Use the word magnificent in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word magnificent, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use magnificent in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «magnificent». In addition, we also show how different variations of magnificent can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are magnificently. If you click on the variation of magnificent that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Magnificent in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word magnificent in a sentence.

  1. He gave a magnificent speech.

  2. Cardus wrote: «Verity was magnificent ..

  3. Susana Walton created a magnificent garden there.

  4. His magnificent example inspired his men throughout.

  5. James’s funeral on 7 May was a magnificent but disorderly affair.

  6. This frog is similar in appearance to the magnificent tree frog (R.

  7. Leno rose to his feet and said: «Governor, it’s a magnificent present!

  8. The prose has been called magnificent, lucid, eloquent, and passionate.

  9. In 1824, an Anglican bishop described Dhaka as a city of magnificent ruins.

  10. His lunchtime conversation was quite magnificent, …absolutely free for all.

  11. Eggs and young of magnificent frigatebirds were taken and eaten in the Caribbean.

  12. Palairet was dismissed for 20 by Trumble, whose bowling Altham praised as magnificent.

  13. The divisional history called this attack «one of the most magnificent sights of the war ..

  14. Though its proportions are magnificent, it will only be an epitome of the whole collection.

  15. It is magnificent writing.—The New York Times review of The Sun Also Rises, 31 October 1926.

  16. This is best witnessed by the large, magnificent mastaba tombs that Djedkare’s viziers built.

  17. She commissioned a magnificent tomb for Henry, as the centrepiece of an ambitious new chapel.

  18. Shackleton informed the Morning Post that «this magnificent gift relieves me of all anxiety».

  19. Davis desired to continue the fight, but Breckinridge urged, «This has been a magnificent epic.

  20. Critics were undecided as to whether the work was «magnificent», or merely «a magnificent failure».

  21. Paul received a magnificent welcome at Avignon, where he was fêted by Clement VII and his cardinals.

  22. Considering the weight of his many responsibilities and worries, Hutton played magnificent cricket».

  23. Consequently, he named his first son Edward and built the existing magnificent shrine for the Confessor.

  24. Queen Victoria approved of Olga and declared «the baby is magnificent.» In France, Olga was very popular.

  25. The tunnel, which needed no supports, was later described in court as «a magnificent piece of engineering».

  26. It is morphologically similar to some other members of its genus, particularly the magnificent tree frog (R.

  27. The Falls Trail has been called «the most magnificent hike in the state» and one of «the top hikes in the East».

  28. Similarly, «Ruthian» has come to mean in sports, «colossal, dramatic, prodigious, magnificent; with great power».

  29. Birds were later used as symbols of power, as in the magnificent Peacock Throne of the Mughal and Persian emperors.

  30. Her biographer Victoria Glendinning considers Sissinghurst to be Sackville-West’s «one magnificent act of creation».

  31. Louis Republican calling it «the most magnificent personal triumph which the history of American politics can show».

  32. The palace that had hosted a court that Giacomo Casanova called «the most magnificent in Europe» began a steady decline.

  33. The principal Berlin musical weekly, Die Signale, asked, «Where does London find such magnificent young instrumentalists?

  34. As the centrepiece of an ambitious new chapel, she commissioned a magnificent tomb for Henry at the basilica of Saint Denis.

  35. Meeting with Confederate senators from Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Texas, he urged, «This has been a magnificent epic.

  36. Kot concluded his review by calling the album «a magnificent search for transcendence made all the more moving for its flaws».

  37. He kept a magnificent household, sufficient for him to be able to host a parliament at his home in Acton Burnell in autumn 1283.

  38. Berkeley felt it was related to Agaricus ostreatus (now Pleurotus ostreatus) but remarked it was a «far more magnificent species».

  39. The bridge builder then said in derision of Roebling’s suspension railway, «If your bridge succeeds, mine is a magnificent blunder.».

  40. Collingwood justified his position in the team with a magnificent 134 not out in the first innings on 2 March 2006, his first Test century.

