Use the word oblige in a sentence

Venna was one who enjoyed petting any time she could get it and he was glad to oblige

The same statutes of apprenticeship and other corporation laws, indeed, which, when a manufacture is in prosperity, enable the workman to raise his wages a good deal above their natural rate, sometimes oblige him, when it decays, to let them down a good deal below it

attempted to raise the wages of curates, and, for the dignity of the church, to oblige the rectors

«We will be happy to oblige, you may tell them you will be away for two weeks, it is a medical emergency and that you will earn a year’s pay

been reckoned a very moderate price of wheat, since it required a particular statute to oblige servants to accept of it in exchange for their usual livery of provisions ; and it had been reckoned a reasonable price ten years before that, or in the 16th year of the king, the term to which the statute refers

, To oblige a creditor, therefore, to accept of this as full payment for a debt of £100, actually paid down in ready money, was an act of such violent injustice, as has scarce, perhaps, been attempted by the government of any other country which pretended to be free

A positive law may render a shilling a legal tender for a guinea, because it may direct the courts of justice to discharge the debtor who has made that tender ; but no positive law can oblige a person who sells goods, and who is at liberty to sell or not to sell as he pleases, to accept of a shilling as equivalent to a guinea in the price of them

Those unproductive hands who should be maintained by a part only of the spare revenue of the people, may consume so great a share of their whole revenue, and thereby oblige so great a number to encroach upon their capitals, upon the funds destined for the maintenance of productive labour, that all the frugality and good conduct of individuals may not be able to compensate the waste and degradation of produce occasioned by this violent and forced encroachment

Few, therefore, of those who have once been so unfortunate as to launch out too far into this sort of expense, have afterwards the courage to reform, till ruin and bankruptcy oblige them

It might, probably, be necessary to grant to such towns as were admitted to farm their own revenues, some sort of compulsive jurisdiction to oblige their own citizens to make payment

If anything, she could share the name of this “Roscius” with him and see if his memory would oblige him where hers had failed

Nevertheless the Empire’s forces in Skyrim were compelled to oblige, from a diplomatic standpoint

But if the bounty did not repay to the merchant what he would otherwise lose upon the price of his goods, his own interest would soon oblige him to employ his stock in another way, or to find out a trade in which the price of the goods would replace to him, with the ordinary profit, the capital employed in sending them to market

The same motives, the same interests, which would thus regulate the conduct of any one dealer, would regulate that of every other, and oblige them all in general to sell their corn at the price which, according to the best of their judgment, was most suitable to the scarcity or plenty of the season

The law can very easily oblige the judge to respect the regulation though it might not always be able to make the sovereign respect it

If the meanness and poverty of the trustees of turnpike roads render it sometimes difficult, at present, to oblige them to repair their wrong ; their wealth and greatness would render it ten times more so in the case which is here supposed

Though those complaints produced no act of parliament, they had probably intimidated the company so far, as to oblige them to reform their conduct

Its object is, in all cases, to maintain the authority of the master, and, whether he neglects or performs his duty, to oblige the students in all cases to behave to him as if he performed it with the greatest diligence and ability

Force and restraint may, no doubt, be in some degree requisite, in order to oblige children, or very young boys, to attend to those parts of education, which it is thought necessary for them to acquire during that early period of life ; but after twelve or thirteen years of age, provided the master does his duty, force or restraint can scarce ever be necessary to carry on any part of education

In such societies, the varied occupations of every man oblige every man to exert his capacity, and to invent expedients for removing difficulties which are continually occurring

particular sect having thus become complete masters of the field, and their influence and authority with the great body of the people being in its highest vigour, they were powerful enough to overawe the chiefs and leaders of their own party, and to oblige the civil magistrate to respect their opinions and inclinations

A man of rank and fortune is, by his station, the distinguished member of a great society, who attend to every part of his conduct, and who thereby oblige him to attend to every part of it himself

Should the sovereign have the imprudence to appear either to deride, or doubt himself of the most trifling part of their doctrine, or from humanity, attempt to protect those who did either the one or the other, the punctilious honour of a clergy, who have no sort of dependency upon him, is immediately provoked to proscribe him as a profane person, and to employ all the terrors of religion, in order to oblige the people to transfer their allegiance to some more orthodox and obedient prince

The violence which the French government usually employed in order to oblige all their parliaments, or sovereign courts of justice, to

At midday clothes might go; the natives were to be envied; and the noblesse oblige of civilisation, in dress at least, was to be lamented

Ray witnessed the nurse inject something in the intravenous tube attached to Kate’s arm and was quick to oblige the doctor’s request

This will oblige the poor artist to walk away, sabotaging the deal

Pentti Linkola’s billions, those “cancers of the earth,” those “evolutionary mistakes” that Linkola says should die, must be made ready to oblige, willingly or not

It was after this date that Greatchen confided that the Indian had already had a date with Greatchen in the past, and she could not date him and not having any ‘classy’ ladies on her books, could Marilee oblige

I was positive that any number of white men would happily oblige her,

Somehow I was more than happy to oblige

He wanted me out of his life, and I would oblige him

So one night after he and I had been drinking, and he started back in taunting me, I cornered him in the third floor head, tried to slash his neck with the triangular business end of a church key, which proved difficult because he was 6’ 4,” I was maybe 5’ 8,” and he wouldn’t oblige me by bending over

But there is here no more law to oblige a Woman to such Subjection, if the

Fathers oblige their children to Obedience to themselves, even when they are past

proclivities of the post–WW II mentality will spring, that is, from a misplaced sense of noblesse oblige

His old mentor, Army Colonel George Morton heard about it and arranged his new job with the commander of the 5th Special Forces Group, who was only too happy to oblige

Just about everything would need to be bought on account and the local department store would have to oblige

important factor is that they do not oblige other members of the group to act

I couldn’t help but oblige and kissed

Travis was press for time but if this was what was needed to shut the tramp up, he would oblige

Wisdom was quick to oblige

He and Celia shared Max»s contempt for witch-doctoring, and were only too happy to oblige

He begs for a quick death and Bianca can only oblige, wishing she were in his place

different and for once my garage couldn’t oblige

They were only too pleased to oblige

«Ham radio operators usually oblige in an emergency

But considering how badly I wanted to move out east and my general predicament, it was wiser to oblige Nelly than to anger her

“I would just love to oblige you but I’m afraid I have some business to attend to all afternoon

I was just about to insist that I couldn’t oblige her when

to hear what Steve said, “Pretty Boy, oblige her! This is part

to believe that I would oblige them

we can give we’d be happy oblige; however, It would help if

Thankfully, safety regulations oblige all the passengers on this sightseeing run to either rent or bring their own spacesuits, even for the children

prosperity, but they are more than willing to dutifully oblige us in

Krulak was too happy to oblige her, as his men had not had a chance yet to see combat

Mike was more than happy to oblige

was more than happy to oblige, as long as he didn’t look into the disappearance

If your clients wish to have dessert and you feel inclined to oblige, then order a piece of fruit or a low calorie fruit dessert

