Use the word map in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “map” in a sentence. How to connect “map” with other words to make correct English sentences.

map (n): a drawing of the earth’s surface, or part of that surface, showing the shape and position of different countries, political borders, natural features such as rivers and mountains, and artificial features such as roads and buildings

Use “map” in a sentence

I located the town on a map.
I’d like a map of the city.
Can you show it to me on the map?
Excuse me, where am I on this map?
I’m trying to read the map.
The red lines on the map represent railways.
May I have a bus route map?
What’s the scale of the map?
Spread the map on the table.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word map, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use map in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «map».

Map in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word map in a sentence.

  1. Green enclosed a map by John J.

  2. Fewer still modify the map of the world.

  3. On VCristian Gedde’s district map of St.

  4. One such custom map was «Aeon of Strife».

  5. He made an early map of the area in 1671.

  6. There’s no road map for that territory ..

  7. The map first appeared in Super Smash Bros.

  8. The ship was outside the area of the above map.

  9. The magazine also came to appreciate the 3D map.

  10. The game features a field map and battle screen.

  11. Photo map of the area around the two Mimoyecques sites.

  12. The map shows the county boundaries for all 32 counties.

  13. Its inverse is also called the logarithmic (or log) map.

  14. The map was one of the earliest to use the name «Virginia».

  15. At least one map has given this point a name, Emigrant Pass.

  16. He was found to be carrying a map and notebook containing details of new attacks.

  17. In 1840, Mädler combined ten years of observations to draw the first map of Mars.

  18. The 1954 edition of the Nevada highway map was the first to show the new routing.

  19. In March 2004, map maker Steve «Guinsoo» assumed control of Allstars development.

  20. CVG recommended drawing a map of the maze, without which it was easy to get lost.

  21. A map of the island first appeared in 1845 on a British Admiralty chart entitled «The Houtman Rocks».

  22. Extending the map further than 90° in longitude from the center will result in crowding and overlaps.

  23. On August 1, update 1.10 was released and added Trial of the Gods to the «Labyrinth of Daedalus» map.

  24. Steel had helped map Crater Lake in 1886 with Clarence Dutton of the United States Geological Survey.

  25. However, the routings for two highways were different in Michigan in 1925 than on the final 1926 map.

  26. She finally concludes that «it is possible to map only the barest possibilities for [Aspasia’s] life».

  27. The highway was realigned due north between Rapid River and Trenary according to the 1938 service map.

  28. Towards the end of his association with the map in 2005, Feak handed over control to another developer.

  29. These instruments swept across the sky as the rockets rotated, producing a map of closely spaced scans.

  30. Proctor created a more detailed map of Mars based on the 1864 drawings of English astronomer William R.

  31. Map 9: An 1897 map of Shimoga district showing Ikkeri and Keladi in Sagar taluq on the west (in orange).

  32. Tanaka credited the ROM cartridge platform for enabling seamless transition to battles on the field map.

  33. One Italian map included Prizren, where Nicolaides and Meinhard had drawn the boundary just south of it.

  34. Commemorative dinner plates in blue and pink decorated with a map of the Chesapeake Bay were introduced.

  35. A map published in his 1616 work A Description of New England clearly shows the site as «New Plimouth.».

  36. Speaking of his former club, Bruce admitted that «Norwich put me on the map and I will always feel I owe them something».

  37. Chocobos can be found in certain spots on the map, and if caught, can be ridden to areas inaccessible by foot or vehicle.

  38. The children are surprised by a map showing how small Siam is compared with the rest of the world («Getting to Know You»).

  39. Coenwulf’s death, in 821, marked the beginning of a period in which the political map of England was dramatically redrawn.

  40. The world map is littered with representations of areas for the player to enter, including towns, environments, and ruins.

  41. Positioned roughly in the middle of the world map lies Balamb, the smallest continent, the island on which the game begins.

  42. Characters and sprites are proportionate with each other, and the player navigates Ashley on a three-dimensional field map.

  43. It includes ghyll scrambling, mountain biking, guided walks, map reading, canoeing, climbing, a triathlon and other events.

  44. Players can freely navigate around the world map unless restricted by obstacles such as bodies of water or mountain ranges.

  45. Because of this, the Peruvian geological agency, INGEMMET, monitors Coropuna and has published a hazard map for the volcano.

  46. The Luftwaffe grid map (Jägermeldenetz) was composed of rectangles measuring 15 minutes of latitude by 30 minutes of longitude, an area of about 360 square miles (930 km).

  47. The field map consists of controllable 3D characters overlaid on one or more 2D pre-rendered backgrounds, which represent environmental locations such as towns or forests.

  48. Later, the party is given access to Flammie, a miniature dragon which is controlled by the player and able to fly freely across the world, represented by an overworld map.

  49. Navigation is presented from a first-person view and complemented with a heads-up display that shows character and weapon information, a map, and a drag and drop inventory.

  50. The map depicted Vitus Bering’s route during the Great Northern Expedition, and featured illustrations of Steller’s sea cow and Steller’s sea lion in the upper-left corner.

Synonyms for map

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word map has the following synonyms: mapping, correspondenc, map out and represent.

General information about «map» example sentences

The example sentences for the word map that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «map» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «map».

