Use the word none in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word none, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use none in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «none».

None in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word none in a sentence.

  1. I’ve none to give you, sir!

  2. As Alexander VII I have none.

  3. He lost none of his artillery.

  4. Thus, none of the shipment reached Australia.

  5. In 2018, seven eggs were laid but none hatched.

  6. Abietinae—that is, none form a natural grouping.

  7. There’s none of these so lonely and poor of old,.

  8. The girl would be none the worse for a warm bath.

  9. The Record Guide, 1956, lists none of his records.

  10. Ironically, none of those scientists discovered it.

  11. You have built cities where none were known before.

  12. There was none of the discipline we used to have ..

  13. He continued to write scripts, but none progressed.

  14. However, none of these can strictly be called tombs.

  15. However, despite the premier’s rage, none of the artists were arrested or exiled.

  16. Three points were awarded for each win, one point per draw, and none for defeats.

  17. A caretaker was hired; none of his family members were present in his final days.

  18. A limit of 100 sets per person was set on proof sales, with none on uncirculated.

  19. He stated that all of the warring states were guilty and none could be victorious.

  20. The next four names that were slated for use in 1998 are shown below, however none of them were used.

  21. Of those, six were on the 2007 team, though none of those particular players were in the first round.

  22. Pettit replied, stating that none had been preserved, but enclosed a silver piece of equivalent size.

  23. Prince of Wales fired twelve salvos at Bismarck, which responded with nine salvos, none of which hit.

  24. All the ships were to be permanently stationed in the NEI, and none would be used in European waters.

  25. During 1998–2005 there were 220 reported cases of jackal attacks on humans, although none were fatal.

  26. However, none seem to have been noticed before the advent of the telescope in the early 17th century.

  27. At the time of the Census, only nine people, or 1.0%, were unemployed, with none in the Armed Forces.

  28. The next four names that were slated for use in 1995 are shown below, however none of them were used.

  29. The half dime was originally struck from 1794 until 1805, though none were dated 1798, 1799, or 1804.

  30. His emphasis on dispersal also meant none of his formations were in a position to support the others.

  31. Despite the noon hour the conditions were foggy and none of the capital ships were spotted initially.

  32. After their first runs none of the three plays were seen again in the West End during Shaw’s lifetime.

  33. In reality, Shōkaku, Zuihō, and Chikuma were the only ships hit during the battle, none of which sank.

  34. The next four names that were slated for use in 2003 are shown below; however, none of them were used.

  35. The ships’ crews were briefed on the nature of the mission and given the opportunity to stay behind if desired; none did.

  36. Despite press calls for a full investigation into the disaster, none took place, and nobody was held legally responsible.

  37. Jeremy Parish of commended the graphical update, which «sacrifices none of [the game’s] classic-influenced charm».

  38. Few contemporary accounts are reliable, as many seem to be based on earlier accounts, and none were written by scientists.

  39. Only a few other fiddle-type instruments from the 16th century exist, but none of them of the type found on the Mary Rose.

  40. The report of the battle in the Annals of Ulster says that none of the kings or mormaers among the men of Alba were killed.

  41. After World War II, Oppenheimer published only five scientific papers, one of which was in biophysics, and none after 1950.

  42. It was assumed he left the country, and there were several possible sightings in the years afterwards; none were confirmed.

  43. Sarah Nissen, cousin of perpetrator Marvin Nissen, was also critical of the film, saying, «There’s none of it that’s right.

  44. In none of the operas is the genius of Gilbert as an inventor of «comic business» more daringly and irresistibly exhibited.

  45. A total of 42 workers were recorded as having died from pneumonia and were not included in the above total; none were listed as having died from carbon monoxide poisoning.

  46. The game would be remembered for a late technical foul against Webber for attempting to call a time out when the Wolverines had none left; this led to a Tar Heels victory.

  47. He considered other prominent candidates, including Allison and Cornelius Newton Bliss, but none were as popular as the Republican party’s rising star, Theodore Roosevelt.

  48. The contracts for the first six Mahans were awarded to three shipbuilders, but none of the builders had what the US Navy judged as an acceptable in-house design structure.

  49. Many stories must have been told about his dealings with other kings, but none of them have survived; his wars can only be described from the standpoint of his enemies …

Synonyms for none

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word none has the following synonyms: no.

