Use the word ought to in a sentence

ought to

Модальный глагол ought to используется в современном английском языке не очень часто. По смыслу и функциям он очень близок к глаголу should и, в общем-то, можно сказать, что они почти равнозначны. Разница небольшая.


  • Таблица: модальный глагол Ougth to в утвердительной, отрицательной, вопросительной форме
  • Значение модального глагола Ought to
  • В чем разница между Ought to и Should?

Таблица: модальный глагол Ougth to в утвердительной, отрицательной, вопросительной форме

Как и другие модальные глаголы, глагол ought to подчиняется особым правилам:

1. Ought to не образует форму будущего времени с помощью will, но может относиться к будущему времени, если это понятно из контекста.

Правильно: You ought to go with us tomorrow. — Ты должен пойти с нами завтра.

Неправильно: You will ought to go with us tomorrow.

2. В форме третьего лица единственного числа глагол ought to не изменяется.

Правильно: He/She/It ought to.

Неправильно: He/She/It oughts to.

3. Очевидно, что после ought to глагол в неопределенной форме используется без to (было бы to to):

Правильно: He ought to wait. — Он должен подождать.

Неправильно: He ought to to wait.

Примечание: в этой статье я придерживаюсь подхода, когда глагол ought to (с to в конце) — это как бы одно цельное слово. Однако в некоторых источниках ought to называют глаголом ought (без to в конце). В таком случае говорят, что после ought используется инфинитив с частицей to: He + ought (глагол) + to wait (инфинитив). 

4. По особой схеме строятся вопрос и утверждение (см. таблицу).

Схема Пример
Утверждение Подлежащее + ought to + глагол I ought to wait
Отрицание Подлежащее + ought not to + глагол I ougnt not to wait
Вопрос Ought + подлежащее (+ to) + глагол Ought I to wait?

В вопросительной форме частица to может опускаться. Отрицательную форму ought not иногда сокращают до oughtn’t.

Значения глагола ought to почти совпадают со значениями глагола should.

1. Совет, рекомендация

Глагол ought to используется, чтобы дать совет, рекомендацию, сказать, что «тебе следует так поступить».

You ought to be careful in the forest. — Тебе следует быть осторожным в лесу.

He ought to go with us. — Ему следует пойти с нами.

В этом значении ought to — практически близнец глагола should. Большинство носителей языка скажут именно should, а не ought to.

You should be careful in the forest.

He should go with us.

2. Моральный долг

Глагол ought to используется для выражения морального долга, когда нужно сказать, что-то вроде «ты должен так поступить, потому что это правильно вежливо твой долг».

You ought to admit that you made a mistake. — Ты должен признать, что совершил ошибку.

Forgive him, we ought to give the boy a second chance. — Простите его, мы должны дать мальчику второй шанс.

3. Вероятность, предположение

Глагол ought to используется для выражения ожидания, когда говорящий предполагает, что что-то должно произойти, так как это соответствует здравому смыслу (всегда так происходит; логично; не может не произойти).

The weather oughtn’t to be cold in July. — Погода не должна быть холодной в июле (вряд ли будет холодной, т. к. в июле всегда тепло)

My parcel is on the way from London and ought to arrive this week. — Моя посылка идет из Лондона и должна прибыть на этой неделе.

4. Упрек, сожаление

Как и глагол should, глагол ought to в сочетании с have + Past Participle (ought to + have + Past Participle) может использоваться для выражения сожаления о чем-то, что могло случиться, но не случилось, а также для выражения упрека в такой же ситуации.

You ought to have taken a bigger boat, but you didn’t. — Тебе следовало взять лодку побольше, но ты этого не сделал.

I ought to have trusted you. — Мне следовало тебе доверять.

В чем разница между Ought to и Should?

Говоря о том, когда глагол ought to используется вместо shoud, обычно имеют в виду разницу в значении. В основном, она сводится к тому, что ought to — это аналог should, но с оттенком «морального обязательства».

