Use the word net in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “net” in a sentence. How to connect “net” with other words to make correct English sentences.

net (n): material made of threads of rope, string, wire, or plastic with spaces between them, allowing gas, liquid, or small objects to go through, or an object made with this material that is used to limit the movement of something

Use “net” in a sentence

The ball is in the net.
We have a fish in the net.
Try to hit the ball over the net.

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«Yes, with net floor but no benches

This al egation was of course denied, but the net result

What is important is the net return

How much net worth you have at present?

The Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund gives the current value of your investment by indicating how much each unit of Rs 10 is worth on a day-to-day basis calculated from the daily market value of the funds total asset

However, the net result is that Emma has made me promise I will not move back to the house … which is all well and good for her … but where am I to go?

net respects the intellectual property of others

net, they are granting us permission to distribute such material

He’s got a white father and the net result is that he has very dark eyes but looks Latin more than anything, if you know what I mean

A tabloid newspaper lay open as reading material and as a safety net for the droppings of his massive sandwich

There’s some question about whether the man had been caught with his hand in the till which will need looking into, but the net result is that Sadler’s story no longer holds water

Ava had a virtual universe set up that she said was copied from data she had gathered from the planet, animated with video and audio that is broadcast in their net

tangle and spin around her, casting her into the middle of a trawling net

The net result is that I end up with his arms round me … maybe this is the answer to my dilemma

the metaphorical net curtain that hid the outer reaches of the old melodies from His

Herndon got back over there for the service and found the family in an uproar because the disease specialist they called had snatched the body off to the Kassikan for study and Ernesto’s remains were now somewhere in the air over the Gengee arm, heading for the tunnel in the cargo net of a native floater, a lighter-than-air mobile plant

The spindle limbed bushes that edged the footpath seemed to tangle and spin around her, casting her into the middle of a trawling net

but lift the close meshed net from these eyes

There was enough growth in it all now to keep it anchored, but not enough to make more than a gentle net of thin ribbonleaves stretched from crack to crack

They were still wrapped around each other and dry again, but she was still dressed only in that open net

NET? Where is ASP

NET at runtime in IIS5? IIS6?

He scored only one goal for his great club and that was only because he tripped over his own feet and accidentally kneed the ball into his own net

NET and this is one of those ASP

NET provides helper function to check for Ajax requests which internally inspects X-Requested-

NET to implement repository pattern Controller would have 2 constructors on

net MVC application are interface based and hence mocking is much

NET process for unit testing

NET web application that does not make use of routing, an incoming browser request should

NET web application that does make use of routing makes use of URLs that do not have to map

I floated in the comfort of this smooth, luminous primeval liquid, looking at the patterns and the shifting net of sunlight underneath, and the sand way down below, ecstatic in the thrill of being aware of simple existence in a universe without change

This means that no matter where you hold that landing net the fish will be able to see it or sense it

kneed the ball into his own net

The forefront of style among those that could afford it was the advanced surgical procedure that separated the skull into three sections, lifted it away, and put in a net that made all your thoughts available as your user interface to the network

47Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and

By the time Dave has carved his fourth slice, he is starting to get the hang of it but the net result of this whole charade is that everyone is laughing and the ice has been well and truly broken

weighted net impedes its wings, and the ropes tied to the trees prevent

outside when the net was dropped

It’s probably on the net by now

Monica, on the other hand, was crying over spilt milk, as the imps had littered her bedroom with spilt-over milk cartons, as her father Byron tried to catch the blighters with a butterfly net

He ran to his bedroom, grabbed a volleyball net and a penny, handing them to his friends, and then he and Monica picked up the train set

The whole train set was encased within a glass casing, and Andrew and Monica were now carrying it outside, as Jack, Julia and Matt carried the volleyball net and the penny

An anti-reality net seemed to catch him for a second, but he quickly broke free

He was starting on the vermin net when Desa asked what that was for

“That flimsy net won’t slow down anything big enough to bite a full grown human

” He worried about the implications of that while he put the net away

Jean decided to cast his net a little wider, and leant

It wasn’t a starship, it was a nice big floater with Luray and Klarrain hanging in its net, along with quite a bit of gear

Klarrain dropped a heavy cargo net over Alan and that android

The android crawled out from under the net, leaving Alan under it

Klarrain then reeled in the net, with Alan trapped in it, and drifted off, leaving Alfred’s android to find a way to get its starship working again and take off before the crowd that was starting to gather got annoying

