Use the word machine in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word machine, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use machine in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «machine».

Machine in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word machine in a sentence.

  1. He became adept in machine making.

  2. Shergar was machine gunned to death.

  3. Machias replied with its machine guns.

  4. He is moving like a tremendous machine!

  5. The M249 is a belt-fed light machine gun.

  6. His whole intelligence was a war machine.

  7. This attack was repelled by machine gun fire.

  8. Each subsection had a Bren light machine gun.

  9. Tweed’s Tammany Hall machine in New York City.

  10. Ponzi described the machine as «light-hearted ..

  11. These included Vickers machine guns and Lewis guns.

  12. Toute son intelligence était une machine de guerre.

  13. McNamara’s machine, and an attempt was made to rise.

  14. His own machine was badly shot about in these fights.

  15. Lent claimed at least four victories in this machine.

  16. Here’s this gigantic machine that’s a million years further advanced than we are.

  17. The ships’ gun armament was rounded out by twelve 3.7 cm (1.5 in) machine cannon.

  18. The machine remained a powerful force in state politics until the 1960 elections.

  19. There was some controversy over Bird’s endorsement of a machine invented by one I.

  20. This area was also designed to provide a clear line of vision through the machine.

  21. Truman won the job in 1926 with the support of the Pendergast machine, and he was re-elected in 1930.

  22. During the night, desultory artillery and machine gun fire was directed at the battalion’s positions.

  23. Beckham and Judge Robert Worth Bingham, who were heads of a powerful political machine in Louisville.

  24. The use of trench warfare, barbed wire and machine guns rendered traditional cavalry almost obsolete.

  25. A voice box was added following the Turk’s acquisition by Mälzel, allowing the machine to say «Échec!

  26. Each infantry regiment was to consist of three to four infantry battalions and a machine gun company.

  27. These also exposed clockwork machinery and provided a similarly unobstructed view through the machine.

  28. When she is struck by lightning and killed, she becomes the first person to be revived by his machine.

  29. Frederick never gave the secret away, but was reportedly disappointed to learn how the machine worked.

  30. Although exonerated, Grant was derided for his association with Conkling’s New York patronage machine.

  31. Some claimed that the heavy-barrelled version of the M16 rifle was a more effective light machine gun.

  32. Ponzi did the engineering and hydraulics, and the machine was assembled at his vineyard near Beaverton.

  33. Elements of the 10th SWB had come under heavy German machine gun fire and suffered numerous casualties.

  34. The loyalists opened fire with mortars and machine guns, and both sides exchanged fire for a few hours.

  35. As this occurred inside the machine, the operator could not see what was being entered as it was typed.

  36. During the campaign, Stanley criticized Beckham’s use of machine politics, calling his opponent «Little Lord Fauntleroy».

  37. The heavy machine guns and bazookas of A Battery along with a volunteer crew were sent forward to reinforce the infantry.

  38. According to machine-state functionalism, the nature of a mental state is just like the nature of a Turing machine state.

  39. Elsewhere, rebels attacked Gacko and Avtovac, and one ZNDH aircraft was shot down by rebel machine gun fire near Avtovac.

  40. This time, the French government consented and agreed to the sale of ten machine gun armed FTs and a single command tank.

  41. The machine is considered a tourist attraction, recommended in visitor guides for Portland and included in walking tours.

  42. The forces amassed for the assault had a nominal strength of 17,000 infantry, 109 artillery pieces, and 220 machine guns.

  43. His platoon were suffering heavy casualties and the enemy endeavoured to bring up a machine gun to enfilade the position.

  44. By this time the ship’s Vickers .50-calibre machine guns had been replaced by 13 Oerlikon 20 mm light anti-aircraft guns.

  45. It is revealed that the Marquis de Singe is using the machine to bring pirates to the island for his medical experiments.

  46. A platoon from «C» Troop also made an unsuccessful patrol from the western end of the MLR during which it suffered six casualties from Japanese machine gun and rifle fire.

  47. Though the 808 was unsuccessful, it was eventually used on more hit records than any other drum machine and became one of the most influential inventions in popular music.

  48. As in the mayor’s race, the contest for district attorney pitted a Democratic reformer, Richardson Dilworth, against a representative of the Republican machine, Michael A.

  49. There was yelling, screams of the wounded and dying; rifle firing and machine guns with tracers piercing the night—(a) combination of fog, smoke, and the natural darkness.

  50. The forward company position was completely untenable, the lead elements of Leane’s company were raked by shrapnel and machine gun fire, and Leane was wounded in the face.

Synonyms for machine

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word machine has the following synonyms: car, auto, automobile, motorcar, political machine and simple machine.

General information about «machine» example sentences

The example sentences for the word machine that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «machine» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «machine».

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  1. The indirect process of inference in what may be called a Logical Machine» His,


    ,came equipped with» certain moveable wooden rods» and» at the foot are 21
  2. Optical character recognition (OCR) software, and speech software in a single,


    , These function together without a separate PC. * Refreshable Braille display.
  3. Rods» and» at the foot are 21 keys like those of a piano etc… «. With this,


    ,he could analyze a» syllogism or any other simple logical argument «. This
  4. Together with a possible change of state of mind «:» We may now construct a,


    ,to do the work of this computer «. J. B. Roster (1939) and S. C. Kleenex (
  5. As flowcharts (see more at state diagram),or as a form of rudimentary,


    ,code or assembly code called» sets of quadruples» ( see more at Turing
  6. The man most important to her in the world — John Salt — strapped to a torture,


