Use the word leaflet in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

листовка f

брошюра f

листок m

буклет m

памятка f







It is better if the leaflet contains one specific goal, one motivation for action.

Лучше если листовка содержит одну конкретную цель, одно побуждение к действию.

This leaflet is published above, and it was distributed to the Congress participants.

Эта листовка опубликована выше и она раздавалась участникам Конгресса.

The leaflet has been sent to local authorities, housing associations and others.

Данная брошюра была разослана местным органам власти, жилищным ассоциациям и другим организациям.

An informative leaflet was published with the topic: «Equality opens up new horizons», which was forwarded to associations of parents and guardians.

Была опубликована информационная брошюра «Равноправие открывает новые горизонты», распространенная среди ассоциаций родителей и опекунов.

Published in French as separate leaflet in 1916.

Напечатано в 1916 г. на французском языке отдельным листком.

Nevertheless, this information is included in the future leaflet.

Тем не менее, информация на этот счет включена в будущую листовку.

Read this leaflet carefully because it contains important information for you.

Прочтите все эти листовки тщательно, потому что они содержат важную информацию для вас.

An early leaflet inviting activists to a planning meeting emphasized the tone Birnbaum sought.

Одна из ранних листовок с приглашением активистов на встречу по планированию подчеркивала тот тон, к которому так стремился Бирнбаум.

It is proved that the consumer evaluates the leaflet only the first three minutes.

Доказано, что потребитель оценивает листовку только первые три минуты.

Since it’s my civic duty, I could not remain silent and carried the leaflet to the police.

Так как это мой гражданский долг, я не могла промолчать и понесла листовку в полицию.

The leaflet also warned that anyone advocating confrontational tactics was likely a police agent.

Брошюра также предупреждала, что любой, отстаивающий агрессивные тактики, скорее всего — агент полиции.

Therefore, it’s important to check the leaflet that comes with them before use, because they’re not suitable for everyone.

Поэтому важно проверить листовку, которая поставляется с ними перед использованием, потому что они не подходят для всех.

Two thousand copies of the promotional leaflet were also published and widely distributed.

Было издано также 2000 экземпляров пропагандистских брошюр, и они широко распространялись.

A leaflet is printed matter consisting of one to four pages which is published and distributed occasionally.

Листовкой считается печатное издание, объем которого составляет от одной до четырех страниц и которое издается и распространяется нерегулярно.

If you see any severe results or other results not mentioned inside this leaflet, please inform your veterinarian.

Если вы заметили какие — либо серьезные последствия или другие эффекты, не упомянутые в листовке, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом вашему ветеринару.

The control group, on the other hand, only received a leaflet about healthy living.

Вторая же группа получала только листовки о здоровом образе жизни.

The leaflet is more descriptive nature, so its design can be more moderate, avoiding very colorful tones.

Листовка несет больше описательный характер, поэтому ее дизайн можно сделать более умеренным, избегая очень пестрых тонов.

It is important that your promotional material, in this case — a leaflet want to read.

Очень важно, чтобы Ваш рекламный материал, в данном случае — листовку, захотели прочитать.

This leaflet shows an injured German soldier watching well-dressed rich civilians at a party.

На этой листовке изображён раненый немецкий солдат, который смотрит на хорошо одетых богатых граждан на вечеринке.

According to reports the mere possession of a Mujahedin leaflet is sufficient reason for arrest and persecution.

Согласно имеющимся сообщениям, если у какого-либо лица находят листовку ПМОИ, то это уже является достаточным основанием для ареста и преследования такого лица.

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leaflet — перевод на русский


«I’ll take the leaflets and the money to Toulon myself.»

Я сам возьму листовки и деньги в Тулон.

Leaflets come on. read it

листовки давай. прочти

The leaflets will be ready for distribution from tomorrow Mr Wainwright.

— Отлично! Листовки будут готовы на завтра, так, мистер Уэйнрайт?

My newspaper will print leaflets for you!

Моя газета напечатает для вас листовки!

Leaflets will print for free.

Листовки напечатают бесплатно.

Показать ещё примеры для «листовки»…

I gave you the leaflets especially!

Я же тебе специально брошюры дал!

The same leaflets they found in his garage in Dallas.

Это те же самые брошюры, что были Найдены в его гараже в Далласе.

Here are some leaflets.

— Вот наши брошюры.

In the governmental leaflet, it says, «Remove thin materials from windows.»

В правительственной брошюре написано: «Снимите материю с окна.»

And in the County Council leaflet, it says, «Hang white sheets in the windows.»

А в брошюре графства: «Повесьте на окна белые простыни.»

Показать ещё примеры для «брошюры»…

And the only way I can see her again is to join the party and hand out leaflets.