There was some hand drawn street map in a foreign language in with it, and a faded old map of Gengee with some of that language on it

Have you though her how to read a map? How about encouraging

Suddenly, she disappeared, and the only thing left on the displays was the three dimensional map of the building

He could have been close, just waiting for the details from the map

«I never could figure out what that wilderness map was about,» she said to try and get him to talk

«Oh no,» he said, «That’s not the map to the missing aluminum,» Herndon said

«Then why was it so important that we have that map?» Ava asked

One map was simply directions to the warehouse where that cargo receipt was issued

The other was a faded old geological map of the Gengee, where a desolate wasteland deep in the West Gengee Empty was marked up in Portuguese

Mark your city map with dots or stickers to show where you work, live, and spend time

Ask him or her to mark on their city map their school, house, library, etc

«What can that map show in this wasteland that we can steer to?» Ava asked him

While they waited, Tahlmute showed doostEr the map he was carrying

He noticed that the map was an eye-copy of an old handwritten scrap of paper, more evidence that there was plenty of money involved in this deal

Since the back way wasn’t right in the band of city, it wasn’t shown on this map

He needed to consult the map to find his way in from the front, the dock side of Taktor’s yard and found that was all left blank

Tahlmute has a map, even I haven’t seen it yet

«I should have paid closer attention to the map,» Tahlmute said

«It wouldn’t show on that little map

There are loads of bridleways and footpaths around here and, when I have the chance, I tend to grab my OS map and wander off to explore

«We’re in this blank paper here,» Tahlmute showed him on the map

This map detailed a spot that was as exactly in the middle of nowhere as it was possible to get in the west cheek of the dry end of the Gengee floor

The target on the map should be in sight, but they could see nothing

So this was how the map worked, you go to the ‘+’ and we’ll come meet you

Glenelle was amazed that she was able to look up that location on a map and to see it thru a small scope as it came around the planet

Travis didn’t look convinced, but he took out a note pad and began to jot down a map with a Biro

She walked towards it, seeing the map clearly in her mind

Meester? You promised your Chief a treasure map

They did not have a good map for the planet available, just the one transmitted by the Christials

So no serious planning could be done till a map was drawn

«So,» Carlton said, beginning to unfold a large map

» Ernesto had them drawn in on his map

The map itself could be purchased in town for half a shift of unskilled labor or half of a small steel ball-bearing

Herndon was already getting lost in the details of the map because of the native serum and had to force himself back on topic

«I have an address, we’ll want to find a map, there’ll be a news stand with maps along the waterfront I’m sure

«I’m looking for a map that will show me this address,» Ava said and showed her the slip

“My lord will use the map you

lord of Mirage followed his map

Her eyes busily scanned the people in the vicinity, on the lookout for anything that might be threatening while Angie referred to the little map Iain had drawn for them

Here, we turn down here according to the map

She set out to map the routes these light beams took

Now she just had to make a map of what data was where

She had a folder of paper in there that held a rough tourist map of the Shempala Lakes region from the 51st century, now all crackly with age

They laid out California and Daniel bent over the map

The most recent map said there was still farmland between them and the swamp, this was probably that farmland, but the map was out of date

Of course the Shempala Lakes Tourist Council that had published these highly symbolic maps four centuries ago could have exaggerated the size of the lakes by a whole lot and the lakes might really be thirty eight and twenty nine miles long instead of the hundred ten and seventy that was shown on this map

She didn’t want to have to get the map out and consult it too often, it was brittle as anything in spite of treating it with a rag she got in Lastriss

“Yes, on the wall in the Alderfolk’s office, there is a local map,

‘Whereabouts on the island is the touching place, Lintze?’ Berndt asked, producing a map of the island and laying it out on the table, pushing odd bits of tableware out of the way as he does so

I stare at the map, trying to tally the map in front of me with my memory

’ I said eventually, pointing to a place on the far left of the island … I’m not sure about cardinal points; there are none on this map and I am not sure how the island is orientated

’ Berndt said, stroking his chin with one hand, his eyes on the map

’ Joris said, his eyes narrowing as he considers the map

There’s an abandoned town there, all the farmland the map shows is abandoned also, so that swamp is pretty serious

None tried very hard to engage her in conversation at their duskmeal, Desa and Alan tried to figure out where they might be on the out-of-date and not-to-scale map

«Your old map shows some cattle towns out this way, is there any chance we’re nearing one of them yet?» Alan asked

‘We’d better have a good look at that map of yours in the morning, then

The session with the map this morning had been positive

I have the backpack ready over there and the map is in my pocket

Berndt gets the map out and we pore over it

’ Berndt said, his finger on the map

They figured the place must have been one of the cattle towns on the ancient map, seeing as the main businesses are what they are, but most residents were eating from their plot and helping the others out now and then for some cash

On the wall was a huge map of the Modern Greek State showing all the major points of interest

On my lap was the map Auntie had given me and although I remember passing over the island of Egina then Ios I remember nothing else

Inside was a really large telescope in a case, many large, securely-locked map cases, a large finely-detailed globe of the world on a gimbaled stand, an unintelligible plastic machine, other purposeless tools, another table, more chairs, a comfortable reading chair with a plumbed lantern, a whole library of bookcases and a big clipstand holding what must be the ships manifest

This scan is a map, a web

’ I told him, seeing again the map I used when I took Tom there and realising that I must have imprinted it on my memory in some way

“He could be at my dock in an hour with that PowerBoat, because he is still in my universe on the same landscape map

NET web application that does make use of routing makes use of URLs that do not have to map

Because the URL does not have to map to a file, you can use URLs that are

Where’s that map

map of the room’s layout, opened a large cupboard and found what

‘That’s a nice map

a park or something? I’ll have to dig out a map of Naples and see if the address of Bunty’s flat is shown

A large map of the Hold was on the table and they were going over the placement of sentries

com provides me with a brilliant map of Naples … the Villa dei Mille, where the Embassy was … and still is for that matter … is in one of the older quarters of the city so it is likely that the area hasn’t changed much in the last fifty odd years

As I print off the map of Naples, it occurs to me that I may be able to find out something about the home Bunty helped with

She relayed that information, it was obvious Yellelle had to elaborate, even had to draw a crude map of the world and point out where Virginia was

It is not possible to make a map of any large area

Bex has an aural map of her father’s history

He sat on the ground and retrieved the map

He turns to the pages covering North Devon and scans the map, familiarising himself with place names and road numbers

