Use the word opportunity in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word opportunity, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use opportunity in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «opportunity».

Opportunity in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word opportunity in a sentence.

  1. Dooley ample opportunity to comment.

  2. That, to me, was a great opportunity.».

  3. We take this opportunity of advising Mr.

  4. Hamburg was their first such opportunity.

  5. Simpson saw an opportunity to lead the race.

  6. He told a friend: «It’s too good an opportunity.

  7. Billis, seeing an opportunity, urges Cable to go.

  8. Here was an opportunity to end the debate forever».

  9. An opportunity soon appeared to act upon the notion.

  10. She believed in taking advantage of every opportunity.

  11. But it’s also an opportunity to transform and move on.

  12. He gave him the opportunity to show what he could do.».

  13. The opportunity to graduate from provincial to national politics came soon after.

  14. Price capitalized on the opportunity to publish a study on their tonal qualities.

  15. This is an opportunity that comes to a commander not more than once in a century.

  16. This gave General Dynamics an opportunity to offer the improved F-16C to the RAAF.

  17. The opportunity was taken to put in place «emergency buoyancy keeping procedures».

  18. Savige used this opportunity to bring up the idea of a club similar to Gellibrand’s Remembrance Club.

  19. Stengel, hired only days before spring training, had a limited opportunity to shape his new ballclub.

  20. Like Zimmerman, George took the opportunity of the Enterprise-D’s screen debut to touch up the model.

  21. Disraeli regretted this, hoping for an opportunity, however brief, to show himself capable in office.

  22. The only maritime opportunity available was to take a cargo to Cádiz, which he was obliged to accept.

  23. Along the drive, several viewpoints provide the opportunity to pull off and take in the surroundings.

  24. Zwingli took the opportunity to meet him while Erasmus was in Basel between August 1514 and May 1516.

  25. Müller then passed to Viktor down the right wing but Maier came out to block the opportunity to score.

  26. Australia’s opportunity came at Headingley, a Test described by Bradman as the best he ever played in.

  27. Many took the opportunity to visit London, where accommodation was made available in Westminster Hall.

  28. South Africa were dismissed for 30 runs in the first innings before Kilner had an opportunity to bowl.

  29. She later called the opportunity «amazing» and declared that «my greatest experience was The X-Files».

  30. Li arranged several events to provide Kalākaua the opportunity to meet the city’s influential persons.

  31. The French saw an opportunity to weaken Germany’s major ally via a Finnish attack on the Soviet Union.

  32. Once 15,000 had been sold, the remainder was held to allow local residents the opportunity to buy them.

  33. Loxton seized his opportunity, scoring 80 and taking three wickets, securing himself a position on the 1948 England tour.

  34. The ships’ crews were briefed on the nature of the mission and given the opportunity to stay behind if desired; none did.

  35. This was an opportunity for him to direct a video for Eminem without the comedic themes of their previous collaborations.

  36. He, therefore «set to work to remove the clitoris whenever he had the opportunity of doing so», according to his obituary.

  37. The parliament was called to grant taxation, but the House of Commons took the opportunity to address specific grievances.

  38. You are to take the first opportunity of telling your men that this surrender is not my choice or that of General Sitwell.

  39. The loss of this opportunity caused serious discord in the Balzac household, although Honoré was not turned away entirely.

  40. For Frederick, instead of having the war decided at Hochkirch, he had the opportunity over the winter to rebuild his army.

  41. The other aircraft bombed Penang in Malaya, Mergui in Burma and several targets of opportunity, generally without success.

  42. He reflected that «It’s not the fellow who gets the opportunity it’s the fellow who puts his hands around it and grabs it.

  43. Recognizing the opportunity to regain her lost territories and to limit Prussia’s growing power, the Empress put aside the old rivalry with France to form a new coalition.

  44. It was the opportunity for early command and a chance to distinguish himself, rather than any predilection for polar exploration which motivated Scott, according to Crane.

