Use the word lies in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word lies, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use lies in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «lies».

Lies in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word lies in a sentence.

  1. Exford lies on the River Exe.

  2. It lies 235 light years away.

  3. It lies east of Bopeep Tunnel.

  4. A smaller fragment lies nearby.

  5. The ice cap lies in a remote area.

  6. NGC 2841 itself lies in Ursa Major.

  7. A baby lies sleeping on the ground.

  8. The entrance lies to the north-west.

  9. Here, she lies in front of a peasant.

  10. Fountain County lies across the river.

  11. It lies 135 light years away from the Solar System.

  12. Adams said, «I never really knew what the lies were.

  13. It lies 4.7 degrees north-northeast of Mu Horologii.

  14. Nearby Zeta lies 5.00 magnitude Theta Ursae Minoris.

  15. Another explanation lies in one of Justice William O.

  16. Around 8700 years old, it lies about five degrees west-northwest of Gamma Normae.

  17. Theorists believe it is no accident that Jupiter lies just beyond the frost line.

  18. Muckaty Station lies at the boundary of two bioregions, Tanami and Sturt Plateau.

  19. It is in the portion of the state capital of Lansing which lies in Ingham County.

  20. Keswick lies in north-western England, in the heart of the northern Lake District.

  21. From there it extends down to Eve, and the bottom apex is formed where the infant lies on the ground.

  22. Eric then lies and claims the protagonist stole the tank, stating that he in fact tried to stop them.

  23. It lies so low that minor fluctuations in sea levels can have a dramatic effect on its geomorphology.

  24. Kigali lies in a region of rolling hills, with a series of valleys and ridges joined by steep slopes.

  25. The summit of Mauna Kea lies above the tree line, and consists of mostly lava rock and alpine tundra.

  26. Cauldron Dome, a subglacial volcano north of Mount Cayley, lies west of the Powder Mountain Icefield.

  27. The allowable timescale of formation of Callisto lies then in the range 0.1 million–10 million years.

  28. Ricketts Glen lies south of and downstream from Waters Meet, and here the terrain becomes less steep.

  29. The decision to do so lies with the President of India, who also decides the period of such mourning.

  30. One notable example of this chaos is the Neptune–Pluto system, which lies in a 3:2 orbital resonance.

  31. Winnipeg lies at the bottom of the Red River Valley, a flood plain with an extremely flat topography.

  32. The second biophysical zone lies between elevations of 1,200 and 1,540 metres (3,940 and 5,050 feet).

  33. As of 2005, the town of Bettembourg, which lies in the east of the commune, has a population of 7,157.

  34. The forward superstructure and funnel is detached from the rest of the ship and lies on its port side.

  35. Hawaii lies due east and the Marshall Islands southwest; Resolution Guyot is 716 kilometres northwest.

  36. Most of the superstructure has been destroyed or lies around the wreck, but the greater part of the hull is still intact.

  37. Near the 5th-magnitude star Pi Serpentis lies AWM 4, a cluster containing an excess of metals in the intracluster medium.

  38. Flag-waving and singing the ‘Negaraku’ (national anthem) are rituals, while true love for the nation lies in the heart.».

  39. Her silver trough lies on a table behind her, and on her wall is a picture of «Lord Bacon», also shown with a pig’s head.

  40. In the sky, Perseus lies near the constellations Andromeda, Cepheus, Cassiopeia (Andromeda’s mother), Cetus, and Pegasus.

  41. In the southernmost 10% of the territory lies the nation’s most fertile cropland, with rich yields of sorghum and millet.

  42. The Qattara depression is a region that lies 60 m below sea level on average and is currently a vast, uninhabited desert.

  43. According to Spinoza, «each thing, as far as it lies in itself, strives to persevere in its being» (Ethics, part 3, prop.

  44. Leonard Harrison State Park lies on the east side of the Pine Creek Gorge, also known as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania.

  45. The Willoughby Marsh Conservation Area lies southwest of the freeway, approximately 10 km (6.2 mi) south of Niagara Falls.

  46. In all cases, the direction of A lies along the symmetry axis of the conic section and points from the center of force toward the periapsis, the point of closest approach.

  47. It is considerably warmer than other areas at the same latitude on the other side of the Atlantic, such as in Newfoundland, because it lies downwind of the Atlantic Ocean.

  48. In the centre of the town lies Weymouth Harbour, separating the two areas of Melcombe Regis (the main town centre) and Weymouth (the southern harbourside) from each other.

  49. Because of its northern declination, Auriga is only visible in its entirety as far south as -34°; for observers farther south it lies partially or fully below the horizon.

  50. It lies within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, which is separated from the eastern edge of the square mile of the City of London by the open space known as Tower Hill.

