirty-two of these temples are particularly prominent; Koovagam is the foremost.

  21. The American goldfinch is occasionally victim to brood parasites, particularly brown-headed cowbirds.

  22. The event is considered particularly significant, as the first such accusation endorsed by the Crown.

  23. There, he was roundly abused and mocked for his awkward fielding, particularly when chasing the ball.

  24. She describes the Italians as having an untapped potential for greatness, particularly the peasants:.

  25. Due in part to Deal’s work with the Pixies, the album was widely anticipated, particularly in Europe.

  26. The state should, I think, be called «Anaesthesia.» This signifies insensibility—more particularly ..

  27. In a particularly poor start to the new combination, Waugh was run out after a mix-up with Gilchrist.

  28. Hostility between France and Britain, particularly over the colonization of North America, continued.

  29. Nick Levine of Digital Spy particularly praised its beats, which according to him, «just don’t quit».

  30. In her piece for Nation, Brenda Wineapple describes the book as «poignant but not particularly good».

  31. Research shows that mTOR inhibitors may be particularly effective for cancers with mutations in PTEN.

  32. The decision proved controversial, particularly at Portsmouth, who had ended the season as champions.

  33. It proved particularly effective against the V-1 flying bomb over England, and later Antwerp in 1944.

  34. Fort Walton Beach, where hundreds of structures were damaged or destroyed, was hit particularly hard.

  35. Daniel Day-Lewis said, «I don’t particularly like westerns as a genre, but I do love certain westerns.

  36. Smith was fascinated by the idea of being a fighter pilot, and particularly excited by the prospect of flying a Spitfire.

  37. The cruise of the Great White Fleet was conceived as a way to demonstrate American military power, particularly to Japan.

  38. During this time, Sega became concerned about software and hardware piracy in Southeast Asia, and particularly in Taiwan.

  39. Prosperity theology has become popular among poor Americans, particularly those who seek personal and social advancement.

  40. These improved results, particularly the wins against France, lifted Scotland into the top 20 of the FIFA world rankings.

  41. Intihar described Otto and Peter as parallels of each other in many ways, particularly their intelligence and compassion.

  42. The 1843 event was followed by eruptions in 1849, 1851, 1852, and 1855, with the 1855 flows being particularly extensive.

  43. Repeated and sometimes violent incidents of discrimination directed against black African diplomats, particularly on U.S.

  44. Some of the sea otter’s preferred prey species, particularly abalone, clams, and crabs, are also food sources for humans.

  45. Although male fertility is reduced, many men with SCI can still father children, particularly with medical interventions.

  46. It was a critical success, receiving praise for its modern take on the serial film, its non-stop action and adventure, and the cast, particularly Ford, Allen, and Freeman.

  47. Landscape designers, ecologists, and land managers have recognized the ecological importance of beavers, particularly in urban areas where they help maintain green spaces.

  48. Hewett’s methods have been widely criticized, and his work judged to have been substandard, particularly in comparison to the work done by the National Geographic Project.

  49. The two models and the data that support them can be reconciled by large-scale recycling of the continental crust, particularly during the early stages of Earth’s history.

  50. Coastal areas provide a constant food supply, and in particularly plentiful areas, some Andean condors limit their foraging area to several kilometers of beach-front land.

Synonyms for particularly

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word particularly has the following synonyms: in particular, peculiarly, especially and specially.

General information about «particularly» example sentences

The example sentences for the word particularly that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «particularly» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «particularly».

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Rupert Kuhic

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(27 votes)

Particularly sentence example. The silk fabrics of France hold the first place, particularly the more expensive kinds. In the sunshine the air was warm, and that warmth was particularly pleasant with the invigorating freshness of the morning frost still in the air.

What is difference between especially and particularly?

For example, according to Google, particularly is defined as «to a higher degree than is usual or average,» while especially is defined as «to a great extent; very much

What kind of word is particularly?

The adverb form of «particular,» the word particularly means «in a focused, precise manner.» You looked for stones that had the proper qualities, particularly rounded edges and elongated shapes. Careful near the windows.

What is the function of particularly?

1 : in a particular manner : in detail. 2 : to an unusual degree a particularly dry summer particularly stormy weather. 3 : in particular : specifically The tools were useful, particularly the knife.

How do you use the word in particular?

You use in particular to indicate that what you are saying applies especially to one thing or person. The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrisome. Why should he notice her car in particular?

