Use the word melt in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word melt, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use melt in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «melt».

Melt in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word melt in a sentence.

  1. Ovens or electric heating tools can be used to melt the plastic.

  2. Oxidized contaminants float to the top of the melt and are skimmed off.

  3. This loss of glacial ice has contributed to decreased melt in the summer.

  4. As of April 26, 2019, the melt value of the $0.50 coin was approximately $5.46.

  5. Buddha then causes the river to melt, drowning King Simon and his hunting party.

  6. Thermal drills work by applying heat to the ice at the bottom of the borehole to melt it.

  7. Hot-water drills use jets of hot water at the drill head to melt the water around the core.

  8. The hotpoint allows the probe to melt its way through the ice, unreeling the cable behind it.

  9. The temperature of an arc furnace of greater than 1,600 °C is sufficient to melt the yttrium.

  10. In the 1940s, thermal drills began to be used; these drills melt the ice by heating the drill.

  11. During the winter, warm air coming out of the vent helps to melt the snow and ice on the lodge.

  12. Even the local barons started to melt away, and soon John Doukas was left hopelessly outnumbered.

  13. In Switzerland plastic sheeting is also used to reduce the melt of glacial ice used as ski slopes.

  14. If held too close to the arc, the filler rod can melt before it makes contact with the weld puddle.

  15. This fluid is expected to melt ice at temperatures below the −20 °F (−29 °C) at which salt stops working.

  16. Although the beams had low intensity, they could, over many hours of operation, still melt the collectors.

  17. Long periods of glaciation and interglacial melt carved several riverbeds through what is now Minneapolis.

  18. It is not clear whether they are volcanic lava flows induced by the impact or a large sheet of impact melt.

  19. Copper and nickel were readily available, and the melt value of the new coins would be much under face value.

  20. Gritters can also be used in hot weather, when temperatures are high enough to melt the bitumen used in asphalt.

  21. The most common chemical is rock salt, which can melt snow at low temperatures but has some unwanted side effects.

  22. If all the ice on the polar ice caps were to melt away, the oceans of the world would rise an estimated 70 m (230 ft).

  23. The long-term effects of climate change include further ice melt, ocean warming, sea level rise, and ocean acidification.

  24. A nickel’s melt value fell below its face value from late 2008 through mid-2010, and more recently again from late mid-2012.

  25. Subsequent radioactive and tidal heating would raise the temperature of the core to 1,000 K, enough to melt the inner mantle.

  26. Andrée called it «dreadful terrain», with channels separating the ice floes, high ridges, and partially iced-over melt ponds.

  27. It may contain about 5% melt and has a heterogeneous structure with varying melt fractions in various parts of the reservoir.

  28. The initial melt contributes most of the material in mafic inclusions and the rhyodacite contributes most of the dacite material.

  29. An ice core is a vertical column through a glacier, sampling the layers that formed through an annual cycle of snowfall and melt.

  30. The previous day, Linderman had ordered the mints to melt down twenty-cent pieces on hand, for recoinage into other denominations.

  31. These pollutants deposit onto plants and glaciers and are then carried by rainfall or ice melt and dispersed into rivers and lakes.

  32. Welding is distinct from lower temperature metal-joining techniques such as brazing and soldering, which do not melt the base metal.

  33. Heavy rains and mountain snows are common in winter, and snowpack in the Cascade Range can rapidly melt during warmer winter storms.

  34. When all the base pairs in a DNA double helix melt, the strands separate and exist in solution as two entirely independent molecules.

  35. Central Asian countries have also been historically dependent on the seasonal glacier melt water for irrigation and drinking supplies.

  36. Global sea level is rising as a consequence of glacial melt, melt of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, and thermal expansion.

  37. A recent fire had been severe enough to melt the solder between a kettle and its spout, which had fallen into the grate of the fireplace.

  38. The melt value of a nickel for some time was more than five cents, including nearing over one-and-a-half times its face value in May 2007.

  39. The added precipitation increased runoff and the erosive ability of streams (especially from spring melt water and flash floods in summer).

  40. Retreating glaciers reduce the amount of glacial ice melt available in warmer months that kept streams and lakes cold, even in late summer.

  41. The latter have compositions that reflect the conditions where diamonds form, such as extreme melt depletion or high pressures in eclogites.

  42. The underlying reason for this behavior can be found in spin-orbit relativistic effects (non-relativistic oganesson would melt around 220 K).

  43. The impact of such an eruption is increased as the hot gas and lava melt the mountain’s snowcap, adding large quantities of water to the flow.

  44. The melt is treated in a reverberatory furnace with air, steam, and sulfur, which oxidizes the impurities except for silver, gold, and bismuth.

  45. To improve traction and melt ice or snow, winter service vehicles spread granular or liquid ice-melting chemicals and grit, such as sand or gravel.

  46. This situation is particularly acute for irrigation in South America, where numerous artificial lakes are filled almost exclusively by glacial melt.

