Use the word particle in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word particle, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use particle in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «particle».

Particle in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word particle in a sentence.

  1. Future tense is marked by the particle wè.

  2. The single particle survival probability is.

  3. In 1931 Rabi returned to particle beam experiments.

  4. Uranium decays slowly by emitting an alpha particle.

  5. In classical mechanics this particle would be trapped.

  6. Explosions and fountains also use these particle effects.

  7. Helium-7 also emits a beta particle as well as a gamma ray.

  8. In other words, a freely moving or falling particle always moves along a geodesic.

  9. The stored particles could then be directed to collide with another particle beam.

  10. This property is usually stated by referring to the electron as a spin-1/2 particle.

  11. The 19S regulatory particle is responsible for stimulating the 20S to degrade proteins.

  12. Clouds at different levels have different compositions and particle size distributions.

  13. Verbs and nouns are negated by the particle n, but nn is used for adverbial and adjectival sentences.

  14. These reaction conditions are rather mild and require monazite sand with a particle size under 45 μm.

  15. Energy emission can occur when a moving electron is deflected by a charged particle, such as a proton.

  16. This polarization was confirmed experimentally in 1997 using the Japanese TRISTAN particle accelerator.

  17. This invention allowed particle accelerators at much higher energies than had previously been possible.

  18. Notably, in order to deflect a test particle from its geodesic path, an external force must be applied.

  19. A pearl is created in the mantle of a mollusk when an irritant particle is surrounded by layers of nacre.

  20. Pauli also called this particle a neutron, but it was clearly not the same particle as Chadwick’s neutron.

  21. In July 2009, it was transported to Dubna, where it was installed in the particle accelerator at the JINR.

  22. Lie groups arise as symmetry groups in geometry but appear also in the Standard Model of particle physics.

  23. Hence, the angular momentum vector L is also conserved and defines the plane in which the particle travels.

  24. Studies of heavier quarks are conducted in artificially created conditions, such as in particle accelerators.

  25. The game uses a particle system that was written in microcode for the Nintendo 64’s Reality Signal Processor.

  26. A protein that is in cells, called TRIM21, can attach to the antibodies on the surface of the virus particle.

  27. Linear particle accelerators generate electron beams for treatment of superficial tumors in radiation therapy.

  28. After a protein has been ubiquitinated, it is recognized by the 19S regulatory particle in an ATP-dependent binding step.

  29. The simplest example of quantum system with a position degree of freedom is a free particle in a single spatial dimension.

  30. Walker, Gary Steigman derived accurate estimates of the baryon density of the universe and constrained particle properties.

  31. This definition of the LRL vector A pertains to a single point particle of mass m moving under the action of a fixed force.

  32. The substrate protein must then enter the interior of the 20S particle to come in contact with the proteolytic active sites.

  33. Prior to the 26S assembly, the 19S regulatory particle in a free form has also been observed in seven conformational states.

  34. The mechanism of proteolysis by the β subunits of the 20S core particle is through a threonine-dependent nucleophilic attack.

  35. This would increase the energy of the particle collision over the previous method, which directed the beam at a fixed target.

  36. The virus particle, called a virion, is pleomorphic and varies between being filamentous, bacilliform, or spherical in shape.

  37. The basic ingredients of their approach are primitive concepts such as event, light ray, particle and freely falling particle.

  38. For the American market and the October 2001 release, the cover art of Is This It was changed to a psychedelic photograph of subatomic particle tracks in a bubble chamber.

  39. The particle radiation emitted by a star is manifested as the stellar wind, whichstreams from the outer layers as electrically charged protons and alpha and beta particles.

  40. This observation led to the identification of the half-life as one of the outcomes of the alpha particle experiments that led to the disintegration theory of radioactivity.

  41. The gravitational potential of the black hole can then supply the energy that transforms this virtual particle into a real particle, allowing it to radiate away into space.

  42. As we let the Gaussian wave packet evolve in time, we see that its center moves through space at a constant velocity (like a classical particle with no forces acting on it).

Synonyms for particle

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word particle has the following synonyms: atom, molecule, corpuscle, mote, spec and subatomic particle.

General information about «particle» example sentences

The example sentences for the word particle that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «particle» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «particle».

