Use the word laughed in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word laughed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use laughed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «laughed».

Laughed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word laughed in a sentence.

  1. A few people laughed, a few people cried.

  2. Mellon laughed and gave preliminary approval.

  3. The Jews in Germany once laughed about my prophecies.

  4. Gary and I just talked and laughed a lot, and out it came».

  5. When asked in May 2012 if he had watched them, Scott laughed, «No.

  6. A few months ago, Gunn shaved his head and we all laughed at him ..

  7. They clapped and laughed while being arrested and awaiting transport to jail.

  8. Government MPs laughed at Pearson, as did members of the press who were present.

  9. Marsden, who had run the bureau since 1968, laughed, «Nobody sends telegrams anymore.

  10. Hendrix laughed and said: «All right, you called my bluff», and they got back to work.

  11. When Michener told Hammerstein, he laughed and replied, «That’s what the show is about!

  12. Everyone saw that, laughed, and the things he had done during the race were forgotten.».

  13. Future senator Charles Sumner reported: «I find Willis is much laughed at for his sketches».

  14. When Guinn told him of his plan, Saunders laughed and said, «I don’t want to be an officer ..

  15. After several reporters derisively laughed at these comments, Đính stormed out of the conference.

  16. The audience laughed, and Douglas later wrote that she had been distracted and gave a poor speech.

  17. To Six’s amusement, Spanish audiences often found the film funny, and laughed throughout screenings.

  18. Rivera was a good sport about it and laughed while waving his arms in mock appreciation of the fans.

  19. And Steve just laughed.» McQueen had a knack with props, especially the weapons he used in the film.

  20. He credited her for speaking clearly and for not losing her composure when the audience laughed at her.

  21. He laughed at a Spanish tightrope walker who «tumbled and played many pretty toys» outside St Paul’s Cathedral.

  22. He laughed at the idea of being restricted to any locality and said he intended to go whether I aided him or not.

  23. I felt like an entertainer when my drawings were shown to relatives and friends, and they laughed or even smiled.

  24. Catherine insisted on visiting the field herself and when warned of the dangers laughed, «My courage is as great as yours».

  25. The scriptwriters would have been laughed out of the studios.» Autosport magazine writer Adam Cooper called the race «epic».

  26. Her act may have lifted Ra’s spirits partly because it sexually aroused him, although why he laughed is not fully understood.

  27. Sega did not plan any other first-party releases for the Menacer—Senour recollected that «they laughed when I proposed more.».

  28. During one show, when Skelton accidentally fell from the stage, breaking several bottles of medicine as he fell, people laughed.

  29. Eventually, Koval managed to obtain a teaching job there; his students often laughed at his foreign pronunciations for technical terms.

  30. His jokes were often met with silence and muttering, although some in the audience, such as Scalia, laughed heartily as Colbert teased them.

  31. Dickens’s sister-in-law wrote how he «wept, and laughed, and wept again, and excited himself in a most extraordinary manner, in composition».

  32. When this came to light after the war, Coward wrote: «If anyone had told me at that time I was high up on the Nazi blacklist, I should have laughed ..

  33. Wow, that’s a bit heavy.» Altham also suggested that Hendrix invented psychedelic music, to which he laughed and replied: «A mad scientist approach ..

  34. The Princess of Wales was just going to shake hands with me, when she looked at my face, and couldn’t do it for some time, because she laughed so much.

  35. Neubauer challenged Caracciola to walk, and although the driver laughed and smiled while he did so Neubauer was not fooled: Caracciola was not yet fit.

  36. After the King’s horse Minoru won the Derby on 26 July 1909, he returned to the racetrack the following day, and laughed when a man shouted: «Now, King.

  37. In January 1970, Rolling Stone asked Hendrix about having testified that he stopped using cannabis; he laughed and replied: «At least, stop it from growing».

  38. When Williams first demonstrated his idea to Spielberg, playing just the two notes on a piano, Spielberg was said to have laughed, thinking that it was a joke.

  39. The Sibyl, with frenzied mouth uttering things not to be laughed at, unadorned and unperfumed, yet reaches to a thousand years with her voice by aid of the god.

  40. Colbert recalled that «not a lot of people laughed in the front row» during the speech, and that «when it was over, no one was even making eye contact with me ..

  41. On 29 September, when Navarre knelt before the altar as a Roman Catholic, having converted to avoid being killed, Catherine turned to the ambassadors and laughed.

  42. A front-page article in The Daily Mirror stated that Wodehouse «lived luxuriously because Britain laughed with him, but when the laughter was out of his country’s heart, ..

  43. Trump said the first time he contacted Genesco, «they literally laughed at me.» Genesco continued to decline his offers and, according to Trump, «they thought I was kidding.».