  47. A shorter arc length causes a much greater heat input, which makes the wire electrode melt more quickly and thereby restore the original arc length.

  48. For a fusion reactor, the problem is keeping the plasma contained against this pressure; any known physical container would melt at these temperatures.

  49. The energetic impacts of the smaller planetesimals (as well as radioactive decay) will heat up the growing planet, causing it to at least partially melt.

  50. Diamonds in the mantle form through a metasomatic process where a C-O-H-N-S fluid or melt dissolves minerals in a rock and replaces them with new minerals.

Synonyms for melt

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word melt has the following synonyms: thaw, thawing, melting, disappear, dissolve, unfreeze, unthaw, dethaw, fade, meld, mellow, mellow out, run and melt down.

General information about «melt» example sentences

The example sentences for the word melt that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «melt» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «melt».

Examples of how to use the word “melt” in a sentence. How to connect “melt” with other words to make correct English sentences.

melt (v): to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid, or to cause something to do this

Use “melt” in a sentence

The ice is melting.
The ice is melting.
Don’t let your ice cream melt.
Her smile melts my heart.

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Synonym: change, dissolve, liquefy, soften. Antonym: freeze, solidify. Similar words: belt, shelter, svelte, homeland, smell out, smell of, homeless, extremely. Meaning: [melt]  n. the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid. v. 1. reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating 2. become or cause to become soft or liquid 3. become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial 4. lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually 5. become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly 6. become less intense and fade away gradually. 

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(1) It’s hot enough to melt hell!

(2) First, melt two ounces of butter.

(3) Ice needs heat to melt.

(4) The temperature is going up; will the snow melt?

(5) If you warm ice, it will melt into water.

(6) Iron will melt when it is made very hot.

(7) The snow was beginning to melt.

(8) The ice will melt when the sun shines on it.

(9) He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background.

(10) Tommy looked as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.

(11) Let the cough drop melt in your mouth.

(12) Melt a lump of butter in your frying-pan.

(13) Plastic will melt if it gets too hot.

(14) It’s a story designed to melt the hardest heart.

(15) The crowd around the bench began to melt away.

(16) Melt the chocolate and allow it to cool slightly.

(17) He is trying to melt into the background.

(18) It is easy to melt butter.

(19) Melt the butter in a saucepan.

(20) Melt the butter over a gentle heat .

(21) Break up the chocolate and melt it.

(22) As the climate warms the ice caps will melt.

(23) The ice cream softened and began to melt.

(24) The tension in the room began to melt.

(25) Melt the margarine in a frying pan.

(26) The ice was beginning to melt.

(27) It was warmer now[], and the snow was beginning to melt.

(28) Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.

(29) As the police sirens were heard, the crowd started to melt away.

(30) As our climate warms up, the polar ice caps will begin to melt.

«Don’t need it,» Herndon said, «these berries melt just as well and taste close enough to it

No reason to avoid sitting in the sun with a morning cup to watch the snow melt

“It has to melt

to warm those within and melt the ice upon the window

and melt into the lines of long sky horizons

furtive glances at each other, and melt into the sway

dampen with the melt of crystals

dry in the melt of waking, I can curl sounds

At the water’s edge I found tiny bits of waving, organic fluff clinging to the pebbles just where the bubbles melt away; curious purple pieces of seaweed no bigger than a crumb lying on the beach and spiky bits of crab shell attached to the occasional limb

Looking very much like his uncle acting the innocent, the boy is all eyes and has an expression that suggests that butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth; he just stands looking at her, shrugging his shoulders

pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth

away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also

pulsed and Grinly felt the last of his resolve melt

Bex is holding her sachet in her hand and as they melt into the white water of electronic motion all around them she takes her first hit of the new yellow powder

‘Yes that’s exactly it! I thought I was going to melt

The tension between them is not as acute as it was when Helen first emerged from the lower barn, the packing has helped, but there is still an sliver of ice to melt

hand and melt into his palm, and he dreamed nothing more

All of this seemed to melt away the idea in her mind that

Alex stops as soon as he sees the bag and seems to melt into the background

This would take halfway til lunch to melt in the shade today

money to melt down for his own use, then he expels the

sun would burn away the darkness in his soul, maybe the black urges would melt

Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, as it would melt his wings, and not too close to the sea, as it would dampen them and make it hard to fly

The man always had a soft spot for women, and the sweet voice from below seemed to easily melt his reserve

«Then I’d put her on the stove, and she’d melt

«That’s much more interesting than real flowers! They are as exact as possible; there is not a fault in them, if they did not melt

rivers on the plains once the snow begins to melt in the

They’ve tried to melt it, hack it, blow it up and crack it, with no success

Nathalia and the other elves heaped the last pieces of black armor into a pile, waiting as Tetloan raised his remaining arm to melt them with mage-fire

