Use the word on the other hand in a sentence

The phrase «on the other hand» is extremely common and overused in both writing and speech. However, incorporating the phrase into sentences could be a bit tricky as there are different ways of doing it. There are even various replacement phrases/words for it, which further adds to the confusion.

To correctly use the phrase «on the other hand», make sure it introduces a point that is in contrast or opposes what’s being said earlier. Also, you may use it in combination with the phrase «on the one hand» to explicitly communicate the contradiction in the sentences or viewpoints.

Keep reading to learn more about the phrase, how it’s used in a variety of writing situations, review a long list of sentences incorporating the phrase, etc.

apple or orange

«On the Other Hand» – Definition

The phrase «on the other hand» introduces a contrasting point in writing or speech. The phrase is a conjunctive adverb, or an adverb connecting two ideas. It’s used to make a reader view a topic from a different perspective. In other words, the phrase is used to present opposing points of view or ideas in subsequence.

As far as the usage of the term «hand» goes, it basically draws on the basic idea of providing someone an option in one’s right hand and another, completely different choice in the left hand.

The phrase «on the other hand» is used when discussing an event, action, situation, etc.

  • Marcus is extremely talented. He, on the other hand, is very lazy too.
  • I do not like Korean TV shows a great deal. Korean movies, on the other hand, are quite interesting.

The phrase can be used either at the start of a sentence or after a couple of words (usually a noun) into the sentence. For example:

  • Daniel, on the other hand, is friends with Karen.
  • On the other hand, Daniel is friends with Karen.

Needless to mention, when not placed at the beginning of a sentence, «on the other hand» should be flanked by commas on both its sides.

Using it with «On the One Hand»

Though not extremely common, the phrase «on the one hand» could precede «on the other hand». The two phrases are typically employed to showcase a couple of contradicting viewpoints a lot more effectively or explicitly.

The reason why «on the one hand» is not very commonly used in writing because the meaning is often quite implicit or most English speakers have no problem understanding the «first hand» without it being made obvious. It has, therefore, become common practice to incorporate «on the other hand» into various sentences and contexts as a standalone phrase.

For example:

  • On the one hand, I want to eat out. On the other hand, I am looking to eat healthily.
  • I want to eat out. On the other hand, I am looking to eat healthily.

The second sentence above doesn’t use the phrase «on the one hand». It, however, still manages to get the point across without causing confusion or doubt in the reader’s mind.

By adding «one hand» into your writing, however, you are making things a tad interesting for your readers, or they know beforehand a different and fresh piece of information is imminent.

Also, if you use «on the one hand» in your texts, you could get away with not writing «on the other hand» in its entirety. You could just write «on the other», for instance, and still manage to not confuse the reader. For example:

  • On the one hand, she would love to have children, but on the other, she is not too keen on giving up her freedom.

Because the first part of the sentence already had the word «hand» in it, the need to repeat the word in the same sentence doesn’t arise.

If, however, you are not incorporating the phrase «on the one hand» into your sentences, you’ll have to write «on the other hand» without cuts. For instance, the usage of «on the other» in the following sentence is incorrect:

  • She would love to have children. On the other, she is not too keen on giving up her freedom.

Also, if you do end up using both the phrases as a pair in your texts, try to keep the two as close to each other as possible. This would help the reader easily discern the relationship between the two. The usage of the phrases could be in a single sentence or two sentences, or in successive paragraphs. If there are multiple pages or paragraphs between them, the connection could be difficult to spot.

one way signs opposing each other

Is «On the Other Hand» Formal English?

The phrase «on the other hand» is standard English and can be used in a variety of scenarios. It could be used in both casual conversations, and also business and academic writing or conversations. The phrase appears in books, novels, critiques, poems, and essays.

However, some may consider the phrase informal. You should, therefore, look to avoid using it in formal writing whenever possible, including in business documents and academic papers. Other words or phrases – such as «conversely», «by contrast», etc. – could be used as replacements.