  41. Above the dining room is the drawing room and, above that, Lady Churchill’s bedroom, described by Churchill as «a magnificent aerial bower».

  42. The largest species is the magnificent frigatebird, which reaches 114 cm (45 in) in length, with three of the remaining four almost as large.

  43. The red-capped parrot has a long bill and bright, clear patterned plumage, variously described as magnificent, gaudy, or clownishly coloured.

  44. His relations with his cathedral chapter were evidently excellent, as they remembered him as «a magnificent benefactor of the church of Rouen».

  45. It was established in 1800, and is encircled by a magnificent paneled coquina wall built in 1853 and broken by a towering triple-arch entrance.

  46. Wellington’s true feelings were probably somewhere between these two extremes; as he said later, George was «a magnificent patron of the arts ..

  47. Linecar said of the Waterloo Medal designs, «that they were one of the most magnificent examples of the die-sinker’s art there can be no doubt».

  48. Near that point, they discovered a rocky headland, more than 300 metres (1,000 ft) high, with a magnificent columnar structure resembling organ pipes.

  49. The family procession was headed by Vespasian and Titus, while Domitian, riding a magnificent white horse, followed with the remaining Flavian relatives.

  50. Nevertheless, his spiritual powers were not counterbalanced with his magnificent mind and he had the hard luck to lead a people susceptible to demagoguery.

Magnificently in a sentence

Magnificently is a variation of magnificent, below you can find example sentences for magnificently.

  1. We took her to war, performed magnificently and added another chapter in her history, standing side by side our forerunners in true naval tradition.

  2. In a review for the latter film, Sarita Tanwar of bemoaned that she had «very little to do except being part of some magnificently picturised songs».

  3. When the house reopened in December 1999, magnificently restored, Falstaff was the opera given on the opening night, conducted by Haitink, once more with Terfel in the title role.

Synonyms for magnificent

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word magnificent has the following synonyms: brilliant, glorious, splendid and impressive.

General information about «magnificent» example sentences

The example sentences for the word magnificent that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «magnificent» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «magnificent».

великолепный, прекрасный, величественный, изумительный, блистательный


- великолепный; пышный

magnificent view — величественная панорама
magnificent poet — замечательный поэт
a magnificent display of paintings — внушительная экспозиция картин
the hall looked magnificent — зал производил колоссальное /потрясающее/ впечатление

Мои примеры


a magnificent edifice with a domed ceiling — величественное здание с куполообразным потолком  
glorious / grand / grandiose / magnificent gesture — красивый жест  
magnificent temple — величественный храм  
magnificent idea — внушительная идея  
a magnificent bush of hair — великолепная копна волос; роскошная копна волос; великолепная шевелюра  
magnificent bush of hair — великолепная копна волос; роскошная копна волос; великолепная шевелюра  
magnificent composer — замечательный композитор  
magnificent display of paintings — внушительная экспозиция картин  
a magnificent view of the sea greeted our eyes — нашему взору открылся великолепный вид на море  
a magnificent view of the sea greeted us — нашему взору открылся великолепный вид на море  
a magnificent head of hair — великолепная копна волос; роскошная копна волос; великолепная шевелюра  

Примеры с переводом

She looked magnificent in a long red dress.

Она смотрелась великолепно в длинном красном платье.

He gave a magnificent performance.

Он выступил великолепно.

A magnificent view rewards the traveller.

Величественный вид вознаграждает путешественника за все трудности пути.

Their house has a magnificent view over the bay.

Их дом имеет великолепный вид на залив.

The view from the peak was magnificent.

Вид с вершины был великолепен.

What a magnificent cat! His furry coat shone with the sheen of silk.

Какой красивый кот! Шерсть у него переливается, как шелк.

It was a magnificent school, magnificently mastered. (Daily News)

Это была замечательная школа, управление которой осуществлялось не менее замечательно.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the front of the church features a magnificent stained-glass window…

…Jane Austen’s corpus is modest in number but magnificent in achievement….

…a cook who can confect a magnificent dinner from whatever ingredients are in the cupboards…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

magnificent — перевод на русский


Swell, elegant, magnificent.

