Use the word meaningful in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word meaningful, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use meaningful in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «meaningful». In addition, we also show how different variations of meaningful can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are meaningfully, meaningfulness and meaningful—which. If you click on the variation of meaningful that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Meaningful in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word meaningful in a sentence.

  1. He also commented that he enjoyed the «mature, meaningful lyrics».

  2. As long as I’m obeying those forces, it’s always going to be meaningful.

  3. The participants eventually decided to sing something meaningful in English.

  4. Supernovae in other galaxies cannot be predicted with any meaningful accuracy.

  5. Within 45 days of the coup, 62 parties had formed but nothing meaningful resulted.

  6. Hare told a parable in an attempt to demonstrate that religious language is meaningful.

  7. All fail the key test of decipherment: a meaningful application to novel texts and patterns.

  8. Furthermore, we pledge that The Political Cesspool will correct any meaningful error or fact.

  9. Amnesty International also claims that the RPF rules Rwanda «withoutany meaningful opposition».

  10. Teammate Sid Barnes criticised the omission of Hamence from much meaningful cricket on the tour.

  11. Just as he did in Athens, George went about Thessaloniki without any meaningful protection force.

  12. Maslin wrote, Grant «rises touchingly to the film’s most straightforward and meaningful encounters.».

  13. This appears to have been the only meaningful engagement of an enemy ship by a British pre-dreadnought.

  14. Only a few drops of the liquid were produced in each case and no meaningful analysis could be conducted.

  15. Although the Sun and planets may survive, the Solar System, in any meaningful sense, will cease to exist.

  16. He thought the letter too vague to constitute any meaningful threat to the plan, and decided to forge ahead.

  17. In this approach to mathematics, only some particular (fixed) number of finite decimal digits is meaningful.

  18. Religion is classified as a possible and legitimate language game which is meaningful within its own context.

  19. Like the first half, however, the Virginia Tech offense failed to advance the ball in any meaningful fashion.

  20. In September 1986, the government declared a general amnesty and began work on a number of meaningful reforms.

  21. However, sceptics argued that the orbits of the comets involved were still too uncertain to produce meaningful results.

  22. Maya finds novels and their characters complete and meaningful, so she uses them to make sense of her bewildering world.

  23. Diefenbaker, for whom such correspondence was very meaningful, was annoyed at the President-elect’s slowness to respond.

  24. Nevertheless, he maintained that a blik is meaningful because it forms the basis of a person’s understanding of the world.

  25. Pei was unfamiliar with the movement’s beliefs, but explored them in order to represent something meaningful in the tower.

  26. The broken strap was given to Pierrepoint as a souvenir; he used it occasionally for what he thought were meaningful executions.

  27. He commented that as her albums progressed, so too her songwriting and music blossomed into more mature and meaningful material.

  28. It was Coventry who led at half time, scoring through Gaël Bigirimana after 11 minutes with the first meaningful chance of the game.

  29. In 1996, the Royal Commission presented a final report which first included a vision for meaningful and action-based reconciliation.

  30. Hare called this kind of unfalsifiable conviction a «blik», and argued that it formed an unfalsifiable, yet still meaningful, worldview.

  31. Kurt Kalata felt that the game failed to give the Ur-Quan a meaningful role, though he praised their transformation from antagonist to ally.

  32. A subtle but important distinction from maximal structural superposition is the conversion of an alignment to a meaningful similarity score.

  33. Barton is trapped between his own desire to create meaningful art and Capitol Pictures’ need to use its standard conventions to earn profits.

  34. The WHO classification of AML attempts to be more clinically useful and to produce more meaningful prognostic information than the FAB criteria.

  35. The area would not become developed until the 1830s, and the land’s value did not increase to any meaningful amount until the late 1850s, when St.

  36. According to Comic Book Resources, the game’s environmental and climate change themes are more relevant and meaningful in 2019 than they were in 1997.

  37. However, a few months thereafter he resigned and became a private citizen because the French colonialists would not give Vietnam any meaningful autonomy.

  38. DNA analysis on extant letters is inconclusive; the available material has been handled many times and is too contaminated to provide meaningful results.

  39. Syson has noted that this identification would be particularly meaningful, as Gian Galeazzo was the rightful heir to the throne before Ludovico took power.

  40. Despite having had no meaningful attacks until that point, Spain almost took the lead on 14 minutes when Xavi found Iniesta inside the German penalty area.

  41. The Naval Technical Committee (NTC) concurred: any meaningful combination of firepower, armor, speed and stability required at least 6,000 long tons (6,100 t).