Everyone had already heard about Victoria’s android attack on the natives and how that had been thwarted by a tarp, a cargo net, and some lighter-than-air animal with a guy hanging in a net beneath it

I had him in my sights during the months he flew in a net under that confounded lighter-than-air animal that blindsided me

«Well yeah, until that sneak with the cargo net

Alan spent lots of time on his stomach in the net, gazing thru at the slowly unrolling beauty below

From the corner of his eye, he saw X’ander fall, snared in a net of flames

(My net worth increased over tenfold within one year of

And all calld it, The Net of Religion”

Ash had always been my safety net

The few clumps of your hair serve as some sort of safety net

Living life as Camus would have it is living on the edge, without a net

Yes, but what was their net worth?

The tree roots were all interconnected forming one huge net under the entire forest

 High gross profit margin (preferably greater than 65%) and net profits of 20% of sales or better before taxes

“Now switch hands on the pole and use this net to scoop him out of the water

He then removes the fish from the net, removes the hook from the fish, shows her her fish, and then drops it into the bucket

Merrill Lynch reports that individuals who had a net

Many volleys last ten, twelve, and even fifteen trips over the net

All she had was a wall system powered by her solar unit and occasionally she watched World Net

Most of her current knowledge came through the World Net based in Paris

didn’t trust the security of the cabin any more, or any net connection: the method he’d normally use

‘Those are just rumours spread about on the net

When the match ended Jeff had jumped over the net

As if that weren»t enough, The Hill, which keeps track of such things reports that over the past year Nancy Pelosi»s net worth has increased 62%, this while she served as Speaker of the House

No artificial neural net had ever before been allowed to link to more than one human brain

Probably not many people are aware of it, but this past week the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas released a set of figures showing that over the past two years roughly 37% of all net new American jobs were created in Texas

trappings of success including, by age 27, a net worth of a million dollars

Connected to a TIAR interface and using the life memory of Jimmy Findral in the hope of providing some insight into Earth’s governor monitor net, its core functioning process

The TIAR computer realised it was being duped and had reacted with hostility (or even malevolence), trying to overload the artificial neural net during interface

net about the Confederation

Just what I read on the Net

A neural net built from individual atoms – quantum processors

The solicitor acting for these masquerading princes and forgers, found he could not weave a single mesh of the legal net required for a prima facie case, though he had twisted and contorted every clause of the laws relating to libel, and waded through briefs innumerable, in the hope of finding a precedent

Designed to provide a safety net for fiscal mismanagement, this egregious measure undermines financial planning while deflating tax payer morale

After all, who hasn‘t an ax to grind nowadays? By having succeeded in its efforts at marginalizing the individual, group grievances and special interests have provided the Democratic Party an opportunity of gathering fish with a mesh net rather than reeling them in with bait and tackle

Urgent legs scurried back and forth across Darkburst’s snout as the spiders wove their webs, building a net of shimmering fibres around his mouth and nose

net ) for books that can assist you

Even when the water was frozen solid, the natives could put a line or a net under the ice

Basically, to shove a net under the ice, you need two holes, a long pole, some rope

Sleep under a mosquito net which you buy in West Africa – they have smaller holes than the ones in Southern Africa

Bullies were different people when you caught them alone, away from the social safety net of their droogs

He wondered if he should go on the net and try to locate that song, and then play it on the car stereo when he picked up Schwartzie

These days, the development of the neural net meant that their minds, disembodied and constantly awake, could be ‘re-educated’, a far cheaper option than building new prisons every few years

Kofi AwoonorWhen our tears are dry on the shoreand the fishermen carry their nets homeand the seagulls return to bird islandand the laughter of the children recedes at night,there shall still linger here the communion we forged,the feast of oneness which we partook of

by the outline of old boats and piles of ragged nets

in the lean months, picking at nets

At the turning area in the light from an old van and a single bulb in a shed, fifteen or so fishermen crunch on the gravel, concentrating hard whilst straightening coloured nets and winding spiky lines around their baskets with bare hands

It was Nikos, struggling towards his car with a basket of fishing nets

But there was enough room on deck for three crew and a good catch with nets and baskets stored for and aft

Of those that had come a couple had shotguns, a few carried farming tools, long poles and fishing nets and reminded me of senior retired gladiators

We set up stout nets suspended high up in the forest canopy,

dragon was on the ground, they employed weighted ropes and nets to

She had barely entered the room, all hung with discarded cargo nets, when she did a double-take

Indeed, we had little trouble hauling in nets crammed full of herring, along with some sea bass