40 related questions found

Is it correct to say in particular?

«In particular» is an idiomatic expression that means «in distinction from others» or «specifically». This expression usually refers to nouns and is set apart by a comma when it occurs at the beginning of a sentence or a phrase. … It is not set off by a comma from the rest of the sentence.

What does the phrase in particular mean?

Especially; also, separately, individually, in detail. For example, The chancellor talked about the curriculum, the core courses in particular, or The orchestra was outstanding, the strings in particular. [

What is the function of the verb?

Effective English language communication usually requires that each sentence contain a subject and a verb. The subject is sometimes defined as a person, a place, or a thing. The verb conveys an understanding of the action expressed, or it conveys the state of the subject.

Which is a function word?

Function words include determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, modals, qualifiers, and question words. Content words are words with specific meanings, such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and main verbs (those without helping verbs.)

What is the adjective of particularly?

in a particular or to an exceptional degree; especially: He read it with particularly great interest. in a particular manner; specifically; individually.

How do you use particularly in a sentence?

Particularly sentence example

  1. Nobody is particularly snooty in this world, right? …
  2. They didn’t have to be particularly long. …
  3. He particularly reverenced the writer and the preacher. …
  4. He didn’t look particularly concerned. …
  5. I didn’t particularly want to but I’ve always had a tendency to please.

Is mercilessly an adverb?

mercilessly adverb — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

When should I use particularly?

You use particularly to indicate that what you are saying applies especially to one thing or situation.

What is the opposite of particularly?

Opposite of to a higher degree than is usual or average. generally. little. negligibly. nominally.

What does not particularly mean?

: only a little : not very or not very much He is not particularly good at math. «Did you like the movie?» «No, not particularly.»

What is the example of function word?

Function words are the words we use to make our sentences grammatically correct. Pronouns, determiners, and prepositions, and auxiliary verbs are examples of function words.

What is the function of the word while?

While is a word in the English language that functions both as a noun and as a subordinating conjunction. Its meaning varies largely based on its intended function, position in the phrase and even the writer or speaker’s regional dialect.

What are function words English language?

In linguistics, function words (also called functors) are words that have little lexical meaning or have ambiguous meaning and express grammatical relationships among other words within a sentence, or specify the attitude or mood of the speaker. … Thus they form important elements in the structures of sentences.

What is the primary function of a verb?

This term refers to the important verb in the sentence, the one that typically shows the action or state of being of the subject. … Main verbs can stand alone, or they can be used with a helping verb, also called an auxiliary verb.

Why are the functions of verbs important?

Verbs are very important for language development because they allow children to start building sentences. The choice of verb determines the grammatical form in a sentence. Children who use more verbs have more advanced grammatical skills.

What are the functions of verb illustrate?

to make clear or intelligible, as by examples or analogies; exemplify. Archaic. to enlighten. verb (used without object), il·lus·trat·ed, il·lus·trat·ing. to clarify one’s words, writings, etc., with examples: To prevent misunderstandings, let me illustrate.

What is the same meaning of particular?

Frequently Asked Questions About particular

Some common synonyms of particular are especial, individual, special, and specific. While all these words mean «of or relating to one thing or class,» particular stresses the distinctness of something as an individual.

How do you use particular and in general?

He gets an amazing amount said about life in general and in particular. The timing suggests that the elections in general, and in particular, the EFF’s call for nationalisation, influenced their drafting. Analysis of why Kennedy has lost ground and his campaign in general, and in particular in California.

Where do we use in particular?

You use in particular to indicate that what you are saying applies especially to one thing or person. The situation in rural areas in particular is worrying.

Examples of how to use the word “particularly” in a sentence. How to connect “particularly” with other words to make correct English sentences.

particularly (adv): especially, or more than usual:

Examples of how to use the word “particularly” in a sentence. How to connect “particularly” with other words to make correct English sentences.

particularly (adv): especially, or more than usual:

Use “particularly” in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The participatory approach seems particularly suitable for promoting sustainable agriculture.

Подход, предусматривающий широкое участие населения, как представляется, особенно подходит для целей содействия устойчивому развитию сельского хозяйства.

For those with deformed spines particularly.

А для тех, кто живет в растворенном виде, — особенно.

This is what makes Effective Altruism particularly pernicious.

И это именно то, что делает «эффективным альтруизм» особо вредным явлением.

Use as a fertilizer (particularly in China).