  44. The first, John Bull’s Other Island, a comedy about an Englishman in Ireland, attracted leading politicians and was seen by Edward VII, who laughed so much that he broke his chair.

  45. His expressionism and his screenwriting have always had fun together, but now there is a kind of faith and spirituality that sexcapades like Law of Desire and Kika only laughed at..

  46. When he read out the summary in an over-dramatic voice to the group, they laughed and applauded, and the group agreed to begin work on Commander Keen in the Invasion of the Vorticons.

  47. When one of her students appeared in the uniform of the Nazi paramilitary organization Sturmabteilung (SA), she showed no sign of agitation and, reportedly, even laughed about it later.

General information about «laughed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word laughed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «laughed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «laughed».

Herndon laughed at that, Jorma tried to

Herndon laughed, «Not hardly

“Maybe we should all pay those dykes a visit!” he laughed

Ava laughed, «Don’t bet the lives of the crew on it,» Ava said, «Because I couldn’t

His dad laughed at him, but Micah was able to duck out of the way before he could ruffle up his hair

Johnny almost laughed out loud

“Bingo!” Jerm laughed, taking the flask back

Silence laughed at him, and indicated that he was welcome to try with a gesture of her hand

The people asked that Haques to take a break, but he laughed at them

He pulled his knife to slit Fox’s throat, expected him to beg, but instead Fox laughed at him

» Fox laughed again, even in pain as he was

He is not very bright, is he?» They both laughed

‘Go to work, you cheeky monkey!’ I laughed as he shuts the briefcase with a final snap

Frank laughed as he swiped his card to check out and, just like magic, the doors opened for him

He splashed into the water and the other dragons laughed at him

‘Yes …’ I laughed, ‘Complete bastard, that he is!’

Topher laughed and took the blunt

‘Oh, no!’ she laughed, her tone brittle and forced

So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver

He laughed out loud and then, hands on his hips, he said, “I am a man of my

’ She laughed self-consciously

«He just laughed and told him he better have the money in 48 hours or else

The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of

He laughed long and hard again, booming out his mirth in the womb-

The fat woman laughed, but in spite of her girth, her bosom was small and well constrained

‘You idiot!’ he laughed, holding his stick out on a level with mine

the first time in all these years he actually laughed

He laughed so much that now he

step but he just laughed and told it not to be an arse

She almost laughed now at the thought

The big idiot rolled his eyes and then laughed

“Sleep well?” he asked and laughed softly

She laughed at that question so hard her eyes teared up

Robbie laughed and turned to the guard standing in the doorway

I introduced these people to my games, and in my head we laughed and we talked

Ernesto laughed uproariously and his sons soon joined in but he could see they didn’t really understand

Kara laughed; by the Elements, she liked this young woman

The captain laughed out loud

“¡You are a fool Son!” the guard laughed

The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of perfectly stitched cow hide, walnut veneer and deathly totem

” the soldier laughed

He laughed and sat down

For the first time in all these years he actually laughed

He laughed so much that now he had a sore throat and no voice

His left leg complained with every step but he just laughed and told it not to be an arse

Kara followed suit and they all laughed

laughed again at the absurdity

out of vision” she laughed along with Brijbabu and

She would have laughed at thinking ‘just a starship’ if she had thawed from her terror yet

Everybody laughed at the absurdity

The girls laughed at the escapades of Pishima’s children

She laughed and moved closer to him

“… oops, sorry!” She just laughed at his boyish excitement

or laughed at with her in his arms,

They laughed all the way to the center

They laughed all their way to the center

with thoughts of days when they laughed nights away,

When I pressed for more he laughed at me

She said yes, immediately; and then laughed and told him that there were no preachers in camp

Daniel was shocked for a moment and then got it… Good God, you made a joke, Daniel laughed and patted him on the neck, I don’t believe it

“I have no more money”, I whispered and he laughed the crowds away

’ He laughed, rolling over so he can stand up

«Ah, Daniel is at it again, the man is a dynamo!» Steve blurted out, «I don’t know where he gets all that energy from; but he sure puts it to good use!» They all laughed, and quickly stopped when Kate and Daniel walked into the Hall together, smiling

They all laughed knowing the excitement she was feeling

“Give the girl some breathing space, guys!” Sally laughed at Kate’s dilemma, thinking it fun

The Riders all laughed at their response to Oreo

He had no idea that they laughed at him behind his back

They all laughed over the time Alan wondered how Desa could actually believe Luray’s story

Whatever is evil, keep from us whether we ask for it or not,” we laughed again

«Don’t worry,» she laughed some more, «I wouldn’t say that and you aren’t fooling me and I don’t care

I told him how the fishing there was not what it was and when I described the fishermen as being full of Cornish myths and legends, he slapped a hand upon my shoulder and laughed, ‘The world is full of fishermen like that