  42. Theories of religious language either attempt to demonstrate that such language is meaningless, or attempt to show how religious language can still be meaningful.

  43. In this volume, Angelou describes her struggles to support her young son, form meaningful relationships, and forge a successful career in the entertainment world.

  44. Like other American films of 1999—such as Fight Club, Bringing Out the Dead and Magnolia, American Beauty instructs its audience to «[lead] more meaningful lives».

  45. This offer was rejected by the Greeks, who feared that the arrival of such a contingent would precipitate a German attack without giving them meaningful assistance.

  46. The HNC had already ceased to function in any meaningful way, as only 9 of the 17 members were still occasionally attending its meetings, and few on a regular basis.

  47. Although he played in a celebrity game to honor coach Jud Heathcoate in 1995, this was Johnson’s first meaningful game played in his hometown of Lansing in 22 years.

  48. In other cases, such as Canterbury, the influx of population from the villages following the Black Death made any distinction between urban and rural less meaningful.

  49. Fenwick cites the secrecy of the est organization as an impediment to meaningful study, and states that the studies cited by est itself are inadequate and inconclusive.

  50. Flew applied his principles to religious claims such as God’s love for humans, arguing that if they are meaningful assertions they would deny a certain state of affairs.

Meaningfully in a sentence

Meaningfully is a variation of meaningful, below you can find example sentences for meaningfully.

  1. It’s a full package, for sure, but one that demonstrates little-to-no motivation to meaningfully improve upon itself.

  2. It therefore attempted an awkward balancing act whereby it would appear to oppose Portugal without meaningfully doing so.

  3. In 1952 Carl Jung referred to Stekel’s work in his theory of synchronicity (events without causal relationship that yet seem to be meaningfully related):.

  4. Governor Jones entered into a consent decree to ameliorate the situation, but his term expired before he could meaningfully address the terms of the decree.

  5. Because SHODAN interacts with the player as a «recurring, consistent, palpable enemy», Church believed that she meaningfully connects the player to the story.

  6. However inadequate deployment, reduced crews, and the failure of the rear division under Villeneuve to meaningfully participate, all contributed to the French defeat.

  7. Within the Louisiana Democratic Party, Long set in motion two durable factions—»pro-Long» and «anti-Long»—which diverged meaningfully in terms of policies and voter support.

  8. Sam Harris has proposed that moral prescription (ethical rule making) is not just an issue to be explored by philosophy, but that we can meaningfully practice a science of morality.

  9. Hemingway scholar Joseph Flora makes the observation that Hemingway portrays Nick’s character coping «more meaningfully than he had ever done before, with the issues of life and death».

  10. Harry Mackin of Paste Magazine called the game «a subversion that deconstructs and comments meaningfully on how we think about heroism, masculinity and identity in videogame storytelling».

  11. The problem of religious language considers whether it is possible to talk about God meaningfully if the traditional conceptions of God as being incorporeal, infinite, and timeless, are accepted.

  12. These two types are alternatively called count-classifier and mass-classifier, since the first type can only meaningfully be used with count nouns, while the second is used particularly with mass nouns.

  13. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives.» Rowling’s tweets were criticised by GLAAD, who called them «cruel» and «anti-trans».

Meaningfulness in a sentence

Meaningfulness is a variation of meaningful, below you can find example sentences for meaningfulness.

  1. Followers of the seemingly random clips seek connections and meaningfulness in them but are revealed to be victims of apophenia as the clips are just edited surveillance camera footage.

  2. Ayer challenged the meaningfulness of all statements about God theistic, atheistic and agnostic arguing that they are all equally meaningless because they all discuss the existence of a metaphysical, unverifiable being.

Meaningful—which in a sentence

Meaningful—which is a variation of meaningful, below you can find example sentences for meaningful—which.

  1. I wrote something deep and meaningful—which was promptly rejected—and I suppose I have been trying to get my own back ever since».

Synonyms for meaningful

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word meaningful has the following synonyms: meaty, substantive, meaning, pregnant, significant, purposeful and important.

General information about «meaningful» example sentences

The example sentences for the word meaningful that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «meaningful» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «meaningful».

The tension thruout the Haad was like a balalaika string and no one felt like having a meaningful conversation

meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more cases of

I can’t follow the transforms he makes, but he gets meaningful results

the mind: the more connected it is (by meaningful things in the physical

stayed! Oh, the loss! You will have added meaningful time!

’ He replied with a meaningful glance, ‘Oh, well down to work, I suppose

meaningful results the Christian-Satanist has then become an ascended

I have not made a meaningful change in any part of the Earth

They had all stood awkwardly for several moments after the body had been laid in the shallow grave, an atmosphere of expectancy in the air … shouldn’t someone be saying something ritual or meaningful?