Но оттенки смысла, как и оттенки цветов, не имеют резких границ, они плавно переходят друг в друга, поэтому не всегда можно однозначно сказать, где упрек, а где сожаление, где моральное обязательство, а где мягкая рекомендация. Кроме того, глагол ought to — это довольно старомодное слово, оно просто отсутствует в активном лексиконе многих носителей языка. Оно считается книжным, больше присущим людям старшего поколения и даже ушедшим эпохам.

Носитель языка, в чьем активном словарном запасет нет слова ought to, запросто может использовать should в случае, где явно речь идет о моральном обязательстве:

Anna, you should feed those poor kittens. — Анна, ты должна покормить этих бедных котят.

Хотя, если следовать учебникам, нужно сказать:

Anna, you ought to feed those poor kittens.

Просто конкретно этот человек так не скажет. Не свойственно ему вообще говорить ought to.

На самом деле, как я считаю, разница в употреблении should и ought to больше зависит не от смысла, не от того, есть там моральное обязательство или нет, а от того, кто и при каких обстоятельствах говорит.

Вот, где можно встретить ought to:

  • В речи людей старшего поколения
  • В книгах, фильмах — в речи людей прошедших эпох.

К примеру, в романе «Гарри Поттер и философский камень» это слово использовали преподаватели, некоторым из которых далеко за сто, и Распределяющая шляпа, которой около тысячи лет.

There’s nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can’t see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

В твоей голове нет ничего скрытого,
Что не может увидеть Распределяющая шляпа,
Примерь меня, и я скажу,
Где ты должен быть.

  • В речи людей, которые любят блеснуть умными, необычными словами

Например, некоторых студентов университетов, писателей, поэтов, журналистов.  Как сказал мне один британец: «Ought to is a fancy way of saying should» — «Ought to — это такой причудливый способ сказать should».

  • В официальных выступлениях.
  • В художественной литературе, особенно старой

Однако даже британских романах XIX века это слово встречается нечасто. В романе «Грозовой перевал» Э. Бронте оно употребляется всего 15 раз, а слово should — 286 раз. В «Приключениях Оливера Твиста» Ч. Диккенса ought to встречается 18 раз, а should — 175. В современной американской литературе встречается очень редко, обычно в речи персонажей (см. п. 2 и 3).


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1. Liars should [ought to] have good memories. 

2. The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquirde it. 

3. Thinking is, or ought to be, a coolness and a calmness; and our poor hearts throb, and our poor brains beat too much for that. 

4. A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. 

5. The virtue of a man ought to be measured not by his extraordinary exertions, but by his everyday conduct. 

6. You ought to work harder.

7. I think I ought to get back to work.

8. You ought to get your watch repaired.

9. Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life.

10. I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.

11. He’s crazy; he ought to be locked up.

12. I ought to throw this hat away.

13. Elected officials ought to obey the law .

14. I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.

15. He ought to resign, I think.

16. He ought to drive home.

17. You ought to have known better!

18. They ought to have apologized .

19. They ought to attain this aim.

20. We ought to start at once.

21. He did not know how he ought to behave.

22. We ought to inform head office.

23. You really ought to quit smoking.

23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

24. Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.

25. Something ought to have been done before now.

26. You ought to be kinder to him.

27. All of us ought to go.

28. To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely.

29. She was misplaced in that job; she ought to be doing something more creative.

30. The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. 

How to use the word ought in a sentence -Using the expression ‘ought to’ in English

How to use the word ought in a sentence

‘Ought to’ is a modal auxiliary verb and its meaning changes
depending on how it is used in a sentence. In this lesson you will learn
the usage of this not so commonly use English expression – Ought to.

In this lesson, you are going to take a look at the various uses of ‘ought to’:-

Example: You ought to exercise more. ( a strong recommendation/advice)
Example: She ought to receive the package tonight. (Probability)
Example: James ought to get the promotion. (something expected to happen)

the past, it is used with ‘have + a past participle verb’. It means
something that should have happened, didn’t happen in the past.