She laughed loudly and told him to ‘button it’, and hurry up and ‘do the kissing again

Felix was friendly and politely laughed and nodded as we talked about our lives

My mother laughed and said that was just ‘his damn DMX music’ She told them that it needed to be taken away from me

‘Yes, but with girls not men,’ I laughed hoping to hide my embarrassment and shut him out but he had me in his sights

She saw him looking at her and she rolled her eyes and laughed

When he first signed junior terms with the club some of the older boys laughed at him, but Terry didn’t care

“A wise decision my Queen,” Tarak laughed and then cleared his throat; “Now, as to this Duncan Wayside; he has a reputation of being his own man

She laughed softly and the tones seemed to echo about and caress Duncan’s ears

Rayne threw her head back and laughed and stroked the animals without fear

“Ha-ha!” he shouted loudly, picking her up by the waist and swinging her around, “I knew you could do it! Your training does you justice little one!” Rayne laughed loudly with him

‘I know,’ She laughed, ‘But he has other assets which make up for this unfortunate tendency

This mountain can change you forever,’ she laughed

She laughed at me rather than with me

“Oh my, look at that blouse,” exclaimed Rayne changing the subject, “can we go in and see if they have it in my size?” Mistress Sera laughed and both women went into the shop arm in arm

Tarak looked at the knife and approved; “she will be very impressed with the blade,” he laughed, “she collects blades from all over the galaxy

Duncan and Tarak laughed at her as they continued down the hallway

‘Mixing business with pleasure?’ Ish said and laughed

They all laughed, and after one of Duncan’s stories the ice was broken

Just before they left the room, Rayne noted Duncan had a silly grin on his face and both she and Tarak laughed

You’d have laughed though, Alastair, it seems he appreciated our putting Laura down and commented that he wished it happened more often

Tarak laughed and called her a saucy wench

” They laughed, the hundred years between stars was terminally boring

They laughed as the pushed each other down

people proud, why bother with us down under?’ Fred said and laughed

’ He laughed and holds out his hand to help me over the stile

had no idea that they laughed at him behind his back

He watched his friend barking out orders and almost laughed at his expression

She laughed at his dire descriptions of the harsh conditions and kissed him lightly saying he had never stayed on the third moon of Alterei Regula; this would be a piece of cake compared to that

‘Anna! Restrain yourself, this is a respectable office!’ laughed a voice from the staircase above us

  • Use the word LAUGHED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He laughed at this lunatic who once had written poems about sunlight, peace and the sweetness of living.

Mikisaburo just laughed at himself.

You laughed at me because I did not want to leave.

Everyone laughed at me at the Sub-Prefecture. Madame told me off.

But the elements laughed, roared and thundered.

And the girls giggled and laughed, perhaps in order to hide their pity.

Then fate — it’s always fate — played its little joke, and again the elements laughed, roared and thundered, but through it all our heroes soundly slumbered.

«He asked me — and I laughed at him — and now it doesn’t seem so darned funny, after all!»

The real Kurama Tengu laughed.

Oh, Matt, honest, I ain’t ever laughed like this.

He just laughed and said that you’d tell me.

I want to stay. I haven’t laughed like this in years, Gerry.

You never laughed at that small-town princess.

You laughed at a royal princess.

Everyone laughed — except you.

I’ve eaten, I’ve drank and I’ve laughed.

You laughed, said it was impractical.

You laughed at them, shuddered at them… and yet, but for the accident of birth… you might be even as they are.

And he laughed, poor devil.

I begged him to give me a chance but he only laughed at me.

Yeah, they laughed when I sat down to play the piano.

She laughed in my face. Won’t even discuss it.

Yes. The most astonishing was that the audience always laughed. laughed.

They laughed at Edison, too.

And the bank laughed at me.

She laughed and she said we were being very silly… that we didn’t care for each other anymore but we needn’t hate each other.

That man laughed at me because I called him the captain.

Probably laughed yourself sick over it.

I laughed their conversion with little knowledge of baseball.

laughed at in the streets!

I could have laughed when Dr. Chambers said that I’d heal myself by wanting to live.

He laughed and said, «Tell me where they’re to be found. «

Miller and me, and Griffiths and me. We laughed at you. Because you were such a mug, a mug, a mug!

Remember there was a man you led on and laughed at.

And the match died out. And then somebody laughed.

That might be paying a high price to keep from being laughed at.

I was laughed at, of course.

I said, «No. You told me not to. » And then he laughed.

Well, you’d be laughed out of Paris if you did a thing like that.

Hey, she just laughed a little!

We’ll rid the country of these men who so far have laughed at every law.

I laughed only at the sad thought that if indeed I wanted a kiss from her there was so little hope of my getting it.