Sixty minutes wanted their ten minutes with Bob and we gave them the time they needed; and finally, we decided that if Face the Nation wanted to interview Bob, we would oblige

We won’t be asked if we want to go; we will be told we have to, and most will oblige because the alternative of not checking out will be so horrible that we will volunteer to go out ahead and even be exalted for doing so

If you need any help with James, me and Claudette will be most happy to oblige

Sure, he would be happy to oblige when the two of them were alone, but he wasn’t about to whip out his todger with two other blokes in the room

“Maybe we should wait here and see who wins,” Pussy suggested, frustrated at how close she had just come to a good seeing to, and wondering whether anyone would ever again oblige her in this respect

He was happy to oblige

Halfshaft was happy to oblige

him to nod off, the less inclined he was to oblige

They had all of the evidence that they needed for the conviction, and the Cloud Court was more than happy to oblige

However, nature didn’t oblige us by altering the catalysis of man-woman chemistry to suit the structured need of marital fidelity

In what was a unique instance in the Islamic saga, so as to oust their Punjabi Muslaman brethren, the Bengali Musalmans welcomed the Hindu kafirs into their dar-ul-Islam! Of course, India did oblige them, and Bangladesh came into being, and this one gesture could have been sufficient for the Bangladeshi Musalmans to shed their old Hindu hatred and hold the hand of eternal friendship to the Indians

“Happy to oblige

”: their recompense will not be regarded as a favor to them yet their Provider will oblige them with what He will do as a reward for the good actions they have done and the charity they have rendered

He will put up with the pain of burning and oblige himself to bear the torment in order to forget his suffering

In the other world, when the believer will witness the honor and the boons which his Provider will oblige him with and the bliss He will bestow upon him, he will feel spiritual happiness and hidden pleasure out of his being overwhelmed by supreme Godly manifestation

This person will ascertain that if their Provider did not supply them with power and oblige them with blessings and prestige, they would be powerless, poor and insignificant

They will put up with the pain of burning and oblige themselves to bear their torment in order to forget their suffering

” she meant to laugh, but her voice did not oblige her fatigued sentiment

More than happy to oblige, he dove into the burnt chicken

Love isn’t strong enough to oblige us to share, because Love obliges no one; but a loan is no respecter of person, restraining all by its letter of retainer

)): their recompense will not be regarded as a favor to them; rather, their Provider will oblige them with what He does for them as a reward for their good actions and the charity they have rendered

A few days later the Almighty God did indeed oblige him with a cure, whereby his immune system began to recover and was able to overcome this terrible, infectious illness

Her mind frantically tries to think of any excuse not to oblige, but it is in a quandary, filled with a foggy blur of emotions

She was happy to oblige and he made his way outside the hospital to call his brother

She said that if I ever needed a dog-sitter again, she would happily oblige

I’ve told you of Tulip’s exploits, now how’s about you oblige me with yours to get that side of the bargain out of the way

What the general was telling her, with the hearty kindliness fathers of other daughters use to daughters of other fathers—will use, indeed, commented the Bishop observing the incident from afar and allowing himself the solace of an instant’s bitterness, to any created female thing if only she will oblige them by not being their own—was that he couldn’t have her looking like this

She was more than willing to oblige, but became a mite confused when she couldn’t find it in its usual place

This one was for nearly two hundred; and at the end of the long list of items, the biggest of which was that bathroom without water that had sent Annalise out on strike, was the information that a remittance would oblige

The exploitation of the poor will lead to revolt in Europe and America; this crisis is needed to oblige the state to help the poor and the unemployed, to change corporate governance and their flawed incentive structures and bad environmental behaviour

but couldn’t oblige, which would vexham

He wanted a surprise, she was his entertainment and she had to oblige to keep him happy

legally and take you to court if you would not oblige

” “We would be happy to oblige you Jing but we have one

for the entertainment that the least NASA could do was to oblige by

If your body is getting the message that it is almost healed in that would: it will simply oblige and make the false interpretation actually true

She was the highest example of Noblesse Oblige; she was the highest living example of elite humanity trying to be more humane in the World when she was alive

Any one of the girls will be pleased to oblige you

‘Our Sales Team,’ said the receptionist, ‘Very busy young men but always happy to oblige a visitor to the Company

It fanned its brilliantly plumed tail in pleasure when she obliged

Aston Martin to put his Cuban heeled boot through the floor, and he duly obliged

In general, they were satisfied with us, but they made some remarks regarding the atmosphere of frivolity in the class and the teacher was obliged to reprimand certain persons

Aban duly obliged

The ribbon of wet sheen running towards the horizon begged the driver of the Aston Martin to put his Cuban heeled boot through the floor, and he duly obliged

Progressing through his teenage years he committed all of the usual fumbling faux pas and awkward lunges that boys the world over are obliged to do before they become men

duly obliged, as his wife stuck her head out from the back

Consequently, Miss Bunker was obliged to utilize the Council Chambers for both exemption testing and the first few weeks of the term

Kaitlyn smiled and obliged

After I had found by experience the ill consequences of being abroad in the rain, I took care to furnish myself with provisions beforehand, that I might not be obliged to go out, and I sat within doors as much as possible during the wet months

obliged to concentrate on what the fellow was saying and

In summer, with one jump, they could get to each other; but in winter they were obliged first to go down the long stairs, and then up the long stairs again: and out-of-doors there was quite a snow-storm

There could seldom be any scarcity of hands, nor could the masters be obliged to bid against one another in order to get them

There would be a constant scarcity of employment, and the labourers would be obliged to bid against one another in order to get it

We do not reckon our soldiers the most industrious set of people among us; yet when soldiers have been employed in some particular sorts of work, and liberally paid by the piece, their officers have frequently been obliged to stipulate with the undertaker, that they should not be allowed to earn above a certain sum every day, according to the rate at which they were paid

In dear years, too, poor independent workmen frequently consume the little stock with which they had used to supply themselves with the materials of their work, and are obliged to become journeymen for subsistence

All people of small or middling fortunes would be obliged to superintend themselves the employment of their own stocks

‘The Church authorities are obliged to lend their

years which each apprentice is obliged to serve

always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king, for

was obliged to buy the goods they had occasion for from every other within the town,

those in another are obliged to content themselves with bare subsistence

which obliged him to offer his services to a monastery –

the poor, and allowed by two justices of the peace, that every other parish should be obliged to

which granted the certificate should be obliged to pay the expense both of his maintenance

This corn was brought from the conquered provinces, of which several, instead of taxes, were obliged to furnish a tenth part of their produce at a stated price, about sixpence a-peck, to the republic

were obliged to continue

But in many parts of North America, the landlord would be much obliged to any body who would carry away the greater part of his large trees

Their neighbours are soon obliged to sell at the same price, though they cannot so well afford it, and though it always diminishes, and sometimes takes away altogether, both their rent and their profit