With a meaningful, eyes-to-the-ceiling look, Mel shrugs her shoulders as we separate, she to collect her messages and me back to my office

They would be continuing their studies of the planet for another year until the distance became too great to get a meaningful amount of data from the probes

The contradiction here is very meaningful, and there is more: something inside is somewhat eager to live the experience of death

• Focus on goals that are meaningful to you

Focus on Goals that Are Meaningful to You

Life could then be lived as a meaningful co-creation process with the Divine, rather than a lonely unguided journey

These quotations were meaningful to me and are reproduced here for your contemplation

And when meaningful coincidences occur like the aforementioned incidences, we need to pay attention and take action for it could be an omen from the Divine to nudge us in the right direction of life

Indeed, she has the best of intentions to create programs, which raise the awareness of people towards various meaningful topics concerning life

I sincerely hope that you, the reader, find this book as meaningful as it was for me to write it

After this brief but meaningful conversation, Mr

Research into the structure of the Bible dates back to at least the 12th century, when rabbinical scholars first wrote about their discoveries of meaningful words, hidden in the Hebrew text of the Torah

At this point most people would begin to think that these requirements are just too complex to achieve realistically, while you also have to keep the information meaningful at the same time

In many cases the codes that are found by just extending the search terms up or down, result in a sentence that contains the search term and is often meaningful enough on its own

It is relatively easy to find 4 to 8-letter words or phrases in any text, but to have meaningful and relevant codes of 296-letters that convey an understandable message about a specific subject or person is a phenomenon that is only encountered in the Bible

Consider this for a moment: Have you ever encountered a piece of literature that you can read in one direction and get a meaningful sentence and then read the same piece backwards and get meaningful words and a sentence giving a different message relating to the same subject, making use of the letters in the reversed order?

“The unspoken words are the most meaningful,” he

Pamela paused several times to gaze into his meaningful beautiful blue eyes

+ Having Meaningful Interactions With Her

The Perception that You Understand Her + The Perception of Having Similarities With Her + The Perception of Having Meaningful Interactions With Her Let’s talk about compliments

The new world had no place for old world religion; these were people who were regarded as weak by the Darangi, clinging to beliefs that made them feel secure and their lives meaningful

It was at that point, he imagined, that the deaths became more meaningful

I expect that once in power, however, the modus operandi will be consolidating power that may (ironically) impede the party‘s ability or willingness, for that matter, to legislate meaningful reforms

In fact, it may be correctly argued that these aren‘t societies at all, however dimly perceived masses of people who have adopted a survival instinct rather than learned how to live a meaningful existence; to behave reasonably, within socially defined parameters, in his or her own manner, to pursue his or her (own) interests or to develop his or her (own) underlying potential or render informed judgments in consonant compliance with his or her Conscience

Written expressions are not (merely) impartial bystanders indifferent to an author‘s tireless efforts to create something meaningful or consonant with the author‘s intended designs; exhausting its own emotional and intellectual energies by sustaining elements of singular merit however dire or tiring such efforts might (otherwise) be

This system of government was unworkable, however, for a variety of reasons, not least of which was the federal government‘s inability to promote a national agenda, or any meaningful legislation for that matter, which might otherwise conflict with local interests

Although the purpose of television is to entertain (and instruct) and to provide a meaningful outlet for a child‘s (incipient) imagination, it should do so in a manner that correctly distinguishes between what is real from implausible or uncertain (impressions) that that child normally receives; that is to say, that otherwise obscure what is real from what is not real (or make-believe) but only appears to be real whenever taken out of context

of the household? However unrealistic such programming may appear by conventional standards, they remain real in the sense that they underscore the importance of what many contemporary children are often lacking; meaningful parent/child relationships

Such (thoughtless) attitudes are (especially) apparent among certain segments of our Youth who have grown indifferent, if not impervious, altogether, to nuance, irony and wit or subtle designs or delicate shadings that (otherwise) require a receptive imagination rather than taking ―everything‖ at their face value, (as many of them seem to do); conditioned as their minds often are by the requirements of material ―evidence‖ and visual ―proofs‖; neither able to draw inferences nor reach (meaningful) conclusions from underlying sources, opting, instead, for the path of least (perceptual) resistance

In this manner a (thoughtful) society seeks to promote dialogue and affect (meaningful) change(s) without (unduly) upsetting the natural ―order of things

