Use the word logistics in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word logistics, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use logistics in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «logistics».

Logistics in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word logistics in a sentence.

  1. This disrupted the logistics plan.

  2. Simpson, with the best understanding of logistics.

  3. Third Army logistics were overseen by Colonel Walter J.

  4. As at Darwin, Herring’s primary difficulty was logistics.

  5. The logistics of the enterprise were difficult to organise.

  6. Stromness headed for San Carlos with most of the logistics units.

  7. Its logistics staff was headed by Lieutenant Colonel Don Cousins.

  8. Little is known about Maya military organization, logistics, or training.

  9. The problem of disjointed logistics systems had been recognised for years.

  10. The success of the 21st Army Group was in large part due to its logistics.

  11. The role of this troop was to protect the Australian logistics base at Vung Tau.

  12. Personally overseeing the logistics of the tanks in their first combat use by U.S.

  13. In addition, the RAN maintains a force of combat, logistics and training helicopters.

  14. A key element of a functional logistics system is the establishment of a series of depots.

  15. A mutual logistics support agreement between the ADF and NZDF was signed in late September.

  16. They are assigned to operations, weapons engineering, mechanical engineering, or logistics.

  17. The reforms also led to many of the ADF’s logistics units being disbanded or reduced in size.

  18. The logistics of supplying a large army remained a problem for the Russians throughout the war.

  19. Extensive naval port and logistics facilities were established at Guadalcanal, Tulagi, and Florida.

  20. Hill herself had to coordinate many of the logistics because the producer had abandoned the project.

  21. Following the landing, the 59th Engineer Company constructed logistics facilities in the Arawe area.

  22. Walsingham supported Francis Drake’s raid of Cadiz in 1587, which wrought havoc with Spanish logistics.

  23. The increasing role of the private sector forms an important trend in the ADF’s logistics arrangements.

  24. It was formed in 1996 to manage domestic logistics for GE Transportation, the largest employer in Erie.

  25. As an aide, Patton oversaw the logistics of Pershing’s transportation and acted as his personal courier.

  26. Regional commanders control and administer bases, logistics, and housing, as well as conscript training.

  27. The II SS-Panzer Corps’ logistics report for 12 July did not record any confirmed permanent tank losses.

  28. The Bangladesh Navy’s principal administrative and logistics base, BNS Haji Mohshin, is located in Dhaka.

  29. Belafonte, who had helped Makeba with her move to the US, handled the logistics for her first performances.

  30. Priestley, in turn, trusted Johnson enough to handle the logistics of his induction into the Royal Society.

  31. He was also responsible for creating some major innovations in the production and logistics of the Arsenal.

  32. Thompson felt that the overriding importance of logistics as the driving factor of operations was overlooked.

  33. Adding $7 million for logistics, this put the estimated cost of the Silverplate project at around $60 million.

  34. But, as Major Bronwyn Worswick, the legal officer at FLSG, noted, «our logistics system is set up to supply us.

  35. He found Baby Driver’s story was better realized in Atlanta because of the city’s renown as a logistics hub.

  36. The logistics and support areas of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) had been subject to deep cuts in the 1990s.

  37. Ironically, after the book was published, Phleps failed his first general’s examination on the topic of logistics.

  38. The ADF’s logistics are managed by the Department of Defence’s Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG).

  39. Panavision’s Atlanta offices assisted with the needs of the production when logistics management became challenging.

  40. The purchase of 18 Typhoons was agreed on 1 July 2003, and included training, logistics, maintenance and a simulator.

  41. As most of the remaining populations live on private land, the logistics of the conservation effort can be complicated.

  42. Kienholz work has often been difficult to view, both because of its subject matter, and the logistics of displaying it.

  43. The logistics terminal is the second busiest in Andalusia, Seville, just behind-the Bold.It is accessible from the A-405.

  44. The rest of the Royal Navy’s amphibious capability consisted of six Round Table class landing ship logistics (LSL) ships.

  45. Wilkinson described the support of operations in East Timor as a logistics environment that was about «as easy as it gets».

  46. This was compounded by a lack of interest and appreciation of logistics on the part of its civilian and military leadership.