Women, and especially weak-minded slaves, they melt with pity when this kind of defiant man’s condemned

and with a startled look up as Christine lowers her glasses, for the first time, face to face, their eyes meet and melt together, forever instant

found, who would melt at my love that a doctor could eventually

be found, who would melt at my love story, and help me, was

They couldn’t build the hot wood fires needed to melt bronze

It made her heart melt

Who’d melt for Odysseus, as well

Many a spring and summer night was spent listening to such performances while sipping sweet wine outdoors and allowing the music to melt away the day’s ills

thousand year reign, he would simply melt

A snack of tomato soup and tuna melt sandwiches is enjoyed

“The wires I’ve added will get hot and I think the insulation on them will start to melt

“This snow won’t melt will it?” said Kate

I stared as his body seemed to melt

Coffman, that’s good stuff, don’t let the ice melt

The Globe glowed brighter and brighter, emitting an eerie blue light that seemed to melt the Hermit’s features, showing a gaunt, thin face of a woman below as it pulsated stronger and stronger

It dropped and seemed to melt into the air, for it

The tear-gas canister itself was cleverly designed to melt from heat it generated as it spewed the tear-gas

And he also said, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” (2 Pet

Melt butter and chocolate chips in a pan over low heat

Melt chocolate chips in the top of a double boiler (use very low heat, not much hotter than tap water or the chocolate will get grainy

In a metal bowl over a pan of simmering water, melt chocolate chips and shortening until smooth

Melt confectioners’ coating in a heavy saucepan over low heat

In the top of a double boiler over lightly simmering water, melt remaining 4 ounces chocolate with the oil, stirring until smooth

Melt the remaining chocolate, and spoon over peanut butter

Melt, stirring constantly over low heat

(Can also melt chips in the microwave

«This chocolate confection is easily popped in the mouth and will melt away, leaving you with a chocolate memory that will need to be revived

Remove from oven and spread chocolate chips evenly over the top as they melt

If you wish to coat the candies with chocolate, melt the chocolate chips in a metal bowl over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth

In a double boiler over simmering water, melt chocolate

Melt chocolate chips in microwave on high for 3 to 4 minutes

In a microwave safe glass or ceramic mixing bowl, melt one package of the white chocolate according to package directions

In a medium heat-proof bowl, melt together the chocolate chips and condensed milk in the microwave

Melt confectioners’ coating in a double boiler or in a small saucepan over low heat

In the top of a double boiler, melt the chocolate and butterscotch chips

His kiss still, after all this time, did not melt me into nothing but I guessed that only happened once in a lifetime and I’d had my chance of that

Melt chocolate chips with shortening in microwave, or in a small saucepan over low heat; stir until smooth

Melt white chocolate in the top of a double boiler, stirring constantly

I wanted to kiss him, kiss those lips that could make me melt in a millisecond

In a small saucepan melt the chocolate chips over low heat, stirring constantly

«A family favorite for years, this is a melt in your mouth fudge which will satisfy even the most insistent chocolate craving

Over low heat, melt chocolate with Condensed Milk, vanilla and salt

Microwave on High for 2 minutes to melt

In a medium saucepan melt the butter and sugar

Immediately sprinkle the chocolate chips over the top of the mixture so they will melt and spread the melted chocolate over the mixture

Sprinkle chocolate over hot candy; when it begins to melt, spread evenly over the top

Could be the melt in your mouth texture, or perhaps the sweet peppermint taste

Remove nuts, and melt butter on pan

The heat from the almond layer will melt the chocolate chips; spread melted chocolate evenly

Melt butter in a 9×13 inch baking pan by placing pan in the oven

In a saucepan over low heat, melt the chocolate; add peanut butter and mix until smooth

In the top of a double boiler over simmering water, slowly melt the white chocolate

I felt the floor open and my life melt into it

And the heat of My countenance shall melt the hills!

This will melt away

I’d experienced what a sip of Uncle Hobart’s home-brew could do, but the slug the size he’d just taken would sear the skin from the inside of his throat and melt his teeth

There are massive spikes and I have seen plugs melt and start burning as well as bulbs exploding because of the spikes

It had felt very, very good, to melt the arrogant romeo’s antenna

He would have liked to melt more than that!

He never thought of her as a fragile thing, a snowflake that melt by touch alone

“Did the sun melt the wax in your wings?”