    , about to be killed by the looters (who recognize, too,that he is the only
  7. Mechanical man» simulated a human voice. Alec was fascinated by the,


    ,and after he obtained a copy of on Kempelen’s book, published in German, and
  8. Machine program as a sequence of


    tables (see more at finite state,


    ,and state transition table),as flowcharts (see more at state diagram),or
  9. To Savage 1987,an algorithm is a computational process defined by a Turing,


    ,». Typically, when an algorithm is associated with processing information, data
  10. Logical


    s 1870—Stanley Evans’ » logical abacus» and» logical,


    ,»: The technical problem was to reduce Boolean equations when presented in a
  11. Quite explicitly, in a form in which they could be followed by a computing,


    , or by a human who is capable of carrying out only very elementary operations
  12. Summer in Brantford, Bell experimented with a» photograph «, a pen-like,


    ,that could draw shapes of sound waves on smoked glass by tracing their
  13. GOT changes program flow out of sequence. Besides HALT,Minsky’s,


    ,includes three assignment (replacement, substitution ) operations: ZERO (e.
  14. Effective method of solving certain sets of problems exists if one can build a,


    ,which will then solve any problem of the set with no human intervention beyond
  15. Aristotle conceived of politics as being like an organism rather than like a,


    , and as a collection of parts none of which can exist without the others.
  16. The implementation details. At this level we do not need to mention how the,


    ,manages its tape or head. «::» … prose used to define the way the Turing
  17. An algorithm (and a computer program of one). Like program flow of a Minsky,


    , a flowchart always starts at the top of a page and proceeds down. Its primary
  18. Their sighted peers using pencil and paper. Many blind people find this number,


    ,a very useful tool throughout life. The abacus shows how numbers, letters,and
  19. Atlas Press (tool company) of Kalamazoo, Michigan,the largest supplier of,


    ,tools to the hobbyist market in the middle of the 20th century * Atlas Were, a
  20. Marks appear prominently in unary numeral system arithmetic used in Turing,


    ,and Post–Turing


    computations. Manipulation of symbols as» place
  21. It could do very completely all that can be rationally expected of any logical,


    ,». Jacquard loom, Hollerith punch cards, telegraphy and telephony—the
  22. Contrivance may be described. I prefer to call it merely a logical-diagram,


    ,… but I suppose that it could do very completely all that can be rationally
  23. He could analyze a» syllogism or any other simple logical argument «. This,


    ,he displayed in 1870 before the Fellows of the Royal Society. Another logician
  24. Grade 1 or 2 Braille. * Mountbatten Braille. An electric braille writing,


    , Software * Customization of graphical user interfaces to alter the colors and
  25. Of computation: A computer (or human» computer» ) is a restricted type of,


    , a» discrete deterministic mechanical device» that blindly follows its
  26. Efficient,» good» process that specifies the» moves» of» the computer» (,


    ,or human, equipped with the necessary internally contained information and
  27. Without being hit by asteroids. Technical description The Asteroids arcade,


    ,is a vector game. This means that the game graphics are composed entirely of
  28. Naturally» be called effective, can in fact be realized by a (simple),


    , Although this may seem extreme, the arguments… in its favor are hard to
  29. Permanent, although he was passed over for promotion until he» fully mastered,


    ,technology «. Much of his work at the patent office related to questions about
  30. It comes to the direction of type (C) i.e., STOP «. See more at Post–Turing,


    ,Alan Turing’s work preceded that of Kibitz (1937); it is unknown whether
  31. In unary numeral system arithmetic used in Turing


    and Post–Turing,


    ,computations. Manipulation of symbols as» placeholders» for numbers: algebra
  32. Limited instruction set. But Minsky shows (as do Melba and Lambed) that his,


    ,is Turing complete with only four general types of instructions: conditional
  33. Us with the tick and took of a mechanical clock. » The accurate automatic,


    ,» led immediately to» mechanical automata» beginning in the 13th century and
  34. Or transition function. «:: Most detailed,» the lowest level «, gives the Turing,


    ,’s» state table «.: For an example of the simple algorithm» Add m+n »
  35. S» abacus» model in his» Very Simple Bases for Computability «. Minsky’s,


    ,proceeds sequentially through its five (or six depending on how one counts)
  36. Of the Project X weapon, and is the creator of the Ferris Persuader, a torture,


    , When John Salt is captured by the looters, Ferris uses the device on Salt, but
  37. Of algorithms can be classed into three accepted levels of Turing,


    ,description:::» … prose to describe an algorithm, ignoring the
  38. In summer is by all-terrain vehicle and in winter by snowmobile or» snow,


    ,» as it is commonly referred to in Alaska. Law and government State government
  39. Some ways less fragile than magnetic tape. In particular, the Teletype Model 33,


    , assignments for codes 17 (Control-Q,DC1,also known as ON),19 (Control-S
  40. Manages its tape or head. «::» … prose used to define the way the Turing,


    ,uses its head and the way that it stores data on its tape. At this level we do
  41. A wide variety of representations possible and one can express a given Turing,


    ,program as a sequence of


    tables (see more at finite state


  42. In which it is possible to compute functions not computable by any Turing,


    ,» (Bur gin 2005,p. 107). This is closely related to the study of methods of
  43. Prof. Jevon’s abacus … And again, corresponding to Prof. Jevons’s logical,


    , the following contrivance may be described. I prefer to call it merely a
  44. Justifies a stronger thesis: every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing,


    ,… according to Savage 1987,an algorithm is a computational process defined
  45. Rotating paddles with sets of nail brushes, creating a simple debunking,