Употребляется как острая приправа к пище (особо в Китае).

Control of the performance of the public administration is reduced particularly particularly by the proposed limitation of the scope of review of decisions within appellate proceedings.

Контроль за деятельностью государственной администрации ослабляется прежде всего вследствие предлагаемого ограничения объема пересмотра решений в апелляционном порядке.

Street children were particularly vulnerable to exploitation.

Представитель Швеции обращается к вопросу о бездомных детях, которые особенно уязвимы к эксплуатации.

It also provides employment, particularly in the rural areas.

Речь идет также о создании рабочих мест, особенно в сельской местности.

He was not particularly engaged in the process.

Нет, группа не особенно была вовлечена в этот процесс.

Stay particularly focused on areas where children may be present.

Также будьте особенно внимательны на внутридворовых территориях, где могут быть дети.

Surprisingly, the coat does not require particularly extensive care.

Дополнительно стоит отметить, что емкости не нуждаются в особенно сложном уходе.

This made it particularly attractive in undeveloped countries.

Это делает его особенно привлекательным в местах произрастания с неблагоприятной экологией.

This was particularly evident in funding distribution.

Особенно ясно это видно на примере распределения денежных средств.

It’s particularly abundant in muscles, including the heart.

Особенно высокую потребность в нем испытывают мышцы, в том числе сердце.

Be particularly vigilant if the policy was purchased before 1997.

Особо важно это сделать, если земельный участок был приобретен ранее 1997 года.

Social inequality leads to increased social tensions, particularly in the transition period.

Социальное неравенство, имущественное расслоение общества, как правило, ведут к росту социальной напряженности, особенно в переходный период.

Transportation facilities, particularly railroads, are limited.

А переездов и особенно путепроводов через железные дороги очень мало…

These expressions are particularly true in investing.

Эти замечания особенно верны, когда речь идет об инвестициях.

This is particularly so when under pressure.

Особенно это проявляется в ситуациях, когда на него оказывается давление.

Good place to pause particularly if you are cycling.

Хорошее место чтобы отдохнуть, особенно, если вы едете на велосипеде.

Women and children are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking.

Особенно уязвимыми в отношении практики торговли людьми являются женщины и дети.

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particularly — перевод на русский


Particularly handsome group this year, as you can see.

Особенно красивая группа в этом году, как вы можете видеть.

I thank the Lord that you are here, for I love every one of you, and particularly this blind boy, who shames us all with a shining example of faith.

Ѕлагодарю √оспода, что вы пришли сюда. я люблю всех вас, и особенно этого слепого юношу, что пристыдил нас блест€щим примером веры.

I’m afraid, as a rule, I prefer the company of men, particularly if they’re bartenders.

Я, как правило, предпочитаю компанию мужчин, особенно если они — бармены.

Jerry, it would be nice to think you’d remembered me all these years, particularly when you’ve written such a really beautiful play.

Мне было бы очень приятно, Джерри, если бы ты вспоминал меня все эти годы, особенно, когда ты написал такую прекрасную пьесу.

No one in particular, just hither and yon.

Да особенно и ни с кем. Шатался туда-сюда.

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I don’t think she was driving anywhere in particular

Не думаю, что она ехала куда-то конкретно

I’m not sure that I’m anything in particular.

Не уверен, что я кто-либо конкретно.

Not that particular spot.

Ну не та конкретно.

I’m not mad at anybody in particular.

Я ни на кого конкретно зла не держу.

I didn’t mean you in particular.

Я не имел ввиду конкретно вас.

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I don’t particularly notice good looks.

Я не особо замечал его внешний вид.

Since this contact was initiated in a sociopolitical context particularly satisfying for the subject,

Контакт произошел в условиях,.. …особо удовлетворяющих объект с точки зрения политики и страсти.

You know, I don’t particularly like the Swampies, but I can’t say I really hate them.

Знаете, Болотники не особо мне нравятся, но я не могу сказать, что ненавижу их.

I don’t particularly want to spend the night out here.

Я не особо хочу провести всю ночь здесь.

Jari’s list of offences isn’t particularly impressive.

Список преступлений Яри не особо впечатляет.

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It was the storks in particular that worried her.

В частности, аист обеспокоил ее.

«and marten, the latter particularly in Eastern Siberia.»

Последняя, font color-«#e1e1e1″в частности, в Восточной Сибири.

In particular, certain enzyme factors.

В частности, выяснить влияние ферментов.