‖ A society that is either unable or unwilling to properly reconcile the Past with the Present, or has historical axes to grind, however, cannot properly evolve into something more meaningful

Drac nodded slowly as Brokin answered, throwing the other Elders a meaningful look before continuing

It is axiomatic that every individual who properly enjoys life, gives (reflective) pause to all that is meaningful and of certain value; held motionless by uncertain forms that have yet to take shape however aroused by such notions that (necessarily) compel he or she to probe deeper into their essential nature notwithstanding how they (may) oftentimes exceed the capacious limits of that individual‘s (private) understanding that nevertheless continues to intrigue inquiring minds cognizant of intuitive impressions part real / part imaginary yet real in the real sense of being One in All; (however separated) whose underlying presence, however, conveys a (higher) spiritual or moral standing…that the young, conditioned by the expectancies of youth united with the old seeking redemption for unfulfilled promises or missed opportunities; each converging toward the same starting/ending point, the one embarking on life and the other approaching its end, in some manner, however, occasioning a (new) beginning, a jubilee, an extension of life which becomes younger (while growing older), brought together, youth/age, childlike in all its manly/womanly innocence while the middle years patiently bide their appointed time

This involves engaging in meaningful dialogue without fear of censorship

Conceding the argument that the war in Iraq, which I support by the way, has shifted momentum from the administration‘s domestic agenda, its reluctance to advance meaningful Immigration Reform in the wake of 9/11 has Conservatives and ―Moderates‖, alike, shaking their heads in disbelief

Maureen’s questions were meaningful and Steve and Linda presented themselves in a very professional manner, even though they related very little that was new to the case

Why did he care what she thought anyhow? He was a cocaine trafficker, there could never be anything meaningful between them

Steve on the other hand was trying to politely look away, without appearing positively horrified at the thought of seeing any sort of tits that had lost any meaningful function since before the moon landing

Any clue could be meaningful

They are so meaningful

Hilderich knew that unfortunately he was not very apt in that department either so he felt he was unable to help and comfort her in some meaningful way

Ethan fell instantly silent, knowing there was nothing meaningful to say to the doctor

“You’re starting to convince me, Charles,” said Michelle, “but why on earth would the political parties submit to this mechanism of yours? Would they really commit, in a meaningful money-on-the-line sort of way, to a spending limit? Wouldn’t it really require a constitutional amendment, like with the Balanced Budget Amendment, to force this on them?”

I had been for a few years, basically just meeting my classes, having office hours, serving on a few minor committees and not really doing much in the way of meaningful research

The social sciences are far too complex to have meaningful formal models

“In some cases, these rules would have no meaningful environmental benefits

The problem is that I cannot do things against my will and whatever I do must be meaningful

He sang the meaningful song he

” She gave Celina a meaningful look

Jeremiah gave Sven a meaningful glance

All the meaningful questions seemed to be so shady,

It is more meaningful than what in heaven

Nevertheless, even the smallest amount of purification is meaningful – otherwise, suffering would be more continuous and extensive

Meaningful talk – having useful, meaningful conversations

In other words, what is most meaningful in life is our state of mind – not so much what’s happening in our external life circumstances

Meaningful to Behold: Becoming a Friend of the World

there is no-one that truly cares for him in any deep and meaningful way

13: verses 15 and 16 to be meaningful, this they take to mean that they should

One of the most meaningful things that I have done is to go through the Lord’s prayer,

up something important or meaningful to say but he cursed his lack of verbal skills because he couldn’t think of anything

connect us to meaningful times in our past

infant, I could not develop a meaningful relation with a woman;

bring myself to seek out meaningful associations with black women, but that holy mess

makes the action meaningful and beautiful

M: The real is meaningful and the meaningful relates to reality

I wanted to be committed to sharing meaningful information not commonly found in society

I did not realize that my 23 days in this jail would become one of the most meaningful experiences of this year

Words are made by the mind and are meaningful only on the

Narratives based on «salvation» or «progress» will always remain useful fictions to numb your pained mind, make your life «meaningful«, and separate you from your animal essence

But if meaning were meaningless, then why would it mould matter in a meaningful manner? Meaning saturates the universe

For Roger who loves nature in general and mountains in particular, that sunrise in the Alps was a meaningful and rewarding invitation to appreciate genuine life and all that nature has to offer

By Saturday, Roger came to realize that the Christ he believed in did not reside in grammatical constructions and spellings of words, as much as in the lives of those men talking to him about their relation with God and in the lives of the cooks who were sacrificing their week-end just to make his own meaningful and worth-while

prevented her from exercising her job responsibilities, the withdrawal of meaningful