He shuts the map book, puts on his sun glasses and turns the ignition key

She wasn’t good at map reading … had never got the hang of how to navigate when, to her mind, the plan was upside down, but she persevered, running her finger along the different lines on the map until she had worked it out

The path she was used to taking turned off to the right outside the barracks and led down to the cove, a junction part way along leading off to the dig … but what if she went left outside the barracks? With one finger, she traced the route of the path as it wound through the marsh, concluding that it appeared to end up further along the coast at a stretch of beach shown on the map by a splash of yellow … at least she assumed that’s what it meant

Trying to visualise the map back at the barracks, he debated with himself whether he should go back or try to cut across country to the road he knew had to be running almost parallel to the track he was on

‘Could you show me on a map, sir?’ the policeman asked

The policeman picked up the phone on the table and asked a colleague to bring in an OS map of the area

It took a while for the Sergeant to get the map unfolded and laid out on the table

He carefully folded up the map

which, as he drew closer, he could see was a map of the area

As he eats he looks at Ted’s scrawled notes and the map of connections in Alex’s notebook

’ Sergeant Williams said, indicating on the map he was holding the cove where Chrissie used to sit and the long beach

It is a map and it is an explanation

Ben suggests that if David is going to communicate with us by e-mail, as he has said he intends to, then if he could include some titbits of information about the town where they are at the time, we can print off the e-mails, and then stick his messages around the map with a string linking the message with the appropriate place

He was glad the map told him he had to go down three floors

Samuel handed Harry a map of Redditch, with the points of interest, both historical and popular marked clearly for reference, and suggested he tour the town and ‘get his bearings

It takes a while for them to find the appropriate place on the map, but as Abi pins the paper up, Katie explains the plan for Easter Monday

He would have to stop at a room in Chardovia next week to get a map of it

He was holding a map, but looking past it at them until Henta pointed

He said he mapped in the specific point he picked for us to breach space based on tidal shifts in local stellar gravity

If he’d mapped the input right, then the ship would feel like part of her body

Throughout the night, my thoughts had drifted between dreams and a reality that seemed mapped out on the ceiling of my father’s room

Not only did he have no details on that auxiliary veron store, all its controls were mapped into Thom’s lab and he would have to manually re-map each of them to get them back into here

Not only that, but all its sensors were also mapped into Thom’s lab and out of this one

A route is a URL pattern that is mapped to a handler

Ava put his gear in a separate address space that can’t be mapped in

radiation that can be accurately measured and mapped

meridians that had been mapped out anciently by

“Acolyte Tometahin is currently mapped in the parts of heaven nearest their hurling worlds and is adept to the fifth order

Wolfgang spoke up, “We should say that our methods measure the minimum possible extent of the substrate we are in, we have mapped neurons used by souls from Earth as far as that extent

Pythagoras mapped them for western science: zero, an eighth, a quarter, a third, a half, two-thirds, seven-eighths, one; one and an eighth, one and a quarter, one and a third, one and a half, one and two-thirds, one and seven-eighths, two

Until now it mapped as a jungle-covered mountain surrounded by a teeming pre-technical city

«I see some of the advanced stuff in here,» she said, meaning the use of the veron banks, «but it’s not mapped in any more

The true extent of Gerrid’s neural disruption had not been mapped; the scanning process in itself ran the risk of damage – and generally would be used for someone on the point of death

He had even mapped the cycle of their activity; developed a mathematical formula of dynamic patterning that could predict a future action with ninety-eight per cent accuracy

Such decisions should be carefully mapped out as they are likely to impact the course of future generations (curiously) different however (remarkably) similar to present conventions

‖ This ―unbroken chain of events,‖ that finds ostensible expression in future behavior, is irreconcilable, it would seem, with causal/effects partially achieved in conjunction with problematical outcomes, that, in any event, could neither shape nor influence an uncertain future unless its ―collective actions‖ were uniformly mapped out, absent the intervention of Accident or Chance or other contaminating elements occasioned by voluntary actions not in keeping with ―programmed‖ designs that would (otherwise) render such a scenario, unthinkable; that is to say, there are far too many contending variables that need to be factored into the equation

The name came from when Captain James Cook navigated and mapped the east coast of Australia in 1770

He mapped his next move

turned out to have a similar plan, except that every week mapped out in the software

itinerary with times mapped for an entire week

There was a strong northward flowing current off the east coast, and some dangerous shoals that had not been fully mapped

By midafternoon we were mapped out and moved to the courtyard

Noah passed his phone to Manda and while he pulled into traffic, she went online and mapped out the direction to the cabin

I noticed that the southern tip of the southern landmass had finally been mapped, but there was a blank space inland from the coast

Luis noticed the blank areas, and I explained that they were not yet mapped

Finally I asked where they happened to get the maps and they told me that the coast had been mapped some years before, but the land was still being mapped

“I mapped that area already

Once they reached the Laha River, they turned east to follow the path Silpitocle and I had mapped out the previous winter

Over that first year, I explored and mapped as many of the caves as I could reach, but finally grew tired of it

Some of the doors, too, were missing, although those that were left were mapped with carvings, the beauty of which the scribe had rarely seen before, more intricate, indeed, than Ralph Tregannon’s furnishings, and purer, too

We have mapped out the future for our people

And after doing this, I mapped a path between

The four of them sat down and mapped out their

The retinal image is mapped onto the brain cortex which breaks down the image into various waveforms using a mathematical technique called ‘Fourier transforms’ (as in holography)

In 1997, instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope mapped Vesta,

and stars, and mapped it in 3D

We’d located the site we called the smithy, a building with large fire pits, and started excavating it as soon as it was mapped

Without the giggles and mocking with which girls habitually draw attention to themselves, the boys lost inhibitions and calculated the river flow, mapped the stars, climbed rocky escarpments, skinny-dipped, used trigonometry to work out the height of hills and trees, held impromptu concerts, made up plays and, throwing off the shackles of convention, accepted my assertion that they’d enjoy participating in ‘free movement’ to the strumming of their teacher’s Spanish guitar

we have our 4D lives, totally mapped out

With the AS-IS Core IT Processes mapped and the business units mapped, and a correlation between the two established, the Consulting Team determined the 8 core IT processes that the business required in the necessary TO-BE state