Замечательно, роскошно, великолепно.

And your Christmas menu, Mrs. Lane, that is really magnificent.

А ваше рождественское меню, миссис Лейн, оно действительно великолепно.

Oh no, it’s magnificent, it’s splendid!

О нет, это великолепно. Это блестяще.

It will look even more magnificent on you.

Он на тебе будет выглядеть более великолепно.

How magnificent, Tina.

Как великолепно, Тина.

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Magnificent is in our stable.

Все же, как прекрасно в нашей конюшне.

Magnificent, beautiful.

Прекрасно! Красота!

Magnificent! He’s denying everything!

Прекрасно, он всё отрицает.

Oh, it’s magnificent!

О, прекрасно!



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Magnificent catch !

Потрясающе поймал!

— The whole collection is magnificent!

Целая коллекция, это потрясающе.

This kind of celadon is famous around the world lt’s magnificent, isn’t it?

Этот селадон известен во всем мире Потрясающе, не правда ли?

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You’re looking magnificent tonight.

Выглядишь изумительно. Скажите, генерал.

It’s magnificent!

Это изумительно!

So close, so magnificent.

Так близко, так изумительно.

There’s the Big Dipper. Magnificent…

Вон там Большая Медведица…изумительно.



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— Да, восхитительно

— Mmm… Magnificent.

— Ммм… восхитительно.

Zach, it felt magnificent.

Зак.. Это было… восхитительно.





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When I journeyed up to Scotland a few days ago… traveling on the Highland Express over that magnificent Forth Bridge… that monument to Scottish engineering and Scottish muscle…

Несколько дней назад во время поездки в Шотландию… я пересекал величественный мост Форс-Бридж, памятник шотландской инженерной мысли и силе.

The man had a magnificent chin and a dream.

У него был величественный подбородок и мечта.

A way of doing business more magnificent than… A fish.

Способ вести дела, более величественный, чем… рыба.

You are strong and magnificent.

Ты сильный и величественный.

— What was that? — Probably a jaguar excited about being magnificent and crepuscular. But I need you to focus on me, because if, by some miracle, I get the keys and then, by some other even bigger miracle, get us out of these cuffs…

Что это было? что он величественный сумеречный хищник. если я каким-то чудом достану ключи… ещё большим чудом сниму с нас наручники…

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It’s magnificent.

Все будет превосходно! Замечательно!

— Yeah, you look magnificent, darling.

— Я хорошо выгляжу? — Ты выглядишь замечательно, дорогая.

It’s magnificent.


Grand idea, magnificent sound.

грациозная находка, звучит замечательно.

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It’s magnificent.

Здесь чудесно.

How magnificent.

Как чудесно.

It was magnificent.

Оно было чудесно.

It’s magnificent.


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Magnificent. — Superb.


This I do think is very magnificent and elegant.

Вот это, я считаю, превосходно и элегантно.

That was magnificent.

Это было превосходно!

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It looks magnificent,by the way.

Выглядит она роскошно, между прочим.

Magnificent, isn’t she?

Ну как? Роскошно, правда?

— You were magnificent.


Your mother created a magnificent spread.

Твоя мама накрыла роскошный стол.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Mr. Nash Bradtke V

Score: 4.9/5
(63 votes)

1, The magnificent scene of the waterfall is pleasant. 2, The Capitol is a magnificent building. 3, The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent. 4, She looked magnificent in her wedding dress.

How do you use magnificent in a sentence?

Magnificent sentence example

  1. Nothing was going to ruin this magnificent day. …
  2. The magnificent reception room was crowded. …
  3. She sat up and glanced around at the magnificent scenery. …
  4. The day was magnificent and the cool morning air as sharp as a knife. …
  5. She admired his magnificent back and shoulders and then looked away.

Can we use magnificent for a person?

If you say that something or someone is magnificent, you mean that you think they are extremely good, beautiful, or impressive.

What is magnificent and example?

