Use the word locate in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word locate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use locate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «locate».

Locate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word locate in a sentence.

  1. Brent to locate Huger’s right flank.

  2. Males locate females by following a scent trail.

  3. Landis called directory assistance to locate a «D.

  4. People still can’t locate their original positions.

  5. Unaware of this, Bulkeley attempted to locate PT-32.

  6. The storms damage caused over 35,000 families to re locate.

  7. Females may use homing to help locate suitable nesting sites.

  8. They rely on their vision and sense of hearing to locate prey.

  9. Trescott is saved by a neighbor, but cannot locate Jimmie, who is trapped inside.

  10. Soma briefs Arikado on the current situation, and Arikado leaves to locate Dario.

  11. Alexander Graham Bell tried to locate the bullet with a primitive metal detector.

  12. On the Masoala peninsula, the calls of red ruffed lemurs help hunters locate them.

  13. The trustees later reported they were only able to locate about $86,000 in assets.

  14. Joel decides to find Tommy, a former Firefly, in the hope that he can locate the remaining Fireflies.

  15. Only the ossicles and spines of the animal are likely to be preserved, making remains hard to locate.

  16. After the crew locate him, Sparrow deciphers a clue on the charts allowing them to escape the Locker.

  17. De Wennesley was, supposedly unable to locate the gang, who were then declared outlawed in March 1331.

  18. All of its buildings were camouflaged during early 1944 to make them difficult to locate from the air.

  19. They locate carrion by spotting it or by following other scavengers, such as corvids or other vultures.

  20. A search by Ark Royal’s aircraft failed to locate the German ships, which had returned to Trondheim.

  21. Their ringed tails also communicate distance, warn off neighboring troops, and help locate troop members.

  22. McKinley was taken to the exposition aid station, where the doctor was unable to locate the second bullet.

  23. Eliot gives the Jew lines that locate him, and by implication all Jews, wholly within the Christian drama.

  24. The vessel sank so quickly that most people were unable to locate or use the life rafts, buoys or jackets.

  25. This ability to locate the eggs is an adaptation to life in an unstable, wind-blown and tidal environment.

  26. They have long sensitive bristles around the mouth, which may help to locate or funnel prey into the mouth.

  27. Squirrels and kangaroo rats are able to locate caches of food by spatial memory, rather than just by smell.

  28. They have a keen sense of smell, and it has been suggested that they are able to locate earthworms this way.

  29. The digital watermarking also helped investigators locate the source of the piracy of Naan Ee to a theatre in Coimbatore.

  30. In the aftermath, investigators were able to locate individuals named Paul Hiatt and Dale Thayer who were alive and well.

  31. Johnson sought the right to locate an AL team in New York City, which was granted as part of the leagues’ peace agreement.

  32. Daniel Clarke, the landlord, began to ride towards Castle Bromwich to locate Thornton, and encountered him almost at once.

  33. Both expeditions failed to locate suitable land for settlement as did an expedition back to the Buller River in March 1845.

  34. They would locate hostile boats for the British helicopters, which would then attack the target with its Sea Skua missiles.

  35. The site had the added advantage of lying on the fringes of London and therefore difficult for an enemy to locate and bomb.

  36. Anderson was told to recapture him and gave chase, but he was unable to locate his former commander and stopped at a creek.

  37. The problem was apparently resolved after the Navy was able to locate additional powder supplies which had not been remixed.

  38. The highly mobile neck may have helped locate small prey on the ground, but it may also have been an opportunistic omnivore.

  39. They are believed to locate food by smell, using sensors in the tips of their snouts, by shuffling around seemingly arbitrarily, and using their snout in a probing manner.

  40. His brother, Sam (Padalecki), tells him that Bobby has devised a way to locate Lilith, but unconvinced that it will succeed, Dean suggests he live up the rest of his time.

  41. Some of the libretto copies locate the opera’s first performance at Teatro San Cassiano, although Teatro SS Giovanni e Paolo is now generally accepted as the opening venue.

  42. To locate a second point on the lines L1, L2 and L3, Gergonne noted a reciprocal relationship between those lines and the radical axis R of the solution circles, CA and CB.

  43. In May, Jervis dispatched a squadron of five ships, including Emerald and commanded by Nelson in the 74-gun Vanguard, to locate a large invasion fleet that had left Toulon.

Synonyms for locate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word locate has the following synonyms: place, site, settle, situate and turn up.

General information about «locate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word locate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «locate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «locate».

Examples of how to use the word “locate” in a sentence. How to connect “locate” with other words to make correct English sentences.

locate (v): to be in a particular place

Use “locate” in a sentence

I located the town on a map.
The school is located on a hill.
We’re trying to locate him.
The Statue of Liberty is located in New York.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


Now he just had to locate Mr

Locate horse or cattle farms and, after asking if they spray their animals or the manure, use the manure

It was his job to get Vic to understand, get her to stop further speculation on how they could locate him

Wiesse, clearly with my next journey in mind, very sensibly reminds me that I shall need proper sea-going waterproofs; he suggests that I would be advised to locate some here in the fishing village

I have had plenty of time to recall exactly where I left the Element, though I have my tawstones with me so would be able to locate it even if I hadn’t remembered

It took me a while to locate something to tie my hair back … don’t know where all my hairbands went but if my hair blows about like it did the other day, I shall just have to filch a pair of scissors and hack it off

These listings hold the interests and personality answers to your opening profile questions, as these are used to locate a compatible mate, offering a nice