Less than five blocks away was a mall where he could melt into the crowd and return with a newspaper

will melt into my veins, bringing his lack of life

and then things will begin to melt together into pure chaos

The water of the fall has a magical effect over my body and mind, disintegrating each of them into small particles, which then melt like a candle

10 And he also that is valiant, whose heart is as the heart of a lion, shall utterly melt, for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty

This was a week to let the garden take care of itself and it was going to be at least another hour before the snow melted anyway

She was melted by Herndon convincing her that he still hungered for her

Realistically, the most Ackers would do was lecture his brain away into a melted pile of unrecognizable goo

The ice cream never melted

David felt the cold for just a moment as the snow underfoot melted into his

She melted just a little

She melted once again into his gaze

«I thought they had spent so much money that they had melted the whole thing down

«I’m shocked it hasn’t been melted down

Something else I remember is him making glue … he had a little metal pot which he heated and melted the stuff in, no idea what went into it

Simultaneously, all the white pools of ectoplasm melted away fast

or hands sticky with melted ice cream

«Could they have just melted away?» Althart asked

They could not have melted due to natural causes

I paid my fare, we shook hands and with a toot of his horn, he pulled away and melted into the traffic heading for Athens

But what if they don’t get one? What then? Where would the young people go? And earlier I’d dreamed of something that still lit the very edges of my imagination, something about a school but as usual, the more I tried to bring it back the more it melted away

«Rum and blueberry, the ice has melted

Within minutes her eyelids fluttered, her head lolled forward and, perhaps as a final gesture to who knew what, with one hand she crushed her empty cola can and melted into a deep sleep

on both my faces melted away

The snow had melted almost as

“Hey, you think these would still be all right to eat? The heater melted

Boochie wiped his mouth after consuming the melted chocolate, paying

The snarls melted away, returning the glow to her face as if

With that the dark courtroom melted away and Johnson stood alone at the

He pushed his finger into the small mound of melted wax

His discomfort quickly melted away, and he felt that

She melted into his arms and drank of the sweet wine he offered

“Of course we can, but…” he responded to her kiss “…maybe later when…” she melted as she slumped back supine into the perfect mattress

The globes melted in flickering flames and a slowly pulsating chord of many octaves circled the room, building with the flickering of the torches the pylons had transformed into

The melted walls were all but smooth to the touch, leaving virtually nothing to support him

Flying too close to the sun, the wax holding together his wings melted from the heat and he fell to his death, drowning in the sea

The chunk of melted flesh that passed for her upper lip curled over her teeth as she quenched the flames and smiled at LeCynic

The man’s melted lips twisted into a grin as Alec patted his shoulder

She raised her head to find a heap of melted rock smoldering where Whimly’s rotting corpse once rested

The figure melted before our eyes and disappeared

The snow quickly melted from even the highest

would have melted sufficiently to make the Pyrenees

When it passed there was a gaping hole in Lock Core a mile wide, the mountain itself had melted into a crater the size of the Brother Moon, and at its center stood a boy

Ice quickly melted and

All of his features had long since melted into one continuous puffy white scar

“Well thought I’d try a pair when you came in,” He unrolled the melted gloves which immediately fell to pieces

A female mage with a half melted face turned her one good eye towards Alana’s captive

Then, they melted into one

His white eyes melted, his tree-like body caught on fire

“Hard pressed indeed,” S’ilindsa said, a confused look on her face as she studied her melted blades

Past the half-constructed wall of melted block-like chairs, X’ander saw the dead creeping down the hallway

The gold coin which was paid out, either by the Bank of England or by the Scotch banks, in exchange for that part of their paper which was over and above what could be employed in the circulation of the country, being likewise over and above what could be employed in that circulation, was sometimes sent abroad in the shape of coin, sometimes melted down and sent abroad in the shape of bullion, and sometimes melted down and sold to the Bank of England at the high price of four pounds an ounce

It was the newest, the heaviest, and the best pieces only, which were carefully picked out of the whole coin, and either sent abroad or melted down

At home, and while they remained in the shape of coin, those heavy pieces were of no more value than the light ; but they were of more value abroad, or when melted down into bullion at home

She would have melted into Theoton with heat

at him with melancholic eyes and he melted

Father said the advantage of iron was that it could be sharpened anew once dull, whereas bronze had to be melted down and then recast

I refused to stop even though my veins melted away to acidic fire

plugs his sailors’ ears with melted beeswax

“Erm, so, do you know where I would, in theory, find General Tullius of the Legion?” Sorex’s grin melted away, his brow rapidly furrowing

Mercer’s confident smirk quickly melted into a very nervous frown

We never heard of any extraordinary quantity of plate being melted down

Though when he finally arrived in Morthal as the sunlight melted into the bogs, he could not suppress shivers and a desire to turn his spurs back to the east

Before he completed a bewildered blink, the image melted away and changed again, this time reflecting an altogether different visage: that of a smirking, golden-haired High Elf woman

coin as that which had been melted down

The mint was employed, not so much in making daily additions to the coin, as in replacing the very best part of it, which was daily melted down

It is the best and heaviest pieces that are commonly either melted down or exported, because it is upon such that the largest profits are made

But her fear melted away with a gentle shushing

He approached me with a determined look plastered on his face that melted into a weary resignation as he reached me

He helped her up the lower part of the ladder, where it was most badly melted and then climbed up after her

The light snow had melted on the ground, but according to this morning’s weather scan, a new and much larger storm was on the way

About eight metres up the side of the mid-section several of the hull plates had been blown outward leaving a rounded hole where the edges had melted during entry into the atmosphere

