Use the word material in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word material, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use material in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «material».

Material in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word material in a sentence.

  1. The short-leaved material of P.

  2. Waxes are 20–40% of the material.

  3. Miller all published notable material.

  4. There was ample material referred to B.

  5. The building material is largely flint.

  6. No lining material is added to the nest.

  7. MacDonald also contributed good material.

  8. With the exception of the type material, M.

  9. However, more material may show it to be A.

  10. Nowak later referred to this material as C.

  11. No nesting material is used in the breeding cavity.

  12. He may also carry nest material into the nest hole.

  13. The clays and mudstones are rich in organic material.

  14. This material builds up until it erupts dramatically.

  15. Some material from Scania, Sweden, was assigned to P.

  16. In addition to the regular 22 pages of story, each issue included extra material.

  17. As with Pentakill, K/DA is promotional material for a skin line by the same name.

  18. It cools the burning material, acting as a heat sink, and also blocks off oxygen.

  19. Frogs’ embryos are typically surrounded by several layers of gelatinous material.

  20. Henneberger had been hoping for submissions of «off-trail», or unusual, material.

  21. Temple’s first story, some early material by John Wyndham, and «The Prr-r-eet» by Eric Frank Russell.

  22. Initial volcanism of the NCVP 20 million years ago was sporadic, producing small volumes of material.

  23. Some of the new material includes band chatter and instrument tunes taken from recorded performances.

  24. Additional resources, including more advanced material, can be found in General relativity resources.

  25. At less than 1 meter per second, they are not powerful enough to lift and transport surface material.

  26. The band had composed and refined the material while touring the UK, Japan, North America and Europe.

  27. Much of the structural material was long ago carried off for reuse in buildings in Cley and Blakeney.

  28. The skull of the Acrocanthosaurus atokensis holotype shows light exostotic material on the squamosal.

  29. It includes a third album, Kid Amnesiae, comprising previously unreleased material from the sessions.

  30. Beatrice deleted so much material that the edited journals are only a third as long as the originals.

  31. Kent Hughes notes that some 1st-century rabbis portrayed material blessings as a sign of God’s favor.

  32. Structures not built for holding heavy material would likely collapse under the weight of the tephra.

  33. He also plays Chieftain Mews, a long-running character appearing in Radiohead’s promotional material.

  34. From the lowest voice to the highest, the material is expanded in imitation, with all voices divided.

  35. As the band was not available to promote their material, subsequent releases met with little success.

  36. The nest, built by both sexes, is a cup of thin twigs lined with softer material such as fine grass, moss, fur or lichen.

  37. The bulk of Allosaurus remains have come from North America’s Morrison Formation, with material also known from Portugal.

  38. Beavers create trails or «slides» as they drag wood, which then make it easier for the animals to transport new material.

  39. The various explosive eruptions of Ubinas have deposited material as far as 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) away from the volcano.

  40. When Zappa was about to hand over the tape, he was arrested, and the police stripped the studio of all recorded material.

  41. In 1942, Edna announced that she was leaving Skelton, but would continue to manage his career and write material for him.

  42. Stories in the first issue, drawn from Gillings’ inventory of material acquired for Fantasy, included «The Belt», by J.M.

  43. The main niobium carbide is NbC, an extremely hard, refractory, ceramic material, commercially used in cutting tool bits.

  44. Metallica was motivated to make an album that would impress critics and fans, and began writing new material in mid-1985.

  45. Its radiation is primarily due to alpha particles, which can be easily stopped by a thin cover layer of another material.

  46. Other times he used a tune originally associated with a separate text; and still other times he freely composed an entire song, using no apparent external source material.

  47. The next two issues also contained mock newspaper stories; issue 215 contained more conventional material, including a Jerry Cornelius story written by Charles Partington.

  48. Hill said Bogdanovich wanted to turn the material into a more Hitchcock-type thriller, but he had only written the first twenty-five pages when McQueen fired the director.

  49. Sale of the serial had been provisionally agreed upon with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and Cartier wanted the material available to use for trailers and recaps.

  50. A period of weeks or months following the belt’s disappearance, a white spot forms and erupts dark brownish material which is stretched into a new belt by Jupiter’s winds.

Synonyms for material

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word material has the following synonyms: corporeal, bodily, bodied, corporal, corporate, embodied, incarnate, reincarnate, crucial, physical, substantial, real, material, worldly, fabric, cloth, textile and stuff.

