Use the word nothing in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word nothing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use nothing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «nothing».

Nothing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word nothing in a sentence.

  1. It is nothing of the kind.

  2. In nothing was he a fanatic.

  3. In the end nothing was done.

  4. He will eat or drink nothing.

  5. It is not that I fear nothing.

  6. God had nothing to do with it..

  7. There’s nothing more to go into.

  8. There’s nothing special about it.

  9. He eats nothing during this time.

  10. I have nothing to hide about that.

  11. Almost nothing is known about his time as the king.

  12. You’re so helpless and now you’ve got nothing left.

  13. Most of these had nothing but «local significance».

  14. Dick claims to have known nothing of her condition.

  15. In any event, we have nothing to worry about now.».

  16. Ros also had two younger brothers, Robert and Thomas, «of whom nothing is known».

  17. The proposal was met with doubt in South Australia, and it later came to nothing.

  18. So there’s nothing in this movie that contradicts anything that already exists.».

  19. Almost nothing is known of their relationship, which lasted for less than a year.

  20. Brunanburh, for all that it had been a famous and bloody battle, settled nothing.

  21. The remains of the building were reburied after excavation, so nothing is now visible at the surface.

  22. Smith to Washington in 1859, she managed his household, which did nothing to stop their insinuations.

  23. Those who find these lines have nothing to fear, as Black is indeed OK, but only in those variations!

  24. This left Hammerstein with nothing to seek out in his people, and Rodgers with nothing to illustrate.

  25. After the game, Thome was quoted as saying, «This team has battled all year, so this was nothing new.

  26. The opposite party made it a political and religious question, and nothing could be done against them.

  27. As Bede does not describe Justus’ origins, nothing is known about him prior to his arrival in England.

  28. Although the initials stood for nothing, it was officially the MAUD Committee, not the Maud Committee.

  29. A search for sodium in the atmosphere, just after such a finding on Europa, turned up nothing in 1997.

  30. I know war as few other men now living know it, and nothing to me—and nothing to me is more revolting.

  31. Eaton did nothing, leading Calhoun to believe that Jackson had approved the publication of the letters.

  32. This is followed by a layer of wadding (often nothing more than paper), and then the cannonball itself.

  33. In fact it contained fireworks, but there was nothing in its appearance to give notice of its contents.

  34. When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to loseYou’re invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.

  35. In 1734, the Archbishop of Paris heard evidence to support James’s canonisation, but nothing came of it.

  36. With the Yankees, already successful, it was a desire to «rebuild», with the Mets, it was a desire to build from nothing.

  37. Beyond Shen Kuo’s writing, however, nothing is known of Bi Sheng’s life or the influence of movable type in his lifetime.

  38. However, he said if players «hate cinematic camera systems, nothing we can do will help you like the God of War cameras».

  39. Owen’s camp knew nothing of the new opponent but went along with the change to provide Owen with much needed competition.

  40. His own biggest fear was that nothing would happen, in which case he would have to head back to the tower to investigate.

  41. He resolved that «there was nothing left for me but authorship, or starvation, if I persisted in my plan of studying law».

  42. Borneman noted that whether or not they were spoken, there was nothing in Polk’s life that would make the sentiment false.

  43. Keyes later discovers that the woman was raped but cannot bring himself to admit in court that he did nothing to help her.

  44. The Austrians were furious at their ally but could do nothing to prevent the French from gaining this valuable bridgehead.

  45. The first time Mellitus is mentioned in history is in the letters of Gregory, and nothing else of his background is known.

  46. It is not at all hip and cool to be pro-Palestine in Britain,” he said, saying at the interview’s conclusion: “The tragedy is that Jews learned nothing from the Holocaust.

  47. Like all secular buildings of Angkor, these were built of perishable materials rather than of stone, so nothing remains of them except the outlines of some of the streets.

  48. The fragment is an ornate piece, but nothing else remains of the helmet; it might be the single remnant of a disintegrated helmet, or it might have been lost or discarded.

  49. He cared nothing for social life, but with one or two companions on a sketching and fishing trip with his pipe and Hudson Bay tobacco going, he was a delightful companion.

  50. According to Vlachos, the expedition had nothing of the extravagant or adventurous and constituted a rational strategic decision based on traditional Athenian aspirations.

Synonyms for nothing

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word nothing has the following synonyms: nil, nix, nada, null, aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, naught, zero, zilch, zip, zipp and nonentity.

General information about «nothing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word nothing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «nothing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «nothing».