Other than for the tone, «on the other hand» could also be replaced in some forms of writing for succinctness.

Some of the other word(s) that can be used as replacement include:

  • From the opposite point of view
  • On the contrary
  • To the contrary
  • Contrastingly
  • Oppositely
  • At the same time
  • On second thought
  • On the flip side

And here are word(s) that mean the opposite of «on the other hand»:

  • Likewise
  • Similarly
  • In the same way
  • Supplementarily
  • Additionally
  • In addition
  • Furthermore
  • On top of this/that
  • Moreover
  • To the same degree

Examples Sentences with the Phrase «On the Other Hand»

Here is a list of sentences incorporating the phrase «on the other hand»:

  • On the other hand, think about the nation’s gloried past.
  • Jim, on the other hand, believes it can serve as a fitting symbol.
  • The route is a lot more direct. The alternative path, on the other hand, is significantly shorter.
  • Medicaid and Medicare, on the other hand, work better to pay for mental health.
  • The show, on the other hand, always reflected the zeitgeist.
  • The artistic color palette, on the other hand, consists of additive hues that include red, blue, and green.
  • The military, on the other hand, has been constantly accused of carrying out illegal activities in the area.
  • On the other hand, the minority group’s social structure will collapse if secession and sectionalism are allowed freely.
  • Certain rights, on the other hand, do need some signs of commitment and consent.
  • On the other hand, untreated maternal depression could adversely affect development.
  • Thomas, on the other hand, was short and thin.
  • People working in the IT sector, on the other hand, are looked at as geeks, nerds, propeller heads, and dweebs.
  • On the other hand, Bruce tears your heart out with his simple, soulful music.
  • Stable rates and a liquid market are expected next week. On the other hand, a greater decline in treasury bill prices is inevitable.
  • Electric bikes, on the other hand, will soon become mass-market commodities.
  • Damien, on the other hand, noticed I was red with anger.
  • My wife likes all genres of music – I, on the other hand, am very particular about the kind of music I listen to.
  • He is an extremely selfish guy. His sister, on the other hand, is the epitome of selflessness and generosity.
  • It’s a great looking building, no doubt. But, on the other hand, one cannot discount the sad truth that it has displaced many animals and rendered them homeless.
  • Some strategies, on the other hand, were infrequently used.
  • We, on the other hand, have conclusive evidence that lice play a major role in the disease’s transmission.
  • Distraction, on the other hand, is linked with not-very-severe depression.
  • I was just a couple of minutes late for the event. Anna, on the other hand, reached the place 30 minutes after the show started.

As mentioned earlier, «on the other hand» can accompany the phrase «on the one hand». Here are a couple of sentences employing the two in quick successions:

  • On the one hand, the fact that I forgot to invite him to my wedding makes me feel guilty. On the other hand, I am sure he would have created a scene had I invited him to the event.
  • On the one hand, big weddings are like a dream. On the other hand, there is an inexplicable charm attached to small, modest celebrations.

yellow lego brick stands out


To summarize, the phrase «on the other hand» is primarily used to denote a discernible shift in tone or message of a sentence(s). It could be either placed in the middle of a sentence or inaugurating a statement. It can also be paired with its sibling «on the one hand» at times.

Irrespective of how you use the phrase, make sure you do not overuse it. It should certainly not feature in the same paragraph more than once. If a paragraph has to have contradicting viewpoints twice or more and there arises the need to use «on the other hand» multiple times in close proximity to each other, use alternative words or phrases.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

(1) On the other hand, the idea appealed to him.

(2) I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying.

(3) On the other hand, many women choose to go out to work.

(4) I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.

(5) Well, all right, hospitals lose money. But, on the other hand, if people are healthy, don’t think of it as losing money; think of it as saving lives.

(6) Runtal, on the other hand, became a union activist.

(7) A box, on the other hand, offers all-round protection.

(8) Keith on the other hand is more adventurous.

(9) Table 28-I, on the other hand, indicates a number of very basic manufacturing industries wherein economic power is highly concentrated.