General information about «lies» example sentences

The example sentences for the word lies that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «lies» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «lies».

appear on any maps until 1975 – it actually lies about 10 years to the

John lies on his back resting with his eyes open, the sheets covering his body up to his waist

The «other» John lies in a bed in the nursing home

An attempt to arrive at that which lies back of the form considered, or to reach the idea that is responsible for the form

The dangers of meditation are largely the dangers of our virtues, and therein lies much of the difficulty

A large black dog of undetermined breed lies dreaming in front of the bar, it’s front leg twitching as it sleeps

The secret of writing good English lies in a good match between nouns and adjectives

John lies on his back, still looking up into the face of the Buddha

«But not filling the void with lies,» Tahlmute said

‘Yes … It was hell leaving everything behind as I did, but, just as the view from the top of a hill shows you what lies in the valley far more clearly than you can ever see when you are in the valley itself, it gave me a chance to analyse things … my emotions … recent events … without all the clutter

John lies on a single bed, holding his wedding band in one hand, studying it

father of lies), and you do not resist his symptoms with strong faith,

A shattered airplane wheel lies nearby, aircraft parts are everywhere, as are broken bottles of moonshine and flaming boxes

She lies back against the sofa cushions and closes her eyes for a moment

John lies on his mattress, staring at the ceiling

«Lies!» He shouted, pinned Travis’s head down by the back of his neck and turned his pistol to Betsy

The root of all diseases is sin, and it lies in a spiritual world,

Half the planet’s surface lies above fifteen thousand feet oxygen barometric

With one hand resting lightly on my waist, he points out where The Laurels lies – oh yes, I can just see the roof of the hall from here

Herein lies the problem in the religious world today

He just lies there, crumpled in his bed and tears begin to fall on the sheets as he cries

He jumps up and finds the defeated, miserable girl full of dangerous secrets and lies, still crying on the floor

He lies on the grayish bed, and stares at the plate of food that inexplicably materialized on the table’s glass surface a while ago

I’m still not going to fall for it, Apollo thinks to himself as he lies back down on the bed, trying to stifle his appetite that’s suddenly eating away at his determination

something more magnificent and wonderful that lies sleeping

This is your reality born out of the realisation that Rousseau and freedom and brotherhood are lies

The hurricane wind lies quietly in these eyes now

There before him lies the simple shape of grace,

The power of the devil lies solely in manipulation, force, intimidation, lies, etc

There is a time in any hack when you cry ‘we’re in’ and the data lies open to your perusal

Here lies the whole of it

lies the most beautiful woman in the world

She lies in ice,

“What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us

She, the Lady Frances, lies mouldered in some lost pit,

A sudden chill running down my spine, I wonder what lies ahead

The choice is yours to make; but remember this, you were all chosen for the task that lies ahead

and the stone lies on its side, the inscription worn away,

lies have flowed around me,

She lies in the shallow water of dead time,

to the broken shell that lies gathering dust

Through laughter and tears, and all that lies between them, I will stand by you

glass lies shattered on an emerald cut sea of stone

The chief function of this inverted posture in the battle against period pains lies in the reversal of the influence of gravity upon the internal organs

«After all these years and all those lies

So it is Yoga again to the rescue and your answer to this problem in the first instance lies in reading chapter two again and practicing the CORPSE POSTURE faithfully every day for at least ten minutes, and more if you have time

Whether one is overtaken by the lies of whatever religion in which they are immersed, or if they have a valid mental illness, or if someone was abused by their father as a child — it all comes down to the same thing

Uttah just shook her head, ‘He tells such lies

‘When will we know if it has made a difference?’ I asked, my hand resting on the pouch in my belt as though seeking reassurance of what lies within

And then there are the more simplistic methods of catching people in their lies

He will feed you lies, and if you choose to believe him, you will have to start over

They are sitting in the lounge with Treacle – Jake is on the floor rubbing Treacle’s stomach as the stupid cat lies there waving his feet in the air … Obviously, he’s only just arrived, Alastair is only now unwrapping the present he has brought

Contemplating on all the lies the Elders had told her and her people she let her mind wander as to what if

Bone-weary of death, tired of the Elders demands, tired of the lies and the mad senseless war, she decided to save the child herself

She saw thru the Scather Elders’ words, and could reveal the truth in their lies

we owe every opportunity that lies is in our path

From them he had learned the truth about the Elders; their lies and trickery, and manipulation of the population

It certainly looks as though the fault for the current collapsing walls lies firmly in their court

In the light lies the wonder of the dark

When things make sense, when the lies of the

stupid, so he’s the best one to see how the land lies»

Not long ago in Stackton-on-Seam, a town that lies in the folded

[15> Here lies those who served Set

4 Father lies dead because of you

“Lords and Ladies of Aura, before you lies the body of Lord Boras, his death by my hand alone

in raising earthworms”? Oh, but herein lies the beauty of the internet

“Where your attention lies is the point of creation

If you aren’t aware of (don’t know) where your attention lies you are not

Another key point here is: Where your attention lies is the point of

RECOGNISE that your attention lies on a non-‐truth and you are feeding it

There are so many mistaken truths and outright lies about the Indians that prompt that wannabe phenomena

16And the city lies foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he

Sometimes, when he listens to Ken when they’re alone in the flat above Snuggle’s, he thinks that maybe he should broaden his horizons, but he knows in his heart that his crock of gold lies at the end of the lane, not at the end of the rainbow

Unusually, she lies awake for some time after laying her head on the pillow … thoughts whirling around in her mind

lies have you been spinning to Elucia?’

