Use the word noun in a sentence

Definition of Noun:

The Noun that specifies the name of a specific person, place, thing, or idea in any sentence.
Most of the sentence contains a subject that is also called a Noun.

examples: milk, movie, john, London, god, day, etc.

noun examples sentences

  1. Cow milk is beneficial for health.
  2. She can not play the Guitar.
  3. My mother works in a school.
  4. Do you live in America?
  5. The sun rises in the east.
  6. Dogs are very faithful animals.
  7. She works in a garden daily.
  8. The ball smashed through the window
  9. There are lots of animals in the Amazon jungle.
  10. My mother cooks delicious food.
  11. She put the milk in the refrigerator last night.
  12. That was a horror movie I watched yesterday.
  13. The colors of the interior walls are looking beautiful.
  14. He has no faith in God.
  15. Jumbo is one of the best dancers in this academy.
  16. I am leaving for Paris this Wednesday.
  17. One of my friends is working in an Indian Embassy.
  18. English is the first language that I learned when I was a baby.
  19. The statue of liberty is situated in the United States.
  20. Mountain trekking is one of my hobbies.

Noun: Definition & Types

Nouns refer to persons, animals, places, things, ideas, or events, etc. Nouns encompass most of the words of a language.

Noun can be a/an —  

  • Person – a name for a person: — Max, Julie, Catherine, Michel, Bob, etc.
  • Animal – a name for an animal: — dog, cat, cow, kangaroo, etc.
  • Place – a name for a place: — London, Australia, Canada, Mumbai, etc.
  • Thing – a name for a thing: — bat, ball, chair, door, house, computer, etc.
  • Idea – A name for an idea: — devotion, superstition, happiness, excitement, etc.

Examples of Noun in sentence

Different Types of Noun:

  • Proper Noun
  • Common Noun
  • Abstract Noun
  • Concrete Noun
  • Countable Noun
  • Non-countable Noun
  • Collective Noun
  • Compound Noun

Proper Noun:

A proper noun is a name which refers only to a single person, place, or thing and there is no common name for it. In written English, a proper noun always begins with capital letters.

Example: Melbourne (it refers to only one particular city), Steve (refers to a particular person),

Australia (there is no other country named Australia; this name is fixed for only one country).

More Examples of Proper Noun

Common Noun:

A common noun is a name for something which is common for many things, person, or places. It encompasses a particular type of things, person, or places.

Example: Country (it can refer to any country, nothing in particular), city (it can refer to any city like Melbourne, Mumbai, Toronto, etc. but nothing in particular).

So, a common noun is a word that indicates a person, place, thing, etc. In general and a proper noun is a specific one of those.

More Examples of Common Noun

Abstract Noun:

An abstract noun is a word for something that cannot be seen but is there. It has no physical existence. Generally, it refers to ideas, qualities, and conditions.

Example: Truth, lies, happiness, sorrow, time, friendship, humor, patriotism, etc.

Abstract Noun examples in sentences

Concrete Noun:

A concrete noun is the exact opposite of abstract noun. It refers to the things we see and have physical existence.

Example: Chair, table, bat, ball, water, money, sugar, etc.

Countable Noun:

The nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns. Countable nouns can take an article: a, an, the.

Example: Chair, table, bat, ball, etc. (you can say 1 chair, 2 chairs, 3 chairs – so chairs are countable)

Countable Noun examples in sentences

Non-countable Noun:

The nouns that cannot be counted are called non-countable nouns.

Example: Water, sugar, oil, salt, etc. (you cannot say “1 water, 2 water, 3 water” because water is not countable)

Abstract nouns and proper nouns are always non-countable nouns, but common nouns and concrete nouns can be both count and non-count nouns.

Non-countable Noun examples in sentences

Collective Noun:

A collective noun is a word for a group of things, people, or animals, etc.

Example: family, team, jury, cattle, etc.

Collective nouns can be both plural and singular. However, Americans prefer to use collective nouns as singular, but both of the uses are correct in other parts of the world.