Using his famous listening device he was able to locate the mysterious Dragon Riders, and he sent a group to make contact

easily locate the year a trapped emotion originated

Rayne looked about and above, sending out her ‘feelers’ to locate the danger

chapters to identify and locate any trapped emotions

‘No … not at all, but I’m doing some research at the moment and have been trying to locate a couple called Sheila and Don with a Scottish connection

several flights of stairs to locate his accommodation

out in a small boat – the only one they could locate at short notice –

He knew there was no point in attempting to locate Tarm – he had

Considering this house is so tiny, it is quite a feat mislaying something but all the same it takes me some ten or so minutes to locate the newspaper I want, tucked under a cushion on the sofa

She was able to locate the key for the lodge and Alex was on his way, in just minutes

‘I’m trying to locate his widow

Please be aware that Dan is now imprisoned in some sort of isolation vessel we are trying to locate him but up to now we are failing to even find out where he was last seen

The story will now be continued by Reeas and Deria as they try to locate Dan

Then the first group rode out to locate larger groups of cattle

was able to locate our position on the map

“I’ll pop it down to Todd’s place tomorrow, if Sky can’t locate its owner

Using the library and the Internet, research to locate materials that will help you achieve your success

Once you locate the ‘blockages’ in your business that are reducing sales, then

When her vegetarian meal was sadly restricted some days due to dangerous conditions in her environment, she would have to limit her diet, attempting to locate whatever she could without overly exposing herself to the risks around her

You can locate on-line contests to sponsor at 421 http://contests

As a result, he would have to spend hours on end into the wee hours of the morning trying to locate the minor errors that caused him major setbacks

Pretty bizarre, wouldn’t you say! This allows them to better capture sound waves and accurately locate their prey and is thus a pretty high-tech design

It wasn’t hard to locate

The soul of the peaceful warrior is the core place where you will locate safety compassion love

She did a double take at the sight of Yula whom she’d just left in the pod chamber, and Mim whom she hadn’t been able to locate all day

Martin knew Jorge would help his star pupil locate Maria because he would realize the threat the defection of Kurt Sloan might mean to the Republic and to his friend, the President

Since he was on the President’s staff he could surely locate a student on an Atlantica scholarship in France

They left his rucksack in the centre of the boulder, under a small rock, as a form of marker to make it easier to locate his body in future

“Well I think Pte Mack has summed things up nicely and with that in mind we have been tasked by Brigade to send out a recce patrol and locate a source of water

“There is a village about a mile north of our position we will therefore advance towards this cautiously and locate a well or stream which we can use to replenish our supplies

He wondered why the B’tari had chosen such a seemingly vulnerable location to set up base when they could locate anywhere, invisibly, in space

But he couldn’t locate the knob

tried to locate them, but I couldn’t afford to hunt them

sat astride him using her fingers to locate and then shove his cock

advantages: the fact that his targets were essentially unarmed, the federal navy could not locate his position, and the Shenandoah’s

They were able to locate him quite easily using their sense of him through the kigare

Something that had nagged at her mind since the excursion to locate him was now becoming a realistic possibility

“I was trying to locate a friend of mine

The craft growled and gurgled it’s way to the surface and then broke free as its thrusters spat out salt water, the sudden difference in pressure sent it accelerating into the clear blue sky until Gerrid selected the remote to locate

The ancient ones could not locate it, even with their magic as the force of the volcano had moved it from its hiding place

Several attempts were made to dislodge sharpshooters in the woods, but screened amid the pinnated foliage of royal palms, and using smokeless powder, they were difficult to locate

It took him a few minutes to locate the problem — the main distributor lead had been nicked by a bullet

Locate the Performance section and click on the Settings button

Locate the Indexing Service (Windows XP) or Windows Search (Windows 7), change the service startup type to Disabled and then click on the Stop button

In the new window, locate Remote

Locate the icons that have the word Chan-nel as part of their label

Now locate this key:

But all to no avail of course, because try as they might, they just couldn’t locate the source of that smell

He couldn’t locate the source

He wondered if he should go on the net and try to locate that song, and then play it on the car stereo when he picked up Schwartzie

“It will be months or years before our bond is refined enough that I will be able to use my sense of your distress alone to locate you,” he added

I think now that it was structured that way to create an impossible trail for anyone attempting to locate missing persons, even if access was gained to police or military records

The cover story he created was supposed to help her locate the man: she was to let it be known that she had a message for Enrique from his Boston friend Charlie, a message delivered from his deathbed

If I could locate some, I intended to do just that

An experimental X-ray machine was nearby, but never used to locate the bullet

Swinging my head and eyes about; I was trying locate my Ghosts

“Our investigators are trying to locate two checks for three hundred thousand US dollars each, payable to George Dearling,” he said, folding back a page in his notebook

Truman ran this way and that to locate him, and when he did, he grabbed his jersey

Raul’s post with the Nicaraguan embassy was to locate war refugees living in Costa Rica, and offer them the opportunity to return home with full amnesty and the right to claim a plot in Nicaragua’s ongoing land redistribution program

“The Fritzies would love to locate us, if they could

“Have you been able to locate Langdon? I was supposed to meet him with you and Cooper today at lunch – remember?”

