Use the word model in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “model” in a sentence. How to connect “model” with other words to make correct English sentences.

model (n): something that a copy can be based on because it is an extremely good exampleof its type

Use “model” in a sentence

Are you a model?
He likes to make model cars.
That’s an obsolete model.
I want to make a model plane .
Make sure that you are a good role model for your child.

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I wished it didn’t have to face north but this is like a tiny scale model of my dream house

Sam had just finished his masterclass in Nutritional awareness, and was preparing his papers to leave, when the auburn haired model approached his table

Beside I think it is crazy to model around the church

Our understanding of the human stress response has been based on the «fight-or-flight» model, which states that when confronted with a stressful situation, humans either will respond with aggressive behavior or will withdraw

The United Order has a model that works in a similar way, but their model has such a drain on power resources that they can only use it for a small amount of time

We’re using Dead Kennedys as a model to work from

It is necessary that the planners develop and execute a rural model that can be replicated more widely

It also helped that she was like a super model in looks and build

All I’ve done in these automatons is rig up a little fuller model of the social universe

believe a lady of a certain age will come along the road shortly in a late model Ka

He was as good a model of Morg as she could remember, most of the time

The use of that model was no longer allowed on Earth when the Lula departed, though they were still in commercial use on Titan

«It would have been a bit more sir, except that your associates destroyed a Bechstein model 8

They were the programming model to a veron in the substrate in which they lived

model prayer as well as that they should always pray

When her finger hit the console, the life-size schematic of limbless Master Chief Evelyn Horcheese was projected upwards to float perfectly vertical in the air over the console next to the meter-long model of Tipperary

What he found particularly offensive was that every model available had an adjustable pain threshold that could be set up to ‘suicidal’

The whole mass of personifications had to be encapsulated in a single model

He had to switch in a whole second lattice to the optic bank to host that model

As I go into the kitchen, he gestures wordlessly to the table where there is a plate with lettuce leaf on which stands a little model of Brian, the snail from The Magic Roundabout …

dictionary means, «A person or thing to be imitated; model; pattern”

He built a 3D model and was able to account for every cubic inch of the ship

She looked like she could have been a model, but she wasn’t wearing enough clothes

Things that don’t align with that model of my reality, I choose

model that others operate within

operate in this timeline model

Before the yaag, what had she been? Nothing much actually, she’d been with Klarrain since he started and never been much more than a copy girl and part-time model

Fortunes varied, were won and lost, and the family name changed through the ages, becoming a proper product of each model of social propriety, until, at the very end of a long line of ancestors , there was but one member of the family left living

It was a very old model, more monolith than mobile, and the battery was as dead as a doorknob

Like you keep saying, it’s just another processor model, like a neuron or a veron

«Each state change should be plotted in its own dimension, I know, but for this I’ve added them using the common model sign and value

Typically this UI is created off of the model data (for example: we might create an

interaction, manipulating the model, and ultimately choosing a view to render to display UI

question to test that do you really understand the importance of model view controller

Better reuse of views and model

Governance and/or organizational model

Kelvin knew she preferred to model her screens as an old fashioned monitor, but she preferred to keep her screens in the air to making the old plastic case appear when she was out of her office

An underpinning knowledge of the NLP communication model is particularly helpful for explaining this process within the mind

Jason made him also maintain a virtual model of the study planet as it actually exists, it had been his sentence to put as much time into that as he did into his imaginary one based on it

That was to be as accurate a model as their data allowed, to allow others to study it

Biology did all that was required, but they seldom visited the model of the real study planet in their off duty hours

Despite its drawbacks, doctors who follow the model

It was a very old model, more

It is still a model of the human mind and the model will work the way the human mind works no matter what substrate that model is run on

She loaded a model of 17th century China into it to get him started

The announcement from George at the Council meeting, after his presumptuous offer of assistance as ‘adviser’ for dubious civil improvements, and that he would then ‘push forward’ to become a hotelier, as a model for the rest of them, was the last straw

His expressions had been the model of salesmanship until that last gaff, “In her kitchens!” he added quickly

A stick thin model is wearing nothing but Lederhosen under a banner headline proclaiming that Austria is this year’s chic summer fashion inspiration

The drying rooms, the polishing area, the bundling, tubing, and packaging areas were each a model of efficiency and order