«Said return to sender on the bottom, didn’t it, anyhow at least the plane is safely returned and I’m obliged to be sure

Those who cultivated the ground, were obliged to build their own houses, to make their own household furniture, their own clothes, shoes, and instruments of agriculture

God is not obliged to

As the woollen manufactures, too, of Ireland, are fully as much discouraged as is consistent with justice and fair dealing, the Irish can work up but a smaller part of their own wool at home, and are therefore obliged to send a greater proportion of it to Great Britain, the only market they are allowed

This circumstance must necessarily have some tendency to sink the price of raw hides produced in a country which does not manufacture them, but is obliged to export them, and comparatively to raise that of those produced in a country which does manufacture them

With a bemused smile, Theoton obliged

Let the ordinary amount of this sum be supposed five hundred pounds ; the value of the goods in his warehouse must always be less, by five hundred pounds, than it would have been, had he not been obliged to keep such a sum unemployed

By being obliged to keep so great a sum unemployed, he must sell in a year five hundred pounds worth less goods than he might otherwise have done

Let us suppose that all the paper of a particular bank, which the circulation of the country can easily absorb and employ, amounts exactly to forty thousand pounds, and that, for answering occasional demands, this bank is obliged to keep at all times in its coffers ten thousand pounds in gold and silver

By issuing too great a quantity of paper, of which the excess was continually returning, in order to be exchanged for gold and silver, the Bank of England was for many years together obliged to coin gold to the extent of between eight hundred thousand pounds and a million a-year; or, at an average, about eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds

For this great coinage, the bank (inconsequence of the worn and degraded state into which the gold coin had fallen a few years ago) was frequently obliged to purchase gold bullion at the high price of four pounds an ounce, which it soon after issued in coin at £3:17:10 1/2 an ounce, losing in this manner between two and a half and three per cent

The Scotch banks, in consequence of an excess of the same kind, were all obliged to employ constantly agents at London to collect money for them, at an expense which was seldom below one and a half or two per cent

The Bank of England, it is to be observed, by supplying its own coffers with coin, is indirectly obliged to supply the whole kingdom, into which coin is continually flowing from those coffers in a great variety of ways

Whatever coin, therefore, was wanted to support this excessive circulation both of Scotch and English paper money, whatever vacuities this excessive circulation occasioned in the necessary coin of the kingdom, the Bank of England was obliged to supply them

When a bank discounts to a merchant a real bill of exchange, drawn by a real creditor upon a real debtor, and which, as soon as it becomes due, is really paid by that debtor ; it only advances to him a part of the value which he would otherwise be obliged to keep by him unemployed and in ready money, for answering occasional demands

First, by this attention they were enabled to make some tolerable judgment concerning the thriving or declining circumstances of their debtors, without being obliged to look out for any other evidence besides what their own books afforded them ; men being, for the most part, either regular or irregular in their repayments, according as their circumstances are either thriving or declining

When they observed, that within moderate periods of time, the repayments of a particular customer were, upon most occasions, fully equal to the advances which they had made to him, they might be assured that the paper money which they had advanced to him had not, at any time, exceeded the quantity of gold and silver which he would otherwise have been obliged to keep by him for answering occasional demands; and that, consequently, the paper money, which they had circulated by his means, had not at any time exceeded the quantity of gold and silver which would have circulated in the country, had there been no paper money

The frequency, regularity, and amount of his repayments, would sufficiently demonstrate that the amount of their advances had at no time exceeded that part of his capital which he would otherwise have been obliged to keep by him unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands; that is, for the purpose of keeping the rest of his capital in constant employment

The advances of the bank paper, by exceeding the quantity of gold and silver which, had there been no such advances, he would have been obliged to keep by him for answering occasional demands, might soon come to exceed the whole quantity of gold and silver which ( the commerce being supposed the same ) would have circulated in the country, had there been no paper money; and, consequently, to exceed the quantity which the circulation of the country could easily absorb and employ ; and the excess of this paper money would immediately have returned upon the bank, in order to be exchanged for gold and silver

in the year and sometimes a great deal more, when either the price of the commission happened to rise, or when he was obliged to pay compound interest upon the interest and commission of former bills

The paper which was issued upon those circulating bills of exchange amounted, upon many occasions, to the whole fund destined for carrying on some vast and extensive project of agriculture, commerce, or manufactures ; and not merely to that part of it which, had there been no paper money, the projector would have been obliged to keep by him unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands

A great part of the proprietors, when they paid in their first instalment, opened a cash-account with the bank; and the directors, thinking themselves obliged to treat their own proprietors with the same liberality with which they treated all other men, allowed many of them to borrow upon this cash-account what they paid in upon

When it was obliged to stop, it had in the circulation about two hundred thousand pounds in bank notes

It would have been much better for themselves, their creditors, and their country, had the greater part of them been obliged to stop two years sooner than they actually did

so far, obliged and picked up the receiver to call Pappi’s office

They could still have made nothing by the interest of the paper, which, being over and above what the circulation of the country could absorb and employ, returned upon them in order to be exchanged for gold and silver, as fast as they issued it ; and for the payment of which they were themselves continually obliged to borrow money

The credit of the new government, established by the Revolution, we may believe, must have been very low, when it was obliged to borrow at so high an interest

In these different operations, its duty to the public may sometimes have obliged it, without any fault of its directors, to overstock the circulation with paper money

That part of his capital which a dealer is obliged to keep by him unemployed and in ready money, for answering occasional demands, is so much dead stock, which, so long as it remains in this situation, produces nothing, either to him or to his country

When a ten pound bank note comes into the hands of a consumer, he is generally obliged to change it at the first shop where he has occasion to purchase five shillings worth of goods; so that it often returns into the hands of a dealer before the consumer has spent the fortieth part of the money

The ready money which a dealer is obliged to keep by him, for answering occasional demands, is destined altogether for the circulation between himself and other dealers of whom he buys goods

The owners of those particular capitals would be obliged to content themselves with a smaller proportion of the produce of that labour which their respective capitals employed

The debtor being obliged to pay, not only for the use of the money, but for the risk which his creditor runs by accepting a compensation for that use, he is obliged, if one may say so, to insure his creditor from the penalties of usury

Unless a capital was employed in breaking and dividing certain portions either of the rude or manufactured produce into such small parcels as suit the occasional demands of those who want them, every man would be obliged to purchase a greater quantity of the goods he wanted than his immediate occasions required

If there was no such trade as a butcher, for example, every man would be obliged to purchase a whole ox or a whole sheep at a time

If a poor workman was obliged to purchase a month’s or six months’ provisions at a time, a great part of the stock which he employs as a capital in the instruments of his trade, or in the furniture of his shop, and which yields him a revenue, he would be forced to place in that part of his stock which is reserved for immediate consumption, and which yields him no revenue

The man who employs his capital in land, has it more under his view and command ; and his fortune is much less liable to accidents than that of the trader, who is obliged frequently to commit it, not only to the winds and the waves, but to the more uncertain elements of human folly and injustice, by giving great credits, in distant countries, to men with whose character and situation he can seldom be thoroughly acquainted

