Use the word outgoing in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word outgoing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use outgoing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «outgoing».

Outgoing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word outgoing in a sentence.

  1. Blackburn; outgoing governor John Y.

  2. The Democrats countered by nominating outgoing Governor Beckham.

  3. The outgoing president departed from the White House on Marine One.

  4. Pierce was popular and outgoing, but his family life was difficult.

  5. Commissioner Connor and the outgoing mayor condemned the resolution.

  6. At the WRU annual general meeting that year, the outgoing WRU President D.

  7. Albrecht’s and outgoing captain Novak’s fathers were collegiate teammates.

  8. Previously isolated and shy, he became more outgoing and confident as monarch.

  9. Bush, outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney, former presidents Jimmy Carter, George H.W.

  10. Robin became more outgoing than his brother and started taking drugs in his mid-teens.

  11. He wanted to have a female character with as much of an outgoing personality as possible.

  12. In August (the month of Saint-Gaudens’ death from cancer), outgoing Mint Director George E.

  13. Tecumseh captured Hull’s outgoing mail, which revealed that the general was fearful of being cut off.

  14. He was invited to speak by Mark Smith, the outgoing president of the White House Press Corps Association.

  15. These were intended for presentation to members deserving of special honor, such as an outgoing president.

  16. The outgoing flux of energy leaving any layer within the star will exactly match the incoming flux from below.

  17. By contrast, Hoppert characterized the more outgoing Coburns as the «public relations arm» of the partnership.

  18. Disney was a shy, self-deprecating and insecure man in private but adopted a warm and outgoing public persona.

  19. After her husband was elected president in 1968, Pat Nixon met with the outgoing First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson.

  20. George called her character «broken», and opined that her outgoing personality is meant to cover up something else.

  21. Both Democratic and Republicans Administrations have used the fix, and indeed Republican outgoing President George H.

  22. All outgoing news was censored, forcing reporters to smuggle their copy out with travelers flying to foreign countries.

  23. This report had been expected in February, but had been repeatedly delayed, in part because outgoing Treasury Secretary C.

  24. Barwick became a full-time member of the writing staff and took over the role of script editor from the outgoing Pattillo.

  25. The outgoing Parliament defined the electoral qualifications intending to bring about the return of a Presbyterian majority.

  26. After that the incoming flow would balance out against the outgoing evaporation and would cause the lake level to stop changing.

  27. Bradley’s opposition to Prohibition made him more palatable to some Democrats than their own candidate, outgoing Governor Beckham.

  28. In 1894, Gladstone retired and, without consulting the outgoing prime minister, Victoria appointed Lord Rosebery as prime minister.

  29. During his career contemporaries saw both negative and positive sides to Walpole’s outgoing nature and desire to be in the public eye.

  30. So the line enjoyed a brief but substantial volume of outgoing freight traffic from the Rogers White Lime Company located at Limedale.

  31. As outgoing President Frangieh’s term expired on 23 September of that year, he was therefore sworn on multiple months after the election.

  32. Nearly $200,000 in funding to complete pavement of the trail was lost when the outgoing 109th Congress did not approve a 2006 budget bill.

  33. She was the younger sister of one of his teammates at Bordeaux, and her bright, outgoing personality complemented Richard’s reserved nature.

  34. The last two seasons at the ENO have been difficult, or at any rate sentiment has turned against the outgoing regime over the last nine months.

  35. Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell) informs Sayid that this will not work because the underwater «Looking Glass» is blocking outgoing transmissions.

  36. While the Lady is being forward and outgoing, Gawain’s feelings and emotions are the focus of the story, and Gawain stands to gain or lose the most.

  37. When they are thin and translucent, the clouds efficiently absorb outgoing infrared radiation while only marginally reflecting the incoming sunlight.

  38. Although Pierce lost Kentucky by 3,200 votes, Breckinridge wielded more influence with him than he had with outgoing Whig President Millard Fillmore.

  39. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes, the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat’s surroundings.

  40. Fianna Fáil defeated the outgoing government in the 1951 election and abandoned the use of the description, reverting to the name on stamps and elsewhere.