    ,that was put into operation and used steadily for a number of years. In return
  46. Possible and one can express a given Turing


    program as a sequence of,


    ,tables (see more at finite state


    and state transition table),as
  47. Code or assembly code called» sets of quadruples» ( see more at Turing,


    ,). Representations of algorithms can be classed into three accepted levels of
  48. Geometric algorithms, combinatorial algorithms, medical algorithms,


    ,learning, cryptography,data compression algorithms and parsing techniques.
  49. Motions and» states of mind «. But he continues a step further and creates a,


    ,as a model of computation of numbers.:» Computing is normally done by writing
  50. J. Barkley Rosser’s definition of» effective method» in terms of» a,


    ,». S. C. Kleene’s proposal of a precursor to» Church thesis» that he called

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Synonym: auto, automobile, car, motorcar, political machine, simple machine. Similar words: political machine, machiavellian, poaching, teaching, bleaching, Chinese, stomach, chin. Meaning: [mə’ʃɪːn]  n. 1. any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks 2. an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently 3. an efficient person 4. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine 5. a group that controls the activities of a political party 6. a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point. v. 1. turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinery 2. make by machinery. 

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1 He stopped the machine and left the room.

2 The potatoes are planted by machine.

3 The worker bathed machine parts in the oil.

4 Be careful not to overload the washing machine.

5 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.

6 The mechanic soon fixed up the machine.

7 She inserted a CD into the machine.

8 The scrap merchant has a machine which crushes cars.

9 I can’t make this machine run properly.

10 The engineers projected a new machine.

11 Is the washing machine working now?

12 The pool has a wave machine .

13 The answering machine bleeped and I left my message.

14 The machine gun hailed over our heads.

15 The machine guns blasted away all night.

16 The washing machine has gone phut.

17 This machine operates night and day.

18 This toy machine gun dismantles easily.

19 Tap your code number into the machine.

20 A crushing machine reduces big rocks to powder.

21 The machine slowed down and stopped.

22 This machine crushes wheat grain to make flour.

23 Bullets fed into a machine gun.

24 Our washing machine has broken; I’ll ring the electrician.

25 I left a message on your answering machine.

26 The machine will soon wear out.

27 This machine is too difficult to operate.

28 Throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine.

29 The machine can hammer out metal very thin.

30 You should oil that machine more often.

More similar words: political machine, machiavellian, poaching, teaching, bleaching, Chinese, stomach, chin, achieve, china, etching, itching, achievable, be rich in, matching, achievement, slouching, stretching, scorching, screeching, labyrinthine, grimace, macabre, macrocosm, emaciated, immaculate, legitimacy, macrobiotic, illegitimacy, each. 

Examples of how to use the word “machine” in a sentence. How to connect “machine” with other words to make correct English sentences.

machine (n): a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particulartype of work

Use “machine” in a sentence

The new machine functions well.
This machine generates electricity.
This machine saves us a lot of labor.
I can’t remember how to use this machine.
Who invented this machine?
I’d like to buy a washing machine.
This machine was manufactured in France.
Do you know how to operate this machine?

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

does all the things needed to have a really potent small business marketing machine and cash generator

It was this native body again, and Herndon’s presence, his bulging arms on the wheel of a powerful machine

And the reason I brought her along with me,” Johnny pointed at Nancy, who was currently enthralled with wondering what manner of creature or machine was hiding under the desk

He produces a tape machine and puts it on the table in front of me

You know, maybe one day you could show me some pointers on that machine you have upstairs,” Henry said

Ackers had turned over every moveable item that he could lift and dumped its contents all over the floor, he had tossed all Johnny’s clothes from the closet, he had even taken apart Johnny’s old computer and made sure that the Chip wasn’t hidden anywhere in that prehistoric machine

When Frank started Baggy today, the bagging machine let out an awful sneeze and blew all of the bags into the reject bin

’ He said, loosening his tie and going into his study to look at the machine

A machine like that was worth an aluminum or two and might weigh four tons

One afternoon, while the machine was

about how we could improve things, nothing spectacular, just a typical machine

Eva leaving didn’t help the machine imagining either, given that a broken heart

He looks out the window, catches a glimpse of an unsmiling policeman with a machine gun cradled in his arms

Someone fires a machine gun into the air — RAT-A-TAT-TAT — and then two more militants follow suit in rapid succession

Two guards with machine guns stand in the shadows against the walls

The artistry of the machine was good enough that she probably could use it to go to the surface and get laid if the shuttle was still here and the android had working sex organs

A poorly-shaven GUARD in a sloppy uniform leans indolently against the gate with his machine gun cradled in his arms

Hamo flips the switch on the joystick, the machine gun on the hood disappears — POOF! -back into its housing

Before he climbed back into the cockpit of his thoroughbred machine the black

She had been driving and driving for so long now she felt just like a machine

All the populace knew was that they needed to welcome new souls, but all non-technical souls thought they were in a paradise of God’s making as detailed in the scripture of holy war, they did not know they were simulated in a machine

Bahkmar knew that mankind did not always have the ability to make this machine

He knew that mankind did not have the ability to make this machine now, it was the machine that made the machine

Alien atmo vented out punctures where Chief Horcheese’s machine fingers pressed their way straight through the Squidy’s suit

The top of the hedgerow is a mess of shattered branches – the hedging machine has been along here

From the four places on her torso where the artificial, machine limbs would have attached had they been represented, what looked like endless colored veins extended out from the neural interface ports, representing the connections between the breaching ship’s systems and the neural processors set in Chief Horcheese’s torso

