Use the word maybe in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “maybe” in a sentence. How to connect “maybe” with other words to make correct English sentences.

maybe (adv): used to show that something is possible or that something might be true

Use “maybe” in a sentence

Maybe he’ll come, maybe he won’t.
‘Are you going to sell your house?’ ‘Maybe.’
Maybe they’re busy.

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  1. In the Deep South would delay secession until several states went together,


    ,in a Southern Convention. Under the influence of men such as Texas Governor Sam
  2. The most extreme example—its extinction could be timed with an accuracy of,


    ,half an hour). Extinction dates in the literature are usually the dates of the
  3. The practice of offering food, lighting fires, etc., at the grave, at first,


    , as an act of friendship or filial piety, later as an act of ancestor worship.
  4. Immediately turned to an aide and said,» Call Walter Reed (Hospital),or,


    ,Bethesda,» to which Camp replied,» Hell no, just call a good local mechanic!
  5. To learn how to read fluently starting at the age of three. So I had read,


    ,150 books by the time I hit 1st grade. And I already knew that the teachers
  6. Not defeat the grip. These clutches had long operating lives cycling for tens,


    ,hundreds of millions of cycles without need of maintenance other than
  7. When Rules returned to the fireplace, Centurashvili had vanished; who knows,


    ,he got frozen somewhere in snow, he was a weak guy (…) The wardens searched
  8. Experience of that object. In case of humans, it is usually a symbol or sign,


    ,that of a language which is then also related to the external object and the
  9. Of Western culture, but most Chinese thought that the Westerners were,


    ,more advanced in technology and warfare, but that China had primacy in moral
  10. Really. There’s the financial aspect, but that wasn’t it. I seemed to think,


    ,we could recapture something we had «. Unable to complete work on the album
  11. The trouble with this account is that Gigantopithecus was not a hominin and,


    ,not even a crown-group hominoid; yet the physical evidence implies that Bigfoot
  12. Suppose the vector field describes the velocity field of a fluid flow (,


    ,a large tank of water or gas) and a small ball is located within the fluid or
  13. Moldovan tools, and its age was noted at 2.3 million years old, suggesting that,


    ,the Homo species did indeed create and use these tools. It is surely possible
  14. Disjunction: * inclusive means» and/or» — at least one of them is true, or,


    , both. * exclusive (» xor» ) means exactly one must be true, but they cannot
  15. The 7/7 bombings in London, the BNP released fliers with the slogan; «,


    ,now it’s time to start listening to the BNP «. Griffin claimed that this was
  16. Gave me a book that he wanted to direct as a movie. He asked if I would,


    ,be executive producer or something, and I said ‘That’s great, Monty,but what
  17. Is considered as one of the largest solar activity events observed by SOHO and,


    ,since the advent of space-based solar observations. The storm involved all the
  18. Call them bodies, or physical particulars, or concrete things, or matter, or,


    , substances (but bear in mind the word ‘substance’ has some special
  19. Nuclear weapon design. ) Hypothetically, as little as 4 kg of plutonium—and,


    ,even less—could be used to make a single atomic bomb using very sophisticated
  20. Slayer) (season 7, episode 10),Dawn says in reference to Andrew,» Or,


    ,he’s in a fugue state? » In the animated comedy series Ugly Americans, Grimes
  21. Was the last time that the Red Wings missed the playoffs. ). Rumors spread that,


    ,» Stevie Wonder» should be traded. But it was Defers, not German, who got the
  22. Haul asks Snake if he is going to kill him. Snake replies,» I’m too tired …,


    ,later «. Snake, still walking away, pulls the magnetic tape out of the cassette
  23. Wrote,» The movie isn’t as funny or entertaining as Evil Dead II, however,


    , because the comic approach seems recycled «. In her review for the New York
  24. To relax and play the music that I wanted to play, and just stay around Texas,


    ,Oklahoma. Waylon and I had that outlaw image going, and when it caught on at
  25. Of Backgammon; modern Hard is noted there as being the same as backgammon and,


    ,dating back to 300 — 500 AD in the Babylonian Talmud. The Royal Game of Your
  26. Feast was introduced in France by king Philip Augustus (1165–1180–1223),


    , to establish a new style in the provinces reconquered over England. However, it
  27. Baseball team at West Point was one of the greatest disappointments of my life,


    ,my greatest. » However he did make the football team, and was a varsity starter
  28. Were not very good. The problem with them, Lynch has said, was that» there was,


    ,all the unpleasantness in the film but nothing else. A lot was not there. And
  29. Derwen» in Welsh. Possible but there would have been a lot of oaks around;,


    ,there was. As to» -went» some claim this to be a word for» valley» or
  30. Car was purchased and delivered spring 2009. The diesel multiple unit (DM),


    , available for flexible demonstration service during winter months.
  31. The plaster cast is the next six to eight weeks. I would say that it will be,