«Yes, I was reprogrammed to be a deathbot infiltrator and given an assignment, to locate and assist in the termination of one Kazuki Shimatani, location, the Badlands

They weren’t particularly welcome in Costa Rica and usually could find a place for themselves only in the most undesirable of areas, laboring in menial jobs – hence his welcome reception by authorities when attempting to locate and return them to Nicaragua

If the cocaine was contained within a log, it hadn’t yet been removed, and anyone trying to locate the correct one in the darkened yard would be readily apparent from his vantage, also, the vast emptiness of the barge was directly before his eyes

“Connie, please locate Ms

“Can he help you locate where he is?” asked Colling cautiously, wary even though Elizabeth seemed to have no compunction about someone listening in on their conversation

The days that followed were as exhausting as the first, made more difficult as they were forced to travel ever greater distances to locate the sunken hulks

She had to try to locate someone who could help her cross illegally

Colling was uncertain as to whether he would welcome that, but he did admit to himself that a transfer Stateside would permit him to locate Elizabeth; and if he returned to civilian life, he could resume his education

“Incidentally, we used the medical lab’s MRI machine to locate the chip in my head, and the transport device to remove it

But what was this? Murder? Or the victim of some slashing bear, whimpering for the release of death, tormented beyond endurance by the abundance of pain? The voice was so low that he could not locate it

He watched the little man’s eyes widen as he explained that a friend in the Kameradschaft had suggested that he locate “Rudolf,” who might be able to assist him

‘Can you locate it, or are we too far away?’

Since the death of my client in Oct, 1998, I have written several letters to the Embassy with intent to locate any of his extended relatives whom shall be Claimants/beneficiaries of his abandoned personal estate and all such efforts have been to no avail

i was able to locate Huldah, and she mailed me a copy of her book

Not only that, but the Anders Health Clinic had not been able to locate the family at all

d- Locate a ―Master‖ key on the ring

“The purpose of our search would be to locate and remove any of the Divergent from the premises

The UN inspection team led by Hans Blix previously was unable to locate WMDs

“It is on that computer, Beatrice, and only I can locate it

It wasn’t difficult to locate the two journals after they got home from the hospital

Vera had been able to locate a forensic lab through her work

It is easy to locate and isolate a faulty function for further investigations

— When you have it, just locate the city

• How to locate and submit your membership offer to the millions of moderately successful website

have deployed the Turks to locate Corneo

attention wander from the beast as he sought to locate the

and even now we are still unable to locate the mother

Our task is to locate the source of the problem and neutralise it,

My husband has gone to try to locate her

At some point, they stopped being able to locate her at all

He asked her to help him locate the woman he looked for ever since he was nothing more than the brother of kings and queens and was not even close to getting a crown

Zeus and Ruwana were unaware of what the two brothers were doing while they were trying to locate the woman

There was a good chance he wouldn’t want to delay in getting back to the Gengee where both maps were located

Is it very wet? Fog? Winds? Where are you located? Your state will have its own special environmental issues that you will have to deal with

SuperSeaweed was invented by myself in 1972 while I attended school at the University of Florida located in Gainesville Florida

Sure enough, she easily located Leonora Wells sitting with a breakfast sandwich at the Riverside Burger Joint at ten-fifteen in the morning, not a half an hour before

«The ports to the actual neural interface processors are located on the torso side of the connection

«Where is the women’s section of Paradis located

It is located between the Temple and the Mount of Olives

Angie can go to Abery with JJ until such time as her family can be located

and the greengrocer located

She quickly located the things that belonged to his family on the left of the room and moved on

As they came over the last mountaintop, Kate could see Michael lazily circling the small hill where the house was located

I hope you don’t mind, but he took me up to show me where it was located so we could put the charges in the right place

So I am not quite sure where it was located

That’s how I located the holders

“A large egg you say? Where is the egg right now? Where are the hatching grounds located? Please, I have to see this egg

He was very tired, and he still had not located Elizabeth anywhere

They shield the People on the second level; where the homes of the rest of the population are located

Duncan could see farms off in the distance, large enclosed areas where farmhouse and barn were located, and fields of plantings laid out like the spokes of a wheel

The other advantage of the partners Dawson was that, unlike the new super-practices located at the heart of Manchester’s business district, their fees reflected their clientele’s ability to pay, which in the case of the now deceased Mr

The Pandit Sports Goods Suppliers was located in Ellis Bridge

They were ships of secular simulate corporations located in the asteroid belt

‘Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers located in New

The Vishala Village Restaurant and Utensils Museum is located at the outskirts

The bedding was brought out from many trunks located in a storeroom in the back of the cave

We will outfit your ship with supplies and the latest star charts showing where each of their ships is located at the present time

I found a website about the Harrington family – I’m pretty sure I located the right man

located is optional, but locating it can be fun as well

Decoy Something seen where it wasn’t actually located at

“Yes,” Maroclo agreed, “but to know the physical position of that photon, we have to know which neuron in which soul was stimulated, and then we need to know where that neuron is located

To know whether you need to take this measure, try this: If your site is located at

that, unlike the new super-practices located at the heart of

here we need to know where he is located

She quickly located a Chinese encoding for their audio stacks and loaded it

These were located on the major route through the parish – hardly a

“In the country of Jade, located in the mountains of Switzerland and hidden from the rest of the world

The Basement is located in what was once the little white town’s local cinema

what was rather quaintly described as “bathing-rooms” were located

kitchens and mess were located on the top floor, something his

tap which was located just outside the door

painted steel latticework located on the shore to one side of the

observation point was located

was located in the East End of town

‘Oh, and tell him that it looks as though Kev has been located

They readied their provisions and set off for the site being readied for the Sacré-Cœur Basilica located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city