And when she laughed, there was something rich in it.

Nobody laughed at my owl.

You can’t very well say that they laughed at you this time.

He laughed at me The dirty dog!

 Meanings and Examples of LAUGHED


 v.  smile while making sounds with your voice for funny or happy things

 n.  sounds and movements of the face that express happiness or amusement


 a.  showing or feeling mirth or pleasure or happiness


 ad.  with laughter; while laughing

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  At first she was so awkward that he could not help laughing at her; but she laughed with him and that made them better friends.

2  Denis laughed, and gave the horse a cut that brought him quickly abreast of her retreating figure.

3  She laughed at him for not knowing the simplest sick-bed duties and told him to «go right along out» and leave her to see to things.

4  She nodded and laughed «Yes, one,» and he felt a blackness settling on his brows.

5  She laughed with pleasure, her head tilted back, the lamplight sparkling on her lips and teeth.

6  She laughed a little uncertainly.

7  With every yard of the way some spot where they had stood, and laughed together or been silent, clutched at Ethan and dragged him back.

8  She laughed like everything when we told her about it.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I

9  They noticed for the first time how her green eyes danced, how deep her dimples were when she laughed, how tiny her hands and feet and what a small waist she had.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I

10  Gerald looked crestfallen and embarrassed, as always when caught in a kind deed, and Scarlett laughed outright at his transparency.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER II

11  Scarlett laughed with the rest at these sallies but, as always, the freedom with which the Tarletons treated their mother came as a shock.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER V

12  He had been watching her and when she looked at him he laughed outright.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

13  «I’m as bad as Honey Wilkes,» she thought suddenly, and remembered how everyone, and she more than anyone else, had laughed contemptuously at Honey’s forward conduct.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

14  He seemed to find her very amusing, for he laughed softly again.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

15  He was not the tall drowsy boy she loved but part and parcel of the Wilkeses, Twelve Oaks, the County—and she hated them all because they laughed.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

Example Sentence: (117 in 8 pages)

16  I was laughed at, ridiculed, and generally called a crank for writing that article, however, each and every word have become true.

17  «It’s a pun!» the King added in an offended tone, and everybody laughed, «Let the jury consider their verdict,» the King said.

18  When he placed his hat askew upon his head, his observers laughed.

19  When Jack claimed he hadn’t eaten the jelly doughnut, Jill took an incredulous look at his smeared face and laughed.

20  Life is tough, and if you have the ability to laugh at it you have the ability to enjoy it.

21  It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune.

22  I would rather have my people laugh at my economies than weep for my extravagance.

23  I love the way you smile at me, I love your laugh, so much, The way you walk, the way you talk, Your gentle kiss and touch.

24  Cry myself laugh to watch my own trouble.

25  He made us all laugh by mimicking the teacher’s voice.

26  Cry with one eye and laugh with the other.

27  His humorous remark made everyone laugh.

28  Her laugh was far too hearty to be genuine.

29  We tried to laugh the girl out of that slight accident.

30  Did not hurt to laugh at other people’s scars.

Definition of Laughed

made a chuckling or giggling sound with one’s mouth, usually to signify joy or humor

Examples of Laughed in a sentence

The audience laughed loudly as Kevin Hart told several hilarious jokes.


We laughed at the funny movie, rolling on the floor as we chuckled and hee-hawed.


The bully laughed at the other boy when he fell down, snickering and giggling at his pain.




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Sentences with laughed. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use laughed in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for laughed.