“I can’t see it from here, but I should imagine that it’s pretty badly melted

In the heat which must have been easily a hundred degrees if not more the bully had melted so that instead of having a nice firm chunk of bully I could slice and put onto my biscuit I had a melted grey floating greasy mess in the tin

Never mind I thought and opened my jam which happened to be raspberry but just like the bully the heat had melted it and all I had to show was a sickly sugary goo in the tin

I grabbed the dog biscuit from my mug and it had softened to the same consistency as a normal biscuit I dipped it into the melted jam and I must admit it didn’t taste half bad

He was dizzy with needs, but his own melted away as he watched Aspen respond to his touch

He melted down various gold objects in the palace to buy food for these same people

We had been subject to an ambush or two on the way but we had given these short shrift and they had simply melted away

together!” He pulled her close and she melted into his

blubber melted into oil where it was skimmed off the surface,

earlier melted off, replaced by wide-eyed, disbelieving hostility

He was surprised himself when he realised it had melted away at her words and what he sensed in her

The balls of flame melted through demon skulls like hot knives through butter, tore limbs from the muscular beasts, and slowly hammering them into the earth

As I began to search him his dull blue eyes stared at me accusingly seeming to scream accusingly why are you still alive? I got his haversack off and found it contained some melted Fry’s chocolate a packet of wafer biscuits and a can of Ticklers Jam there were also four packets of cigarettes that would come in handy

Raven was ready to despise her but, slowly, his bitterness melted away as his eyes locked onto her beautiful flowing form

There were a dozen such places, and the snow had melted over part of the rocky areas, making tracking almost impossible

just twisted metal, charred and melted, looking as though it had been through an enormous

Many coastal areas of the developed world were disappearing, as glacial shelves melted and the ocean’s thermal expansion caused these lower lying areas to flood

She melted in his arms, feeling like a soft trembling kitten to him, wide eyed and scared

‘Now where is Gerrid,’ she demanded as the images melted and faded

I melted, “Of course, and the first business are these cookies!”

Amaranthe bent over the tub and picked out the remains of a block that had not melted completely

She forced herself to thank Sicarius since he had, after all, dragged blocks of ice up there and melted them

It had seemed like a futile hope, and yet behind the melted walls he found himself on a hilltop surrounded by a landscape he didn’t recognise

As the last ambulance roared off and the police moved in, notebooks open, wanting statements about what had happened inside the cinema, McKee melted back into the crowd

It grew very dark, and the rain fell in sheets, the snow melted, and

anger melted away before the dearly loved voice of his favourite son

Her worries melted away

I remember one memorable case where a frozen chicken came with alarmingly accuracy towards us, but we sorted it fatherly out by forcing the culprit to apologise, and holding the frozen chicken against her head until it was melted

When chocolate mixture is heated, pour melted mixture over marshmallows and nuts and mix all together

Spread the chocolate into a thin even layer once it is melted

Stir until melted

Using a toothpick or a fork, dip each bonbon in the melted chocolate

You wear an eternal grin, the result of your lips melting from your face

roasted with the meat juices were divine, melting in the mouth so sweetly

There was an entry that said in addition to the dozens of irons and nickels melting out of a piece of Brazilian dinnerware, there would be one or two chromiums or a vanadium, sometimes even a titanium or even tungsten

I wake up, feeling the leaf melting in my hand, as if it were made of some liquid substance

Only if you see it melting, it means that your problems will be solved

straining to see the swans as they merge into the melting air

and stones too hot to touch in the melting pot

into my chest, touching nerve and bone, melting through me,

abandon, in the melting of your lips upon my neck,

He loved every bit of it; it was like he could feel his stresses, his terrors, his nightmares melting away and replaced by a feeling of calm and inner peace

Even though the snow was melting, she had to admit again, it was the wrong time of the year for roses

Her heart was melting, she had to react or risk losing herself in them, THIS MAGIC MOMENT, suddenly filled the airwave’s and she told him «Dance with me

The sky had turned its array, of blue and violet it always did after a storm, with small melting spots of orange and yellow flooding over it

Heather slid down the nightstand as if she were melting, still holding the

Owned by Denmark, this is the world’s largest island and it is at the forefront at concerns over melting ice and climate change

He stepped forward, his flesh melting as it contacted the stone

As he neared, his features were illuminated by the blue light, and for a second it seemed as though Brice’s face was melting

As he watched the melting ice drip from the eaves

In a great iron-work, for example, the furnace for melting the ore, the forge, the slit-mill, are instruments of trade which cannot be erected without a very great expense

The present soon fell away from his sight, shimmering and melting into the busy and bright morning of all those weeks ago

She knew this melting hunger at her core was sinful

The melting down of the plate of private families has, upon every occasion, been found a still more insignificant one

If the icicles are melting in your dream, then it indicates that the tough times are almost over