The places on her torso where the artificial limbs attached were pink ovals, lumpy with contracted fibers and at the center of it all was the titanium bone and the expected set of ports for the neural interface processors that did the fantastically complicated and nuanced task of translating between machine language and the language of the human neurological system

‘You can come and watch me load the machine if you like

’ He commented, closing the door of the machine and setting it going

A washing machine rises bright and shining from its packaging, suffers a decade of high-speed revolutions and hot water calcification, and finally returns back to its constituent elements through recycling or decomposition deep beneath the gull strewn summits of landfill

He felt like a machine in a space suit actually

«It’s a machine that can handle things

machine skeletons rust in the shaved ground,

Rage At The Machine

the stamp of the machine, “Victim”, calls forth

He is the nearest thing to a ruthless human killing machine I have encountered, and yet I like him

If only they could run as effortlessly as the quibarta, like a motorized machine ‘tikita tikita tikita’ on it’s dead-stick legs

Finding what she needed, she got out her old sewing machine and proceeded to make riding jackets and helmets for the dragon riders

Inside was a really large telescope in a case, many large, securely-locked map cases, a large finely-detailed globe of the world on a gimbaled stand, an unintelligible plastic machine, other purposeless tools, another table, more chairs, a comfortable reading chair with a plumbed lantern, a whole library of bookcases and a big clipstand holding what must be the ships manifest

‘ On a sturdy wooden table stood a Singer sewing machine, ‘And this, of my wife

He is 6’4”, 300 lbs of the meanest, fiercest fighting machine on this earth

For two days the blissful romance that should be the ambrosia of all newly weds was forced to give way to lessons in using the Hoover, heating up baked beans and loading the washing machine in such a way that the clothes didn’t all come out shit colour drab

Then he keyed the magic numbers into the magical money machine and watched in absolute wonder as the machine spewed out huge great wads of ten-pound notes

Having filled every pocket the soldier popped the dog back in front of the cash machine and went on his way to the second room

With the second dog safely deposited in front of the cash machine the soldier waddled into the third and final room

Being thoroughly practical and having been trained to deal with difficult situations, the soldier put the dog back by the cash machine and proceeded to empty all of his pockets and his trouser legs of ten and twenty-pound notes

I carry the shopping into the kitchen to put it all away … the washing machine has finished … must hang the washing out

Jake has ousted Alastair from the mower repair and is working with Ben on the machine now

It then invoked a deletion routine, removed all trace of itself from the machine and let its digital DNA drift away on the ether that connects electronic super highways to Acacia Avenues the world over

The washing machine is going merrily and the house has been vacuumed and dusted

While I wait for the washing to finish – both the clothes in the washing machine and the boys with the cars – I try to compose a shopping list

machine, and have to type very rapidly and accurately to

As the results began to print out on the machine surprise was his; this can’t be

Seeing what was about to happen, the Scather quickly lifted one of its legs and kicked out, sending the machine flying across the room

She asks sensible questions about heating and cooking facilities and I explain that the cooker, washing machine and fridge are staying as I shall be taking over the stuff in Anna’s cottage

heating up baked beans and loading the washing machine in such a

There was a great shudder that went through the earth as she felt it move, and then a muffled clanking of a machine came from above

Northern Bank cash machine guarded by a dog with eyes the size

keyed the magic numbers into the magical money machine and

soldier popped the dog back in front of the cash machine and went

machine the soldier waddled into the third and final room

machine and proceeded to empty all of his pockets and his trouser

machine the security unit covered each other, took up positions,

I know which group I belong in … However, after a considerable battle, which leaves me breathless and wondering yet again if I ought to go down to the gym more often, I have a nice clean set of bedding and a pile of bedclothes which I can shove into the washing machine

‘Do I need to do that?’ I asked watching as he plugs the little gadget into a port in the side of the machine and showing me where it appears on the menu

I watch as he closes everything down and packs my new machine into its carry case

was on a machine to help her breath, on prednisone

and she was on a machine

able to make a patch in the machine shop to cover the area where Rubik’s ship had blasted

the machine and let its digital DNA drift away on the ether that

You made a good love machine here

silence that the broken machine gave her over any further contact

He went inside and listened to the messages on his answering machine

wheat was separated from the ears by a threshing machine powered

The machine recharges and analyses Leona’s output once again

Uniformed police officers are drinking stale coffee from a vending machine as they too watch the latest episode of real life casualty unfold

“We master the art because: in order to be able to unite the machine of a human, all her lower centers must be active, strong and willing to surrender to the higher center’s will

She had taken the mast completely down and was disassembling it when she began the explanation of the state of man’s being and of the structure of man’s machine, that it was a microcosm of the great world and how it was supposed to function

that the old boy probably polished the machine every day

losing his grip on the machine and fell off, his motorbike crashing to

behind, collided with the fallen machine and was propelled over the

skidding his machine along the stones of the parapet with a shower of

the deeper water, then they hurried back to the machine

Starting the machine was an exercise in

Billy gets the cab driver to make a detour to the supermarket where there is a twenty-four-hour cash machine

” And the host leafed back through pages of his notes, he read: “the explanation of the state of man’s being, and of the structure of man’s machine, that it was a microcosm of the great world, and how it was supposed to function

What about that?” asked the host, then added, “You have already told me about how our ‘machine‘ doesn’t work right—though I have a little difficulty thinking of my body as a machine; it sounds so Cartesian—But what about that, ‘microcosm of the great world’ and the ‘necessary steps to make it perform as intended’? You haven’t told me about that yet