И если я хочу её снова увидеть, нет другого выхода, как вступить в партию и раздавать буклеты.

I’ve got some leaflets.

Я захватила буклеты.

We print leaflets, organise meetings.

Мы печатаем буклеты, организуем митинги.

They’ve issued leaflets.

Я читала буклеты.

— I’ll give you this free leaflet.

— Я дам вам бесплатные буклеты.

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Synonym: booklet, brochure, cusp, folder, pamphlet. Similar words: leaf, afloat, a fly in the ointment, sheaf, deaf, seafood, thereafter, hereafter. Meaning: [‘lɪːflɪt]  n. 1. a thin triangular flap of a heart valve 2. part of a compound leaf 3. a small book usually having a paper cover. 

Random good picture Not show

1 The leaflet informs customers about healthy eating.

2 The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home.

3 Please read the safety leaflet in the seat pocket in front of you.

4 This leaflet is produced for the information of our customers.

5 More details are given in our promotional leaflet.

6 You can request a free copy of the leaflet.

7 The leaflet includes several examples of bad grammar.

8 The students went to factories to leaflet the workers.

9 For further information,[] please refer to the relevant leaflet.

10 The leaflet explains how to apply for a place.

11 A leaflet was shoved through my letter box.

12 I enclose a leaflet about some of the other services we offer.

13 The enclosed leaflet shows how Service Care can ease all your worries.

14 Pick up a free leaflet from your local post office.

15 The leaflet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awareness of the disease.

16 The leaflet tells you how to go about making a will.

17 This leaflet covers what we’ve just discussed in more detail.

18 The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.

19 By looking at this leaflet, you can see at a glance how much a loan will cost.

20 The information in this leaflet is not intended to be exhaustive, but it does tell you the basic facts.

21 We hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.

22 A leaflet about the new bus services came through the door today.

23 The leaflet gives details of all the hotels in the area in descending order of price.

24 Free copies of the leaflet are available from the Department of the Environment.

25 For more details, pick up a leaflet in your local post office.

26 He picked up a leaflet about care of the teeth.

27 This leaflet will give you the essentials of how to use the word processor.

28 The printer has run off 2,000 copies of the leaflet.

29 With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet.

30 PS. Please show your friends this letter and the enclosed leaflet.

More similar words: leaf, afloat, a fly in the ointment, sheaf, deaf, seafood, thereafter, hereafter, quite a few, seafront, deafening, take after, make a face, love affair, be afraid of, be afraid to, one after another, one after the other, flex, flee, flew, fled, flesh, rifle, fleet, fleck, trifle, fleece, muffle, fleecy. 

листовка, листок, листочек, листик, прокламация, тонкая брошюра, молодой лист


- листок, листик; молодой лист

epidermal structure of leaflet — эпидермальная структура молодого листочка

- листовка; брошюрка

informative leaflet — информационная листовка
leaflet bundle — пачка листовок
advertising leaflet — рекламная листовка


- распространять листовки

He’s leafleting the neighbourhood. — Он раздаёт листовки в этом районе.

Мои примеры


leaflet cartridge — агитационный снаряд  
leaflet disseminator — средство разбрасывания листовок  
leaflet rocket — агитационная ракета  
leaflet feeder — машина для подачи брошюр  

Примеры с переводом

We hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.

Надеемся, что эта листовка помогла вам получить ответы на свои вопросы.

For more details, pick up a leaflet in your local post office.

Для получения более подробной информации, возьмите буклет в местном почтовом отделении.

The leaflet gives details of all the hotels in the area in descending order of price.

В брошюре подробно описаны все отели в том районе, в порядке убывания стоимости.

By looking at this leaflet, you can see at a glance (=find out very easily) how much a loan will cost.

Взглянув на этот буклет, вы мгновенно увидите (т.е. очень легко поймёте), сколько будет стоить кредит.

Protesters were handing out leaflets condemning the government’s environmental policies.

Протестующие раздавали листовки, осуждающие государственную экологическую политику.

We spent the morning leafleting.

Мы провели утро раздавая листовки.

The epidermal structure of these leaflets shows some similarities to that of flowering plants.

Структура эпидермиса этих листочков имеет некоторое сходство со структурой эпидермиса цветковых растений.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Students were handing out election leaflets at the station.