The first character is a negative particle meaning ‘not’

«Squidyman is gonna use the small-bore particle streams maybe… cut up this junk slow

«It means were going to have to collide the particle streams we fire at a more direct angle

Now, her body extended all the way to the reactors and super-capacitors and particle emitters that would open the transit and breach space

There were antimatter traps, nondestructive quantum-state sensors, particle sources and a magneto-cancellation chiller, all aimed at a vacuum chamber no bigger than a pea

«We do know that there would be no signals without a particle state change,” he said

You still have only three particle traps, you need ten or twenty billion to make any sense out of first order

She told me I was getting nowhere because I still had only three particle traps and was plotting on the first order

There was one for each particle in each atom that he had entangled

When a qbit is transmitted from one particle to another, the state of that property in the transmitting particle goes to unknown

Because the quantum number is associated with such a large particle, it is very, very fuzzy

At the same instant, its sister particle changed

“So that would indicate that her soul came over as a particle,” Rene said

«I admit that,» Ava told him, «but that particle is a vessel from the souls you are trying to exterminate who live on the asteroids you are targeting

That particle was supposedly entangled with a photon they had received in the message bringing this data

Bex can hear sounds washing over the ramparts of her consciousness, humming notes, staccato glissades, particle waves, and she is both reassured by their proximity and confused by the language

Let’s see how planets and stars are formed, or more practically, form themselves: A solitary particle of dust, endowed with a little attraction, attracts another particle 41

accept that Earth is a particle in the micro-cosmos of

You will learn that for each particle of matter there is an anti-matter one

And that particle, what is it made of? Where does it come from? What intelligence makes it a reality? Now close your eyes and try to perceive what you are part of

He was already working fifteen hours a week as a research assistant at the Montana particle accelerator site (a ringway extended for two hundred and fifty kilometres underground, the world’s biggest)

When the special particle in one machine was moved, the paired particle in the other machine instantaneously moved in unison

By monitoring the state of the particle it was possible to receive messages over any distance with no time delay at all

— The Hebrew particle “eth” is used with the article “the” twice; its total value is 406 (58 x 7)

Temperatures were so high that the random motions of particles were at relativistic speeds, and particle — antiparticle pairs of all kinds were being continuously created and destroyed in collisions

The Universe continued to grow in size and fall in temperature; hence the typical energy of each particle was decreasing

After about 10-11 seconds, the picture becomes less speculative, since particle energies drop to values that can be attained in particle physics experiments

Dark energy in its simplest formulation takes the form of the cosmological constant term in Einstein‘s field equations of general relativity, but its composition and mechanism are unknown and, more generally, the details of its equation of state and relationship with the Standard Model of particle physics continue to be investigated both observationally and theoretically

It’s a oscillating, high-density particle beam

“Weinberg’s arena,” avers Berlinski, “is Elementary particles…A rather depressing place…Over there (in the Standard Model of particle physics), fields are pregnant with latent energy, particles flicker into existence and disappear, things are entangled, and no one can quite tell what is possible and what is actual, what is here and what is there, what is now and what was then, solid forms give way

A sand particle is moved, which causes another particle to shift a fraction, and another, and so on, without ceasing

Immediately after firing those, they banked the ship hard and fired the ship’s forward high-energy particle cannons on a second ship, quickly destroying both craft, probably before they had even noticed our attack

As they were being displayed one by one to them, she said, “They are immune to most physical attacks, but your energy and particle weapons will work well

the atom is a particle called a neutron, that consists of three quarks

Jaden concentrates on the red words, just those words that change, and Unknown Nano particle removed from rear brain–safely stored

We have particle controlling nanos that direct lightning charges into our city from around the planet

momentum of a particle, the shorter is the length of its associated wave

a wave and a particle

another, where each type of particle corresponded with a different field

sub-atomic particle that had been expected by an observer, the scientist, to occur at a certain

When the experiment is repeated, the instantaneous response of the particle at the farther box

The scientific method, based on physical laws and particle motion, rules this domain

Consequently, an individual particle does nothing

An isolated picodust particle is lifeless and lacks the basic machinery for life—but when more than a trillion particles form a group, the entire collective comes to life and acts as a single living organism

be discarded but the particle theories of today that suggested those particles will live on

Conceptually this field must be open and receptive to particle creation and annihilation

sense, the quantum field is similar to the void of Democritus as the yielding substance that may be filled with particle substance

Of course, we differ in our capacity to wield directedness, and I am not claiming that we should forsake the particle directedness of today’s medicine that

