Use the word origin in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word origin, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use origin in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «origin».

Origin in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word origin in a sentence.

  1. Debates about the origin of C.

  2. The origin of cow is less known.

  3. The family was of Bosnian origin.

  4. The origin of hot spots is not clear.

  5. The origin of the beagle is not known.

  6. These features are volcanic in origin.

  7. Hawaii) noted as their place of origin.

  8. Cortese is a surname of Italian origin.

  9. The origin of this population is unknown.

  10. Regard your origin,—from whom and whence!

  11. The origin of the two moons is not well understood.

  12. The precise origin of the Aylesbury duck is unclear.

  13. Various legends account for the origin of the Order.

  14. The pattern’s origin is a matter of much speculation.

  15. The true origin and meaning of «Chetro Ketl» is unknown.

  16. Thus, the deeper origin of some diamonds may reflect unusual growth environments.

  17. The origin of the instruments is unclear, though there have been many suggestions.

  18. The actress and character are similar in name, personality, and country of origin.

  19. However, recent scholars are sceptical about this story as the origin of the song.

  20. This suggested an origin of either very faint stars or extremely distant galaxies.

  21. At least eight shipwrecks discovered in the area are of Spanish origin, dating between 1528 and 1564.

  22. Several peregrine subspecies were included in the breeding stock, including birds of Eurasian origin.

  23. He concluded that a precise place of origin was «impossible to indicate» with the available evidence.

  24. At the Iifa tree, the party enters Memoria and reaches the origin of the universe: the Crystal World.

  25. Some plants produce multiple flower spikes, possibly of varying sizes, from a single point of origin.

  26. The exact period when the dromon was superseded by galea-derived ships of Italian origin is uncertain.

  27. His working class origin has also been cited as contributing to his suitability to a Labor government.

  28. The neighborhood where he grew up was composed mainly of blue-collar working people of Russian origin.

  29. Hence the ultimate origin of the term «orangutan» as denoting the Pongo ape was most likely Old Malay.

  30. Saints of Irish origin who were particularly revered included various figures called St Faelan and St.

  31. Little is known of Standish’s origin and early life: his place of birth has been debated by historians.

  32. Aside from two golden beads that seem imported from Egypt, no jewelry discovered was of foreign origin.

  33. The latter continued to serve after the reign of Alexander the Great and may have been of Asian origin.

  34. Rimsky-Korsakov family (Russian noble crest of Czech noble origin and Polish noble ancestry: Korsak I).

  35. However, Greece and Mesopotamia have also been suggested as the possible region of origin of this plant.

  36. Marida was born in Kufa, but her family hailed from Soghdia, and she is usually considered to have been of Turkic origin.

  37. Abrupt-onset movements resembling tics may also have a psychogenic origin, referred to as a functional movement disorder.

  38. The origin of the engraving can be dated to between the Tang and Song dynasties, which makes it at least 1,000 years old.

  39. The term taapaca may also be the origin of the term tarapaca and could be an Aymara name for the founder deity Viracocha.

  40. Thus, Archaeopteryx plays an important role, not only in the study of the origin of birds, but in the study of dinosaurs.

  41. It was believed to be volcanic in origin and mainly composed of basalt, based upon the tones of gray observed from Earth.

  42. The origin of Iniki is unclear, but it possibly began as a tropical wave that exited the west African coast on August 18.

  43. The Mascarene Islands (Mauritius, Réunion, and Rodrigues), are of volcanic origin and are less than 10 million years old.

  44. One theory for the origin of carbonado, the toughest form of diamond, is that it originated in a white dwarf or supernova.

  45. The Newtonian potential for a point source Q situated at the origin of a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system is.

  46. In that message, he quoted from the Monroe Doctrine to denote America’s intention of keeping European powers out, the first significant use of it since its origin in 1823.

  47. While Angelou acknowledged the title’s biblical origin, she also stated that the title counteracted the tendency of many adults to lie to their children about their pasts.

  48. During the Voyager missions to the planet, planetary scientists identified 13 crater chains on Callisto and three on Ganymede, the origin of which was initially a mystery.

  49. During the construction of the post office in Gardiner, Montana, in the 1950s, an obsidian point of Clovis origin was found that dated from approximately 11,000 years ago.