(10) On the other hand, honesty is an absolutely necessary policy as a matter of principle and also credibility.

(11) Multi-tasking, on the other hand, allows more than one application to be active and working simultaneously.

(12) On the other hand[], I do hit the ball tremendously hard and with various violent spins.

(13) On the other hand, there were grave limitations in using existing adult education institutions for radical education and action.

(14) On the other hand, a breach of warranty allows the aggrieved party to claim damages only.

(15) One may on the other hand consider that the ancient traditions and methods of training for the Bar are worthy of preservation.

(16) On the other hand, the vulnerability of such old people creates considerable anxiety.

(17) Gunther Zuntz, on the other hand, has argued for the exclusively Pythagorean identity of the tablets.

(18) McGregor and Diaz, on the other hand, are notable primarily for being adorable.

(19) On the other hand, a reduction in costs can come about through elimination of waste.

(20) But on the other hand, he gave fans exactly what they didn’t want a plan for all-seater stands.

(21) On the other hand, it keeps us amused, so what the hell?

(22) On the other hand, no new direction was immediately apparent.

(23) On the other hand, we have mental activity which enables us, second-by-second, to conceive of ourselves as mental entities.

(24) On the other hand, I didn’t have to think about it at all to decide it was flamboyant, asinine pretentiousness.

(25) On the other hand there is nothing in the Labour amendment which many of them would oppose anyway.

(26) On the other hand, he wanted to know what it was like to live as a sexually active human being.

(27) Yet on the other hand an agreement had been reached for mutual military aid as early as 1609.

(28) On the one hand I’d like a job which pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.

(29) On the one hand, if the body doesn’t have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.

(30) Seems to me the basic conflict between men and women, sexually, is that men are like firemen. To men, sex is an emergency, and no matter what we’re doing we can be ready in two minutes. Women, on the other hand, are like fire. They’re very exciting, but the conditions have to be exactly right for it to occur. Jerry Seinfeld 

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Madilyn Gaylord

Score: 4.8/5
(62 votes)

On the other hand is not a conjunction. It goes at the beginning of the second clause and is usually separated from the rest of the sentence with a comma. It can also go in the middle of the sentence. In that case we use two commas to set it off.

How do you use the word on the other hand in a sentence?

(1) On the other hand, the idea appealed to him. (2) I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying. (3) On the other hand, many women choose to go out to work. (4) I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.

What are the examples of connectors?

List of Sentence Connectors in English with Examples

  • HOWEVER. This restaurant has the best kitchen in town. …
  • IN CONTRAST. House prices have gone up this year. …
  • NEVERTHELESS. I was in so much pain I didn’t want to get up in the morning. …
  • YET. …

What are the sentence connectors?

Sentence connectors are used to link ideas from one sentence to the next and to give paragraphs coherence. Sentence connectors perform different functions and are placed at the beginning of a sentence. They are used to introduce, order, contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data etc.

What are the types of logical connectors?

Logical connectors are used to join or connect two ideas that have a particular relationship. These relationships can be: sequential (time), reason and purpose, adversative (opposition, contrast and/or unexpected result), condition.

23 related questions found

What are the four types of connectors in English?

Connectors are used between two separate sentences. There are four types of conjunctions: coordinating, correlative, subordinating, and conjunctive adverbs (discussed elsewhere). One sentence can contain multiple types of conjunctions, and often does.

Why do we use connectors?

Connectors are an important tool for writing proficiently in English. Their purpose is to join information together within a sentence. Using connectors correctly will help ensure the meaning of your sentences are clear for readers to understand.

What are some good sentence starters?

Some words are indeed notable for being good sentence starters. The list will include the following: although, I would like to, first, meanwhile, therefore, subsequently, while, I would like to, moreover, in general, in addition, furthermore.

What are the six types of connectors in English?