He suggests employing specialist butterfly death squads to go around armed with big nets and long range rifles

From the work storage area we took a large quantity of sail cloth, rope, trawling nets, carpentry tools, sewing tools, shovels, and pick axes

«Throw out the nets

We often provide safety nets designed to excuse rather than formerly decry base or unbecoming behavior whose pervasiveness must inevitably weaken the moral imperatives of a well-ordered society

Buried under the fishing nets in the bottom of his boat were twenty-five kilos of ninety-three percent pure cocaine, disguised as packages of surgical bandages

No longer would the fish practically jump into our nets

They settled in the center of the canoe on the pile of nets and were off

Later, they stopped to work with their nets while Caroline and Mike snorkeled, drifting hypnotically above the wonderland of the reef

Pulling and tying nets all day

“You’re better than half the people on the nets

Its use was to adjust speed during trolling operations, while busy with nets and booms; he’d used it to maneuver alongside the barge and remembered clearly that it was still engaged

Still, were they doing the right thing? He’d spoken with Beth about it while Truman was in the hold hooking up his nets

What had become of his cousin that he’d run his life into such a quagmire that each choice was grimmer than the last? The nets were pulled free and all three stepped back, squinting into the dazzling brilliance: five hundred eighty-seven snow-white kilos of cocaine reflected the full midday glare of Caribbean sunshine

Nearby, fishermen were preparing their nets as they did every day

Within a few minutes, their luggage had been carried down the hatchway, and they had found places for themselves on the tarpaulins that Boroszki’s son had spread over piles of nets in the vessel’s hold

Why do people continue to abuse the beautiful environment we have been gifted by Mother Nature? Plastic and glass bottles, plastic and wooden crates, old fishing nets, soft drinks cans, plastic bags and bags of household rubbish

17 And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars; seven for the one

” In America, there were school lunch programs, food stamps, the Salvation Army and shelters, safety nets of all sorts

Nets are good if you want to stay netted all the time

American taxpayer had supported and was supporting 12 to 20 million illegal people with programs, education, health care, safety nets and for some, prison accommodations

10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while that I beside escape

and delivered His holy one from destruction: (3) and saved me from the nets of Sheol, and my soul from the pit that cannot be

26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoever pleases God shall

nets on the waters shall languish

There were nets, traps, fish spears, baskets, cedar bowls, and even snowshoes for my use as well as some blankets, in the sleeping area

On the jetty nearest her, fishing nets lay unfolded; young fishermen

had luckily landed on a pile of old fishing nets

tables, chairs, drum cans, fishing nets, buoys, and tonnes of garbage littered the mud-

trapped birds in nets, but this is intended to state God’s deliverance for us from

After I gave up wearing out skimmer nets sweeping the accumulated live and dead bodies from the pool, I hired a service and quickly found out that it cost me more than I was paying in rent

) The beach trip wasn’t much of a vacation for the kids when they were young, either, because with my penchant for aquariums, I had them dragging nets in the ocean and in Bogue Sound before they got too old to protest

Immediately they left their nets and followed Him

Going on a little further from there He saw two other brothers James the son of Zebedee and John his brother who were also in the boat with Zebedee their father mending their nets

2 He saw two boats standing by the lake but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets

4 When He had finished speaking He said to Simon «Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch

The gomers are tapped into all our nets

44 And while he was walking on the shore of the sea of Galilee he saw two brothers Simon who was called Cephas and Andrew his brother casting their nets into the sea; for they were fishers; And Jesus said to them Follow me and I will make you fishers of men; And they immediately left their nets there and followed him; And when he went on from there he saw other two brothers James the son of Zebedee and John his brother in the ship with Zebedee their father mending their nets and Jesus called them; And they immediately forsook the ship and their father Zebedee and followed him

And when the multitude gathered to him to hear the word of God while he was standing on the shore of the sea of Gennesaret he saw two boats standing beside the sea while the two fishers which were gone out of them were washing their nets; And one of them belonged to Simon Cephas; And Jesus went up and sat down in it and commanded that they should move away a little from the land into 52 the water; And he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat; And when he had left off his speaking he said to Simon Put out into the deep and throw your net for a draught; And Simon answered and said to him My Master we toiled all night and caught nothing; now at your word I will throw the net; And when they did this there were enclosed a great many fishes; and their net was on the point of breaking; And they beckoned to their comrades that were in the other boat to come and help them; And when they came they filled both boats so that they were on the point of sinking