  50. Elements of the design also relate to Anglo-Saxon metalwork in the case of the general origin of interlace in manuscripts, and Coptic and other East Mediterranean designs.

Synonyms for origin

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word origin has the following synonyms: beginning, root, rootage, source, descent, extraction, lineage, line, line of descent, bloodline, blood line, blood, pedigree, ancestry, parentage, stemma, stock, origination and inception.

General information about «origin» example sentences

The example sentences for the word origin that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «origin» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «origin».

Examples of how to use the word “origin” in a sentence. How to connect “origin” with other words to make correct English sentences.

origin (n): the beginning or cause of something

Use “origin” in a sentence

Do you know the origin of this tradition?
I don’t know the origin of the rumor.
The origin of the word remains unknown.

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There is a famous proverb that I believe to be of Chinese origin – “You are what you eat

Other than a common origin, we don’t cross paths much

The purchase and sale of hi-value skin work to discerning international connoisseurs, predominantly from the wealthy countries of South East Asia, but also occasionally from Western buyers of American and European origin

scrutiny when we consider the true faith inherent in origin

steps towards origin, and in thinking, even on a universal scale, Smith began to

He is of European origin but he has spent many years in Tibet; for many years now, he has been travelling all over the world teaching Tibetan Buddhism

Some of them might be down here in the Gengee by accident, but many of the crew wanted to deny their origin entirely and stick with the identity Tahlmute gave them

This limitation to life is, of course, entirely human-centric and bears no real scrutiny when we consider the true faith inherent in origin

Beyond the confines of earth-time, way out beyond the fringes of the universe where dark matter falls forever, Smith thought about nothing, taking slow but gigantic steps towards origin, and in thinking, even on a universal scale, Smith began to acquire the very first trappings of personality

They are apocalyptic in their origin

She also thought about how little bother he had been because of his origin

Since there are thousands of online dating sites, there is also a lot of variety when it comes to the choices offered in terms of ethnicity, country of origin, hobbies and career-based matches

“It is not my first choice for the origin of those signals

” That statement pretty much confirmed the reality of that letter, as well as its origin

He felt so bad for her, but then wondered what she could really be like in the long run after an origin like that

There’s something about her origin she’s not telling me

Had he switched from investigating Tdeshi’s demise to Ava’s origin? He was leaning more toward the latter with each day

If so, how dark would her visions be now if she could still paint them? But he had been with this woman, except for her origin in the deep medical lab, her visions weren’t really that dark, no darker than a mossy bank in the shade of thick old trees

Was he just doing it to try and get Tdeshi back? Was there some part of his mind that couldn’t accept that she was gone and that she and Ava were different people? That was about investigating Ava’s origin more than Tdeshi’s demise

That confirmed that she had no confusion about her origin

“In that case, I don’t think land of origin was the cause

the origin and motivation for the attack

further leads as to the origin of the perpetrators of the attack

The wizards of the Kassikan were interested in the worlds of other stars and in human origin

Of course it was the initial curiosity about her interstellar origin and life in silicon

As long as she kept him separated from direct confrontation with her planet of origin, Jorma had been a fun ride

“In that case, I don’t think land of origin was the cause,” she said

He wasn’t talking about that, he was probably only talking about the body she was investigating the origin of because he went on with, “You look remarkably better than you did when you were brought in, did I get to tell you that back in Knmonaweep?”

of their origin, and dedicate themselves solely to the protection of the

Alan had decided on the spot to change the story of his origin

This lead to him repeat the story of his origin

After pointing them out to Mike, he pointed out a few more, and insisted it couldn’t be a fire, not with four points of origin

He recognized that Desa had so correctly guessed his origin, a splinter religion that had wandered far into the wilderness to lose themselves in their own creed

The device’s purpose and origin were unknown, but there were pictures in the article that clearly showed a lens, making him believe it was meant to observe

I came to the conclusion that the plane itself was the diamond of desire, a gem sometimes of dubious origin, but essential for this tale

No one they knew had mentioned his origin for many a year

devout, he was as certain as he could be that its origin

It is from this Origin Race that we have all descended, for much like the Plague, they set out to conquer the universe

The war of races had become the new universal dynamic replacing the colonial spirit of the Origin Race