…the company hires college students to work the phones and distribute leaflets for its clients…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: leaflet
he/she/it: leaflets
ing ф. (present participle): leafleting
2-я ф. (past tense): leafleted
3-я ф. (past participle): leafleted

ед. ч.(singular): leaflet
мн. ч.(plural): leaflets

About 408 results found using ‘LEAFLET’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Rheingold’s Facebook photo shows him in front of a leaflet-splattered city wall.  (open, save, copy)

  • Leaflet drops from the South continue, but now they are the work of individuals.  (open, save, copy)

  • But to send the leaflet to every voter instead of each household is astonishing.  (open, save, copy)

  • Contrary to every report I’ve read, he doesn’t deny writing the leaflet himself.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s good news that the leaflet inviting women for screening is to be rewritten.  (open, save, copy)

  • There is a leaflet full of tales in which a coaching change has spurred a team.  (open, save, copy)


  • The leaflet for the elderly offers guidance on contraception and dating agencies.  (open, save, copy)

  • The council’s leaflet is, for once, perfectly well written and understandable.  (open, save, copy)

  • We can send you copies of our easy to understand information leaflet upon request.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘leaflet’:

  1. Cusp: a thin triangular flap of a heart valve [source]
  2. Part of a compound leaf [source]
  3. Booklet: a small book usually having a paper cover [source]
  4. A leaflet in botany is a part of a compound leaf. A leaflet may resemble an entire leaf, but it is not borne on a stem as a leaf is, but rather on a vein of the whole leaf. Compound leaves are common in many plant families. For example, a tomato plant has compound leaves with leaflets. [source]
  5. One of the components of a compound leaf; A small plant leaf; A small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement; A flap of a valve of a heart or blood vessel; To distribute leaflets to; To distribute leaflets [source]
  6. (Leaflets) Our most popular range in 6 paper stocks from 100gsm to 170gsm. [source]
  7. (Leaflets) The tissue flaps in a heart valve that open and close, allowing blood to move between the heart’s four chambers. [source]
  8. (Leaflets) Thin pieces of tissue or flaps that make up a valve. [source]
  9. A leaflet usually consists of a printed sheet of paper not larger than international standard A4 in size. Leaflets are used to convey information and are commonly used by companies, organisations and individuals to advertise products, services, events and activities. [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘leaflet’:

icon forward

Fourth World Conference on Women Platform for Action: strategic objective K-

women and the environment”, leaflet released in English in March.


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Fourth World Conference on Women Platform for Action: strategic objective K-

women and the environment», брошюра опубликована на английском языке в марте.


Leaflet,“Without women, your organization’s potential is cut in half”.


context icon

Буклет» Без участия женщин потенциал вашей организации сокращен на половину.


Leaflet,“The salary you deserve?”

plus handbook“Getting the Right Pay for your Job”.


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которую вы заслуживаете?»+ учебное пособие» Чтобы оплата труда соответствовала занимаемой вами должности.


The leaflet is in the German language

and has not yet been translated.


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Бюллетень выпускается на немецком языке и пока не переводится.


How to use Pharmatex

Always use Pharmatex exactly as described in this leaflet.


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Advice for Small Business leaflet in Russian.


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Буклет Консультации для малого бизнеса на русском.


Information leaflet for other third country nationals holding a work permit.


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Информационный листок для других граждан третьих стран, имеющих разрешение на работу.


This leaflet can help you get better prepared to interaction with militia.


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Эта памятка поможет вам быть чуть более подготовленными к общению с милицией.


Jens-Hagen Eschenbächer High school students in Bucharest, Romania, read a leaflet about condoms.


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Jens- Hagen Eschenbächer Старшеклассники в Бухаресте, Румыния, читают буклет о презервативах.


Within the project the leaflet“Your Safety Code” has already published.

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Врамках проекта уже издана памятка« Код твоей безопасности».

Availability of a mitral valve flail leaflet is associated with an ambiguous prognosis 75.


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С неоднозначным прогнозом ассоциируется наличие молотящей створки митрального клапана 75.


Information Leaflet for Calculating Pump Performance.


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Информационный листок» Расчеты при выборе мотопомпы.


Information leaflet(material safety data sheet)

should be kept together with grease.


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Информационный листок( паспорт продукта)

должен храниться вместе со смазкой.


Package information leaflet: Information for the user non-prescription medicine, in plastic bottle.


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Информационный листок— вкладыш: информация для пациента лекарство безрецептурного отпуска, в пластиковом флаконе.


Package information leaflet: Information for the user.


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Информационный листок— вкладыш: информация для пациента.


The leaflet is translated in 7 languages.


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A leaflet/brochure that includes recent success stories

with regard to emission abatement in Europe;


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успешных примерах сокращения выбросов в Европе;


Comparison between the models is available in the leaflet about UV-cabinets PDF.


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Сравнительная таблица моделей доступна в брошюре об УФ- боксах PDF.


The bottle with patient’s information leaflet is packed into a carton box.


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Флакон с информационным листком для пациента помещен в картонную коробку.