Improve Your English Fluency by Using 6 Types of Connectors

  • Sentence connectors are linking words that are used between two separate ideas or sentences. …
  • if so, if not, otherwise.
  • as a result, because of this, consequently, so (that), such (that), therefore, hence, thus.
  • namely, that is to say, in other words.

What are the 3 types of connectors?

Electrical connectors are classified into three types based on their termination ends: board-to-board connectors, cable/wire-to-cable/wire connectors, and cable/wire-to-board connectors.

What is the difference between connectors and linkers?

As nouns the difference between linker and connector

is that linker is that which links while connector is one who connects.

How do you use a connector?

The word ‘that’ is merely a connector. It is used to introduce a noun clause or a relative clause. In some cases ‘that’ can be omitted. She said that she would come.

What is mean by on the other hand?

used to introduce a statement that contrasts with a previous statement or presents a different point of view He’s a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.

Can on the other hand be used alone?

On the other hand should only be used, if it has been preceded by ‘on the one hand’. That’s the whole point of it, and Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries both say as such. If you prefer just use a synonym such as in contrast/conversely, but not ‘on the other hand’ in isolation.

Is it okay to use on the other hand?

As such, it is fine to use “on the other hand” by itself in many contexts. However, some consider using “on the other hand” by itself informal. As such, you may want to avoid this in formal writing, such as academic papers or business documents.

What are the 6 sentence openers?

There are six sentence openers:

  • #1: Subject.
  • #2: Prepositional.
  • #3: -ly Adverb.
  • #4: -ing , (participial phrase opener)
  • #5: clausal , (
  • #6: VSS (2-5 words) Very Short Sentence.

What are some sentence starters for evidence?

For instance, ………………. This incident provides proof that _______________________ This example provides evidence that _________________________ An example is…………………………. An example on page______ , is……… According to the text, ……………………..

What words can I use to start an introduction?

However, on a sentence level, these words and phrases are also considered to be introductory. Examples: However, On the other hand, Furthermore, Therefore, Thereafter, Consequently, Next, Finally, In conclusion, For example, Ultimately, etc.

What are the two types of connectors?

1. What are Connector specifications? Plug and socket: There are two different formats for connectors, the male, and the female. The male part is known as the plug while the female is known as the socket.

What are logical connectors examples?

  • Time: after, as long as, as soon as, before, since, when, whenever, until. …
  • Manner: as (e.g: Do that as your brother does it.), …
  • Reason: since, because, as (e.g.: He left, as it was late.), …
  • Simultaneous: while, as (e. …
  • Concessive: although, even though, though, while. …
  • Additive: in addition, moreover, furthermore.

Is once a connector?

Once is an adverb or conjunction.

Which are linkers?

Linkers are words that relate one idea or sentence of the text with another. They connect the ideas logically. Why are they used? They give direction to the writer. They are also used to guide the reader through his thoughts.

icon forward


Tabu and Tuareg communities, on the other hand, are now both represented

on the



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On the other hand,


majority of


Sardinians belong to Mesolithic European haplogroup I2a1a.

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У ямника из Mednikarovo определена Y- хромосомная гаплогруппа I2a2a1b1b.

Pressure, on the other hand, is what we tell ourselves about


stress in our lives.

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Давление, ontheonehand, чего мы себя говорим о усилии в наших жизнях. Self- induced,

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If, on the other hand,


battery has a nor mal temperature but is totally discharged,


charger will check if it still draws power or it if is already defective.


context icon

Если же аккумулятор, наоборот, имеет нормальную температуру, но переразряжен, зарядное устройство

проверяет, принимает ли аккумулятор ток или же он неисправен.


If, on the other hand,


battery has a normal temperature but is totally discharged,


charger will check if it still draws power or it if is already defective.


context icon

Если же аккумулятор, наоборот, имеет нормальную температуру, но переразряжен, зарядное

устройство проверяет, принимает ли аккумулятор ток или же он неисправен.



body sinks into it and


spine is unnaturally bended.