  47. By this time, however, North Korean logistics had been stretched to their limit, and resupply became increasingly difficult.

  48. Allied air superiority helped tip the balance, providing close support to troops in combat and targeting Japanese logistics.

  49. Her next assignment was to support air strikes against the major Japanese naval and logistics base at Truk, Caroline Islands.

  50. From 24 September 1944, the supply and logistics battalions were combined to form the 13th SS Service Support/Supply Regiment.

General information about «logistics» example sentences

The example sentences for the word logistics that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «logistics» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «logistics».

1. We need to look at the logistics of the whole aid operation.

2. The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems.

3. Bonanni, the former assistant director for Installations and Logistics.

4. Albert was standing in the vestibule overseeing the logistics.

5. The logistics of the pregame and halftime shows still are being worked out.

6. Over tacos, burritos and chickpea salads, they discussed logistics, finances, wardrobes and health concerns.

7. Our third-party logistics and distribution network covers the United States.

8. Logistics do: getting dinner, keeping house, overseeing child care, buying equipment.

9. Work with Royal Logistics Corps plays a crucial role in getting supplies and troops in and out of the war zone.

10. We can even take charge of your entire logistics function, so you can redeploy assets, gain flexibility, reduce risk.

11. Even some form of simplified logistics involving issue and shelf counts can provide useful information to guide the choice of subject areas.

12. Friedman was a member of a logistics team rather than a combat unit.

13. Progress was made, however, on the logistics of a ceasefire, including agreement on monitoring procedures.

14. The company personnel additionally comprises administration and logistics staff along with team leaders and testing technicians.

15. Of course the logistics of leaving my son for three weeks at a time had to be organised.

16. Responsible for the Oilfields Logistics and Supplies Division since its inception in 1973 which includes property and oil distribution interests.

17. None the less, logistics problems of making books available in special and academic libraries remain,( and warrant research.

18. We were into the logistics of how to make copies for work-shops when a young man walked in, late.

19. None of these ideas requires much in the way of money or logistics.

20. From the first day of competition onwards there was the complicated process of conquering the logistics of the Stadio Olimpico complex.

21. Kizziar, for one, was against offering public sale of passes, citing the logistics problem.

22. The inference engine is generic, and it handles the logistics of a consultation.

23. In between the media interviews, McCarthy Monday spent the day learning logistics.

24. He’d played with a few friends over the years but never managed to overcome the logistics of forming and fronting a band.

25. Hurley already knew that, but he was sure the logistics could be worked out if Coleman agreed.

26. These include a naval base, a composite air unit, a growing communications, intelligence collection, and logistics support infrastructure.

27. Another insight has arisen out of studies of the logistics of deep-space missions that must return to orbit about Earth.

28. He said other money from his group was used to buy medical supplies and to pay for the logistics of the trip.

29. According to SynQuest, this will allow Ford to plan and simulate its logistics process, making the supply chain more reliable.

30. There are many valid reasons for this as the logistics of organising a journey around Britain are complicated.

Definition of Logistics

the process of managing the flow of information, goods, and/or services to customers or clients

Examples of Logistics in a sentence

It takes weeks to plan the logistics necessary for organizing a graduation ceremony for fifteen hundred students.


When I need to take an overseas trip, I leave all the logistics to my travel agent.


To improve logistics, we have purchased a software program that alerts our shipping department each time an order is processed.


The logistics meeting will discuss the flow of interdepartmental communication.


Because of poor shipping logistics, our products are not arriving to our customers in a timely manner.


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Except for logistics

Rather than adjourning early, the Haadij continued the discussions about the logistics of setting up a seed colony in the Kassidorian wilds among the astrophysicists and any others of the crew who wished to remain and listen or participate

He knew he couldn’t let any of his misgivings show, he was a military officer after all, though most of his career had been in logistics

It was from none other than Medical Ethical Oversight and no doubt it was concerning his people’s questioning of people in their Logistics Operations

peasants destroyed all logistics of the former

‘Even to have created eight billion, to cover every continent, was a huge feat of logistics

They were talking prosaically about the new economy: logistics and infrastructures and their new role as coordinators of policy