Example: You ought to have helped him. (you should have helped him, but you didn’t do your duty)
Example: I ought to have studied medicine not physics. (I regret the past action of studying physics)
In the negative, ‘ought not’ is used without ‘to’.
Example: You ought not smoke so much.
Example: They ought not carry so much cash while travelling.

In the interrogative, ‘ought’ is placed before the subject and ‘to’ is not used. Generally, ‘should’ is more commonly used.

Example: Ought she call the police? (‘Should she call the police?’ is a more common way of asking)
Example: Ought we complete this now? (should is more commonly used in place of ‘ought’)

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verb «ought to» has only one form. It is always followed by
the infinitive with the particle

to» has the following meanings:

1. Moral
duty; moral obligation; friendly advice or recommendation.

to support

your family.

to look after

your children better.

to consult

the doctor.


When reference is made to the
past «ought to» is followed by the perfect infinitive.

2. When
«ought to» is followed by the perfect infinitive it
expresses criticism of a past

to have tried

to speak to her.

to have done


desirable action was not carried out, а

sorry. I
to have said



It may also be viewed as a

to» may also express friendly advice, recommendation. In this
case «ought to»
«should» are synonyms. They correspond to the Russian

to consult

the doctor.

implying strong probability.

The new house
to be very comfortable

use of «ought to» in this case is not very common as this
meaning is normally rendered
by must».


«shall» is a modal verb it always combines its modal
meaning with the function of an
auxiliary verb, that is, it is always used with reference to the
future. It is mostly used with
the second and third person and has a strong stress. In Russian it is
rendered by emphatic

It may express:

1. Compulsion
or order.
shall do it immediately.

It shall be done as you
wish. He shall do as I say.

2. Threat,
warning or promise.
shall be sorry for it.

If you sit here you shall
catch cold.

If you pass your exam you
shall have a new bicycle.

3. When
used in question it expresses asking for instructions. It is used
with the first and third

Shall I read?

Shall he answer the

Shall I get you a chair?

«Shall» is used only
with the simple infinitive.


«should» was the past form of «shall» and both
the forms expressed obligation.
But in present-day English they have developed different meanings and
are treated
as two different verbs.

followed by the indefinite infinitive is used with reference to the
present of future
and remains unchanged in reported speech.

«Should» has the
following meanings:

  1. Advice,

well as «ought» it expresses desirable, proper action, and
corresponds to the Russian «следует,

be more careful


this medicine twice a day.

The continuous infinitive is
also possible here.

‘t be sitting

in the sun.

  1. Criticism
    of a past action but only in combination with a perfect infinitive

have done

it (but you didn’t).

have left

the child alone (but they did).

«Should» and «ought»
are interchangeable here.

Emotional «Should»

3. In
modern English «should» is often used with emotional
colouring to express indignation,
surprise, disappointment and other feelings.

It is observed in:

  1. interrogative sentences
    beginning with «why», «what», «how».

it (


What on
I… (

b) interrogative
and exclamatory sentences with the construction «who (whom)…
express unexpected actions:

home last night whom
cousin Jack himself.

c) exclamatory
sentences after the words expressing various feelings, that is
emotionally coloured sentences.

imagine that he


To think
that it

to this. —

  1. in object clauses after
    expressions of regret, surprise:

sorry that he
be so unreasonable

  1. in
    attributive clauses beginning with
    after the noun «reason».

I don’t
see any reason why he
‘t be happy

«Should» in its
weakened meaning.

4. Rather
often «should» weakens its meaning. It is observed in the
following cases:

a) in
subordinate subject clauses after impersonal principal clauses with

It is
necessary you

It is important you should
do it.

is desirable you


  1. in
    subordinate clauses after the words expressing order, suggestion,

suggested that the meeting


order was (is) that we


  1. in
    subordinate clauses of real condition with reference to the future
    to make the
    condition less probable.

him tell him about it.