  • Dan laughed. (9)
  • Alma laughed. (9)
  • Harz laughed. (8)
  • Fleur laughed. (8)
  • March laughed. (9)
  • Rose laughed. (10)
  • Laura laughed. (10)
  • Milray laughed. (9)
  • She laughed out. (9)
  • Sedgett laughed. (22)
  • Mrs. Larne laughed. (8)
  • Young Corey laughed. (9)
  • Fiorsen laughed again. (8)
  • He laughed at himself. (9)
  • He laughed to himself. (10)
  • Janet laughed faintly. (10)
  • Lottie laughed harshly. (9)
  • Breckon laughed for her. (9)
  • Everard laughed at them. (10)
  • She cheered, and laughed. (10)
  • Dan laughed and winced too. (9)
  • Fulkerson laughed forlornly. (9)
  • Wilfrid laughed scornfully. (10)
  • A third lady laughed a little. (9)
  • Lady Jocelyn had not laughed. (10)
  • But at this lady Lucy laughed. (10)
  • She laughed, not wishing to cry. (8)
  • Mr. Forepaugh laughed gleefully. (21)
  • Crossjay repeated it, and laughed. (10)
  • And he also laughed in his fashion. (10)
  • Farmer Blaize laughed and chuckled. (10)
  • Her mother laughed at her simplicity. (9)
  • The vice-consul laughed unresentfully. (9)
  • He laughed with pleasure in his metaphor. (9)
  • Pericles laughed when she had left the room. (10)
  • She reeled drunkenly, waved her arms, and laughed shrilly. (12)
  • March laughed, and again the young man turned his head away. (9)
  • Clotilde informs the world that she laughed on hearing this. (10)
  • They laughed themselves into the pleasantest mood imaginable. (10)
  • The commercial fellows, however, laughed; and this infuriating Mr. (8)
  • They laughed rather wildly, and then they both became rather grave. (9)
  • He joked and laughed and talked, and she eyed him a faint sweetness. (10)
  • His wife laughed with the fearlessness of a woman who knows her husband. (9)
  • Mrs. Maynard laughed in her turn, with real enjoyment of the conception. (9)
  • Mrs. Weston laughed, and said he did not know what he was talking about. (4)
  • Radocky laughed again when he was told of Weisspriess keeping guard below. (10)
  • The colour had deepened again in her cheeks, she laughed, pouting her lips. (8)
  • He explained, and Jeff laughed uproariously when he understood the whole case. (9)
  • The idea struck him as supremely comic, and he laughed out loud in the street…. (8)
  • At these words a tiger snatched a piece of bleeding liver, and the fat man laughed. (8)
  • Mrs. Durgin laughed at herself jollily, and Westover noted how prosperity had changed her. (9)
  • She found this so good when she had said it that she laughed over it till Christine was angry. (9)
  • Among the rest, Basil and Isabel laughed, and then looked at each other with eyes of mutual reproach. (9)
  • Mrs. Horn laughed out at this security; but she was not displeased by the nobleness which it came from. (9)
  • A year ago, six months ago, he would have laughed at the notion that it would be hard to raise the money. (9)
  • Fulkerson did not know what to say, perhaps because the extras did not; but March laughed at this result. (9)
  • They laughed a good deal together at it, but it convinced her that he had not been hoodwinked into the engagement. (9)
  • He asked about Mrs. Lander, and whether she had got to Florence without losing the way; he laughed but he seemed really to care. (9)
  • He discussed these appearances with Miss Macroyd, but found her too frankly disputatious; and she laughed too much and too loud. (9)
  • Every time he glanced at his uncle the song sprang up, and he laughed so immoderately that it looked like madness come upon him. (10)
  • Sometimes he laughed at her, and sometimes he scolded, but they were very good comrades, as elderly married people are apt to be. (9)
  • After breakfast at an inn, where a waiter laughed at us to our faces, and we fed scowling, shy, and hungry, we had another quarrel. (10)

Also see sentences for: laugh, laughing, laughing-stock, laughs, laughter.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for laughed. Now that you’ve seen how to use laughed in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

More Sentence Examples

Select First Letter

Sentences ending with laughed

  • Do you know why I laughed? [5]
  • There are those who say, however that tears fell down her cheeks as she laughed. [11]
  • Some walked thoughtfully up and down, others whispered and laughed. [2]
  • Sawing off stumps under the water, knocking poisonous snakes by scores from the branches, while the river rose and rose and rose, and the rain crept by inches under their tent flies, and the enemy walked the parapet of Vicksburg and laughed. [9]
  • We were going to Cahokia, and it was very cold, and when the tireless wheels bumped from ridge to gully, the gentlemen grabbed each other as they slid about, and laughed. [9]
  • The humour of this question was too much for him, and he laughed. [9]
  • They laughed—Lord, how they laughed! [11]
  • River men along the levee heard that signal and laughed. [9]
  • He saw her startled look, and laughed. [11]
  • Yet they presented so bizarre an aspect, their ugliness was so varied and particular, that she almost laughed. [11]

Short sentences using laughed

  • The others laughed, too. [9]
  • He laughed at this. [11]
  • But I laughed the more. [9]
  • She laughed at that. [11]
  • Several of those present laughed. [2]
  • He laughed now painfully. [11]
  • Presently he laughed out loud. [11]
  • Then she laughed openly. [9]
  • Mrs. Colfax laughed musically. [9]
  • Miss Trevor laughed merrily. [9]

Sentences containing laughed two or more times

  • At that he threw back his head and laughed, and Bill Cowan and my friends laughed with him. [9]
  • We talked, and talked, and talked—at least I did; and we laughed, and laughed, and laughed—at least he did. [5]
  • Lady Tynemouth saw Mennaval’s vain efforts, and laughed to herself, and presently she even laughed with her neighbour about them. [11]
  • When he tossed me up and laughed, I laughed too, and it seemed as if all Nature must laugh with us. [10]
  • At that I laughed, and he laughed. [9]
  • Standing before it, Jethro told the story in his droll way, of a city clerk and a country bumpkin, and Cynthia and Ephraim both laughed so heartily that the people who were passing turned round to look at them and laughed too. [9]
  • Miss Woodburn intercepted his glance and laughed, and Fulkerson laughed, too, but rather forlornly. [8]
  • And Comyn laughed, and Dorothy laughed, and I laughed. [9]