General information about «none» example sentences

The example sentences for the word none that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «none» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «none».

None of them showed up to my party. “None of them are coming.” “I called all of my friends, but none were home.”

None can be an adverb indicating “to no extent, in no way, not at all,” e.g., He was none the wiser after my explanation. But, it is mostly used as a pronoun meaning: “No one, not one” (None of the members is going.) “Not any” (None of the pizza is left.)

How do you use the word none in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] There were none in the room. (
  2. [S] [T] I know none of the three men. (
  3. [S] [T] None of my friends play golf. (
  4. [S] [T] None of the balls are yellow. (
  5. [S] [T] None of these eggs are fresh. (
  6. [S] [T] None of this makes any sense. (
  7. [S] [T] That’s none of your business. (
  8. [S] [T] Any house is better than none. (

What is the example of none?

None means not one or any. An example of none used as a pronoun is in the sentence, “None of them were ready to eat,” which means that no one was ready to eat. Not one. None of the books is interesting.

Does none take singular or plural?

So “none” can be singular or plural, depending only on the speaker’s intent or emphasis. “’None’ has been both singular and plural since Old English and still is,” Merriam-Webster’s notes. “If in context it seems like a singular to you, use a singular verb; if it seems like a plural, use a plural verb.

Is it nobody or no one?

Nobody is a little less formal than no one. We use no one more than nobody in writing:We write no one as two separate words or with a hyphen: no one or no-one but not noone.

What is none grammar?

None is the pronoun form of no. None means ‘not one‘ or ‘not any’.

Which is correct None was or none?

“Not one” is definitely singular. But Webster’s also defines “none” as “no persons or things” and gives this example: “Many letters were received but none were answered.” Note the plural verb “were.” This tells us that both “none was” and “none were” can be correct.

What does none but mean?

Definition of none but
somewhat formal. : no person or kind of person except : only a sport for none but the most brave It was a request that none but the most coldhearted (person) could refuse.

How do you use no and none?

-She had no shoes on. -No information was given about how the study was conducted. -There will be no busses until tomorrow. None is used without any noun after it.

Can you say there is none?

Yes it is correct because “none means “not even one” or “no one” so it is indicting a singular which means you must use a singular verb “is”.

What is no in grammar?

No and not are the two most common words we use to indicate negation. We use no before a noun phrase: There’s no address on the envelope.

Can none be a subject?

When none is the subject of a sentence and refers to members of a group of people or things, it can be used with a singular or plural verb. Some people think it is more correct to use a singular verb in these cases: None of his friends lives nearby. None of the plates were broken.

Is none a collective noun?

Plural pronoun: “None of my friends are going to the fair.” In this sentence, “none” could be substituted with “not any” and represents the collective noun “friends.” As such, “none” takes the plural verb “are.”

Is none followed by Is or are?

When “none” means roughly “not one” or “no single one,” it’s followed by a singular verb.

Is no one’s correct?

No-one, Noone, or No One—Which Should I Use? The correct way to spell no one is as two words, without the hyphen: No one warned us about the incoming storm.

What is called none?

1 : not any. 2 : not one : nobody. 3 : not any such thing or person. 4 : no part : nothing.

Does none take singular verbs?

None can take either a singular or plural verb. A common misconception is that none is always singular because it is short for no one. However, it is just as likely to mean not any, implying a plural. When none is followed by a mass noun (a noun that cannot be counted or made plural) it takes a singular verb.

What kind of pronoun is none?

Indefinite pronouns. For example: none, several, any.

What is the difference between none and non?

Non means not when used as a prefix.Non is a prefix that means “not.” It is attached to other adjectives to negate them. None is usually used as a pronoun. It means “nothing, not any, no, zero.”

Do you say none of us is or none of us are?

None of us is perfect is correct sentence. Though you are referring a group of people but when you use none of that means you are referring each individual and hence it should be is and not are.


  • 1 How do you use none?
  • 2 How do you use the word none in a sentence?
  • 3 What is the example of none?
  • 4 Does none take singular or plural?
  • 5 Is it nobody or no one?
  • 6 What is none grammar?
  • 7 Which is correct None was or none?
  • 8 What does none but mean?
  • 9 How do you use no and none?
  • 10 Can you say there is none?
  • 11 What is no in grammar?
  • 12 Can none be a subject?
  • 13 Is none a collective noun?
  • 14 Is none followed by Is or are?
  • 15 Is no one’s correct?
  • 16 What is called none?
  • 17 Does none take singular verbs?
  • 18 What kind of pronoun is none?
  • 19 What is the difference between none and non?
  • 20 Do you say none of us is or none of us are?