Examples of how to use the word “nothing” in a sentence. How to connect “nothing” with other words to make correct English sentences.

nothing (pron): not anything

Use “nothing” in a sentence

Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty.”
There’s nothing in the fridge.
There’s nothing funny about it.
I have nothing to hide.
Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.
I stay indoors all day and do nothing.
I have nothing to say.
She has nothing in common with him.
There’s nothing left to say.
There’s nothing out of the ordinary .
Nothing is permanent in this world.
Nothing is in its proper place.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

In a way she did, it was a grimy old industrial city where there was nothing to do but drink and fuck and has-been old music still pneumatically amplified

There is nothing that is so frustrating than seeing other

do, the ER acronym has nothing to do with Emergency Room — as in the US medical drama

“He was at the crime scene and he started talking about how I should be on his show, like nothing ever happened, like everything was fine between us

for without me ye can do nothing

Nothing is unachievable in life, whatever you believe, you can achieve

living that life is nothing more than creating goals, achieving those goals, and doing that over and over and over again

Tdeshi was gone Jorma, you have to get over that, but nothing was implanted in this flesh

«It has nothing to do with the supernatural

It is obvious that nothing of consequence can be resolved any earlier

With the insignia from his uniform he has the money to finance a family to raise and train a child to be my shadow, a child who has been trained to do nothing but zero in on those papers

· There’s nothing left to learn the hard way

He went over the house, looking for things out of place and found almost nothing

You need to know that repentance has nothing to do

Luke: 7:42: And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both

We started with nothing remember? I think it was a whole five thousand I invested initially if you remember

There was nothing that he could eat, but he was used to that

had nothing to loss

Meanwhile, there was nothing pressing

Psalms: 119:165: Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them

It was really nothing more than a long tie-dye tee shirt, and was accepted street and business attire for both sexes

It was hot already, she wouldn’t want anything more than this and the energy resources available on this planet guaranteed that even in lavish quarters like these, air conditioning would be nothing more than a laboratory curiosity for all time

That means, there will be nothing missing or

Perhaps he was worrying over nothing

There is nothing that God does without a

However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

that, there is nothing you do spiritually that is in vain,

by your faith even though nothing came out of it, He

Our intellectual accomplishments have nothing to do with emotional maturity

She said nothing, he knew he had to go on, she wasn’t going to beg

There is nothing wrong with retiring from a lifelong career, but to cease working in

Still, from Johnny’s experience he knew that nothing usually went that smoothly

What’s left is nothing but sterile and lifeless soil

After I left you I was content with a little place on the prairie, well, not that little, but compared to a nation it was nothing

I’m unhappily married to a freeloading spider who just squats around the web doing nothing but waste his precious energy and cost me precious sleep

Also, because much stress is now psychological or emotional, there’s nothing obvious to run away from or fight and so the stress hormones build up in the body with damaging effects

There was nothing in it at all

There was nothing to do here, really, except sit down at the hotel and watch T

Ackers shook his head as he switched off his database and computer, “If Agent Seventy-Seven has nothing to add to this mission except herself, then perhaps we don’t need any more of her help

Nothing organic here! So I would suggest that you make it yourself for your own use and make some extra for your plants!

Whenever we asked some senior citizens about the meaning of this term, they felt it was just a new term and nothing more

She didn’t dare rifle thru everything on that first trip, but she took a quick look in the box while on the toilet and found the maps but nothing that stood out as a cargo receipt

There was nothing else in Herndon’s folder but a scrap of scratch paper and a blank copy of the storage contract

His rampant nervousness was nothing that the guards and Scar had not seen before

«Ain’t nothing wrong, sweetheart

‘She knew nothing about these classes of yours … what do you say to that?’

She could see no use for herself there, but there was little doubt Herndon would be glad of her company, if for nothing else, someone to spell him driving the boat

He would listen to nothing, but drove like he was possessed

‘Inspector, it is nearly three thirty and my client has had nothing to eat

This whole world is nothing but kids playing

There is nothing wrong in having them but what is wrong is getting too possessive about them or getting attached to them

«This changes nothing,» he said

As such, they were always turning and looking impassively at things, and it gave Scar the creeps like nothing else in the world

«You will die and show me nothing but your blood!»

She was well away from her command controls now and there would be nothing she could do in time before he got to her

Is there nothing else out here?»

Ackers immediately sprang into action, using nothing but words to try and confuse and misdirect the potential assassin

Look how well he had handled the situation! Of course the boy was nothing but a civilian, and there really wasn’t much of a situation to handle, but Ackers was too relieved to think about any of these things

If you are leaving all your money to charity and nothing for your family, then emphasise the reason for doing so

Clearly there were two different groups breaking in to steal the Chip and they had nothing to do with each other

He cursed himself for not thinking about that sooner, but there was nothing he could do about it now

There was nothing to do but wait to be caught

She was tired of his secrecy, did he think the ghosts told her nothing? The vision crossed her mind of yelling to her sister that Herndon had gone berserk and the Instinct might not protect her

Following is a story of a man who chose to do nothing but wait for God’s help

He never did any real parenting or nothing

Zitteraal stares back, says nothing

Even more surprising than that, his head wasn’t bleeding or nothing!