The definition of magnificent is something that is exceptional or amazing in appearance. An example of magnificent are the works of artists Picasso or Michelangelo. adjective.

What does it mean for magnificent?

1 : great in deed or exalted in place —used only of former famous rulers Lorenzo the Magnificent. 2 : marked by stately grandeur and lavishness a magnificent way of life The coronation was a magnificent sight.

42 related questions found

What type of word is magnificent?

Grand, elegant or splendid in appearance. Grand or noble in action.

Is Marvellous or marvelous?

Marvelous can mean causing wonder, as well as improbable, but both of these senses are much less common than its primary meaning of “wonderful.” In British English, it is commonly spelled marvellous.

Where is magnificent used?

characterized by grandeur.

  1. The magnificent scene of the waterfall is pleasant.
  2. The Capitol is a magnificent building.
  3. The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.
  4. She looked magnificent in her wedding dress.
  5. The twelve-mile coastline has magnificent scenery.

How do you write magnificent?

Five Ways to Write Magnificent Copy

  1. Write drunk; edit sober. Now you don’t have to take this literally. …
  2. Sleep on it. …
  3. Get a friend to read it aloud. …
  4. Use the breath test. …
  5. The passive voice should be rewritten.

What is a good sentence for essential?

(1) Mistakes are an essential part of education. (2) Friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life. (3) The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. (4) Careful preparation for the exam is essential.

How do you describe a magnificent person?

Something or someone that is magnificent is extremely good, beautiful, or impressive.

What is the difference between beautiful and magnificent?

As adjectives the difference between beautiful and magnificent. is that beautiful is attractive and possessing charm while magnificent is grand, elegant or splendid in appearance.

Is magnificent formal or informal?

synonym study for magnificent

Magnificent, gorgeous, splendid, superb are terms of high admiration and all are used informally in weak exaggeration.

What is a good sentence for generosity?

Generosity sentence example. I thanked him for his generosity and donated a hundred dollar bill to his mission. «Once again, your generosity blows my mind,» I said. American universities have owed much to Jewish generosity , a foremost benefactor of these (as of many other American institutions) being Jacob Schiff.

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted.

What is a sentence for barter?

Barter sentence example. Promise you’ll barter my freedom if Qatwali imprisons me on this peace mission. But barter must have prevailed much longer. Grimly, he realized he should’ve taken up Wynn’s first offer to barter for the secret.

How do you use the word splendid in a sentence?

characterized by grandeur.

  1. The fireworks looked very splendid against the dark sky.
  2. The meal was simply splendid.
  3. We’ve all had a splendid time.
  4. He lives in splendid isolation .
  5. The staff are doing a splendid job.
  6. He got a splendid present for her.

What is the Bengali of magnificent?

IPA: mægnɪfəsəntBengali: মৈগ্নিফসন্ট / মৈগ্নিফিসন্ট / মৈগ্নিফিসন্ট

How do you use the word beloved in a sentence?

Beloved sentence example

  1. But he was much beloved by his family. …
  2. My beloved Betsy, my world, was in his hands. …
  3. I also knew Mr. …
  4. I had made my beloved poet weep, and I was greatly distressed. …
  5. Her beloved walls stood strong and beautiful, the white stone streaked with peach.

What is the magnificent view?

adj. 1 splendid or impressive in appearance. 2 superb or very fine. 3 (esp. of ideas) noble or elevated.

What is the sentence of permanent?

Permanent sentence example. Without one, she had existed in a state of sentience without feeling, a world of permanent grey. To them, it’s permanent like this tattoo. It has not acquired one permanent wrinkle after all its ripples.

Can you call someone marvelous?

If you describe someone or something as marvellous, you are emphasizing that they are very good. He certainly is a marvellous actor.

Is outrageous good or bad?

The definition of outrageous is someone or something that is not in good taste, violent or extremely unusual. An example of outrageous behavior is something that is done in a very offensive way. … Having the nature of, involving, or doing great injury or wrong.

Is awe inspiring meaning?

If you describe someone or something as awe-inspiring, you are emphasizing that you think that they are remarkable and amazing, although sometimes rather frightening. …a museum with an awe-inspiring display of jewellery.