At the back of the traveller’s hotel at Roundswell, across a thin strip of grass and beyond a six foot high chain link fence, beyond a car park full of new model Peugeots waiting for eager buyers, the dark hulls of low rise industrial units lie at anchor

The model he had been used to seeing, with the perfect hair and face, was

I worry sometimes about him not having a male role model – this is a very female household

So Ben has discovered the wonder of Easter – hmm, maybe you’re not doing so bad at this parenting lark, though the next few years are going to be difficult without a male role model for him to relate to

A leaf is the model of the tree from which it arises, a snowflake’s shape and structure are mirrored by its own construction of ever increasing patterns of its smallest connections, and the examples are endless

This fractalization is the result of what may be found in the mathematical construction of the model we are investigating

This is not so very different than in other dimensions, including the linear ascent or descent of an octave model

Standing behind me, this is a model of the Planet referred to by the natives as Planet Earth; nothing very remarkable about this planet, save for this pocket of energy located here,”

From now on he was going to use the story that he came from out on the desert fringe, he would use Kartha’s cabin as the model of his home

“I am most taken with Hipolyta’s handwriting and number formation, always so precise; she would provide an excellent model of instruction for the younger one’s as they attempt proper letter construction and also as they move from block letters to cursive—always such a challenge for the finer muscles of the hand and wrist

Sarah continued, “I wish I could convince Jameson to subscribe to at least a part-time presence at the school; it is so instructive for younger boys to have a role model of sorts, especially as they reach ten and eleven

And none of his friends particularly fitted the standard model of ’hero’ either

You have been for me a model of integrity, honesty, and fairness, I could not have dreamed for a more ideal benefactor than yourself

The bronze rays had turned to liquid, the valley below to a toy model and the cries of the lumins to a symphony

He was never a model father, but he

I might settle for one of those in a floor model, but they’re doing some really true things with tension pitch lately, I might settle for a better plastic-string with that

He paid $1,100 for it less than a year ago and is going to sell it to me for $450 and buy a more deluxe model

He had a number of model engines based on full-sized prototypes

How are the model planes coming along?”

I understand that Sue ‘was charged but not convicted of forcible confinement when she used GBH, known as the date rape drug, to nobble the competition!’ Apparently the model competition went to you as the number one contestant had fallen

“I noticed that they have different engines depending on the model: Rolls Royce or GE

There was a good floor model in one of the labs, a four aluminum piece of gear like the great halls build in and she would come in at any hour to get a chance to work out on that

It was a nice open floor model, no visible pickups at all

Soon the plastic-stringed, tensioned-pitched models would be as historic as her antler-pitched chord-key model that she left with Varniss

They didn’t have a real steel-stringed floor model yandrille she could use however, Hazen plays only hand-helds

But now come to think of it, crystal is harder than steel isn’t it? Maybe this yandrille design will be the one to imitate and this very early model will be a collectors item? That would be too much luck to believe in and she laughed at herself

I DO think you’re one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you’re a writer, and a model, you keep journals about life

God after the model of David’s tent, and even used the same

in my city that it will be a model city for unity

She’s a great model, very photogenic, pretty without being plastic and not stuck up about it

Although the school was situated in buildings that were in excess of five hundred years old, it was a model of the modern private school or, as the English called it, a public school

Dom opted for a Savage model 11 hunting rifle in a 380 round with a four plus one box magazine

And you’re the model of excellent health, yourself

oligarchic model, with the estate warranted

Revolution, in 1789, so that the model became

is like a manager; He is a model

Using the micro continuity model instead, is highly

Subscription-based software is a great model if you can find a way to

Maybe this was a model of consciousness?

No matter the type of business model you follow, if you don’t have a team

In a typical business, employees are the normal model for building your

developed a theoretical model of beauty

The main house was a miniature model of a lord’s estate from England with an adjoined barn that seemed out of place

the ancients have sought the perfect model from

The trick is to identify what is already working and then model those same

It is a very scalable business model that can have exceptional

As such, he faithfully complied with body, mind, and pocketbook to the best of his abilities with the premises and objectives of the material-world maxims, wanting to be a model citizen respected among his peers for his conformity and his open willingness to be “one of the gang

As such, he had faithfully complied with body, mind, and pocketbook to the best of his abilities with the premises and objectives of the material-world maxims, wanting to be a model citizen respected among his peers for his conformity and his open willingness to be “one of the gang

For the next four weeks, Nerissa did her best to turn into a model slave

It was a cheap model, made of low-quality materials, that was to be used only to contact Serian