    ,four months before he’s running, but six months before he’s jumping and
  32. Armed Services Sea power subcommittee on 24 July 2007,recommended seven or,


    ,eight new carriers (one every four years). However, the debate has deepened
  33. Sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, sinus exit block, or AV block. AV block,


    ,ruled out with an EKG indicating» a 1:1 relationship between P waves and QRS
  34. Teaching of the previous Greek fathers «. Photos did recognize that the Spirit,


    ,said to proceed temporally through the Son or from the Son. Photos stated that
  35. Releases. The ASCII art will usually include the warez group’s name and,


    ,some ASCII borders on the outsides of the release notes, etc. Uses ASCII art is
  36. To the Carolingian dynasty, a new rebellion broke out in 769 led by Donald II,


    ,son of Waiter. He took refuge with the ally duke Lupus II of Gascony, but
  37. Shows a reversion to old forms, possibly as a deliberate archaic effect or,


    ,because there were no virtuoso choristers in Macedonia, where it is said to
  38. Presumably in order to hide from predators or strong storm currents; or,


    ,whilst scavenging for food. Name Chatterton2003/> In the case of the
  39. And finally:» You know, why isn’t there a body? I can’t answer that, and,


    , they don’t exist, but I want them to. » However, the vast majority of
  40. Could be much lower: some Branford scenarios for example put it much lower,


    ,even as low as This would make it possible for micro black holes to be created
  41. Followers in Kinshasa, Mbuji May, and Lubumbashi. Roman Catholic percentage,


    ,a little less than 45 %, mainstream Protestant 15 %, and Kimbanguist 10 %. The
  42. Through the 8th century, matres elections were not used inside words (except,


    ,in ‘IR (city) in the Lavish letters),and there is no evidence for early
  43. If there would ever be more Cowboy Bebop. Watanabe’s answer was» someday …,


    , someday. » Titus Flavius Clemens (c.150 — c. 215),known as Clement of
  44. Wrote in a letter to a French gay magazine, saying,» Apart from my husband—who,


    ,will cross over one day as well—I am entirely surrounded by homos. For years
  45. After seeing his statue:» I hear they hate me now, just like they hated you /,


    ,when I’m dead and gone,I’m going to get a statue too «. Discography Buddy Holly
  46. Was later approached about it by another famous lyricist:» I thought, oh well,


    ,nobody will notice it, but not at all. Two nights after it opened, I ran into
  47. Of using her voice as an instrument. No instruments are used, except for,


    ,an electric guitar, though fans are claiming it to be her synthesized voice. In
  48. Might have to close to between one-half and one-quarter maximum range (or,


    ,even closer for a very fast target) in order to give the missile sufficient
  49. If digitized as 16 kHz 16-bit audio, although he did freely confess that «,


    ,the authors of the exabyte estimate were thinking about text. » Earlier
  50. Weak agnostic would say,» I don’t know whether any deities exist or not, but,


    , one day, when there is evidence, we can find something out. » History Since

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

Use Maybe in a sentence. How to use the word Maybe in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Maybe. Sentence for Maybe.

Maybe - Sentence for Maybe - Use Maybe in a Sentence

Definition of Maybe

Maybe is an adverb that is used to express uncertainty or possibility. It can be used to indicate that something may or may not happen, or that something may be true or false. For example, someone might say “Maybe it will rain tomorrow” to indicate that they are uncertain whether it will rain or not. Or, “Maybe I will come to the party” to indicate that they are not sure if they will attend or not. It can also be used to indicate a choice or an option, “Maybe we can go to the beach or the mountains.” It can also be used as a polite way of declining an invitation or request “Maybe another time

Examples of Maybe in a sentence

  1. Maybe we should try a different approach.
  2. Maybe I’ll go to the concert, but I’m not sure yet.
  3. Maybe I’ll see you later.
  4. Maybe it’s time for a change.
  5. Maybe I’ll just have a cup of coffee instead.
  6. Maybe we can meet up later, if you’re free.
  7. Maybe I’ll take a rain check on that offer.
  8. Maybe I’ll take a break and come back to it later.
  9. Maybe I’ll just stay home tonight.
  10. Maybe I’ll apply for the job, but I’m not sure if I’m qualified.
  11. Maybe we can try again tomorrow.
  12. Maybe I’ll go to the gym after work.
  13. Maybe I’ll take a vacation next month.
  14. Maybe I’ll call you later, I’m not sure yet.
  15. Maybe we can make a deal, if the price is right.
  16. Maybe I’ll take the early train tomorrow.
  17. Maybe I’ll see you at the party, but I’m not sure yet.
  18. Maybe I’ll try a different route home today.
  19. Maybe I’ll have the chicken instead of the fish.
  20. Maybe we can go on a trip next weekend.
  21. Maybe I’ll stop by the store on the way home.
  22. Maybe I’ll take the day off and relax.
  23. Maybe I’ll start a new hobby next month.
  24. Maybe I’ll finish the book tonight.
  25. Maybe I’ll see you at the meeting, but I’m not sure yet.