More example sentences with the word laughed in them

  • Some of the younger officers who were there, laughed as they followed his retreating figure. [9]
  • They were all young then, and laughed easily. [5]
  • The man laughed, yet without a sound—the inward, stealthy laugh, as from a knowledge wicked in its very suggestiveness. [11]
  • Nick’s imitation of Xavier, and his description of Benjy’s terrors after the storm, were so perfect that I laughed quite as heartily; and Madame de St. Gre wiped her eyes and repeated continually, «Quel drole monsieur! [9]
  • I think she would have gone but little had not her father laughed her out of some of her domesticity. [9]
  • For fear of worrying you I did not write you from Savannah how they laughed at us for starting at that season of the year. [9]
  • I read the words aloud to him, and he laughed, and remarked, «‘Tis a foolish thing that—The Scarlet Woman, mast like. [11]
  • No gentle, tender-hearted woman laughed like that; but she was grand, splendid, wonderful in her wrath. [10]
  • And jumping down without my assistance, she laughed and disappeared into the house. [9]
  • People humbugged them with stupid and silly lies, and then laughed at them for believing and printing the same. [5]
  • Pulcheria laughed, but with some annoyance, as though she had herself been the object of the remark. [10]
  • Then I laughed with my cousin; and when I was once more alone I marvelled at the mercy of a benevolent Providence, by whose ruling a small joy makes us to forget our heavy griefs, though it were but for a moment. [10]
  • Ladies answered back with historiettes that would almost have made Queen Margaret of Navarre or even the great Elizabeth of England hide behind a handkerchief, but nobody hid here, but only laughed —howled, you may say. [5]
  • Amasis laughed heartily with his friends at Gyges’ artifice, allowed the young heroes to mix freely with his family, and behaved towards them himself as a jovial father towards his merry sons. [10]
  • Miss Woodburn laughed with her face bowed upon her wrist. [8]
  • Gervais laughed softly with a hissing chuckle, and Speranski in a high-pitched staccato manner. [2]
  • Melissa threw her whole soul into the dance while Demeter was seeking the lost Persephone, her thoughts were with her brothers; and she laughed as heartily as any one at the jests with which Iambe cheered the stricken mother. [10]
  • Your son Orion, who married the emperor’s daughter,» laughed the negress. [10]
  • She it was who laughed in the gallery of the court-room the day that Joseph Nadeau was acquitted. [11]
  • But Mrs. Holt, who had unlooked-for flashes of humour, laughed, and shook her curls at Brent. [9]
  • And they laughed when Mr. Clarence tried to explain that he had not long since been the dapper captain of the State Dragoons. [9]
  • I laughed out when I got to the mention of Frederika’s special accomplishment, given by you with a distinct simplicity that, to my taste, is what the French would call ‘impayable. [14]
  • Wallstein, Wolff, Barry Whalen, Fleming, Hungerford, Reuter, and the others of the inner circle he laughed at in a good-natured way for coddling themselves, and called them—not without some truth—valetudinarians. [11]
  • The lad’s cheeks were glowing with shame and anger, for the clerk of the muster-rolls and paymaster had laughed in his face, when he expressed his desire to become a Lansquenet. [10]
  • March laughed, but went on soberly: «He was a man predestined to adversity, though. [8]
  • He certainly seemed well pleased with himself, and more than once, as he sat alone, he laughed outright, and once he said aloud, as his fingers ran up and down a schedule—not a man-o’-war’s schedule—laughing softly: «Poor old Farquhar, if he could see me now! [11]
  • At his bidding we have laughed at a thousand absurdities. [5]
  • That evening, as Wassef the camel-driver went to the mosque to pray, Fatima cursed him, because now all the village laughed secretly at the revenge that Wassef had taken upon the lover of his daughter. [11]
  • Ill as she was, I could have laughed, for, as we went in the Earl’s carriage to the hospital-thirty miles it was—she said she felt at home with me, my dress being so like a nun’s. [11]
  • Silent as he was, however, he had a large and cheerful heart, and nodding his head he laughed the deep, quaint laugh which Rodney himself of all his sons had— and he was fonder of Rodney than any. [11]
  • The whole thing was so excessively absurd that we laughed again, louder than ever. [4]
  • Ethel Wing, who was next to Honora, nudged her and laughed, and passed her some of Maillard’s chocolates, which she had in her pocket. [9]
  • She laughed in very scorn of the booby soldiers she had seen. [9]
  • Nor did his vanity suffer greatly when she laughed at him. [9]
  • The spirit of vanity in his soul laughed in delight, and the lad soon knew the way to the large Venetian mirror, which was carefully kept in the hall of state. [10]
  • His dignified gravity vanished in a moment; he laughed aloud, struck his forehead merrily, seized the hand of the astonished captain, and said: «Should you be glad, if Bartja could be saved? [10]