Moreover, there is a possibility that Smart Force Attack will not recover a meaningful password

A more meaningful statement would be:

You won’t achieve anything meaningful by hiding behind business-talk and a stiff corporate image

The two weeks when Chad and Manuel lived with the rest of the family were particularly meaningful to Roger, for he had not seen them since January of that year 1985 when he led the first group of students to initiate the Los Angeles Community College District’s semester study program in Spain

As mentioned, the information should be relevant and meaningful to your target audience

Rather than trying to openly sell, encourage your followers to visit your website by tweeting links to content they would find useful and meaningful

They are a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of your target audience, and tells the reader that clicking your link will help them find meaningful solutions to their problems

However, if you approach lead generation on Twitter and other social networks in the same way whereby you’re simply gathering information without having any positive interactions with your target audience on social media, you will not achieve anything meaningful with those “leads”

Engage in conversations and share useful and meaningful content that informs, educates and solves specific problems for your prospects

· Track customer sentiment: Customer sentiment is a meaningful signal to track because it’s an indication of how a customer feels about a particular brand, service, product, industry, etc

By giving this content away for free, your prospects will be exposed to your skillset, which could ultimately lead to meaningful opportunities

When you have quality, targeted followers, what you’ll find is that they will be much more attentive and interested in your tweets because they find your tweets relevant, valuable and meaningful

If you grow your network artificially, sure you may have a large number of followers overnight, but as a business owner, you will get no meaningful benefits

Other stops at meaningful and noted locations embellish the journey to Lisbon

Your aim is to develop meaningful, long-term relationships, and you can only do that by showing your personality and actively engaging with your audience

This time, however, Roger’s presence there became most meaningful to him, for he had the unexpected but pleasant opportunity to shake hands with some of the leaders who were at the World’s Fair grounds that Sunday, July 26, and to voice aloud his displeasure with Fidel Castro who had come to Seville to participate in the Hispanic summit

Lack of Timely, Accurate and Meaningful Financial Statements

(not operational y meaningful)

Then he was asked essentially how that game wasn’t an ideal way for the seniors to go out, and that the game didn’t lend itself to giving any of them a meaningful moment.


Discrete tax items and tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments — The income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments relates to the tax effect of the adjustments that we incorporate into non-GAAP financial measures in order to provide a more meaningful measure of non-GAAP net income.


A: «The ability to structure my schedule for meaningful time with my children.»


LCHS 7/8 Principal Jarrett Gold — who’s been involved with McFeat and LCUSD Supt. Wendy Sinnette in learning more about the program and sharing its principles with a local audience — said he’s hopeful adjusting things like school schedules or homework and grading policies could have a meaningful effect on an at times overworked, overwhelmed student body.


The House of Lords will start debating the Article 50 bill on Monday with amendments tabled to guarantee the rights of EU citizens in the UK, for greater scrutiny on the process and for a «meaningful vote» at the end of Brexit negotiations.


We provide an opportunity to find a warm and meaningful connection with interesting and caring singles worldwide who know what they are looking for.


I like long meaningful conversation and laugh here and there.


This is also a great opportunity for older siblings to have some meaningful playtime with your baby at their own level.


I believe this designation to be meaningful and true, provided we do not distort it to the point of denying the humanity of Jesus and with it the incarnation.


«With his passion for creating experiential cuisine that emphasizes quality and locality, Brent will add a meaningful component to our focus on excellence and high-quality service.


Owning your output, shipping on time, and finding your own answers to questions makes your Mondays meaningful.


Although the whole food is preferred in most cases, most of the time people won’t consume enough of the whole food to derive a clinically meaningful benefit.


Far less meaningful relationships with the people whom campaigns tried to influence in bulk, primarily with things like radio and television advertisements, direct mail, and now, digital advertising.


«If there is no meaningful connection between ISIL and Boko Haram and we haven’t found one so far, then there are no grounds for U.S military involvement in West Africa other than assistance and training,» he told Reuters.


Also at noon, Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus members; Victor Dempsey, brother of Delrawn Small; Brooklyn NAACP; family members of victims of police shootings; and community leaders, react to the road rage shooting of Small and call for a partnership to effect immediate and meaningful criminal justice reform, corner of Atlantic Avenue and Bradford Street, Brooklyn.


This was by any meaningful definition a «sustainable food system», or rather, multiplicity of systems, made possible by a deep knowledge of the land and its ecosystems amongst Australia’s indigenous peoples, expressed in the cosmology of «Connection to Country».


«For any economic recovery to be meaningful, it must positively impact on the lives of the people at the lower level,» he stated.