Model flexibility – if you are flexible rather than frustrated at an unexpected event, then children learn to be flexible and tolerant as well

In New York City it is highly prized by models and is found in the finest cosmetic stores

of testing those expensive models: the lamp was placed in a freezer and

There were no proven models of that atmosphere and climate, some worry that the climate could be tipped by the impact and that the planet would never recover

Then he spotted a boy working his way down a line of parked cars, who was taking advantage of the crowds to steal the radiator badges from the more expensive sporting models

It’s always happening these days, especially with popular models like yours”

Truth be told, had the wardrobe conventions of that period allowed, Chloe and Kaitlyn would each have now been idyllic models of the female form for even the discriminating sculptors of classical Greece

He was talking about all the tension-pitched plastic-stringed floor models she’d looked at

Soon the plastic-stringed, tensioned-pitched models would be as historic as her antler-pitched chord-key model that she left with Varniss

She’s one of his better writers, a decent calligrapher and one of the easiest photo models to work with

The ones on the expedition were primitive models now, their sex organs were non-functional

Use the models provided here to draw ‘barometers’ on any subject your wish

fictional one, al owing the building models,

He had no way to measure the extent of the wave, although even the worse- case simulation models showed it being distorted and held back from spreading unencumbered, not being able to form its own expanding sphere

“I cannot accurately predict the results of explosions, Captain, I have no models for that situation

D: — Secondly, any patterns or models, used throughout the Bible and their correlation to fulfilment in actual events that they pointed to, should be consistent

Models that are used in the Bible:

There are thousands of models in the Bible that are used in similar fashion, where a situation in the past points to an event in the future — where it carries a message that could be understood by looking at the event as it occurred in the past

While Jews reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah and the New Testament in its entirety as being part of God’s Word, Christians are of the opinion that the information conveyed through Isaiah 53, as with many other passages and models that are used throughout the Bible, points to Jesus Christ as the Messiah

So how does one then know which view is correct? There are many models, passages, and specific prophecies that point directly to Jesus as being the Messiah and also serve as proof that he is indeed Israel’s Messiah

Many events, designs and models in the Old Testament, if carefully studied, are also linked to aspects found within the New Testament that would demonstrate through symbols, hidden messages and other devices, things yet to come

To construct the patterns, models or the numerical design in the structure of the text, while at the same time predicting events in the distant future with 100% accuracy, both in the surface text and in codes embedded in the text, would be absolutely impossible for a human to achieve

In the most common models, the Universe was filled homogeneously and isotropically with an incredibly high energy density, huge temperatures and pressures, and was very rapidly expanding and cooling

Then he noticed that the phone was one of the old black models

She had been much too busy with the models and designs

Pamela smiled, as models are not

body building magazines to see how the models are presenting

They could choose from fourteen models, each with a variety of

It’s one of the best “business models» in the world

the top models of whatever city he was in

Those beautiful models sat around the pool topless

By accommodating the maturity level of their children by adopting their children‘s adolescent manners rather then setting themselves up as (proper) role models, parents have seemingly lost their proportional standing vis-à-vis their children

My dreams were full of hair – hair catching on fire, hair being dyed the wrong colour, models looking like freaks with nests on their heads, some with no hair at all

Then I bumped into someone and caused a domino effect that sent contestants and models stumbling and ruining everything in sight

Then the models would disappear under supervision to complete the overall look and come out to model the creations

The models were escorted by the security officials to the dressing rooms where they would change into their costumes to complete the desired effect

The models were brought out onto the stage by their hairstylist

Finally all the models stood together in front of the judges alongside their stylists

The contestants and models looked anywhere except at the judges while trying to control their nerves

Advanced computer users recommend switching to SSDs and a lot of manufacturers have already stopped installing conventional spinning disks on their latest models

These models (I will refer to them as models for purposes of discussion) that serve to properly inform an individual; that is to say, define appropriate rules of conduct, vary in proportion (or meaning) to that individual‘s or society‘s present stage of spiritual, moral and intellectual development

Where the mind is not completely formed (Primitive) or has corrupted itself (Pride) or has been corrupted (Illness or Disease), however, such models may be found lacking ―significant‖ meaning or purpose or otherwise lose their appeal

that that individual is able to correctly distinguish between right and wrong) These models are not necessarily mandates (for choice) but guidelines, rather, that provide compelling reasons for making the right decisions to begin with