  41. She participated in the autumn maneuvers that year, which concluded with a naval review for the outgoing fleet commander, VAdm Iwan Oldekop, on 11 September.

  42. The episode is set in a beach resort town named San Junipero, where the introverted Yorkie (Mackenzie Davis) meets the more outgoing Kelly (Gugu Mbatha-Raw).

  43. Grant refused to have anything to do with Johnson, even declining to ride to his inauguration in the same carriage as the outgoing president, as was customary.

  44. In 1914, Australia joined Britain in fighting World War I, with support from both the outgoing Commonwealth Liberal Party and the incoming Australian Labor Party.

  45. The appointment of a prime minister remained part of the royal prerogative, on which the monarch had no constitutional duty to consult an outgoing prime minister.

  46. The government took the unusual decision to extend the tenure of Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup as CDS, rather than promote one of the outgoing service chiefs.

  47. Two days before his inauguration, he and outgoing governor Charles Scott met at the state house to appoint William Henry Harrison commander of the Kentucky militia.

  48. As reported in 1979, 1981 and 2013, there is little energy available at the top of the Quelccaya ice cap as outgoing and incoming radiation are essentially balanced.

  49. Immediately on leaving Samoa, Pollock was appointed superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., replacing outgoing Rear Admiral William D.

  50. He and other Louisianans accompanied President-elect Taylor to Washington for his inauguration, and Benjamin attended a state dinner given by outgoing president James K.

Synonyms for outgoing

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word outgoing has the following synonyms: extroverted, forthcoming, sociable, outbound, outward, outward-bound, effluent, outflowing, out, past, preceding and retiring.

General information about «outgoing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word outgoing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «outgoing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «outgoing».

1 She was always cheerful and outgoing.

2 She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.

3 He is an outgoing and lively person.

4 I’m cheerful and outgoing.

5 Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers.

6 She has an outgoing personality.

7 She is the outgoing head of a large corporation.

8 We’re looking for someone with an outgoing personality.

9 He’s never been an outgoing type.

10 Outgoing flights are booked until January 15th.

11 His colleagues paid generous tributes to the outgoing president.

12 Emma’s a gregarious, outgoing sort of person.

13 Underneath his outgoing behaviour Luke was shy.

14 This telephone should be used for outgoing calls.

15 She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities.

16 Katie is a pert outgoing young woman.

17 All outgoing flights were grounded.

18 Jamie is a friendly, outgoing woman.

19 She is an outgoing, unselfish, and loving person.

20 She’s become more outgoing since she went to college.

21 I’ve become more outgoing since.

22 Full also on the outgoing journeys with emigrants about to seek their fortune in London.

23 No party won an absolute majority and the outgoing government remained in office in a caretaker capacity as inter-party negotiations took place.

24 The outgoing chancellor said he has no plans to assume any other political posts.

25 Mr Kasyanov, a deputy prime minister in the outgoing government, is urbane,[] polished and managerial.

26 I am considered to be fairly outgoing but as a teenager I was painfully shy.

27 Applicants should have a friendly, outgoing nature as the role involves interaction with people from many areas within the company.

28 The former newsreader is being tipped as a possible successor to the outgoing Head of Broadcasting.

29 We learned to sleep through tremendous noises, such as outgoing mortar or artillery or machine-gun fire.

30 Users just have to click an on-screen button to encrypt an outgoing message.

But use all of them in the positive, optimistic, outgoing, influential way that those words should be used

The withdrawing of the mind-consciousness from the periphery of the body, so that the avenues of outer perception and contact (the five senses) are stilled, and the consciousness is no longer outgoing

It detected the output of a data feed that Brazilian intelligence had secretly attached to all outgoing starships

She’s very outgoing

more outgoing since the two of them had last met

outgoing that he had been before

There was no outgoing mail to hide in this time


from the outgoing senior class to the incoming one

She’s very outgoing

He was just the opposite, very outgoing and engaging

With the thumps of another volley of outgoing mortars, I smiled at the likeness of stomping the devil back down to Hell