More than just inverse changes, physicists presume that one particle gives its momentum to another as I would hand a gift to my friend

They imagine that particles peel off momentum, and that the momentum moves from one particle and attaches

In John Wheeler’s experiment it was found that the history of a particle depended on what happened in the present

As we approach an elementary particle to measure its precise momentum, its location becomes smeared all over spacetime

The particle does not allow you to pinpoint its precise location

When a particle appears to be destroyed it has merely enfolded back into the deeper order from which it sprang

Henry Stapp wrote for the Atomic Energy Commission,’…an elementary particle is not an independently existing entity

When strong measurements are made, the waves collapse into complementary pairs of particle and antiparticle

If each particle is considered a pixel, we can imagine an infinite perfectly symmetric 2d checkerboard screen of complementary pairs of pixels of plus 1s and minus 1s

The idea that electrons can only occupy certain discrete energy levels was very perplexing to early investigators and to Niels Bohr himself becase the electron was considered to be a particle

Why the electron occupies only discrete levels is better understood by considering the electron to be, not a particle, but a wave

In order to view the electron as a particle, another wave (travelling in the opposite direction) must be generated by a detector that interferes with this wave, to produce a standing wave

The interpretation would apply even to an electrically neutral particle such as the neutron, because the neutron, at the most fundamental level, is thought to be made up of smaller particles called quarks, which do carry electric charge

’ An overlay of worlds would produce a space without any observable matter, where every positive particle is matched with an equal negative particle

’ Physicist John Hitchcock explains that a particle and its antiparticle (generated in the quantum vacuum) have the same mass but their charge and spin arise in terms of opposites i

When Niels Bohr invoked the complementarity principle, which basically states that the reality of electrons or photons cannot be reduced to a (1d) particle concept or a (1d) wave concept, he edged Science out of a purely linear approach

If the particle

terms of the known forces (within the Standard Model of particle physics), it only

arated means that the particle density in the subtle

particles would show up as a daily sidereal time modulation of dark matter particle counting rates in

inversely related to the mass of the particle

by a variety of factors; including thermodynamic considerations, particle mass and

plasma frequency is inversely related to the mass of the particle

to assume that they would be composed of only one type of particle There is

string theories postulate that every standard particle we observe has a mas-

as the frequency of the particle was raised, it was pushed out of the

the standard particle Here, a metaphysicist says the same thing:

verse, the motion of each individual charged particle is strongly controlled by

tern (which indicates wave-like properties of the particle) dissipates the more

‘senses’ that it is being watched, the electron (as a particle) goes through only

of consciousness associated with that super particle (condensate or Q-ball)

sense-organs What has been observed by leadbeater is that every particle

beater and Besant could conceive of a particle having the ability to store

hinted at this only recently He says that ‘a particle has a rich and complex

minedly, ‘every particle bears within it the impress of everything that has

The description that the atoms were widely separated means that the particle

area during this process The etheric nucleus has both particle and wave

cal awareness as the poles of the field close-in – the particle at the ‘north

pole’ near the head which is violet and the particle which is at the ‘south

The field that this particle represents extends in all directions infinite-

earth exists They belong to the same range of vibrations and particle sizes

something happens later to one half of the particle flying off in one

that light has the quality of both vibration and particle

particle, yes, it can transmit sound, but as a wave, it has no mechanical properties to

Much debris was washed down the hole which caused the particle board sub-flooring to disintegrate Now, most importantly you will see on page 228 which is part of Angela Blount‘s autopsy report the following: ―Three of the fragments are discovered to be metallic, shiny and to exhibit threads on the inner surface of the curved metal

All is as it is, and every particle ‘sees’ every other according to the laws of gravity and electromagnetism and what have you, yet relates to every other particle as if they were all separate

“Journal of Particle Physics; an interesting article on the dimensionality of pions

Construction of the Australian Super Collider particle accelerator is underway

Like a kid in the proverbial candy shop trying to pick which treat to purchase, you’re faced with a massive dilemma—which weapon to choose from? There’re plasma blasters, ion cannons, super-intensive heavy particle beams, antimatter warheads, magnetic disrupters, whole-population quantum spin-flip initiators, the old-fashioned nuclear-fission-driven laser bank, and a slingshot

And the stench! Every particle irradiates a piece of itself (Eaux du Partical) and every particle’s essence travels at roughly 3

A particle of light from the target’s head moved in an instant down towards Tim’s eye, excited and full of energy

Perspective being what it is and giving the particle a conscience, time would have moved around it in a treacly, creamy malaise

Use ‘particle’ in a sentence | ‘particle’ example sentences

1- Ozone “attacks” virus particles directly.