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И если наоборот, матрас слишком мягкий,

то тело погружается в него, а позвоночник неестественно прогибается.


since all your information is stored


a single server in




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Онлайн- программы, наоборот, менее надежны,

так как вся ваша информация хранится на одном единственном сервере в базе данных.


With trochoidal milling, on the other hand, large cutting depths are possible



prevailing cutting conditions do not increase


wear and tear

on the



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Трохоидальное фрезерование, наоборот, позволяет производить обработку с большей глубиной резания,

так как благодаря особым условиям резания не возникают эффекты, увеличивающие износ инструмента.




system for renting out properties is under-regulated.


context icon

В России же, наоборот, у большинства людей квартиры находятся в собственности,

а система съема жилья гораздо меньше отрегулирована.


On the other hand, Fred Smith, Congressman McDonald’s administrative assistant, doubted

these first reports and went to


Pentagon for verification.

context icon

С другой сторона, Фрэд Смит административный помошник члена Конгресса Ларри МакДональда,

сомневался в этих первых отчетах и отправился в Пентагон для проверки.

mechanical seal is


optimized choice which can meet


requirement of different operation condition.


context icon

Механическое уплотнение оптимизированный выбор, который может удовлетворить требования различных Условия эксплуатации.


or her own fault contributed to




compensation may be reduced.


context icon

по своей вине способствовало его причинению, размер компенсации может быть уменьшен.


Orphans, on the other hand could slip through


cracks, if no one was there to catch them.

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Сироты в других руках могут просочиться


трещины, если никто не поймает их.

and then at 1, 2, 3, 5 minutes.


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а затем


1, 2, 3, 5- й минуте.


but am denied any and every opportunity to exploit



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Я же, с другой стороны, имею беспрецедентные способности в управлении командой, но

я отвергал каждую возможность в использовании этого навыка.

Results: 13058,
Time: 0.0253





on the other hand — перевод на русский

/ɒn ðiː ˈʌðə hænd/

On the other hand, why not?

С другой стороны — почему бы и нет?

On the other hand, our advertizing will convince people that it is good for them. And once being convinced, they will be improved by its consumption.

Но, с другой стороны, наша реклама убедит людей в ее полезности, а они убедят себя в том, что им становится лучше.

On the other hand, we do know… the only antiquities found on the rock… were some Roman coins.

С другой стороны, мы достоверно знаем что единственными предметами старины найденными на скале, были римские монеты.

But on the other hand, she knew I was… 20 years younger than she was!

Но, с другой стороны, она знала что я моложе её на 20 лет.

On the other hand, if he’s sensible I might throw a few sizable fees in his way myself.

С другой стороны, если он благоразумен я смогу ему кое-что предложить.

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Jean-Marie, on the other hand, is already back with a huge crop.

Жан-Мари уже вернулся и улов его наоборот, был очень обильным.

My son, on the other hand, changed a lot.

— А мой сын наоборот, сильно изменился.

On the other hand one can devote one self to a life of mundane desires and flesh in order to satisfy one’s basic pleasures, as well as leading a life for the pursue of lucre and a social position.

Есть у него, наоборот, и возможность целиком отдаться своим инстинктам, своим чувственным желаньям, и направить все свои усилия на получение мгновенной радости.

On the other hand she has no idea how to act when confronted with barefaced innocence and a free and alert intelligence.

Наоборот, она не знает как действовать если противостоит простодушию, бдительному и свободному разуму.

— I, on the other hand, am all-powerful.

— А я, наоборот, всесилен.

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You, on the other hand, have been bitching all day.

А ты вот воняешь здесь целый день. Ну спасибо.

Us, on the other hand, they can’t kill us, so they just leave behind the hidden memories… of what they’ve done.

А вот нас они убить не могут. Нам они просто оставляют скрытые воспоминания о своих проделках.

Me, on the other hand, I’m a little less patient.

А вот я… не такая терпеливая.

You, on the other hand, have decades of experience dating and being attracted to losers.

А вот у тебя есть многолетний опыт отношений с неудачниками.

Contracts, on the other hand, can be trusted.