Helez obliged and told them all about her childhood and her family

The pride of man makes him love to domineer, and nothing mortifies him so much as to be obliged to condescend to persuade his inferiors

since I was obliged to

Fearful that another beating would kill her, Nerissa obliged

Those whom the law could not protect, and who were not strong enough to defend themselves, were obliged either to have recourse to the protection of some great lord, and in order to obtain it, to become either his slaves or vassals; or to enter into a league of mutual defence for the common protection of one another

He was, therefore, obliged to abandon the administration of justice, through the greater part of the country, to those who were capable of administering it; and, for the same reason, to leave the command of the country militia to those whom that militia would obey

Though in some measure obliged to them all, therefore, he is not absolutely dependent upon any one of them

Through still gritted teeth, he obliged

And she knew that the cave was their best chance until the beast finally obliged her silent wishes and landed

But it is otherwise, they think, with countries which have connections with foreign nations, and which are obliged to carry on foreign wars, and to maintain fleets and armies in distant countries

But that when it imported to a greater value than it exported, a contrary balance became due to foreign nations, which was necessarily paid to them in the same manner, and thereby diminished that quantity : that in this case, to prohibit the exportation of those metals, could not prevent it, but only, by making it more dangerous, render it more expensive: that the exchange was thereby turned more against the country which owed the balance, than it otherwise might have been; the merchant who purchased a bill upon the foreign country being obliged to pay the banker who sold it, not only for the natural risk, trouble, and expense of sending the money thither, but for the extraordinary risk arising from the prohibition; but that the more the exchange was against any country, the more the balance of trade became necessarily against it; the money of that country becoming necessarily of so much less value, in comparison with that of the country to which the balance was due

On the contrary, they, and almost all the other classes of our citizens, will thereby be obliged to pay dearer than before for certain goods

The undertaker of a great manufacture, who, by the home markets being suddenly laid open to the competition of foreigners, should be obliged to abandon his trade, would no doubt suffer very considerably

England may be obliged to send out every year money to Holland, though its annual exports to that country may exceed very much the annual value of its imports from thence, and though what is called the balance of trade may be very much in favour of England

disadvantageous exchange must have subjected their merchants, such small states, when they began to attend to the interest of trade, have frequently enacted that foreign bills of exchange of a certain value should be paid, not in common currency, but by an order upon, or by a transfer in the books of a certain bank, established upon the credit, and under the protection of the state, this bank being always obliged to pay, in good and true money, exactly according to the standard of the state

Every merchant, in consequence of this regulation, was obliged to keep an account with the bank, in order to pay his foreign bills of exchange, which necessarily occasioned a certain demand for bank money

The person who orders a transfer for more than is upon his account, is obliged to pay three per cent

Those trades only require bounties, in which the merchant is obliged to sell his goods for a price which does not replace to him his capital, together with the ordinary profit, or in which he is obliged to sell them for less than it really cost him to send them to market

The corn bounty, it is to be observed, as well as every other bounty upon exportation, imposes two different taxes upon the people; first, the tax which they are obliged to contribute, in order to pay the bounty ; and,

By raising the price, he discourages the consumption, and puts every body more or less, but particularly the inferior ranks of people, upon thrift and good management If, by raising it too high, he discourages the consumption so much that the supply of the season is likely to go beyond the consumption of the season, and to last for some time after the next crop begins to come in, he runs the hazard, not only of losing a considerable part of his corn by natural causes, but of being obliged to sell what remains of it for much less than what he might have had for it several months before

Without intending the interest of the people, he is necessarily led, by a regard to his own interest, to treat them, even in years of scarcity, pretty much in the same manner as the prudent master of a vessel is sometimes obliged to treat his crew

The farmer, therefore, who was thus forced to exercise the trade of a corn merchant, could not afford to sell his corn cheaper than any other corn merchant would have been obliged to do in the case of a free competition

The law which obliged the farmer to exercise the trade of a corn merchant, endeavoured to hinder it from going on so fast

The law, however, which obliged the farmer to exercise the trade of a corn merchant was by far the most pernicious of the two

But by being obliged to sell his corn by retail, he was obliged to keep a great part of his capital in his granaries and stack-yard through the year, and could not therefore cultivate so well as with the same capital he might otherwise have done

manufacturer, by taking his goods off his hand as fast as he can make them, and by sometimes even advancing their price to him before he has made them, enables him to keep his whole capital, and sometimes even more than his whole capital, constantly employed in manufacturing, and consequently to manufacture a much greater quantity of goods than if he was obliged to dispose of them himself to the immediate consumers, or even to the retailers

The temporary laws, prohibiting, for a limited time, the exportation of corn, and taking off, for a limited time, the duties upon its importation, expedients to which Great Britain has been obliged so frequently to have recourse, sufficiently demonstrate the impropriety of her general system

“Too late for that though, eh?” Clodius raised his tankard for another summary toast, and his drinking partner obliged

That is to say, that her sacred royal majesty of Great Britain shall, in her own name, and that of her successors, be obliged, for ever hereafter, to admit the wines of the growth of Portugal into Britain; so that at no time, whether there shall be peace or war between the kingdoms of Britain and France, any thing more shall be demanded for these wines by the name of custom or duty, or by whatsoever other title, directly or indirectly, whether they shall be imported into Great Britain in pipes or hogsheads, or other casks, than what shall be demanded for the like quantity or measure of French wine, deducting or abating a third part of the custom or duty

The bank of England, in order to replenish their coffers with money, are frequently obliged to carry bullion to the mint ; and it was more for their interest, they probably imagined, that the coinage should be at the expense of the government than at their own

When this great company, therefore, bought gold bullion in order to have it coined, they were obliged to pay for it two per cent

government of Spain has, upon many occasions, been obliged to recall or soften the orders which had been given for the government of her colonies, for fear of a general insurrection

Some nations have given up the whole commerce of their colonies to an exclusive company, of whom the colonists were obliged to buy all such European goods as they wanted, and to whom they were obliged to sell the whole of their surplus produce

The colonies would be ill supplied, and would be obliged both to buy very dear, and to sell very cheap

Dave obliges and is reassured

A regulation which obliges all those of the same trade in a particular town to enter their names

Thus the law which obliges the masters in several

It only obliges them to pay that value in money,

The plenty not only obliges him to sell cheaper, but, in consequence of these improvements, he can afford to sell cheaper; for if he could not afford it, the plenty would not be of long continuance

on the building, obliges the owner to render it

It obliges all of them to be more circumspect in their conduct, and, by not extending their currency beyond its due proportion to their cash, to guard themselves against those malicious runs, which the rivalship of so many competitors is always ready to bring upon them

This free competition, too, obliges all bankers to be more liberal in their dealings with their customers, lest their rivals should carry them away