2- The negatively charged particles were later named electrons .

3- Quantum particle swarm optimization is another approach.

4- Its original name literally means “chest particle cannon”.

5- He calls such hypothetical particles “space invaders”.

6- These equations represent wave– particle duality.

7- All moving charged particles produce magnetic fields.

8- Are ” particles ” really “waves?

9- At high enough energies particles are spontaneously created.

10- But photons are extremely odd particles indeed.

11- The ” smoke” is actually tiny mineral particles .

12- Its own radioactive decay emits alpha particles .

13- In classical physics identical particles are nevertheless distinguishable.

14- Water containing small iron particles when immediately drawn.

15- Dust is abrasive and may contain metallic particles .

16- These fundamental particles joined together under gravity to form elements.

17- Light is made of particles called photons.

18- So massive particles are not scale invariant.

19- The extreme heat turns sand particles into glass.

20- Any atom that has extra neutron particles .

21- A low mass atomic particles carrying a negative charge.

22- It is unknown whether p7 is packaged into viral particles .

23- These highly energetic particles may affect electronic equipment in space.

24- The particle like features are called photons.

25- The strongest currents should define the largest stable particle size.

26- For larger particles the dose rapidly increases.

27- The particles of light are called photons.

28- The particles gain energy and move faster.

29- An alpha particle is given off with discrete energy.

30- We are interested here particularly in alpha particles .

31- The ballast is constituted by stone particles .

32- These particle energies are usually measured in units called electron volts.

33- All charged elementary particles participate in electromagnetic interaction.

34- The entire collection was nicknamed the ” particle zoo”.

35- It produces high concentrate grades from fast floating liberated particles .

36- Your statements regarding wavelengths of particles are incorrect.

37- There are fewer air particles at high altitude.

38- A flow promotes mixing by separating neighboring fluid particles .

39- A plasma that contains larger particles is called grain plasma.

40- The shale feed usually consists of fine particles . Radiation emitted by a charged particle under acceleration .

41- A photon is a tiny particle of light.

42- He does not have a particle of honesty in him.

43- He doesn’t have a particle of kindness in his heart.

44- Find someone who has participated in a cultural festival.

45- particleHe has only the tiniest particle of brain in his stupid, pointed head.

46- Gustave Flaubert once suggested that there is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it.

47- Based on my observation of the movement of particle D, I modify the system so that three possible exits exist.

48- That makes this neutrino the most energetic space particle ever detected.

49- Only then can we start collecting data for particle physics, Golutvin explains.

50- The monitors will measure particle pollution in the Lower Valley for the first time.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
Related Words:
participations – participator – participators – participatory – participial – participle – participles – particle – particleboard – particleboards – particles – particular – particularities – particularity – particularization –

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In the physical sciences, a particle (or corpuscule in older texts) is a small localized object to which can be ascribed several physical or chemical properties such as volume, density or mass. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

And because the infiltration of lead particles can be random and sudden, Edwards says flushing is neither practical nor safe.


When your gut is leaky, toxins, microbes and undigested food particles — among other things — escape from your intestines and travel throughout your body via your bloodstream.


They pinpointed the source of an ultrafast and efficient process that spawns several carriers of electrical charge from a single particle of light in organic crystals that are integral to this increasingly popular form of solar cells.

SCIENCE / record/1458922) through which various particles either ski (if massless, like the photon) or sink (if with non-zero rest mass, like the quarks).


One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays.


This results in the body becoming confused and attacking itself and the food particles.


Perhaps that, while short lived, these aerosols nevertheless spread around the globe, especially the small particles, which play a role in modifying cloud formation (the «indirect aerosol effect» in the above graph).


Astronomers classify all of this stuff as baryonic matter, and they (and we) know its most fundamental unit as the atom, which itself is composed of even smaller subatomic particles, such as protons, neutrons and electrons.


No real gap exists between the two zones; they actually merge gradually, with the flux of charged particles showing two regions of maximum density.


During this time, high-mass stars produce powerful «winds» (streams of energetic particles) that can trigger or halt star formation in their surroundings.


Although a number of substances form particles, the Harvard group suspects that byproducts of fossil fuel combustion are the most dangerous.