General information about «material» example sentences

The example sentences for the word material that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «material» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «material».

Examples of how to use the word “material” in a sentence. How to connect “material” with other words to make correct English sentences.

material (n, adj): a physical substance that things can be made from; relating to physical objects or money rather than emotions or the spiritual world

Use “material” in a sentence

We’re going to test the new material.
Here’s a sample of the material I want.
This dress was made of man-made materials.

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Definition of Material

matter or substance of which something can be made

Examples of Material in a sentence

Because the dress is made from an expensive material, the shop owner will sell it for a higher price.


Military tanks are made from strong material that can withstand bullets and explosions.


The recycling center will reuse the material to make new products instead of throwing it in a landfill.




Other words in the Materials, Objects, Tools category:





















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The English language can get confusing, even for native speakers. And even what we think to be the less complicated parts of its grammar, like singular and plural nouns, can be confusing. Take ‘material,’ for example. Is the plural form of the word ‘material’ or ‘materials?’ Let’s explore and see.

‘Material’ and ‘materials’ both act as the plural of ‘material.’ We use ‘material’ when we refer to abstract, uncountable ideas like ‘all of the reading material.’ On the other hand, we use ‘materials’ to refer to countable, concrete nouns like ‘complete building materials.’

material or materials

‘Material,’ in general, almost always acts as a noun. What differs is the type of noun it refers to in the sentence. If the noun is more abstract or is uncountable, like a group of ideas, we use ‘material.’ On the other hand, for concrete, countable nouns like tools to build something, we use ‘materials.’

When Should I Use ‘Material?’

We use ‘material’ as a plural noun when referring to ‘material’ as an abstract, uncountable noun, a group of ideas, facts, data, or thoughts. For example, we say ‘all the material for the presentation’ because ‘material’ here refers to a group of ideas needed for the report.

In this sense, and according to the Cambridge Dictionary, ‘material’ means ‘information used when writing something such as a book, or information produced to help people or to advertise products.’

Below are examples of how to use ‘material’ in a sentence.

  1. Do you have a copy of the reading material our professor posted yesterday?
  2. I have all the material I need to write my next article.
  3. The director asked for another filming day due to a lack of material for the final movie.
  4. This document contains classified material, so handle it with confidentiality.
  5.  Do we have all the material needed for our presentation?
  6. We need more advertising material for our product to sell to more customers.
  7. We have good material for the report, but we need to organize it.

When Should I Use ‘Materials?’

We use ‘materials’ as a plural noun when referring to ‘material’ as a concrete, countable noun or physical objects one can create something with. For example, we say ‘have writing materials’ because ‘materials’ here refer to physical things we can write with, like pens and pencils.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, ‘materials’ means ‘a physical substance that things can be made from’ and ‘equipment that you need for a particular activity.’

However, it is essential to note that the aforementioned is applicable to almost all except clothing. For clothing, we only use ‘material’ to describe the type of fabric or clothing clothes has. So, for example, we say ‘spandex material’ and not ‘spandex materials.’

Below are examples of how to use ‘materials’ in a sentence.

  1. The team needs new building materials for the renovation.
  2. Why do you have so many writing materials when we only need a pen?
  3. Organic materials are healthy for the soil’s enrichment.
  4. The price of raw materials is on the hike again.
  5. Given that we only had limited materials, I think we did great.
  6. The only cooking materials I have at home are the basics and essentials.
  7. I don’t have enough materials to create a new model for this.

Is ‘Material’ A Countable Or Uncountable Noun?

Material can be a countable or uncountable noun, depending on what it refers to in a sentence. When referring to physical materials, like writing materials, like pens and pencils, ‘material’ becomes countable. On the other hand, when referring to something abstract, like words, ideas, or data, ‘material’ becomes uncountable.

Is ‘Material’ Or ‘Materials’ Used The Most?

According to the Google Ngram Viewer, ‘material’ is used more often than ‘materials.’ This may imply that speakers or writers use ‘material’ more often to refer to clothing or abstract ideas. The physical definition of ‘material’ also has other synonyms like equipment and tools that people may use more often.

material or materials english usage

Is It ‘Reading Material’ Or ‘Reading Materials?’