«Cheer up, Punka!» she said, ruffling his magnificent hair

Her mount let out a magnificent bellow as it struggled to its feet in a cloud of flying gravel and bolted after its companion without her

Like the magnificent form of the human body, the earth has the wondrous capability of healing itself

My magnificent father would never again hold his wayward boy in his arms

The karga medallions were magnificent but she was unimpressed and let him finish hers while she talked of karga social sophistication

He was no woman’s pet no matter how magnificent her breasts were

something more magnificent and wonderful that lies sleeping

«I’m still in awe of you, you magnificent Elven witch, you beautiful, magical queen of the wilds

Thirty centuries later, her beauty was still as magnificent as in the legends, and the simple elegance of her robes even more so

Sir John, aware that he had to make a strong showing in the midst of so many hawk-eyed, elected members, exclaimed, «Oh yes Sir, isn’t it magnificent, so well argued, so concise, so irrefutably true

The great politician cleared his throat and raised himself to his full and magnificent height

They were so magnificent to watch, so graceful in the air

Love is a magnificent thing to have; indeed, it can change your entire life

In fact, Terry marked his debut by scoring a magnificent hat trick

He was magnificent, scoring goal after goal and inspiring his countrymen in their fight to win a place in the World Cup final

This magnificent specimen stood all year round, in wind and rain and sun, standing bare and almost leafless

As if responding to his loving touch, the magnificent red flower head threw up new feathers, filling out and flaming into glorious bloom at just the right moment

He remembered their last time back on January twentieth had been magnificent

beyond the clouds were moved to say, «What a truly magnificent

which grew truly magnificent specimens of urban thistles

The woodwork was garishly painted, but the frescoes on the walls were magnificent

Lord Dorsal explained that he did not enjoy hunting these magnificent creatures, but one of these would feed an entire town for the winter

Terry marked his debut by scoring a magnificent hat trick

He was magnificent, scoring goal after goal and inspiring

the magnificent red flower head threw up new feathers, filling out

all he could think was… you are magnificent!

Then I figured it was safe and I went down to the grave site to get a better look at such a magnificent creature

It also sprouted a magnificent collection of radio aerials,

There before him was one of the most magnificent traveling trunks he had ever seen, and they had seen a great number over the years

It was magnificent, and a small moonlit dale lay stretching out before them

Far from the house, multi-branched fern-like things grew sprays of those magnificent honey-filled grapes that she had given him the day before

magnificent façade of the capital’s Cathedral

The rose window was one of the most magnificent

It was magnificent

there – in all its glory – was a magnificent, grassed

It was a magnificent sunny morning, and

He fled to the island of Crete, where he began to work at the court of King Minos and the Queen, in their magnificent palace

Rapunzel had magnificent long hair, fine as spun gold, and when she heard the voice of the witch, she unfastened her braided tresses, wound them round one of the hooks of the window above, and then the hair fell twenty feet down, and the witch climbed up the tower

Then the bird threw down an even more magnificent dress than before

A beautiful tall tree stood there, on which hung the most magnificent pears

«You’re magnificent, I’m so proud to be on this tour with you,» he said, «This moment is a taste of a dream, lying here in a globe on a tower with the hottest up-and-coming female yandrille star on the Zhlindu stage

And every flake seemed larger, and appeared like a magnificent flower, or beautiful star; it was splendid to look at!

‘Well, the Cathedral is certainly magnificent — but the

ever become bored searching the heart of such a magnificent

‘They make the most magnificent

They were given a magnificent meal of roast

«Whatever he is, he is magnificent,» Coba stated with far too much admiration than Brice would have liked

distance he could see the magnificent towers and spires of

standing before the magnificent Church of Saints Peter

The structure must have once been a magnificent temple dedicated to the powers of the Gate

Noble palaces, magnificent villas, great collections of books, statues, pictures, and other curiosities, are frequently both an ornament and an honour, not only to the neighbourhood, but to the whole country to which they belong

He was magnificent

Projectors, indeed, in every corner of it, have, within these few years, amused the public with most magnificent accounts of the profits to be made by the cultivation and improvement of land

“Wow, I had almost forgotten what a magnificent view we have from here

“It was magnificent,” she added

The two thrones were magnificent and imposing, covered in gold and valuable gemstones

Without a doubt, Horrifying Hippo was a magnificent, captivating sight to be seen when all groomed up from head to toe!