In the second ambulance Bex has her right arm exposed so that it lies along her side with her palm facing upwards

tied to them for fear of what lies on the other side,

The answer lies within your heart

Mother of lies indeed,’ Ursilla’s

“There is a whole Study at the Kassikan related to nothing but the mathematical analysis of lies

The difficult Su Doku lies untouched

Chrissie lies in the bed and idly watches the sunbeams making patterns on the bedroom ceiling

She lies still in the bed, her breathing gradually slowing

They say it lies far to the east and is the home of many fairy ladies

Jock’s body lies bleeding on the courtyard floor

power on each and it lies at their end point

What if Himla’s supplier had changed the dose? If Himla claimed something like that, should he believe him? No doubt he would get embroiled in a circular web of contradictory lies

‘The shame lies not with you, but with your husband,

“And this Man was researching the secret to Eternal Life; I convinced him to pour every last cent of his Money on a collection of luxury vacuum cleaners! Now his dead body lies forgotten amidst an enormous pile of Vacuum-Cleaner boxes!”

the whole world lies in the power of

the poor with lies, even when the

20 ‘Cursed is the one who lies with

21 ‘Cursed is the one who lies with

22 ‘Cursed is the one who lies with

23 ‘Cursed is the one who lies with

Harris’s property, and whoever it is that now owns the property, that lies west of town

Grossin has nothing on me but the lies of a

Random good picture Not show

1) One lie needs seven lies to wait upon it. 

2) He never lies but when the holly is green. 

3) Lies have short [no] legs.

4) Beauty lies in lover’s eyes. 

5) In moderating, not satisfying, desires, lies peace. 

6) Art lies in concealing art.

7) Happiness lies, first of all, in health. 

8) He that talks much lies much. 

9) Ask no questions and hear no lies

10) Truth lies at the bottom of a well. 

11) Truth lies [is] at the bottom of a well. 

13) Greatest genius often lies concealed.

14) He that lies down [sleeps] with dogs must rise up with fleas. 

15) The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy. 

16) In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth’s a stuff that will not endure . 

17) Dream are lies.

18) The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them. 

19) He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas. 

20) Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. 

21) An enemy who lies at thy feet begging forgiveness must not feel thy sword. 

22) Lies have short legs.

23) Truth is (or lies) at the bottom of the decater. 

24) No promise, only said not over of lies.

25) The ultimate decision lies with the parents.

26) An awesome challenge/task lies ahead of them.

27) The solution to the problem lies with you.

28) Tonight,[] the peace agreement lies in tatters.

29) Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies

30) Ask no questions and you will be told no lies

More similar words: flies, allies, supplies, as the crow flies, dies, lie, fries, lief, lieu, lien, movies, series, facies, duties, diesel, priest, siesta, rabies, Ladies, lie-in, lie in, flier, liege, belie, alien, allied, lie on, pennies, species, easiest. 

What is Magnesium? Information on discovery of Magnesium element and history Of Magnesium Element. When was magnesium first discovered?

Magnesium; a silvery white, very light, metallic metal, which, although it does not occur free in nature, is the eighth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Its mineral compounds are very widely distributed in most countries of the world, and sea water, which contains about 0.13 per cent magnesium, is virtually an inexhaustible source.

What Is The Importance Of Magnesium?


Magnesium, in an impure state, was first obtained by Sir Humphry Davy in 1808. He electrolyzed a mixture of magnesia and mercuric oxide and distilled the mercury from the magnesium amalgam. In 1829, Antoine Bussy obtained the metal in larger quantity and in a purer form by heating anhydrous magnesium chloride to redness with potassium. On dissolving out the residual chlorides, the metal appeared as a powder which could be fused readily into globules of relatively pure metal. In 1833, Michael Faraday became the first to produce metallic magnesium by electrolysis of a fused magnesium salt, and his method is the forerunner of the modern electrolytic process. Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen was the first to recognize the importance of an anhydrous cell feed. In 18S2 he electrolyzed fused anhydrous magnesium chloride, and Augustus Matthiessen, in 1856, improved this electrolyte by substituting mixed potassium, magnesium, and ammonium chloride, which was more easily prepared in the anhydrous form.

The first commercial production of magnesium occurred in 1866 in Germany by using a modified Bunsen electrolytic cell. Germany led the way as a producer of magnesium until 1915, when, because of the 1914-1918 wartime need for pyrotechnics, it became essential to produce magnesium elsewhere, and the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Canada all entered the field. During 1916-1917 eight companies produced magnesium in the United States. However, with the war’s end, only the Dow Chemical Company and the American Magnesium Corporation continued production. In 1927 the latter company discontinued this activity and only Dow remained.

Peacetime requirements for magnesium were sufficient to cause small increases in production and some advances were made in the technology. It was the immense stimulus of World War II which advanced magnesium to the forefront as a structural metal. Confronted by huge military requirements for pyrotechnics and for a lightweight structural metal for use in building aircraft and airborne equipment, the United States government undertook construction of magnesium production facilities on an unprecedented scale. Between 1939 and 1943, 15 plants were built in the United States, 13 by the government and 2 by private companies.