If it is fixed precisely at the lowest market price, it ruins, with honest people who respect the laws of their country, the credit of all those who cannot give the very best security, and obliges them to have recourse to exorbitant usurers

In other countries, rent and profit eat up wages, and the two superior orders of people oppress the inferior one ; but in new colonies, the interest of the two superior orders obliges them to treat the inferior one with more generosity and humanity, at least where that inferior one is not in a state of slavery

In several different parts of Europe, the toll or lock-duty upon a canal is the property of private persons, whose private interest obliges them to keep up the canal

In order to acquire this fortune, or even to get this subsistence, they must, in the course of a year, execute a certain quantity of work of a known value; and, where the competition is free, the rivalship of competitors, who are all endeavouring to justle one another out of employment, obliges every man to endeavour to execute his work with a certain degree of exactness

If he professes himself to be of any other, indeed, the law obliges him to leave the canton

While it obliges the people to pay, it may thus diminish, or perhaps destroy, some of the funds which might enable them more easily to do so

But, as it might be troublesome for the receiver to prosecute the whole parish, he takes at his choice five or six of the richest contributors, and obliges them to make good what had been lost by the insolvency of the collector

conveniency or necessity obliges to sell

pretended, though in general, perhaps, they do their duty fully as well as those of the customs ; yet, as that duty obliges them to be frequently very troublesome to some of their neighbours, commonly contract a certain hardness of character, which the others frequently have not

” She sits at the other end of the table as he obliges her request and they begin eating their soups

and often obliges us to discard old solutions and to look for new ones

The terror became a cry; a dry, sharp cry born from the entrails of my fear, which huddled in my solar plexus, then came out expressing that primitive and instinctive fear that obliges us to undertake the biggest feats born more from improvisation than understanding

The powerful black stallion trots up to the fence, hoping for a treat and Gautama obliges with a juicy ripe pear

day their mothers gave birth to them, but that life obliges them over

It also involves what the Almighty God obliges His obedients in Paradise with, of the looking at His noble Face and the witnessing of His great beauty

He says: “they will abide therein forever, Al’lah well pleased with them”: for the charity they have rendered “and they with Him” for the bliss and kindness He obliges them with

He will ascertain that unless his Provider supplies him with power and obliges him with blessings and prestige, he will be powerless, poor and insignificant

He wanted to acquaint you, man, with that the one who obliges you with these graces is caring about you and loving to you

It also involves that with which the Almighty God obliges His obedient followers in Paradise, namely the Sight of His noble Face and the witnessing of His great beauty

And everyone knows appreciation equals debt and debt obliges dependence, and from dependence a groveling that should love the King that buys her with gifts and thus owns her as property

Al’lah is wellpleased with them)) for the charity they have rendered ((and they with Him)) for the bliss and kindness with which He obliges them

Love isn’t strong enough to oblige us to share, because Love obliges no one; but a loan is no respecter of person, restraining all by its letter of retainer

That is what the Prophet (cpth) is referring to in his noble saying: “Love Al’lah for the graces with which He obliges you, and then love me because of His Love for me

0 bites 1’s neck, crying ‘Bite me so I might live forever’, and 1 obliges by can opening 0’s head

His stomach obliges them with a grumble of its own

Cass never has lied in his life, but he reluctantly obliges Unks

Cass obliges as the captain yells over top the celebration, “Give the order to dismiss!”

‘ Nay, I come of no ungrateful stock, for all the world knows, but particularly my own town, who the Panzas from whom I am descended were; and, what is more, I know and have learned, by many good words and deeds, your worship’s desire to show me favour; and if I have been bargaining more or less about my wages, it was only to please my wife, who, when she sets herself to press a point, no hammer drives the hoops of a cask as she drives one to do what she wants; but, after all, a man must be a man, and a woman a woman; and as I am a man anyhow, which I can’t deny, I will be one in my own house too, let who will take it amiss; and so there’s nothing more to do but for your worship to make your will with its codicil in such a way that it can’t be provoked, and let us set out at once, to save Senor Samson’s soul from suffering, as he says his conscience obliges him to persuade your worship to sally out upon the world a third time; so I offer again to serve your worship faithfully and loyally, as well and better than all the squires that served knights-errant in times past or present

equalled by mine for you, but a cruel necessity obliges us to seek the only

Which somehow obliges the rest of us to set the bar

His uncle was angry with him because of the manner in which he had thrown away the good position of telegraph operator in Villa de Leyva, but he allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves

What I really grieve over is your unhappy passion itself for gambling—a passion which bereaves me of part of your tender affection and obliges me to tell you such bitter truths as (God knows with what pain) I am now telling you

The doctrine of Jesus, which teaches us that we cannot possibly make life secure, but that we must be ready to die at any moment, is unquestionably preferable to the doctrine of the world, which obliges us to struggle for the security of existence

This contradiction is evident both in economic and in political relations; it is manifested most unmistakably in the inconsistency of the acknowledgment of the Christian law of brotherly love and military conscription, which obliges men to hold themselves in readiness to take each other’s lives,—in short, every man to be at once a Christian and a gladiator

It amounts to this, that honor obliges men to fight, that it is for the interest of nations that they should attack and destroy one another, and that all endeavors to abolish war can but excite a smile

But not perceiving any one disposed to do so, a sense of duty obliges me, though very unwell, to claim your indulgence while I offer my sentiments on this subject, so interesting to the Union at large, but particularly to the western section of it

But what obliges Congress to give credit at all? Could it not demand prompt payment of the duties? And in fact does it not so demand in many instances? Whether credit is given or not, is a matter merely of discretion

However painful it may be to censure the conduct of our own Government, yet a sense of justice obliges me to say, that to every overture made by Great Britain to accommodate this unpleasant affair, our Administration attached some exceptionable condition which closed the door to an amicable adjustment

Richard was so obliging that he virtually let her and

obliging to offer their space for the sake of the children, as

They were generally at the same time erected into a commonalty or corporation, with the privilege of having magistrates and a town-council of their own, of making bye-laws for their own government, of building walls for their own defence, and of reducing all their inhabitants under a sort of military discipline, by obliging them to watch and ward; that is, as anciently understood, to guard and defend those walls against all attacks and surprises, by night as well as by day

In countries such as Italy or Switzerland, in which, on account either of their distance from the principal seat of government, of the natural strength of the country itself, or of some other reason, the sovereign came to lose the whole of his authority; the cities generally became independent republics, and conquered all the nobility in their neighbourhood; obliging them to pull down their castles in the country, and to live, like other peaceable inhabitants, in the city

unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private families, by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number of kitchen utensils

By obliging the farmer to carry on two trades instead of one, it forced him to divide his capital into two parts, of which one only could be employed in cultivation

There seems to be a hardship in obliging the proprietor to pay a tax for an untenanted house, from which he can derive no revenue, especially so very heavy a tax

kinder, more obliging than she used to be

A depleted treasury must find creative ways of raising revenue however dry the well in order to pacify the demands of its citizens; engendering more spending promoting a vicious cycle of tax and spending policies sapping the energies and moral vitality of its productive citizens who grow increasingly cynical while the Rabble grows more demanding and the government more obliging