Compound Noun:

Sometimes two or three nouns appear together, or even with other parts of speech, and create idiomatic compound nouns. Idiomatic means that those nouns behave as a unit and, to a lesser or greater degree, amount to more than the sum of their parts.

Example: six-pack, five-year-old, and son-in-law, snowball, mailbox, etc.

More Types of Noun:

Singular Noun:

Singular Nouns are namely, singular in number. The base form of any noun is naturally singular and so that is the Singular Noun. 


Duck, Bush, Man, Mouse, Child, Fish etc. are Singular Nouns.

Singular Noun in a sentence:

  • I have a pet duck.
  • That big bush is beside our house.
  • He is the man of the house.
  • Ron’s pet mouse is too vicious for such a little creature.
  • Their child has a sound sense of situational adjustments.
  • I’d like that small fish, please.

Plural Noun:

The plural forms of the Singular Nouns are Plural Nouns. These nouns determine more than one element.


Belts, Boxes, Mice, Sheep, People etc. are examples of Plural Noun.

Plural Noun in a sentence: 

  • There are seven belts in the seat.
  • Let’s unpack those boxes.
  • Our house is scattered with a herd of mice.
  • I’ve chased the sheep back into the shed.
  • These people are getting on my nerves.

Regular Noun:

Regular Nouns do not change in spelling when changed into plural; only the regular plural suffixes -s or -es are attached to it according to the grammar and spelling agreement.


Singular Noun Plural Noun
Duck Ducks
Belt Belts
Box Boxes
Bush Bushes
Apple Apples

Irregular Noun:

Irregular Nouns do not have plural suffixes added to them for their plural form and they monumentally change in spelling.


Singular Noun Plural Noun
Man Men
Ox Oxen
Fox Vixen
Goose Geese
Mouse Mice

Possessive Noun:

The noun that owns something or has something in its possession is the Possessive Noun. These nouns usually end with an apostrophe before one “s” that determines the possession of the object(s) that follows. 


  • My cat’s litter needs changing very soon.
  • Jacky’s wallet is stolen.
  • Your pet’s feeder is missing.

Verbal Noun:

Verb + ing often act as the noun/subject of the sentence instead of posing as a verb and then they become a Verbal Noun. Gerunds can be Verbal Nouns at times. 


Verb Verbal Noun
Run Running
Smoke Smoking
Kill Killing
Treat Treating
  • Smoking is injurious to health.
  • Killing the runaway tiger is not a solution.
  • Running for dear life is what thieves do.

Material Noun:

Substances made out of tangible materials are usually Material Nouns. These are Common Uncountable Nouns by nature since they mostly determine a certain sector type of product.


  • I lack the common fascination with gold.
  • Coal produces nonrenewable energy.
  • Humans are 70% water.

Functions of Nouns

Nouns can be used as a subject, a direct object, and an indirect object of a verb; as an object of a preposition; and as an adverb or adjective in sentences. Nouns can also show possession.

Subject: The company is doing great. Roses are the flowers of love.

Direct object: I finally bought a new mobile.

Indirect object: Max gave Carol another chocolate.

Object of preposition: Roses are the flowers of love.

Adverb: The train leaves today.

Adjective: The office building faces the mall.

Possession: The lion’s cage is dangerous. My brother’s daughter is adorable.

What is a noun?

Noun Definition | Meaning

A noun is a naming word. It can be the name of a thing, place, person, animal or feeling.

Examples of Noun

Naming People
It could be a name of any person, for example: John, Fatima, Singh, Michael, Tom and so on.

Naming Places
It could be a name of any place, for example: America, China, Church, Taj Mahal, Paris and so on.

Naming Things
Naming things are like Car, Hat, Bottle, Table, Chair, Ball and so on.

Naming Animals
Dog, Rabbit, Elephant, Chicken, Horse.

Naming Feeling/Qualities/Ideas
Joy, Fear, Beauty, Strength, Anger.