Production of primary magnesium in the United States reached its peak in 1943 at 183,584 tons, and the peak of consumption was reached in 1944 at 132,698 tons —all for war purposes. In 1944 military needs decreased drastically and the government began to close its plants. By the end of 1945 the defense plants had been shut out and only Dow’s plant at Freeport, Texas, remained active. Six of the government-owned plants were reactivated in 1951 and produced at varying capacities during the Korean War.

The history of magnesium production and consumption in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany has followed a somewhat similar pattern to that in the United States, in that production has flourished in wartime and fallen in peacetime. Various other countries, including Norway, France, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Australia, and Russia have produced magnesium. Only Norway and Canada, with large quantities of raw material and power available at low cost, are able to produce at prices competitive with those of the producers in the United States. Information on production in Russia is unreliable. The table shows a summary of world production in recent years by countries.

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  • Use the word Lies in a sentences

Sentence Examples

View the impliable which which lies at your feet!

I am finally swimming toward home Sumatra lies behind me, and in a short while I shall be with you I am sending these ‘guest present’ on ahead.»

Oh, for breath to utter what lies of a tailor’s yardstick!

«Where lies the final harbor, whence we unmoor no more.

I was just thinking what kind of person it is who can spin such a web of lies and how far he would be ready to go to uphold the lie.

I take that sound, truly, not trickery or lies.

You’ll need your strength for what lies ahead.

I don’t think I could ever forgive your lies, Josh.

I don’t have to deal with lies in figuring out what is true, what is not.

Your lousy lies makes me really wonder if you really want to keep your secret hidden.

More than ever I’m convinced the truth lies in the past.

Rafa, the lies your father told, your mother’s death… it’s not your fault.

You only get lies and pain and sorrow

I thought I was a test-tube baby. lies.

I’m tired of the lies, Eileen.

I think the answer lies right in here somewhere.

Alas! The carriage lies broken at the edge of the abyss.

«Behind this wall lies the ‘Holy forest’, where no European may enter!»

In the hand you gave me to kiss lies my future and destiny!»

Why did you come here and rake up old lies about killing God?

If you»ll admit publicly to the men you spoke to that all these things were lies, you may save your life.

Not only lies, but treasonable lies which were not only aimed at spreading rebellion among you but also to pervert your minds from those acceptable religions on which the State is built.

Not by laws — our Statures are now overburdened by ignored laws — but within the heart of man, the truth must bloom that his greatest happiness lies in his purity and constancy.

…has grown weaker day by day, and now Helene lies in bed, ill and completely exhausted.

The game of lies gets more entangled.

«Believe me, dear child, true happiness lies only in the renunciation of everything worldly.»

Good people, there lies a dead man.

Deep down in the earth’s core lies Hell, where those tempted by the Devil shall suffer forever.

Curse you, Athena, goddess of lies!

Towards the strange laboratory where Einar Norse’s body lies … at the appointed time

«There she lies now, and it is our patriotic duty to destroy that ship.»

The pharaoh, Amenmeses, lies dead in the Red Sea, but the pharaoh Seti Meremptah lives and is here

I seek a magic chest that lies beyond this defile.

I’d remember all the lies you told me each time we made love. The anger I’d feel would just make me want to hurt you. You’d feel the same, we’d be back at square one.

No more lies, we’ll be partners till the end. — Stop.

What can he hope to gain by such lies?

Rumormongers full of lies about Namie…

Peace lies upon the eternal sea… silently it spreads, rolling out in broad waves, to soothe the world’s suffering and strife.

In your hands lies … the sixth … part … of the world

«Now, Your Serene Highness, you’ll see that I’m no day dreamer and no fool…» «… and that also in the ordinary woman from the province the elegance of a great lady lies dormant.»

«You’re right, my dear Scarron…» «… in little Luise Maske there lies everything that makes a woman lovable.»

At one stop, Alraune lies for the first time to people from a traveling circus.

What’s your game…his lies about being a gentleman taking me to meet my father?

And you can tell lies better than anybody I know.

Use the word lies in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use lies in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for lies.