She had been more than obliging in satisfying his needs

obliging, helpful— not now and then, but all the time

More than a dozen such proffers were made, and he utilized each one as an opportunity for imparting some thought of spiritual ennoblement by well-chosen words or by some obliging service

Obliging, the man carried his wife towards the wall and hesitated by the stranger who said nothing but allowed him to pass

Our each and every request was her obliging, dutiful

She was obliging, and made change for hi, from her apron pocket, obviously a solidifying of her day’s tips

I hoped she wasn’t getting her hopes up after our little cuddle, as I was far from certain that I would be physically capable of obliging her, what with me being a zombie and all

Transparency by observing what’s happen, recording experiences, thoughts and feelings has a great meaning in cooperation rather than confrontation obliging us into partnership for putting the past behind

He thinks that by rendering that service, he is obliging

The obliging actress beamed widely

But contemporary spontaneous sex is not dependent upon romantic courtship; it is a biological drive that can be divorced from the constraints of traditional sexual love and does not even require any formal pretense of caring for the obliging partner

Google is a better parent; more honest, obliging and without censor and prejudicial error (but not without framing bias)

The man was actually friendly and obliging, and so taken by the sight of me that he selected

The rich man increased the tightening of his hand, calling up all his energies so that he might defeat the invisible force which was obliging his hand to open

The sign of God’s true men is that they draw our attention, thought and appreciation to our Creator, the Gracious and the Obliging for all creation, who provides food, drink, and life

This startles Cass into obliging his uncle’s request

“We’re leaving in a couple of hours,” she said, to which he muttered a nonchalant “uh um,” obliging her to continue

“The committee has decided” he proclaimed, obliging the now beaming Sean to accept the funnel to his lips, “that your forfeit is a quad-vod, to be washed down with a half-pint of the vilest concoction of sangria and punch ever mixed at this fine hotel

The task proved beyond him, and he found himself forced to move himself backwards to lean against the door, obliging Louise to follow his movements, but like she was auditioning to play the seven dwarfs, except with Sam’s rod where the microphone would be

There is no law obliging a man to marry because some lovesick girl wants him to—if I were a man I would never marry—but I do deplore the exceeding number of the girls who want him to

The landlord, as obliging a person as his wife was a capable one, had provided a cart with two long-tailed, raw-boned horses who were to come with us as far as Binz, my next stopping-place

At five o’clock, when I felt that a gentle shaking of Charlotte was no longer avoidable if we were to reach Binz that evening, and was preparing to apply it with cousinly gingerliness, an obliging bumble-bee who had been swinging deliciously for some minutes past in the purple flower of a foxglove on the very edge of the cliff, backed out of it and blundered so near Charlotte’s face that he brushed it with his wings

The instant they were on her feet, stretching out in all their hugeness far beyond the frills of her skirt and obliging her to slide instead of walk, she became gracious

She came to thirst, and such was his skill that she thirsted healthily, for her husband or her father or whoever it was she had left, for worries, catastrophes, disgrace—for anything so long as it was so obliging as not to be love

And there’s a most intelligent person—really a most helpful, obliging person—who came with you from Dover to Ullerton

She didn’t like formalities and even though she was being obliging here, at the camp she was often anything but

Respect can also be shown in a different way: by legally obliging every hunter to remove all the usable meat from the site of the kill

Even the obliging Gilbert, who wasn’t beyond indulging in a little attempted blackmail himself if he thought he could get away with it, would shy away from murder

Coeper set about obliging them by causing soccer ball sized hail stones to crashed to the

Is it not a fact that in the process of obliging Anil Ambani with a GSM license in ex-

But, invested for the moment with extraordinary power, he raised himself completely: obliging me to rise too, or I could not have still supported him

Though if I were to ask two or three obliging friends, I know they would give me them, and such as the productions of those that have the highest

But the chief grievance that rankled in her soul, and gave an excuse for her unfriendly conduct, was a rumor which some obliging gossip had whispered to her, that the March girls had made fun of her at the Lambs’

When he looked about him for another and a less intractable damsel to immortalize in melody, memory produced one with the most obliging readiness

He chatted with her about the new goods from Paris, about a thousand feminine trifles, made himself very obliging, and never asked for his money

adopt my child, and seemed to have no doubt of obliging Mr

I had therefore nothing in the world to do, but to fancy myself in love; and as my mother did not make my home in every respect comfortable, as I had no friend, no companion in my brother, and disliked new acquaintance, it was not unnatural for me to be very often at Longstaple, where I always felt myself at home, and was always sure of a welcome; and accordingly I spent the greatest part of my time there from eighteen to nineteen: Lucy appeared everything that was amiable and obliging

imagination, charmed, as I was, to have any occasion of obliging and

With some cunning too, from floor to ceiling the walls were a mass of statues, gargoyles, bas-reliefs and fluted columns that cast weirdlymoving shadows when the dragon gave an obliging illumination at Twoflower’s request

«He was so obliging as to suggest my father for your tutor, and he called on my father to propose it

That I should innocently take a bad half-crown of somebody else’s manufacture is reasonable enough; but that I should knowingly reckon the spurious coin of my own make as good money! An obliging stranger, under pretence of compactly folding up my bank-notes for security’s sake, abstracts the notes and gives me nutshells; but what is his sleight of hand to mine, when I fold up my own nutshells and pass them on myself as notes!

But when, by certain motions, certain unquietness of his hands, that wandered not without design, I found he languished for satisfying a curiosity, natural enough, to view and handle those parts which attract and concenter the warmest force of imagination, charmed, as I was, to have any occasion of obliging and humouring his young desires, I suffered him to proceed as he pleased, without check or control, to the satisfaction of them

But the new member was, in some points, not of so tractable a nature as many of his predecessors had been; and notwithstanding all the couthy jocosity and curry-favouring of his demeanour towards us before the election, he was no sooner returned, than he began, as it were, to snap his fingers in the very faces of those of the council to whom he was most indebted, which was a thing not of very easy endurance, considering how they had taxed their consciences in his behalf; and this treatment was the more bitterly felt, as the old member had been, during the whole of his time, as considerate and obliging as could reasonably be expected; doing any little job that needed his helping hand when it was in his power, and when it was not, replying to our letters in a most discreet and civil manner

Unless Rychtyr was obliging enough to screw up and let the Charisians and their Siddarmarkian allies actually cut the canal behind him before he retreated, Hanth’s troops were going to wear out a lot of perfectly good boots over the coming several months

Frankly, Cudd thought there was relatively little chance of someone as canny as Rohsail obliging Earl Sharpfield that way, but it was certainly worth trying

After long negotiations over the legal details, the money was at last ready to be paid; but the notary, a most obliging person, could not hand over the order, because it must have the

charming a widow as she had been a girl, pleasant when she had her own way, obliging