It is also well-known that all outgoing US Presidents sign the pardons the morning before the new guy gets sworn in

At the inauguration, the next President, US Grant, the former Union commander during the Civil War, refused to share the same carriage with Johnson, something ingoing and outgoing presidents had always done before

remembered with the outgoing personality who always remembered

“Later, there was a blockade on the Noosa River to stop a new generator being transported thirty miles up the beach on an outgoing tide

Elizabeth added that the tide must have changed, because the freighter was due to leave on the outgoing flood

I gained a flexibility and outgoing

Wynne took hold of Xeila’s wrist and spoke into the outgoing speaker

way of outgoing (pravritti) necessarily precedes the way of re-

Each year outgoing Social Security payments are part of 122 _________________________Robert Gates, Sr

And every outgoing wave

And by ‘Send’, I mean the outgoing Translocation spell

He was very into depth with the story… but my mind was on other matters, like why Lea could go from being so chatty and outgoing to the complete opposite as soon as her family was around

Sharon was irritated by his continued use of her pet name, yet the man’s outgoing manner had softened some of her fury

Pretty sure she was single, and she didn’t seem an outgoing and popular type of girl with whom he’d never have a chance

The work was exceedingly routine at her level, and though she tried to be cordial, her personality—while pleasant—was not outgoing, and relations with her peers weren’t particularly warm

They tended to reveal outgoing emails, instant messages, and browser search terms

outgoing vortex that follows the original outgoing vortex The wave-fronts

delightful young woman originally from India and while outgoing, somewhat shy

outgoing messages, so that you can find out how effectively your contacts

it in the outgoing mail

She was more outgoing and was a flash at math and chemistry

The outgoing gnome hurried over to the group as the delegates filed out of the spacious chamber

Outgoing from prices in Figure 4

Outgoing from prices on Figure 4

The logs of incoming and outgoing calls had been routinely spot checked for years for instances of employee abuse and what we were requesting wouldn’t raise the eyebrows of the telephone techs

A lot more outgoing but the little sniff now and again was a dead giveaway

They were in general a very jolly, uninhibited, outgoing family in the main and Matthew was glad to be in their company

Then she will be withdrawn or outgoing depending on which of the elements is more dominating

Nick ran over to the bus station and noticed only one outgoing bus

To avoid “senior moments” with the dry cleaning, library books, videos or packages to mail, put outgoing items on the passenger seat, not on the kitchen counter

generally more attracted to interesting, outgoing, and extrovert

outgoing line to repeat the process

But Sir James, an outsider, had been brought in at the last minute due to pressure brought about by the outgoing Home Secretary in the previous government

James began sorting through the outgoing mail as he had done every morning

immediately joined the outgoing line to repeat the process

She was outgoing without being

We are not saying to you that you must record tally marks of incoming and outgoing energy

Dingoes have an outgoing spirit

The Harrier is active, outgoing, likes to sniff around (has

he was very outgoing, almost a leader-of-the-pack type with the

He was just getting down to some decent hardship when he was spotted from an outgoing fishing boat, the crew of which reported his new location to the people of the City

today this cat is very bold indeed, and is an outgoing cat, and extremely

he typed in, “Management consultant with outgoing personality

outgoing, not at all the recluse that Hope had painted her

“What about the outgoing shipment?” Mr

Fortunately, Americans are open and outgoing; but unfortunately, American foreign policy sometimes comes across as confrontational or aggressive

Morse looked at the electronic screens for Ryan Air showing outgoing flights

Fred Nugent was next to speak after taking the time to register the serial number of an outgoing crate of rare metals

An awkward silence started to fall over the group, but Tam, being an outgoing Tarmorian, who had just finished her third glass of wine, would have none of that

Gaal Leibman, who was not only the most outgoing of the bunch (with the exception of Rennie), but also the tallest at six foot four, was striding alongside Perry Higley, and towering over him like a gargantuan from the planet Micon

One month before our Board Examination, our school had organized a grand fanfare farewell party and function for all the outgoing students