  • It lies on me! (10)
  • There it lies. (10)
  • She lies upstairs. (10)
  • So changeless he lies. (10)
  • This way disaster lies. (8)
  • Bran lies low with thee. (10)
  • My father lies helpless. (10)
  • There lies Marshal Clarke. (2)
  • I accused her of telling lies. (10)
  • It lies between Dahlia and me. (22)
  • A bed lies along the wall, Left. (8)
  • A terrible time lies behind me. (12)
  • He lies back yonder under a tree. (1)
  • I do not know where the error lies. (4)
  • Lies would now be his daily business. (8)
  • You may look at home for lies, my man. (8)
  • What mattered a few supplementary lies? (8)
  • I rather fear it lies on the opposite shore. (10)
  • The treacherous cur lies rotting in a ditch! (10)
  • There lies the key to the military situation. (18)
  • You mean those rumours, those lies of the enemy. (10)
  • Feet will be walking over ones grave, wherever it lies. (10)
  • The sadness of our times lies in this questioning spirit. (8)
  • The place lies out in the Hanover direction, far from here. (10)
  • There, and only there, lies the whole mystery of the affair. (10)
  • Now this I ask: Where lies my beloved, the Prince my husband? (10)
  • I am bound to do all that lies in my power for this imprisoned man. (10)
  • Yet there lies the path of truth, serviceable, ever honorable truth. (16)
  • If this be so in some instances, the correction lies with the public. (16)
  • But the decent press which lies between does not thus stultify itself. (16)
  • It lies terraced across a steep slope in the midst of mighty chestnuts. (2)
  • She lies in bed, her eyes shut or open, never sleeping, hears any mouse. (10)
  • They at least do not regard him who lies there as one born to misfortune. (5)
  • And she lies there dying; not he nor any other man will ever take her away. (8)
  • I am told that he lies in great danger from a blow on the back of his head. (10)
  • I am told that he lies in great danger from a blow on the back of his head. (22)
  • It lies in the fundamental mistake that he makes in the matter of publicity. (16)
  • But whatever he did, or said now, would be like telling lies, or else being cruel. (8)
  • The very life of metropolitan publishing lies in the search for new men and variety. (16)
  • To live and shine, she grows her fleece, Is shorn, and rubs with follies and with lies. (10)
  • Choice of the life or death lies in ourselves; There is no fate but when unreason lours. (10)
  • It seemed to him very likely that if he asked these men questions they would tell him lies. (9)
  • So she waited, as some grey lake lies, full and smooth, awaiting the star below the twilight. (10)
  • And it is this same sense which lies behind much of the sensitiveness as to rank and punctilio. (14)
  • He had the deep, caressing touch that lies in fingers of steel worked by a real passion for tone. (8)
  • There is little timber except pines, and the greater part of the country lies in moorland pasture. (2)
  • It lies with her to overcome what degrades her, that she may win to liberty by overcoming what exalts. (10)
  • And in this large, inclusive sense of things lies a wiser wisdom than the mere sum of all that it knows. (1)
  • Deep within him there lies forever the unconquerable conviction of his power to rise, to renew himself. (13)
  • The reason lies in the general preference of publishers for criticism that is laudatory even if absurd. (16)
  • In that dim continual journey she was like a disharmonic spirit traversing the air above where its body lies. (8)
  • Lies and hatred, those violent things of life, would come to seem quite natural, in the violence of his love. (8)
  • Not to be the idol, to have an aim of our own, there lies the truer pride, if we intend respect of ourselves. (10)
  • This is what I find the fatal defect of our American Ossian, Walt Whitman, whose way is where artistic madness lies. (9)
  • But when love asks for nothing, And lies on his bed of snow, The face slips under my eyelids, All in its living glow. (10)
  • I had not to learn that the simplest visits and observations of ruling princes signify more than lies on the surface. (10)
  • As to the where and when of the different papers, in which I suppose their bibliography properly lies, I need not be very exact. (9)
  • Down these hillmen pour like cattle Sniffing pasture: grim below, Showing eager teeth of battle, In his spear-heads lies the foe. (10)
  • One who cannot be curbed by reason may be curbed by fear, a familiar truth which lies at the foundation of all penological systems. (7)
  • The fieriest emotions turn into lies before these inexorable souls, whose prejudices are their laws and whose caste is their fate. (12)
  • The man she had seen besieged by passionate love, touched her cold imagination with a hue of fire, as Winter dawn lies on a frosty field. (10)
  • There you see what hypocrisy is and rascality; there you see the dirty souls as they are, with their terror and their lies and their lusts. (12)
  • Nothing came amiss to it, everything was fuel; fibs, evasions, the serene battalions of white lies parallel on the march with dainty rogue falsehoods. (10)
  • How can a business man, whose prosperity, whose earthly salvation, necessarily lies in the adversity of some one else, be delicate and chivalrous, or even honest? (9)

Also see sentences for: lienhard, lieschen.

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Sentences starting with lies

  • Lies told to injure a person and lies told to profit yourself are not justifiable, but lies told to help another person, and lies told in the public interest—oh, well, that is quite another matter. [5]
  • Lies at rest in the silence and solitude of his room for hours; mustn’t read, mustn’t smoke. [5]
  • Lies yonder, and cares for nothing any more. [5]

Sentences ending with lies

  • So you lose your temper, and come out in an article which you think is going to finish «Ananias,» proving him a booby who doesn’t know enough to understand even a lyceum-lecture, or else a person that tells lies. [6]
  • You find fault with his history because it seems to be lies. [5]
  • Do you see where the kernel of the matter lies? [5]
  • That much of what they said is true, and the rest is lies. [5]
  • Detricand lifted him up, and buttoning the shirt and straightening the coat again, he said: «Now, you’re to go home and sleep the sleep of the unjust, and you’re to keep the sixth commandment, and you’re to tell no more lies. [11]
  • I think no trouble will come of it; and, at all events, I shall take care of it so far as in me lies. [7]
  • Twice I have travelled to the grave where he lies. [11]
  • For by that time you have begun to reflect that you are a person who deals in exaggerations—and exaggerations are lies. [5]
  • There is where the true evil lies. [5]
  • How inadequate to the subjection of any considerable portion of it seems this little band of ill-equipped adventurers, who cannot without peril of life stray a league from the bay where the «Mayflower» lies. [4]