  • The Reverend Mather,—I use a mode of expression he often employed when speaking of his honored brethren,—the Reverend Mather was right this time, and the irreverent doctors who laughed at him were wrong. [3]
  • The four of us, his three men and myself, laughed outright. [9]
  • Even Tom, intent upon the trail, turned and laughed at Polly Ann as she stood clutching me. [9]
  • Even Catherine dried up her tears and laughed when she thought of the English getting hold of the French Commander-in-Chief’s reason for staying out of a battle. [5]
  • Then we lit up and had a supper, and the king and the duke fairly laughed their bones loose over the way they’d served them people. [5]
  • Satan laughed his unkind laugh to a finish; then he said: «It is a remarkable progress. [5]
  • These speculations were unemphasized sensations rather than articulated thoughts, for Wilson would have laughed at the idea of seriously connecting Tom with the murder. [5]
  • The slim gentleman under the sign laughed until he held his sides, with a heartiness that jarred upon me. [9]
  • She laughed at Uncle Tom because she always had, but tears were shining in her eyes. [9]
  • Afterward, when I tried to recall what he said, I laughed at his surprising ignorance of the question at issue, and wondered where my wits could have gone that I allowed myself to be dazzled and turned aside at every corner. [9]
  • But the helpless town-bred damsel declined this friendly invitation; for her shrewd little head had devised another plan for saving her brother, though the tavern-keepers, to whom she confided it in a whisper, laughed and shook their heads over it. [10]
  • Then he turned toward Virginia, thoughtfully pulled his goatee, and laughed gently. [9]
  • The young men tossed the ball back and forth; they made some wild shots, but they kept it going, and they laughed when they were hit. [8]
  • I almost laughed to think of the melodramatic turn which my first conversation with this woman might chance to take. [11]
  • He said something to the senator which they did not hear, and the senator laughed heartily. [9]
  • Cousin Maud laughed to see me so drunk asleep, as was not my wont; yet could she not deny that my dream boded no good. [10]
  • I should like to see a Yankee advertisement like this!—(the Little Gentleman laughed fiercely as he uttered the words,—) —Patent thumb-screws,—will crush the bone in three turns. [6]
  • Gradually I came to know that my grandmother—dead so long ago that I laughed at the idea—was in the room. [4]
  • So he stuck to it that they’d left it out unintentional and would be certain to do their best to fix it before they got caught and laughed at. [5]
  • March submitted silently to his punishment, and laughed with her before company at his own eccentricity. [8]
  • Lord Rippingdale suggested to his Majesty that one of the gentlemen should ride ahead to guard against surprise or ambush, but the King laughed, and said that his shire of Lincoln bred no brigands, and he rode on. [11]
  • But Caracalla laughed to himself, and went on cheerfully: «Yes, it is dangerous work, no doubt; and for that reason I pledged my word as Caesar not to require him to pay for the sins of others. [10]
  • He tempted her to express her opinion on all points, and he laughed so amiably at the boldness and humorous vigor of her ideas that she was delighted with him. [8]
  • He could afford to be generous to-night, and he turned to Mr. Worthington and laughed knowingly. [9]
  • With all this tinsel on me and all this tinsel about me, I am but a sheriff after all—a poor shabby two-acre sheriff—and you are but a constable,» and he laughed his cordial laugh again. [5]
  • Yet all the time he laughed in his sleeve, for he foresaw the day when all this money the Two Strange People were spending in his mudirieh should become his own. [11]
  • At any other time Fleda would have laughed at the idea of using the exorcism; but all the ancient superstition of the Romany people latent in her now broke forth and held her captive. [11]
  • The blood rushed through her veins in a hot tide at the thought; she could have laughed aloud and fallen on the neck of every one she met. [10]
  • She laughed nervously, though her heart was still beating hard. [11]
  • The result of this secret survey was, that he shaded his face with his hands, and laughed slyly and noiselessly, until every vein in it was swollen almost to bursting. [12]
  • The success of this manoeuvre tickled Mr Quilp beyond description, and he laughed and stamped upon the ground as at a most irresistible jest. [12]
  • Some laughed at this foolish notion; but others, who knew more of the nebulous sciences, told her it was like’s not jes’ so. [6]
  • Yet dressed in this fantastic garb, these people laughed at my costume. [5]
  • I use to think of that when he was ten, and when he was eighteen I spoke to him about it; but he wouldn’t listen—jest laughed at me. [11]
  • He laughed to think of her fury when he suggested that the Cure would probably have something unpleasant to say about himself. [11]