To help Massachusetts residents take a meaningful action against climate change, Mass Audubon has partnered with Massachusetts Energy Consumers Alliance (Mass Energy), a local nonprofit dedicated to making energy more affordable and sustainable.


«The court decision of a number of years ago said we have to provide our young people with a meaningful education and a good job for the future,» said Queens Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, chairwoman of the Committee on Education.


We reached out to some of our previous classes of School Nutrition Heroes to get their thoughts on why the award was so meaningful for them, and how it has helped them amplify their efforts in their own communities.


All the profiles you see on this page are eHarmony singles from around Shouldham who we’re already helping to discover a more meaningful online dating experience.


Until I can give you my presentation, I will pray that God reveals Himself to you in a way that’s meaningful to you.


Thus, a little effort can make your life more meaningful by letting you find a partner of your choice without compromising with the care of your child.


17:01 — Shadow minister Waye David asks for a commitment for «meaningful dialogue» with the opposition.


Management believes that the Tier 1 common ratio is meaningful because it is one of the measures that the firm and investors use to assess capital adequacy.


We know that restricting ourselves to a single Blockchain will very likely hamper our overall chances of making the impression we need to in the crypto world and bringing about meaningful change in the recruitment sector.


As long as the videos feature meaningful and shareable content, your audience will appreciate them and engage with them.


Whether you’re 50 and divorced or 75 and widowed, Avenues Dating gives you the chance to start again and make meaningful friendships and relationships with high-caliber individuals in the UK.


And the more interconnected, the more meaningful they become.


Over four conference days, participants launched a number of partnerships and made meaningful connections.


But the claim that America does not continue to be a predominantly Christian society, in any sociologically meaningful sense of the term, runs counter to the facts.


You get valuable help towards your honeymoon expenses, and your guests get to choose a wedding gift that’s meaningful.


Through this guided meditation, you’ll process the fear and uncertainty that comes with a fledgling attraction, and learn more intentional, effective tools for building a meaningful connection from that very first meeting.


Through our desktop site and our dating app, EliteSingles are leading the way in providing mature, romance-seeking singles with the kind of meaningful encounters they deserve.


The government really doesn’t «print money» in any meaningful sense.


The secret to a safe effective prenatal program is to follow the guidelines and target imbalances while keeping the movements functional and meaningful.


It can be challenging for Collierville singles looking for a more meaningful relationships that last.


And a meaningful evaluation system is the critical first step to improving teacher quality.


Likewise the eagle and the fox are meaningful to the lamb as danger and possible death.


About Site — Flintobox is a theme-based monthly discovery box for 1.5 — 8 year olds, designed to engage children in a meaningful way at home.


Next thing is that real profile has clear title who showing person interest and identification like I am single man looking for black gay partner or looking for gay sex dating the love of yours life its all about sweet and meaningful title.


I would give them a tax incentive to do meaningful research.


It is an amazing company that has changed the way people live their lives, and I am proud to have contributed to that in a meaningful way.»


This kind of focus is essential to seeing meaningful results from any conversion optimization plan.


So much so that he has written about it: his new book X: The Experience of Business Meets Design explores the various ways companies can design better experiences in a way that’s more meaningful for customers.


«An all-male decision-making body is conflicted out of arriving at a meaningful solution,» she said.


If they put any meaningful pressure on Liverpool they will crack, almost did from only one corner.


«There is no better way to say thank you to our veterans other than giving them meaningful employment.


I also did not find the recitation of numbers in this section particularly useful or meaningful.


Dr. Pope’s org Challenge Success notes,» [S] everal studies have shown that when students have some choice over assignments, such as which topics to write about or which problems to do, they are more likely to be engaged in the work and complete it… If homework is going to be assigned, it should be developmentally appropriate, meaningful, and engaging for the students.»


  • Use the word MEANINGFUL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I know that was deeply meaningful and moving to my life.

Why not do something more meaningful?

It may be hard… but my life now feels more meaningful than ever.

Well, then leave and break marriages, and you’re doing something meaningful.

Well, we kissed in a meaningful way!

But you… can make your life more meaningful, is a good solution

Suicide is meaningful only if committed in good health

What I mean is, have you ever had a meaningful emotional experience with a woman that wasn’t entirely physical?

Everything seems so good, so meaningful.

We just want a meaningful inquiry that doesn’t waste our time.

Everything must be desperately important and meaningful

It was during the time you hadn’t had any meaningful work for a long period.

Princess Diana is radiantly confident… that she can make a real and meaningful contribution… to her new family and to her new country.