John turns again to Zitteraal, who has seen nothing

Nothing appears out of the ordinary

We’ve already tried, there’s nothing we can do about it from up here

’ He commented apropos of nothing

Clarisse says nothing

He hoped nothing bad would come of the ill-won wealth


‘No, nothing here

Despite this, I hear the odd word … which frustratingly tells me nothing!

John bristles, but says nothing

The practice of breathing exercises has nothing whatever to do with spiritual development

John continues to stare at her, says nothing

are? Nothing has come back?

‘That sounds serious – nothing wrong between the two of you, I hope

Nothing occurs at random

John says nothing

‘But I’ve told you there is nothing I want to say to you

there is nothing left to bestow, so let us call the document a testament or a caution, if

inaction – that is to simply let myself fall and to do nothing

I wish to do nothing

The old man says nothing, doesn’t move

If I was going to get a tattoo it would say that and nothing else

There was nothing better in life, for me anyway, than skin

I was a practically shy lad, and nothing much has changed over

«Well, sometimes it’s nothing at all but sometimes we’re talking tens of thousands at a time

It is fun clearing up the sitting room of the annexe … I know Stephen said to leave it until we know for definite that Liz is coming, but I had nothing much to do this afternoon and sometimes a good cleaning session is therapeutic

about how we could improve things, nothing spectacular, just a typical machine

There’s nothing you could’ve done,

He searches the waves frantically, sees nothing but the boat’s wreckage and the storm

wore bright colours, drove a rag-top and wanted for nothing, until, that is, Eva came

Of course Tahlmute would discuss nothing about the journey with Estwig along, instead he discussed the theater in this region and what he found interesting and what he found provincial

It could blacken the atmosphere so nothing could grow for years

Nothing is a concept denoting the absence of something, and is associated with nothingness. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The financial crisis and poor Australian dollar is just two of a thousand excuses I have heard them use over the years to avoid taking responsibility, and justify in their own minds that the collapse of this company has nothing to do with the underhanded practices and their own poor management.


We are just going to state it right off the bat; Cambridge Method is nothing but a low effort cut-and-paste scam that is looking to make money from binary options brokers» affiliate commissions.


While I’m more of an atheist than anything else and respect Mr. Hawking’s vast knowledge of the sciences and believe he’s probably correct in his assertions I also believe that NO ONE really knows what’s in store for us after death… most likely nothing at all since that’s what makes sense to me, but all the brains in our world put together don’t really know for sure.


The performance of your portfolio under the one scenario that unfolds says nothing about how it would have fared under the many «alternative histories» that were possible.»


Forest Ethics asks this Court to review an administrative decision it had nothing to do with.


Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement, or NDA.


Private blockchains have the promise of solving issues around clearing, but do nothing to solve settlement mechanisms.


At the Easter Vigil after the first reading from Genesis chapter 1, describing the creation of the universe by God, the prayer that follows says: «Almighty ever-living God, who are wonderful in the ordering of all your works, may those you have redeemed understand that there exists nothing more marvellous than the world’s creation in the beginning except that, at the end of the ages, Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.»


That works if you are a central banker lacking conscience (which you might mistake for courage if you do actually lack conscience), but that accomplishes nothing for those exposed to the numerous and repeated «its» (i.e., everyone).


By the way, the objection has nothing to do with the Leadership Journal article «Dangers of Missionalism» which I have read several times and (I think) it is about the danger of having a mission (or goal) rather than the danger of «missional.»


Your goal should be to have almost nothing in your inbox: Every email should be dealt with either immediately or purposely scheduled for later handling.


Maybe the «next big thing» will come to nothing.


As I, and other Austrian monetary theorists, such as George Selgin and Larry White, have argued, there’s nothing wrong with FRB that getting rid of a central bank can’t cure.


Even if July was just «average» it’s still better than receiving nothing.


There’s nothing wrong with following that timeline, since it can give you plenty of time to build credit, save money and enjoy being young.


Most asset-price chasing buyers have no idea that they are doing nothing more than sitting at a giant casino table game.


Historic Christianity teaches nothing like the idiotic Left Behind series.


Insys has been nothing short of a mess over much of the past year.


But nothing crazy, the changes are gradual… a very long-term approach.


The president admitted that his former lawyer Michael Cohen received a «monthly retainer,» but said that it had «nothing to do with the campaign.»