  45. Dewey wrote, «The emphasis is put on helping the child to express his ideas; but such work provides ample opportunity for the required drill in the mechanics of writing.».

  46. Seeing his opportunity, Andreas attempted to organize an expedition in southern Italy during the summer of 1481 to cross the Adriatic Sea and restore the Byzantine Empire.

  47. Napoleon had been exiled only as far as Elba, an island in the Tuscan archipelago; seeing an opportunity, he landed at Cannes on 1 March 1815 with a few hundred followers.

Synonyms for opportunity

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word opportunity has the following synonyms: chance.

General information about «opportunity» example sentences

The example sentences for the word opportunity that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «opportunity» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «opportunity».

The word (


), is the


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  1. Human beings delight in a sense of wonder, and this provides a villain with an,


    ,to manipulate others. Third, he thinks that those who hold onto the miraculous
  2. For the uniform distribution of accessible seating and gave the DOJ the,


    ,to clarify previously unclear rules. The agreement now is a blueprint for all
  3. Name «/IN»> Stephen»/> In September 1862 the Battle of Antietam provided this,


    , and the subsequent War Governors’ Conference added support for the
  4. United States In most United States jurisdictions a defendant is allowed the,


    ,to allocate—that is, explain himself—before sentence is passed. Some
  5. To attack Elyria instead. During this turmoil, the Illusions took the,


    ,to invade Macedonia, but Alexander repelled the invaders. Philip marched on
  6. Authorities are regarded as a serious offense. Some 26 years after he had the,


    ,of implementing changes he would, however,be assassinated in public by the
  7. Common to use an 8-bit byte to store each character in memory, providing an,


    ,for extended,8-bit,relatives of ASCII, with the 128 additional characters
  8. Courts. Generally speaking,» direct appeal statutes afford defendants the,


    ,to challenge the merits of a judgment and allege errors of law or fact. …
  9. Status of America’s space program, and into programs that could offer NASA the,


    ,to catch up. Johnson responded approximately one week later, concluding that »
  10. Antony, as the Senate had no army of its own to challenge him; this provided an,


    ,for Octavian, who was already known to have armed forces. This was in part a
  11. For much of human history. The fertile floodplain of the Nile gave humans the,


    ,to develop a settled agricultural economy and a more sophisticated, centralized
  12. As a soldier, away from home while he fought in the Civil War. Alcott spoke, as,


    , arose,before the» lyceums» then common in various parts of the United States
  13. Shops close to the Ainu museums (there are two of them in Tibetan) is an,


    ,to interact with the Ainu people. Many» authentic Ainu villages» advertised
  14. To the exhibition included Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, and later Bell had the,


    ,to demonstrate the invention personally to William Thomson, a renowned Scottish
  15. Uncontested control of Sri Lanka. In 1662,the Count of Caste lo Mellor saw an,


    ,to gain power at court by befriending the king. He managed to convince the king
  16. Humble origins to attain such a position in an age which generally offered such,


    ,only to the privileged. Lord Duffer in, the current Governor General, expressed
  17. Of East and West Florida in the peace settlement, denied the British the,


    ,of encircling the American rebels from the south, and kept open a vital conduit
  18. Rule and the nonobservance of old customs by kings. Opportunity cost The,


    ,cost doctrine was first explicitly formulated by the Austrian economist
  19. A Union victory because it halted Lee’s invasion of the North and provided an,


    ,for Lincoln to announce his Emancipation Proclamation.
  20. The record will first be certified by the lower court. The appellant has the,


    ,to present arguments for the granting of the appeal and the appealed (or
  21. Toulouse and other important members of the western nobility. Alexios used the,


    ,of meeting the crusader leaders separately as they arrived and extracting from
  22. Features of king Ptolemy I. Demetrius Soter’s son Demetrius II profited by the,


    ,to regain the throne. Ptolemy Kilometer, who was Alexander’s father-in-law
  23. Of the realm, although the true power was in the hands of Gianni Carpaccio. An,