Now, you said you have a little difficulty thinking of your body as a machine

“Almost all of their machine guns jammed or misfired after a few

“You said, the other day, that ‘you have a little difficulty thinking of your body as a machine

If that is the activity of a machine, I’m the poster child,” acknowledged the host

What has happened? Simply that it may have been important to one ‘I,’ but another ‘I’ was there when you woke up—an ‘I’ with its own memories and important matters, different from all the other ‘I’s in our machine

Andy looked down at his hands resting on the table in the interview room painfully aware of the whirring coming from the recording machine sitting on the table which was taping every word said in the little room, and the laboured breathing of the uniformed constable who sat motionless on a chair by the door just staring into space

’ Kev said, his wary glance at the recording machine belying his words

He waited while the other man hit the off key and pocketed the device, then reached out to activate the recording machine on the table

’ Jarvis said smoothly, leaving the machine recording

He watched as Jones led the man out of the room then turned off the recording machine and gave his thoughts to the interview he had just had

They stood by the coffee machine in the front office of the police station

out—an antique sewing machine, a typewriter, and a pair of ice skates that

He pressed his face against the machine

where the squares have been machined

individually machined in-house and hand

The bar was 1/2 inch in diameter and smoothly machined

The result is a giant organic insect body with large machined parts and jet engines plugged into it

’ They ran the refinery equipment, harvested water and mineral collections, flew longboard gliders within the fleet, machined maintenance parts, or clerked in Shipping & Receiving

The liners that came from the foundry to be machined at the factory had discernible defects

machined and attached to the face

The bottom of the cooking pots and pans has been machined flat to allow close contact with the heat medium

With him strode the stitch-inked Tyrannosaurus rex, which lent to his haunches a machined and ancient wellspring mineral-oil glide

It’s natural for machines

» Tahlmute said, «that’s why we invent machines

Machines were what I dreamed about, the sort that Dan Dare might fly, machines that

for the man who could dream machines

had I seen machines in my sleep

Dreaming machines had been a controlled,

I knew in my heart that my infernal machines of death would come

Machines did the work of a hundred

It was developed by the previous generations of machines developed by machines that in turn had been developed by machines that humans couldn’t understand

‘Those machines just don’t do the job properly

Countless machines hovering above them, covering the sky

“I used to translate texts about wining machines

Machines did the work of a hundred peasants

and the addictive play of fruit machines

He was just a laboratory animal, raised in a jar and kept alive by machines, no more able to survive than a domestic animal turned loose in the wilds

He had to explain satellites, probes, cabs, and something of what these machines looked like

and ancient machines of war,

They do their best, with black bags and rolling jaw machines,

washing machines? Or is it just a question

For every penny that he spent he got nothing back at all until, at last, there was nothing left but two fifty-pound notes, and after the incident with the old lady he dare not return to the cash machines under the oak tree

Machines that should give abundance have left us in want

They came out to an area reminiscent of earth garages; Duncan saw several machines parked there, they resembled hovercraft

These machines represent a leap ahead over the old

out the loud noises of the machines used

Partially thru her efforts there were too many others able to produce the machines and he was unable to control the gates of heaven as he desired

making machines in a great hall lit by a thousand fairy lights»

the old lady he dare not return to the cash machines under the oak

‘It’s left me with an ongoing hatred of coffee machines

had been on machines to help her breathe

the machines take a more and more solitary role in giving us what we want

Machines quickly spit forth most of what is being bought

“We were told of self-replicating machines that can cause the bodies that heaven is contained in to undergo thermonuclear fusion

“We expect you to call off your plans to release self replicating machines into the dark matter

“Do they understand what happens if one releases self-replicating machines?”

No matter how much it may have been what Jesus intended, the heaven they lived in was very much a work of man and his machines and not a divine creation

which could be done using such machines

drove the threshing machines which separated the wheat from the

rocks or the air,” the mysterious lady replied, “Or where machines

harvesting machines, drawn by tractors

allow the machines access, and which were still cut by hand scythes

Your machines are a great source of wealth and comfort

They’re a bit funny about phones near their machines

carefully regulated, and only a very few simple machines could be

that this was to ensure an easy familiarity with machines of all kinds,

waved his arm to stop the machines

Billy is out of breath as he reaches the top of the short rise to the car park, and stumbles, catching his shoulder on the edge of one of the car park ticket machines

the pop machines, and went to our table to eat, hoping that Roman would show

Allcock’s still made hooks, of course, but Harry was most taken by the planing machines and commercial lathes churning out components so quickly and efficiently

They were using Tdeshi’s zombied body the way they had used machines in attacking Zhlindu

It was a noisy place full of clattering gambling machines

As of yet, the machines were all still operational

stools in front of the poker machines

It was nice to be able to talk once more to people as people and not official machines

Boochie and Bobby were at the video slot machines that were usually only

Gone were the graceful days of Heather walking to the pop machines with

It took him about three hours to configure and load the machines with written and graphical material of the proposed heist

” Flavio and Brian successfully brought life to their machines

To suggest that it might be possible to think that Heaven is all fake, that we really are only ghosts in our machines

But with the discovery of the Singularity, the machines became puppets to the Mage-lords — who subsequently turned them against their creators

He was so energetic that he didn’t mind taking machines all apart and combing the city for parts

He didn’t think having to perform a lot of maintenance on the machines was a big deal

The mother of all karaoke machines, in fact

mother of karaoke machines become

In the distant past some believe there was a civilization that was able to build flying machines of some kind, but this wasn’t how they were generally pictured

how to construct the machines, cannot well require more than the lessons of a few weeks;

They are machines made up to look like people

«Only Alan is human, the others are machines

Desa says they aren’t people at all but are really machines from the star YingolNeerie

If they were machines they wouldn’t have pheromones at all would they? What he was detecting was probably only the staff

Those strange people or machines were gone and left nothing to indicate they had ever been here

INNOCENT BYSTANDERS COULD BE HURT! I have been told that the aliens that look almost human are MACHINES and not subject to the Instinct!