Do you know how to use the words no and none correctly in English conversation? How about the prefix non~? Read this post, watch the videos, and soon you will be using these words like a native speaker.

NO is a determiner that means: not one; not any; not a – NO is used with a noun.
“There were no cars in the parking lot.”NONE is a pronoun that means: not one of a group of people or things; not any – NONE is used without a noun.
“How many cars were there?” “None.”

Watch the videos embedded in this post to learn more about this grammar. Improve your English listening skills as you go.

The determiner NO means ~ not one; not any; not a – NO is used with a noun
“The sign says no dogs allowed.”
(Not one dog/not any dog is allowed here. The noun dogs follows the determiner NO.)
The pronoun NONE means ~ not one of a group of people or things; not any – NONE is used without a noun
“The donuts were gone when I got to work this morning. There were none left.”
(Not one of the donuts was left. There is no noun following the pronoun NONE.)

How to use the word NO in a sentence

Determiners are used before nouns
No is a determiner. No is used before nouns.

Please read the following examples:

  • “In Canada, there are no stores open on Christmas day.” 
    = there aren’t any stores open. (Stores is the plural form of the countable noun store)
  • “After I got to the hotel, I looked in my suitcase. I had toothpaste but no toothbrush.” 
    = I didn’t have a toothbrush. (Toothbrush is a noun)

  • “It was 1:00 am when I left the party so there was no bus service. I had to take a taxi home.”
     = there wasn’t a bus. (Bus service is a noun phrase)
  • The sign said no dogs allowed.” 
    = There can’t be any dogs here. (Dogs is the plural form of the countable noun dog)

How to use the word NONE in a sentence

NONE is a pronoun that means ~ not one of a group of people or things; not any
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries – None

We use none without a noun.

Please read the following examples:

  • “The donuts were gone when I got to work this morning! There were none left.” 
    =there weren’t any donuts.
  • “My school needs to buy some more supplies. There is a box of whiteboard markers but none of them work.” 
    = not one marker in the box of markers works.

  • “Chris invited us to get a drink after work but everyone was too tired. None of us went.” 
    = not one person in our group went with Chris to get a drink.

None is a pronoun so it can be used by itself as an answer to a question.
A: “How much money do you have?”
B: “None. I spent everything I had at the coffee shop.”

5 Common English Expressions with NO

1) In no time = very quickly
A: Hey Jack, you got home early today.
B: There was no traffic on the highway today so I got home in no time.

2) All work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)  = it’s not good to work too much and not have any time to relax

This proverb is very old. We often shorten the expression and just say All work and no play when we need to take a break or advise someone else to take a break.
*We often say you know what they say before we use a proverb. “They means people in general. People often say this.

A: I heard you are going on vacation next week.
B: You know what they say ~ “All work and no play.”

3) No joke = very serious, or not easy

“We will play Italy in the semi-final game tomorrow. That team is very strong, they are no joke.”

“Many climbers have been attempting to climb Mt. Everest in recent years. People with little experience need to take it seriously. Climbing that mountain is no joke.”

*In 2019, 891 people climbed Mt. Everest (Source) and 11 died (Source).

4) close but no cigar – When someone is nearly successful but not quite, we can use this expression. This expression comes from old carnivals where if you won a game like hitting the target in a shooting gallery you would win a cigar as a prize.

A: I think buying lottery tickets is a waste of money. 
B: Last week I had 4 of the 6 winning numbers on my ticket so I was close.
A: You need to match at least 5 numbers to win a prize. Close but no cigar.

5) Second to none = The best. Better than everything else.

“My mom bakes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. They’re second to none.” 

“Diego Maradona was an Argentinian soccer player. Many soccer fans feel that he was the greatest footballer ever, he was second to none.” 

4 Common Expressions with NO

None Vs. Nonetheless

The pronoun NONE means: not one of a group of people or things; not any – NONE is used without a noun.
“None of my friends are in the class.”
The adverb nonetheless means: despite this fact. This meaning is similar to even though.
“You didn’t complete the class? You may still get a credit nonetheless.”