    ,for Alfonso to reconquer Naples occurred in 1432,when Carpaccio was killed in
  24. CST holds yearly military command exercises for the CST nations to have an,


    ,to improve inter-organisation cooperation. The largest-scale CST military
  25. Labor,» government has a critical role in ensuring fairness by: ensuring equal,


    ,; removing unjustifiable discrimination; and achieving a more equitable
  26. Him out of the city. Another character, Father Panel, uses the plague as an,


    ,to advance his stature in the town by suggesting that the plague was an act of
  27. Ignominious close. He had several enemies at the Portuguese court who lost no,


    ,of stirring up the jealousy of King Manuel against him, insinuating that he
  28. Walls or the process happens in an extremely short time, so that there is no,


    ,for significant heat exchange. The term» adiabatic» literally means
  29. In Hokkaido such as Alan and Shiraz are tourist attractions and provide an,


    ,to see and meet Ainu people. Language Today, it is estimated that fewer than
  30. Was for all people, Jesus draws all people to himself, and all people have,


    ,for salvation through faith. * Jesus’s death satisfies God’s justice: The
  31. Von Waiter in the late 19th century. In its original and purist sense,


    ,cost doctrine argues that the only cost relevant to the price of a product is
  32. Philosophy which they so carefully concealed. I have done so by giving them the,


    ,of slandering me by saying that I defend and commend pederasty. » Intellectual
  33. Plain, perhaps to consolidate and strengthen their empire. Theodosius used this,


    ,to strengthen the walls of Constantinople, building the city’s first sea wall
  34. Would be fulfilled, in its entirety, through Jesus Christ who provides the,


    ,for all mankind to be under the same covenant that was offered to Abraham and
  35. Officer must be allowed a reasonable


    to leave. However, once the,


    ,to leave voluntarily has passed, it will not be an assault for the landowner
  36. Cube» store had a line as long as half a mile; a few Mac fans took the,


    ,of the setting to propose marriage. The Gina opening in Tokyo was estimated in
  37. Lands that were sacred to Apollo near Delphi, a sacrilege that gave Philip the,


    ,to further intervene in the affairs of Greece. Still occupied in Thrace, Philip
  38. On his client’s behalf, and the defendant himself will rarely have the,


    ,to speak. The right of victims to speak at sentencing is also sometimes
  39. Tension. Abby May described her idea:» I thought it would afford a daily,


    ,for the children, indeed all of us, to interchange thought and sentiment «.
  40. Received in Western conservative circles (for example, before being denied the,


    ,by then-president Gerald Ford, Ford administration staffers Richard Cheney and
  41. The fledgling motion picture industry and when Essay Studios offered him the,


    ,to become a scriptwriter, he took the job. At that time,some East Coast
  42. Him in this way. When in control of a point, Agassi would often pass up an,


    ,to attempt a winner and hit a conservative shot to minimize his errors, and to
  43. When properly required to leave, the officer must be allowed a reasonable,


    ,to leave. However, once the


    to leave voluntarily has passed, it
  44. Free exhibitions often are held on the first floor, which also provides some,


    ,to see the interior design. There is a charge for entrance to the apartment on
  45. The now unguarded President sat in his state box in the balcony. Seizing the,


    , Booth crept up from behind and at about 10:13 pm, aimed at the back of Lincoln
  46. And 104 draws in 144 games. Karol is on record saying that had he had the,


    ,to fight Fischer for the crown in his twenties, he (Karol) could have been a
  47. Of Alexander to Margaret of England in 1251,Henry III of England seized the,


    ,to demand from his son-in-law homage for the Scottish kingdom, but Alexander
  48. Began establishing settlements along the coast. The Berbers seized the,


    ,offered by the Punic Wars to become independent of Carthage, and Berber
  49. Audion, of the Gaussian clan. Seven years later the king died, giving Audion the,


    ,to crown himself and overthrow the reigning Lettings. Albion was probably born
  50. Origins. A revolt which broke out among native Egyptian soldiers gave him his,