Post Views: 1,033

Maybe you want to have a new car

Maybe you want to have a new house

during the coming winter months? Maybe

her to try a new sport that is not traditionally played by girls? maybe a

If it weren’t for him, maybe they’d have not taught me these things and I’d be someone else instead

If your parents noticed you were hanging out with kids that maybe didn’t have the same values your

Maybe Tatania would have one of her ‘treats’ in the way of staff for the evening

Maybe I should have let him drive

He had to go find her, well maybe not today, but instead of just wishing she was here

“I mean, it was developing okay, but maybe during the gestation cycle…”

Maybe he would get some fries

Maybe that’s what she should have told him

“Like chains,” the boy said, and Hermann thought that maybe he was silently going mad just while waiting in the terminal

Another child, maybe five years old in red coveralls, ran up to his mother’s legs

Maybe he shouldn’t have yelled quite so loud? Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything at all? Maybe he should have come in early to give his computer a head start in booting up? What was he supposed to be doing again? Looking for the sales report!

I bet my friend would have said maybe she made it for me a long time ago before I was born and I wanted a taste of it again in this lifetime

Maybe you can give me an answer to this question: What

«Maybe if he knew about it,» she said

«A hundred pounds, maybe; four tons of aluminum is like a major nation’s budget here

The anticipation of that tryst was what drew Tdeshi’s hormones on this folly in the first place wasn’t it? Maybe it was what Jorma taught her about Tdeshi that had made it so exciting

He recommends that she get out of the house, maybe volunteer or take dance lessons

Maybe he’d sold his place on the mainland? Where’d they get the money for the boat also? Maybe it was a visitor? She wondered if Venna really had more money than she let on

She wondered how much of it he was personally missing, it might be several, maybe pounds

Maybe four tons?

«Sweetie,» Mother cringed, «maybe the pony needs a break?»

«Maybe I’ll just have to train you

Maybe I just know how people respond to all this pain in the world

Maybe there’s a way… and then you do it

Maybe my dad wasn’t being careful

You know, maybe one day you could show me some pointers on that machine you have upstairs,” Henry said

He began to think that maybe he wasn’t as charming and fun as he once believed and that maybe it was just the alcohol that made him happy

Her relief was blatant, «Herndon, oh good God, thank God it’s you,» she probably bleated these and a few more exclamations a few more times, maybe she did get a little hysterical for a second or few

He had lost more sleep than she had on this adventure, but maybe he was used to it

Maybe he’d gotten some mods for it

It wouldn’t be his problem anymore; maybe they would find it, maybe they wouldn’t

I have to admit that he wasn’t overly bothered when she went away, so maybe it is just as well he didn’t propose, but all the same, it is worrying that he hasn’t settled down

‘Well … maybe it’s something we could investigate once this whole murder investigation is over and done with

The detective had maybe gotten the note wet up put some powder on it

Maybe I have taken you for granted the last few weeks you were here? Maybe I forgot to tell you how honored I am any time you could grace me with your presence? You are welcome in my home and in my bed at your pleasure, as I hoped you understood by now

Maybe I should see

But how does this person know him? How does she know his habits? Maybe she’s a stalker! Actually, that’s kind of flattering that someone would show an interest in him

That’s twelve feet above the ground at the top of its arch, maybe more with these wheels on

‘Man cuts out tattoo after split with girlfriend’ Maybe

inevitable time comes for you, maybe you will resist temptation too

Brentford beating Arsenal in the FA Cup, maybe? No

Maybe that’s why I’m here

I daresay she didn’t intend for it to come over so clearly, and maybe I am being over-sensitive but I felt it all the same … Well, if the only job I can get is in Taunton, I’ll just have to move back to Bridgwater … at least that will cut my travelling costs


«Well, maybe you haven’t been in the loop quite as much lately, with your time off and being in the far east

«Or maybe Europol has just been too slow, as usual


Or maybe there was another reason

Maybe he needed some confirmation that he was doing the right thing

John wades into the tussle, separates Jamil and Khalid, both of whom are about his size, and maybe only five years younger

There was food and water for them and the kedas, and maybe beds with less bugs than the open ground

Maybe she hadn’t transferred her address book from the old handset yet

Didn’t I have a right to protect my own little patch of the world if the Gardai hadn’t been able to do so? Maybe I wasn’t the hardest guy in the world, even if I hadn’t been a committed pacifist

Maybe I wasn’t the bravest in the world, hell, not even the bravest in Darklow, but one thing I can honestly say about myself, then as well as today, is that I’m determined and when it comes to family I will do, give and take whatever is needed

