Use the word lose in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “lose” in a sentence. How to connect “lose” with other words to make correct English sentences.

lose (v): to no longer have something because you do not know where it is

Use “lose” in a sentence

Don’t lose your sense of humor.
She really wants to lose weight.
I’ve lost my job.
I’m losing patience.
I don’t want to lose this match.

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Synonym: fail, flop, forfeit, mislay, misplace, sacrifice. Antonym: find, gain, win. Similar words: close, closet, closer, closest, closely, close in, close up, close down. Meaning: [luːz]  v. 1. fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense 2. fail to win 3. suffer the loss of a person through death or removal 4. place (something) where one cannot find it again 5. miss from one’s possessions; lose sight of 6. allow to go out of sight 7. fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit 8. fail to get or obtain 9. retreat 10. fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind 11. be set at a disadvantage. 

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1. Better lose a jest than a friend. 

2. We lose in hake, but gain in herring. 

3. Lend your money and lose your friend. 

4. You must lose a fly to catch a trout. 

5. He that doth lend,[] doth lose his friend. 

6. You win some, you lose some. 

7. There is no time to lose

8. Sometimes the best gain is to lose

9. Sometimes gain is to lose.

10. One false move may lose the game. 

11. Better ask twice than lose you way once. 

12. You cannot lose what you never had. 

13. Merry is he that hath nought to lose

14. Either win the horse or lose the saddle. 

15. Pains to get, care to keep, fear to lose

16. Better lose the saddle than the horse. 

16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

17. One wrong (or false) move can lose the whole game. 

18. What you lose on the swings you gain (or get back) on the roundabouts. 

19. What we lose in hake we shall have in herring. 

20. Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 

21. Grasp all, lose all.

22. A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money. 

23. Spoil (or Lose) the ship for half penny worth of tar. 

24. The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature. 

25. What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts. 

26. By gambling we lose both time and treasure, two things most precious to the life of man. 

27. To lose a freind is the greatest of all loses. 

28. It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty, or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man’s self. 

29. People do not know the blessing of health till they lose it. 

30. It is good to have money to buy things that money can buy,but it is better not to lose things money cannot buy. 

More similar words: close, closet, closer, closest, closely, close in, close up, close down, disclose, lose sight of, at a loss, explosion, pose, dose, whose, those, loose, compose, expose, morose, suppose, impose, choose, oppose, opposed, propose, diagnose, proposed, on purpose, diagnoses. 

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re interested in it

until you have the number of pounds that you want to lose, in this case, twenty pounds

Each time you lose a pound you can mark it as completed

may have created a step like, lose 1 pound, and you continued adding in

that step for as many pounds as you want to lose

If your goal is to lose twenty pounds, please don’t drive around the parking lot wasting those minutes looking for the closest parking spot

When people become sedentary, they lose the natural visceral mobilization provided by functional exercise

When you lose that sense, the

Without your ability to deliver the products instantly you will definitely lose sales

As damage to the brain increases, people with Alzheimer’s lose coordination and part or all of their ability to attend to everyday needs

Fortunately for the people of Jerusalem, an archer spotted Blitzer fired an arrow into his shoulder, causing him to lose his grip and fall

‘He’d lose his temper with you?’

After a mile or so, David began to lose all feeling in his feet and hands

He wondered if he should go to the council with this question? That would certainly expose everything of Tahlmute’s past and doing that would likely lose him the job

How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody’s beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion

«I don’t want to lose you too baby

Reluctantly, no longer able to avoid the issue, my thoughts turn back to the events of the evening … it had been kind of Stephen to offer me accommodation like that … why, oh, why did I have to lose my temper? I shouldn’t have bitten his head off like that

Oh what have I got to lose?

He very powerful now, but need to use quickly or lose the power

It is easy to bustle around and to lose full dependence on the

Keep your fucking nose out of this or you will lose your job

‘It’s not as bad as it looks, Liz, you could easily lose that bit if you wanted to, though probably not in time for Saturday night

Did you know that it is becoming quite common to lose these things in other parts of the world?»

» He ducked outside the shop and left Travis to mull over what he had already revealed, what he had to gain or lose by telling more

But we can lose it if we lead a sinful way of life

He tried to lose himself

There would be nothing left to lose

You don’t know when one of these guys is gonna lose it

People will lose their souls (the ones who need the gospel and those who have had it but erred from it) (6:20-21)

lose the souls of our children

So you see, I had to allow you experience loss, to feel what it’s like to lose what you love the most

That was certainly a clear insinuation about me too; and I, as usual, kept on acting the fool lest I should lose that great friend

Those who are poor and bold inevitably make bad investments and eventually lose their money

Not to mention, I really can’t afford to lose anything else

For the time being, he kept this problem from Elond, and she seemed to lose interest in the hostile starship as the local years went by

We all lose a loved one at least once in life

If it is dry or uncultivated, you will lose money

Leaves: If they are green and fresh, they portend happiness; if they are withered, you will lose hope

If you lose treasure, you will face financial problems

If you lose a wheel of your car, you will quarrel with a family member

When we lose ourselves for hours doing something

If we do not have the appropriate wisdom for those moments we will not just lose life, but will also profane the eternal glory of God and mare His image

She stood there panting, hoping she wasn’t about to lose control of herself and run

daughter she had lost and found only to lose her again

Now the land is in your possession, and it is your responsibility to not lose the family land