The fishermen would put down their nets and hook-lines to watch the fleet sail by

Coast Guard officials informed inquisitive reporters about the nonlethal techniques and technology the service uses to stop escaping vessels and subdue crews: sharpshooters who hit engines and outboard motors, small “sting ball” hand grenades that disorient crews, and nets which wrap around stern propellers (“Coast Guard Praised for Cocaine Busts,” Associated Press, Post Bulletin, 29 September, 2000)

Men stood on wooden platforms in the mist and fished with nets attached to long poles

To catch their salmon, the native fishermen mostly used nets on poles

the huge nets in the rafters and the sound of their popping was lost in the uproar

As he got nearer he could see the chickens inside flapping around the netting in panic, a fox was entangled in the nets that surrounded the hen house snapping at anything that moved or came within range of its white fangs

Most people on the nets think there was some kind of family dispute and they couldn’t keep it together so they sold out while the going was good

It looked like the nets I threw over the sea were for fish, but I was really capturing a beast before it could devour a maiden most fair

Seiners move into the town harbors ahead of the opening to stock up on supplies and equipment, prepare their nets and skiffs and await the signal to start fishing for herring

No boat can have its nets in the water until that opening signal is given

At that moment all 50 boats drop their nets and their powerful skiffs pull the nets in a big circle which they will then close before winching them in, hopefully loaded with herring

During this time the skiff of the Fish and Game Department goes around trying to estimate the size of the catch in tons and when they think that the day’s quota will be met, they call for a closure of that day’s opening and another countdown starts to get the nets out of the water at the determined time or risk a fine

Because of the often restricted space in the sound for the fishery, boats can be close to each other, sometimes too close, resulting not infrequently in collisions, or fouling of nets in propellers etc

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are at stake and if nets get fouled or a seiner comes up with empty nets, all can be lost

Beached whales, porpoises caught in fishing nets, mermaids with hangnails—they’d call me to come underwater and help

He also practices left-handed throws at the nets on a regular basis

Lady Redthorne observed lich folk who fished in the murky pools with nets

They shirked the restraining nets with ease and engaged the fighters in a fierce melee

I looked under the bed and in addition to the dirt and a bunch of spider veins making cobwebs nets, found nothing

Teams of fish hunters hauled great, seaweed nets filled with bass and carp

The green and purple-scaled humanoid used his webbed arms to retreat from the sea trolls and address his companions who continued to collect stunned fish in their travel nets

2 of the robots make off with the bodies, carrying them in giant steel nets

white decks where the fishing nets were kept

catch her which helped the plastic bag to fall onto the soggy nets

The fisherman kicked the bag away from the nets; as he picked it up the

«Thank you,» she sneezed over the dead fish that were stuck in the nets

Apart from the curtains and nets hanging in the bay

He might have nets suspended from the ceiling and canisters of poison gas for all they knew

» He directed his apostles to return to their nets while he made ready to go with Zebedee to the boatshop, promising to see them the next day at the synagogue, where he was to speak, and appointing a conference with them that Sabbath afternoon

10 After his rash denials of the Master he found himself, and with Andrew’s sympathetic and understanding guidance he again led the way back to the fish nets while the apostles tarried to find out what was to happen after the crucifixion

Soon after their Master was crucified, they returned to their families and nets; their work was done

Let us go fishing; put out into yonder deep and let down your nets for a draught

We toiled all night and took nothing; however, at your bidding we will put out and let down the nets

When they had proceeded to the place designated by Jesus, they let down their nets and enclosed such a multitude of fish that they feared the nets would break, so much so that they signaled to their associates on the shore to come to their assistance

From that day David Zebedee, this Simon, and their associates forsook their nets and followed Jesus

Suddenly, I had twenty wyverns and another twenty harpies diving on me throwing nets that glittered with scarlet and gold wards

All night they toiled with the nets but caught no fish

make them stop the mass use of tuna nets in the ocean

“Just another one of my safety nets

These were also painted dark green and had huge camouflage nets draped over them and pegged to the ground

Zebedee their father, mending their nets

nets ask each other about

nets asking each other about

still weaving nets asking each other

described free verse as “playing tennis without nets”, and on the

and porpoises suffocate to death in fishing nets

involved a small time politician that had netted her twenty thousand

“By doing it his way, he netted us a prisoner

Nets are good if you want to stay netted all the time

a five-day span in, which Ayoob also threw a fundraiser for Senator Reid, from which he netted thousands of dollars in donations from