This is not what God had planned for mankind, but that is what mankind has mapped

” Notice how much confidence Christ carried with Him, knowing truly that He has your plan mapped out

―We‘ve mapped out barely a fraction of this planet,‖ the Captain replied

―Hell, if we had some satellites, we could have mapped this whole dust ball out by now

Her once slender legs were now thick and mapped with veins that traveled all the way down to the powdery-blue ankle socks covering her swollen feet

happen, having mapped everything out in your mind beforehand will

‘ With a long, stained fingernail he mapped the constellations on the marble-tiled floor

He swore to Menendez that the process should not take too long as he had already mapped sixty percent of their DNA

I don’t really know much more about the Power Base papers, but I do have a plan mapped out for our next step

He saw his mood mapped into physicality as the gates opened slowly, the mist rolling through them in great swathes; through that threshold lay depravity and baseness, the two things which a man will seek as anodyne for a broken heart

IN this chapter, I’ve mapped out some schedules I’ve used

you have mapped out is satisfying for your family

“When we mapped the human genome the genie was out of the bottle

passageways, some of them we have since mapped

Using the laser radar sensor of her suit, Nancy quickly mapped the position she was relative to the shuttle and, using the built-in gravity drive of her suit, floated to the main airlock entrance

You’ll have your own internal schedule mapped out and also

tions changing the mapped landscape and destroying most of

Having mentally mapped out the entire layout of the hotel, except for the Tower, she felt comfortable traveling alone with just her cane to prevent any mishaps in case a staff member or a guest inadvertently moved some of the furniture in the lobby or in the room

In the preceding example, any URL whose controller name begins with item will be mapped to the shop controller

We have now mapped the URL

to get out of an investment before “others see the light” However, that territory is mapped

mapped rather completely the intellectual development of human

is that we’re in a dimension I haven’t mapped

«He said it the bastard (*Name would have been changed, had it been included), he was supposed to be our and he had the gall to say his life was over, this was it, mapped out, 25 years old and no plan except to have no plan, unless you call working at something you hate for an indeterminate number of years and then retiring and working at boredom for another interminate number of years and then carking it a plan

The entire journey was mapped to ensure both maximum crowds and maximum security

Then divined by desire to espy her features, he mapped her feet with his caressing looks

You have had many experiences here; you have mapped

yrinth to be mapped, charted and discovered

tools that Ewen had mapped out for us to take action

I’d mapped out a fantastic day based on the most romantic locations, fifteen perfect spots, including a just-the-two-of-us picnic in our hotel room

Everything is mapped out for us

can not be mapped out

There was a blueprint that was being followed and no matter how much was said in the streets or boardrooms or chamber of the small wealthy colony it would not change the history that had already been mapped out

and may be a sign of respect to those who mapped the

Well, at least, their path has been mapped out for the next few years

And the HelloWorldJSP servlet element is mapped to the /HelloWorldJSP URL pattern (/HelloWorldJSP)

We’re no where close to what I just mapped out

Your ancestors through precise calculations of math, astronomy and much trial and error mapped out where the available worlds for habitation in this galaxy were

A team of men could build the roads after another team had mapped out the territory in advance

To say, further, that they had stumbled even to a detailed description correctly mapped out, of thing no man could know, but by revelation, not only seems incredible, but it is incredible

They must be mapped out based on your personal preferences, abilities, and needs

Olsen watched this and mapped out the area in his mind; he took a few steps onto the harbour and noted the locations and directions of the footpaths

The doctors of the church: they mapped out the whole theology of it

All the planning I’d done, the way I’d mapped out the whole summer down to each box and meal

The chief told everybody that we’d relax and have a few beers while we mapped out the next day’s operation

The chief told everybody that we’d relax and have a few beers while we mapped out the next day’s operation

That morning we mapped out a small portion of the plateau, avoiding the swamp of the pterodactyls, and keeping to the east of our brook instead of to the west

To this mental estate mapped out a quarter of a century before, to sensibilities thus fenced in, Mr

Having a trading plan will help you have the scenarios mapped out and will give you that guide of what to do in an emergency

Many an option player will fall by the roadside because he has been swayed by his emotions, rather than following the detailed strategies he mapped out before he entered this action filled market

The probes swirl around you, mapping a three dimensional computer representation of you as you walk

At that very moment, he’d been mapping out how to use her as the ship’s primary control system

He didn’t have any hardware mapping for that

Once he had some mapping he could use, the log entries made sense, at least he could follow the action because Ava did have the audio channels logged that day

They had poked around with the auxiliary veron store a bit after she disappeared, but had not done any re-mapping or re-routing at either the sensory level or the universe mapping level either before or after

Andrid immediately went to work mapping out a plan to intercept the Scather ships before they had a chance to release the glider on Aura

“I know; the second theorem of virtuality,” Ava said, “but what does mapping them have to do with interactions with the physical world

He began a discussion of their inner construction, constantly mapping their previous experiences onto the schema illustrated

Its usages only got into her horizon because its haste had allowed a small mapping leak in one of its diagnostics

As our (collective) body of shared values continue to diminish under the dynamic influence of multiculturalism and where the evolution of self-contained communities, especially in our inner cities, continues mapping their (own) chartered course, such events must inevitably give rise to expanding pockets of diverse groups who, as a rule, feel more at ease in their (own) ethnic environments perceived to be culturally and socially sympathetic to their needs contrasted by ‖homogenous‖ groups who, increasingly threatened by ―foreign‖ values that provide little, if any meaning, seek refuge of their own

