Use the word massive in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word massive, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use massive in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «massive».

Massive in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word massive in a sentence.

  1. It is 2.5 to 3 times as massive.

  2. It was a massive, massive explosion.

  3. The architect designed a massive arch.

  4. These dimensions make the skull very massive.

  5. It is around five times as massive as our Sun.

  6. It is around four times as massive as our Sun.

  7. Amid the massive crowds that arrived at the U.S.

  8. Seven are more massive than either Eris or Pluto.

  9. On 1 March 1953, Stalin suffered a massive stroke.

  10. It is the most massive of the known dwarf planets.

  11. This led to a massive expansion in FVdG membership.

  12. I have to give the Rangers massive credit for that…

  13. This massive sculpture is estimated to weigh 40 tons.

  14. This event is more likely for more massive companions.

  15. The planet would be about 10 times as massive as Earth.

  16. Around 1.53 times as massive as the Sun, it shines with 512 times its luminosity.

  17. The peak is about 38 m (125 ft) higher than Mauna Loa, its more massive neighbor.

  18. Mass loss is one of the most intensively studied aspects of massive star research.

  19. Around 18 times as massive as the Sun, it shines with 65,000 times its luminosity.

  20. It is 17 times the mass of Earth, slightly more massive than its near-twin Uranus.

  21. Jaymi said, «Very exciting, we’re about to start recording our second studio album, which is massive.

  22. A cyclorama was painted and wrapped around the set, while massive industrial fans created a sandstorm.

  23. On 23 July 2012, a massive, potentially damaging, solar storm came within nine days of striking Earth.

  24. Arriving in uncharted space, the crew of the Autumn discover a massive ringworld orbiting a gas giant.

  25. In April 1983, a massive landslide (specifically a complex earthflow) dammed the Spanish Fork (river).

  26. The cervical vertebrae were platycoelous and had large, massive centra (bodies) and low neural arches.

  27. Procyon A is 1.4 times the Sun’s mass, while its smaller companion is 0.6 times as massive as the Sun.

  28. The massive defections of Han Chinese in northern China that the Song had expected never materialized.

  29. Its companion is most likely a red dwarf of spectral type M3V, around 0.3 times as massive as the Sun.

  30. The company had emerged from the massive consolidation of UK aircraft manufacturers since World War II.

  31. In addition to the massive fleet, 50,000 troops were assembled at Havre de Grâce (modern-day Le Havre).

  32. The 1972 fireball was more than a thousand times as massive and it got 40 km closer to Earth’s surface.

  33. Pigeon meat was commercialized as cheap food, resulting in hunting on a massive scale for many decades.

  34. Despite massive flooding damage to entire neighborhoods there were no drowning deaths in flooded homes.

  35. Because the massive disks are rare, this mechanism of the planet formation is thought to be infrequent.

  36. The Office of War Information geared up for a massive nationwide advertising campaign to sell the war, but «We Can Do It!

  37. Those objects that have become massive enough will capture most matter in their orbital neighbourhoods to become planets.

  38. These eruptions often cause massive lahars (mud and debris flows), which pose a threat to human life and the environment.

  39. The Sun is not massive enough to commence the fusion of heavier elements, and nuclear reactions in the core will dwindle.

  40. Of apparent magnitude 4.89, it is 1.77 times as massive, 15.5 times as luminous as the Sun and has 2.13 times its radius.

  41. Around 6 or 7 times as massive and 3,500 times as luminous as the Sun, it is located around 5,100 light-years from Earth.

  42. Some massive but mostly plain porphyry sarcophagi from the church are now placed outside the Istanbul Archaeology Museums.

  43. All three stars seem to be near equally hot B-type main-sequence stars that are three to four times as massive as the Sun.

  44. The city’s cherished Point Pleasant Park and Public Gardens suffered massive loss of trees and remained closed for months.

  45. On 1 December, ten Marines from 2nd Battalion 7th Marines were killed by a massive IED while on a foot patrol in Fallujah.

  46. It is actually a complex system composed of two stars around as massive as the Sun that orbit each other every 1.14 days, orbited by a third Sun-like star every 726 years.

  47. At 03:00 on July 16, the KPA launched a massive barrage of tank, artillery and mortar fire on the 19th Infantry positions and KPA troops began to cross the river in boats.