That way, Simon will be the more securely netted

Soon he slept, and Simon allowed himself to drift back to the memories that had netted him

Last year, my uncle lost his balance on the fishing perch when he netted two salmon at once

“Bet that crippled blacksmith was surprised when he netted a couple of stupid kids

“All fifteen locations together netted around eighty-four thou last month

In fact the first month he made a sale which netted him $765 in

There was a section of flesh in the middle of Lezura’s back that was discolored, twisting and netted, consistent with a burn mark

They turned themselves in to the Feds and their testimony netted quite a catch

So how efficient is 20% administrative overhead for US health in the business? If the insurance companies only netted 1% in profit, $9

Instantly, I was netted! A whole squad of law enforcement

The crashing sound was the sound of their netted gear falling to the floor

netted him a big sale

«His spear,” Runs Like Cheetah continued, “may wound or kill one of us, but once he has thrown it, he will be without a weapon for a moment and easily netted

If his cheetah can be netted, we will do so

The netted and bound Antelope Hunter was brought in and laid on the ground in the middle of the Circle

roofing company netted no results and now, with the Sabbath approaching, it looks that

What David had in his box was a sheet of some stretchy netted material with holes, a couple of marbles, a large elastic rubber band and a pencil and he was really quite keen to move on from this frivolous moment that Brian and Helen seemed to be sharing so that he could discuss his ideas about gravity and black holes

This is that anti-intuitive hyper-intuition that one is but a psychic antenna literally netted inside multi-taneous minds enlightening, and your awareness has been telescoped ten god strides across heaven and time, picking up ideas bigger than humanity in the great electrical field that actually 362

My one time offer pulsed throughout the fabric of my neurally netted kinesthetic kinnections again and again and again

#thegreeks&thegoodlife and then, out of BlackSpace, I was netted and yours is the first face I’ve seen since I was renditioned from virtuality

“Incarnate as Pan, how far do you think I’d get before being netted, petted and zooed? The best thing that could happen to me is to end up back here with you

“In case you thought we had been zombie-snared, they only netted our echoes

Next the gang held up Jerilderie, netted two thousand more, While Dan and Steve held hostages in the Royal Mail,

After a moment of struggling she reappears again, her hair a bit mussed and her cheeks a bit flushed, letting the mass of lifeless dress flop to the floor while her many layers of delicate, netted petticoats settle back around her

had been spooked had netted him the winning ring

Next, the number of fish netted is 153, which is called a triangular

15, ask the porter for the key of the room on the fifth floor, enter the apartment, take from the corner of the mantelpiece a purse netted in red silk, and give it to your father

«My father!» cried the young girl, out of breath, and half dead with joy—»saved, you are saved!» And she threw herself into his arms, holding in her extended hand a red, netted silk purse

Then dozens of fish were revealed, flapping in muddy pools on the bottom, and they had to be netted and shared out among the volunteers

All was still, save for the noonday the trees of the Belt were looped and netted with darkest shadow

fringe hung down from loops of tidily netted hair, swinging close to her brown eyes, eyes cherry streamers made her creamy skin glow

But we’re talking about the twelve percent the trade netted the Hamilton-Sweeneys

«Don’t stay up there and be netted!» For he saw spiders swarming up all the neighboring trees, and crawling along the boughs above the heads of the dwarves

It was tall and netted over with silver cobwebs

Above her brow her head was covered with a cap of silver lace netted

Buying (shorting) at the close on Thursday before expiration week if the market was down (up) and selling (covering) the Friday of expirations would have netted the following results since July 1978:

I have seen situations in which an SPX 1350–1360 call spread netted more than an SPX 1340–1350 call spread

This bearish big shadow on the AUD/JPY daily chart has netted 137 pips by using the three-bar exit

Here we might have taken a position as a scalping trader and netted perhaps 20 or 30 cents on the contract

In the earlier examples with stocks, market positions there may have been in place for days, weeks or even months and netted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars

Putting on credit spreads in both the calls and the puts would have netted a $312

This operation would have netted a sure return at the rate of 40% per annum on the capital invested—as shown by the following calculation:

The 300,000 shares he sold had a book value in December of 1968 of $180,000 and he netted therefor 20 times as much, or a cool $3,600,000

Let’s Make a Deal had netted him three hundred and fifty thousand, all of it wired into an account at the Union Bank of Switzerland

The investor following the fundamental finance approach and restricting his investments to heavily discounted securities would have netted an 83 percent return on his investment excluding dividends