Mapping the job

mapping the Hackensack heist

across the street, he scoped the road, mapping his route

’ In the last century, huge strides were made in knowledge…the double helix DNA discovery in the ‘50s and now, just a half-century later, the mapping of the entire human genome

As part of the research for his thesis, he did geological mapping for the provincial government in the far north of Quebec, getting paid for the reports he submitted

He had been offered a job mapping the geology of what was then known as South West Africa

“The rest of the comrades lack your mapping skills and sense of direction

mapping so that I don’t miss any of those points

One was called Heroic Adventures and seemed to be some rather exaggerated retelling of the discovery journeys of Grandfather and Juchi as well as some of the smaller mapping expeditions

He introduced himself as Sacook, a mapper, who had been captured about a year earlier while mapping the mouth of a large river to the south called the Bio Bio

“You could probably do that now, but I agree, you should finish mapping

There is the interior up to the Limari River and the mountains which could use some better mapping

Sacook had done an admirable job of mapping from the Limari River south to the Maule and had come by to report to me before working on the area between the Maule and the Bio Bio

Sacook was still mapping the interior at this time, so I couldn’t share it with him

I went on to tell him that Sacook was mapping the interior of the Re Che lands and was truly a credit to him

Mapping The OSI Model To The TCPIP Model…

We made this globe to mark its place after translating its co-ordinates from a unicorn system of mapping that uses hexagons, and we Sent it with our payment to the seller by Translocation

What Is Sales Mapping?

“Why did I create Sales Mapping?” Because I could not find an existing system that connected all of the dots

I trademarked this best practices consultative selling methodology as Sales Mapping “The Process of Connecting the Dots and Winning Customers for Life” ®

Connecting the DOTS that Make up Sales Mapping

Sales Mapping uses the best information known to a few in teaching the skills that will create long-lasting relationships

A step-by-step system for doing this is contained in the Sales Mapping system

SUMMARY: Sales Mapping is Connecting the dots of: Best practices to

When I work with a sales team implementing the Sales Mapping system, they resist the changes needed to ensure 86

The parts of the “Sales Mapping Problem Statement Worksheet” are:

Sales Mapping combines the “What” with the “How

Now we can determine the S (solution) in the Sales Mapping formula

The gap between the two is where you and your team will spend your time mapping your answer

Sales Mapping requires that you develop a Unique Selling Proposition or USP for each proposal

The Sales Mapping system, at its core, is describing and teaching the skills needed to perform within a sales project management frame

Step 3 Complete solution section, mapping the

In the Sales Mapping system we learned:

Unleashing the Power of Consultative Selling is based on Sales Mapping “The Process of Connecting the Dots and Winning Customers for Life”® Training Workshops

Sales Mapping: “The Process of Connecting the

Sales Mapping combines the best

In fact, there is a ‘one-to-one’ mapping of linear analysis to higher dimensional experience

The difference between a linear mapping and a 3d experience is that the former is sequenced in time (correlating it with the left brain) but the latter is simultaneously perceived (correlating it with the right brain)

The lines glow mapping the ungraspable sight, too wide to be consumed at once

The new structure added new features that were needed, but had not been identified prior to the mapping

The Basics of Process Mapping

So the next few hours are spent mapping a tiny fraction of the neural pathways in your head

And yet still mapping every neuron in your head is at least a year away



It’s even better than precisely mapping out seductive moves in your head

DNA mapping meanwhile, has proved that chimpanzees have over ninety-eight percent of the same DNA that humans have

«I do not know the man but I did learn that he was in charge of mapping Maki’s DNA

(Q) Are Akashic Records throughout all universes and dimensions or does each have its own way of mapping out what occurs within its boundaries?

mapping that creates current situation and responses

We will send you a satellite mapping of the city’s layout

On the screen was the three dimensional layout of a huge building that they key seemed to be mapping

Once they took over the planet, the genothroids studied the map mapping the location of the Upsinodron starsystem

“Yes of course we have, I just said we’ve been mapping the

“Until the Internet mapping services started putting aerial photographs of the area on the web, no one knew that was there

It also has long range air surveillance radar antennas in the nose and the tail, a high-definition surface mapping radar in the belly, some highly advanced electronic warfare equipment and also infrared night vision cameras and an inertial navigation system

The key to this route is the (:any) flag in the route mapping rule; (:any) tells CodeIgniter that the second segment in the URI, whatever it is, should map to the product function of the shop controller

Mapping Agency, and the National Reconnaissance Office, are two agencies that provide very

The list was pointless, she thought, everyone knows the survey is producing positive results; and even if they did not have the mapping details, they would soon eliminate the early sample sites and produce a workable map from the good locations

Using a combination of time-motion studies and detailed mapping of the processes, we were able to refine the internal processes

After this strike, the procedure for money drop off would change; they would have to start surveillance and mapping out all over again

That radar was in turn supplemented by another radar dedicated to ground mapping and surveillance, something that added greatly to the combat potential of the XF-83

“Plan of the water treatment plant and mapping of the surrounding area

On a historical basis, most technical indicators are excellent tools for mapping out

They were marsh conditions under foot, but soon the rumble of a heavy duty engine was heard as Shark started the front end loader and channelled its metal tracks through the mud, across the paddock and onto the crown of the road next to the Audi, mapping his path with the beam of one giant spotlight mounted above the blade

As such, it was superbly equipped with sensors and mapping equipment and had crew facilities meant to sustain independent trips as long as a few months

Another priority will be the complete mapping of Eris, including in-depth seismic echo-sounding and a study of its crust’s composition

Letting six of his team mates continue collecting diamonds, Toru returned to the geyser vent with Ying and her radar sled, where he studied the crevasse in detail, mapping its inside with radar

“There are several eyewitness accounts of Da’oe: Pedro Lopez de San Juan’s ill-fated expedition, reports from Californio gold prospectors, and Gulbrand Göttfriedsen’s aerial mapping of the Sierra Nevada