«The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too

He fervently hoped that none of those things had happened, he just couldn’t bear to lose them

They lose it when they fail to find a rider, and go mad instead

If he hasn’t found a way to catch at least one of us in a few hours he’ll lose interest

His hair had come lose and some was splayed across his face

It is as if you lose all social skills

To lose her so soon after finding her again was hard … and then there was you

I want you to lose this one

I’m sorry that she’s dead but I’m not going to lose any more sleep

and I will lose my position in the Alderfolk Chambers” said

‘Partly because I could … I am pretty good at it, Lintze … and partly because I have nothing to lose

JOYCE: You have just testified that you’ve never seen Erick lose his temper or act aggressively

involved in chemical reactions, they usually lose one electron of their

and other sources, their skin cel s could break down and lose their

rooms in our heads for which we lose the keys,

before they lose themselves

So when a new process was discovered of refining sugar cheaply and in large quantities honey began to lose its popularity as a sweetening agent and became increasingly less available as sugar became more so

‘Every one in the ring, I lose

To lose her mate, and then her rider’s mate was overpowering; her grief was having an effect on the entire camp

When losing the signal I would start to lose control and pretend I was going to jump out of the car, but my father screaming my name at me usually slugged me back into present time reality for a short period anyway

Luray was right, she did care for him and didn’t want to lose him now that they had finally reached the city

‘Hey, what have you got to lose Lautrec? I can assure you this method is completely safe and you won’t believe the positive difference it’ll make to your life

I didn’t have much to lose, but my virginity

prepared to concede the fact that they may lose the argument

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that since this is an online thing that you can lose this respect through anonymity

‘Which one is it?’ I asked, as he takes Adamant, and walks off, Sefir and I following on his heels, trying not to lose him in the crowd on the quay

‘It will be very bad for your business if it continues and Mercouri could lose his job

If we pretend to be someone we’re not, how the hell are they to know? On the other hand, if we can just be ourselves, win or lose, then OK, we reflect on some and not on others — but at least we are true to our real self with no pretending

‘Jo, is it okay if Abi comes over for some lessons?’ he asked, ‘She’s very capable but if she doesn’t keep up the practice, she’ll lose it

This is a great way to relieve stress and lose yourself while you let go of the pains of the day

You‘ll learn that as you become aware of them and accept them, they begin to lose their grip on your attention

He clenched his fist and came dangerously 1 lose to the TV

they lose so badly,’ Ish said

She held him to her breasts in a protective way, fearful that she might lose him; that this was all a dream

Then he starts kissing me again and I lose all interest in shopping

“The Scather’s have an automatic self destruct should they lose a battle; we found this out the hard way

He went to the console and tried to lift it off her and in the process something broke lose and slid towards him

aunties wearing sarees and sneakers and with a firm resolve to lose weight

«I’ll get too used to it, it will lose the magic

people in the neighbourhood with nothing to lose

diligently and as carefully as he could so as not to lose his prize

I would lose all that I have!

But, having hated, we lose trust in the truth: that

So brave man was proud enough to lose his head

8Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a

So what do I have to lose? It’s not as though I am giving up anything … if it were to go pear-shaped I’d be no worse off … if anything Dave is the one putting himself on the line, he’s got that house and it’s all his in every way possible, and he’s going to share it with me

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or

But on the basis that without you there definitely wouldn’t be any children, I can’t really lose

‘Otherwise it’s going to stretch on and on and you’ll get fed up with it, lose the edge

and a time to lose;

If I do that, I’ll probably lose

‘I don’t usually lose my temper quite so easily as that

‘They have to sleep too, sailor! We won’t lose that

Adding the broken wing, she stood for a moment gazing at the bird unwilling to lose it

time, the Thane started to lose ground, beaten back

Kevin jerks the wheel and loses traction a bit before his car slides off the road

He loses consciousness

He loses consciousness as he hears the man barking military commands behind him

doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for

One never loses if he deals with people in loving

This was the instant of doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for dear sanctuary, but in that instant when Lucy felt that she might regain control of her legs and speed back towards the light of town, the wolf slid the hood from his head

She loses herself,

But when a businessman loses his

Honesty fights with sense, and sense loses, ‘Much the same as you, actually

When you stop trying to push away and resist negativity it loses the very

For what is a man advantaged, if he gains the whole world, and loses himself, or be cast

The material almost works but he loses his audience through the diesel drone

She loses us easily

He loses sight of them as they collect cups, teaspoons and cartons of milk, which forces him to turn round to see where they are heading

An outward semblance of humanity is restored and the old biddy on the till loses interest now that Billy has rejoined the ranks of the normal

Ken gradually loses patience as Ted begins to lose the thread of stories but continues to take his drink on the strength of the stranger’s money

She appears in the kitchen doorway, carrying two mugs of tea and Jock visibly sags as the adrenalin coursing through his veins loses the fight with the sheer bloody fatigue that he feels in his bones

“Told her to stop acting like a fool before she loses all her friends

then it loses its power to f

“If the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” (Matt

Gospel loses integrity with unbelievers, but there are preachers

man is offhanded and loses in every case

the expenses peculiar to a bank consist chiefly in two articles: first, in the expense of keeping at all times in its coffers, for answering the occasional demands of the holders of its notes, a large sum of money, of which it loses the interest; and, secondly, in the expense of replenishing those coffers as fast as they are emptied by answering such occasional demands