Short sentences using lies

  • It lies in your power. [10]
  • My way lies towards Virginia. [11]
  • There lies Caesar’s lion. [10]
  • Are all books lies? [5]
  • It don’t tell lies. [5]
  • Yes, there she lies. [2]
  • It is lies! [5]
  • The Connetable lies! [11]
  • What lies beyond! [10]
  • There it lies! [10]

Sentences containing lies two or more times

  • Lies, lies—even in this letter nothing but lies and heartless dissimulation! [10]
  • I did imagine that everything had been said about life at sea that could be said, but no matter, it was all a failure and lies, nothing but lies with a thin varnish of fact,—only you have stated it as it absolutely is. [5]
  • I forbore to tell him lies, for that would have been wrong; but if my truths deceived him, perhaps that made them lies, and I am to blame. [5]
  • It lies as far south of the line as Quebec lies north of it, and the climates of the two should be alike; but for some reason or other it has not been so arranged. [5]
  • One already lies dead in our room, and there lies Kamus, grandson of the astrologer Rameri. [10]
  • You’ve heard these cattle here scoff at them and call them lies and humbugs,—but they’re not lies and humbugs, they’re a reality and they’re going to be a more wonderful thing some day than they are now. [5]

More example sentences with the word lies in them

  • It lies in your power to comfort a sad and loving heart, and to give it one happy moment before death. [10]
  • I can endure your lies, but not your love. [5]
  • I listened to you when you told me lies as to how it would ruin him . [9]
  • And what do you think it was that saved the ship, and Captain Coram, and so in due time gave to London that Foundling Hospital which he endowed, and under the floor of which he lies buried? [6]
  • I will tell you no more lies, Uarda. [10]
  • No punishment for you but this lies in my power. [10]
  • For she lies yonder, and before her is another journey than that. [5]
  • You fear and yet long to cross that line, and know that sooner or later it must be crossed and you will have to find out what is there, just as you will inevitably have to learn what lies the other side of death. [2]
  • She worries, and worries, and worries; and wakes nights, and lies so, thinking—that is, worrying; worrying about you. [5]
  • So calm the world, so still the city lies, So warm the haze that spreads o’er everything; And yet where, there, Peace sits as Lord and King, Havoc will reign when next the sun shall rise. [11]
  • Sunday She doesn’t work Sundays, but lies around all tired out, and likes to have the fish wallow over her; and she makes fool noises to amuse it, and pretends to chew its paws, and that makes it laugh. [5]
  • The changeful, impetuous wooing of youth lies far behind him, but his homage, which the Ephebi of today would perhaps term antiquated, has always seemed to me as if a mountain were bending before a star. [10]
  • But it lies with you to prevent it from ever breaking out; for I should always endeavor to fulfill a kindly expressed wish, if it were possible. [10]
  • It lies wholly with the customer whether he will injure himself by means of either, or will derive from them the benefits which they will afford him if he uses their possibilities judiciously. [5]
  • People humbugged them with stupid and silly lies, and then laughed at them for believing and printing the same. [5]
  • Does He behold with smile serene The shows of that unending scene, Where sleepless, hopeless anguish lies, And, ever dying, never dies? [6]
  • He must consume with inward disgust while Olivier Delagarde shamelessly babbled his monstrous lies to all who would listen. [11]
  • And he communed with himself, saying: «One by one they have gone away and left me; and now she lies here, the dearest and the last. [5]
  • Now it lies with each of you to show whether or no he is faithful to me. [10]
  • Between Salisbury and Wilton, three miles and a half distant, is the little village of Bemerton, where «holy George Herbert» lived and died, and where he lies buried. [6]
  • Seleukus and his wife have a great regard for Alexander, and will do for him all that lies in their power. [10]
  • There are patients who never tell their physician the grief which lies at the bottom of their ailments. [6]
  • Take the thing, which lies there. [10]
  • From the manuscript which lies before me I extract a single passage:— «In the year 1775 we had many enemies and many friends in England, but our one benefactor was King George the Third. [6]
  • From position in which horse lies, think elephant traveled northward along line Berkley Railway. [5]
  • The left wing, which acts as the bow, lies over the right wing which serves as the fiddle. [1]
  • He is crucified wherever his brothers are slain without cause; he lies buried wherever man, made in his Maker’s image, is entombed in ignorance lest he should learn the rights which his Divine Master gave him! [6]
  • I care not what you say of me—say your worst, and I will not resent it, for I will still prove that your way lies with me. [11]
  • And Philostratus perceived what was going on in her mind, and with the exhortation, «Remember how many persons’ weal or woe lies in your hands! [10]
  • Do you know what prospect lies before you through him? [10]
  • Do you know what lies before you, if it should be discovered that you have covered the escape of the prey whom the patriarch already sees in his net? [10]
  • He lies in Westminster Abbey, it is true, but he would probably have preferred the upper side of his own hearth-stone to the under side of the slab which covers him. [6]
  • His positive instructions were full of value, but the spirit in which he taught inspired that loyal love of truth which lies at the bottom of all real excellence. [3]
  • Yet, for the welfare of the people, I will forget what lies between us and offer thee my hand. [10]
  • Amasis spun a web of lies, in which he managed to entrap, not only the whole world, but you too, my Sovereign. [10]
  • More significant, more vital elements of the truth are the rewards of a mind which searches and craves, especially in these days when the fruit of so many able minds lies on the shelves of library and bookshop. [9]
  • I have said, very many times, in Judge Douglas’s hearing, that no man believed more than I in the principle of self-government; that it lies at the bottom of all my ideas of just government, from beginning to end. [7]
  • The path lies up the steps from the new Massa carriage-road, now on the backbone of the ridge, and now in the recesses of the broken country. [4]
  • They betray an unmanly terror when I offer them a cigar; they tell lies and hurry away to meet engagements which they have not made when they are threatened with the hospitalities of my box. [5]
  • If we can’t understand them, because we have n’t taken a medical degree, what the Father of Lies do they ask us to sign them for? [6]
  • That Hell lies underneath Heaven you have doubtless heard from some one or other. [10]
  • Do not laugh, Ulrich; I well know that youth lies behind me, that I am old, yet Pasquale loves me; since I have had him, I have been more content and, Holy Virgin! [10]
  • She was not twenty-six years of age, and to have learned the truth at twenty-six, and still not to have been wholly destroyed by the lies of life, was something which might be turned to good account. [11]
  • By instinct it turns to where help lies, as a wild deer, fleeing, from captivity, makes for the veldt and the watercourse. [11]
  • Can it be true that there can be no more playing with life, that now I am grown up, that on me now lies a responsibility for my every word and deed? [2]