Neither are these models necessarily intended to encourage ―appropriate‖ conduct that should otherwise be left to Free Will to decide but reflect upon, rather, what is expected from a ―right thinking‖ individual who is morally evolving

No doubt my clients can and do afford newer models but the BMW has another security feature which money cannot buy

I am uncertain whether or not professional athletes, have at any time been the historical role models that nostalgics (sic) would have us believe

There are several obvious models one could use for legalization

But he made very good models

They had to take their little models and work it out in front of each other and with each other’s help

In order to be able to recognize organisms, the nano-computers that made up their brains were based on organic models

By understanding all these concepts and models you will be in a

“Economists have argued for years, using a variety of models of government,that government expenditure would tend to be too large from society’s perspective…”

The computer then drops algorithms that do poorly and adds potential competitors, rapidly calibrating and extending existing models

The social sciences are far too complex to have meaningful formal models

We cannot begin to predict where people at even a small cocktail party will be located in five minutes, or who Dave will be hitting on! The existing models of social science, and I’m talking mostly about economics which is nearest to a ‘real science’ in terms of our methodology and approach, are very simplistic and fraught with large error terms

Instead, our minds contain different models of ourselves at different levels: some models represent our basic needs, others our aspirations, and still others various aspects of our personalities

These utilize strategic resources like breaking down complex problems into parts, making comparisons, retrieving memories, and relying on progressively more intricate mental models of the world and our own minds

Accomplishing this intention, we utilized new paradigm of alternative human society that substitutes the existent models

These current archaic models induce the concentration of the wealth and it generates the financial prison, which always protects the interest of the profit, without solving the social problem of all

But when I tried to use these models in order to help people struggling with their minds, it didn’t work

CO2 acted as plant food, and this “fertilization” effect was often omitted from the IPCC models

They entered the lab and the story of life itself jumped out at Jason in the form of posters, charts, models and specimens

The models, the baselines, data gathering, conflicts of interest because of grants, and refusal to tolerate the views of others, brought to mind The Inquisition, and the

Other models of

They have two models to choose from

they’ll never become stars of the silver screen or models on the catwalks

There are certain models available where organization chooses any one based on the

But there are no definite models that could be fit for all projects

The models may vary from project to project based on the environment

Professional actors, models, and other public figures have an incentive to manage the physical sector as

the front line; those who will inherit the glory; those changed and transformed; models of life in Christ; to have God’s grace; leading of the

It’s about three years old but it’s in excellent condition and is not only an elegant sight to look at, but it’s also one of the most reliable brands and safest models around

to rot in the junkyard, the models of the once-famous MK100-70,

samples that you can use as models, making writing killer advertising copy as easy as pie!)

resorted to hobbies like collecting stamps, Bonsai planting, playing RC models or spending

sourcing models and how to paint them

models and scenes to display them

one month painting models (there are only 24 hrs in a day

Supports in distributed working team models to manage the configurations

In some organizations they use prediction models, which are based defects identified in earlier phases using review and other techniques

“On the site, it says for models to stop by,” I say

This tool is useful when we want to understand the cause and effect relationship or to select variables to construct prediction models

Control Charts, histograms and hypothesis tests along with statistical models (regression, logistic regression, dummy variable regression, etc) are highly used in software industry now a day, hence it’s recommended for readers to spend time in this topic in researching and improving knowledge in this area

Standards specify the requirements, whereas the models share the best practices to be followed

“Did you know that they’ve been investigating Red Velvet Pocket for the last three months now? Although we did not know the little Lick the Pink thing, we knew that the girls who died were models for that site

Author and social theorist George Gilder, and editor and publisher Richard Vigilante, observe in a joint article on the subject that there are dozens of computer models, and none of them is the same as any other

When computer models failed to show the 20-foot calamity touted by Al Gore, “corrective factors” were inserted into the computers to reaffirm the theology of doom

Finally, in the Animal Attic gallery visitors are charmed by the marvelous world of wild life and stumble upon animal exhibits mounted after 19th and 20th centuries models

the details of both models from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933

“Now, stripe or polka dot,” she asks as she models in polka dot five inch heels

Certainly our physical theories of the fundamental interactions within the Standard model equip us with models for predicting

Buehrig, who designed the original Cord automobile, who was with Cord when he purchased Duesenberg and designed several J models, and SJ models, including one for Gary Cooper

I mean really pretty! She wasn’t one of the models like Jess

“We’re all eleven of us co-operating on these scale models, by the way

They were all models and did

I passed little glass bottles of water standing on solitary plinths with £20 price tags, I trotted down art deco style aisles with red neon lights or just white and sterile, like a hospital ward, passing mannequins and models and beautiful sales assistants wearing the latest clothes, looking the best, oozing richness and wealth and good fashion sense and I honestly didn’t give a shit

Definition of Model

a smaller replica of an object

Examples of Model in a sentence

Based on the World War II stealth bomber, Johnny built a model of the plane using a kit and some art supplies.