Among all the absurd speculations that have been propagated concerning the balance of trade, it has never been pretended that either the country loses by its commerce with the town, or the town by that with the country which maintains it

She loses her balance

When two places trade with one another, this doctrine supposes that, if the balance be even, neither of them either loses or gains; but if it leans in any degree to one side, that one of them loses, and the other gains, in proportion to its declension from the exact equilibrium

If, by not raising the price high enough, he discourages the consumption so little, that the supply of the season is likely to fall short of the consumption of the season, he not only loses a part of the profit which he might otherwise have made, but he exposes the people to suffer before the end of the season, instead of the hardships of a dearth, the dreadful horrors of a famine

If he judges wrong in this, and if the price does not rise, he not only loses the whole profit of the stock which he employs in this manner, but a part of the stock itself, by the expense and loss which necessarily attend the storing and keeping of corn

In his verses titled, “The Need to Win,” (see Chapter 12) he describes how an archer who needs to win loses power, but one who shoots for nothing (is not-doing) conserves his power

The government, therefore, when it defrays the expense of coinage, not only incurs some small expense, but loses some small revenue which it might get by a proper duty; and neither the bank, nor any other private persons, are in the smallest degree benefited by this useless piece of public generosity

The person who finally pays this tax, therefore, gains by the application more than he loses by the payment of it

He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become

The government neither gains nor loses by the additional tax, which is applied altogether to remedy the inequalities arising from the old assessment

By this miserable policy, he does not, perhaps, always consult his own interest in the most effectual manner ; and he probably loses more by the diminution of his produce, than he saves by that of his tax

What the revenue at present loses by drawbacks upon the re-exportation of foreign goods, which are afterwards re-landed and consumed at home, would, under this system, be saved altogether

Thus, if a female cat loses its tail and then has kittens, they will be born without tails

In the dialogue with darkness, an individual loses

Remove from heat, and beat with a wooden spoon until the mixture is thick and loses its gloss

Beat the fudge with a wooden spoon until it thickens and loses its gloss

Increase to high speed once the syrup is in, and whip until the candy is stiff and loses its gloss

(Public) Oratory and (Public) Action(s) cannot be separated lest a (Public) Servant loses credibility before the (Public) Eye

All your «surge» does is to present more targets and the much increased chance that the common soldier loses his self-control and commit offences against the very population you wish to protect as we see in the newspapers is happening

We have a joke in South Africa where a boy is asked by his teacher what would happen if he loses both ears? Great was his surprise when the kid answered he will be blind because his hat will fall over his eyes since his ears are not there to keep it up

It bears mentioning that although boasting an impressive regular season won-loss record, Osborne‘s bowl record against ranked opponents was 9 (wins) and 13 (loses) including 7 loses in a row prior to winning his first national championship

Spain still loses its territories to the US

As soon as he loses his bearings, the compass isn’t much good anymore

anger, they start to get used to it and it loses its effect and

Really; it’s just a question of how much altitude it gains or loses as it climbs and dives

Long story short, the dumb kid gets distracted, loses his balance and falls into this smelly, polluted, brown sludge

in all the conduct of life, ever loses faith in the essential

It impedes that the humanity lives with happiness and enjoy the material and technological well-being in that persons can gain, without anybody loses

In case it doesn’t sell its production, it loses other million when it reduces human investment, infrastructural installation or closing of the company

Unhappily, it is not alone the entrepreneur that loses, the whole society also

Inflexibility example: Organization invests and it loses for the temporary lack of market when it is obligated to close its activities or to run into debt until market that ends up breaking for payment incapacity existing

The Second Sector loses million of enterprises with its investments and organizational resources, without any need

In reality, it makes the integration of the people in the planet without each country loses its autonomy

All the partners of the existence will live in harmony and mutual respect, without anybody loses anything!

This force or to can is conquered by the accumulation and integration of the organizational resources, without each organization loses its autonomy and without there is delegation of power or centralizing pole about its actions

It does with that all gain and the environment also, without anybody loses

This solution lets creditor and satisfied debtor, because everybody gains and nobody loses

Every process occurs without there to be socioeconomic sacrifices and without anybody loses any thing; besides it liberates the country of the high cost of the money, of the losses with coins exchange maintenance and of all disorders of the current financial and economic system

Also, consider that Brazil loses annually more than 50 billion dollars in flight of foreign exchange, contraband, maintenance of the exchange or falsification, besides the tax evasion in consequence of high tax burden and of the lack of income

The new systematics unites those countries, allowing that they act in socioeconomic blocks, without the geographical limitations and without each country loses its autonomy

For only 990 dollars for beneficiary person, the world will have its grandiose resolved problems, without anybody loses anything

All gain with the implantation of this new model, inclusive the nature and nobody loses anything

Every dealt experience loses all the restraints and anchors connected with it, and then it becomes part of your experience in your spiritual evolution

One by one, processing tons of events in a really short time, releasing loads of unprocessed material—what a rush! The funny feeling is that when each processed experience is archived, it loses form and shape and all the ties with it are gone

The first actuation happens when the value is objective, that is, the system valorizes, it measures and it guarantees the power of the real and potential wealth, without letting that loses its value with the oscillation of prices in the market

It acts without any country changes the name of its coin and without it loses its autonomy

The second we leave, she loses her hold

Those who favor a porous border with any adjacent country also favor the loss of American sovereignty, since a country loses its identity when it loses its borders

This scenario has the subsequent result that if the preacher so much as dares to preach biblical truths, where these truths differs from what the employers (congregation members) wants to hear, he gets fired or loses paying congregation members!