I thought about logistics and said, “I think we should get a driver

Because of the distances involved and logistics this will mostly be done by carrier groups with support from Europe or other friendly countries if you can find the non-existent facilities not build with your stolen aid money

As an example in counter-terrorism you may concentrate on the logistics of bomb making

Note that the above narrative doesn’t convey all the complicated logistics of finding mechanics, driving here and there, following each other on the highway, and cell-phone negotiations

Having taken all that into account, and after prolonged and thoughtful deliberation, the idea of barging in Novorski’s office could only be compared to a village of natives in the Amazon waking up one day, and deciding they were the rightful rulers of the entire world, before promptly setting out to conquer everyone else armed with sticks, spears, stones, and the occasional sharp tropical fruit, arguing amongst themselves that the one hiccup in their plan was whether or not their canoes would be able to provide the required logistics support, mainly mangoes and coke leaves

I had been signing paper after paper concerning logistics supplies, administrative reorganization efforts and most notably, putting into full effective force the discontinuation of the practice of using those awful papal mitres and other silly hats as warding devices

How could he do that from all that distance? He was an exceptional logistics officer, very capable at handling personnel and men via manifests and report forms, but his communication skills were somewhat sub-par

I have to be a little practical in this list in terms of logistics, otherwise it just gets silly and over the top

Paul never allowed himself to be constrained by time or logistics

Millions of potential contestants inquired into participating, and the sheer logistics of the event were on the verge of becoming unmanageable

They complemented each other in positions of strength; Norman was the Chief of Intel, DeLong the executive officer to Commander, 7th Air Force; others held such positions as Fighter Wing Commander, Logistics Chief, and Personnel Director

Tony was obligated to create a logistics operation to export and import auto

logistics operations put together in Brazil at the time

He was a good learner and later became a Logistics Manager

was to be a logistics provider to all areas at both corporations

Tony was very impressed with his work during at the Hanover Logistics Fair in

logistics, she was trained and Tony would have applied for a business green card for

state of Minas Gerais, who invited Exbrus to participate in a logistics project at the

This time he invited all the logistics

logistics operators) were interested in purchasing Exbrus

growing very fast, and since in Arica is the only place Exbrus has a logistics operation,

he gave to Tony all the import logistics of a large operation he had with Nestle in

fastest growing logistics operator in the world with over 100 locations worldwide…

«I called you here because we are entering a new mode of logistics operation

Naval Logistics Support Force

Prior to his Great Lakes command, Admiral Silva was Chief Engineer and Assistant Commandant for Systems, where he was responsible for USCG engineering and logistics

Mason said the logistics would require the center to be located in Michigan at Coast Guard Air Stations Detroit or Traverse City

“Grove, I realize the logistics are complicated, but I don’t expect this to take place

Barrad knew from his training and logistics lessons all too well that in this climate, with his current equipment and armour load, his life expectancy without water was around three days

I’m telling you, Cam, good logistics is what makes for success on campaign

‘A Staff Officer named Thorsten – his background is in logistics so he may be useful in a siege but tactically he is unproven

But it wasn’t just logistics that kept her awake

We have called in a lot of resources to do this and have already seconded personnel from a number of other sources within the government including the Defence force who are assisting with some of the logistics in the form of providing transport to a number of sites under the guise of conducting exercises

The whys and wherefores, the logistics, the

Adnan nodded and proceeded to his logistics post

“’This special task will demand considerable fortitude and tax your knowledge of the military, defence tactics, logistics, and test your wisdom and leadership as a officer

The Federation Space Force Interstellar Logistics Command commandeered the depot and set up a garrisoned frontier trading post

The issue for West Wales emergency teams was always logistics

Many shows and events are major investments with a lot of logistics:

There would be logistics to work out of course, but the value of the requests were insignificant compared to the importance of keeping the Third Force secret

While the others were skilled logistics specialists, engineers, accountants and managers, she and Saul controlled the security service and the mysterious “Third Force” that had terrorized friend and foe alike for two generations

That impressed Pinel: the idea of having a single type of ammunition for all the individual weapons in an infantry unit was a wise one indeed that would certainly save a lot of hassle in terms of logistics and tactical flexibility

ladder we had) and pretty soon his ability shone through and he was running all the logistics