Now well above the electronic detection lobes of any of the radars present in the region, she consulted her navigation mapping unit and did a slight course correction towards Tel Aviv

Mapping out the entire city

When I go to Captain Crowe’s lab, he immediately sends me to Floor 5 to work with Officer Remmit, and we spend the next two hours mapping the Perihelids for the trip back to Undil

Once at Shadow Command Headquarters, we began reassessing our position, confirming our assets, and mapping out our new strategy

Powering up her high definition mapping radar and opening the lens covers of her four reconnaissance cameras, she was soon taking detailed pictures of the two Soviet airbases as she passed overhead, totally unsuspected by the Soviets, whose local radars were not designed to track space targets

There was a trail of blood leading from just under the CCTV camera to where he lay, presumably mapping the route through which he had been dragged

In mapping the way forward, they have drawn heavily on the precedence set when Hawaii joined the United States of America in 1959 as its 50th State

His fingers moved to her lips mapping the outline

“Not when you’re mapping economic trends and trying to forecast the impact of future actions

f) Once there, click on «Tools=>Domain Mapping»

In 1996 a report appeared on his desk about a four man survey team who had been plotting and mapping along a small branch of the Mekong River, they’d reported spotting a woman stood on the embankment and, as nothing was supposed to be there, and as they pulled their boat to the bank to investigate, the women ran off

Several hospitals have found out that incorrect mapping of tests or inaccurate setup in the interface has results (especially lab tests) showing under improper tests or not showing at all in the EMR system

Actually, the first settlement in the North coast of North America by the English was a series of tentative explorations, and mapping out the coastline

mapping its physical functioning

He had designed and built the Castle himself, carefully mapping out the floors along diagrams from a grimoire of geomancy he had acquired in London, along with some improvements of his own design

Today scientists are mapping the human genes in DNA

mapping various streams of collective activity over longer periods of time

belt led to the mapping of other structures

It is also a method of modeling and mapping the flow of

This initial stage is not really a drawing at all, but a species of mapping out, and as such it should be regarded

appear on any maps until 1975 – it actually lies about 10 years to the

«The maps were there, but the claim ticket wasn’t,» Ava told him

«Hey, we saved the maps,» Jorma said, «not that they made any sense to either one of us

«We’ve removed those maps to a safe place,» he said

«We still have the maps,» he said, «But you can be sure she has the claim ticket

Ackers started typing on the keyboard and maps began appearing on the screen

«If they found the maps and the ticket, they wouldn’t have had time to get to the aluminum yet without a boat like this

She didn’t dare rifle thru everything on that first trip, but she took a quick look in the box while on the toilet and found the maps but nothing that stood out as a cargo receipt

She changed her clothes as an excuse for putting her bag back in the boat with her other clothes and the maps

Ava was barely awake enough to speak, but told Herndon, «You better check those maps

Herndon was appearing from the cabin, announced «We still have the maps

There was a good chance he wouldn’t want to delay in getting back to the Gengee where both maps were located

«The disadvantage of traveling at this speed is you never have a chance to get local detail maps

· For younger grandchildren, buy maps of both your city and your grandchild’s city

Then, send the maps to your grandchild

All she’s doing is sending me maps and instructions by eye

It was assumed they could find a large area with a climate like Talstan’s that was uninhabited, they were easy to find on the low res maps they had

I had a vague idea of maps beyond the boundaries of London

He had showed them both maps and pictures of Brasil, most of them now nearly three hundred Earth years old

Actually, come to think of it, he had left it in the city hadn’t he? Left that and his copies of the maps with that American woman he was in love with back then

«I have an address, we’ll want to find a map, there’ll be a news stand with maps along the waterfront I’m sure

JJ and Angie debated for several minutes where this could be but in the end Iain solved the mystery by pulling out an old book of maps

«Where’s the maps?» he asked

«What maps we’ve got are up in Vyinga’s nest, actually that box under the ladder

to know the way to the crematorium without opening books of maps

Desa’s cook pot lay a ways further behind it but there was no sign of the tent, the maps or Desa’s cup

He hoped she had the maps with her

“Yes, I believe there is a rather large area with maps and charts

They went inside and after about an hour Daniel found the section where the maps of the world were kept

From there they were able to find the separate states maps

Of course the Shempala Lakes Tourist Council that had published these highly symbolic maps four centuries ago could have exaggerated the size of the lakes by a whole lot and the lakes might really be thirty eight and twenty nine miles long instead of the hundred ten and seventy that was shown on this map

Tarlass was used to air that thin, and had acclimatized to it well enough that he could walk a mile above the level where maps went black

we still mark spots on maps with monsters

these weird black spots brood quietly on the maps

He’d also had quite an adventure, not just rough weather on the Ttharmine but a three decade sail thru rivers they had to keep buying new maps for

They’d had maps five decades out of date on several sandbars

It was good reading practice for Alan, at least as good as reading the maps had been

James walked over and took a look at the maps of Scotland and England

Jeffery would keep him busy most of the day with the maps

paper, gum bottles, maps of India, water bottles and tiffin boxes

His maps said they had a half mile to go to find a needleboat for rent, and they had to hike with their baggage to get there

If it weren’t for the maps I could have never found Enjteen’s place

They had to take snapshots and look up many of the megastructures on glossy maps, leaving the natives with a lot of the paddling

They had, of course, looked over the maps of Warwickshire and Worcestershire counties in the west midlands, and were certain that intercourse over the country roads, or by train would insure their continued friendship

“I was thinking of going thru your old maps and architectural survey?” she answered Luray while asking Knume

She spent the late Afternoonday spreading the old maps of Zhlindu all over the table and getting wrapped up in them

I helped him find some maps and I knew how to read them

Spelman read the few lines aloud, “My apologies, I’m afraid I didn’t have time to assemble the view maps for your residence, but I am quite sure you will find that your vista of the river and lake are framed quite nicely by the near valley’s shoulders