If a variable is re-declared within its scope again, it loses its visibility in the scope of the re-declared

In any given situation, whoever justifies getting enraged loses and whoever uses that same situation to develop tolerance wins

Loses the best of life, sis

16 Whoever discovers secrets loses his credibility, and shall never find friends for his mind

loses his strength and his energy

He must be so disorientated that he leans too far back, loses his balance, and flips over the edge

It loses some of its anti-gravity lift

A few years later the same doctor botches operations, causes a patient’s death, and loses his license to practice medicine

Another octopus quickly loses altitude and latches onto the back of the shark that has its member in its mouth

When the public votes with its radio dial for what it wants to hear the liberal extreme loses the vote

That pawn is tea bagging the queen into the lava,” Jaden chuckles while the pawn loses balance and falls in, “Oh my, that was hilarious

losing most of the normal reference points that social event smal talk requires:

Of course if your nutrition is better and you’re losing weight and you start to feel healthier, that is going to have a drastic affect on your self-confidence

«Venna?» he choked and took a long time recovering, nearly losing control of the boat

Unable to keep still in my exasperation, I rise to my feet and move over to the wall where there is a poster about something or other … I stare at it blindly, annoyed with myself for losing control

’ He said, losing interest and picking up some tool or other

So who was left to send starships? The Chinese space program fell apart after losing so many sleeperships on the Centorin run

’ he said sounding truly concerned … I suppose in a way my losing my job is a direct result of him taking me in for questioning … but the man was only doing his job

It is easy to see how those two got into such a mess losing their tempers the other week

He veers left, then right, then left again, losing control as he cuts over the median into oncoming traffic

‘Could do with losing a bit of weight anyway

This continual darkness that made day and night obsolete was clearly losing its first, naïve terror, or so I thought at the time

Maybe because he saw on some subconscious level he was already aware of how close Wambach was to losing it

Moreover, she is always trying to sabotage me in various stupid ways: She steals my back up floppy discs and accuses me of losing them, yet I see them as soon as she opens her drawer; she refuses to show me some useful things on the computer; she gives me to type the wrong texts and then she says I am the one who doesn’t work right; she drops hints I am illiterate and I don’t know the computer program, and so on

«I can’t without losing the system! I’m sorry!»

He also acknowledged my discovery about the awareness of time and space; “Yet, if your Ego is satisfied by it, you are in danger of losing the way,” he concluded

He had to put it aside, figure on losing another week and just relax, or at least pretend to

about you losing yourself completely in the moment of sheer

At the final whistle, losing it all again

There is more to losing your life than death

He wondered if he was actually losing his affection for Desa and gaining more for Luray

That’s not losing your temper

JOYCE: And after losing that game, did he not get into an argument with the line judge and call him a «blind son of a bitch»?

JOYCE: Is that not losing your temper?

In spite of the lightening they had done, and losing a lot of their gear to the kranjan weeks ago, Alan’s pack was still way too heavy to be running with

Desa dug for it with one hand, Alan began losing ground as both Luray’s heels made furrows in the soft soil

Delivers L-ascorbic acid in concentrated form, without losing potency to improve the

the losing of herself, crashes in

Just think for a moment what it would have been like for him in ten or twenty years … he was how old? Forty? He’d have been losing his agility soon … would have had to watch himself slowly becoming less and less use

‘I’m not good at losing those I love

Losing her was no great tragedy to my egocentric teenage self

He paced up and down, spinning round and shouting at the sky, losing the whereabouts of the accused and scarily out of control

I was a child, immature and sure, lost and losing it,

Happy with the lazy, sexy, mellow river ride, but concerned that she was losing her battle with yaag once again

I wandered round the lanes at the back of the town, losing count of all the drowsy flowers blazing up ahead

you can without losing your balance

When losing the signal I would start to lose control and pretend I was going to jump out of the car, but my father screaming my name at me usually slugged me back into present time reality for a short period anyway

She was in no danger of losing her universe or any part of it

Losing the argument means

I was crying for myself, for losing him

I’ve arranged to have the day off … Gary is now in mourning at the possibility of losing his secretary!’

At first I kept tripping and losing my balance by thinking too much about what I was doing, so I stopped for a moment until I was ready to start all over again

By the time that he did make the connection he was sinking to the floor and losing consciousness, his head and shoulders wrapped in an old bath towel that his step-mother had thrown over his head as she struck to soak up the inevitable streams of blood

So scared of losing money, they want their kids to serve others all their

I fear the thought of living with this illness forever – or even losing my life to it

«Thom’s losing her,” Elmore said

‘What? For losing two seats?’ Mama said, ‘the total number of seats is

She was in danger of just losing herself in it and forgetting to lead the conversation in the direction she needed it to go

‘It was bizarre, Sally, saying goodbye to Anna … like losing a relation

They would share their fate together, she would not chance losing him again; she told him

and losing consciousness, his head and shoulders wrapped in an old

Cheyenne wanted to help a woman she loved who was in a coma, losing blood, and dying