He proceed, “Very good morning, my teaching stuffs and my dear outgoing students

The annex was in turn segregated from the other buildings by a brick wall but the gate in that wall was not guarded, as the traffic of incoming and outgoing servants was constant

She had never been so outgoing in the past

» Accordingly, natives with Neptune sextile Pluto between two and three degrees of exactitude are the most socially pragmatic and individualistic: outgoing, gregarious, eager to please; yet still original – fun-loving and mischievous, with a true sense of irony

He remarks that though these are the accompaniments of the outgoing mind, they are all obstacles to feel Samadhi

His bank of computers dealt with incoming and outgoing signals, where as the station directly behind him dealt with all the intra-ship communications, which was more than just people chatting and

and the reluctance of the outgoing

by the greed and ignorance of the ANC and the reluctance of the outgoing

Depression has nervous reactions and a state of agitation in the brain’s switchboard, missing on incoming and outgoing commands

have only to witness it and hear it with the incoming breath and the outgoing

outgoing flow of our breath

energised by the breath yet the sages have directed to observe closely the outgoing and incoming

and try to be aware of the ingoing and outgoing breath, how much time it stays inside and how

and outgoing breath is taken up in seclusion

coming and outgoing life-breaths are offered to God as oblation and the

inhaled breath to the exhaled breath, while yet others practise serenity of breath by regulating their incoming and outgoing breath

complished teacher, restrain the senses, offer the oblation of outgoing

cessity of contemplating the incom-ing and outgoing breath for the real-

outgoing breath is sacrificed to the incoming breath, the incoming breath

offered as oblation to the outgoing breath, and the mind is restrained

mind on contemplation of God, on the incoming and the outgoing

character of the unique action called yagya: that it is an act of sacrifice in which the practicer of yog offers the incoming and outgoing breath (pran

ing and outgoing breath, and on meditation

I placed it in an envelope, addressed it to her and dropped the letter in the outgoing box

reviewed all her outgoing calls

This is not a new complaint, but one often made by the outgoing generation about the current state of affairs

She was decidedly outgoing

They had tacked for an eternity and had landed at Greenwich on an outgoing tide

If your outgoing

Convert your Theme-Based Content Site’s OUTgoing links into special tracking links (no need to do this with Site Build It! — all links OUT are automatically created as tracking links)

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


This happens because these tools inspect all incoming and outgoing traffic.

Это происходит потому, что эти инструменты проверяют весь входящий и исходящий трафик.

Proxy is also needed for controlling incoming and outgoing traffic.

Еще одна задача, для которой нужен прокси — возможность контролировать входящий и исходящий трафик.

Each outgoing year reserves the realized projects, new cooperation and pleasant moments.

«Дорогие коллеги, каждый уходящий год оставляет за собой реализованные проекты, новые сотрудничества и приятные моменты.

The outgoing and incoming Presidents as full members.

Присутствуют и уходящий, и избранный президенты, а также вице-президенты.

They also centralise both incoming and outgoing communication.

Он анализирует всю как входящую, так и исходящую информацию.

I formed relationships with patients who themselves were outgoing.

Я образовал отношения с пациентами, которые сами по себе были исходящие.

When organizations use e-mail, they need to implement protection for incoming and outgoing traffic.

При использовании электронной почты, организации сталкиваются с необходимостью обеспечения защиты как для входящего, так и для исходящего трафика.

This monitors the power consumption required to generate outgoing wormholes.

Ну, эти контролируют расход энергии врат, для генерации исходящих червоточин.

Each type of control affects both the incoming and outgoing flow.

Каждый тип контроля оказывает влияние как на входящие, так и на исходящие потоки.

This speed will be set for both incoming and outgoing traffic.

Данная скорость будет установлена как для входящего трафика, так и для исходящего.

This includes spammy incoming and outgoing links.

Это включает в себя спам входящие и исходящие ссылки.

The outgoing 2018 is mainly identified with ranking breakthroughs.

Уходящий 2018 год для нас в первую очередь отождествляется с рейтинговыми прорывами.