Finally, we have our logistics officer, Lieutenant Peter Shmelling, who has Technical Sergeant Timothy Allen to help him out

Somebody had done its homework in the logistics section of General MacArthur’s headquarters

The captain of the ship was already there and greeted with her an American major of the logistics branch that was the first to climb aboard

Her logistics officer shook his head at that

In fact, the logistics officers from the Marine Corps, Navy and Army units represented in Espiritu Santo were all jealous of her and had repeatedly tried to convince her to let them borrow the services of her UH-3 heavy helicopters in order to unload their own cargo

logistics, structure, that kind of thing

Ingrid then checked with her logistics officers the list of ammunition stocks, fuel, rations and other vital supplies left in Suwon

‘’Tanks?!’’ Exclaimed Angie, making the captain of the Corps of Logistics nod his head with impatience

It is accepted that Russia is far larger than France, and the long distances took a terrible toll on German logistics, but this only reinforces the importance of reaching Moscow as soon as possible without any deviation

When I tried to explain to the brigadier general of logistics responsible for this the dangers of that practice, he simply refused to listen to my arguments

“Brigadier General Lemonier, Chief of Air Logistics, sir

The question of logistics adds a further dimension to the great debate; these were, however, of Eisenhower’s own making, for he had allowed his armies to be sprawled out in a «broad front» strategy which dissipated his strength

’’ Said the logistics officer, who was approaching fifty, shaking hands with her after saluting her

The logistics for security at the Superdome just became more complicated

Leo and I are providing assistance, mainly with logistics, moving resources where they are needed and transporting valued experts into areas that need someone’s special guidance

He said, “After lunch we are going to start tackling the logistics of moving and relocating most of the eastern seaboard, parts of Florida and the Gulf coasts

We had discussed logistics regarding the use of Arrowhead, Royals Stadium and the Sprint Center

Thus we could clearly notice that children who had been deprived out from affection since they were young would concentrate their nature over logistics and statistics very `carefullyìn order to protect themselves from hazards

Organizing the logistics for the rallies was a team of about fifty people at the party’s headquarters in Delhi, led by party MP Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi

logistics necessary to embrace these many changes

Besides, they would have been alive to the problems logistics pose in fighting wars far off from their Afghan backyards, and so desisted from venturing farther into the grand landmass that is Hindustan

Our bean counter at the shelter made us a budget and it would cost (if we did what we thought we could do) for parade permits, police details, rentals of trucks, buses and cars and general logistics and travel, hotel rooms and meals, somewhere north of one hundred thousand dollars

It was an idea that needed to be looked at, but in the end, the logistics would have killed you

Legal and Finance co-operated or more accurately left each other to their own devices while Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Logistics battled for relevance

shouldn’t be too big a deal, provided the logistics aren’t

times an instructor knows some of the logistics could be tricky for

«So it’s more of a logistics issue than a teaching is-

It’s also convenient for the airlines, as they don’t have to keep taking the cases to baggage reclaim, which simplifies all the logistics

Leadership has focused over the last 150 years on systems, processes, logistics, communication and motivational styles

“Let’s figure out the logistics

Their ammunition logistics were neat and tidy, if nothing else

But then the Great Canal Raid devastated Bishop Militant Bahrnabai’s logistics

In some ways, that had been just as well from Wyrshym’s perspective, since his disastrous logistics made it impossible for him to sustain a force large enough to face Green Valley east of the Northland Gap

The ragged state of his logistics prevented him from sustaining a bigger force at Esthyr’s Abbey, but he’d begun building up supplies at Fairkyn to support Nybar and the heavier forces he’d earmarked to support him if Green Valley got past Esthyr’s Abbey

Not only did he know how to work the official logistics system, but he was also an inspired scrounger and Sahndyrs’ fellow colonels had begun muttering darkly about his depredations

Cahnyr was scarcely a trained military man, but he’d become unhappily familiar with the grim realities of campaigns, logistics, and winter weather

Now another arctic front was on its way, and the additional snow would hamper anyone’s logistics, even his

It was perhaps unfortunate that the Grand Inquisitor had never let his ignorance of the realities of finance or logistics get in the way of his demands for weapons and equipment