  48. HH objects associated with very young stars or very massive protostars are often hidden from view at optical wavelengths by the cloud of gas and dust from which they form.

  49. However, on September 18, 1926, a storm that became known as the 1926 Miami Hurricane struck with winds over 140 miles per hour (230 km/h), and caused massive devastation.

  50. Models of the evolution and death of single very massive stars predict an increase in temperature during helium core burning, with the outer layers of the star being lost.

Synonyms for massive

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word massive has the following synonyms: heavy, large, big, monolithic, monumental and solid.

General information about «massive» example sentences

The example sentences for the word massive that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «massive» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «massive».

All sentences (with pause)

Used with nouns:

«His sculptures are done on a massive scale.«

«There is a massive amount of people at the parade.«
(amount, number, increase, turnout)

«There was massive bleeding at the accident scene.«
(bleeding, trauma, damage, destruction)

«The closing store is having massive discounts.«
(discounts, sales, reductions)

«He died from a massive heart attack.«
(heart attack, overdose, stroke)

«They’re making massive improvements to the house.«
(improvements, changes, updates, upgrades)

«People were injured in the massive earthquake.«
(earthquake, landslide)

«There was a massive outcry against the war.«
(outcry, uprising, protest, resistance, retaliation, rise)

«The country suffered a massive loss.«

«He experienced massive success with his first book.«
(success, support)

Examples of how to use the word “massive” in a sentence. How to connect “massive” with other words to make correct English sentences.

massive (adj): very large in size, amount, or number:

Use “massive” in a sentence

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action”.
Their house is massive.
The best revenge is massive success.

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Not finding what it was he was looking for, Henry dumped the massive pile back onto his desk and started opening his desk drawers, banging his elbow on the cubicle wall behind him

This individual suffered massive

«So you want me to transport stolen property?» He folded his massive arms in front of Tahlmute’s face

‘I’m not entirely sure it’s her fault, Emma, but the situation is that she and Stephen have had a massive row

‘Not now, but there used to be a massive coal industry all round Radstock and up towards Bath

It was a massive and ancient daedalus sleepership, a relic from a century ago

A tabloid newspaper lay open as reading material and as a safety net for the droppings of his massive sandwich

’ She said drawing a massive breath

A massive cloud formation was the backdrop of the stage

The massive Earth invasion fleet faces off against every ship the Squidies’ can muster

The massive rings of the extractor, the web of struts around the containment sphere and the tower of capsules standing above it

Usually the altar was built on a mountaintop, or on the top of a hill, and in ancient Rome or Greece, we see massive temples built as well in their honor

 Taking Inspired Massive Action that opens you up to

When it comes to taking massive inspired action, we run

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

Everything Herod did was massive

It was claimed to be more massive than people could imagine

Before me was this huge massive head, black as night with silver stripes on the ridges of its nose

Jake stretched out his massive wings and took off with a leap

With that he spread his massive wings and leapt into the air and he was gone in a matter of minutes

massive with a capital M

At this camp they spent an uneventful Dusksleep, wore Alan out with sex-as-entertainment for Nightday, got soaked in a massive electrical storm for Dawnsleep that they dried out of thru Morningday of the week they finally walked out of that wilderness

He hesitates on the edge of the trees before plunging across the stretch of grassland which surrounds the Naveta … it looks far larger than I remember: a massive prehistoric building looking like an upturned hull of a boat, hence the name

Mighty was the song from that volcano, a massive, thunderous drone, chords actually changing too fast for some ears to pick from the static, each cycle of the wave was a different note, in the chords chirping above

Wings fully extended he landed stretched to his full height; carefully and slowly folded his wings, and turned his massive head and stared at the group of students standing in dumb awe at the sight of him

He nodded his massive head to them

Michael bent over and hugged him and gently patted his massive head lovingly; he fed him a small amount of meat and placed a bowl of water before him

‘We cannot retrieve the fourth Element without using a massive guard – you agree?’ he replied

Brancettrabble leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head, looking up at the ornate ceiling over twenty feet above the massive chandelier

As it should be My Lady! He rose to his full height spread his massive wings and reared back his head and came forward laying it at her feet

Jackson stepped further into the room and she reared up and threw her head back and slowly came forward and laid her massive head at his feet