Yet a sadness commingled with joy. As I look forward to the beginning of a new life, which I hope as indeed do not we all, may be more meaningful to myself and to others than the old which today approaches its end.

I want to have a meaningful experience with an incredibly beautiful woman.

I think it’s time I had the opportunity… to start living some kind of meaningful existence.

I mean, they don’t realize that it takes… Takes time to establish a meaningful relationship.

To investigate the relationship between sisters is meaningful.

I thought you were against the office approach to psychiatry and that you felt only the clinic atmosphere produced meaningful results.

I never saw anything so meaningful.

A warm, rewarding, meaningful friendship?

Up till now, All I’ve been getting from you… is meaningful looks at the dinner table… and a lot of vague suggestions about the day after tomorrow.

That’s really meaningful. Only enemies pretend to know a person fully.

Your life is meaningful

You’re all obviously too lazy and too warped to do anything meaningful with your life, so you prey upon the sexual fantasies of others.

The truth is, we also take this matter very seriously and sent inquiries to everyone from your husband’s unit But unfortunately, we haven’t received any meaningful responses

Try something more meaningful.

You should do something more meaningful.

But, Miles, meaningful relationships between men and women don’t last.

The answers obtained by this new program are meaningful only if one knows the questions.

Perhaps it’s not meaningful to you.

How are we to have a meaningful family relationship… when he’s on the verge of killing you half the time?

It is voice of God, and it is not me just speaking, but it is the truth and it is meaningful.

Independence Day is very meaningful to me.

Find something meaningful.

What a meaningful miracle!

It was a meaningful relationship.

Now, the point is that to make… anything meaningful out of a life… it really doesn’t matter what you do… only that you do something… and do it unsparingly.

You tell me about a meaningful relationship.

Now, not having met either of these lovely young women but knowing that I did want to say something meaningful about them today I went to my Webster’s Dictionary and I looked up the word «model».

This could be the start of a meaningful relationship.

In Regensburg, some of the more meaningful traditions haven’t changed a bit, in hundreds of years.

It’s not often that a dish of food plays a deeply meaningful role in history, but this one did.

It’s a punch card, and it stands for one of the most meaningful inventions man has ever given himself:

We come now to one of those deeply meaningful moments in history when things changed because of the basic drives in mankind.

There is a price that you will pay — a life more meaningful to you than your own.

You end up questioning your ability to love someone in a meaningful way.

The melody’s very nice, and the lyrics are meaningful.

Instead of getting meaningful you drag shallow ideas.

meaningful — перевод на русский


But I wanted it to be for something meaningful, something… ..lasting.

Но вписали за что-то значимое, нетленное.

I went into broadcasting, I thought I was gonna do news public affairs something meaningful.

Думал, буду делать новости, связи с общественностью, что-то значимое.

How will it look when you get her something incredibly meaningful and expensive, and her boyfriend, Joey, gives her an orange?

А как это будет выглядеть, когда ты получаешь что-то невероятно значимое и дорогое, а её парень, Джоуи, подарит ей апельсин?

Eric said this stupid thing about me not working when we’re married… and I just want to do something more meaningful with my life than have kids, you know?

Эрик сказал глупость, что я не должна работать, когда мы поженимся… а я просто хочу сделать что-нибудь более значимое в жизни, чем завести детей, понимаешь?

I just wanna grow in my job, do something meaningful. Do more than earn a paycheck till I die.

Я просто хочу расти на своей работе, сделать что-то значимое, делать больше чем собирать чеки, пока не умру.

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Something meaningful.

Что-то важное.

He needs to lose something he can never get back, something really meaningful.

Ему нужно потерять что-то, что он не сможет вернуть, действительно, что-то очень важное.

Huh. Marshall and Lily are doing something meaningful.

В жизни Маршала и Лили происходит что-то важное.

I don’t consider myself to be a political person, but when there’s a cause that I find meaningful…

Я не рассматриваю себя как политика, но когда есть что-то важное…

What if you had to say something meaningful in just three lines and about 17 syllables?

А что, если бы пришлось сообщить нечто важное, уложившись в три строки и 17 слогов?

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I would love to be remembered for something meaningful.

Хочу сделать что-то значительное.

Yeah, well, I need something meaningful to strive for.

Ну, а мне нужно что-то значительное, к чему стремиться.

And I think it’s hard to find anything more meaningful than doing that, than reducing the amount of unnecessay pain and suffering that there’s been on this world, or making the world a little bit better for all of the beings who are sharing it with us.