He says that’s because Symmyns is so much closer that the logistics are simpler—and he’s pointed out that the Army of Tanshar was originally supposed to be armed with Dohlaran-built rifles before that disaster in the South March

He knew nothing at all about strategy, tactics, logistics, or recruiting

The weather—thank God—promised to remain mild while they went about trying to evacuate them and move them to safe areas deeper into the Republic, but their numbers would actually exceed the number of men in the liberating armies, which explained the serious impact it was going to have on his logistics

They need a shorter logistics tail, they’re faster and more maneuverable, they can operate in terrain where those monster freight wagons can’t, and they’ll be a lot harder for anyone without SNARC reconnaissance to spot when they move up

“He’s too smart to come out where we can get at him, and our logistics have taken too big a hit with the concentration camp inmates and the Temple Boys’ scorched-earth policies where the transportation system’s involved

It was costing a pretty copper, and it gave someone like Zhaspahr Clyntahn entirely too much ammunition for complaints about “inactivity” and “timidity,” but that firm logistics base also meant Maigwair’s field armies wouldn’t find themselves starving to death if something unfortunate happened to the canals supplying them

And we’d damned well better have a “firm logistics base” come summer, he thought grimly, resuming his walk with rather less pleasure than before

He taught at Belgium’s military academy, so he may have picked up the term logistics, which military folks had just recently started to use in the modern sense, referring to how one goes about provisioning armed forces with food and other necessary materiel. ❋ Unknown (2010)

On the left over here, you see what we call the logistics team, including Reggie Love, he’s the personal aide to the president. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This is — on the left over here, you see what we call the logistics team, including Reggie Love. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We went to the scene of this Israeli attack, the most daring operation of the war so fair — far, when they drove 70 miles into Lebanon to strike what they call a logistics base. ❋ Unknown (2006)

A week or more before the party consider what I call logistics: parking, pets, kids, and neighbors. ❋ Kimberly Kennedy (2005)

What’s up are oil and gasoline stock at storage facilities… but that’s short term logistics events.

Disaster relief logistics is a classic “intractable problem”, by the way. ❋ Unknown (2010)

They’ll have to deal with the fact that transport and logistics is not always as good as they could be even though they have been improving. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I work in logistics for a major media retailer, and we noticed a few weeks ago that we’re starting to ship LP’s again. ❋ Unknown (2008)

In contracting Redwood Systems, it can count on complete supply-and-demand-chain logistics management services, including dedicated contract warehousing. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Among the areas that it stresses are a reduction in logistics costs, streamlined regulations and the provision of a greater variety of energy sources. ❋ Unknown (2004)

While heavy rains and other supply disruptions create near-term logistics challenges, they also result in significant market upside for Peabody’s unpriced metallurgical and thermal export coal beyond the first quarter. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Instead of saying I was a [paperboy] I said I was in [media] logistics for 5 years, so I got [the job] as C.E.O. ❋ [email protected] (2004)

Sorry we couldn’t [get it] to you [on time], it’s simply a [question] of logistics. ❋ Philip (2004)

[Marshall] should have worked out the logistics before he bought that [fucking broken] [Cadillac]. ❋ Keeldragger (2009)

Logistics’ albums:
Now [More Than] Ever
[Reality] [Checkpoint] ❋ Hard1 (2008)

«[If I’m] going to [get this] party together I’ve got to logisticate [like mad] for an hour or two.» ❋ Katatak (2009)

We’ll figure out the [logistics] later.
What are the logistics of your life these days?
Oh, I’m still [looking for a job], but mostly play video games. I got up at 11 today and I need to [buy milk]. ❋ Cinf (2020)

“[Mrs. Johnson], that man is [a narcissist]!”
“No, Jimmy, he’s a [logist]” ❋ The Jedi Master Of Nuts (2020)

I logisticated [a root] on [the weekend] ❋ Beef Cake (2005)

Everyone [killed] John because he [violated] [logistics]. ❋ Balls Kolano (2008)

“[Bruh], that [joke] was so [logistic].” ❋ Loyalixre (2019)

  • Use the word Logistics in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Its port became the most important logistics center of the war in Italy.

It gets won and lost by logistics.