Several have netted large gains as others resulted in small losses

After commissions he netted $22,500 in his Marketocracy portfolio

Still, with the right stop-loss, this trade could easily have netted over a +40 percent return in three months

Even a shorter-term hold of four weeks would have netted a +25 percent return on equity, and in a down market no less

This series of trades has netted the trader a profit of 140 points (up-cycle) plus 140 point (down-cycle) minus 60 points (the difference between the final limit order to buy and stop order to sell)

The final sell-out price of about 4800 netted the trader a profit of about 2500 points, or more than 100% in nine months

Interestingly this is not due to the 1923 hyperinflation (because both the long holding of bonds and the implicit short position in bills lost everything, so these netted out in the hedged return)

money market rates); thus the hedged investor would have netted an additional 0

After transaction costs, slippage, and the price of his expired options, he would have netted just over $4,000 per spread

In any event we still netted nearly 12 points on this trade

but decided, in the end, to prop up some netting where the canal joined the pond

Entering the olive grove, I noticed sunlight netting shadows and light underneath each tree

What’s up with yer? It were strong enough ter stop deer, weren’t it?» I broke off a particularly rusty piece of the netting, holding it out for him to see

We had fourteen planes lined up under canvas and tenting; some under camouflage netting, stashed here and there

She tried to run, but her legs were unresponsive lead weights, and her feet tangled in cargo netting

understanding; The wicked desires the netting of evil men; but the root of the righteous yields fruit; the wicked is snared by the

reached out to hold him there, a collection of limbs netting him

netting that spanned the entire ceiling

When it rose off the netting the balloon jerked them and

Josh struggled in the netting to

As his feet began to leave the netting he was struck with

some of the new branches that were netting the spaces I’d

As he got nearer he could see the chickens inside flapping around the netting in panic, a fox was entangled in the nets that surrounded the hen house snapping at anything that moved or came within range of its white fangs

A brief attempt to brush aside the bug netting failed

The netting was sewn directly to the edges of the hammock

Often they gave quite a show, surfacing, blowing, diving, and breeching and on rare occasions bubble netting

While rehearsing me, Edgar had told me to be subtle and not too fast, like Gypsy Rose Lee who could trigger male orgasms merely by the seductive manner in which she removed a glove! I’d wrapped a bit of semi-transparent curtain netting around my cods, under my pouch, under my swim suit, under my shorts, under my trousers; and a singlet under my shirt under my jacket

Despite the high fence and faded signs warning of prosecution for trespass, it took only a few seconds to lift a corner of the rusty hurricane netting, slide under and drag body and bike to the edge of the old dip

Pieces of netting

my luggage from out of the netting infront of the seat

These were all dark green and had army camouflage netting draped over them

them the hollow in the wall enclosed with netting that served as a bunk, the counter top that served as a galley and the fold down dining table

Behind them is their four-wheeled drive pick-up, parked nearby in the depression, well out of sight from the road and covered with camouflaged netting

It was such a tumultuous and intemperate invasion that during the first days it was impossible to walk through the streets because of the furniture and trunks, and the noise of the carpentry of those who were building their houses in any vacant lot without asking anyone’s permission, and the scandalous behavior of couples who hung their hammocks between the almond trees and made love under the netting in broad daylight and in view of everyone

with an infant tub that has supportive netting

the support netting with some of the warm water, because

A few minutes later, Ingrid was putting down her things besides a bed in a small ward, with the nurse pulling a curtain around the bed, which also had a mosquito netting and was near a window

Harmony ceased the breath and covered her ears but the netting did not halt its new song

With Newell’s help, it took half as long to move everything, netting their camp site to the floor to prevent it from flying all over the engine room

Then, cover yourself in insect repellent or keep those mosquitoes out with netting to stop yourself being bitten next time

decorated with a full canopy bed with the lace netting that would

If the netting fails, only then will I climb the Baobob tree and hide with the rest of the women

It was clear if the netting and ropes were removed he would immediately attack the Circle

Reaching for the stretchy netting, David placed it over the open top of his shoebox

Credit helped her into the mosquito netting and then climbed the cliff above them

He crawled out of the mosquito netting and chased off the cows

He much preferred Lake Aknarra and trying his hand at netting peshines

Yinxue is not with me therefore you cannot achieve your aim of netting us

Eartheart is creating a global urgency encouraging, enlisting our help; GlobalMind is netting us to capture it a conscious self-awareness; and now Techine is calling us to manufacture the immortality creating Teme