  • This is pre-eminently true of those writers whose charm lies less in distinctively intellectual qualities than in temperament, atmosphere, humor-writers of the quality of Steele, Goldsmith, Lamb, Irving. [4]
  • The glory, the true democracy of this nation, lies in its equal opportunity for all. [9]
  • Well then, your trouble with Herdegen is sick and sore and lies right deep. [10]
  • I think the trouble in many minds lies in the fact that they persist in regarding it as something to be made safe. [9]
  • A man instinctively tries to get rid of his thought in conversation or in print so soon as it is matured; but it is hard to get at it as it lies imbedded, a mere potentiality, the germ of a germ, in his intellect. [6]
  • Three hundred persons took their seats in the dining room, according to their rank and importance: the more important nearer to the honored guest, as naturally as water flows deepest where the land lies lowest. [2]
  • He had heard, too, that they shrunk from no lies, no fraud to escape their toil, and how difficult was the task of compelling them to obey and fulfil their duty. [10]
  • The stone lies too far from the water to enable anybody to land on it now, and it is protected from vandalism by an iron grating. [4]
  • I expect I told more lies than I have told before in a month. [5]
  • That Mount Sinai to which I desire to transport the reader must not be confounded with the mountain which lies at a long day’s journey to the south of it. [10]
  • Rotterdam also lies to the south. [10]
  • The river lies to the right of it, in places, and to the left of it in other places. [5]
  • It lies next to the porch leading into the temple of the goddess Neith, the protectress of Sais. [10]
  • I assumed indifference to the matter, laying the packet down upon my couch, and saying to him, «You will convey my thanks to Mademoiselle Duvarney for these books, whose chief value lies in the honourable housing they have had. [11]
  • They had listened to the lies which the bad birds had told of the Big Knives, they had taken their presents. [9]
  • While rightly resolved to prosecute the war on the battle lines to the utmost limit of American resources, he points out that the true significance of the conflict lies in «revolutionary change. [9]
  • We beg you to make some other demand on us, and we will certainly grant it if it lies in our power. [10]
  • I should like to help you as far as lies in my power. [2]
  • With every desire to do justice to the pretty town of Oswego, which lies on a gentle slope by the lake, it had to them an out-of-doors, unprotected, remote aspect. [4]
  • If I ventured to describe the attitude, there would be a fine howl—but there the Venus lies, for anybody to gloat over that wants to—and there she has a right to lie, for she is a work of art, and Art has its privileges. [5]
  • If I ventured to describe that attitude, there would be a fine howl—but there the Venus lies, for anybody to gloat over that wants to—and there she has a right to lie, for she is a work of art, and Art has its privileges. [5]
  • He desires Harris to be taken as a man of vast credibility; and when this thing lies among them, they will not press it to show where the guilt really belongs. [7]
  • Well then, farewell till we meet again on my boat; it is called the Euphrosyne, and lies out there, exactly opposite the two statues of the old king—who can remember these stiff barbarian names? [10]
  • It lies only three miles from the curving end of the promontory, and is about twenty miles due south of Naples. [4]
  • Like all wounds, those inflicted by the arrows of Eros heal more slowly when youth lies behind the stricken one. [10]
  • Three miles off this point lies Capri. [4]
  • The virtue of this dictum lies not in dogma, but in an indomitable attitude of mind to which the world owes its every advance in civilization; quixotic, perhaps, but necessary to great accomplishment. [9]
  • Here, here in this desk, lies his answer to the emperor’s accusations, as given to the Greek deputation who had speech of him in this very room. [10]
  • All these little things happened such a few hours ago—and now she lies yonder. [5]
  • No, everybody swallowed these people’s lies whole, and never asked a question of any sort or about anything. [5]
  • She, who lies there, saw many suns rise and set, ere her vengeance ripened. [10]
  • The explorer lies there without name or headstone to mark his awful resting-place. [4]
  • The greatest of them lies in the fact that from under this very column was taken the dust from which Adam was made. [5]
  • The market gives them facts enough; politics, lies enough; art, affectations enough; criminal news, horrors enough; fashion, more than enough of vanity upon vanity, and vexation of purse. [4]
  • No danger to the writer lies in doing political work, if it does not sap his strength and destroy his health. [11]
  • Besides, through Charmian the way to the Queen lies open, and nothing which happens at court escapes her notice. [10]
  • It lies at the very foundation of their sense of justice, and it cannot be trifled with. [7]
  • Then leaning against the trunk of the ancient tree, while he sank down on the bench, gazing alternately at the ground and into her face, she began: «Childhood already lies behind me, and youth will soon follow. [10]
  • On the right the town of Pictou, with its four thousand inhabitants, lies upon the side of the ridge that runs out towards the Sound. [4]
  • I think that the secret of his high prosperity lies elsewhere. [5]
  • On him lies the responsibility; to him must go the discredit. [11]
  • The taxes of the region wherein Domremy lies have been collected sixty-three times since then, and all the villages of that region have paid except that one—Domremy. [5]
  • The road to the rampart of a hostile city lies over corpses, and I, as general and king—» Euergetes suddenly broke off in his sentence, for a loud noise and vehement talking were heard outside the door. [10]
  • My faith in the proposition that each man should do precisely as he pleases with all which is exclusively his own lies at the foundation of the sense of justice there is in me. [7]
  • My experience of the night before might have taught me that happiness lies in the trick of transforming necessity, but it did not. [9]
  • There is where the mystery lies. [5]
  • Heidelberg lies at the mouth of a narrow gorge—a gorge the shape of a shepherd’s crook; if one looks up it he perceives that it is about straight, for a mile and a half, then makes a sharp curve to the right and disappears. [5]
  • I knew that the letter would annoy, and there it lies. [11]
  • The letters of the latter show that scarcely one of them but contains the outline of some rainbow-chasing scheme, full of wild optimism, and the certainty that somewhere just ahead lies the pot of gold. [5]
  • It lies on the ground among the ruins of ancient Memphis. [10]
  • Here is where the greatest danger lies that, while we profess to be a government of law and reason, law will give way to violence on demand of this awful and crushing power. [7]
  • We went down the Great War-path which lies below us, and when we was through there wasn’t a corn-shuck or a wigwam or a war post left. [9]
  • It lies before the goal; the pursuit is at an end. [12]
  • In that lies the freshness and the interest of life, and it is the source of every endeavor. [4]
  • It lies at the foot of a range of hills, the loftiest of which is over a thousand feet in height. [6]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word lies in a sentence? How do you use lies in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word lies?
It contains example sentences with the word lies, a sentence example for lies, and lies in sample sentence.