И мне кажется, сложно найти нечто более значительное, чем такое дело, то есть уменьшение количества излишних страданий и мук, существующих в этом мире, и создания мира немного лучшего для всех существ, населяющих этот мир вместе с нами.

Shouldn’t we do something more meaningful?

Может нам стоит сделать что-то более значительное?

To do something meaningful with my life, yes.

Да, я хочу сделать что-то значительное в своей жизни.

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But if you go away, and I’d have a child from you, my life would be meaningful.

Даже если ты уйдешь, и у нас будет ребенок, в моей жизни появился бы смысл.

Look, she’s the kind of person… that needs her life to be meaningful.

Она человек, которому надо …найти смысл в жизни. Думаю, вы лучше меня это знаете.

And by the way, who doesn’t need their life to be meaningful?

Кстати, а кто не ищет этот смысл?

— They’re not always meaningful.

В совпадениях не всегда есть смысл.

— I doubt your coincidence is meaningful.

Вряд ли в твоём совпадении есть смысл.

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You could say, I just want a meaningful relationship with someone special.

Мне просто нужны серьезные отношения с особенной девушкой.

We had a deep, meaningful relationship.

У нас были глубокие, серьёзные отношения.

But it was a deep, meaningful relationship.

Но это были глубокие, серьёзные отношения.

You see the people around you giving and receiving gifts, having sustained, meaningful relationships. And since you can’t, something deep in your subconscious makes you create the appearance of a gift.

Видишь, как люди вокруг дарят подарки, получают подарки, строят серьёзные отношения, а ты этого не можешь, и подсознательно пытаешься создать видимость подарка.

And we have meaningful conversations about how yearbook club went and about her friends and, you know, drama.

И у нас были серьезные разговоры о том, как продвигаются дела в клубе школьных ежегодников и о ее друзьях и, знаете, бзиках.

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Maybe we should be doing something more meaningful with our lives. Like helping people.

Может быть, мы должны делать что-то более осмысленное.

Anyway, no matter how hard I try to have something more lasting, more meaningful, the end result is always the same.

В любом случае, независимо от того, насколько усердно я пытался получить что-то более долговечное, более осмысленное, — результат всегда один и тот же.

Sheldon, you either say something meaningful and from the heart, or you and I are done.

Шелдон, или ты скажешь что-то осмысленное от всего сердца, или между нами всё кончено.

Where, in fact, your subconscious mind made a very meaningful choice.

Но, на самом деле, ваше подсознание приняло осмысленное решение.

So you want to have a deep and meaningful?

Так ты ждёшь что-то глубокое и осмысленное?

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Meaningful glance.

Многозначительный взгляд

And you’ve made meaningful eye contact with almost every unattached man in here, even the paunchy ones.

И этот ваш многозначительный взгляд, брошенный практически на каждого свободно мужчину здесь, даже на пузатеньких.

What is that meaningful look?

Что за многозначительный взгляд?

Everything must be desperately important and meaningful…

Все должно быть ужасно важно и многозначительно…

— Dreams are meaningful.

— Сны многозначительны.

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You’ll sing this song with me when you know making sacrifices is so meaningful

Ты споешь эту песню со мной, когда поймешь значение этой жертвы.

I lost sight of what was meaningful.

Я перестал понимать, что в действительности имело значение.

As soon as you put our feelings into a word, it becomes meaningful.

оно приобретает значение.

Was it meaningful when I got my fulbright scholarship or when I was profiled in the online version of New York Magazine’s 30 under 30 power players?

Имел ли он значение, когда я получила фулбрайтовскую стипендию или когда я вошла в тридцатку самых влиятельных людей младше 30 лет по онлайн-версии журнала Нью-Йорк?

Was it meaningful when I got my fulbright scholarship?

Имел ли он значение, когда я получила фулбрайтовскую стипендию?

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— Sex is meaningful.

— Секс много значит.

Just be careful, because it’s a meaningful sweater to me.

Только поаккуратней, потому что она для меня много значит.


для меня это много значит.


То, что произошло между нами, насколько бы много это ни значило,

This song, it’s meaningful to me.

Эта мелодия много для меня значит.

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This job is meaningful as well.

Моя работа также имеет смысл.

He wrote something down that was meaningful to him, not knowing it would make its way into a song.

Он может что-то записать, что имеет смысл только для него, не известно станет ли это песней или нет.

And until then, the only meaningful diplomacy is… is achieved when our adversaries begin to feel their own mortality.

А до тех пор, лишь одна дипломатия имеет смысл… когда наши враги осознают, что они тоже смертны.

It’s not as meaningful without him.

Без него это не имеет смысла.

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