    ,to seize the throne. These troops, returning home from a disastrous military

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Examples of how to use the word “opportunity” in a sentence. How to connect “opportunity” with other words to make correct English sentences.

opportunity (n): an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something

Use “opportunity” in a sentence

You should take advantage of this opportunity.
This is an ideal opportunity to save money.
I made use of every opportunity to improve my English.
You should take advantage of this opportunity.
Don’t miss this opportunity.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

The Opportunity is a Caroline era stage play, a comedy written by James Shirley, published in 1640. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Creation of employment opportunities for youth in Uganda is planned by the Binance exchange.


— Learn more about why some of the best opportunities can come in times of pessimism and scarcity.


Who you are connected to directly impacts not only your income, but also opportunities and results in your career.


Otherwise, it can create mistakes in the warehouse, lead to missed sales opportunities if products are out of stock, and tie up Read More…


So, this big loss should present a big opportunity for future growth as this drop will be more than made up for.


Though no one can consistently and accurately predict what the market does next, knowing how stocks are valued can help you find opportunities.


This will allow you to not only share food with one another, but it’s a great opportunity for you to get to know your co-workers outside of the work space.


The F8 conference will provide another opportunity for the company to reset the narrative.


Saying «No thank you, Amazon» is an opportunity for Baltimore.


And with some projections indicating the middle class will make up more than half of developing Asia’s population in 2030, the region presents a wealth of opportunity for Canadian businesses and investors.


When opportunities have presented themselves outside her domain — a Maroon 5 music video, a public flirtation with a Senate run in Louisiana, an appearance at a celebrity golf tournament that included a future president — Ms. Clifford has made the most of the publicity, helping her carve out a comfortable life in the Dallas suburbs.


Catalytic journalism is solutions-oriented reporting that uses traditional investigative techniques to empower citizens with the information needed to seize opportunities for positive change.


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The market volatility this quarter provided a particularly attractive buying opportunity for the Oakmark Select Fund.


For decades, female employees pressed for access to the same opportunities and treatment as their male counterparts.


The event will occur during WBENC’s 2011 Summit & Salute to Women’s Business Enterprises: The Opportunity Connection, attracting over 1,000 attendees and providing thought leadership and business development opportunities including the black tie celebration of 14 Women’s Business Enterprise Stars, exemplary WBEs from across the country.


Oliver Pursche, Bruderman Brothers CEO, and Conrad Saldanha, Neuberger Berman, share their market outlook and where they are finding opportunities amid the Trump administration.


One example from of an immature market opportunity that we highlighted is the potential for antibiotics-free meat production, which is about removing antibiotics from our farms and stables.


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With the advent of mobile devices, a fresh financial revolution is under way; a whole new generation of financial services is being developed to take advantage of the amazing opportunities which both mobile devices and the blockchain technologies are able to provide.


It offers opportunities to generate more sales by extending credit terms to new and existing customers, thus encouraging them to make new or additional purchases without a big cash outlay if at all, instead to postpone or make installment payments, while you the merchant will however, get immediate cash or access to funds.


Entrepreneurs: Starting a blockchain company comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities.


There wasn’t much space or opportunity for reasoned, nuanced debate or comment at this «Leadership Forum.»


Regulatory burden and antiquated laws reducing access to investment opportunities, says SIFMA CEO


As investors, we have to recognize opportunities — and know what to avoid.


The accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individualized accommodation plan in place will be taken into account when considering career development opportunities.


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With that being said, the only thing you have to lose is the opportunity to receive quality energy-investing insights.


Will the people who have been calling for a crash for the past 4-5 years miss out on the opportunity to buy at lower prices if the market does finally correct 10 %, 15 % or even 20 %?


Owning your own business isn’t a bad idea, but what keeps people from ever achieving this is the dearth of finance as franchise opportunities require cash in order to be actualized.


