Use the word memories in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word memories, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use memories in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «memories».

Memories in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word memories in a sentence.

  1. Jim has nothing but his name and his memories.

  2. The work evokes memories of the Second World War.

  3. Todd begins having vivid memories of killing Victor.

  4. He maintains his anchors by jumbling up Yeesha’s memories.

  5. In 1966, the Duke described his memories of meeting Hitler.

  6. Among his earliest memories were folk songs she sang to him.

  7. The consolidation of memories is disrupted in sleep disorders.

  8. Tommy, Phil, and Lil share their favorite memories of their mothers with Chuckie.

  9. In this film, Jason (Ari Lehman) is portrayed in the memories of his mother, Mrs.

  10. As missions are completed, Shadow learns more about his past and regains memories.

  11. Williams has recounted fond memories of growing up in the vast landscape of Montana.

  12. To Marianne Hirsch, Spiegelman’s life is «dominated by memories that are not his own».

  13. Vladimir grew up with his family’s memories of the lost motherland and loyalty to their new homeland.

  14. Sora and his teammates are told that the castle causes visitors to lose their memories upon entering.

  15. He also recovers his entry fee, which was his memories, except for the events leading up to his death.

  16. As he prepares food with the crew, he learns more about their memories and impressions of Trip Tucker.

  17. This reality, coupled with the fresh memories of power-hungry Doges, set the stage for Domenico Selvo.

  18. The ghastliness of this ill-fated flight from Kariba will be burnt upon our memories for years to come.

  19. The ceremony is successful and Spock is resurrected, alive and well, though his memories are fragmented.

  20. According to his son, William, «Most of the first act was based on his own memories of his own childhood.

  21. Sora, Donald, and Goofy have been in suspended animation for the past year to regain their lost memories.

  22. LTP is widely believed to be one of the main neural mechanisms by which memories are stored in the brain.

  23. Set on a cliff overlooking a sea, the video recreates many of the memories detailed in the song’s lyrics.

  24. Before Roy dies, he delivers a monologue about how his memories «will be lost in time, like tears in rain».

  25. Schala subsequently erases his memories and Magus awakens in a forest, determined to find what he had lost.

  26. Nixon and Pat recall the struggles of their youth; Nixon evokes wartime memories («Sitting round the radio»).

  27. Quinn Thornton, who wrote the earliest account of the episode, also using Reed’s memories of his involvement.

  28. It’s not taking a trip down memory lane or longing and yearning for the good old days or fond memories of what’s no more.

  29. What will there be between us old codgers, aside of course from happy memories of skiing tours in the long distant past[?

  30. In his role as a Raider, Wheatley was able to contribute to some of the greatest memories in the history of the franchise.

  31. While blessed with long life and the ability to transform into crystal, l’Cie are cursed to lose their memories over time.

  32. The imprisonment renewed memories of the murder of Thomas Becket almost 20 years earlier, and Geoffrey was quickly released.

  33. Jack was then smuggled to the surface with false memories of a normal life, waiting to be called back to Rapture when needed.

  34. Although the retrograde effect normally extends many years back before the brain damage, in some cases older memories remain.

  35. As his first work as an actor, he has fond memories of voicing Tidus and interacting with other Final Fantasy X staff members.

  36. Her future sister-in-law, Elisabeth of Valois, became a close friend of whom Mary «retained nostalgic memories in later life».

  37. The sight of Sweetwater River, twenty miles [32 km] out from South Pass, revived many pleasant memories and some that were sad.

  38. As early as 1876, the wall tablets were described as «full of sad memories to the old inhabitants, interesting reminiscences to those who have studied Australian history».

  39. Recorder 451 was a Rigellian Recorder who had a bug which caused him to retain the memories of what he witnessed after the moment in which his data was collected from him.

  40. Christof finds the Wall of Memories, which hold Anezka’s memories of the last millennia, showing she continued to hope as Vukodlak found new ways to defile and torment her.

  41. The series goes on to mention that Khan’s anatomy and memories were altered per Marcus’s orders, so that Khan would initially believe himself to be the fabricated Harrison.

  42. Upon the results going in favor of President Lukashenko, he proclaimed that the return of the Soviet-style flag brought a sense of youth and pleasant memories to the nation.

General information about «memories» example sentences

The example sentences for the word memories that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «memories» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «memories».

  • Use the word Memories in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I tried to perfect my synaptic scanning techniques so that I could transfer Juliana’s memories into a positronic matrix.