In general, however, something more is given upon coin of a known fineness, than upon gold and silver bars, of which the fineness cannot be ascertained but by a process of melting and assaying

If thrown into the melting pot, however, they produced, without any sensible loss, a pound weight of standard gold, which could be sold at any time for between £47:14s

There was an evident profit, therefore, in melting down new-coined money; and it was done so instantaneously, that no precaution of government could prevent it

A seignorage will, in many cases, take away altogether, and will in all cases diminish, the profit of melting down the new coin

upon the melting down of the gold coin

Wherever money is received by tale, therefore, and not by weight, a seignorage is the most effectual preventive of the melting down of the coin, and, for the same reason, of its exportaticn

But when the coin is degraded below its standard weight, the annual coinage must, besides this, fill up the large vacuities which exportation and the melting pot are continually making in the current coin

upon the gold coin, it would probably, even in the state in which things then were, have put an effectual stop to the business both of exportation and of the melting pot

Was he making this happen? The sun appeared to be melting the sand dunes

In his virtual room the walls were melting

Immediately the other cats disappeared, melting into the heavy undergrowth

Mrs Langford embraced her son, elated that he was finally home, her elegant green bell bottom pants and cream top melting into him as she held him

She went through her practice moves and she could feel the tension melting from her shoulders

Lay chocolate bars on top of the hot mixture and spread the melting chocolate over the top of the mixture

But it is by no means a sure thing, and we have that endless season of fog, murk, mist, rain, flurries, melting snow; and slush everywhere

The boy’s face looked as though it was melting into the sand

Not a moment later, the harpoons and the cables flashed electric blue and seemed to sizzle hotter than a melting pot

Which, after making sure that there was no catch — like cutting my head off or melting me in hot metal — was pretty cool, and would definitely prove a life-saver; at least for me

By this time, the second battery was also on fire, and its casing was melting down

The increase in the annual flooding of this north-south river valley from the polar ice-cap melting of the northern hemisphere could have produced consequences far enough upriver to have caused flood platforms to have been built approximately where the “Tower of Babel” was said to have been erected

the ice began melting, widening my view

8,400 Lake Agassiz, largest fresh water lake in the world, (Caused by Glacier melting in North America) last drained north into Ocean, causing all manner of changes

(ice) were not melting; they were sublimating because there was less moisture in old Kili’s air (it took both cold temps and moisture to make ice), probably because of

The Arctic ice was melting:

come to create “a melting pot” or “diversity

Calcium Oxide has a melting point of 2572 °C, however calcium oxide is not a true composition of the human bone, but we need to consider the temperature of the crematorium oven, operating between 870 °C and 980 °C, and in some cases heated to 1150 °C

The point is, mild steel is anything but soft, but even mild steel’s melting point is 1350-1530 °C (The variation in the melting point temperatures varies due to the different compositions of the different types of mild steel)

What does this have in common with the human bone? To be honest, not much, but of interest is the following: Note the melting point of Titanium at 1670 °C, well above that of mild steel

Now for the big question: If the melting point of titanium is 1670°C, why are the bones still present and not burned to ash? Could it be that the melting point of bone is so high that even the cremation oven will not be able to withstand such high temperatures? I think the evidence speaks for itself

(Some sources states the melting point of teeth to be somewhere between 1760°C and 2300°C

The melting earth itself does something telling us!

Where difficulties are not melting

the melting fire burns, the fire causes the waters to boil, to make your name known to your adversaries that the nations may tremble at

melting away towards the invisible horizon, and he knew that

Flurries of snow began to fall, the white flakes melting on the black

with his flesh easily, melting beneath his skin

walls, and melting the hanging wind-chimes

Some were raging balls of angry energy and other’s powerful creatures feeling that time was melting away, and one day, one day that was touchable it was in reach, they would be back on Earth

Some melting at the North Pole was more than compensated for by additions to the South polar icecap

“But it’s home for both of us, and the people we bring here are as special as this place, if not more”, Levi whispered as he drew me in closer, our eyes melting into one another’s, and our lips almost touching

I saw Levi black out with the sheer strength of us melting into one, his eyes closing as he fell on top of my body, only to be followed by me shortly afterwards

Waves of intensity swept over him and he sank lower and lower, almost melting into the soft contours of the flat couch where he lay

While it is melting, finely dice a small onion, and dice up about 1 1/2 – 2 cups of your leftover ham

I smiled my insides melting “Thank you for making me a mother, I’ve always wanted kids but having yours is a dream come true

Apparently so was JT, he couldn’t get enough of his little sister; it was a heart melting thing to watch them bond as siblings

I could see the door melting like in a mirage

It was melting my stony veneer

The rains had started it melting faster than before but the pack

shut with the humidity and melting of the snow

reinforced Plasti-canvas was in no danger of melting, but the

was still too cold for summer and the melting snow smelled evil

Doc had made the stuff by melting all the

And, she assured them, the interior of their new home was well sealed, magically heated, and to prevent it’s melting was equipped with a permanent version of the spell that blocked the transfer of heat into the snow at her people’s consulate

Yania and Kami defended themselves by melting the webs, but the monsters and the millions of evil spirits hovering over them fell upon the two, grabbing them from all sides at the same time as a monster with a white lab coat injected them with a strong anesthetic

His eyes seemed to be melting, red flames pouring over his skin and over Iffenia’s body also

When the bird landed, his bright wings settling against his back like mist melting into a deeper haze, Simon raised the mind-cane and brushed it lightly across the raven’s great beak

When she woke, she said he had dreamed that his face was melting!