Flavio noted that Otto had no maps of North and South America

The key forger followed the structure of the master maps, searching for holes where the circle access might be

Flavio was changing maps when Sue entered the cockpit

Otto looked at the weather maps on his laptop

And maps aren’t a whole lot of use,

When important parts of stairways are private to a company or institution, they seldom get on the public street maps

Commander Ammon rolled up the maps of the kingdom that lay scattered on his campaign table

The maps she had DRAFT

He looked at his maps and realized this would be the most exposed portion of his trip

The maps listed Security posts at both bridge entrances

things that one can look at in a presentation [eg: films, maps, charts etc]

Since Security had been alerted to his disappearance, Martin decided to go to their Headquarters before it closed and see if he could get updated data and maps on the Great Allegheny Passage

Martin asked if he could still get an appointment because he needed some maps

He said he thought he may be using the trail called the Great Allegheny Passage to make his escape and he needed maps of the trail, if Security had them

While waiting, Martin checked out the walls of the office which were filled with topographical maps and satellite pictures of the area

It’s been unused for years but he has secured maps of the route for sure

Some are offered maps and

The maps were old and he needed anything that updated their condition or changes that might have been made over the years

He decided against that because he needed to familiarize himself with the trail maps and anything that updated their current condition

Maps of the Great Allegheny Passage which is why I’m using the hiking path along the river,” Kurt said

“The thing is Sir we seem to be a bit lost its this damned bush and the gullies the terrain is truly awful and there were no indications of this on the maps I was shown

Maps the only maps I have seen of this peninsula came from some pre war tourist guide and so had no accuracy what so ever and I truly believe that the devil himself would give this place a wide birth let alone any tourists

Later that morning it was drizzling steadily as we went over towards the farmhouse were the field kitchens had been set up by the wall of another barn now that they had arrived by the Battalion cooks? We walked past Captains’ Melstone and Thornley who had maps and lists in their hands which they were comparing and studying intently we saluted them but they never even noticed so they must have been studying something important

It»s a shame that Obama has decided to join Hamas and Hezbollah in their continuing attempt to drive Israel into the sea and replace her existence on maps of the area with a „Greater Palestine

Already, the grade school children in the Palestine Authority are given maps that show no Israel

“Ever see one of those ancient maps of the world, Commander? The ones from about the

What did the king mean by the words ‘Korrich ranhynn tohyrm Madra ayz’? They were going to Illeander, a place where no one had been before and there were no maps or other layout guides, not even hearsay

“We have to look at maps of all the houses in the city and hope to find her name? Lokdon, there are a million people in Stumps

They spent the afternoon hunkered over maps in the back corner of the building

Twenty feet away, Sicarius stood, rolled plat maps in one hand and a second throwing knife ready in the other

“These are the plat maps for the industrial and business sections

Christ‘s ―simple‖ teachings were not intended as road maps for the simple-minded

When Steve returned from his lunch, he had several maps and a list of plane rental agencies in Maryland and Virginia, and also in Illinois and Indiana

Chateaus are marked on maps, and the enemy knew where to look, if they wanted to retaliate for a particularly nasty raid on their own aerodrome

The table was strongly braced with some light framing, to keep it from sagging under maps and coffee cups

Lately I was spending a lot of time poring over maps, in addition to all my other duties

They could use the room to study their maps or plan their vacations or whatever, and I went back to the command tent and more little chores

Perhaps, the land was considered on their zoning maps as parkland

He had seen the likes of the Patriarch and the Castigator conspiring against the people, orchestrating deaths and mass executions as if people’s lives were mere numbers on charts, maps and reports

The star maps would guide him

They had maps

Maps and tourist pamphlets in hand, Ingrid opened the door and climbed in

They said to ignore maps about distance and time when it came to getting to Milford

A wizened old man was hunched over an over-sized book, while around him an assortment of various books, scrolls and maps lay strewn around at random; candles had been lit and left in precarious positions with or without holders, hot wax dribbling profusely

we are orbiting the binary star widely known as Behenii-1 in most tourist star maps, also known to some of you colloquially as Persebs or Binary 888

Ethan approached the tent where a rather small-set man with the insignia of a Captain was studying maps and a few sheets of reports, sitting down in a fold-up garden chair

There were reports and briefings, both from the British and their own intelligence branch; there were troop assessments and updated maps, but there was nothing very intelligent about them

Andy turned the lights on and the shadowy walls transformed into a maze of maps, notes, and reports

Did the lords and the eldest all search for answers in old books and the silent blinking of the stars through the windows? Was it in such long nights in their rooms that they spoke with The wise and all of the Light’s advisors while the candles flickered light out upon old maps and papers with tortuous ink writing?

She studied the books in the bookcases, looked out the windows and at some of the maps of Laru, which lay on the table

They were precise and detailed maps with mountains, valleys, rivers, forests, and cities drawn in

Synonym: chart. Meaning: [mæp]  n. 1. a diagrammatic representation of the earth’s surface (or part of it) 2. a function such that for every element of one set there is a unique element of another set. v. 1. make a map of; show or establish the features of details of 2. explore or survey for the purpose of making a map 3. locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences 4. plan, delineate, or arrange in detail 5. depict as if on a map 6. to establish a mapping (of mathematical elements or sets). 

Random good picture Not show

1 Do you see this point on the map?

2 I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find the map.

3 Can you find Black Hill on the map?

4 He was talking while pointing at the map.

5 The generel pinpointed the enemy’s position on the map.

6 Can you find our position on this map?

7 The complexity of the road map puzzled me.

8 Her eyes beetled across the map.

9 I’m trying to read the map.

10 Are you any good at map reading?

11 Could I have a subway map,[] please?

12 According to the map we should turn left.

13 I’ll drive, you take the map and navigate.

14 May I have a free city map?

15 What information is on a map?

16 Mark the place on the map.

17 A map is requisite for a traveler.

18 On this map[], urban areas are shown in grey.

19 Many canals were built along map grid lines.

20 Sue spread the map out on the floor.

21 Where am I on this map?

22 Over the wall he had hung a big map.

23 This map has contours marked at 250m intervals.

24 In the library there is a map of the.

25 Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent’s David McKittrick.