Standing behind me, this is a model of the Planet referred to by the natives as Planet Earth; nothing very remarkable about this planet, save for this pocket of energy located here,”

The settlement of Trouble Valley is, unknown to its inhabitants, located on the Event Horizon of an Information Singularity

Jim had mentioned it was located at the upper part of the valley on the main road, so that was their next stop

He quickly located de Plassan, ordered a

After the fireworks display on the fourth, Jimmy and Kit interfaced, all the computers located in different houses with the big house

» Provo is where the mental hospital is located in Utah and everyone knows it

The town was a prosperous one, located as it was at

The courtroom was located next to the Baillerie and

Located on a

Ava thought this table looked like it was located in a college quadrangle

She learned that it was actually located in a rather dingy residential neighborhood

painting was located, presumably so we could go and

And because those games were so popular they used to play them at the Cleveland Indians spring training stadium called Hi Corbett Field located on Randolph Park where I worked as a Park Ranger later on

I believe that you are actually located in the piece of your ship which remains parked in Narrulla’s inner null point

The setting is perfect — located on a hill

The ballroom floor was located in the middle of the room and a stage was

«Where are we located?» she asked

«Where are we located?» he asked

Lindy and I – our bedroom located at the back of the

quiet gardens located on the hill above the city an hour or

The working one was now located deep in a chamber below the south corner of the base of the pyramid in the center of that suntower-rich megalopolitan area, Kassidor Yakhan, just where she expected

Located around 4000km from Hawai , this group of over 30 coral islands are shaped in

located in what used to be the stables

The only way in or out was through a single access located at the far end of the tunnel-shaped room

those huge, typical Swiss chalets) and perfectly located

(Located in modern day Turkey) across the sea from the Greek city-state of Sparta

Our hotel was located very close to the bridge, and

This ended up being located

These androids were merely I/O devices with the ability to capture a human body’s sensory input channels, and produce a human body’s output motions when controlled by a personality that was actually located on some host distributed on the commnet

‘My house is located on the Canareggio Canal – one

and saw that the room was located on the eastern

generally easy because most grocery stores have it conveniently located near the front door

Both are located within your mind

Most are located in the middle of

even more cute is that, in Los Angeles, is located

This one is located in the most pol uted

The park is located behind the former

it is located, is clean from this point of view

This silence is located in the space between your thoughts

located behind the Parliament building, the

located near a tower loved by the

And he is not located in Attic or

and this is why Acropolis is located on a Hil , a

Located on a promontory, of ers

Moscow (MOCKBA) and is located at the number

I located Griffin and Isis in the parking lot

Consider the symbolism of the body area where the sores are located

Vibration talking – Intuitive knowing, located in the heart

True sight – Intuitive seeing, located in the third-eye

He used both hands in pulling apart the cheeks of her butt until he saw just where the tiny hole was located

As he got off he looked up the steep hill above him where the Security Offices were located

Anyway, weeks later saw me browsing the New Age section book shelf, at a large bookstore located outside my hometown

Suddenly a grey terminal against the wall started humming and a stream of paper began to come out of a slot located in the front of the unit

Across the rivers he could see his destination, Observatory Hill, the highest point in Pittsburgh where the Data Center for Security was located

While most libraries of the city were located inside Temples, Tianon’s stood apart, a grand building filled with histories, poetry, and philosophies

As always, Berndt is practical and sensible – it is he who locates our bags and checks that they are as they should be and he who oversees the ggs being settled in the stable

I whip out my notebook and wait while she locates the right page

If, some years later, one of the slime locates you, move again and enjoy the

He reaches out behind his back, locates Helen’s hand and gives it a faint squeeze

Once she locates the flower, she removes the whole plant, ensuring that its return is prohibited

And he locates it in Eden as its geographical designation

In any case, the hagiographer locates it eastward

Grailem locates the science headquarters through the ship’s computer network and instructs the navigator to land the starship at a nearby park

At first she cannot find it much to her frustration until she locates it under her forefinger

A final evaluation of this theory locates an absurd post-tribulation principle that claims

Locates a specified value in the leftmost column of a specified table, and returns the value in the same row from a specified

Taking a few steps back, he turns and locates her purse, which sits on the counter near the microwave

Take, for example, a particle of «Earth-Water», which locates on the side of the square between the corners of the «Earth» and «Water», and closer to «Water»

She crouches and locates it with her fingers

Marie-Laure reaches beneath the bench and locates the knife

Some firms make aggressive interpretations of a rule, and others can be more conservative, causing a disparity with short locates

He locates these stocks on the new lows list, which he looks at daily, and by using various screens to identify stocks that are cheap relative to cash in the bank, other tangible assets, or normalized earnings

The value of i locates S along the tree moving from left to right

The value of j locates S moving from bottom to top

How Cathy ever locates people like him, I’ll never know, but I’m very glad she does

The metal ‘bolt’ locates in the reinforced hole when the door is closed

Locating Williams at his post, he immediately saw the hard rigor mortise in the Boston Cream

Wiesse, in true organiser style, had been somewhat vague about the practical side of locating this man

The man I was looking for was some sort of curator, at least that’s what I had discovered, though I’d worried that locating him might be another matter

This time Terry had no trouble locating the bubble gum card, the tee shirt and the video, and he snapped out of his vacant trance with a sense of welcome relief

located is optional, but locating it can be fun as well

This time Terry had no trouble locating the bubble gum card, the

Locating Trapped Emotions by Using, 210

clearly irritated at their lack of progress in locating the errant Major

‘Well, I expect your dad is finding it hard locating somewhere with internet access

