Use the word nowadays in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word nowadays, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use nowadays in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «nowadays».

Nowadays in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word nowadays in a sentence.

  1. These claims are nowadays disputed.

  2. Another method of launching, the «autotow», is rarer nowadays.

  3. I have never intended to write what is nowadays called «opérette».

  4. Traditionally, there were about 16 ways to prepare it, although nowadays, 11 are recognized.

  5. This test is destructive, as a diamond can scratch another diamond, and is rarely used nowadays.

  6. In the long-ago time, unlike nowadays, it was unheard of for teenagers to succeed in the big top of athletics.

  7. He «looked very morose» and barely spoke: «There is nothing harder than conversing with Pound nowadays,» Reck wrote.

  8. I know that we are all becoming more broadminded nowadays, but really old chap what could you have been thinking of?

  9. Sidney Dark and Rowland Gray wrote that «the book of Thespis is genuine Gilbert, the Gilbert whom nowadays all the world loves…

  10. The Latin word for Phrygian cap is pileus, nowadays the technical name for what is commonly known as the «cap» of a fungal fruit body.

  11. Although bred for hunting, Beagles are versatile and are nowadays employed for various other roles in detection, therapy, and as family pets.

  12. These migrations are rarely seen nowadays, but seasonal congregations can still be observed in preferred areas of short vegetation, such as the Kalahari desert.

  13. Before the tournament Trump had declared that he «honestly believe [he] can play to a standard which is very rare nowadays,» and that he was «the best» in the world.

  14. British magazine NME, reviewing the UK 7″ single in March 1989, said: «All the smart bastards are mixing strings with grunge guitars nowadays and the Pixies are no exception.

  15. The Caspian expeditions of the Rus’ were military raids undertaken by the Rus’ between 864 and 1041 on the Caspian Sea shores, of what are nowadays Iran, Dagestan, and Azerbaijan.

  16. The monarch could in theory unilaterally dismiss the prime minister, but in practice the prime minister’s term nowadays comes to an end only by electoral defeat, death, or resignation.

  17. During a radio interview broadcast two days after the September 11 attacks in the U.S., Franklin argued that violence nowadays is always unsuccessful even for the powerful who try to use it.

  18. Pericles is lauded as «the ideal type of the perfect statesman in ancient Greece» and his Funeral Oration is nowadays synonymous with the struggle for participatory democracy and civic pride.

  19. It proposed what would nowadays be termed a sea denial strategy, based on fast, long-ranged cruisers for commerce raiding and torpedo boat flotillas to attack enemy ships attempting to blockade French ports.

Synonyms for nowadays

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word nowadays has the following synonyms: now, today and present.

General information about «nowadays» example sentences

The example sentences for the word nowadays that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «nowadays» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «nowadays».

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Mrs. Keara Fritsch

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Nowadays Sentence Examples

Yes, everything is different nowadays, everything is changed. Nowadays, you’d be scared someone would kidnap a child but in the old days, no one ever thought of that stuff. Nowadays everybody designs laws, it is easier writing than doing.

Is nowadays grammatically correct?

Nowadays is the only correct spelling of this word. Spelling the word as three words—now a days—is incorrect.

Is it formal to use nowadays?

Nowadays is colloquial, unlikely to be used in formal writing.

Can I use nowadays in essay?

Is it ok to start an essay with ‘nowadays’? The quick answer is yes. There’s nothing wrong with this word, and the examiner won’t reduce your score if you use it.

What can I say instead of nowadays?

Synonyms & Antonyms of nowadays

  • anymore,
  • currently,
  • now,
  • presently,
  • right now,
  • today.

25 related questions found

Is nowadays too informal?

«Nowadays.» while standard English, has a colloquial ring. … Yes, that’s right: «nowadays» is technically correct, but colloquial. It is perfectly acceptable in oral speech, but it strikes the wrong tone in written English — because it is so informal or colloquial.

How do you make nowadays formal?

We can use today, but not nowadays or these days, with the possessive ‘s construction before a noun, or with of after a noun. This use is quite formal: Today’s family structures are quite different from those of 100 years ago.

Can I start a paragraph with currently?

Yes, you can begin a sentence with the word ‘currently’. It is an adverb of time that can be placed at the beginning of a sentence to describe when an…

What type of word is nowadays?

Nowadays is an adverb — Word Type.

What tense we use with nowadays?

Nowadays is typically used with the simple present tense, as in the examples above, but it is fine to use it with a continuous tense, as long as you are referring to a something that repeats over a period of time.

What are you up to nowadays?