And that at this particular moment he’s with her. — That’s it exactly. Very well.

ты обеспокоен ухаживаниями Ивана за твоей дочерью вообще, и то, что она с ним в данный момент в частности.

He assumed that the Iroquois gens and particularly the Seneca gens to be the classic form of this primitive gens

Он полагает, что род ирокезов, в частности, род сенеков есть классическая форма того примитивного рода.

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Why the movies particularly? I mean….

А почему именно сниматься в кино?

Any particular one you’d like to see?

Кого именно вы хотели бы увидеть?

Who knew you’d be wearing the necklace this particular night?

Кто знал, что вы надели ожерелье именно в тот вечер?

— Any particular place?

— Куда именно?

Why are you so particular about me?

А почему именно я?

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Anyway, I particularly liked her.

Но она очень мне нравилась.

I was particularly interested in that group.

Меня очень заинтересовала вот эта композиция.

You keen on tennis? — Well, not particularly.

— Ну, вообще-то не очень.

Not particularly good.

— Боюсь, не очень.

— Not particularly.

— Не очень.

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Because here is a real map widely publicized by UFO enthusiasts of 15 selected nearby stars, including the sun as seen from one particular vantage point in space.

Дело в том, что у нас есть реальная карта, получившая широкую известность благодаря поклонникам НЛО. На ней отмечены 15 звезд, включая Солнце, расположенных так, как их можно увидеть с определенной точки в космосе.

I think he’s also interested in graffiti, in casual mark s, in mark s that are not made deliberately or with a particular purpose, that might be made by somebody drawing a stick along a soft wall or a child scratching its name into… into a stone in a churchyard.

По-моему, его ещё интересуют настенные надписи, случайные, сделанные неосознанно или без определённой цели, как если бы кто-нибудь провёл палкой по мягкой стене, или ребёнок нацарапал бы своё имя на кладбищенском камне.

And everything that I learn, I learn for a particular task, and once it’s done,

И всё, что я изучаю, я изучаю для определённой цели.

— No particular reason.

— Без определенной причины.

— No particular reason?

— Без определенной причины?

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Excuse me…. pink …. The young of the educated middle classes particularly were attracted by the instant liberation LSD seemed to offer.

розовые …. —реди молодежи из образованного среднего класса Ц было в особенности попул€рно мгновенное освобождение, которое казалось предлагало Ћ—ƒ.

No, nobody in particular. Why?

— Никого в особенности.

See, I know every bit what comes in here, and Myra particularly.

— Точно? Я знаю всех, кто приходит ко мне. А Майру в особенности.

The cats particularly.

Кошки в особенности.

My monastic seclusion was devoted to a study of the classics, particularly one from which I acquired my style, not only in literature but in my brilliant career of love and crime.

Мое монашеское уединение я провел, изучая классиков… /»Похождения Казановы»/ …в особенности, одного, откуда я почерпнул свой стиль, не только литературный, но и жизненный, в любви и преступлении.

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Humans do claim a great deal for that particular emotion.

Люди действительно требуют много для этой специфической эмоции.

My story will interest you all especially our dear President; it concerns a particular mania his dearest caprice, which enabled me to make his acquaintance

Мои истории будут интересны для всех… особенно для Вас наш дорогой Президент, это касается Вашей специфической мании… и Вашего самого дорогого каприза, который дал возможность мне завести это знакомство

It’s difficult because you’re selling to a particular group, understand?

Это очень трудно потому, что ты продаешь товар специфической группе людей. Понимаешь о чём я?

There’s a particular reason why… Burns would not have worn a kilt.

Бёрнс не носил килт по специфической причине.

I just keep wondering, like, what if I’d made a different choice, you know, like, on a particular night, in one of these moments,

Я только продолжаю задаваться вопросом, что, если я сделал другой выбор, ну ты знаешь, как, специфической ночью, в один из этих моментов,

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For any particular reason?

На то есть причины?

Any particular reason why we shouldn’t see this young woman’s photograph, inspector?

У вас есть какие-то причины для того, чтобы скрывать фото этой девушки от нас, инспектор?

— No reason, particularly.

— Да так, без причины.

They had a particular connotation, which wasn’t sexual.

Причины, не связанные с сексом.

Almost every boy goes through a phase where his penisbecomes hard… for no particular reason.

В жизни практически каждого мальчика наступает момент, когда его пенис твердеет… без видимой причины.

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