Use the word lately in a sentence

I’ve had to wear a lot of hats lately, including obstetrician

I’ve been having trouble sleeping at night lately

What good movies has he watched lately? What is his favorite class at school? Did his team win the game last weekend? What friends does he hang out with the most? Do not criticize his friends, habits, or favorites

He was the only one to make much news lately

«Well, maybe you haven’t been in the loop quite as much lately, with your time off and being in the far east

Ava had been in her labs a lot lately so that helped leave her lonely

‘I just think that your experiences lately have knocked your confidence rather a lot

She had been more approachable lately and there had been no more incidents of nasty cherubs

«I haven’t slept much lately,” she said as she nodded off

Before going to Janus, I paid a visit to Aphrodite -I like doing so lately

She’s been a little distant lately

‘Don’t know who he’s messing around with lately but there’s always a woman somewhere

I think she has lost her mind, yet she also seems to have become paradoxically popular lately: Until last Christmas she had no friends but me; now, however, she has friendly relations with lots of young people

” (at that point I begin to suspect he means me) “She has asked to return to Janus lately, I accepted, but I know she will leave again soon; nevertheless, I am not going to take her back for a second time, I won’t allow such a disciple to come back

That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman’s commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other »services», instead of books

I have felt enough pain from him lately to know my distance would now be something that could be helpful, «I must go, they are things at the Acropolis that require my attention

I’ve had that happen enough to me lately and I’m tired of learning that lesson

You’ve looked so … so lost lately

«Why certainly, I see how good you’re feeling lately so I think I would enjoy him also

We have been feeling the itch to travel around lately and these are the travel blogs we have been enjoying: Adventure With Mash

«I’ve learned that lately

Desa was feeling a little dull and grey herself lately, and some of that was undoubtedly that she was used to some of the colors being turned up some of the time at least

She just wasn’t whole in herself lately

A few have been recreated lately from preserved DNA but they are still too rare to feed quibartas

Trade hadn’t been up to much lately and she was skint, so there was no point in trying to leave until the boy returned and paid the bill

We’ve made good progress lately

It was not like that lately

He noticed her hanging around Thom a lot lately

No matter how much you push toward the limit, when you’re serving a sentence of three-d reality, you have to do some work to survive and his sentence had felt heavy lately

I’m sure she’s got something to do with all this weird stuff that’s going on lately

So few people had been looking for him lately that he wasn’t worried about it

The mixture of rain and sun we’ve had lately has had major impact on the hedgerows bordering the lane

He had been neglecting Ava too much lately and she was complaining about it

They were not the wooden barrels with bung taps that he knew from the parts of Alan’s universe he had seen lately, they were plumbed fittings behind a polished bar with fine woodwork around it and glowing symbols on the tap handles, more like the place where he used to play the Herndon Cherub for her

Lately they were few and far between and filled with unimportant information

«So what have you been up to lately?» Thom asked as he sat down

«Cooking,» he answered, «I’ve been trying a lot of new recipes lately

He double checked all the extra security Ava had put on his equipment lately

Ken, shocked and concerned about the strange way in which his wife had been behaving lately, carried her back up to the bedroom, where he made sure that the curtains were drawn and that the windows were safely closed and locked, taking the key with him to ensure Helen’s safety

She’s not been at her best lately and you know how

He didn’t know her, but people had been changing their personifications a lot lately

Trade hadn’t been up to much lately and she was skint, so there was

“Have you noticed he’s not himself lately?” Heymon asked about the captain

Lately they had sat with Yellelle and Ava

His loyalty had been pledged to the Elders many long years ago; but lately he was beginning to think that they were all mad

She wasn’t really going with anyone lately, but she still spent a lot of time in his universe, most of it in the Highlands, and now she was spending a lot of sleeps back in the Yakhan in a small marble palace off Third Canal

way in which his wife had been behaving lately, carried her back

Being a sorceress from the Kassikan, she was not as repulsed by such things, “and lately it seems that all those at YingolNeerie might have been destroyed or powered down

Are you okay? What’s up with you and your mood swings lately?”

“What is wrong with you, Ningla? You have not been yourself lately

Ava was just in Tdeshi’s body lately

“I haven’t seen him around much lately either,” I don’t think he pulls boat duty at all these days

As overcome as she had been by Tdeshi’s hormones lately, she would invite him to her room for sex where he would fuck her lights out and she would wake up for Afternoonday with all her notes and data cleaned out

The stairs were his morning work-out, but today he felt all the leg work he’d been doing lately

‘Yes, he’s really shot up lately, but he’s always been a fairly serious-minded lad and pretty mature for his age

Hasn’t Ava been living outside also lately?”