Collin went down on his knees; tears streaming down his face, and gently stroked her massive head

The dogs flew to the right and to the left, up and down the aisles and rows, savaging all of the dignitaries with their massive fangs until there was nothing left of the government ministers, the judiciary and upper echelons of the police service but rags and bones

Yes, it is a lot easier to get around by car, but it has become a necessity as populations have moved away from the land into massive conurbations

For a start, the machinery here, whilst performing well, is not on the same scale as the massive engines of the industrial revolution across in England

Jake lowered his massive head and peered at the little package before him

But you’re probably right … it would be a massive upheaval

We moved to the massive food counter

Unfortunately Danny and Annie were thrust unceremoniously into the analogue Dickensiana of real life when their father keeled over with a massive heart attack one Saturday evening while watching the family’s favourite football team being trounced by Hereford United

«We don’t need a fourth order condensate to entangle the dark bodies, we can entangle the virtual particles created in the veron store and dispense with that massive and hungry equipment

Both men struggled to remove it; Tarak’s muscles rippled in his arms and upper shoulders as he pulled and tugged the massive root free

A massive boulder on the inside was then rolled back across the entrance; one man climbed above it and pulled on a rope and a large black tarp unrolled, covering the entrance

Rayne saw off in the distance a large structure at the edge of a rather massive forest; she questioned Mistress Sera as to what it was

Above the massive fireplace that occupied one whole wall, was a portrait of Lord Boras in his youth, an imposing figure even then; the artist capturing the darkness in his eye

From the air the trees appeared massive; but here, standing at the opening to the forest itself, Rayne felt insignificant

Two massive doors opened into a dark, dreary room; heavy dark green drapes hung throughout the room

The massive four-poster bed was in the center of the large room ringed with the same dark draperies

Pandora The placement of something which causes a massive chain

A few years ago my father suffered a massive brain

The massive doors opened and as he was greeted by Altera herself

The animal was massive, at least 400

It transpires that she and Bunty had a massive row just before Bunty left Italy which caused some considerable cooling of the relationship between them

Not thought of it like that before, not only am I moving into a settled relationship but I’m also moving on with my career … this book is a massive undertaking for me

15 December – AC told me there is going to be a massive party at Christmas to celebrate 25 years of the House

‘The tenants at Danvers House threw a massive Christmas party to celebrate their Silver Jubilee

supported on either side by massive buttresses that seemed to pin the

Cut stone steps went up a whole story between the massive intertwined roots, the blocks had grown in a century ago and had to be periodically chopped clear

The doors were massive, great designs of heavy wood with crystal fittings

Without comment, he calmly lashed out with one massive hand and slapped her face, knocking her back against the pillows

He hit one of the rocks and bounced off it, splatting against another just as a massive wave struck the cliff

’ The Inspector replied, watching Kev closely and noting that the man appeared relieved … clearly it was not a massive surprise to him

The other groups of chairs and settees, the massive mantle and fire place with marvelously wrought andirons, fire tools, and the long snouted bellows leaning against the ornate fire screen

I lie back in the bath a massive grin on my face

Gradually, she tells me that they’d had a massive row and that she’d made all sorts of demands with the result that Andy stormed out of the house

massive; he stood nearly the height of the doorway, his shoulders slightly less than

Feeling proud of myself for remembering a short cut from Holdenhurst Road through to Christchurch Road, I turn down Clevedon Road and suffer a massive attack of déjà vu

Behind that bush was a massive drop, at least 200 feet down in a completely vertical direction

Besides, if he really lost his temper with her, she knew Alex’s massive arms would never allow the blow to land

He got a good view of the massive bruise, for the first time when the movements slid her sleeve up her arm

Sally managed to find her way through the massive crowd

The lights were there, bright as the night of the massive

It was like a massive, shining black hole

Stopping mid-way in the massive structure, she looked about

Knowing full well that the entities would have to undergo massive changes, bodiless, they couldn’t exist in our gravity

Sionn was sat down and holding his head in both hands! Deria said, ‘There was a massive bomb

When Jim gently lifted and cradled her into his massive arms, like a baby

There are three elevator lines surrounding the drop, but they are all expensive because of the massive pressures involved in building so tall a shaft on an elevator as these