And was it magnificent! “Doesn’t intercourse hurt?” she wondered aloud

Apparently it was a magnificent structure and could be seen from afar

Nerissa stopped briefly at the magnificent Temple of Aphrodite, perched high on the

It was indeed a magnificent prospect

The food was magnificent

“Just a metaphor, dear Dena the Magnificent!” the Elf retorted consolingly with a warm smile

It was a magnificent animal, like a giant Siberian husky

As soon as the cats touched the Elf, there was a blast of intense light so magnificent, the company could feel it rush through them, shuddering their very bones

But I know that the borough has provided those splendid new council chambers, for us all, and by all accounts it is a most magnificent building, although I myself am not allowed admittance, sir

The Elf shrugged, “The Huntress isn’t the magnificent beauty that the Triquetra is, but she’s my little slice of heaven—and she’s a fast girl

The merchants of London, indeed, have not yet generally become such magnificent lords as those of Cadiz and Lisbon; but neither are they in general such attetitive and parsimonious burghers as those of Amsterdam

His dark brown hair was thinning on top and the hair of his magnificent beard covered most of his face

A magnificent high-road cannot be made through a desert country, where there is little or no commerce, or merely because it happens to lead to the country villa of the intendant of the province, or to that of some great lord, to whom the intendant finds it convenient to make his court

I couldn»t believe it was really me in this magnificent garment

How magnificent! I felt David near me and his Psalms seemed to fill the air above my head

As the black overcoat was removed, all eyes in the room were riveted to Cupid’s magnificent wings

It was magnificent to behold

stood this magnificent edifice

We were thanked for our efforts and told we had put up a magnificent show and the what we had been waiting for happened and we were dismissed night was falling as we got back to our trench we slumped to the floor in a state of collapse were the cold bit into us and then the rain teemed down

something he had seen in a movie he couldn’t quite name, it was at once hideous and magnificent

The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich ; and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they possess

magnificent arch covered the entire eight lanes of traffic

with its magnificent stone arches

magnificent design collection, Mondanes could be out of

Grant showed what a magnificent organizer he was

Not so favorite pastime of Michelle Obama, who had the National Park Service plant a 1,100 square foot garden in the south lawn of the White House in order for her to be able to grow, and crow about, her magnificent fruits and vegetables, to which she would feed the children of America, in order to eliminate baby fat

came on board the Shenandoah, he wore a magnificent fur coat, which was a relic of his last voyage to these parts, and he begged very hard that his ship might not be burned

Leon Uris»s magnificent novel of the Nazis stamping out of the Warsaw Ghetto, while the Soviets waited patiently on the far side of the Vistula

It is magnificent

It served no purpose to smash his magnificent ego

The Federalist Papers, a magnificent defense of the proposed Constitution written in 1788 as a series of newspaper articles by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay is undoubtedly the best place to start

Allow me to quote from his magnificent, magniloquent Farewell Address, given to the Union in 1796

the Smith Tower, a magnificent old skyscraper at the south edge

The old familiar mumble of prayers reached Esther’s ears as the Rabbi said a prayer in Hebrew from the ancient tomes of Judaism while he opened the holy book and uncovered the scrolls handing the magnificent velvet scroll covers to Esther so she could lay them carefully on the nearby table

Then replaced it and continued; «The rest of the Kings and Envoys apart from a few who had far to travel stayed for a magnificent banquet, where another decision was made

Dorro a magnificent hug

On or off duty it did not take him long to get fatherly with the public, and he usually ended his fatherly chats with a magnificent left hook, which I tried hard to emulate with varying degrees of success

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