She was just about to ask his help in locating the old lady, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw her going through the bushes heading in the direction of the little white house

I am locating the house remotely for that eventuality

Police are asking the public for assistance in locating this man

And every time a bright-eyed woman of High Rock heritage would grace the city, Sorex had a way of locating her among the crowd forthwith and convincing her – or at least vigorously attempting to – that his family’s inn was an oasis

of locating his remains

The delay was in locating a specific pilot who had experience in the mountains

This definition is obtained by locating the Greek word

He imagined – hoped it would like locating an artery amongst blood vessels, but there was no clear primary

Locating food in the pine forest had become a never-ending struggle

Truman had to ask various prisoners and guards before finally locating the man, sitting with a peasant woman who appeared older than the infant cradled in her arms might indicate

A visitor who had signed in to see one Brian Walston had asked among the guards for help in locating the prisoner whose file Edgar held

Even in the waning light, Hermann had little difficulty locating the house for which he was looking

The man inside the car flipped through his brown billfold and had trouble locating his card

shelter expert , Ashi Begay, did a brilliant job of locating her team

hole you have created and move on to locating

And since they are the ones making the chips, only they will have the electronic key, like a remote control that enables or disables the chip whenever they wish, so they could prevent the family from locating the child if they wanted

“So you just gave the answer to the question of why the premise of the police suddenly changed! They could not let those whom they hate the most, in other words, you, be responsible for locating the body of Madeleine! Can you imagine? Television, radio, magazines, and newspapers around the world announcing that the Love Spirits had discovered, through the spiritual means of Love, what had happened to Madeleine? They crafted and executed this case with one sole intention: T H E L O V E S P I R I T S

Roy offered help in locating a nice place and promised to get me hooked up with the right people at the bank

Locating the horse that now seemed as though it were his, and deciding that leading him on foot was probably going to be the safest means of transport under the circumstances, he gave the order that all had been anxiously awaiting

where the other group was busily occupied, in the hope of locating their leader

Locating the horse that now seemed as though it were his, and deciding that leading him on foot

Radar (Radio detection and ranging): the method of locating objects by radio waves which are transmitted, reflected, and received, illuminated by a cathode ray screen

lot of my training was centred on, locating and keying the

Life-Saving Service (USLSS) units were stationed near lighthouses locating treacherous waters at points where ships came close to shore to enter harbors

locating the Underworlders who have pillaged and destroyed

sentative did in locating the source of the problem in our hypothetical PC application problem

While they were preparing a report Michael decided to visit the Abraham Pharmaceutical Company offices in Sydney to get background information and any other details which might help in locating Mark

Michael replied “We may have to do that but for now it is more important to concentrate on locating this man for questioning

locating the causes of migraines and headaches the

We must continue with our original plan of infiltrating the farm and locating Bryony

possibly locating her, she could barely think coherently

As the death occurred on their turf, the City police put two officers onto it, but were having trouble locating Ms Medlar, so a picture of her taken from a school staff photo was displayed on television with a request for anyone who knew her whereabouts, to contact the police

locating them have improved with time but we have to be subtle in some cases

these terms nor understanding the patriarchal basis for this circumstance, but locating

example, assessment in therapy with a woman, at this historical time and cultural place, might more usefully include understanding the issues in the following list and locating

By locating ads or banners in an

Instinctively, he knew the Soviet KGB man would arrive in Vancouver, but he hoped to get the best start on locating John-Paul before Komadze’s arrival

«And so’s the hundred thousand Mainwaring has promised for locating the Romanov treasure,» he replied easily

Locating nearly all of the security buildings that are situated around the city he had also located his next victim; a technician who worked in a computer assembly plant at an industrial estate on the other side of the city

Locating Tab’s suspect turned out to be more difficult than she expected

Preeti and Jags studied the plans for hours but still found no joy in locating this safe; it was definitely in one of the forty-five rooms

After locating her name on the bulletin I buzzed

Locating consciousness in the activity of the brain absolutely strangles the hope that we

Locating consciousness in the activity of the brain apparently strangles the hope that we

Feltus left his office in hopes of locating the preacher who occupied a quaint room that was coincidentally on the third floor of the south wing, the same area as both the Underwoods and the Ashburns

In terms of diets differing based on geographic locating, there is some evidence

Elizabeth carefully searched the tabletop with her fingers in hopes of locating her walking stick that had fallen to the floor by her chair where it had rolled out of reach; her face was troubled, as she had apparently assumed what had happened with the candelabra, and indicated how deeply disturbed she was by the developments

“Not good news I’m afraid, there is something there, but it must be at the limit of its range; an aircraft would have a better chance of locating the bug

She was having some difficulty in locating the exact position of Kilt’s Cove Cottage

Six aircraft were given the task of attacking the German battle-cruiser, surrounded by hills locating almost a thousand anti-aircraft guns

Locating first the table where Vincenzo Gambino was sitting, Bernard chose an empty table some distance and to the back of Gambino’s table, in order not to attract his attention while they watched him

waging a race war, following the army and systematically locating and exterminating Jews and other minorities

need to learn the methods of locating your opportunities,

A good Realtor® can assist you with research, locating

Brumvack locating the fish’s stomach, and hacking it open with his hatchet

even in her drunken state of mind, she had no problem locating the lil

Now the authorities claim they are close to locating him in New Mexico, but the underground buzz says he is in hiding commanding a secret army that’s conducting these, so called, attacks