Yes, and out there, beyond that door, a storeroom the size of a warehouse. You understand logistics, colonel.

Expert in tactics, tautology, logistics and semantics.

She can solve logistics problems in less than a millisecond flat.

Which means we got no logistics problem.

It’s just a matter of logistics.

We’ve got logistics coming out of our ears.

To some extent we’re trying to simplify it now, make the logistics of it a little more organised.

Good water supply. Flat ground, easier logistics.

A simple exercise in logistics.

And the entire logistics battalion, Mr. G-1, tell this to G-4, is running around without camouflage on their helmets.

Now, you have a computer sphere containing the logistics and status of the Dalek battle fleet.

Um, and for exploiting an area like this… you need a big boat for all the logistics and transports and so.

Come algebra, anatomy, astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, geometry, mathematics, meteorology, neurology, oceanography, paleontology, physics, psychology, sociology, logistics, and so on. sociology, logistics, and so on. AAAHH!

The logistics are too complicated.

Just let me work out the logistics.

I recently came over from Supply and logistics.

11 o’clock with Donohue from logistics — his office on 23.

We have beamed aboard an apparent Romulan defector who claims to be a low-ranking logistics officer with extraordinary information about a secret offensive.

You are aware of a great deal for a logistics clerk.

You’re a logistics officer.

I just thought you might need help with logistics, settling in at your hotel.

Make it quick, I’m right up into my ass in logistics here.

And just imagine the logistics of weightlessness.

Itwasveryexpensiveandit involved a lot of logistics performoperations in the Pacific.

I can’t figure-out the logistics of that.

It was a movement church by logistics as it was right across the street from Kelly Ingram Park which was the gathering ground and almost catecorner from the Gas Motel where the movement people headquartered.

I mean, you can imagine the logistics of that.

Annie, I don’t think your boyfriend appreciates the logistics involved… ramming the most automated ship in the world… ..into a loaded fuel tanker with no set anchor path.

During that time, I run self diagnostics, Plan logistics.

I think I have a head for logistics. Seriously!

All we’re doing is supplying the intelligence and logistics. — Isn’t that right, Major?

It’s just logistics, Shawn.

logistics is a secure area.

I’m thinking I might take that new chick from logistics.

The army’s supply and logistics system was also being built up to cope with a whole new scale of operations.

Long-range sensor telemetry, assimilation logistics and vessel movements for a radius of 30 light-years.

» You don’t start tinkering with morality to coincide with logistics.

And if be bas to cbange tbings because of certain logistics, be can do tbat.

Yeah. Standard Centre coding logistics.

logistics is half the battle.

Can’t master logistics? Forget cooking.

This was a risk that Joe Biden wanted to take, it’s important to him to show up, even when it’s hard, and he directed his team to make it happen, no matter how challenging the logistics.

White House

Found on CNN
1 month ago

Dr. Daskalakis … really walks on water in most of the gay community, and then [Fenton is] a logistics expert, and I think that combination of leadership was the right answer.

Jeffrey Klausner

Found on CNN
2 months ago

Being able to support Leopards from a European logistics base is definitely preferable.

Drew Thompson

Found on CNN
2 months ago

Ukraine is throwing smart people at their maintenance issues along with both true mechanized logistics and modern warehousing information technology to help keep track of parts with modern 2D and 3D bar coding on their spares packaging.

Trent Telenko

Found on CNN
2 months ago

As far as 12 of one model, 30 of another and 100 of a third … that’s another Wednesday morning in the British Army, ukraine is throwing smart people at their maintenance issues along with both true mechanized logistics and modern warehousing information technology to help keep track of parts with modern 2D and 3D bar coding on their spares packaging.

Trent Telenko

Found on CNN
2 months ago

Right now all the resources, all the armed forces, the entire logistics system, the entire weapons manufacturing, supply and maintenance system available for the troops are in his hands.

Vadym Skibitsky

Found on CNN
2 months ago

The more variations of tanks that you put into the Ukrainian Army, it’s going to challenge their logistics more and more, i mean the Challenger is a completely different system than the [US-made] Abrams and a completely different system than the Leopard … There’s significant challenges with them integrating Challenger as well if they’re going to get more variants of other westerns [main battle tanks].