I could see what I thought were peas climbing a section of netting, large rubber tires housing a creeping plant of some sort, and several raised beds with strawberries in them

The second cotton layer was encircled by a satin rose’ trim and edged with blue-silver colored ribbon; the scalloped hemline of the third layer was lace and edged with apricot cream trim, while embroidered jasper colored squares and interweaved floral designs in all four colors decorated the fine netting

netting them so that their fins don’t get caught in the net

Use caution when netting a Yellow Tang because of the blades at the base of their tail fin

The theme would be military equipment on display and the idea I had was to get as much camouflage netting as I could beg, borrow or steal and then drape the whole place in this netting

The place was like a huge cave, and it’s hard to explain the smell, but the camouflage netting was made of the same canvas that old summer camp tents were made of, so the place had a very unique, but subtle smell

There are no big trees in the garden of The Willows, because it was built in the middle of meadows where there weren’t any, but all round the iron railings of the square garden—the house being the centre of the square—and concealing the wire netting which keeps the pasturing cows from thrusting their heads through and eating the shrubs, is a fringe of willows

At the same time the knots at the top so that the netting were released and it fell heavily around the children in the three bulky heaps

He bent and picked the mass up by whatever invisible netting was holding it together, and headed outside with it

Within several days they had suspended netting obtained from Mr

Her wrists were still red and raw after spending hours bound and trussed in the filthy rope netting

Prior to bedtime, we dropped the mosquito netting around our beds

they were covered in camouflage netting and holding still

We hung up netting around the bar,

He grabbed a pike pole off the dock, but when he tried to reach over the netting and into the pen with it, he came up several feet short

The official investigation into his father’s disappearance had been short but sweet, netting nothing but a one-line explanation and a death certificate

Netting had been thrown over the side and sailors eagerly lifted us out of the heavy water that dragged at our clothing

Bravely a team of sailors dove over the side of the ship with ropes and netting

How they did it with Flin moving around I’m not sure, but they managed to attach a piece of netting under his belly and secured it by ropes to the crude winch lever system that had been constructed above the deck

As the netting and ropes were released from Flin, he gave a mighty series of shakes that drenched everyone in the vicinity

The brilliant blue sky was the same one I had seen overhead for the last two weeks in the camp, only now it wasn’t broken up by camouflage netting and it seemed almost too blue—like it had scared away the clouds with its brilliance

“Well, there’s camouflage netting over the camp

Between the two dugout canoes was stretched a netting made of some ropelike material that was borne up by the underpinning that supported the central mast

She rolled off of me and away from me a couple feet in distance on the netting

I glanced over at her to see her looking at me with her head propped up on her arms as she lay on her belly on top of the deck netting

I glanced down at the netting as eye contact right now was too much, “Of the two of us Keturah I’m the crazy one

She stepped down onto the deck netting and the whale drew back as graceful and as calculated as the swish of a cat’s tail

I stepped closer to her across the netting and gently said, “They tell me that you like fruit so I brought a selection of it along with me

Startled she jerked up to her feet and almost tripped on the netting and fell overboard

I smiled, as I glanced at her hands that I held imprisoned against the netting even as her body lay beneath me captive, “No, I don’t suppose I do

I beat Keturah to the surface and hauled myself out of the water and onto the low-lying netting quickly

Her head crested the water and I caught her hands and hauled her up onto the netting

Now I was leaving the island for the mysteries of the sea instead and I had the greatest treasure a man could ever ask for in the form of a woman lying asleep on the forward netting

And in addition he was taught about netting and

» Then he hung up his cheminots to the cords of the netting, and remained bare-headed in an attitude pensive and Napoleonic

They were obliged to find additional means of support for their families: netting birds in the woods, trapping fish in the stream that ran through Brookfield, making belts or sandals from cheap leather offcuts, weaving cloth from yarn for Kingsbridge merchants, or poaching the king’s deer in the forest

The door was made of wire netting on a wooden frame, with two leather hinges

The cunning hutch door had become nothing but a piece of wire netting, tacked to a frame made from four strips of half-by-half; and the rabbits sat on the planks, sniffing and nosing it without talking

It consisted of bars at a few inches’ interval, with stout wire netting between, and it rested upon a strong stanchion at each end

The mast ripped through the protective netting rigged above the decks, crushing half a dozen men, fouling three more guns in the starboard broadside, and then plunging over the side like a sea anchor