It means «How are you,» and you respond with what you have been doing in the past few days, what you are doing presently, or what you will be doing in the near future (next few days). I thought «what are you up to» means «what are you doing now» or «what plots are you concocting recently».

What have you done these days or nowadays?

‘Nowadays’ is used with present simple tense and present continuous tense, whereas ‘These days’ is used with present continuous tense. ‘Nowadays’ is mainly used comparatively. On the other hand, ‘These days’ is primarily used to show a degree of temporariness in the sentence.

How do you use nowadays in a sentence?

Nowadays Sentence Examples

  • Yes, everything is different nowadays, everything is changed.
  • Nowadays, you’d be scared someone would kidnap a child but in the old days, no one ever thought of that stuff.
  • Nowadays everybody designs laws, it is easier writing than doing.

When did nowadays become a word?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first recorded use of this word was in 1362. It originates from a Middle English phrase that was originally written as three words, forming nou A dayes.

Can nowadays be used as an adjective?

definitively banned the use nowadays as an adjective.

What’s the difference between presently and currently?

Presently may mean “immediately” or “soon,” and in modern usage it has come to mean “now”; careful writers choose a more precise term. Currently means “now” and causes no problems. But momentarily is another ambiguous term, strictly meaning “lasting for a moment” but loosely meaning “in a moment.”

How do you use currently?

  1. [S] [T] Tom is currently unemployed. ( …
  2. [S] [T] Tom isn’t currently in prison. ( …
  3. [S] [T] Currently, he’s our best batter. ( …
  4. [S] [T] Tom currently doesn’t have a job. ( …
  5. [S] [T] Tom is currently living in Boston. ( …
  6. [S] [T] Tom currently lives with his uncle. ( …
  7. [S] [T] Tom isn’t currently working anywhere. (

Can you end a sentence with currently?

“Currently” can also come at the end of an independent clause, and you need a comma after it if it is joined to another independent clause with a conjunction. … Most of the time, whether or not to put a comma after “currently” is not about the word itself but about where it falls in the sentence.

How do you start a conversation in English?

Generally when people start a conversation in English with someone they know it’s polite to enquire about how the other person is.

  1. How’s it going?
  2. Hi, how are you?
  3. How’s your day going?
  4. Having a busy day?
  5. How’s life?
  6. How’s everything?

How can I talk stylish English?

Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Spoken English

  1. Spoken English Tip #1: Learn phrases, not just individual words.
  2. Spoken English Tip #2: Listen to more English.
  3. Spoken English Tip #3: Practice speaking by yourself (both reading aloud and speaking spontaneously)
  4. Spoken English Tip #4: Practice thinking in English.

Can you improve my English?

Practise the 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve. Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak.

Is nowadays a compound word?

Yes, ‘nowadays’ is a compound word. ‘Nowadays’ is made from a group of separate words that are combined to create a word with a different meaning….

What is another word for currently?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for currently, like: presently, now, at-present, , currrently, previously, curently, even (or just) (or right) now, already, time and actually.

How do you say now formally?

synonyms for now

  1. today.
  2. directly.
  3. forthwith.
  4. immediately.
  5. instantly.
  6. nowadays.
  7. straightaway.
  8. any more.

That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman’s commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other »services», instead of books

and for most nowadays, lye relaxers have been

“I am only human, and you are a treasure most men would kill for nowadays

Nowadays, looking good is not any more a factor of being vain but is already considered

Nowadays it is all but abandoned which makes it an ideal place for a cache

The fisherman still caught sea bass when time permitted and he still sold them on, although usually to a higher class of establishment nowadays

although usually to a higher class of establishment nowadays

It’s all computerised nowadays

nowadays, are supposed to eschew all political concerns in the world

We all move around so much nowadays that we’ve lost the old communities where everyone knew everyone else and even if you had no immediate family, you still had that to fall back on

I mentioned to her that I’d like to spend my holiday at USA but the trouble I have no enough money and I think getting visitor’s visa is a little difficult nowadays

Nowadays I reckon the lorry rubber tubes would be the very best to try

time (Tars in nowadays Turkey), and it was he who first

Constantinople, but nowadays neither Italians nor the

rare it is among the politicians – leads to the nowadays

of the questions were the same as nowadays:

And nowadays, you have these stupid, mindless and boring saas-

case for those of nowadays, who are

In Athens of nowadays, you never know if you

the same as nowadays: what career to follow,

After all, the world nowadays is brimming with

I should add though that this has little relevance to our lives nowadays, taking into account the dramatic differences found in the levels of development of the huge amount of species that are living on our planet