In science class, the model of the solar system hung from the ceiling depicting all of the colorful planets using Styrofoam balls.


In order to create the model of the pioneer’s log cabin, the child glued tongue depressors together.


The avid craftsman was always down in his basement building a model of a famous wooden sailing vessel.


Using Legos, the model of the Titanic looked authentic to all of the observers at the Legos museum.


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Sentence Examples

Miss Mary Conway, who is paying tribute to a new kind of fashion, poses as a model for the well-known sculptor, Harry Lighton.

A model of the apparatus built by Gol for observing life on other planets.

How come you were made a model by the Master, and almost his son?

I have enough of being your model, the instrument of your glory

mastodonic model of muscular masculinity!

I am sorry but I can deliver this piano model only in a few weeks as I have just sold the last one.

Annie Schreyer, a fashion model.

But you had a very charming model.

Now, that’s the, uh, 4A… or what we call «the perfect model

And I have a new sport model I’d like to show you.

A low cut model with a strap.

Yes, I’m interested in that Queen’s model… you have in the window.

Oh. Now then, uh, these are a model that we’re very proud of.

For being a model, $2 an hour is okay.

Billy, have you seen Jerry’s new model?

No, and I’m only calling on him for engaging a model without my approval.

What’s the idea of engaging a model without my… okay?

Is it customary for an artist to purchase the wardrobe of his model?

That depends on the model.

I guess I got the wrong model.

I’ve just been trying to date up your model

Meet Miss Arnold, my model.

You’re not a model at all.

I hired her to be my model and I’m gonna paint her.

I say, isn’t that girl in the bride’s outfit a new model?

Our latest model‘s inside.

The Commission voted that if you were a model prisoner for one year… they would concede that you had paid your obligations in full.

I’ll be a model prisoner… if it kills me.

Finally, not only has James Allen been a model prisoner… patient and uncomplaining for a whole year… but we have presented letters from countless organizations… and prominent individuals… beseeching you to recommend his pardon.

Let’s look at this model of purity.

He wants you to go to South America as a model.

A man named Johnson told me he wanted a model to pose for his art studies.

We can’t send out next year’s model with what we’ve got.

How soon can you let me have a working model?

Now, here’s to the new model Drake.

But you’ll probably get a better idea from the working model.

You just need license plates to look like a model T Ford.

It was done because I love to model children.

But, tell me, where did you begin to model in wax?

I’ll have you know I’m strictly a model.

We have a new model, 92 centimeters by 50.

Court musical director, I give you my word of honour: Miss Anita wasn’t the model.

Models in a sample sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use models in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for models.

  • Some of them (a strange thing in Scotland) are models of internal neatness; the beds (2)
  • His models were lay figures shabby from their long service in the studios of Godwin and the Germans. (14)
  • His efforts at harmonizing were rather crude, as is to be expected, since he had but few models in composition. (3)
  • In 1716, =Marius=, a French manufacturer, submitted four models for piano actions, which, however, were never developed. (3)
  • Irishwomen were models of propriety beside them: indeed Irishwomen might often be patterns to their English sisterhood. (10)
  • Criticism does not inquire whether a work is true to life, but tacitly or explicitly compares it with models, and tests it by them. (9)
  • At the best its opinions are not conclusions from certain easily verifiable principles, but are effects from the worship of certain models. (9)
  • These are so substantially built, and often so artistic in conception, that they have become common models from which to draw inspiration. (17)
  • What if a passive comfortable clergy hand them over to men on the models of Irish pastors, who will succour, console, enfold, champion them? (10)
  • Felix, familiar with the appearance of London police courts, noted the efforts that had been made to create resemblance to those models of administration. (8)

Also see sentences for: model, modelled, modelling.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for models. Now that you’ve seen how to use models in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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