“The global economy is not good right now. Nonetheless, some experts think now is the perfect time to invest.” – Even though the economy is not good, it is a good time to invest.

Would you like to learn more ways to use the phrase “even though“? Visit my detailed blog post here: Although, Though, Even Though (25 real examples + Free PDF) with video!

2 Common English Expressions with NONE

Jack of All Trades – Master of None

This English expression is used to describe a person who has dabbled in many skills, rather than gaining expertise by focusing on one.
Source: Wikipedia Jack of All Trades

  • My friend Peter can do many things, but not he’s really great at any of them. Jack of all trades master of none.

Do you know what the verb dabble means?
dabble – verb – to take part in a sport, an activity, etc. but not very seriously
“She is a talented musician but happy to just dabble.”

*NOTE – If we shorten this expression it can have a positive meaning. 

  • “My Dad built a bed for my nephew and he can fix his own car. He is a Jack of all trades.”

    If we don’t add “master of none” to the end we are making a positive statement about someone’s ability to do many different things.

None of your business

None of your business means it’s not your concern, or it has nothing to do with you so you shouldn’t worry about it. This is a common expression used when someone asks questions that are too personal.

  • A: I saw you talking to James this morning, what were you talking about?”
    B: None of your business. That was a private conversation.”
  • “My relationship with her is none of your business.”

Refresh the grammar and improve your English listening skills – Video 1

None OF (something)

Remember that none is a pronoun so we don’t use it with a noun. However, we can say none of something.

Please look at the following examples:

“My brother has many sweaters. There are 6 sweaters in our closet and none of them are mine.”

After none of we can use plural countable nouns [none of the stores], a pronoun, [none of them] or uncountable nouns [none of my furniture]. 

Plural means more than one – none of the cars, sweaters, people, none of them, those etc.

Do you want to know more about using singular and plural nouns? You will find lots of helpful examples here: Singular and Plural nouns – 50 examples (worksheet PDF)

  • “I want to go to the mall on Christmas, but none of the
  • stores are open.” -The word stores is plural.

“I invited 4 friends from my soccer team to my party but none of them are coming. They’re playing in a school tournament on Saturday.” – Them = 4 friends (more than one)

We can also use uncountable nouns with none of.

  • “We just received feedback from our customer survey. Unfortunately, none of it is good.”
    Feedback is also an uncountable noun. Feedback has no plural form.
  • “There was a big earthquake in March, luckily none of my furniture was damaged.”
    *Furniture is an uncountable noun. Furniture has no plural form.

Advanced grammar – None of is or are?

Here is a grammar puzzle I had to research. Should we say None of my friends is coming or are coming? The answer surprised me!

None of is or are? Quick answer – both versions are used. The definition of NONE has a plural and a singular form. None can mean not one (singular) and none can mean not any (plural).

Look at this grammar: 

  • Not one of my friends is coming. – None of my friends is coming.
  • Not any of my friends are coming. – None of my friends are coming.

In this example, I prefer to use the pronoun NONE as a plural –
None of my friends are coming. 

When I type ~ None of my friends is coming ~ into my computer, my grammar software wants to correct it.

Advanced grammar - None of is or are?

I’m not saying this is correct! Some people feel that NONE is a contraction of NOT ONE so it should always be treated as singular. For me “None of my friends are coming.” is natural but both uses are okay.

Remember when none of is used with an uncountable noun we have to use singular grammar.
None of my furniture was broken. *Not were broken.
None of the feedback is good. *Not are good.

Refresh the grammar and improve your English listening skills – Video 2

Non or None

NONE is a pronoun that means: not one of a group of people or things; not any
“NONE of my friends were there.”
NON is a prefix that means: not – The prefix NON is used with nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
“All of my friends are NONsmokers.”

The prefix non~ can show a “lack of‟ a quality: for example, a non-smoker is someone who does not smoke.