Examples of how to use the word “lie” in a sentence. How to connect “lie” with other words to make correct English sentences.

lie (v, n): to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface; something you say that you know is not true

Use “lie” in a sentence

My dog often lies on the grass.
Why do you lie?
I lied to my girlfriend about my age.
What he said turned out to be a lie.
It’s obvious that she lied.
It is wrong to tell a lie.

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Study Vocabulary Words lie
to be in a flat position; to say something that is not true

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Used with adverbs:

«I’m going to lie down in the room.«

«The boy just lay there looking at me.«

«He was lying comfortably on the bed.«
(comfortably, peacefully, quietly)

«He constantly lies to everyone.«
(constantly, repeatedly, convincingly, blatantly, deliberately, intentionally, easily)

Used with prepositions:

«She likes to lie on her back.«

«She is lying in bed.«

«She lies about her job.«

«He lied to me.«

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Study Vocabulary Words lie
a false statement

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Used with adjectives:

«How could he tell such a big lie?«
(big, vicious, outrageous, deliberate, blatant)

«That’s an absolute lie.«
(absolute, complete, downright, flat-out, total)

«She told a little lie to her mother.«

Used with verbs:

«That is a total lie!«
(be: is/am/are)

«He tells so many lies.«

«Don’t believe his lies.«
(believe, be fooled by)

«They exposed her lies to the media.«

«He lived a lie for 20 years.«

Used with nouns:

«The police used a lie detector on the suspect.«

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