He was known for his ultra-aggressive nature and is someone you didn’t want to mess with and who was best to avoid contact with at all costs if you planned on finishing out your safari with all your limbs and body parts still attached to their original frame! He had a huge set of sharp teeth with long canines that could be used quite effectively for fighting, coupled with a cranky disposition and unfaltering determination that would surpass that of the best mixed martial arts fighters that take center ring nowadays

appearance, but we’re not sure that’s exactly a good thing nowadays,

«The pain overtook me, as it often does nowadays, and I couldn’t finish the tests

This is probably something of an outdated suggestion nowadays, but the functionality is still there in autorepsonders to differentiate between the two

The key phrase to good health nowadays is the holistic approach

Nowadays he valued sleep more than ever, it was a welcome refuge: the comfort of dreams; of what he once had; of what he might have had, where possibilities were never crushed

seemed to come to a head much quicker nowadays

We»re having, nowadays, many, many more illegal immigrants, than legals from our southern border

Nowadays, however, it has become a game, more often than not, between two legal teams in a courtroom seeking, not the truth, but rather to win the game

Why is it that movie fare nowadays leaves nothing to the imagination in the realms of sex and violence? It would seem a more rewarding engagement for the viewer to be only nudged toward extrapolating or interpolating his or her own denouement

And yes, nowadays it»s all for show, but it wasn»t that way in Madison Square Garden in 1965, believe me

The poor lad doesn»t seem to have much of a sheen nowadays

Then ask the question: How many of those studying economics nowadays have even heard of von Mises, Hayek, or Bastiat?

Nowadays the therapists among us must endeavor to save us from ourselves through the use of psychotropic drugs and counseling

» Well of course, in our politically correct universe nowadays, we, Heaven forfend, should not elevate any individual above the heard

Nowadays, when a new location of a chain opens, it’s

He needed to touch base with normality, normality being a rarity for him nowadays

federation was sanctioning the bout; there are so many nowadays that it‘s hard keeping track

Traveling nowadays has little to commend itself other than exit signs and billboards directing the traveler to uniform convenience stores, gas stations, restaurants and motels corporately owned, of course

After all, who hasn‘t an ax to grind nowadays? By having succeeded in its efforts at marginalizing the individual, group grievances and special interests have provided the Democratic Party an opportunity of gathering fish with a mesh net rather than reeling them in with bait and tackle

«There are no fairies nowadays,» said Bertie

hearing that every market is saturated nowadays

With the emergence of hard-boiled, butt-kicking women commonly portrayed on television nowadays, frontier women who helped

Immature grievances commonly expressed nowadays by students toiling over ―useless‖ Algebra and ―dated‖ languages like Latin and Greek considered unnecessary or incompatible with a student‘s career objective(s) misses the point entirely; that is to say, their functional

Nowadays, Pilar operates several primary schools, established in various neighborhoods (barangays) of the city and one secondary school

All through the Island of Ponson the sightseer can find certain patrician homes, already somewhat rare nowadays, which show the architectural style that prevailed on the island

Naturally, the industry has since diversified, and nowadays it includes heavy industry and other businesses such as pastry, of which the coconut variety was the one that most delighted me

Nowadays, Pagsanjan is one of the most attractive tourist centers of the Philippines

Besides Buddhism, other religions are nowadays practiced, some of which are Christian

Nowadays visitors can haggle or drive bargains as do the ladies of the houses, taste Chinese tea, appreciate or perhaps even buy medicinal pomades, modern optics as did Lucille and, of course, Chinese antiques

Fortunately, nowadays, there are many influences that weaken the pins on that out-of-date, power-destroying fairy tale

There were many points nowadays where pure science met New Age thinking head-on and they almost seemed to meld sometimes

Nowadays, real cyclists use shoes with a cleat on the sole that clips into a special pedal

Kids nowadays were creating all sorts of content, and could build a social network of a hundred and fifty people in a couple of hours

A lot of kids nowadays don’t realize that for every action, there’s a reaction

I don’t care what they say about kids nowadays not having any sense, this young nigga had sense enough to bail from out of that car with a speed rivaled only on Sundays in the NFL

Nowadays, millions of companies burn billion dollars in secondary activities because they have to create or to incorporate diverse support departments (accounting, buys, controller, documentation, informatics, treasury, personnel, marketing and other) with all its infrastructure and resources to execute those tasks

Bank3Sector acts through Usuarist Projects, without the need of fixed infrastructure and without high operating expense that nowadays occurs in the Banks or Administrators of Cards

These organizations register the people as beneficiary people an unique time in Bank3Sector independently that are attended nowadays by diverse programs