One of the footwear factories even had enough repairable machines in it to get back into operation so the area wasn’t completely abandoned any more

There had been a stream thru here at one time because there were small sandbars deposited behind the bases of the machines

They were closing in on him, both machines striding purposefully toward him

Being mindless feeding machines, the walking dead made for easy targets

He had to go all the way thru Origin of humans – imported theory, from? And wouldn’t it be likely that not all humans would have been moved to Kassidor? She told him what YingolNeerie was like and what those machines animated by ghosts really were

No, his clients weren’t revived mummies or soldiers from a lost basin, they were ghost machines from outer space

«They are here in machines like this now, walking the streets of Zhlindu as we speak

When Alan had first told her about them she had thought he was a fool for not knowing they were machines when he was growing up

Desa didn’t see them as three humans sitting across the coach, she saw three machines disguised as humans that might be communicating with the ghosts of human souls in the starship high above Narrulla

She knew she could damage these machines if she could find a way to do so

«Alan has told me how your machines capture souls and I believe you only copy the last impression they made after they’re gone

She had to admit these machines could act just like humans when nastiness was desired

Why should she be caught up in an adventure such as this, in a battle with ghost machines from outer space with the fate of the whole world at stake? ‘Because you fell in love with someone from outer space, you ninny,’ she thought

It got a little scary when the starship itself attacked, but these machines disguised as humans and haunted by ghosts, this was horror on the level of man-eating toilets and assassin dactyls

» She didn’t care that the haunted machines knew that also

The machines coughed and spluttered, then surged into life, roaring and screeching they ambled forward taking the Clothiers fencing down in one concerted hit, then thudded on through the grass paddocks towards Dort Valley crossroads

Then it happened the lorries disappeared from view and were soon followed by the giant roller machines

To top that off, the probes from Biology Base soon started picking up gossip about ‘an attack by ghost machines from outer space only a hundred miles out the Kimoneea

of the workmen and machines along the wharf

Secondly, the use of several very ingenious machines, which facilitate and abridge, in a still greater proportion, the winding of the worsted and woollen yarn, or the proper arrangement of the warp and woof before they are put into the loom ; an operation which, previous to the invention of those machines, must have been extremely tedious and troublesome

The quantity of materials which the same number of people can work up, increases in a great proportion as labour comes to be more and more subdivided; and as the operations of each workman are gradually reduced to a greater degree of simplicity, a variety of new machines come to be invented for facilitating and abridging those operations

He endeavours, therefore, both to make among his workmen the most proper distribution of employment, and to furnish them with the best machines which he can either invent or afford to purchase

Secondly, it may be employed in the improvement of land, in the purchase of useful machines and instruments of trade, or in such like things as yield a revenue or profit without changing masters, or circulating any further

He has occasion for no machines or instruments of trade, unless his shop or warehouse be considered as such

First, of all useful machines and instruments of trade, which facilitate and abridge labour

An improved farm may very justly be regarded in the same light as those useful machines which facilitate and abridge labour, and by means of which an equal circulating capital can afford a much greater revenue to its employer

An improved farm is equally advantageous and more durable than any of those machines, frequently requiring no other repairs than the most profitable application of the farmer’s capital employed in cultivating it

No fixed capital can yield any revenue but by means of a circulating capital The most useful machines and instruments of trade will produce nothing, without the circulating capital, which affords the materials they are employed upon, and the maintenance of the workmen who employ them

First, as those machines and instruments of trade, etc

and machining in the eighteenth century that contributed to the dominance of the steam engine in transportation

machining days, this was probably true, particularly when turning on a lathe

Check out the results for several typical machining

The Role of Coolant in Machining

machining operation, you may use up all the chip clearance your cutter has

Selection of Cutting Fluids in Machining Processes: Good overview of some of the factors involved in selecting coolant type

machining provided we can deal with the chip clearance and lubrication issues

that might be optimal for your machining operation? It turns out there is,

Hence the machining allowance is minimal

He called an expert of metals to testify upon the effects of stress concentration due to manufacturing ridges made upon axles by machining tools and to explain how a sudden impact could initiate a crack and lead to rapid failure of the axle

the project and how you’ll manage each machining step

  • Use the word Machine in a sentences

Sentence Examples

What? machine mind computes mate in six moves.

Seran Inc.’s main product, a micro… machine related to pharmaceutics, went out of stock, as a result the companies stock itself went down. As if this decrease was his main purpose, he stopped the threats to Serano…

He chased him onto the answering machine where the mouse just, like, taunted and taunted Bob.

He broke into a vending machine with a spork.

This little molecular machine is called photosystem II, and it makes energy for the cell from sunlight.

A customer came to buy a laundry machine and took a catalogue.

The tremors are coming from that machine.

Portable machine‘s in use.

Security sent me the CCTV footage. machine BEEPS

machine BEEPS RAPIDLY Got a problem.

Inflate, please. SINGLE machine BEEPS Ventilating.

machine BEEPS I need to unstrap.

I’ve developed a device for travelling through time… which I call a «time machine

Using this «time machine…» I’m going back to the Sixties and steal Austin Powers’ mojo.

If you have a time machine… why not just go back and kill Austin Powers… when he’s sitting on the crapper or something?