Part of it was stubbornness over losing Leand’s daughter a second time

He felt weak and was losing a

heartbroken, losing the first man she had ever really loved

It was a losing battle and

They had wandered by a performance after dinner, some of the men in both the troops were quite built, although he thought the women on the losing team were actually prettier

losing his grip on the machine and fell off, his motorbike crashing to

He knew that he was losing himself,

He would rather lose money and fold, than stay and take the risk of losing

” admitted Harry, sure that this was a losing hand to play

She adjusts, props herself up on one elbow, never losing her touch, and the first things that Arbnor Jasari sees of this new day are Helen’s eyes

Chapter Three: Six Days after losing Communications with The Eidolon Spaceship

that was possible and losing his hard-earned money to the local bookies

and scratched but came up short, losing in the ninth to their bitter rivals, the

corner contemplating the very real possibility of losing two

” Jorma had to face the painful arguments, even one in public at Heinrarg’s tap, about losing her by trying too hard to act like a parent

Hawthorne scratched the top of his head, losing count of the pieces

«He thinks I’m losing my hearing

he’s been losing a lot of money on the cards lately

What made her think they would be? Was she losing her mind?

She’d spent the better part of the last year with eight children running around and thought she was losing her mind most of the time

God in cold blood!’ shouted Tours, losing his patience

When she feared she could hear no more, without losing her mind, she found she was back where she belonged

realised that he was in real danger of losing his position

losing, getting hit often and seldom hitting back

Her heart was melting, she had to react or risk losing herself in them, THIS MAGIC MOMENT, suddenly filled the airwave’s and she told him «Dance with me

«You think I’m losing my mind” she may not have been able to see, but she could sit up

«I apologized to him this morning, and he admitted that he was just scared of losing you

He was losing the bone but not fast enough to lose the blush

If she succeeds she need never worry about losing her man

I sold my Honda yesterday for $1,000 and I felt sad about it losing

The sun was losing its strength and so was the team

Johnny the Killer losing his place on the mountaintop and who deserved it more

You can’t put us losing that game on your shoulders alone

The servant was losing Jesus than is

losing line-of-sight contact with his fellow agents a hundred yards back

them said they were in danger of losing their lamp, the symbol of

«You seem to be losing objectivity on this

It is the fear of losing their employment

He was winning the battles but, ultimately, he was losing the war

Those ones still remained on the other side of the Rift, fearful of losing their supposed immortality with a blast of Alec’s power

«Then for many years the nice place I’d fixed up for us went downhill as I drowned my sorrows over losing you

Two, she is afraid of losing her loved one, and is willing to pay a price to tie up her feeling

For this great coinage, the bank (inconsequence of the worn and degraded state into which the gold coin had fallen a few years ago) was frequently obliged to purchase gold bullion at the high price of four pounds an ounce, which it soon after issued in coin at £3:17:10 1/2 an ounce, losing in this manner between two and a half and three per cent

There are so many points along the way where you could be losing your

old and this is a losing battle

in a few yards but it was clearly a losing battle

He did not like losing even the most miniscule level of control of his normally even temper

He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, «But you wore those sandals, I couldn’t have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don’t think I’ve ever carried an aluminum on my person,» Ava said

pound steps 10 times you have lost 10 pounds

The woman lost her husband of fifty years at the border of Canada and Washington State

He lost his younger brother to the same zombies at the border

Everyone stares at their drink, a sort of collective moment of silence for lost loved ones

«Well, to be honest, I lost one or them, the one that came with my expedition

He dropped to his knees, pleading for his lost cigarettes

Before Bob knew what was going on, he had lost two of his accomplices

(This may also explain as to why men are reluctant to ask for directions when lost, why men are more vulnerable to the adverse health effects of stress, and why women enjoy a significantly longer life expectancy than men do)

have lost our faith in supernatural acts of God

He could see their ancient ash clubs clearly now, stained now with the blood and shattered remains of the brave men lost in the East Towers

It is said that entire mountains were destroyed and thousands of human slaves lost to obtain enough ore to smelt it

Stephen is completely lost in his thoughts over breakfast

Why was this happening now when the parts had been lost decades ago?

At twenty seven miles it was lost in the darkness behind the lanterns on the hundreds of ships on the way

Scar could understand what she was doing; failure could not be tolerated and he had lost a very valuable artifact

lost in thought

Serpent tasted the air, thinking back to the taste of his mate who is lost to him forever

It was too dark to see how much skin she lost, their clattering claws on the dry gravel told her which way was west

He had lost more sleep than she had on this adventure, but maybe he was used to it

Nancy lost her footing and had to grab the desk to steady herself

Andy keeps munching on his sandwich, lost in thought

’ He said quickly, ‘Liz, would he have got angry? Lost his temper?’