26 The map had a lot of little pins stuck into it.

27 Do you have a map? Because I just keep losting in your eyes!

28 I’ll draw you a map of how to get to my house.

29 Footpaths are shown on the map as dotted red lines.

30 He was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.

Table of Contents

  1. How do you use physical map in a sentence?
  2. What is an example of physical map?
  3. What are physical maps?
  4. When would you use a physical map?
  5. What is the definition of physical features?
  6. Is a park a human or physical feature?
  7. Is a lake a human or physical feature?
  8. Are Rivers human or physical features?
  9. How do we use rivers?
  10. Is a bay a physical feature?
  11. What are the physical features of a river?
  12. What are the key parts of a river?
  13. What is the start of a river called?
  14. What is River and its types?
  15. What are the two types of streams?
  16. How do you classify a stream?
  17. What are the 3 types of streams?
  18. Are streams faster than rivers?
  19. What is rivers and streams?
  20. What part of a river flows fastest?
  21. What animals live in streams and rivers?

Map sentence example

It is known that motor cortex, the part of the brain region that maintains a physical map of the body with different areas registering sensations in different body parts. I’m going to draw a physical map of the world and mark in all the principal volcanoes, and then show it to Miss Morley.

What is an example of physical map?

The definition of a physical map is a depiction of the geographic features of an area. An example of a physical map is an aerial view South America showing the forests in green, the mountains in gray, the streams in blue and the oceans in deep blue.

  1. He frowned at the map before him.
  2. He needed a written map to perform simple chores like finding a grocery store or getting around Boston.
  3. Clara was putting the finishing touches on her map when Megan approached the counter.
  4. Fred grabbed for the map and began searching.

What are physical maps?

Physical map: A map of the locations of identifiable landmarks on chromosomes. Physical distance between landmarks is measured in base pairs. The physical map differs from the genetic map, which is based purely on genetic linkage data.

When would you use a physical map?

Physical maps show the earth’s features, like landscapes, mountains, rivers, valleys, deserts, lakes and oceans. They can also be used to show elevation, land use, infrastructure, and many other man-made features. Physical maps that show boundaries are also known as political maps.

What is the definition of physical features?

Physical features are parts of a landscape, organism, etc., that you can see and touch.

Is a park a human or physical feature?

The physical characteristics of a place make up its natural environment and are derived from geological, hydrological, atmospheric, and biological processes. The human characteristics of a place come from human ideas and actions. They include bridges houses, and parks.

Is a lake a human or physical feature?

Lake, any relatively large body of slowly moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin of appreciable size. Geologically defined, lakes are temporary bodies of water.

Are Rivers human or physical features?

A river is an example of a human feature.

How do we use rivers?

Humans use rivers for irrigation in agriculture, for drinking water, for transportation, to produce electricity through hydroelectric dams, and for leisure activities like swimming and boating.

Is a bay a physical feature?

Bay. A bay landform is a body of water that is partially surrounded by land.

What are the physical features of a river?

There are many landscape features specifically associated with rivers: V shaped Valleys – particularly in their upper parts, rivers often form V-shaped valleys whereas glaciers commonly form U-shaped valleys. The V-shaped valley is created by erosion. Meanders – the curves or bends of a river.

What are the key parts of a river?

Rivers are split up into three parts: the upper course, the middle course, and the lower course. The upper course is closest to the source of a river. The land is usually high and mountainous, and the river has a steep gradient with fast-flowing water. There is a lot of vertical erosion and weathering.

What is the start of a river called?


What is River and its types?

Large streams are known as rivers, while smaller ones are known as rivulets, brooks, tributaries, brooks, and creeks. A river’s water source comes from the precipitation of groundwaters and through the release of water which is stored in natural reservoirs such as glaciers.

What are the two types of streams?

Types of Streams

  • An input stream or an output stream,
  • a processing stream or an ordinary stream,
  • a character-oriented stream or a byte-oriented stream,
  • and may be connected to a variety of sources or destinations.

How do you classify a stream?

Streams may be classified based on channel dimensions, hydrology, or the ways humans use them (e.g., navigation, recreation, development, irrigation, and water supply).

What are the 3 types of streams?

8 Different Types of Streams

  • Alluvial Fans. When a stream leaves an area that is relatively steep and enters one that is almost entirely flat, this is called an alluvial fan.
  • Braided Streams.
  • Deltas.
  • Ephemeral Streams.
  • Intermittent Streams.
  • Meandering Streams.
  • Perennial Streams.
  • Straight Channel Streams.

Are streams faster than rivers?

As a stream flows faster, it can carry larger and larger particles. At flood stage, rivers flow much faster and do more erosion because the added water increases the stream’s velocity. Sand, silt and clay size particles generally make up the suspended load for a stream (Figure 10.2).

What is rivers and streams?

A river is a natural flow of running water that follows a well-defined, permanent path, usually within a valley. A stream (also called a brook or a creek) is a natural flow of water that follows a more temporary path that is usually not in a valley. Many tributaries make up a river system.

What part of a river flows fastest?

1. Toward the middle of a river, water tends to flow fastest; toward the margins of the river it tends to flow slowest. 2. In a meandering river, water will tend to flow fastest along the outside bend of a meander, and slowest on the inside bend.

What animals live in streams and rivers?

More Than Fish Fish living in freshwater habitats have plenty of company. Snails, worms, turtles, frogs, marsh birds, mollusks, alligators, beavers, otters, snakes, and many types of insects live there too. Some unusual animals, like the river dolphin and the diving bell spider, are freshwater creatures.

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