Patrick Donahoe

Found on CNN
2 months ago

However, it was the overall might of US industry and the size of the US fleet (particularly its logistics and amphibious ships) that ground out victory over the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Sam Tangredi

Found on CNN
2 months ago

This drop can be pinned on weakening global demand for Chinese goods, as well as some disruption to logistics networks and goods supply due to labor shortages amid the reopening wave of infections.

Capital Economics

Found on CNN
3 months ago

They had a lot of the information or the logistics of what was — like bullet casings and stuff like that, but when it comes to who was involved with the actual shooting, who was around — and the people information ? I actually provided that to the police.

Dorothy Royston

Found on CNN
6 months ago

I imagine that we can do much more damage behind enemy lines than Ukraine has done, all the logistics, all the convoys, are going to be constantly under attack.

Rene Toomse

Found on CNN
7 months ago

We talk about what adversaries may do, discuss logistics and military plans and readiness.

Dave Butler

Found on CNN
8 months ago

It’s a bit of a logistical nightmare ; they’re getting lots of different versions( of weaponry) from lost of different countries, they don’t take the same ammunition — they have different logistics( and) different maintenance concerns.

Justin Bronk

Found on CNN
9 months ago

This next phase of the war is going to be a fight for logistics. So Mariupol is a critically important city in the eastern region it’s the one they’ve all been fighting. Both sides have been fighting on what to control the roads, the other to prevent the control of the road when you go to the north.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

Found on CNN
12 months ago

We have enough insulin in the country, and a lot of humanitarian aid… is bringing more and more, but we have big problems with logistics.

Valentina Ocheretenko

Found on CNN
1 year ago

My rank was E-5, or Second Class Petty Officer. During my five years of service, I worked on the tarmac, in aviation logistics, was on the ship’s security defense team and the repair locker fire team( firefighting and damage control). Definitely a variety of jobs and experiences, which I am thankful for.

Jennifer Marshall

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

Ukraine’s tactic of targeting supply lines has worked well, especially during the first five to 10 days of the war. This was partially down to Ukrainian tactics and partially down to how Russia was operating, during the first couple of days of the war, Russian forces appear to have prioritized rushing forward to secure objectives quickly. This means they weren’t advancing as a coherent front line, securing territory as they go. This effectively allowed Ukrainian forces to slip behind Russia’s advanced mechanized units and attack logistics columns traveling on unsecured roads in the rear.

Thomas Bullock

Found on CNN
1 year ago

During the first couple of days of the war, Russian forces appear to have prioritized rushing forward to secure objectives quickly. This means they weren’t advancing as a coherent front line, securing territory as they go. This effectively allowed Ukrainian forces to slip behind Russia’s advanced mechanized units and attack logistics columns traveling on unsecured roads in the rear.

Thomas Bullock

Found on CNN
1 year ago

The Russian logistics suck. The supply chain sucks. Zelenskyy has been a hero. Ukrainians have stepped up to fight, it’s always on a spectrum. You ask some CIA analyst and they would have said: ‘I have a low medium or high level of confidence that the fight could last this long or that long.’.

Daniel Hoffman

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

We are grateful to Poland … for its readiness to provide Ukraine with combat aircraft, the problem is in logistics. In fact, it is a technical issue. It must be solved — immediately.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

While we witness the bravery of the people of the country that she was born in we’re also witness to the needs of those who have chosen safety. We’re raising funds to support a relief effort that will have immediate impact and supply much-needed refugee and humanitarian aid in the area. The principal challenge right now is logistics. We need to get housing, and we need to get supplies and resources into the area.

Ashton Kutcher

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

The logistics are not ideal, the notion of going there early, I’m going to make it a priority. How it looks, I don’t know.

Zach Johnson

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

Of course, with Sen. Lujan not here for awhile — God love him. He’s getting better. … It means there are some logistics we have to work through.

Tina Smith

Found on CNN
1 year ago

We have a situation on the ground right now where people need food, they need fuel for their trucks, they need other necessities and toiletries, and they need a place to go to the bathroom. So right now, what we’re doing is we’re working out the logistics for porta-potties. We’re working on the logistics for food.

Jim Torma

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

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