Not quickly, but as if whatever holds him up is melting away in the sun’s heat, unmaking the miraculous path they have been walking on

All the colours he’d ever seen, in sky and earth and water, melting together in a continual fluid motion, but the colours always turning to the beauty and peacefulness of white

The sun was melting him to nothing where he lay

fast it seemed that his fingers were capable of melting the keys

power off on the computer instead of melting the freakin’

Know you all that the Day of Judgment draws near like a burning oven and certain of the heavens and all the earth will melt like lead melting in fire; and then will appear the hidden and manifest deeds of men

It seemed as if it was melting and freezing all at the same

quickly shutting it, their smiles melting into grave

The melting snow made the red clay slick

The inside was well seasoned with many bouts with melting butter

them, but they seemed to have anticipated this, melting away

beautiful and wild, with a chain of lakes fed by melting snow

Besides the cold from the slowly melting ice, the fans increased the chill inside

I took her hand and splashed the grass with my melting,

Being the Caribbean melting pot that it is, it is not uncommon for Arubans to be fluent

cliffs and winding valleys of the moon may indicate partial melting of

And as the blackness faded from the sky, Bryony felt her fears melting

Your skin bubbles and melts

melts on the ground too” said Catwhiskers

«Well the extra heat warms up this planet, melts the poles and sinks half of the continents

She flung them to the ground before continuing on, “The steel of the dwarves is the hardest I have seen, yet it melts like butter when it touches their blood

Place the chocolate bars in a single layer over the hot mixture and wait a few minutes until the heat melts them and then smooth the chocolate out to form a thin layer

Bring to a boil, stirring to blend as the butter melts

Stir constantly until white chocolate and peanut butter melts

As the chocolate melts, spread it into a coating over the candy

Oh yeah, right! She’s always with guys younger even than himself, wops and now even a nigger, but he’s the one who gets called a degenerate for humping a white woman! So there she is screaming her feminist crap and telling him that he has to let both of the broads go while his dick just melts away

But when spring comes and Wolf is occupied with other things and Wind is doing his skipping song that melts the ice, she replies with phrases from the wind and wolf duet

The hard expression she wore a moment ago melts away, and she touches my shoulders, lightly

18 He sends out his word and melts them; He causes his wind to blow and the waters flow

When the snow melts

the fire; the founder melts in vain, for the wicked are not plucked away

10 She is empty, and void, and waste, and the heart melts, and

My head spins a bit and my body melts into his arms

) Stir often with a rubber spatula so it melts evenly

The goldsmith melts down old ornaments

melts the heart of fear

“I love how it just melts down my throat

It is a delicacy that melts in one’s mouth

Here again, the salmon melts in one’s mouth

The whole system within the brick structure, including the fire that melts the iron to give it the shape desired and the huge wooden hammer used to do the finishing work, is hydraulically operated and functions by means of the energy of the channeled force of air created by a natural waterfall

His frowned face instantaneously melts into a beaming smile

The crease on his forehead melts away as he looks over my shoulder

Then it melts

Return to the oven and bake until the cheese melts

Bake about 10 minutes more or until cheese melts and pizza is heated through

Fingers reach up to pluck long, green leaves and the juice of them melts over his palm

Her candle melts away,

melts away, uncovers herself—

Every snowflake melts under the rays of the sun and turns back into water

melts away; the distinction between an object and its universe melts It

as the solder melts, it

I knew igloos were warm because ice is an insulator, so wasn’t too worried; not realising that arctic ice is dry; Scottish snow melts and makes you very, very wet and cold

Doesn’t it? And as you stare at each other, your head thrown back in ridiculing laughter, you see a look of stark raving terror on this poet’s face that melts away the frozen time cube

It’s not that water has some sort of magical weight-loss property that melts away fat, but it does help us reduce our calorie intake, it helps us stay hydrated, and it allows our body to function optimally

While the cedar melts into the windows,

The flame gets larger as the wax above the wick melts quickly catching the carpet alight underneath

Betty’s tears flow like streams when the ice melts

Until something begins to change: spring comes, the ice melts off

She melts like butter at the

Even it melts the heart of a stonehearted man

When butter melts add the onion, sweet pepper and zucchini

One has the sense of being in a treasure house where time simply melts away

when said snow melts and then refreezes

She melts as always in his presence, as she tries to wrap her arms around her “knight in shining armor