We have evidence that Dr Evil has developed a time machine… and has travelled back to the year 1969.

We enter the interior of the workshop where smiths, mechanics, weighers, carpenters, upholsterers, et cetera are working hard at the completion of the machine.

The machine explodes and destroys the new plant.

«Our organization works like a machine

Adolphe suddenly understood why the machine lost 150 francs a day.

I want to have the role of the honest woman in their machine.

Grot, the guardian of the Heart-machine — Heinrich George

The Creative Man The machine-Man

What were you looking for in the machine-Halls, Freder?

The chief foreman of the Heart-machine, Grot, — with an important message…

There were two more copies of those damnable plans, Herr Fredersen in the pockets of two men who met with an accident today at the M-machine

Brother the machine! There needs to be someone at the machine!

There will be someone at the machine

! Isn’t it worth losing a hand to have created the man of the future — the machine-Man — ?

24 more hours of work — and no man, Joh Fredersen, will be able to differentiate the machine-Man from a mortal — !

Rotwang, give the machine-Man the likeness of this woman…

No. 11811, get back to the machine and forget that you ever left it — understood?

It is time to give the Man-machine your face!

You shall see her dance, and if only one single person recognises the machine in her,

Who smears the machine-joints with their own marrow — ? !

If the Heart-machine perishes, nothing in the machine-District will be left standing — !

If the Heart-machine perishes, the entire Workers’ City will be laid to waste — ! !

There were, among others, a machine made exactly like a man

«This machine is truly extraordinary … if it bests the Czarina!

The underworld’s annual armistice — when, until dawn, rival gangsters bury the hatchet and park the machine-gun.

The factory in Langenbielau provides us with fabric, that is machine-made, and much cheaper!

Gabrielle Derisau was a little gear within this great machine we call Paris.

# Be sentimental # # But don’t act like a threshing machine #

Sentences using the word machine. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use machine in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for machine.

  • We are a machine. (10)
  • Law for a machine, not a man! (10)
  • Man is a self-acting machine. (10)
  • She went on working her machine. (9)
  • So we work like a machine, signorina. (10)
  • It was like the unlocking of a machine. (10)
  • He kept his head down, fiddling like a machine. (10)
  • Frances Freeland was contemplating the little machine. (8)
  • The machine, fed by a secret fire, had started itself. (12)
  • If the smoke test is employed, a smoke machine is best. (17)
  • It has been said that the Board is only part of a machine. (8)
  • I suppose being part of a victorious machine is exhilarating. (10)
  • Each had a computation machine before her and a pile of slips. (13)
  • Wilfrid stood like a machine with a thousand wheels in revolt. (10)
  • I move in the centre of a perfect machine, and I am dissatisfied. (10)
  • This hateful world had caught him and transformed him to a machine. (10)
  • Attacking across open ground: four machine bullets got me at one go off. (8)
  • Far away on the further; bank throbbed some huge machine, not stilled as yet. (8)
  • And the little machine began severely tweaking the hairs on the nape of his neck. (8)
  • But I will not roll myself under the machine of existence to gain a nothing every day. (8)
  • He suddenly remembered the moment in which the impulse to murder the machine had come upon him. (12)
  • Lavender was heaved into the machine, where the young airman was already seated in front of him. (8)
  • The machine is a steel mould which is moved along and upward as the concrete wall is tamped in it. (17)
  • She felt that she was a fine machine, and nothing else: and she was rapidly approaching those ladies! (10)
  • The use of this machine is deprecated by some performers as reducing the nerve training to a minimum. (21)
  • If Lord Valleys was the body of the aristocratic machine, Lady Casterley was the steel spring inside it. (8)
  • He trundled off to Paris or Vienna with that queer machine of his, and got some encouragement over there. (13)
  • Between him and the body of the machine are five more pitch forks, directing the pale flood of raw material. (8)
  • But aside from the machine and my comparison, you have inflicted a loss on me for which there are no words. (12)
  • Gentlemen, Justice is a machine that, when some one has once given it the starting push, rolls on of itself. (8)
  • So important indeed that I am convinced that the machine is hurt forever, because it has ceased to function. (12)
  • Is this young man to be ground to pieces under this machine for an act which at the worst was one of weakness? (8)
  • And before Nedda reached the door she heard the click-click of the machine, reducing Mr. Cuthcott to legibility. (8)
  • It is an eccentric machine, in tune with me for the moment, because I happen to have hit it in the ringing spot. (10)
  • The animal world, when not rigorously watched, will always crown with success the machine supplying its appetites. (10)
  • But chance now favoured him, for he found he was expected, and at once conducted to a machine which was about to rise. (8)
  • In the field beyond the bank where her skiff lay up, a machine drawn by a grey horse was turning an early field of hay. (8)
  • The jostle of human beings on the pavement, the roar of the streets, were like the meaningless gyrations of a machine. (13)
  • In him, though he was as passive as Master Gammon, the farmer beheld merely a stupefied old man, and not a steady machine. (10)
  • In him, though he was as passive as Master Gammon, the farmer beheld merely a stupefied old man, and not a steady machine. (22)
  • Furthermore there may be a future closed to him if he has thrown too extreme a task of repairing on that bare machine of his. (10)
  • Such outlets should be placed in central positions in order to permit the moving of the machine to all parts of the various rooms. (17)
  • A young man stood at the machine with a cigar in his mouth, and his eyes intent upon the ribbon of paper unreeling itself before him. (9)
  • Before we departed our ex-cook presented the club with his famous coffee machine as a slight acknowledgment of their kindness to us. (20)
  • He worked one of the delicate valves of the machine, squirting through the needle a thin stream of water in the direction of Hussey. (13)
  • Its ingenious creator was so bent upon realizing the highest ideal in it that he produced a machine of quite unimpeachable efficiency. (9)
  • She half-protested to herself that he expected from her the mechanical correctness of a machine, and overlooked the fact that she was human. (10)
  • And, while the little machine buzzed about his head, he proceeded to detail to her the facts of the state of things that existed at Joyfields. (8)
  • At the first turning he passed the village school, whence issued a rhythmic but discordant hum, suggestive of some dull machine that had served its time. (8)

Also see sentences for: machine-made, machinery, machines.