For weeks David had denied this one simple fact while lost in the fever of

The documentary is still going on, though I have completely lost the thread of what they are talking about now

Too small a pile, and too much heat is lost

I’m not privy to a lot of it and I’ve lost touch with most of them

John watches her, lost in

‘It is going to screw me up financially … I expect Stephen has told you that I lost my job

they lost their sense of time and place and became one writhing creature on that

Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70’s, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love

Let’s say a little money came into the station and somehow got lost

Both are sunburned and seemed to have lost weight

‘Mum must have lost her temper with a vengeance then – he has my sympathy, Mrs Merrett

I lost my heart to her over the winter of

Estwig asked if any of them had ever performed on video and lost interest when he found they had not

if he got that far before you both lost the plot … the rooms need a splash of paint but apart from that they are okay

When a man lost touch with the source of life, ev-

was lost in the jungle undergrowth where you only see the predator’s eyes for what

The same way a 12 year old child looking for a lost football would enter

The heat of Noonsleep and Afternoonday was only a tiny bit blunted as they descended into the Gengee, but they had lost only a few hundred feet of altitude, just enough for him to notice

It was a little sad that parts of one’s life were lost in that way

‘After Jack died, I was lost … saw myself as half of something which no longer existed

She was a good place to start off if you hadn’t lost your virginity yet and an acceptable place to finish off the night if no one else was willing

their exhausted relatives have lost all hope, having spent all family savings

She seemed to have lost her sparkle all of a sudden, as

«He lost the last one

cancer started making up for the time lost

«For all I know they are lost in the war

They were running in Ceres with a backup in Vesta, but we lost touch before there was a ten year round trip in our communications

Entranced, lost in the revelation of

Now Michael wouldn’t be easily pushed around and he had been making payments regularly, up until he lost his job that was

“But not a hair of your head shall be lost

of my head will be lost

It was, he gave her a long explanation of missing parts and political disputes and lost paperwork and why it was important

All is not lost, habibi

There was a chance that here in this little lost town on the edge of Europe he would find a link to Elissa and that was all that mattered

From what she’s said, he’s completely lost it

Without Him we will be lost and hardly be victorious

«Pretty standard that isn’t it? Means you lost someone while in prison, right?»

I had been talking for so long and intently I lost all track of passing time

«You lost her a long time ago, didn’t you?»

mortal folk are lost

‘How are you coping with this madhouse? The first time Mike brought me here I completely lost track of who everyone was

The unspoken dread that Stephen might have lost her hangs in the air

The Shark was conducting his main business from here, lost in the Irish countryside, hidden under a layer of lush green local pasture

ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost;

«It’s been a year,» she answered, Ava was going to blink them thru to the androids any minute, she’d lost track of time while they’d been walking, «since Ava restarted my backup

A good fifty percent of them wanted children and lost interest when they found out I couldn’t have any more

work needs to be on seeking and saving the lost

Local congregations can’t wait until they have an eldership to start seeking the lost

Even if a congregation has an eldership that has not yet focused on the lost of the community the members must continue to seek out those

things that are not important to the main function of the Lord’s church (seek and save the lost)

more involved in reaching out to the lost

I cried for my lost youth

With the tears there came a hand on my shoulder, a soft hand, and a tone of voice that I thought lost to me: compassion

Hoping to make him stop this, I made up a melodramatic love story about a boyfriend of mine who was killed in a car accident nine years ago; strangely enough, I felt quite emotional about it and when I said “I have lost someone” I meant it

They were childhood sweethearts and had an ‘understanding’ by the time they were in the mid-teens – she told me stories of some of her friends who lost their men or, got them back seriously disabled and mentally disturbed by the events they had experienced

salvation of our own souls, the souls of our children and the world that is lost in sin

I think she has lost her mind, yet she also seems to have become paradoxically popular lately: Until last Christmas she had no friends but me; now, however, she has friendly relations with lots of young people

I was lost

the lost including, in many cases, their own husbands! They have cared for the sick, the

He lost sight of her when the meter-thick radiation shield meant to protect the breaching ship’s bridge closed over the dome and made him feel like a peeping tom

He saw them against the foreign stars before they veered to port in formation and were suddenly lost from view

The three squadrons of alien aces vanished from sight, presumably lost somewhere in interstellar space or incinerated when some sizable portion of the energy that went into the transit’s opening hurled itself out into the Mizar system in a fountain of high energy particles, microwaves, and infrared

All things considered, lessons at Janus are nothing but a waste a time: Actually I am dragooned into going there, because they make me think I were lost without it

You’ve looked so … so lost lately

As about my “friends”, after half an hour or so I found them observing the blackened tub – Helen with a surly face, as usual, Vlassis lost in space, as always

As it was he lost a precious hour in that welder-bot’s circular help system figuring out its fine points

We withdrew from the contact immediately, lost as we were in the darkness, but that one simple touch remains with me to this day

I tried to continue the games and the competitions but always lost, never having the heart for it

So much of what we said was lost in the sheer exuberance of the moment, and of all the things that we probably chatted about only one subject sticks in my mind

I felt an enormous sympathy for poor Beniamin, not because of his captive state, but because he was so clearly lost

I held on for dear life, twisting his foot so that he lost his balance, more out of surprise than through the force of my sudden retaliation

Herndon was already getting lost in the details of the map because of the native serum and had to force himself back on topic

It’s hard keeping any of the old ways alive, we’re just so few, even here in a near wilderness there are cities close by where we are lost in the crowds

Alfred lost no time in realizing the implications of this

Entranced, lost in the revelation of change in her body, she ran her fingertips over her taught stomach and down to her groin

“For the time being, she has lost everything: her precious pact with the two demons, her physical body and lots of energy

“And she has also lost control of her subjects,” I inferred satisfied

  • Use the word LOSE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Ladies and gentlemen. Although we are all devastated by this accident we must not let grief make us lose sight of our common goal of giving this region a better future.

When did you lose your mobile phone?

We didn’t lose. We lived to fight another day.