She looked, and was, frail but she was willing, obedient and obliging

But I wanted to leave things in order and not just trust that obliging and indifferent sea to sweep my refuse away

The Baronet added in very obliging words that he himself was particularly desirous of seeing the Freshitt and Tipton estates under the same management, and he hoped to be able to show that the double agency might be held on terms agreeable to Mr

I should only mind if there were a law obliging me to take any piece of blood and beauty that she or anybody else recommended

No ideas or opinions could hinder him from seeing the one probability to be, that Raffles recovered would be just the same man as before, with his strength as a tormentor renewed, obliging him to drag away his wife to spend her years apart from her friends and native place, carrying an alienating suspicion against him in her heart

But the Seven and Ser Lucas Longinch did not prove so obliging

“Madam Fanny,” says he, obliging me, but with the same ironick Tone

Market, is very obliging indeed

Market,» an obliging fellow who shows up every day to either buy from you or sell to you, whichever you wish

He was very obliging, and offered to do anything in his power

” It was a landscape in water colours, of which I had made a present to the superintendent, in acknowledgment of her obliging mediation with the committee on my behalf, and which she had framed and glazed

Many showed themselves obliging, and amiable too; and I discovered amongst them not a few examples of natural politeness, and innate self-respect, as well as of excellent capacity, that won both my goodwill and my admiration

As she grew up, a sound English education corrected in a great measure her French defects; and when she left school, I found in her a pleasing and obliging companion: docile, good-tempered, and well-principled

Though unworthy, from inferiority of age and strength, to be their constant associate, their pleasures and schemes were sometimes of a nature to make a third very useful, especially when that third was of an obliging, yielding temper; and they could not but own, when their aunt inquired into her faults, or their brother Edmund urged her claims to their kindness, that “Fanny was good-natured enough

The ensuing spring deprived her of her valued friend, the old grey pony; and for some time she was in danger of feeling the loss in her health as well as in her affections; for in spite of the acknowledged importance of her riding on horse-back, no measures were taken for mounting her again, “because,” as it was observed by her aunts, “she might ride one of her cousin’s horses at any time when they did not want them,” and as the Miss Bertrams regularly wanted their horses every fine day, and had no idea of carrying their obliging manners to the sacrifice of any real pleasure, that time, of course, never came

To whose happy lot was it to fall? While each of the Miss Bertrams were meditating how best, and with the most appearance of obliging the others, to secure it, the matter was settled by Mrs

Norris completed the whole by thus addressing her in a whisper at once angry and audible, “What a piece of work here is about nothing: I am quite ashamed of you, Fanny, to make such a difficulty of obliging your cousins in a trifle of this sort, so kind as they are to you! Take the part with a good grace, and let us hear no more of the matter, I entreat

There had, in fact, been so much of message, of allusion, of recollection, so much of Mansfield in every letter, that Fanny could not but suppose it meant for him to hear; and to find herself forced into a purpose of that kind, compelled into a correspondence which was bringing her the addresses of the man she did not love, and obliging her to administer to the adverse passion of the man she did, was cruelly mortifying

Norris completed the whole by thus addressing her in a whisper at once angry and audible—»What a piece of work here is about nothing: I am quite ashamed of you, Fanny, to make such a difficulty of obliging your cousins in a trifle of this sort—so kind as they are to you! Take the part with a good grace, and let us hear no more of the matter, I entreat

She was sorry, really sorry; and yet in spite of this and the two or three other things which she wished he had not said, she thought him altogether improved since she had seen him; he was much more gentle, obliging, and attentive to other people’s feelings than he had ever been at Mansfield; she had never seen him so agreeable—so near being agreeable; his behaviour to her father could not offend, and there was something particularly kind and proper in the notice he took of Susan

Chvabrine is obliging her to become his wife

They were most obliging old things, ready to do anything for me, and at my request were as silent afterwards as two cast-iron posts

Close to him was a narrow-minded, stupid, but good-natured and obliging fellow, a sort of Colossus, Kobylin by name

«Ah, Prokofief! Jolkin too; and you, Almazof! Here, come here, all the lump of you!» cried the Major to us, with a gasp; but he was somewhat softened, his tone was even obliging

It seemed to me that his desire to be obliging was due more to kindness of heart than to mercenary considerations

This was even then felt and understood by many, and it was then that Christ preached His teaching, which did not consist simply in this, that evil ought not to be resisted by means of violence, but in the teaching of the new comprehension of life, a part, or rather an application of which to public life was the teaching about the means for abolishing the struggle among all men, not by obliging only one part of men without a struggle to submit to what would be prescribed to them by certain authorities, but by having no one, consequently even not those (and preëminently not those) who rule, employ violence against any one, and under no consideration

And it was then that Christ preached His doctrine, which not only embodied the principle of non-resistance, but which revealed a new conception of life, of which the application to social life would lead to the suppression of strife among men, not by obliging one class to yield to whatsoever authority shall ordain, but by forbidding all men, and especially those in power, to employ violence against others

The wretched Governor, intoxicated with power, who had no doubt convinced himself of the necessity for this performance, counted the strokes on his fingers, while he smoked cigarette after cigarette, for the lighting of which several obliging persons hastened to offer him a burning match

Definition of Oblige

perform a good deed for someone

Examples of Oblige in a sentence

Since my neighbor cuts my grass for free, I am happy to oblige him with a ride to the store.


If you would like to see certain things on your tour, please tell the guide so she can oblige your requests if time permits.


Sheila was happy to oblige the soldier with bus fare home.


When Jack asked for a loan, his father could not oblige him because of his recent job loss.


Marsha was kind enough to oblige the elderly veteran by listening to his war stories.


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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Oblige | Oblige Sentence

  • You will oblige me by staying.
  • I hope that you will oblige me.
  • I was willing to oblige him.
  • Always oblige a friend!
  • Very glad to oblige you.
  • Remember you oblige an emperor.
  • Would you kindly oblige me?
  • Will you oblige me in this instance?
  • Was it your wish to oblige him?
  • The will to oblige was infinite.
  • You will oblige me thereby very greatly.
  • Madam, you oblige me.
  • They only oblige him to abstain from doing harm.
  • He was to oblige her with a letter to the museum.
  • I am ready to oblige you in any way.
  • You oblige me to make a move.
  • It was a sort of noblesse oblige feeling.
  • Make no change except sickness oblige you.
  • I would very willingly do something to oblige you.
  • He was anxious to oblige every one.
  • Would you oblige me by holding it to the end of this month?
  • Grace, will you kindly oblige again?
  • Indeed, he only ran over to oblige me.
  • Do not oblige me to say more in presence of your daughter.
  • After all, why not oblige the fellow?
  • Much oblige to you, sir.
  • Will you oblige me by removing this young lady?
  • If so, oblige me by stating the editions.
  • I hope some other subject will oblige us by stepping up.
  • Would you oblige us with supper as soon as possible?
  • I mean a thing which would oblige you to laugh now.
  • Besides, what are banks for but to oblige their clients?
  • If you will ever oblige me, let it be on this occasion.
  • I only took a front seat to oblige those two girls.
  • Wherein can I oblige you?