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an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: a sewing machine.

a mechanical apparatus or contrivance; mechanism.


  1. a device that transmits or modifies force or motion.
  2. Also called sim·ple ma·chine . any of six or more elementary mechanisms, as the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, screw, wedge, and inclined plane.
  3. Also called com·plex ma·chine . a combination of simple machines.

Older Use.

  1. an automobile or airplane.
  2. a typewriter.

a bicycle or motorcycle.

a vending machine: a cigarette machine.

any complex agency or operating system: the machine of government.

an organized group of persons that conducts or controls the activities of a political party or organization: He heads the Democratic machine in our city.

a person or thing that acts in a mechanical or automatic manner: Routine work had turned her into a machine.

any of various contrivances, especially those formerly used in the theater, for producing stage effects: The ancient Greeks used a theatrical machine to lower actors onto the stage.

some agency, personage, incident or other feature introduced for effect into a literary composition.

verb (used with object), ma·chined, ma·chin·ing.

to make, prepare, or finish with a machine or with machine tools.


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Origin of machine

First recorded in 1540–50; from French, from Latin māchina, from Doric Greek māchanā́ “pulley,” akin to mâchos “contrivance”; cf. mechanic


ma·chine·less, adjectivean·ti·ma·chine, adjectiveun·ma·chined, adjective

Words nearby machine

machilid, Machilipatnam, machinable, machinate, machination, machine, machine bolt, machine code, machine finish, machine gun, machine head Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to machine

apparatus, appliance, automobile, engine, gadget, instrument, motor, tool, vehicle, machinery, structure, system, automaton, computer, contraption, contrivance, implement, mechanism, robot, thingamabob

How to use machine in a sentence

  • They come standard on most snow machines, and are an easy upgrade for your ATV.

  • So unless you lack access to internet or mail, rely on a voting machine to cast your ballot, or have to physically go to the polls for some other reason, it may not be worth it.

  • The app has also turned into a cash machine for the company, earning $281 million in gross profit for Square last quarter while it grew to 30 million users.

  • Tucked in the back of a laboratory at the IBM Research facility less than an hour north of New York City is a hulking mass of stainless steel and aluminum that looks like a sci-fi teleportation machine.

  • Google uses the feedback from the quality raters guidelines and feeds this into machine learning models to send this feedback back to their engineers to improve search overall.

  • The billionaire philanthropist tastes the product of a machine that processes human sewage into drinking water and electricity.

  • They were the machine gun bullets coming from the ambush when my company got hit.

  • “If BMW is ‘the ultimate driving machine,’ your Anthem is the ultimate differentiator,” writes Hogshead.

  • The resulting Wool Runners were comfortable, eco-friendly, machine-washable, and super cute—and sold out almost immediately.

  • Even his signature instrument, Auto-Tune, has become as accepted an ingredient in hip-hop as the drum machine.

  • The controlling leaders being out of gear the machine did not run smoothly: there was nothing but friction and tension.

  • A little black girl sat on the floor, and with her hands worked the treadle of the machine.

  • The sewing-machine made a resounding clatter in the room; it was of a ponderous, by-gone make.

  • The machine penetrated everywhere, thrusting aside with its gigantic arm the feeble efforts of handicraft.

  • «I have a letter somewhere,» looking in the machine drawer and finding the letter in the bottom of the workbasket.

British Dictionary definitions for machine


an assembly of interconnected components arranged to transmit or modify force in order to perform useful work

Also called: simple machine a device for altering the magnitude or direction of a force, esp a lever, screw, wedge, or pulley

a mechanically operated device or means of transport, such as a car, aircraft, etc

any mechanical or electrical device that automatically performs tasks or assists in performing tasks

  1. (modifier) denoting a firearm that is fully automatic as distinguished from semiautomatic
  2. (in combination)machine pistol; machine gun

any intricate structure or agencythe war machine

a mechanically efficient, rigid, or obedient person

an organized body of people that controls activities, policies, etc

(esp in the classical theatre) a device such as a pulley to provide spectacular entrances and exits for supernatural characters

an event, etc, introduced into a literary work for special effect


(tr) to shape, cut, or remove (excess material) from (a workpiece) using a machine tool

to use a machine to carry out a process on (something)

Derived forms of machine

machinable or machineable, adjectivemachinability, nounmachineless, adjectivemachine-like, adjective

Word Origin for machine

C16: via French from Latin māchina machine, engine, from Doric Greek makhana pulley; related to makhos device, contrivance

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for machine

A device that applies force, changes the direction of a force, or changes the strength of a force, in order to perform a task, generally involving work done on a load. Machines are often designed to yield a high mechanical advantage to reduce the effort needed to do that work.♦ A simple machine is a wheel, a lever, or an inclined plane. All other machines can be built using combinations of these simple machines; for example, a drill uses a combination of gears (wheels) to drive helical inclined planes (the drill-bit) to split a material and carve a hole in it.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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