«The hillside they were cutting thru was made of them, I perfected this rig over about, let’s see, maybe ten decades, maybe only four, but it was a length of time

ramshackle collection of maybe 100 tin shacks clustered in the desert between a pocket of towering rock mountains

Maybe it would be better to talk about that first rather than what she was going to do here

Maybe she can sort it out

I would guess his name might be Koata or Rarua or maybe Te Ati Awa, but not Ngata

She didn’t look up the date, it was probably still in April, but maybe into May of 2424

Maybe, in her

Maybe even you have something to do with it already, perhaps without knowing it

maybe I could be the

Maybe this was it after all

Maybe he wants it for himself

Or maybe to her son’s

«She was ten years old, or maybe a little older, but not much

Maybe a niece? Yeah, that’s it

Somewhere south of here, maybe your own country? Mediterranean

Maybe we had a chance after all

Nevertheless, somehow she had thought that this time, just maybe, because he was a policeman too, it would make a difference He would understand the crazy career, the obsessions, the dark humor, the dark lows and the soaring highs of success that couldn’t be shared with anyone else

Maybe that was his mistake

Maybe he should have been more of a man, hiding his feelings and resuming the daily

There would be an open training session on at this time of the morning, she could join in, maybe see a few friends unrelated to work

Maybe, he thought, he might find a

«Maybe I will too

Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last glass of wine … my brain seems to have given up thinking lucidly

The net result is that I end up with his arms round me … maybe this is the answer to my dilemma

Maybe for a tear-jerker movie but never under pressure

Maybe even thinking that cloning is just another method of reproduction, just another way to populate this silicon wonderland

«Alfred’s and my androids and maybe a couple flesh and blood Brazilians in two hundred seventy five year old spacesuits

Maybe they’ll let me have them on the table thing they put across the bed

Maybe you need a little protection around here

He wants it more than anything else in his life and is willing to die, maybe even to kill for it

Maybe even a greater example is found in Exodus 32:9-

But, maybe, there is a way out: Conscious dream control and intervention in the astral plains may affect the flow or reality

Bahkmar could never say this, but Moamar looked a lot like the one named Kiethying except for the pin stripes and turban and maybe fifty years

Maybe it will encourage me next time I’m have a bad moment, reminding me that I’m probably not as bad as I think I am

willing to follow the lead of the shepherds but too often the problem has been that there was nothing (no one) to follow except maybe the man in the pulpit or some godly parent or

I haven’t given up yet, maybe because I like folk dances, maybe because I have nothing better to do

Maybe because he saw on some subconscious level he was already aware of how close Wambach was to losing it

Needs to eat something maybe

Whole worlds, maybe more advanced than ours, may have vanished because of unpredictable or inevitable cosmic phenomena

Decades, a lifetime maybe

After welcoming me, he began to complain about “a woman who left Janus three years ago, without even explaining the reasons for leaving; she left because she couldn’t find a boyfriend, but neither away from Janus did she find a boyfriend; maybe it’s her karma, maybe its her idiosyncrasy

He thought maybe it was the angle they flew at that hid the gun towers, but now, they’d come closer and changed their angle of approach and he still thought they looked under-gunned

1. I’m not sure. Maybe. —It’s possible.

2. Maybe you are right and I am wrong.

3. We go there maybe once or twice a month.

4. Maybe someday you’ll both meet again.

5. Maybe I don’t deserve you.

6. Maybe this guy isn’t so squeaky clean after all.

7. Maybe it’s all just a big misunderstanding.

8. Maybe she is in love.

9. I smile too long didn’t practice, maybe you forgot.

10. A person thinks unforgettable memories,maybe someone else already forgotten.

11. I can’t see you now-some other time, maybe.

12. Maybe you’ll have a better luck next time.

13. It will cost two, maybe three hundred pounds.

14. Maybe he’ll come, maybe he won’t.

15. Maybe we can coordinate the relation of them.

16. maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

17. Maybe there’s something fate can’t touch, fate doesn’t control how easily you come to peace.

18. There are scores of people there[], maybe eighty or more.

19. Maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the perple,we will know how to be grateful.

20. Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happens ,you’ll be thankful.

21. ‘Okay, so maybe I was a little bit scared,’ Jenny admitted.

22. «Maybe your husband does things that you don’t know about, » he said with a smirk.

23. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

24. Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong jpeople before you meet the right one, so when this happens, youll be thankful.

25. Hope is a good thing,( maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.

26. We must do something about that dead tree, it’s only a matter of time before it falls down and maybe injures somebody.

27. In place waiting for one person, may not have thought about, maybe that person had been there long forgotten here.

28. We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.

29. Why to ask so much when you are in love If you ask too much, maybe you no longer love. The mature never ask the past, the wise never ask the present and the open-minded never ask the future.

30. Maybe it doesn’t matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark.

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