Example Sentences

  1. I live in Australia.
  2. Jenny is my sister.
  3. I love to play with my dog.
  4. The name of this monkey is Boo.
  5. Pacific Ocean is very vast.

All the things in the world of nouns fall into two classes:

  1. Concrete Noun (or Material Noun)
  2. Abstract Noun

All Types of Nouns

  • Proper Noun
  • Common Noun
  • Collective Noun
  • Concrete Noun (or Material Noun)
  • Abstract Noun
  • Possessive Noun
  • Number Noun
  • Compound Noun
  • Countable Noun
  • Uncountable Noun (or Mass Noun)
  • Masculine Noun
  • Feminine Noun

Proper Noun

Names of people or places such as your name, your friend’s name, your parents’ name or the name of your town and country are special naming words. These words are called proper nouns. Special naming words or proper nouns always  always begin with a capital letter.

Example Sentences of Proper Noun

  1. My name is Mark.
  2. Her name is Sofie.
  3. Come Tom, let us go for a walk.
  4. Hello Jack! Will you play with me?
  5. My cousin lives in Norway.
  6. These bears are from China.
  7. Albert Einstein was born in Germany.
  8. I visited the Taj Mahal in India.
  9. Fio and Laa are close friends.

Understanding Proper Nouns

The days of the week and the months of the year are proper nouns.

Example Sentences

  1. Every Sunday Mike visits the church.
  2. Christmas comes in the month of December.
  3. My sister was born in March month.
  4. Sam goes for swimming classes every Friday.

The names of festivals and some special days are proper nouns.

Example Sentences

  1. Christmas is my favourite festival.
  2. My mother likes Mother’s Day.
  3. We will celebrate New Year’s Eve.

The names of buildings, mountains, rivers and seas are also proper nouns.

Example Sentences

  1. I have seen the Great Wall of China.
  2. Last year we visited the Niagara Falls.
  3. Many people  have climber the Mount Everest.
  4. River Nile is very long.

Common Noun

Common nouns are naming words that are common to people, places, things and animals etc. Common nouns do not define any particular person, place or thing. They are general names. So, they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. For example boy, girl, doctor, town, city, dog, car and so on.

Example Sentences of Common Noun

  1. Teachers teach in school.
  2. Birds live on trees.
  3. I love to read storybooks.
  4. Sally’s mother is a doctor.
  5. These chocolates and cakes are so delicious.

Identify and learn about proper nouns and common nouns in the list of sentences below.

  1. Sony produces cameras too.
  2. Alicia and Cathy were playing with a doll.
  3. Sandy is joining school today.
  4. Hens have laid eggs at Todd‘s farm.
  5. The postman Mr. Robert was carrying postcards.

In above examples the words in purple colour are proper noun whereas words in green colour are common nouns.

Collective Noun

Collective nouns are used to name a group of persons, places, animals or things. A collective noun represents a complete whole. For examples: a library of books, a team of players and a family of four.

Some collective nouns are used to name a group of animals and birds.

  1. A flock of sheep.
  2. A herd of cattle.
  3. A stud of horses.
  4. A gaggle of geese.
  5. A litter of cubs.
  6. A flock of birds.
  7. A shoal of fish.
  8. A pack of wolves.
  9. A swarm of bees.

Some collective nouns define a group of people.

  1. A crew of sailors.
  2. An army of soldiers.
  3. A band of musicians.
  4. A class of pupils.
  5. A troupe of actors.
  6. A panel of judges.
  7. A gang of robbers.

There are some collective nouns that stand for a group of things.

  1. A bunch of keys.
  2. A pile of clothes.
  3. A collection of books.
  4. A string of pearls.
  5. A set of stamps.
  6. A galaxy of stars.
  7. A pack of cards.
  8. An atlas of maps.
  9. A bouquet of flowers.
  10. A bunch of grapes.