It works for both incoming and outgoing calls.

Это работает как для входящих, так и исходящих звонков.

All incoming and outgoing traffic flows through this device.

После этого весь поток входящего и исходящего интернет-трафика с устройства проходит через этот компьютер.

Telephones should be disconnected to prevent both incoming and outgoing calls.

Телефоны должны быть отключены, чтобы исключить как входящие, так и исходящие звонки.

Establish incoming and outgoing remote connections for real-time support or access to other computers.

Установите входящие и исходящие удаленные подключения для поддержки в режиме реального времени или доступа к другим компьютерам.

This allows both outgoing and incoming messages.

При этом речь идет как о входящих, так и исходящих посланиях.

Firewalls monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic.

Брандмауэры отслеживают и контролируют входящий и исходящий сетевой трафик.

VentaFax also provides answer type recognition for incoming and outgoing calls.

Голосовые версии пакета VentaFax обеспечивают также распознавание типа ответа при входящих и исходящих звонках.

SSL ensures that your incoming and outgoing Web traffic is protected against all security threats.

SSL-сертификат гарантирует, что ваш веб-трафик, как входящий, так и исходящий, защищен от любых угроз безопасности.

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  • Use the word Outgoing in a sentences

Sentence Examples

So to those of these men… whose last resting place is beneath the sea they loved… we pay our humble tribute… as we cast these wreaths and flowers… upon the waters of their outgoing tide.

Weehawken ferry leaving in five minutes, connecting with all outgoing trains.

outgoing ships will be detained, incoming ships heavily convoyed… at least for the next few days.

There’ll be a great many incoming and outgoing calls so please do not use the telephone.

No, it’s outgoing. There’ll be plenty more of it.

An all-Time Newchester record for outgoing telegrams, More than Truman got when he fired MacArthur, And some of the telegrams he received were favorable.

outgoing mail is to be closely censored for any reference to this Burton affair.

The local people are cheerful, outgoing and hospitable.

…and the airport is closed to all incoming and outgoing traffic.

Remind the others to stop all outgoing calls at 9:00.

Check all outgoing flights.

This, of course, is the message center… for incoming and outgoing signals.

Whereas mister Robert Lacroix, outgoing prime minister, is still handling current business, it seems that the full-blown crisis caused by the fall of his ministry, has not been solved.

The President has resumed consultations and approached Mr Chabrier, minister in the outgoing government.

I never saw a child so bright or outgoing.

Yoyo suggests: In order to ask the outgoing employees to back the workers, the strikers must block the factory gate.

He’s enterprising aggressive outgoing young bold vicious.

ALL we need now is a warm hut and an outgoing woman, and…

Well, tell me this. Have you kept a list of his outgoing calls?

I can’t make outgoing calls.

Let me introduce you to my old friend La Roche-Bernard outgoing MP, who’s preparing us a marshal’s re-election.

My in-going and my outgoing.

She became cheerful, gentle and outgoing.

Contact and identify outgoing objects bearing 183 degrees.

Hey, KITT. There’s an outgoing phone call.

Girls sure are outgoing these days.

outgoing ships sail back and forth… in between those two lights.

Hold on a sec, Walt, I’ve got some outgoing mail here.

She’s so smart and, I don’t know, outgoing and…

That ain’t outgoing! — That ain’t outgoing!

I can’t tell the difference between incoming and outgoing.

I want all outgoing calls monitored.

You should have seen outgoing melmacians.

helga, you must understand that although i have a sunny and outgoing personality, i am by nature shy.

Spuds as outgoing as ever.

And a special welcome to Mayor Kuzak and the outgoing administration.

she was so outgoing… and intelligent.

You are a very outgoing person, so don’t be offended if these rednecks give you the cold shoulder for being caught dead with the pinko doctor.

I can land, but I must land now, on the first outgoing runway.

That is why, only a couple of hours ago, I counseled the outgoing governor of this state to call in the National Guard.

outgoing president of the condo association.

Um… It’s just some mail, you know, outgoing.

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