But it’s probably, I would say, jeff’s to lose ’cause here are these two polar opposites. You have the guy that was a no-brainer that I had to fight for, And, then, there was the one that no one picked

Dia: dit starts in my soul, and I lose all control d Blake: I felt so strongly about their abilities.

And sharing it with people — win, lose, or draw.

So I’m not gonna lose this time. At the end of this battle, this cowboy’s gonna be

When I was young my dad Would treat my mom real bad Every time the Utah Jazz would lose

Elder Price, you cannot lose your cool on me now!

I have to leave school because of an emergency at work and Rita can’t know under any circumstances because then I would lose my internship and that can’t happen.

Kahn knows I have no powersNin Outworld NI will lose my powers on earth

Nice look but I’d lose the wall I was just gettingNa feel for it

Gong Ri, you know I can’t drink. There’s going to trouble if I lose grip on my mentality.

A stubborn person who always say that he’ll never change… and a person who never lose the courage and stays whenever she’s told to get lost…

What if you lose track of her during that time gap?

You seem to be saying that because you don’t want to lose face in front of me.

She may be able to accept her ability to see spirits, or… it’s possible that she may even lose that ability.

There are other lives besides the one you are trying so hard to lose.

Caesarean now, or we could lose mother and the foetus.

And try to lose some weight, for God’s sake.

Mr English colonel telling’ me to lose weight.

Countess Margit and her cousin, Baron Waldis-Schwartzenberg, lose their way.

You lose all credit in the game and then accuse me for your bad luck, so be it:

«Father, you see, I lose a lot if I take her.

«Professor Manini has promised to join us for a game of cards at the club later tonight! And he can afford to lose

We»ll lose the goodwill of the gods we know.

That would be to lose my life, not save it.

On the one hand it would be welcome for the people of Genoa, on the other hand the aristocracy would regret if it were to lose a valuable property.

If you lose Helen, Greece will fight for her for many years.

Because of her, you will lose your sons, and Troy will be reduced to ashes.

Aesacus, the seer, is in a dark dungeon for having predicted that king Priam would, at his death, lose his kingdom because of Paris and Helen.

Should the Grand Duke lose his life, the pay will rise to 5.000 $.

Do you want me to lose my honor? !

Show me the way to Worms or you will lose your life!

lose not thy hope, the rose persists, and something good will come of this.

Otherwise we will lose our places!

I’ll take the gun in case you lose it.»

I’ve supported myself without you, with my job, I’d better not lose it.

Pick him up on Sunday at 1:00 and bring him back by 6:00. Look at these photos, it’s a small part of what you missed and will never get back. Don’t lose them, they’re precious.

You seem very anxious to lose your life!

ÔÇô You had better lose no time, my good woman, order him now a deal coffin — an oak one will be too dear for him.

«One more germ out of you and the Smith Brothers lose a good customer!»

The Pathfinder correspondent must be first on the scene … but don’t lose me! «

«If you lose this war don’t blame me.»

But there’s no need for you to lose this pleasure because of me.

Now you shall also lose the last remaining thing you still had from Hel… your son…

«The wife of a royal official doesn’t lose her trousers!»

Definition of Lose

to misplace or be unable to find something

Examples of Lose in a sentence

Glen always seems to lose one of his socks and can never find a matching pair.


The disgusting food made Clarence lose his appetite, causing him not to eat for the rest of the day.


Pat didn’t mean to lose her mother’s favorite bracelet but hasn’t been able to locate it since she wore it last week.




Other words in the Decrease category:





Taper off
















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терять, проигрывать, упускать, утрачивать, лишаться, лишать, забывать, заблудиться


- терять

to lose one’s purse — потерять кошелёк
to lose a leg [an arm, two fingers] — потерять ногу [руку, два пальца], лишиться ноги [руки, двух пальцев]
to lose one’s friends — потерять /лишиться/ друзей
the cloth has lost its colour — ткань вылиняла /потеряла цвет/
Charles I lost his head. — Карла I обезглавили.

- затерять, не находить

to lose a key [a book] — затерять /задевать куда-то/ ключ [книгу]
to lose one’s way, to be lost, to lose oneself — заблудиться
to lose stirrup — потерять стремя (конный спорт)
the goods were lost in transit — товары пропали в пути

- утратить, потерять, не сохранить

- избавиться, освободиться

to lose one’s fears — избавиться /освободиться/ от своих страхов
she was dieting to lose weight — она соблюдала диету, чтобы похудеть
I’ve quite lost my cold — я избавился от насморка, у меня прошёл насморк
she has lost that terrified look — у неё уже нет этого испуганного вида
he lost his pursuers — ему удалось удрать от погони

- недослышать, не разглядеть

to lose the end of a sentence — не услышать конца фразы
she did not lose a word in his lecture — ни одно слово в его лекции не прошло мимо неё
what he said was lost in the applause — его слова потонули в громе аплодисментов

ещё 15 вариантов

Мои примеры


a diet and exercise program to help you gain muscle and lose fat — диета и упражнения, которые помогут вам набирать мышечную массу и сжигать жир  
another ineffectual plan to lose weight without dieting or exercising — очередной бесплодный план похудеть без диеты или физических упражнений  
to lose / shed / spill blood — истекать кровью, потерять кровь  
to lose one’s breath — сбиться с дыхания  
to lose a button — потерять пуговицу  
to lose a case — проиграть дело, проиграть процесс  
to give up / lose / relinquish a championship — проиграть первенство  
to miss / lose a chapel — пропустить службу  
to break / lose contacts — потерять связь, не поддерживать отношений  
to lose control — терять управление  
to lose one’s deposit — набрать ничтожно малое количество голосов на выборах  
to lose favour with smb. — утратить чьё-л. расположение  

Примеры с переводом

I’ve lost my appetite.