Thus, horary astrology is more of a “symbol bank” than natal astrology: there’s less of an intellectual system to it, and what system there is, is more abstract (such as the ring-around-the-rosy technique for locating questions in houses; e

since the tunnel was dug from the backside of the hilltop, locating

Locating the canteen proved to be a process of

an issue, we’re still having trouble locating him

Phillip initiated a computer search for his copy of the Woodstock video that featured Carl Thompson as a nude, carefree flower child and upon locating it, instructed Windows Media Player to play it

locating a certain NPC, use the search field in here: http://wow

They searched the area for some time, but had no luck in locating the children

Credit wandered the hallways without locating David

I slipped out of bed and locating my clothes that were scattered around the floor, began to get dressed

backwards, she dropped to the ground and scrabbled around finally locating her dagger

of locating a knowledgeable expert to lay out all of the ways that an injury

After locating a wireless drill and a small drill bit in the

Version control, using software tools to track of versions of documents and other information, is key to locating the intermediate products of internally authored information

Organizations with access to these professional databases can save time and money that would otherwise be wasted on duplicating the effort involved in locating the information

However, when a consultant is used, the issue becomes one of locating someone who isn’t wedded to a particular vendor or approach

I reached up, locating my pulse at my neck, feeling the beat, watching as it was echoed in the glow of the crystal

one that could assist him in locating the device

about his integrity and intentions would jeopardize the task of locating the bomb

“And? Have you had any luck in locating him?”

As Novak continued his instructions on locating the truck, his phone rang

anxiety to find and retrieve the missing device, coupled with the problem of locating Miss

This time it was Kahn whom he called up, and he had some difficulty locating him, for Kahn had two offices and was busily engaged in preparing a defence to the charges preferred against him for the jury fixing episode

Elly had a hard time locating the exact street and had to call her Uncle to ask for directions but since we didn’t have a map it wasn’t much use

Assimilating into this slightly insane new era, or locating the source of the singing blood

Locating the criminal and arresting him

But how? What did he have to work with? The more he considered it, the more firm the realisation that what it amounted to was locating the proverbial needle in a haystack

A few clicks on bing’s multimap search engine on the PC and it was a straightforward way of locating the street

I hoped locating his body would mean Jacob could finally cross over to the Otherworld

culty locating the cooker

“I’m sure your mother used a spell to keep her from locating you all these years

Once they were inside, locating the youngster proved diffi

be used for mining, locating rare minerals and such

Synonym: place, settle, site, situate, turn up. Similar words: location, advocate, local, educate, delicate, dedicate, indicate, category. Meaning: [‘ləʊkeɪt /ləʊ’keɪt]  v. 1. discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining 2. determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey 3. assign a location to 4. take up residence and become established. 

Random good picture Not show

1 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.

2 We couldn’t locate the source of the radio signal.

3 They decided to locate a branch in Paris.

4 The head company decided to locate in Qingdao.

5 The general tried to locate the enemy’s site.

6 I cannot locate the shop.

7 Divers were sent down to try and locate the wreck.

8 Engineers are endeavouring to locate the source of the problem.

9 I’m trying to locate Mr Smith. Do you know where he is?

10 The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome.

11 We’ve simply been unable to locate him.

12 Police are still trying to locate the suspect.

13 The young man could not locate his lost pen.

14 They hoped to locate in Chicago.

15 We tried to locate the source of the sound.

16 Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors.

17 Try to locate exactly where the smells are entering the room.

18 The company hopes to locate in its new offices by June.

19 Large retail chains are usually only prepared to locate stores in areas of high population density.

20 Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham.

21 We are offering incentives for companies to locate in our city.

22 We haven’t yet been able to locate a suitable site.

23 There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.

24 Some stars are quite easy to locate with a telescope.

25 After Father retires,[] he’s going to locate in Hong Kong.

26 Sonar was used to locate the submerged plane wreckage.

27 If you will bear with me a little longer,I’m sure I can locate the key.

28 There have been many attempts, both light-hearted and serious, to locate the Loch Ness Monster.

29 Using their high-tech wizardry, the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen property within hours of it being seized.

30 Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives.

More similar words: location, advocate, local, educate, delicate, dedicate, indicate, category, truncated, complicated, communicate, sophisticated, communicate with, block, vocal, so-called, cocaine, catch, cattle, catalog, scatter, educator, catches, catch on, Catholic, education, indicator, catch fire, educational, medication. 

Definition of Locate

to find something

Examples of Locate in a sentence

Police searched the river in an attempt to locate the missing woman, but never recovered her body.


Gretchen scrambled to locate her lost car keys, searching frantically so that she wouldn’t be late for work.


Using a map of the Disney park, the children were able to locate the best food places and find all their favorite rides.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

  • Use the word LOCATE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

127er 00:59:51,540 — 00:59:56,050 We’re making every effort to locate them.

Miss Jackson has attempted in vain to locate you

«I’ve got a wild idea how we can locate her.»

Hello, Honey! Where’s the liquor bell? That ain’t gonna be hard for you to locate!

Well, I won’t be hard to locate.

Oh, no offense. I found one, and I’m merely trying to locate the owner.

And locate that small man stage manager, or theatre director or what he was.

They called me when they couldn’t locate you.

It took me that time to locate it, but I did it.

You locate some fresh money, Nick?

Geographers do not … know how to locate its location with any certainty.