А вот контрактам доверять можно.

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Now, Hassan, on the other hand, is infinitely corruptible.

Вот, Хассан, другое дело, продажен насквозь.

You, on the other hand, Miss Lane… your reputation in that department stretches as far afield as Fordlow.

Вы другое дело, мисс Лэйн… Ваша репутация по этой части известна далеко за Фордлоу.

But your mother, on the other hand, so loyal.

Но вот твоя мать — другое дело… Так преданна.

But you, on the other hand.

Но ты другое дело.

But you, on the other hand…

Вы — совсем другое дело…

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But I, on the other hand… keep my promises.

Но в другой руке… моё обещание.

A handheld scanner, on the other hand, will prevent any contrast or blurring problems.

Ручной сканер в другой руке предотвратит от появления проблем с контрастом или размывкой.

‘The SLS, on the other hand, is not a track-bred car.’

SLS, в других руках, это не машина для трека.

Orphans, on the other hand could slip through the cracks, if no one was there to catch them.

Сироты в других руках могут просочиться в трещины, если никто не поймает их.

On the other hand,.. …if you put him in a bad mood, all is lost.

Если ты его расстроишь, просто махни рукой и забудь.

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I, on the other hand have no pretensions about the idea of being a hero.

Но я в свою очередь совершенно не против идеи стать героем.

You, on the other hand, look like shit.

А ты в свою очередь выглядишь… дерьмово.


Брайан, в свою очередь, был…

Your wife spent the night in her room alone, and Wally, on the other hand, visited, in succession, the Boathouse, Oil Can Harry’s, and Taboo.

Ваша жена провела ночь у себя в номере, одна, а Уолли, в свою очередь, посетил в следующем порядке Боутхаус, Ойл Кен Харрис и Табу.

Jim Peebles and Bob Dicke on the other hand, who had correctly interpreted the Homedale Whisper as the echo of the Big Bang, received absolutely nothing.

В свою очередь, Джим Пиблз и Боб Дик, правильно интерпретировавшие хоумдейловский шепот как отголосок Большого Взрыва, не получили ровным счетом ничего.

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Your uncle, on the other hand…

В то же время, как ваш дядя… — Послушайте, мэтр…

On the other hand, after just a few blows you’re whining, you old cowardly Ogre.

В то же время ты, после нескольких лёгеньких ударов,.. … скулишь как старый, трусливый людоед!

On the other hand, each memory seems to be stored in many separate locales in the brain.

В то же время, каждая частица памяти хранится во многих отдельных местах нашего мозга.

‘A Shakespearean sonnet on the other hand «would score high both horizontally and vertically ‘yielding a massive total area;: «thereby revealing the poem to be truly great.

В то же время, сонет Шекспира будет иметь большое значение как по горизонтали, так и по вертикали, занимая значительную площадь, что доказывает величие произведения.

On the other hand to foil Eom Gi Hun’s plans,

В то же время, в попытке расстроить план Ён Гихуна,

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On the other hand, Paul stayed home for college unwilling to leave the fish he had not yet caught.

В отличие от меня, Пол решил учиться в колледже нашего города,.. …не желая покидать ещё не пойманную рыбу.

You, on the other hand, are not.

В отличие от тебя.

Well, his big brother Mustafa, on the other hand, he’s a very angry young man.

Ну в отличие от него, его старший брат Мустафа — весьма раздражительный молодой человек.

Me, on the other hand….

В отличие от меня.

I on the other hand…

В отличие от меня…

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You, on the other hand, are going to be very busy finding a job for Gobber.

Что же касается тебя, ты будешь очень занят поиском работы для Плеваки.

Genevieve, on the other hand, that lying little witch I’m gonna murder her.

Что же касается Женевьевы, этой мелкой лживой ведьмы… я убью её.

You, on the other hand,

Что же касается тебя,

Vermin, on the other hand…

Но хищников это не касается…

Us on the other hand, we’re completely harmless.

Что касается нас, то мы совершенно безвредны.

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