  • Such an absurd thing to do at night, said the aunt, and then she kissed Margaret, and laughed a little, and declared that things had come to a queer pass when people made love by telegraph. [4]
  • These «sage-freighters,» as they were called, hauled grain and flour and merchandise from Sterling, and Jane laughed suddenly in the midst of her humility at the thought that they were her property, as was one of the three stores for which they freighted goods. [13]
  • Since her return they had laughed and talked as of old when they had met, though her own heart was aching, and he was bitter against the Seigneur. [11]
  • They laughed till they cried at some of my mistakes, but they weren’t no mistakes, not on your life. [11]
  • Everybody laughed at these antiquities —but then they always do; I had noticed that, centuries later. [5]
  • Men laughed till there were tears in their eyes, and a keg of whisky was opened; but somehow Ida did not laugh. [11]
  • As I sat there in my dungeon, with Gabord cocking his head and his eyes rolling, that scene flashed on me, and I laughed freely—so much so that Gabord sulkily puffed out his lips, and flamed like bunting on a coast-guard’s hut. [11]
  • He laughed at theoretical treatises on estate management, disliked factories, the raising of expensive products, and the buying of expensive seed corn, and did not make a hobby of any particular part of the work on his estate. [2]
  • She laughed with them, treated them lightly, and went about her business again with a toss of the head. [11]
  • His admiration of them was complete, although he sometimes laughed half sadly, half whimsically, as he thought of their simple faith in him. [11]
  • I, too, am their lord; but»—and he laughed bitterly—«who has ever raised a hand in prayer for me of his own impulse? [10]
  • Then they slapped their knees, looked at Mr. Lincoln’s face, which was perfectly sober, and laughed again, a little fainter. [9]
  • He laughed at their gravity, for no gravity can equal that of gentlemen who play with stacked cards. [9]
  • Everybody sat on the upper deck, on benches, under an awning; everybody talked, laughed, and exclaimed at the wonder scenery; in truth, a trip on that lake is almost the perfection of pleasuring. [5]
  • Pierre looked at the soldier and remembered that, two days before, that man had burned his shirt while drying it at the fire and how they had laughed at him. [2]
  • Prince Vasili mimicked the sobbing of Sergey Kuzmich and at the same time his eyes glanced toward his daughter, and while he laughed the expression on his face clearly said: «Yes… it’s getting on, it will all be settled today. [2]
  • I can sail the skies all my life if I want to, and steer where I please, though they laughed at that, and said I couldn’t. [5]
  • The gang in the saloon looked around an’ laughed, an’ thet’s about all. [13]
  • For she, like the rest, laughed in me face, whin I told thim of the day whin I—» «That’s nothing. [11]
  • He laughed over the recollection of the conversation in the street car. [9]
  • It was all the more disconcerting to William Wetherell, because his employer laughed rarely. [9]
  • They laughed over the mock ceremony to be performed. [11]
  • But some of the meaner sort were there: Philip and Tom laughed, and Mr. Allen, and my Lord’s sycophants. [9]
  • He laughed at the little beggars, and then a Nabataean took them to be sold at Clysma to a merchant from Rome. [10]
  • The taste of the liquid brought back the afternoon of the day before, and he suddenly stopped drinking, threw back his head, and laughed softly. [11]
  • Cambyses laughed at the large size of the target, weighted the bow with his right hand, challenged his subjects to try their fortune first, and handed the bow to the aged Hystaspes, as the highest in rank among the Achaemenidae. [10]
  • He laughed at the idea of carrying a loaded pistol about with him; but still it seemed only fair, as the old Doctor thought so much of the matter, to humor him about it. [6]
  • He thought of the Honorable Heth’s reform speech in Congress, and laughed loudly in the echoing woods. [9]
  • He laughed at the homespun I wore about the farm, saying it was no costume for a gentleman’s son, and begged me sneeringly to don leather breeches. [9]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word laughed in a sentence? How do you use laughed in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word laughed?
It contains example sentences with the word laughed, a sentence example for laughed, and laughed in sample sentence.

Examples of how to use the word “laugh” in a sentence. How to connect “laugh” with other words to make correct English sentences.

laugh (v, n): to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you think something is funny or you are happy; the act or sound of laughing

Use “laugh” in a sentence

The audience exploded with laughter.
He looked so funny that I couldn’t help laughing.
I couldn’t help laughing.
He gave a hollow laugh.
I told him a joke, but he didn’t laugh.
Why is everyone laughing at me?
I laughed out loudwhen I saw him.
I couldn’t stop laughing.

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