As a leaflet accompanying the original replacement pollution control device, or.


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В буклете, прилагаемом к оригинальному сменному устройству для предотвращения загрязнения; либо.


And also ask them for a leaflet which sets out the rules of health literacy behaviors.

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А также попросите у них памятку, где изложены правила грамотного санитарного поведения.

In 2006, the leaflet was reprinted in Danish and eight other languages.


She also checked that the leaflet for parents was available in the targeted schools.


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Она также проверила наличие в целевых школах брошюр для родителей.


You can find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet.


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Телефонный номер центра поддержки потребителей можно найти в гарантийном буклете.


You can find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet.


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Ее телефонный номер можно найти в гарантийном буклете.


This product information exclusively relates to the reagent described in this leaflet.


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Эта информация о продукте относится исключительно к реагентам, описан- ному в этой брошюре.


Sub-section and section 7.1.3- Reference to UIC leaflet 590.


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Подраздел 6. 11. 4. 1 и раздел 7. 1. 3- Ссылки на памятку МСЖД 590.


No minimum orders, and a 100%

satisfaction guarantee on all club flyers, flyer leaflet and flyers templates.


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Никаких минимальных заказов и

100% гарантия клубные флаеры and флаер брошюры.


If possible take your medicine and this leaflet with you.


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If possible, show them the packet or this leaflet.


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Results: 652,
Time: 0.0435





It was late in the afternoon when we arrived at our hotel at Kryoneri: I sighed in disappointment as soon as I found out how small, noisy, isolated and miserable it is — nothing to do with the hotel we had seen on the leaflet

Dave puffs out his cheeks and looks across at Carol, who is studying the attractions stacked in a wooden leaflet holder; World of Barometers, Cobbler Honey Farm, Tractorland, Gnome From Gnome

The leaflet claimed that Mr

“I have this leaflet for you that describes cat productivity

The church was something of a local landmark, its spire visible from miles around, and I found out from the leaflet that I picked up out of habit that it was the highest point in what was once the county of Middlesex

It was empty except for a screwed up leaflet about STI’s

The little ant was striving not to lose the balance as was transporting on its shoulder a tiny green leaflet which was seen as if it was dressing a thick tuft for a hat

Winston Churchill, then at the admiralty, dismissed this leaflet activity with the wry comment; “The enemy is hardly likely to be induced to surrender by supplying him with free toilet paper”!

And then this friend came in with a leaflet and said,

Stu took the leaflet and looked at it

According to the leaflet,

picking up a leaflet that came with the software, ‘even the psychiatrist Jung wrote: Hands, whose shape and

toward Klaus, he placed the leaflet in front of him and asked him

Morrison was going in with a leaflet; Lady Shuttleworth was going in with a pound of tea

Before I left Hungary, I was given a leaflet containing some valuable advice for globe-trotting hunters

She told Ziggy they were going to the beach and they drove to the glorious Pirriwee Peninsula, and all the way there she tried to pretend that she didn’t even remember that real estate leaflet, even as she remembered it, over and over

The leaflet which had given rise to all this fury read as follows:

It was a leaflet, advertising a show at the gallery

To get the latest levels of tax rates, allowances and benefits, telephone any of the 10 largest accountancy firms, all of which will almost certainly have a free leaflet summarizing the current position

His conversation with Count Rostopchin and the latter’s tone of anxious hurry, the meeting with the courier who talked casually of how badly things were going in the army, the rumors of the discovery of spies in Moscow and of a leaflet in circulation stating that Napoleon promised to be in both the Russian capitals by the autumn, and the talk of the Emperor’s being expected to arrive next day- all aroused with fresh force that feeling of agitation and expectation in Pierre which he had been conscious of ever since the appearance of the comet, and especially since the beginning of the war

This poor feeble boy of eighteen—exhausted by disease—looked for all the world as weak and frail as a leaflet torn from its parent tree and trembling in the breeze; but no sooner had his eye swept over his audience, for the first time during the whole of the last hour, than the most contemptuous, the most haughty expression of repugnance lighted up his face

I tell you, I almost got caught with this five-line leaflet

“Gracious heavens!” cried the latter, trembling like a leaflet with horror

His conversation with Count Rostopchín and the latter’s tone of anxious hurry, the meeting with the courier who talked casually of how badly things were going in the army, the rumors of the discovery of spies in Moscow and of a leaflet in circulation stating that Napoleon promised to be in both the Russian capitals by the autumn, and the talk of the Emperor’s being expected to arrive next day—all aroused with fresh force that feeling of agitation and expectation in Pierre which he had been conscious of ever since the appearance of the comet, and especially since the beginning of the war

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