In addition to being unsightly, teeth with heavy coffee stains tend to be sticky and apt to attract food particles and bacteria, Messina says.


The viewing geometry highlights the tiniest of ring particles and will allow scientists to see patterns within Saturn’s dusty rings.


The parameterization of the interactions are at all levels; from estimation of the geometric characterization of the aerosols, to the numbers of particles, to connections with several important aspects of clouds, and finally to the interactions with radiative energy transport.


Once those kinks are ironed out, the team says the particles could be used to make solar cells that can harvest more of the light spectrum.


The lab used the light to probe the shift in an ultra-high quality, two-dimensional electron gas supplied by Purdue University physicist Michael Manfra and set in a gallium arsenide quantum well (to contain the particles) under the influence of a strong magnetic field and low temperature.


These are just a few of the respiratory illnesses that are associated with exposure to ozone and air pollution particles.


The new study showed that as temperatures warm and plants consequently release more of these gases, the concentrations of particles active in cloud formation increase.


You can also give your pet a dental chew which is technically the same as a dog chew except that the former is specifically designed to remove food particles and debris from the gum line and teeth surfaces as well as help remove plaque and prevent tartar buildup.


The employee is frequently exposed to wet and/or humid conditions; high, precarious places; fumes or airborne particles; and toxic or caustic chemicals.


«The 3.5-keV x-ray signal has a real chance of being definitively confirmed as dark matter in a few years, unlike other putative signals currently on the market,» says Jonathan Feng, a particle theorist at the University of California, Irvine.


XENON100, located in Italy’s Gran Sasso National Laboratory, aims to directly detect particles of dark matter — the unknown substance that scientists believe makes up the bulk of matter in the cosmos (SN: 11/12/16, p. 14).


Research & teaching: chemistry, physics and biology of aerosols and clouds; biogeochemical cycling of gases and particles; field measurements, kinetic and thermodynamic experiments and models.


The effect of the global reduction in precipitation is to lengthen the particle lifetime by reducing the efficiency of wet deposition, representing a positive feedback upon the global dust burden.


That theory, put forward by physicist Murray Gell-Mann in 1964, describes how the protons and neutrons that make up atomic nuclei are themselves composed of three quarks and how other particles known as mesons are made from pairs of quarks and their antimatter counterparts, antiquarks.


These food particles can then be absorbed into your bloodstream, where your body misidentifies them as antigens — substances that shouldn’t be there — and then produces antibodies against them.


The monitors reported the high levels of 50m particles (PM10) per breath.


These airborne particles are normally washed out a drain hole with condensation, but if they remain on a moist evaporator, they may collect and cause an unpleasant odor.


That prize went to five experiments investigating the oscillation of subatomic particles known as neutrinos.


The strong wind of high-energy particles moving away from the pulsar at close to the speed of light is believed to have been produced by a combination of rapid rotation and an intense magnetic field.


The bodily changes include: the excess production of AGEs, or advanced glycation end products, which leads to oxidative stress and inflammation; increased gut permeability, where bacteria, toxins, and undigested food particles can more easily move out of the gut and into the bloodstream; higher «bad» LDL cholesterol; and weight gain.


The system considered by Bell and by Stapp is made up of two particles, neutrons, for example, whose «spin» directions have become correlated through some collision process — in somewhat the same way that the axes of rotation of two spinning billiard balls might be correlated after they have sideswiped each other (with each spinning in a direction opposite to that of the other).


Once digestion is compromised, food particles aren’t broken down properly, and the gut begins to «leak».


[T] he atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.


Conduction is a microscopic phenomena, does not involve the bulk movement of gas (parcels stay in place) and in fact does not involve the coherent movement of gas particles in any one direction, each molecule’s motion being random.


However, a consequence of Ampere’s Law and Faraday’s Law is that a charged particle, such as an electron, moving in an orbit should radiate energy as electromagnetic waves.


I believe that I have read somewhere, that when we have a big influx of cosmic ray particles we have a bigger concentration of aerosols.


Combine freeze-dried strawberries and pistachios in a fine-mesh sieve and shake over a bowl to remove any dust or tiny particles; set aside larger pieces for topping.


When the particle and the cell membrane are together, they can generate a current when light is shined over the silicon portion of the structure.


I just started working with the calcium carbonate mixture and even though I mixed I am finding sand type particles in the paint.