How To Use Oblige In A Sentence?

  • Yes, do that, for my sake, to oblige me.
  • Always pleased to oblige the Corporation.
  • Moi, je suis oblige de connaitre votre position.
  • At last Holmes could oblige him.
  • To oblige your mother, Agatha.

Definition of Oblige

(transitive) To constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means. | (transitive) To do someone a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation). | (intransitive) To be indebted to someone.

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Oblige sentence in english

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1. Circumstances oblige me to do that.

2. Could you oblige me by opening the window?

3. The staff are always happy to oblige.

4. Will you oblige me with a stamp?

5. Will you oblige me with your name and address?

6. Would you oblige me with some information?

7. Very oblige with your presence.

8. Please oblige me by closing the door.

9. Please oblige me by closing the window.

10. Could you oblige me with 10 pounds?

11. It’s always a good idea to oblige important clients.

12. We’d be happy to oblige.

13. Connors was more than ready to oblige.

14. Oblige me by keeping your suspicions to yourself.

15. Sorry, I can’t oblige you.

16. Kindly oblige me by opening the door.

17. Will you oblige by filling in this form?

18. Please oblige me with a reply as soon as possible.

19. Could you oblige me with a pen and a piece of paper[], please?

20. Would you be willing to oblige us with some information?

21. Mr Oakley always has been ready to oblige journalists with information.

22. We only went to the party to oblige some old friends who especially asked us to be there.

23. They will be only too happy to oblige.

24. Labour voices have been stammering to oblige.

25. The landlord’s only too happy to oblige.

26. They did so without hope of further profit and out of a sense of noblesse oblige.

27. If you need a ride home, I’d be happy to oblige.

27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

28. Call me if you need any help-I’d be happy to oblige.

29. If you ever need help with the babysitting, I’d be glad to oblige.

30. We needed a guide and he was only too happy to oblige.

More similar words: obligation, obliquely, diligent, oblivious, diligently, belligerent, tiger, problem, ignoble, indigenous, refrigerator, blip, light, blink, flight, slight, malign, public, light up, delight, lightly, sibling, publish, publisher, slightly, eligible, lighting, in public, publicly, blizzard. 

  • Meanings of words and phrases

  • Example sentences

  • Similar words

  • Translations

  • Other types of questions

The meaning of «Oblige» in various phrases and sentences

What does happy to oblige mean?

«Happy to oblige» means something like «It’s my pleasure to help.»

What does much obliged mean?

Literally, «very obligated,» short for «(I am) very obligated (to you)(for what you’ve done for me).» In other words, «I owe you one (for what you’ve done),» «I appreciate it (what you have done for me)», «Much appreciated,» «Thank you.» :)

What does happy to oblige mean?

It means you are happy to help, or happy to accept an offer.

What does Happy to oblige mean?

it means im happy to follow the rules

What does I’m obliged to do mean?

«I’m required to do» or «I’m forced to do.»

Example sentences using «Oblige»

Please show me example sentences with oblige.

We needed a guide and he was only too happy to oblige.
He went to the conference to oblige his boss.
We needed some help with our accounts and she was only too happy to oblige.

The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees.
Circumstances obliged him to leave town.
All students are obliged to participate in an internship program.
You can bring something to share at the picnic, but please don’t feel obliged.
We are much obliged for your help.
I felt obliged to share it with her,

Please show me example sentences with oblige.

Please show me example sentences with oblige.

-Doctors are obliged by law to keep patients alive as long as there is a chance of recovery

-You don’t want me to tell you this but I feel obliged to warn you anyway.

-What can you do to oblige him to reply?

Please show me example sentences with oblige.

«Oblige» means «grateful» or «Indebted». :)

«I’m obliged to help John with his homework, since he helped me with mine.»

«Much obliged for your hard work today.»

«You don’t need to feel obliged to come today, I understand if you can’t make it.»

«Oblige me by treating yourself to a nice dinner.»

The word «oblige» isn’t heard very often. It is a very old word, mostly used in the early 1800’s.
I’ve only heard it in Western movies, and maybe a few times in my whole life in conversation. :)

I hope this helps!

Please show me example sentences with oblige.

It’s mainly used today in a formal form of «Thank you.» usually used in the south.

«Here, let me buy you a soda.»
«Much oblige

It’s actual meaning is «to accomidate» or «to be accomodating» or «to put yourself in a debt of gratitude».

«Would you oblige us with song?»
(Would you be kind enough to treat us to a song?)

Synonyms of «Oblige» and their differences

What is the difference between oblige and compel and force ?

I have to take my shoes off when I enter buildings in Japan.
I am obliged to take my shoes off when I enter buildings in Japan(いいと思う。)
I am forced to take my shoes off when I enter buildings in Japan(警備員が強制的に脱がせる?)
I am compelled to take my shoes off when I enter her apartment (というと、自分の理念からしないといけないけど彼女に強制されていない。)
My friend wears her shoes inside her apartment but I am compelled to take my shoes off. △
My friend wears her shoes inside her apartment but I feel compelled to take my shoes off because I always have taken my shoes off when I enter home, both here and in Japan. ◎

What is the difference between oblige and compel and force ?

Obliged comes from the word “obligated.” It gives the image that they are acting out of a sense of moral duty. (“I was obligated to care for my sister when she was sick.”)
Compel is someone strongly persuading you to do something. (“They compelled me to join their new business.”)
Force is someone making you do something without giving you any other choice. More aggressive language. (“They forced me to sit down and listen to them.”)

What is the difference between oblige and compel ?

Cmpel is a feeling you need to do something or really want to do something.
I feel compelled to explain why I wasn’t there.
I feel compelled to go to Jeju Island, it looks so beautiful.
I will compel her to go on for her PhD.

Oblige is an obligation. To feel like you have to even if you don’t want to.
I feel an obligation to go to his graduation, even though I don’t know him. He is a friend of my family.
I am obligated to pay my taxes.
I am obligated to go because I said I would be there.

What is the difference between oblige and force ?

oblige: to make someone legally or morally bound to an action

force: to make someone do something against their will

Translations of «Oblige»

How do you say this in English (UK)? oblige

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Other questions about «Oblige»

Please show me how to pronounce much obliged!.

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I’m much obliged to you. is it too formal?

This does sound too formal. A more informal version would be «thank you» or «thank you so much» or «I appreciate it»

How can I use ‘ oblige ‘ ?
I think this word is very complicated to use.
could you give me some common ideas on how to use it ?

Poverty obliged him to this crime. This is almost poetic. The meaning is something like: he was so poor and without opportunity that he didn’t have a choice but to commit a crime

I will try my absolute best to oblige. Does this sound natural?

«I will try my absolute best to follow»

How do you use «to oblige» in a sentence when it means «to accommodate»?

«We will need to oblige him at all costs» , is that what you were looking for?

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