That coupled with the living proof of just how far advanced the races had become since the days of the Origin Race, proved to them that the true path was evolution, to continually advance humanoid life in seemingly infinite ways

Even his existence and origin were both somewhat of a mystery

He had to go all the way thru Origin of humans – imported theory, from? And wouldn’t it be likely that not all humans would have been moved to Kassidor? She told him what YingolNeerie was like and what those machines animated by ghosts really were

origin from those times

From any book of history we learn that the origin

the origin of the first ecstatic yes too

— Yes, the word has a Greek origin, but

Each articulation passes into history, is cast in stone: It is the prophet who turns their voice to the future And speaks the free voice of the origin to those Who may recognize it—the life of a whole comprised in its Entirety as one huge genie veil embroidered

Hence the origin of the right of primogeniture, and of what is called lineal succession

Hence the origin of the representation of burghs in the states-general of all great monarchies in Europe

Hence the origin of the first manufactures for distant sale, that seem to have been established in the western provinces of Europe, after the fall of the Roman empire

It is a mistake to imagine that those territorial jurisdictions took their origin from the feudal law

The expensive vanity of the landlord made him willing to accept of this condition ; and hence the origin of long leases

The principles which I have been examining, in the foregoing chapter, took their origin from private interest and the spirit of monopoly ; those which I am going te examine in this, from national prejudice and animosity

Whatever the facts of origin are, one thing is certain: for centuries

The same face-paint, swirls not unknown to her by sight but indeed unknown in origin

Some of the foregoing reasonings and observations might, perhaps, have been more properly placed in those chapters of the first book which treat of the origin and use of money, and of the difference between the real and the nominal price of commodities

But as the law for the encouragement of coinage derives its origin from those vulgar prejudices which have been introduced by the mercantile system, I judged it more proper to reserve them for this chapter

Both institutions derived their origin, either from irresistible necessity, or from clear and evident utility

Back it up to possible origin and give me an idea of possible destinations

I can confirm a craft of Earth origin – stellar class – had left the atmosphere approximately twenty hours ago and can no longer be located within its designated course—’

“If it is of alien origin then it would be the biggest find ever

Chris thought for a moment and then typed: “Colonists on Proxima 3 have discovered technological device of extra-terrestrial origin

We are far stronger in the place of our origin

principles of good and bad reasoning, necessarily arose out of the observations which a scrutiny of this kind gave occasion to ; though, in its origin, posterior both to physics and to ethics, it was commonly taught, not indeed in all, but in the greater part of the ancient schools of philosophy, previously to either of those sciences

Whatever human reason could either conclude or conjecture concerning them, made, as it were, two chapters, though no doubt two very important ones, of the science which pretended to give an account of the origin and revolutions of the great system of the universe

If it had been established, though of a very unphilosophical origin, it would probably, by this time, have been productive of the most philosophical good temper and moderation with regard to every sort of religious principle

When it comes to carrying out experimentation with regards to the origin of the Universe, the Earth and that of life, we have to acknowledge three key factors before we continue

5 billion years ago, and has subsequently taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve; and that the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicates their common primordial origin

Can we scientifically prove that the Bible possesses qualities that would confirm that it had its origin from outside our dimensionality of space-time? Is there evidence of supernatural design contained within? Can we prove that no other book exhibits the qualities that are found in the Bible? Should we be able to do this, it naturally follows that an Intelligent Being, who is not limited to our physical constraints, guided its design and construction over approximately 1,600 years, employing about 40 different authors

ecclesiastical history, and with the origin and progress of that system of opinions upon which the authority of the church was established ; and they had thereby the advantage in almost every dispute

A theory, where the scientists themselves expressed doubt in the validity of their own theory about the origin of life and the complexities they encountered and where we now have ample evidence mounting against the validity of the theory

These moving sections of crust would then pick up speed over a period of 40 days, drifting away from the crack’s origin, while still floating on the remaining subterranean water layer

As these floating plates, now moving at speed away from the crack origin, came into contact with lower layers of rock no longer being lubricated by the water layer, which was now mostly all forced out onto the surface of the earth, they would then buckle up or down