You must not have memories of your mother or the country Korea.

The battle starts now. [ intro to «need you now» plays ] dpicture-perfect memories d dscattered all around the floor d

Her memories from those three years that she roamed this earth as a spirit… I’m going to help her regain those memories.

Since that’s when she started seeing spirits… once she regains her memories of that time… it’ll transform Gong Shil.

The memories of the land where the peaches grow.

But these rooms hold memories of thirty happy years, and in the churchyard is a grave that is never out of my thoughts.»

A song full of bittersweet memories.

we are not going thus to sell our most beautiful memories.

Tell her that what I shall treasure most on my long journey home are the fondest memories of her.

All the next day, Margaret was haunted by memories of the previous evening.

Afraid of awakening painful memories, Bernard said nothing to the Chevalier about his terrible dream.

# Yet their memories seem to cling to me #

For the loving memories of our chilhood I┬┤ll give him up for you.

The memories are flooding in.

memories from my youth, my child.

But memories can’t turn to love in one day.

You will not remember what I show you now, and yet I shall awaken memories of love and crime and death.

In the current of the waves offshore, the memories gradually disappear.

memories of Utatsubashi Bridge warmed Shiraito.

Robert, if we were to say goodbye today we should have nothing but beautiful memories of each other to last to the end of our lives.

Bunch of memories, of times gone by, blossoming old days I’ll never forget.

memories rush back to me, leaving a scent of sweet emotion behind them.

But though I cherish all those dear and everlasting memories… which even the bare mention of that great conflict… must awaken in every true Kentuckian’s bosom… I fail to see any possible connection… between this reverend gentleman’s military record… and the guilt of this man Gillis.

But I wouldn’t let it go cheaply. It means a lot to me on account of the memories.

Yes. memories come to my mind too.

I’m taking your memories with me.

While many of them relive the meeting in their memories… still others are already planning the next review.

Sort of away From old friends and… Old memories.

The horrors of war, however, remained in the memories of the people of the Low Countries The theme is not drawn from history

The wedding brings back memories

Brings back fond memories.

I wanted to say that in this house, full of your memories,.. I will take away the life!

Used to be fond of memories of her native Spain, especially by singing.

I listened to all the childhood memories… I care to hear for one night.

I couldn’t stay here and face all those memories.

You leave them the memories of the finest things ever done on the stage, sir.

The memories of the finest things ever done on the stage.

[Chuckles] So many people have such bad memories.

I’ll not go without trying to blacken your memories with your insane injustice you’ll carry on your souls till the day you die. Till the day you die you ask yourselves in your heart three questions.

Amazing advantage of women’s beauty, or perhaps men’s memories… — they seemed as young and pretty as ever.

I often come here, it brings back my happiest memories and I remembert it every night

I’ll take you far from Paris, where there are no unhappy memories for us.

Synonym: computer memory, computer storage, memory board, remembering, retention, retentiveness, retentivity, storage, store. Similar words: in memory of, from memory, memorial, memorize, once more, all the more, demoralize, member. Meaning: [‘memrɪ]  n. 1. something that is remembered 2. the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered 3. the power of retaining and recalling past experience 4. an electronic memory device 5. the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes. 

1. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 

2. The creditor has always a better memory than the detor. 

3. She was conscious that her memory was failing.

4. How much memory does the program occupy?

5. I have a very good visual memory.

6. Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

7. Yesterday once more,memory,raining,snowing smiling are touching my heart.

8. Kept diaries, not stop what is pen, or memory.

9. Those memories, I was alone with memory.

10. Her honeymoon seemed a distant memory .

11. She tried to obliterate all memory of her father.

12. Memory will fade, but my heart will go on.

13. His short-term memory was damaged in the accident.

14. Yesterday is today’s memory, tomorrow is today’s dream.

15. He grins, delighted at the memory.

16. I retain a clear memory of those days.

17. I have a bad memory for names.

18. As one grows older one’s memory declines.

19. The scene was embedded in his memory.

20. The party was fresh in her memory.

21. Love remained short,the memory last long.

22. Happiness is good health and a bad memory.

23. The scene is still vivid in my memory.

24. The artist drew the scene from memory.

25. Life, half is memory, half is to continue.

26. Before it was reality, now it’s just a memory.

26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

27. Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories.

28. Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.