Example Sentences of Collective Noun

  1. My maternal aunt bought me a pair of tennis shoes.
  2. At the playground, you get to observe a colony of ants.
  3. A pile of clothes was kept on the bed.
  4. I need to finish an agenda of tasks before I leave.
  5. There is a network of computers in Joseph’s office.

Concrete Noun

Things that have material bodies are called “concrete nouns.” In other words, a concrete noun represents a material object rather than an abstract quality, state, or action, for example, a building, tree, or dog.

Example Sentences of Concrete Noun

  1. The dog is a faithful animal.
  2. She gave me a bouquet of flowers.
  3. He bought a new pack of playing cards.
  4. I cannot go outside because of the rain.
  5. The scent of the perfume is delightful.

Abstract Noun

These are the nouns that name feelings, qualities, actions, ideas, states, and other things that one cannot touch or see but feel or experience. They are called abstract nouns. In other words, things that have no material bodies are known as abstract nouns.

Example Sentences of Abstract Noun

  1. We should always speak the truth.
  2. The audience burst into peals of laughter.
  3. gives us a lot of knowledge.
  4. Treat animals with kindness.
  5. In his excitement, he dropped his glass.

Possessive Noun

A possessive noun is a word that names who or what has or owns something. We add an apostrophe and s (‘s) to form the possessive of most singular nouns.

Example Sentences of Possessive Noun

  1. This is Bob’s skateboard. (Means – The skateboard belongs to Bob)
  2. This is Ian’s Coat. (Means – The coat belongs to Ian)
  3. Papa bought a new frame for grandpa’s spectacles.
  4. Ted’s dream for a bicycle came true on his birthday.
  5. Julia’s homework was not checked.

Sometimes we need to show possession for plural nouns or where the owners are more than one. In such cases we add an apostrophe at the end.

  1. A girls’ school is located near my house.
  2. We should not harm the birds’ nests.

Number Noun

Number nouns denote one or many. There are two kinds of number nouns:

  1. Singular number noun – It stands for one person, animal, thing or place.
  2. Plural number noun – It stands for more than one person, animal, thing or place.

For example: One toy, three balls, two dogs, five cars, nine planets and so on.

Generally, by adding a ‘s’ at the end, we can change a singular noun to a plural noun.

There are different rules we follow to change a singular noun to a plural noun.

Rule 1

When a singular noun ends with a ‘y’ after a consonant, we remove the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’.
For example:

  • City – Cities
  • Lady – Ladies
  • Story – Stories

Consonants are all other letters except vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

Rule 2

If there is vowel before ‘y’ just add s to form its plural.
For example:

  • Boy – Boys
  • Day – Days
  • Trolley – Trolleys
  • Toy – Toys

Rule 3

When a singular noun ends with ‘o’ after a vowel, add ‘s’ to make it a plural noun.
For example:

  • Bamboo – Bamboos
  • Radio – Radios
  • Video – Videos

Rule 4

When a singular noun ends with ‘o’ after a consonant, we add ‘es’ to make it a plural noun.
For example:

  • Tomato – Tomatoes
  • Volcano – Volcanoes
  • Hero – Heroes

It is also possible that for few nouns ending with ‘o’ preceded by a consonant, we add the letter ‘s’ to form their plurals.
For example:

  • Piano – Pianos
  • Photo – Photos

Rule 5

If a singular noun ends with a sound like ‘s’ such as ‘ss’, ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘tch’, we add ‘es’ to make it plural.
For example:

  • Box – Boxes
  • Watch – Watches
  • Dress – Dresses
  • Quiz – Quizzes

Rule 6

If a singular noun ends with ‘f’ or ‘fe’, change the ‘f’ into ‘v’ and add ‘es’ to make it plural.
For example:

  • Life – Lives
  • Calf – Calves
  • Loaf – Loaves
  • Knife – Knives

Irregular Plural

Plurals of some nouns remains the same.
For example:

  • Fish – Fish
  • Deer – Deer
  • Cattle – Cattle
  • Sheep – Sheep
  • Bison – Bison

Plural of some nouns are totally different from their singular form.
For example:

  • Mouse – Mice
  • Ox – Oxen
  • Cactus – Cacti
  • Child – Children
  • Man – Men

Some nouns are always plural like pants, jeans, shorts, tongs, scissors, hair and sunglasses.