‘Reading material’ is the appropriate phrase. It is because ‘reading’ is an action that involves abstract ideas like stories, facts, or data that is not concrete and countable. Thus, we use the application for abstract, uncountable nouns, which is ‘material.’ Whether singular or plural, ‘reading material’ is the proper phrase.

Below are examples of using ‘reading material’ in a sentence.

  1. Our teacher always gives us reading material to finish over the weekend.
  2. Did you prepare any reading material for tomorrow’s discussion?

Is It ‘Some Material’ Or ‘Some Materials?’

‘Some materials’ is the appropriate phrase. ‘Some’ is a modifier that adds a sense of amount to the noun, thus making it somehow countable. So, it’s best to use ‘some’ for concrete, countable nouns, which are ‘materials’ in plural form. In using ‘some’ with ‘material,’ we add the preposition ‘of.’

Below are examples of using ‘some material/s’ in a sentence.

  1. We delivered some materials to the site yesterday.
  2. Some of the material I have is not part of my article’s scope.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • Use the word MATERIAL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Every employee in this room and their partner has until tomorrow night to scour through the obits, do whatever you have to do to raise $100,000 of auction material.

He considered them as raw material.

Winogrand found some of his richest raw material in the zoos of New York.

Post-war economic growth and material prosperity in the West did not satisfy the desires of everybody.

America today is an insane asylum. The american people are completely hung up on material acquisition, on power, on war making, its an insane asylum over here.

He will have the same effect as the man who was given a material and doesn’t know he’s getting it.

The film, HAUNTED CASTLE (Schloss Vogeloed), was restored in 2002, using the following material:


This reconstructed version is based, primarily, on an incomplete nitrate copy from a Swiss distributor Held in the Cinematheque in Lausanne, Switzerland, and was supplemented with material from the versions from the Italian, Spanish and Russian archives in Rome, Madrid and Moscow.

A first restoration of the film was done in 1986, by the Belgian Cin├®math├¿que Royale, using material from Brussels, Amsterdam and Lausanne, as well as additional material from the Cin├®math├¿que Fran├ºaise which it had already restored.

The rest of the material — which is missing — must be regarded as lost for ever.

This reconstruction of the film has been based on the only existing material.

A considerable amount of the film reconstruction was able to be completed and the correct sequence of its editing established by means of this Argentinian material.

Contributors of material and guidance:

I told him I wouldn’t pay for the thing, but the trouble is, he’s got my material.

Oh, Mr. Zanfield, this material, I couldn’t get it in the gold design, only in the silver.

The image and sound of the documentary material were recorded on location using the Shorin system in mines, factories and other real locations.

«Dracula is and always has been material for a great picture.»

«While it is picture material from the angle of the pictorial and dramatic, it is not picture material from the standpoint of the box office, nor of ethics of the industry.»

Satan takes Christ and tempts him with glorious visions of the material world.

I’m running out of material.

And it gave me enough material to blackmail him for ten years.

Turn the material over to Division 3 and wait downstairs.

They gave it up because it destroyed the material.

And what material for a bunch of hungry artists.

The building material for the dike is boulder clay which the South Sea itself provides.

By your piece of flimsy material.

But listen, Henry Frankenstein, while you were digging in your graves piecing together dead tissues, I, my dear pupil, went for my material to the source of life.

He’s over here gathering material for a new novel.

Uh, the word is not material, miss. Either one will do.

Here they are holding me as a material witness and I don’t know nothing about nothing.

And that is why we must provide both material and spiritual guidance… for those poor creatures.

You look like first-class material— a rough and ready bunch of youngsters who aren’t afraid to go in there and fight.

You see, there’s plenty of material.

She’s brought material for drawings that I’m to make.

You can’t mend machines without tools or material.

Confound your silly war and your war material and all the rest of it.

Really, Mr. Cheyne, Harvey is great material.

It’s gonna hurt the material.

And remember, plenty of suture material.

I believe it both relevant and material to inquire into the motives of this witness.

For the self-supporting girl a material for a frock of this design would be a useful gift.

But there’s more material in the pants.

Oh, it’s a marvelous piece of material… and, uh, exquisitely tailored.

It’s considerable if the material‘s bad, because he’s saved it.

It’s about 30% if the material is good.

We’d control every type of war material.

He sent down a lot of orders for material and stuff…

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