Wish I could help you locate your dame, brother.

lm not exactly irreligious but… being a physician I sometimes wonder how a man like you can locate a soul and, having located it, diagnose its condition as rotten.


You see, I had an idea in view of the fact that Danny and Jerry the Mug used to be pals that probably he could locate him.

You also refuse to help us locate your parents.


You’ve been trying to locate my car for three weeks.

Go over with this guy and locate that dame.

Try and locate him for me, will you?

Today, your Uncle Jeff took it on himself to engage the Pinkertons to locate him.

Today, I have locate the grave of your sacred ancestor.

Must locate Professor Arnold.

I was writing a letter to Colonel Bailey at Napata… asking him if he wouldn’t try again to locate Father. — Mm-hmm.

I assure you. I’ll leave nothing undone to locate your watch.

You get on that phone and locate Wolfinger, and stick to it if it takes all day!

Now, the Mexican Government tried to locate the station for us but so far, with no success.

I suggest that you locate the weak spots in your organization now.

Better forget the lawyers and locate Al.

I was able to trace those attacks to their source… locate Dracula’s hiding place and drive that stake through his heart.

I’m trying to locate the district attorney.

I’m sorry, but this is the only way I could locate you.

But you’ve got to locate him!

We will take immediate steps to locate him.

My first concern is to locate the lucky man.

He’s hunting men now, and I’ve got to locate him.

I thought Custer sent you to locate Yellow Hand.

His luggage came aboard, but we cannot locate Mr. Petroff.

Don’t think they’ll find anything until they locate the Dombrowskis.

He’ll be fairly easy to locate.

We’ll probably have to get a detective to… locate him the way we did last year.

The short circuit I couldn’t locate.

«So far, attempts of police to locate miss Glesk Have proved fruitless. «

So far, we haven’t been able to locate him.

Eddie, I’ve been trying to locate you for hours.

It’s hard to locate a bum.

Now, if we can only locate your stomach.

How about it? Mr. Devore, it would have been poor business to kill Red, unless I knew how to locate the money.

Only because I remembered where to find Jimmy when we couldn’t locate you today.

We’re making a checkup of every room, trying to locate a killer.

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{{a.word ||}}


{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of LOCATE in videos (15 in total of 276)

using verb, gerund or present participle
hairdryer proper noun, singular
heat noun, singular or mass
the determiner
backside noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
iphone proper noun, singular
case noun, singular or mass
where wh-adverb
locate verb, base form
cables noun, plural
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
face proper noun, singular
id proper noun, singular

using verb, gerund or present participle
hairdryer proper noun, singular
heat noun, singular or mass
the determiner
backside noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
iphone proper noun, singular
case noun, singular or mass
where wh-adverb
locate verb, base form
cables noun, plural
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
face proper noun, singular
id proper noun, singular

from preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
tag noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
want verb, non-3rd person singular present
to to
locate verb, base form
it personal pronoun
again adverb
select verb, base form
locate verb, base form
tag proper noun, singular
and coordinating conjunction
select verb, base form
the determiner
tag noun, singular or mass

factories proper noun, singular
and coordinating conjunction
other adjective
businesses noun, plural
were verb, past tense
now adverb
able adjective
to to
locate verb, base form
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
region noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
employ verb, base form
thousands noun, plural

called verb, past participle
short adjective
locate verb, base form
or coordinating conjunction
locate verb, base form
fees noun, plural
think verb, base form
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
it personal pronoun
like preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
credit noun, singular or mass
card noun, singular or mass
except preposition or subordinating conjunction
this determiner
one cardinal number

the determiner
gps proper noun, singular
receiver noun, singular or mass
receives verb, 3rd person singular present
signals noun, plural
from preposition or subordinating conjunction
satellites noun, plural
to to
locate verb, base form
the determiner
car noun, singular or mass
on preposition or subordinating conjunction
earth noun, singular or mass

s proper noun, singular
surface noun, singular or mass

locate verb, base form
the determiner
notch noun, singular or mass
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
middle noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
cassette noun, singular or mass
grasp verb, base form
the determiner
comb noun, singular or mass
from preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
center noun, singular or mass

locate verb, base form
nearby adjective
interesting adjective
nature noun, singular or mass
spots noun, plural
to to
explore verb, base form
and coordinating conjunction
enjoy verb, base form
while preposition or subordinating conjunction
you personal pronoun
wait verb, non-3rd person singular present
for preposition or subordinating conjunction
our possessive pronoun
technological adjective

it personal pronoun
just adverb
took verb, past tense
reg proper noun, singular
and coordinating conjunction
richard proper noun, singular
three cardinal number
more adjective, comparative
decades noun, plural
to to
locate verb, base form
the determiner
rest noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
it personal pronoun

but coordinating conjunction
the determiner
same adjective
result noun, singular or mass
was verb, past tense
found verb, past participle
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
all predeterminer
the determiner
galaxy noun, singular or mass
clusters noun, plural
that preposition or subordinating conjunction
astronomers noun, plural
could modal
locate verb, base form

you personal pronoun
can modal
use verb, base form
google verb, base form
maps proper noun, singular
or coordinating conjunction
a determiner
similar adjective
app proper noun, singular
to to
locate verb, base form
one cardinal number
near preposition or subordinating conjunction
you personal pronoun

clamping verb, gerund or present participle
screws noun, plural
and coordinating conjunction
four cardinal number
quarter noun, singular or mass
inch noun, singular or mass
20 cardinal number
leveling noun, singular or mass
screws noun, plural
locate verb, non-3rd person singular present
the determiner
intended verb, past participle
position noun, singular or mass
for preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner

to to
locate verb, base form
the determiner
structures noun, plural
and coordinating conjunction
keep verb, base form
them personal pronoun
closely adverb
knitted verb, past tense
to to
the determiner
topography noun, singular or mass
i personal pronoun
began verb, past tense
developing verb, gerund or present participle

pages proper noun, singular
saved verb, past participle
the determiner
document noun, singular or mass
was verb, past tense
and coordinating conjunction
be verb, base form
able adjective
to to
then adverb
locate verb, base form
that preposition or subordinating conjunction
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
finder proper noun, singular

of preposition or subordinating conjunction
course noun, singular or mass
we personal pronoun
could modal
locate verb, base form
him personal pronoun
through preposition or subordinating conjunction
carla proper noun, singular

Use «locate» in a sentence | «locate» example sentences

How to use «locate» in a sentence?

  • When you locate a bargain, you must ask, ‘Why me, God? Why am I the only one who could find this bargain?’

  • If you want me to sing this Christmas song with the feeling and the meaning, you better see if you can locate that check.

    -Mahalia Jackson-

  • Don’t worry about locating your purpose. If you are seeking after God, your purpose will locate you.

    -Tony Evans-

  • Fortunately, he’d found that most people were easy to locate at five thirty in the morning. .

    -Patricia Briggs-

  • A society will manufacture an image of progress and locate it in the direction it wishes to take us.

    -Steve Aylett-

  • I could probably throw harder if I wanted, but why? When they’re in a jam, a lot of pitchers…try to throw harder. Me, I try to locate better.

    -Greg Maddux-

  • It is a function of poetry to locate those zones inside us that would be free, and declare them so.

    -C.D. Wright-

  • Arizona is now recognized as a premier place in which to locate, expand and grow a business.

    -Jan Brewer-

Special thanks to The Free Dictionary
and azquotes

for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of LOCATE

What does «locate mean?»



To find exactly where something is positioned.

Some common synonyms of «locate» are:

  • find,
  • discover,
  • pinpoint,
  • detect,
  • unearth,
  • reveal,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.


Object discovered by chance.
To learn through study, research, or effort.


To find something new that was not known before.


absolutely precise.
tiny dot or point.
find or identify accurately.


To discover or identify the presence of something.


To discover by searching thoroughly.


To show something that was hidden before.

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  • Examples
  • British

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ loh-keyt, loh-keyt ]

/ ˈloʊ keɪt, loʊˈkeɪt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), lo·cat·ed, lo·cat·ing.

to identify or discover the place or location of: to locate the bullet wound.

to set, fix, or establish in a position, situation, or locality; place; settle: to locate our European office in Paris.

to assign or ascribe a particular location to (something), as by knowledge or opinion: Some scholars locate the Garden of Eden in Babylonia.

to survey and enter a claim to a tract of land; take possession of land.

verb (used without object), lo·cat·ed, lo·cat·ing.

to establish one’s business or residence in a place; settle.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of locate

1645–55, Americanism;<Latin locātus, past participle of locāre to put in a given position, place; see locus, -ate1


lo·cat·a·ble, adjectivein·ter·lo·cate, verb (used with object), in·ter·lo·cat·ed, in·ter·lo·cat·ing.pre·lo·cate, verb, pre·lo·cat·ed, pre·lo·cat·ing.self-lo·cat·ing, adjective

un·lo·cat·ed, adjective

Words nearby locate

local time, local wind, local yokel, Locarno, Locarno Pact, locate, Locatelli, location, locative, locator, locavore Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to locate

detect, discover, establish, pinpoint, spot, station, strike, uncover, unearth, inhabit, park, put, reside, set, situate, stand, determine, hook, place, position

How to use locate in a sentence

  • The house is located in Riverhead, New York, an area on the north-east end of Long Island.

  • There may be problems located all over the site, while the reporting might only show a handful of those areas.

  • This can be a concern if your business is located near a closed business said Ben Fisher.

  • It should be located under either a thin two-meter covering of Martian soil and rock or a very porous material that’s a few meters thick.

  • Built-in Tile tech allows users to locate their buds in case they get misplaced, and their one-touch controls let users change EQ modes, navigate playlists, and more with minimal effort.

  • They recorded 10,549 graves on or near the railway in 144 cemeteries, failing to locate only 52 graves.

  • Nolte could not locate a “Barry” that fit the details listed in Dunham’s essay.

  • He became determined to locate other victims who would testify to abuses that could put Lebovits behind bars.

  • By June, the school finally responded, though only with notification of fees for staff to locate and photocopy the documents.

  • Ever since, they have been run in circles as they try to locate Osman.

  • Harry’s orders were to locate Poindexter, but keep in touch with the column as much as possible.

  • One city detective was trying to locate Cameron Smith, but that individual could not be traced.

  • In 1866 the Conservatoire outgrew its quarters in Rubinsteins house, and it became necessary to locate it in a larger building.

  • Where evidence warrants it corpses are subjected to microscopic and meticulous search to locate a hypodermic puncture.

  • But I will make another effort to locate the owner of this parasol, if only to learn my business by failure.

British Dictionary definitions for locate


(tr) to discover the position, situation, or whereabouts of; find

(tr; often passive) to situate or placelocated on the edge of the city

(intr) to become established or settled

Derived forms of locate

locatable, adjectivelocater, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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