C: — This passage also addresses the consequences of adopting a false belief when it comes to understanding our origin — it specifically spells out homosexuality as a result of this — but not only that, there are also 24 other characteristics that are mentioned, which would be found increasingly in people if they changed their belief from that of being created by God, to that of spontaneously evolving

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (referred to simply as «Origin of Species»), (Bantam Books, 1999)

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, (Bantam Books, 1999), 158

The islanders did not recognize the flag being flown by the Shenandoah and inquired as to its origin

With his „Origin of Spiecies and Descent of Man,» he may have accounted for the coloring of moths in 1900th century London, but not of the supposed origin of species, most especially of humans

Or how about Darwin, whose theory of evolution , involving random mutations leading to a process of natural selection to the survival of the fittest may tell us a few things about minor changes in birds and moths, but tells us absolutely nothing about the origin and descent of man

In truth, Toran had already checked the provenance of the data source with no clues rendered (which was just as bad as indicating the dubious origin of some anarchist group)

He could give them a little bit of historical origin of nearly all of their names

peeling paint and stains of indeterminate age and origin

but his own origin was questionable

(Why do we do the things we do when we understand (beforehand) that it is wrong to do them?) I believe that many of us are oftentimes ―victims‖ of our own internal designs; adopting behavioral attitudes contrary to our discriminating nature(s) that fail to give proper pause to their origin, ―the (cause) of their origin, its history, its qualities and attributes and its results and effects‖

and Master Sandy as to the origin of the snapdragon, which he, with his

The word, testimony (Greek in origin) comes from the root word marturia, which in its various forms means “testifying,” “testimony,” “witness,” and “martyr

Once these unwholesome attitudes are carried to an extreme, who‘s to argue against a ―final solution‖ to questions regarding race, color or creed or national origin or income, for that matter, or an individual‘s sexual orientation, eccentricity, or the elderly or others feeble in mind or body or other

Its origin is useful, however, in the manner of localizing a cure

When I say Angolan soldiers I mean they were more of a terrorist origin than the Portuguese Angolan army

The origin of Modern Conservativism lies in Liberal traditional principles that respected religious and individual freedom and property rights, supported free and open markets, were suspicious of big government and encouraged a strong national defense up until the time a band of influential (socialist) thinkers began embracing centralized forms of government

“Portelli? Is that of Maltese origin, Paul?”

William now was focusing on the origin of the droplets bombarding his shoulders, hair, forehead, cheeks and chin

They did not know my ethnic origin when I approached them, because I was wearing a Polish officer’s uniform

That‘s a fair question to ask, although a more appropriate argument might center on the absence of ―swarthier‖ Semitic types consistent with Christianity‘s Middle Eastern origin

In addition, it represents homage to the history of the city and mirrors adequately the legend of the origin of the term “Singapore”, which stems from the old Sanskrit “singa pura” and means “City of the Lion”

4% of other civilizations of mostly European origin

Obama care began as Romney care The program is Republican in origin, first passed in Massachusetts by Governor Mitt Romney, Obama’s opponent in the 2012 elections

Also unnoticed was that Gene Frazer was tapping every source available in the US Embassy and the Costa Rican government, attempting to identify the origin of the information that led to his friend Brian’s arrest

And he had seen the Patriarch vanish and reappear, wielding strange instruments of unknown origin that would have been deemed utterly blasphemous

How do you use the word origin in a sentence?

CK 39176 When you watch television or listen to the radio, the music which you hear is often African in origin.

  1. [S] [T] Let me tell you about the origin of this school. (
  2. [S] [T] The origin of the fire is unknown. (
  3. [S] [T] This word is also French in origin. (
  4. [S] [T] What is the origin of the universe? (

How do you use originating?

Originating sentence example

  1. The dates were all from the past week, and she recognized two of the originating net codes as being from Mr.
  2. The white type, originating in the north temperate zone, has spread over the whole world.

What does it mean when a payment is originated?

I’m guessing that “scheduled” and “originated” refer to the actual electronic funds transfer. It is scheduled when you submit the payment. It is “originated” when they send the request to your bank.

Is originated from correct?

Which is proper grammar: “originated from” or “originated in”? Both are correct. “From” means “out of”; “originated” means “arose.” It is equally logical to think of a thing physically arising “out of” something else or “in” something else.