Here are 10 examples of words with the prefix non~

nonsenseadjective – doesn’t make sense

  • “This idea is nonsense, it will never work.”

non-fictionadjective – true

  • “I prefer to read books that are non-fiction.”

non-alcoholicadjective – contains no alcohol

  • “Do you serve any non-alcoholic drinks?”

nonchalantadjective – relaxed and free from worry or concern

  • “Mike seems very nonchalant today, even though he has to make a big presentation. I would be so nervous!”

nondescriptadjective – not special or unique

  • “When I worked as a stuntman, many of my roles were nondescript. This means I wasn’t a stunt double for a specific actor, just an ordinary person who does some action.”

nonfatadjective – (of food) contains little or no fat

  • “I always have nonfat yogurt with my cereal for breakfast.”

non-flammableadjective – difficult to light on fire

  • “F-1 race car drivers wear non-flammable driving suits when they race.”

nonprofitadjective – not for the purpose of making money

  • “I spent 3 years in university volunteering at a nonprofit community center.”

non-smokeradjective – someone who does not smoke 

  • “Kate quit smoking 2 years ago. She is a proud non-smoker now!”

non-smokingadjective – a place or area where smoking is not allowed

  • “I always get a table in the non-smoking section of the cafe. I don’t like smoke.”

The prefix NON~ advanced grammar

The quality of non- of denoting contradictory opposition is essential when unambiguous distinction is required.

  • from article “Observations on the pejorative aspect of the English negative prefix non“

This quote above simply means that: We use the prefix non~ to describe an opposite when the meaning must be clear and easy to understand. Compare: 

Nonliving VS. Dead

The word nonliving is the direct opposite of living, the word dead can also mean nonliving, but the adjective dead can only be used to describe something that was once alive.

  • Glass is a nonliving material.

We can say that glass is a nonliving material but we wouldn’t say it is dead because it was never alive. Nonliving is a better choice in this sentence because the meaning is clear.

How to use Nobody/no-one – Nothing – Nowhere

These words [Nobody/no-one – nothing – nowhere] can be used at the beginning of a sentence or you can use them by themselves as answers to questions. (Just like none.)

Please read the following examples:

  • “I knocked on the door but no-one answered. Maybe nobody was home.”
    Not one person was at home.
  • “I opened the store early today but nobody came until after 10:00.”
    Not one person came to the store before 10:00.
  • A: “What did you do yesterday?”
    B: “Nothing. I was too tired.”
    I didn’t do anything.
  • Nothing is happening this weekend. Everyone is staying home because of the quarantine.”
    Not a single thing is happening due to the quarantine.
  • A: “Where will you go during the summer holiday?”
    B: “Nowhere. I will stay home and save money.”
    I will not go anywhere.
  • “This road goes nowhere.”
    This road doesn’t go anywhere.

Be careful of this common mistake!

We don’t use nobody/nothing/nowhere with a negative verb – isn’t/didn’t/can’t etc.

Look at these examples:

  • I saw nothing.” NOT I didn’t see nothing.
  • “I may change jobs this summer but I need to keep it a secret. No-one can know.”
    NOT No-one can’t know.

These incorrect examples are called double negatives. Sometimes double negatives can be used in casual conversation, but not always. Learn more about Double Negatives here. LINK

Common English Expressions with Nowhere and Nothing:

out of nowhere ~ appearing suddenly, without warning.

  • “It was a nice day and suddenly dark clouds and rain came out of nowhere.”
  • “When we were camping a bear came out of nowhere and scared us!”

Better than NOTHING.

If something is better than nothing it means it’s not exactly what you wanted or needed but it is still better than not having anything at all.

  • “I didn’t have any time to exercise this morning so I just did a quick 15-minute workout at lunchtime. It’s better than nothing I guess.”

Refresh the grammar and improve your English listening skills – Video 3

Conclusion – NO, NONE and NON~

Remember! We use no with a noun. 

  • “There are no donuts!”
    Donuts are the noun in this sentence.

And none without a noun. 

  • “There are none left!”
    This sentence only uses the pronoun NONE.

Non~ is a prefix used added to nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.

  • “I hope those donuts are nonfat.”
    The prefix is telling us that there is little to no fat in the donuts.

Printable No and None PDF E-guide

Download your printable PDF E-guide below. (It’s FREE!)↓

Examples of how to use the word “none” in a sentence. How to connect “none” with other words to make correct English sentences.

none (n, pro): not one (of a group of people or things), or not any

Use “none” in a sentence

None of them could afford $50 for a ticket.
It’s none of your business.
None of these books are worth reading.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”



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