Laws had been created to stop the practice, and even though nowadays it was still illegal in Jamaica, Obeah was still very popular, especially among rural folks

I’m happy to just go with the flow and see what happens nowadays

“The Reactors are being managed poorly nowadays,” he

Old Testament, kingdoms could be much smaller then today, nowadays we

ried, or to have been married, and nowadays we would consider it shameful if a

Nowadays people largely shrug their shoulders at the preaching of the gospel having

Nowadays people largely shrug their shoulders at the preaching of the

Nowadays, the Lord has other works for willing believers, as we are in

Nowadays, with the

In this modern society in which we nowadays live, a great number of communities

Nowadays, Aruba constitutes some sort of autonomy belonging to the kingdom of Holland, but was

Nowadays it serves as a museum that contains numerous exhibits related to Acapulco’s

That is the section of the city where nowadays people of world fame and enormous financial resources take refuge

Nowadays, sugar processing is limited to the few ranches that still remain in the area

Naturally, to tour local botanical gardens, both in New Zealand and in Australia, has nowadays reached a level as sacred as to visit cathedrals in Europe

As the story goes, a boat lies nowadays under the water after a terrible accident that occurred when the captain of a freighter tried to negotiate passage between two columns

They still exist nowadays

However, nowadays, one can buy mineral water at every tourist place

First capital of a united China for three thousand years, it is nowadays a metropolis with two and a half million inhabitants and very limited contacts with the exterior

It’s really hard to sort any feeling out nowadays with all the unnecessary complications

Nowadays, that city, previously a gold mining town, can count among its great richness some of the most spectacular views in Alaska

Nowadays, Gastown constitutes a pleasant mixture of the old and the new, with cobbled streets, Victorian architecture, restaurants and boutiques, and a landmark clock, unique in its kind, that functions with vapor, which it emits into the air and greets the people with music every fifteen minutes

It’s more acceptable nowadays to talk about quirky sexual interests or practices than it was in the

What would I do without her? She will be heartbroken, but she is better without me; I’m nothing close to a friend nowadays

Nobody worries about that sort of thing nowadays

’They tell me you can get the bristles in different colours nowadays, red, green,

Modern technology is so fast and precise nowadays”, the nurse responds

up with diesel? We are time-starved parents nowadays and

Nowadays, if you are just taking their physical appearance, it is extremely difficult to know they are monsters, given the incredible resemblance

Nowadays, tens of thousands of galgos are bred

the dogs nowadays – was clearly complicated by the decree of the acting Minister of

protection of animals or pets can be raised in Greece nowadays, but that nevertheless,

information nowadays and I enjoy nothing more than helping others do what they once

know that’s rare nowadays where Hannibal Lector would get off

Nowadays, it is compulsory to study English in many countries around the world

Definition of Nowadays


Examples of Nowadays in a sentence

“Cursing is so common nowadays,” said Grandpa, “because we never would have said anything impolite in public when I was your age.”


Nowadays, people can access a wealth of information with the touch of their fingertips instead of going across town to the public library.


In the 1950s we had to dress up wherever we went, but nowadays we can wear jeans to even a nice restaurant.


Due to the many study abroad programs, nowadays it is common to see several foreign-exchange students in almost every school.


Nowadays, jobs have become more technologically advanced due to the increase in the different types of electronics.


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nowadays — перевод на русский


You’re not safe anywhere nowadays.

Сейчас нигде нельзя чувствовать себя в безопасности.

You know, Lucy, I often wonder what I’d do if I was a young fella nowadays.

Знаешь, Люси, я часто думаю, что бы я сделал, будь сейчас молодым парнем.

Who has, nowadays?

У кого они сейчас есть?

It wasn’t much of a success and nobody performs it nowadays, but I’m pretty sure you’ll recognize the music of the Suite when you hear it.

Сам балет не имел успеха, и сейчас мало кто его исполняет, но я уверен, вы узнаете музыку этой сюиты, когда её услышите.

The number of students I teach nowadays is getting fewer and fewer

Желающих учиться пению сейчас становится все меньше и меньше.

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Nowadays, so many things happen.

В наши дни чего только не происходит.

Nowadays some young men kill their parents without a thought.

В наши дни молодёжь может убить родителей, не моргнув и глазом.

My dear Miss McKenzie, considering the rubbish that is being talked nowadays, you are missing very little.

Дорогая мисс Маккензи, учитывая вздор, который говорят в наши дни, вы почти ничего не теряете.

Nowadays, manners do seem to have changed, don’t they?