What’s another word for came from?

What is another word for came from?

arose derived
began appeared
commenced came
dawned happened
came into existence birthed

Which best defines the word originate?

intransitive verb. : to take or have origin : begin That board game originated in the 1940s. transitive verb. : to give rise to : initiate The composer originated 10 songs for the Broadway musical.

Where is derived from?

derive from something come from, stem from, arise from, flow from, spring from, emanate from, proceed from, descend from, issue from, originate from The word Druid may derive from `drus’, meaning `oak tree’.

Has been derived from meaning?

1. a. To obtain or receive from a source: a dance that is derived from the samba; confidence that is derived from years of experience. b. Chemistry To produce or obtain (a compound) from another substance by chemical reaction.

What Greek word is ethics derived from?

The word “ethics” is derived from the Greek word ethos (character), and from the Latin word mores (customs).

What is a derived form?

Syntactic constructs which are added to a programming language in order to make programs look neater or simpler are sometimes called syntactic sugar but Standard ML calls them derived forms.

What does Sinfonia mean in English?

1 : an orchestral prelude to a vocal work (such as an opera) especially in the 18th century : overture.

What is another word for derived?

Some common synonyms of derive are arise, emanate, flow, issue, originate, proceed, rise, spring, and stem. While all these words mean “to come up or out of something into existence,” derive implies a prior existence in another form.

What does you’ve got pluck mean?

the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury. pluck(verb)

What is the meaning of plucked flower?

verb. If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing.

Who plucked the flower?

“Who plucked this flower?” Said the gardener; “I” said the Master, and the gardener held his peace.” Who plucked that flower? The Master of the garden did, and the gardener had nothing more to say; what could he say?

Why flowers should not be plucked?

Answer. Flowers are the gift of nature and look more beautiful when they are on the plant so we should avoid plucking them so that all visitors to the park / garden can enjoy their beauty. If we pluck flowers no seeds would be formed and the plant may become extinct. Plants use their leaves to make food.

Is it bad to pluck flowers?

Why you should not pluck flowers, as already answered below is because to pull parts of a flower will ultimately destroy it. Flowers should be cut to be put in a vase of water or left as natures gift intended.

Why should we not touch plants at night?

Why our elders say that we should not go near plants/trees at night? Plants get their energy for metabolism from cellular respiration, which consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. In addition, being around trees in a storm (at night) is not a good idea because of the lightning danger.

What will happen if all flowers are plucked?

Plant does not die even if we pluck all the flowers but the process of reproduction will stop and the formation of fruit and seed will stop. …

Do not pluck flowers which sentence?

You should not pluck the flowers Assertive sentences are also known as Declarative sentences. These sentences are characterized by a statement that someone makes. This sentence can also be conveyed as a command or warning which means this sentence is used with power.

Use Origin in a sentence. How to use the word Origin in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Origin. Sentence for Origin.

Use Origin in a Sentence - How to use "Origin" in a sentence

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Examples of origin in a sentence

  1. The word is Sanskrit in origin.
  2. The coat itself was possibly of military origin.
  3. The origin of the disease itself remains unknown.
  4. The origin of the vocabulary remains unknown.
  5. The origin of the disease itself remains unknown.
  6. The origin of the breed is unknown, but the breed is not indigenous to Ireland.
  7. It is in this way that the great multitude of school-books which are now constantly issuing from the press take their origin.
  8. Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.
  9. It has its origin in formal logic, and owes much to the writings of Aristotle and Frege.
  10. REP: And the evidence of discrimination against French people of African or Arab origin is convincing.
  11. The origin of the office is uncertain.
  12. The liquor is of Swiss origin but was first made and distributed on a large scale by the French firm of Pernod at the beginning of the 1800’s.
  13. Country of origin makes a difference in educational attainment.
  14. From none other than famous Australian origin actor Russell Crowe, who you know and love from movies such as Gladiator and Les Misérables.
  15. From this source a large share of the enjoyment which men find in the active pursuits of life has its origin.
  16. It rose to so exalted a position of influence and power, and retained its ascendency so long, that now for twenty centuries every civilized nation in the western world have felt a strong interest in every thing pertaining to its history, and have been accustomed to look back with special curiosity to the circumstances of its origin.

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