For long after the sale had been executed, transferring the bonds from his accounts to Regan’s father’s—after Felix Rohatyn had stepped in and arranged for the rescue of the city budget, netting the Hamilton-Sweeney Company a neat $900,000 on a strategy that had been Keith’s; after Regan had taken a job of her own (albeit at her family’s company)—Amory would reach him at the office

A chainlink fence with green privacy netting had risen on one side of the yard

Not a month has passed without him netting 30K

Instead of netting a large profit they would have been faced with a substantial loss

Status is extremely important to hyenas, with a higher rank netting more respect within the troop

So, you can see the effect Delta would have if you consider the process of rolling Calls from at-the-money, where the premium is $16 to a strike $10 lower where the premium is $22, in this case netting you a $6 credit

in our Trend Trade Newsletter, netting subscribers a quick +22 percent gain in 12 days

If only he could speak with her and she to him tonight, how good the night might be, and how easy to breathe and how lax the vessels of blood in her ankles and in her wrists and the under-arms, but there was no speaking and the night was ten thousand tickings and ten thousand twistings of the retched blankets, and the pillow was like a tiny white warm stove undercheek, and the blackness of the room was a mosquito netting draped all about so that a turn entangled her in it

pointing to the netting, «what’s that for?»

That said, he restored order in the netting, pushed the two children gently down on the bed, pressed their knees, in order to stretch them out at full length, and exclaimed:—

Synonym: acquire, earn, gain, get, mesh, obtain, secure, snare, trap, web. Antonym: gross. Similar words: tenet, network, ninety, planet, coronet, magnet, bayonet, monetise. Meaning: [net]  n. 1. a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange 2. a trap made of netting to catch fish or birds or insects 3. the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses) 4. a goal lined with netting (as in soccer or hockey) 5. game equipment consisting of a strip of netting dividing the playing area in tennis or badminton 6. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals. v. 1. make as a net profit 2. yield as a net profit 3. construct or form a web, as if by weaving 4. catch with a net. adj. 1. remaining after all deductions 2. conclusive in a process or progression. 

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(1) All is fish that comes to his net

(2) All’s fish that comes to his net

(3) All is fish that comes to one’s net

(4) When the ffish is caught the net is laid aside. 

(5) All wholsom food is caught without a net or a trap. 

(6) They baled up some fishes with a net.

(7) He played the ball back close to the net.

(8) Bruce spends most evenings surfing the Net .

(9) Net the fruit trees to protect them from birds.

(10) Small animals can get entangled in the net.

(11) Once again terrorists have slipped through the police net.

(12) Net cash inflow has increased by 20%.

(13) James whacked the ball over the net.

(14) At the year end, net assets were £18 million.

(15) The net closely but buckle not forever.

(16) Her net earnings last year were £15 000.

(17) You will net £ 2 000 from the deal.

(18) His net monthly salary is £1500.

(19) This metal net filters out the dirt.

(20) The country is a net exporter of food.

(21) This jar of pure honey weighs 350 grams net.

(22) The bird entangled itself in the net.

(23) The ball rebounded from his racket into the net.

(24) I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed.

(25) He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.

(26) They batted the shuttlecock back and forth across the net a few time.

(27) He nudged the ball past the goalie and into the net.

(28) There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate; there is no net like delusion, no river like craving.

(29) The striker flicked the ball into the back of the net.

(30) Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net.

More similar words: tenet, network, ninety, planet, coronet, magnet, bayonet, monetise, monetize, genetic, cabinet, frenetic, genetics, martinet, vignette, at one time, magnetic, nonetheless, Internet, safety net, marionette, magnetism, penetrate, for one thing, splenetic, nettlesome, penetrating, planetarium, hornet’s nest, diamagnetic. 

Definition of Net

a piece of mesh fabric used for as specific purpose (usually to catch animals or sports balls.)

Examples of Net in a sentence

Positioning the net in the water, the fisherman prepared to catch a fish with one swift swoop.


Kicking the ball into the mesh net, the soccer player and his team members began to jump for joy!


A net was used by SpongeBob and his friends to capture jellyfish swimming along in Bikini Bottom.


Shooting into the webbed net, the player heard a swish as the ball made contact.


Using a net to trap his prey, the hunter hopped that the lattice interlock would be strong enough to hold whatever he might catch.


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On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for net.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is nett
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is last
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is final
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is cyberspace
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is internet
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is sack
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is clear
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is sack up
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is profit
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is profits
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is earnings
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is net income
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is net profit
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is lucre
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is web
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is meshwork
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is mesh
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is network
  • • Relevant word or phrase for net is meshing
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