He wanted to convince people that their lives had been reduced to nothing but that they had the power to give themselves everything.


Mr. Sarlo said daycare is not a necessity for all families and Statistics Canada data from 2009 indicates more than 50 % of middle income families spend nothing on daycare.


There is nothing that ties any of us together — no names, no identities, no bodies — just Bits of data being sent across the Great Commons of the Internet.


There is nothing approaching a cure available on the market.


This has nothing to do with deposits, which can be separated.


There is simply nothing wrong with taking a reward that is 2 times your risk on any trade, or even 1.5 times your risk.


A positive shift in trend uniformity here would have nothing to do with investment merit, but rather speculative merit.


But what the NEAT researchers are ultimately arguing for is much bigger, nothing short of redesigning the workplace with the needs of the human body at its centre.


The country’s central bank held target interest rates steady at between 1.5 and 1.75 percent but said nothing to indicate it…


She chose to do nothing, and that’s not acceptable,» said Horgan.


They suck the resources out of civilization and contribute nothing.


It needs to invest its dollar stockpile into something safe that also gives a return, and there’s nothing safer than Treasurys.


For 30 years she kept her orientation private; even her family and closest friends knew nothing of it.


Needless to say, chatter on the internet following this crash and the resulting liquidations made it clear that many of these «accredited investors» were nothing of the sort.


He was also the first economist to identify the Irish boom as nothing more than a credit bubble, warning of its collapse and the consequences for the country.


The logic: The Titans need a win if they want to control their own destiny to get into the playoffs, and I can think of no end more fitting to their mediocre season than losing to a Jaguars team with close to nothing to play for.


I mean, there was nothing even close to a violent act in anything involving the twins» organization.»


If one starts with a static view of the world as it is at the end of 2017, then there may be some minor antitrust concerns, but probably nothing that would stop the deal.


# 3 Learn To Love Cash There’s nothing quite like good, old fashioned, cash.


You know, you’ve been talking about immigration bills for 50 years and nothing‘s ever happened.


These decisions, taken together, will define your life values, and nothing will make them easier.


«There’s nothing to lose in talking about what they’re trying to do here which is stimulate demand in China,» said Clark.


There is nothing you can say that God hasn’t heard already… It’s not like God has virgin ears.


55:11 says nothing of this), p. 187.


Whatever the results of this vote may be, they mean nothing if there was no widespread announcement of the vote beforehand.»


From here to 2019, it’s nothing but these two message tracks.


The day will come when scientists will observe nothing except an empty, black sky — an observation we know to be wrong.


Their reports are ambiguous or even completely nonexistent, leaving you to wonder what they actually did and having nothing tangible to show to your client.


Changing Light bulbs is nothing really — she is willing to spend 7.5 billion to buy the pipeline so invest the same amount in other opportunities.


«There are definitely days I have completely nothing,» Grandma Em nods towards the door «and on those days, I cook greens from the garden.


Use Nothing in a sentence. How to use the word Nothing in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Nothing. Sentence for Nothing.

Use Nothing in a Sentence - How to use "Nothing" in a sentence

Examples of nothing in a sentence

  1. It’s nothing will hold him back as food, ma’am.
  2. There is no laughter in Little Altars Everywhere, nothing quaint, and very little hint that the brotherhood heals everything.
  3. But there is nothing to provide that centripetal acceleration.
  4. Nothing can quench your anger.
  5. Once again, rationality is the alternative to the absurd, but it has nothing to do with mystery.
  6. Lionesses that have puppies at the zoo are nothing new now.
  7. It is possible that the winning lists have nothing to do with Christmas; They will be the best of the lists you receive regardless of the subject.
  8. Hemingway’s pen. Mr. Knight also seems to disdain Brett Ashley, the book’s fatal woman, who is “fundamental to everything,” but “had nothing attractive about her, except her beauty.”
  9. After sweeping schools in Oregon last month, Knight predicted nothing worse than a split in the rest of the road trips this season.
  10. These are currently the strongest trends in the equine industry and there is nothing to indicate that this is changing in the short term.
  11. The masquerade-themed wedding reportedly cost around $3.5 million but this amount is nothing to Hayek’s look during the second ceremony.
  12. In short, what happened between you and the father has nothing to do with the child, who has no fault on the outcome whatsoever.
  13. I have no idea, but I do know that America has nothing to do with Russia when it comes to profile pictures of incredibly strange quotes.
  14. There is nothing wrong with being outside, as long as you spend most of your time here.
  15. Campaign owners are required to understand that crowdfunding is an all or nothing platform which clearly indicates they can receive all the money that is contributed by participants before the end of the campaign date.

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