29. The memory was buried deep within my subconscious.

30. My childhood will never fade from my memory.

Examples of how to use the word “memory” in a sentence. How to connect “memory” with other words to make correct English sentences.

memory (n): the ability to remember information, experiences, and people

Use “memory” in a sentence

He has a good memory.
People have short memories.(they soon forget).

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Memories sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use memories in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for memories.

  • Dim, unreal memories! (8)
  • All dark memories had fled. (12)
  • Walker.—My Musical Memories. (3)
  • I had need of calm memories. (10)
  • It is a house of many memories. (2)
  • So many memories, nearly all happy! (8)
  • It was the footnote to his memories. (8)
  • Their memories scarce seem their own! (10)
  • A hundred memories rushed into his mind. (8)
  • She searched her memories of Robin Hill. (8)
  • By their great memories the Gods are known. (10)
  • Her memories could not hang within it anywhere. (10)
  • Memories so sweet and sharp that she almost cried out. (8)
  • And of all my memories, the last will live the longest. (8)
  • He bent, as though in deference to those unspoken memories. (8)
  • He could not go back to Wansdon, and the memories of Fleur. (8)
  • These and a thousand other memories beset his conscience now. (8)
  • If all those memories were true, surely this could not be true. (8)
  • But a hundred times that night he stopped, overcome by memories. (8)
  • They seemed each of them to have the happiest memories in the world. (4)
  • Is it to revive memories or give the opportunity for an explanation? (12)
  • And could those haggard cheeks presume To memories of a May-tide bloom? (10)
  • He got out with a blank sensation, as if those memories had played him false. (8)
  • He perceived a struggle going on within her; natural, no doubt, with her memories. (8)
  • Too lugubrious a triumph; with too many humiliating memories for himself and Fleur. (8)
  • Memories, feelings, which she had thought quite dead, revived within her, painful, sullen, tenacious. (8)
  • But what a crowd of memories come back, bringing with them the perfume of fallen days! (8)
  • The falling beams touched her with a mellow sweetness that kindled bleeding memories. (10)
  • The falling beams touched her with a mellow sweetness that kindled bleeding memories. (22)
  • Generally I find I have forgotten much, but here all my memories seem of yesterday…. (14)
  • The glamour of a thousand memories hallowed the hours he thus spent by that brown water. (8)
  • And in the chair where she had sat last night conjuring up memories, he too now conjured. (8)
  • In his stubborn mind a wheel seemed turning, grinding out his memories to the last grain. (8)
  • While they were there, with their enticement and their memories, prayer would never come. (8)
  • He had no right to what was warm and living, no right to anything but memories and sorrow. (8)
  • The memories tenderly bound To us are a drifting crew, Amid grey-gapped waters for ground. (10)
  • Dogs and horses have the best memories, though some trainers contend that the elephant has. (21)
  • It was all so wonderfully beautiful and his heart filled to overflowing with memories and hopes. (5)
  • We must avoid them, and keep them merely as a pensive colour in our own vivid memories of Saratoga. (9)
  • We ought to have left the past alone; we shall only mar our memories of all these beautiful places. (9)
  • And memories crowded on him with the fresh, sweet savour of the spring wind-memories of his courtship. (8)
  • All Noyon is blotted out for me by these superior memories; and I do not care to say more about the place. (2)
  • In these days he felt how insufficient were his memories of Jolly, and what an amateur of a father he had been. (8)
  • A dreamy pity for him filled her; through the memories of her own suffering, she divined the soreness of his heart. (9)
  • What memories a fire gathered into it, with its flaky ashes, its little leaf-like flames, and that quiet glow and flicker! (8)
  • All the misery that he caused penetrated the wall, and aroused in Karen memories of equal horrors in dim and distant years. (12)
  • I transfer at random the impressions of many years to my page, and I shall not try to observe a chronological order in these memories. (9)
  • And in that dumb reverie, as though of fixed malice, there came to him no memories that were not pleasant, no images that were not fair. (8)
  • And he pressed her arm, half resentful of those memories, half grateful, as if he recognised what a link they were between herself and him. (8)
  • Still, he had not forgiven them, deeply identifying them with gloomy memories, and now, dimly, like all members, of their class, with revolution. (8)
  • He talked on, unheeded by March, who went along half-consciously tormented by his lightness in the pensive memories the meeting with Lindau had called up. (9)
  • The notes were harsh, dissonant, drunken, interlocked and horribly torn asunder, intolerable to ears not keen to extract the tune through dreadful memories. (10)

Also see sentences for: memorable, memorandum, memorial, memory.

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