Compound Noun

Compound nouns are formed by joining two nouns together. There are three different ways to form compound nouns:

  1. The closed form, like notebook, firefly and keyboard.
  2. The hyphenated form, like x-ray, co-pilot and mother-in-law.
  3. The open form, like post office, history book, mineral water.

Example Sentences of Compound Noun

  1. Ian looked at his timetable.
  2. It was going to be lunchtime.
  3. The basketball match was scheduled in the afternoon.
  4. Just after the breakfast, Matt rushed to his tracksuit.
  5. X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.

Countable Noun

Nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns. Most of the nouns come in the category of countable nouns rather than uncountable nouns because they refer to things, people or animals that can be counted.

Example Sentences of Countable Noun

  1. I saw two owls sitting on the tree.
  2. There are four milk bottles in the fridge.
  3. My father has two cars.
  4. I need an umbrella to get out in the rain.
  5. To make this cake we need an egg.

Note: We use ‘the’ for some singular nouns which are unique (one of their kind). For example: The Earth, The Sun, The Moon etc.

Uncountable Noun

Nouns that cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns also known as ‘mass noun.’

We cannot count certain things in numbers such as milk, rain, sugar, water, jam. We have to use words like – a glass of milk, a jar of sugar, a jug of water or a bottle of jam. We can use terms like – a little, plenty or a bowl of with uncountable nouns. Though these nouns can be measured, they cannot be counted. Such nouns do not have a singular or plural form.

The Noun: Gender

Noun words can be divided into masculine and feminine.

Masculine Nouns

Masculine nouns represent males: Boys, men and male animals. For example: Prince, man, king, boy, cock, lion etc.

Feminine Nouns

Feminine nouns represent females: Girls, women and female animals. For example: Princess, woman, queen, girl, hen, lioness, etc.

But there are some nouns that represent both males and females. For example: Children, artists, principals, teachers, singers, lawyers, etc.

Back to overview

Understanding Nouns

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Nouns are a part of speech that indicate people, places, things, or ideas. They can be abstract or concrete, in plural or singular forms.

Nouns refer to persons, places, things, and ideas.

Nouns are an essential part of speech.

Stacy jumped over the fence and hurt her knee while chasing the family dog, but she did it all in the name of love.

The nouns in this sentence are: Stacy, fence, knee, family, dog, name, and love.

What Are Nouns?

Nouns are a part of speech that indicate persons, places, things, or ideas.

  • Person: child, teacher, pilot
  • Place: room, library, Detroit
  • Thing: table, computer, book
  • Idea: love, happiness, balance

How Many Types of Nouns Are There?

There are several types of nouns, but they all fall under one or more of the following categories:

Singular/Plural day/days
Concrete/Abstract car/hate
Countable/Uncountable pen/water
Regular/Irregular flower/child

A few other noun types include:

  • Common noun: refers to general names of persons, places, things, or ideas instead of specific names (e.g., girls)
  • Proper nouns: names of a specific person, place, thing, or idea (e.g., Abraham Lincoln)
  • Collective nouns: represent a collection of things or people as a whole (e.g., a bouquet of flowers)
  • Compound nouns: refers to two or more words put together to form a noun (e.g., firefighter)

What Are Some Examples of a Noun in a Sentence?

Mr. Davis (person) mowed his lawn (thing).

Love (idea) cannot be explained, only felt.

I traveled from New York (place) to Pennsylvania (place).

How Do You Identify a Noun in a Sentence?

Nouns are usually found after an article (the, a, an), but they don’t always require one.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

If a word that isn’t the first in a sentence is capitalized, then it’s a (proper) noun.

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