That’s a massive 500%

Before long, the Red Wall was a city, its structures and dwellings growing more elaborate, larger, and climbing farther and burrowing deeper into the massive Gorian Mountains

All of which were aflame, turning the entire northern tower into one massive pyre

The wide teeth in the massive jaw, the upper arms the size of her torso, the forearms the size of an athlete’s thigh

Once more the elder giant raised the massive crystalline hammer to the sky

with a roar, he propelled it downward, backing the swing with the full might of his massive arms and shoulders

But now Brodin had a stone on each shoulder and was dropping them in pairs, hurling them as fast as his massive arms could lift them

But unfortunately, their massive bodies proved too large a target, and the latest wave of enemies were much quicker than those that came before; many were, in fact, the ancient ones

Instead, the creator of this wall placed jagged edges against smooth ones, large boulders atop small stones, and fit them together, filling his gaps and seams, with massive amounts of mortar

From within the light, all he could see was something dark and massive beginning to emerge, growing larger and larger until it towered over him

To Emily’s right, the forest exploded as a massive buck burst from the woods, his rack of horns smashing aside anything that obstructed his path

The table itself was white, and though massive, the wood was a solid piece down to the thick center leg on which it rested

It might get redeveloped into factory offices before or after that because the blocks of its walls and doorframes were massive

At a height of forty standard feet the winch began groaning under the pressure, the massive brentwood timbers that composed the frame bending as it inched its way upward

And should they fail, beyond them was a pair of massive wooden doors that, when shut, could be easily reinforced and buttressed against any outward aggression

Without further words she reached out to him with her remaining charred hand and then meticulously began to inspect his massive body for infection

When it reaches our sun, which, as we know is simply a massive ball of fire, it affects it in such a way as to distill the Life-Light into an energy that we can use

At least it wasn’t his machine, that was under the plank-up and would have made a massive shattering sound

Looming in front of him was the massive android of Morgan Evans

She had to admit the thing did not look mechanical, it looked like a huge black man with massive arms and shoulders and short wooly hair

Coordinating their movements with jabs of his massive war pick, the wicked boulder dwarf Gunt kept the crowd moving at a constant and ordered pace

Massive beyond belief

And then a terrible beast with huge teeth and massive snorting nostrils pushed its head into the hedge and stared at him

Synonym: big, clumsy, coarse, heavy, large, ponderous, solid, strong, sturdy, thick. Similar words: excessive, aggressive, impressive, progressive, mass, the mass of, offensive, assign. Meaning: [‘mæsɪv]  adj. 1. imposing in size or bulk or solidity 2. being the same substance throughout 3. imposing in scale or scope or degree or power 4. consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter. 

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1. This could mean a massive furlough of government workers.

2. Eight massive stone pillars supported the roof.

3. There is a massive monument in the square.

4. He died of a massive brain haemorrhage .

5. We must make massive efforts to improve it.

6. The temple is supported by massive columns.

7. The gorilla had a massive forehead.

8. The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.

9. She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.

10. The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.

11. The country has undergone massive changes recently.

12. The roof is supported by eight massive stone pillars.

13. These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

14. It was a massive, graceless house.

15. We had a massive snowball fight .

16. We ran up a massive hotel bill.

17. The war caused a massive transfer of population.

18. Massive chimneys were spewing out smoke and flames.

19. There’s been massive television coverage of the World Cup.

20. There was evidence of massive fraud.

21. On the big night there was a massive turnout.

22. She died following a massive stroke.

23. She died of a massive heart attack.

24. They’ve got a massive house.

25. Five cows graze serenely around a massive oak.

26. The government found itself confronted by massive opposition.

27. They have massive rows because they’re both so stubborn.

28. Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking.

29. The massive boardroom pay awards were criticized by the workers.

30. To make your life a sound structrure that will serve others and fulfil your own potential, you have to remember that strength, however massive ,(sentencedict .com) can’t endure unless it has the interlocking supprt of others. Go it alone and you’ll inevitably tumble. 

More similar words: excessive, aggressive, impressive, progressive, mass, the mass of, offensive, assign, assist, extensive, exclusive, defensive, classic, classify, assist in, exclusively, assistant, classical, comprehensive, assistance, assignment, as soon as possible, carcinomas, pass, class, asset, missile, Russian, session, mission. 

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