M. again we’ll be happy to see you.

corresponds to the Russian «если
все же…
случае если…»

  1. in
    subordinate clause of purpose after the conjunction «lest»

I remind
you of it

be late


is not a purely modal verb. It generally combines its modal meaning
with the function of an auxiliary verb expressing futurity. It is
mostly used with the first person though
it may occur with any person. «Will» has two forms: «will»
the present and «would»
for the past tense. «Will» and «would» are forms
of the same verb although in a few
cases their meanings differ.

The modal verb «will»

1. Will,
intention, volition.

is often rendered into Russian by «непременно»,

Now I will speak.

I can and I will learn it.

I will write as soon as I

I will never agree to that.

you will wait for me I will be very glad

2. A
polite request or an offer (only in questions).

Will you have a cup of tea?

Will you sit down?

  1. Resistance when speaking
    about lifeless thing or a refusal to do something when

speaking about people. It
occurs in negative sentences.

The door will not open. It
is no use trying.

The orange will not peel.

engine won’t


They won’t go with us.

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Have you ever faced a situation where you can’t figure out whether you’ve to use ‘should’ or ‘ought to’? Most of us in our lives have faced such situations while trying to learn the English language. So, the question is – how to make sure that when are we using ‘ought to’ or ‘should’, we are using these correctly? This article will make sure that you understand when to use these words and how to use them in the correct contexts. Through this article, you will learn whether there’s any difference between these terms or not.

The English Language is considered to be confusing by many as there are numerous words that people consider to be the same, but in reality, those have completely different meanings. Since those words appear to be the same in many cases, they are used in the wrong contexts. To avoid such confusion, this article will discuss the following points of differences between ‘should’ and ‘ought to’.

  • Table Summarising the Difference between Should and Ought to
  • The Difference between Should and Ought to- Meanings
  • Examples of Should and Ought to
  • Should and Ought to – Conclusion

Table Summarising the Difference between Should and Ought to

Ought to Should
Meaning The word ought to is used to express opinions or something probable. The word should is used to show what one thinks is best for the concerned subject/person.
Usage It is used as a Verb. It is used as a Verb.
Example He ought to be there. You should visit your parents more often.

This table shows that ‘should’ and ‘ought to’ can’t be treated as synonymous but can be used interchangeably. Students often get confused between these words, and this table will help them understand the contexts they are to be used in. Once they get the difference between these words, they can apply them correctly in sentences of their own.

If one wants any specific difference between the two terms ‘ought to’ and ‘should’, there’s a high chance that one might end up having the exact meaning for both. However, these words aren’t synonymous but can be used interchangeably in many cases. The term ‘should’ is the past form of the verb ‘shall’. ‘Should’ is used in sentences where permission is sought or to give advice/suggestion that one thinks is right according to them. The word ‘should’ also shows probability, whereas the word ‘ought to’ is used to instil a more formal tone in the sentence. ‘Ought to’ is used to express opinions, something which is probable or inform someone about certain necessary duties or obligations. Students often confuse these words and consider them to be synonymous, but they aren’t. But both these words can be used interchangeably if one understands the meaning of the sentence they’re using these in.

Examples of Should and Ought to

The following example will help students understand the terms ‘ought to’ and ‘should’ clearly :

Ought to – i) Ross ought to be more punctual (opinion)

ii) It ought to be snowing by this month’s end (prediction/probability)

iii) You ought to respect the flag of your country (duties)

Should – i) Should I go to the prom tomorrow? (permission)

ii) You should leave early for the office to avoid traffic jams. (suggestion/idea best for the situation)

iii) The shop should be opened by now (probability/prediction)

Should and Ought to – Conclusion

In conclusion, the words ‘ought to’ and ‘should’ are not synonymous but can be used interchangeably if one understands the context of any sentence. This article points out the difference between ‘ought to’ and ‘should’ so that it becomes easy for students to use them in sentences. BYJU’S offers various articles on many such ‘Difference Between’ two words that people often get confused with.

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