В наши дни, кажется, нравы изменились, верно?

Nowadays everybody moves around, planes and boats and trains help the whole world make friends.

В наши дни все ездят, поезда, корабли и самолёты помогают завести друзей по всему миру.

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Because men nowadays are trapped in misery.

Люди в наше время пойманы в ловушку страданий.

Nowadays I’m still the king!

В наше время я всё ещё Король!

Who can buy paintings nowadays?

Кто ещё в наше время покупает картины ?

Haven’t you been taught what blind people do nowadays?

Вас не учили тому, чем в наше время занимаются слепые?

Nowadays, Bengali girls hunt tigers, fly aeroplanes, climb mountains, become barristers.

В наше время бенгальские женщины охотятся на тигров, водят самолеты, взбираются на горы, становятся адвокатами.

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You know very well that I never sleep nowadays.

Ты же знаешь, я теперь вообще не сплю:

I don’t know, they’re taking on some proper charIies nowadays, aren’t they?

Не знаю даже, они теперь принимают на работу полных идиотов, так?

Nowadays, people don’t care for each other, anymore.

Теперь, когда всем наплевать друг на друга…


А как она теперь выглядит?

Nowadays no one cares that a woman has to give birth.

Теперь не считаются с тем, что женщина должна рожать.

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A relic of the past. But nowadays, you’ve got to look to the future.

Но сегодня ты должен смотреть в будущее.

That sort of thing doesn’t happen nowadays.

Такое не случается сегодня.

Who needs beautiful things nowadays Claudia.

Кому сегодня нужны красивые вещи, Клаудия?

No, no. Nowadays nothing can happen without a little backing.

Не, не, сегодня ничего не получается без блата.

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— Everything goes very fast nowadays.

— Новости нынче разлетаются быстро.

News travel fast nowadays.

Новости нынче расходятся быстро.

You know, I don’t know what the kangaroos are putting in the brew nowadays, but I can sure tell you what it tastes like.

Кто его знает, чем эти кенгуру нынче разбавляют пиво? Но могу точно сказать, на что это было похоже на вкус.

There are no such novels nowadays.

Таких романов нынче нет.

But nowadays new officers like to try out their swords… on white necks.

Но нынче молодые офицеры любят опробовать свои мечи… на белых шеях.

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Nowadays great progress has been made with the aid of science, of course.

Конечно, в настоящее время достигнуты большие успехи благодаря науке.

300 don’t amount to much nowadays 300 acres , with the costs involved, are as big as a priest’s garden.

120 Га в настоящее время ничего не стоят. Даже при интенсивном земледелии, не говоря уж об экстенсивном, 120 Га — это всего лишь садик.

Nowadays we’re important people.

В настоящее время мы важные люди.

Children nowadays… they’re so different.

Дети в настоящее время… они такие разные.

Nowadays… oh well.

В настоящее время…

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And nowadays writers only cringe.»

А нынешние…

You all look so grown up nowadays…

В нынешние времена вы все выглядите такими взрослыми…

I would’ve taught you things that few girls know nowadays!

Я бы научил вас вещам, о которых нынешние девочки и не слыхали!

Like in restaurants nowadays where you can’t even hear yourself think.

Это похоже на нынешние рестораны, где ты даже не слышишь свои мысли.


Нынешние дети не боятся учителей.

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Nowadays the problem is the costs.

Я насчёт цен в последнее время, Боб.

It happens… I’m livin’ groupie-free nowadays.

Бывает… но в последнее время, у меня их нет.

Nowadays I can’t stand it down here after a couple of weeks.

Последнее время я не могу оставаться здесь больше двух недель.

Why? You are usually out and about nowadays whenever I visit.

— В последнее время вы все больше гуляете, когда бы я ни зашел.

My life’s pretty dangerous nowadays, that’s why I need these things.

В последнее время моя жизнь полна опасностей, Поэтому мне они нужны.

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Don’t they get that the point of comedy nowadays is to reveal the comedy?

Кто-нибудь вообще может сообразить, что главная фишка в современной комедии именно в том, чтобы разоблачить комедию?

He killed her, believe me with the forensics they got nowadays, the fibers, we’d know about it.

Если он её убил, то поверь, с современной судмедэкспертизой и анализом волокон, мы бы были в курсе.

Thing about religion nowadays?

Знаешь, в чем фишка современной религии?

The young girls nowadays, Hastings, they are not properly trained!

Молодых современных девушек, Гастингс, не приучают к порядку.

I understand that’s very big with children nowadays.

Я ток понимаю, это популярно среди современных детей.

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