He would lift me off my feet and plant a long kiss that usually melts my being

we could not have got 80 melts of Steel

He did try to do so a couple times, but the cage was made of ice—and ice always melts

Marlie slathers the crusty bread with butter, which melts right and proper as you like

khatanga, which falls into the skullcup and melts whereby

too, out of affection for me, melts into the form of red

The Principal Lady, in turn, gradually melts into light from

The ice melts quickly

As this wax melts, so does your heart for me,

Water condenses, falls in rain, melts in snow, flows down the rivers, into the lakes, into the oceans, evaporates in heat, flows up in clouds, and continues in a beautiful cycle

But it wasn’t nearly as much as is outside now, and now I won’t get in trouble when it all melts

Even as he points at it his short lived burst of pride fades and his face melts into a frown

The smell of her, the heat of her, the way she melts against his chest, it all washes over him and after a moment that tightness in his chest dissipates

After that the radiation leaks through the metal containment- it melts through

When nothing else matters except that single part of a disconnected linear chain of a linear, causal process that rips ore out of the earth, filters it, crushes it, washes it, chemicalizes it, melts it, refines it, turns it into an alloy, ships it around the world to other factories that refine it further, shape it, re-melt it, pound it, twist it, flatten it, and then sell it to another set of disconnected linear processes that makes that metal ends up in half the houses of the world as a screw, as a pipe, as a nail…

Suddenly you are in a different space: the ego is not so solid, the dancer melts and merges into the dance

Actual snow melts every spring, helping to create new Life

search for his remains will be conducted after the snow melts

All ‘matter’ has the ability to change structure and functions under the correct circumstances, as evidenced by ice when it melts into water and when boiled into steam

As the hot horseshoe melts the hoof And drives the horse away

As the hot horseshoe melts the hoof

The Younger melts in fondness in his arms

Her body, relieved, no longer thought; another life was beginning; it seemed to her that her being, mounting toward God, would be annihilated in that love like a burning incense that melts into vapour

Because hot glue melts in Australia because it’s broiling so often

In addition, the bronze used in the heretics’ rockets melts or erodes in flight

But then when we take the rosy Babe into our Arms—a sweet warm Weight, smelling faintly of Sweat and Urine—and we look down upon that pink drowsy Face, with Eyelids clos’d upon Rose-Petal Cheaks, the Wrath quite melts away

Because when spring comes, it melts the snow one Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner flake at a time, and maybe I just witnessed the first flake melting

There seem to be endless streams running down the mountains into this river, but as none of them are very large, at present, at all events, though they are doubtless terrible in winter and when the snow melts, the horsemen may not have met much obstruction

‘When the snow melts they’ll sink in the Polish swamps

Antarctica melts down in tears

His shape melts into the atoms

Two hundred years later, the ice melts and there she is, beautiful, young as the day she was frozen

And the ice melts, the fog lifts, the wind burns with June, and ten years shuck off your life

It melts in love, which is its sun

How did it come to pass that their lips met? How comes it to pass that the birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that May expands, that the dawn grows white behind the black trees on the shivering crest of the hills?

As this melts, they can turn over without warning, particularly with your added weight

Melts are the spleen, a large organ in the bigger animals

This is that portion, also, where in the spring, the ice being warmed by the heat of the sun reflected from the bottom, and also transmitted through the earth, melts first and forms a narrow canal about the still frozen middle

With favoring winds it is wafted past the site of the fabulous islands of Atlantis and the Hesperides, makes the periplus of Hanno, and, floating by Ternate and Tidore and the mouth of the Persian Gulf, melts in the tropic gales of the Indian seas, and is landed in ports of which Alexander only heard the names

In spring the sun not only exerts an influence through the increased temperature of the air and earth, but its heat passes through ice a foot or more thick, and is reflected from the bottom in shallow water, and so also warms the water and melts the under side of the ice, at the same time that it is melting it more directly above, making it uneven, and causing the air bubbles which it contains to extend themselves upward and downward until it is completely honeycombed, and at last disappears suddenly in a single spring rain

When a warm rain in the middle of the winter melts off the snow-ice from Walden, and leaves a hard dark or transparent ice on the middle, there will be a strip of rotten though thicker white ice, a rod or more wide, about the shores, created by this reflected heat

The one melts, the other but breaks in pieces

The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man’s abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring

Definition of Melt

to dissolve something solid through heat

Examples of Melt in a sentence

The ice at North and South Poles is beginning to melt now that the temperature of our atmosphere is starting to rise.


Even though metal is a very durable, it will melt into molten slag if subjected to enough heat.


When there is enough heat in the Earth’s mantle to melt stone, it becomes lave and often erupts from volcanoes.


If you want to melt all of the ice that has formed on your windshield, your best bet is to turn on your car’s heater and wait.


Your ice cream will begin to melt into a soppy mess if you let it get to warm in the sunlight, so be sure to eat it quickly.


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