Я потеряла аппетит.

I lost myself in this city.

Я заблудился в этом городе.

People lose their hair.

Люди лысеют.

We may lose on it.

Мы можем на этом погореть.

It lost him his head.

Это стоило ему головы.

Charles I lost his head.

Карла I обезглавили.

He lost his pursuers.

Он оторвался от своих преследователей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

California has lost 90% of its wetlands to development.

A lot of people lost their shirts (=lost a lot of money) on Ferraris in the Eighties.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

lose out — потерпеть неудачу, поражение, не иметь успеха, понести убытки, проиграть

Возможные однокоренные слова

loser  — проигравший, проигравший, неудачник, лузер, теряющий
losing  — проигрыш, проигрыш в игре, проигрышный
losable  — легко теряющийся, теряемый без сожаления

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: lose
he/she/it: loses
ing ф. (present participle): losing
2-я ф. (past tense): lost
3-я ф. (past participle): lost

Loose vs. Lose – What’s the Gist?

A very common writing error is using the word loose when the word lose is actually wanted instead.

  • Loose is an adjective reflecting freedom of movement.
  • Lose is a verb that means loss.

Paying close attention to the pronunciation of each word may also help in choosing the one you really want.

loose versus lose

How to Use Loose in a Sentence

Loose definition: As mentioned, loose is an adjective that means not securely fastened; free from restraint; not compact in structure; or being deficient of care; or lacking possession.

For example:

  • The loose hinges on the barn door allowed the thieves easy access. (Adjective)
  • He fell into the creek after slipping on the loose stones. (Adjective)
  • During the football game, the powerful tackle made for a loose ball. (Adjective)

Loose can act as a verb, which means to release; or untie; or to make less rigid.

For example:

  • The guard dogs were loosed to patrol the grounds. (Past Tense Verb)
  • The mother loosened the cinch on the toddler’s hat. (Past Tense Verb)
  • The young driver loosened his grip on the steering wheel after the lesson. (Past Tense Verb)

Lose is pronounced luce. Notice the ending s sound as in the word hiss.

How to Use Lose in a Sentence

Lose definition: The word lose acts as a verb, meaning to bring destruction; or something that becomes missing; or to suffer deprivation; or to waste; or to fail to keep in sight; or to get rid of.

For example:

  • By working long hours and showing uninterest, the business executive lost his friends and family. (Past Tense Verb)
  • He will lose votes if the campaign promises are broken. (Future Tense Verb)
  • Before bathing suit season, she wanted to lose ten pounds. (Infinitive)

Loose is pronounced looze. Notice the ending z sound as in the word zoo.

Outside Examples of Loose vs. Lose

  • A veterinary clinic called police at 3:55 p.m. March 31 to report that it was holding a beagle someone had found roaming loose. –The Plain Dealer
  • Wind gusts of 40 to 45 mph are likely both tomorrow and Friday. While this should generally be below damaging level, some small branches and the like may wiggle loose. –The Washington Post
  • “An epidemic doesn’t let you proceed by trial and error,” he said. “Every day you lose, the contagion gets worse.” –The Wall Street Journal
  • “Once I start on something, I get totally consumed by it and lose all sense of time, and while that’s usually a problem, in this situation it’s quite the opposite.” –The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Phrases That Use Loose and Lose

There are many idioms and phrases that use the word loose or lose, including:

All hell broke loose: Where something or someone causes a situation to go completely out of control and becomes inflamed.

  • After the woman asked her roommate to leave, all hell broke loose when he wouldn’t.

Playing fast and loose: Someone behaving in an untrustworthy and depraved way.

  • The young professional was playing fast and loose with the company’s ledgers.

Lose ground: During a conflict or competition, someone loses the advantage which causes retreat.

  • The student lost ground in her education when school was cancelled due to the virus.

Lose it: An informal expression that one has released control of his strong emotions and feelings.

  • Due to hunger and fatigue, the young child lost it when his mother did not buy him a toy.

How to Remember These Words

A mnemonic device is likely needed here because of the common confusion between these two words.

The double letter o in the adjective loose suggests that there is more room in the word, just as there is more room in a loose knot or more room for loosed dogs to roam. On the contrary, when you lose something, you are missing it. The word lose has only one letter o.

Another way to think of it is that when you lose weight, your clothes are too loose.

Article Summary

Is loose or lose correct? Knowing the pronunciation will help you find the correct word choice.

Loose has an s sound, and lose has a z sound. Furthermore, the word function in a sentence will help. If you are looking for an adjective, pick loose. If you are looking for a verb, choose lose.

  • Loose is an adjective describing the idea of no or little restriction.
  • Lose is a verb meaning loss or deprivation.


  • 1 Loose vs. Lose – What’s the Gist?
  • 2 How to Use Loose in a Sentence
  • 3 How to Use Lose in a Sentence
  • 4 Outside Examples of Loose vs. Lose
  • 5 Phrases That Use Loose and Lose
  • 6 How to Remember These Words
  • 7 Article Summary

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