One of the most important aspects of having the right balance is being able to buy special pieces when the opportunity arises, such as sales on precious metals, major estate sales, an industry trade show, or buying the hot trend in jewelry just ahead of the holiday season.


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Saputo sees big opportunity there because Brazil’s dairy industry is still very fragmented and, geographically, it’s close to Argentina, where the Canadian company already has a base.


You get two opportunities for contributing to a self-employed 401 (k)— first as the employee and again as the employer.


We had an opportunity to ask Jesse a few questions and talk more about his…


Without a question, for both dividend growth and non-dividend growth investors, opportunity still exists.


She’ll seek out new investment opportunities for Aspect, some of which will likely be in the health and wellness sector.


As successful former startup operators and angel investors, they have an excellent investment record, bring a founders-first philosophy to their deals, are committed to diversity, and see great opportunity in Canada’s early and seed stage investment space.


No question about it, that was one of the biggest financial opportunities in history.


Content writer with stellar communication & interpersonal skills is needed for a long-term, work from home opportunity.


We live in an era of disruptive innovation and this disruption is both a threat to existing business models, products and services and an opportunity for economic growth.


That’s an opportunity that we clearly missed in the most recent market cycle, and my fiduciary inclinations to stress-test our methods clearly did not serve us well under the illumination of hindsight.


Binary options trading affords you the opportunity to make money from binary options even with very low amounts of money.


It’s not just consumers who are expected to increase their spending — there’s plenty of opportunity to be had selling to businesses, too.


«By developing the broader cultural sector we will create new employment and training opportunities, as well as enriching the Kingdom’s entertainment options.»


Another effective way to build one-to-one marketing into your business is to find opportunities to promote your customers.


Yesterday, Trump denied them that opportunity by making an agreement way ahead of the deadline at the end of September.


There’s been a lot of buzz about the CPTPP creating opportunities for business in Asia.


After a moment of thought, each panelist is given an opportunity to answer.


Such a drastic price decline has created an excellent buying opportunity.


возможность, удобный случай, благоприятная возможность


- удобный случай; благоприятная возможность

- возможность, перспектива

job opportunities — возможность получения работы или продвижения по службе
the experiment offers great opportunities — опыт открывает большие перспективы
opportunity makes the thief — посл. ≅ плохо не клади, вора в грех не вводи

Мои примеры


an opportunity to explore different activities — возможность попробовать себя в различных видах деятельности  
a unique opportunity to study these rare creatures — уникальная возможность изучить этих редких существ  
an opportunity to rethink our policy on advertising — возможность пересмотреть нашу политику по рекламе  
to grab an opportunity — воспользоваться возможностью  
to leap at the opportunity — ухватиться за предоставленную возможность  
to let the opportunity slip — упустить возможность  
at the earliest / first opportunity — при первом же удобном случае  
to afford / give / offer an opportunity — предоставить возможность  
to miss an opportunity — упустить возможность  
equal credit opportunity act — акт о равных правах на получение кредита  
to embrace an opportunity — воспользоваться случаем  
give an opportunity — дать возможность  

Примеры с переводом

I’ll go there again if the opportunity comes up.

Я поеду туда снова, если будет такая возможность.

I hope I will have the opportunity of seeing you here often.

Надеюсь, что буду иметь возможность часто видеть вас здесь.

You’ll have to watch your opportunity.

Тебе придётся подождать подходящей возможности.

It was a rare opportunity to see how ordinary people lived.

То была редкая возможность увидеть, как живут простые люди.

Let’s not waste an opportunity to see the children.

Надо не упустить шанс повидаться с детьми.

An opportunity of doing a real good office.

Возможность создать действительно хороший офис.

53% of students leave school at the earliest opportunity .

Пятьдесят три процента учащихся бросают школу при первой же возможности.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The women have the opportunity to situate their own struggles in a wider historical context.

…approached the can’t-miss investment opportunity with the chariness of someone who’s been burned before…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): opportunity
мн. ч.(plural): opportunities

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