The NeoPar vaccine contains only parvo vaccine particles, so the concentration is high to be protective in the presence of maternal antibody.


To produce the virus, RCASBP plasmids were transfected into DF1 cells, culture medium was harvested, and viral particles were concentrated by ultracentrifugation as described previously (57).


Besides improved lighting, textures and particle effects, MXGP 3 will also boast improved physics which are based on nVidia’s PhysX system software.


Rumors had roiled the blogosphere since Resonaances, a particle theory blog, inaccurately reported December 7 that the CDMS collaboration would publish its results in the journal Nature, which would hint at a discovery with broad appeal and acceptance beyond the particle-physics community.


Using a generous amount of wood glue, attach the 5 pieces of your 1 × 4 to the particle board and cover with something heavy (or clamp if you’re fancy!)


Alternative pathway for atmospheric particles growth.


From a physics perspective, everything that future life may want to create — from habitats and machines to new life-forms — is simply elementary particles arranged in some particular way.


If we eat grains whole, the tough outer coating, or hull, of the grain keeps more of these pesky particles inside the grain.


As the project is approaches its closing phase in June, the project coordinator at Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA in Stuttgart, Carsten Glanz explained the concept and approach taken en route to its successful conclusion: «during the storage process, the electrical energy is stored as charged particles attached on the electrode material.»


There are heaps of technical options being explored, including making clouds brighter to reflect away sun, putting sunshades in orbit, flooding the stratosphere with a veil of particles similar to the cooling emissions from eruptions, and more.


  • Use the word PARTICLE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Miss Gray, every particle of evidence in this case… has been thoroughly sifted… finally before the court of appeal.

And my opinion of him and what he represents hasn’t changed a particle.

Not a particle of sense in it.

Mother, inside of here are a lot of secret fears, moods, not one particle of hope. I’m finished.

Not a particle of evidence, Pip.

When this bullet was removed from the head of the deceased… a small particle was left in the brain.

Our police force didn’t feel that it was important… to remove that particle for their ballistics test.

But, Your Honor, that particle was highly important… to the ballistics experts retained by my office.

If you like, I’ll try to inspire in you a precious particle of faith.

Nothing definite, no promises, but a rich thing, a particle of something — very precious.

It’s faith, precious particle — something he has by him.

Use the energy of each particle of dust.

I know what you’re thinking, and it won’t do you a particle of good.

That particle, estimating its value at, uh, .025,

If a particle of the sun broke off and flew into space I wouldn’t consider the man who brought that news to be insane.

Yes, but if a particle of the sun were to break off, 1 oo million people would see it.

But it doesn’t make one particle of sense.

If we abandon the smallest particle of it to outsiders, our position will soon come to naught.

I don’t think it makes a particle of difference.

Bill… Vacuum every particle around the seat that this woman occupied.

Why a particle of sunlight can’t even be seen or measured.

Now you’re willing to condone a further deception by passing off Running Wolf as the Wringle boy when there’s not a particle of proof he is.

Look, it’s funny: «Discover a new particle in the current quarter!»

The discovery of a new particle is a momentous event.

A simultaneous fractional irradiation and particle-beam shock is very rare.

Here’s the particle, sir.

There’s a microscopic radioactive particle inside.

If it’s no military secret, how can a sub run on a microscopic particle?

But once the reactor’s been miniaturised, a microscopic particle should put out enough energy to activate it.

That blip we’re picking up might only be a radioactive particle.

Every particle of energy has been sucked out of it.

Strong particle concentration.

particle density decreasing.

Well, he’s having a lot of mental difficulties with his breakfasts, but this is temperament, caused by a small particle of brain in his skull, and once we’ve removed that he’ll be perfectly all right.

Life contains a particle of risk.

Every business has a particle of risk.

And each particle is made up of millions of atoms.

Well, I was rather hoping for a particle reversal set-up.

particle reversal. (LAUGHING SARCASTICALLY)

He understands particle reversal.

particle reversal, no doubt.

particle reversal is one way.

Perhaps we could try an experiment, just to prove whether I’m right or wrong about particle reversal.

It was a particle reversal, I know it was.

Forget particle reversal, get those rockets ready!

Without particle reversal, the whole process is too dangerous.

if this is true — and it is true — then God is not up above us, outside the world, but everywhere, in any living or inert particle of matter.

I have proved, almost proved, the existence of a cell particle that controls the living organism.

This cell, this particle, controls the shape of life.

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