‘So what have you been up to lately? It’s ages since I’ve seen you to talk to and what with the show and everything I’ve got out of touch

Lately he had relied on her to keep the records

Livingson, Miss Spelman, this is my son Harold Bessamer, lately graduated from Malvern

He liked these friends, although lately they seemed to be behaving somewhat distant

“You and I haven’t been seeing that much of each other lately and we only found out three years ago

he’s been losing a lot of money on the cards lately

«Has anyone been to any good opera houses lately?» Andrew asked

been gaining momentum lately

his balls a little about what a fuck he’s been lately

«The best, but what brings you in tonight?» She knew her tone wasn’t friendly, but lately she hadn’t felt very friendly, towards him

The tub was also fed by a little trickle that ran down thru the fields, but the weather had been rather dry lately and that was barely running

She just had a bad habit of stretching it, whenever she got mad, and lately, that was only when she called him

Yhomaire groaned, no doubt he hadn’t changed the water lately

“So that’s why he’s been so stingy lately,” Luray said as she arrived back at the table with full cups

I might settle for one of those in a floor model, but they’re doing some really true things with tension pitch lately, I might settle for a better plastic-string with that

You have lately been under pressure; pressure which would have destroyed lesser men

She moved out lately last year before she gave birth to her first baby

Lately I haven’t had a lot to cheer about

Imagine her fiancé filed the visa for her year ago but it was worked out only lately

Alan saw quite a bit of Chensa but lately less of Mingalle once Kivete moved in, unless the four of them got together for a romp

«It might,» she said, «But there’s another adventure that’s been on my mind a lot more lately,» Desa told him

When Toad found himself in a dank and noisy dungeon, and knew that all the grim darkness of a medieval fortress lay between him and the outer world of sunshine and well-metalled high roads where he had lately been so happy, carrying himself as if he had bought up every road in England, he flung himself at full length on the floor, and shed bitter tears, and abandoned himself to dark despair

of this truth in my heart lately, that many have been called for

If that wasn’t reason enough to push her away, the rumors circulating lately were

Through the greater part of the Low country, the most usual wages of common labour are now eight pence a-day ; tenpence, sometimes a shilling, about Edinburgh, in the counties which border upon England, probably on account of that neighbourhood, and in a few other places where there has lately been a considerable rise in the demand for labour, about Glasgow, Carron, Ayrshire, etc

Both the pecuniary income and expense of such families have increased considerably since that time through the greater part of the kingdom, in some places more, and in some less, though perhaps scarce anywhere so much as some exaggerated accounts of the present wages of labour have lately represented them to the public

He fully enjoyed the power it gave him, but lately he was becoming aware of the cost such power took upon his flesh

Secondly, he could hide out in the work pits where the Keeper rarely tread, for according to Nicola, LeCynic had lately been taking any child with potential from the High Tower, keeping them for his own

Their involvement has been off again, on again, since the beginning of the 53rd but it’s been more off than on lately

Lately he’s had a problem with boredom

That decision is mainly caused by how unglued Victoria has been lately

She hasn’t been herself lately, these past few years

Sleeping under a coach in a transient field wasn’t something she often did lately

‘After all this rain we’ve had lately, the river’s

gentle, but his head ached terribly, and his feet – lately

There has been a lot of talk lately about how antioxidants are important in the diet

Lately, too often even the Maker’s path was shadowed by the corruption

troubling me lately and who better to discuss them with, than her

Won a lottery lately?” and I would answer them all with a wave of

Lately, her nightmares had worsened and I didn’t know how to banish them

“Quartz is used for protection and containment, right?” I had heard the word demon too many times lately

Of course potential recruits were becoming harder to convince lately

It has in that country, indeed, been lately extended to twentyseven, a period still too short to encourage the tenant to make the most important improvements

Synonym: late, latterly, of late, recently. Similar words: privately, accurately, ultimately, desperately, fortunately, deliberately, approximately, definitely. Meaning: [‘leɪtlɪ]  adv. in the recent past. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Have you seen him lately?

2. She’s been behaving very oddly lately.

3. Have you been on a bus lately?

4. What have you been doing lately?

5. She’s been having a tough time of it lately.

6. He hasn’t been too well lately.

7. Have you seen any good films lately?

8. Dad’s health hasn’t been too good lately.

9. George has taken up with Lucy lately.

10. He’s taken quite a few knocks lately.

11. Have you observed any changes lately?

12. She’s been edgy lately, waiting for the test results.

13. Orders have been falling off lately;we must advertise more.

14. We’ve had some dreadful weather lately.

15. He looks very happy lately.

16. I haven’t been feeling so well lately.

17. Lately there has been a trend towards hiring younger, cheaper employees.

18. She’s been edgy lately.

18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

19. I’ve been forgetful lately.

20. He hasn’t been in the best of health lately.

21. She’s been acting very strangely lately.

22. Have you seen any of the gang lately?

23. She’s only lately begun working here.

24. I’ve been avoiding my folks lately.

25. You’ve been in my mind a lot lately.

26. Her work hasn’t been up to par lately.

27. I haven’t been feeling myself lately.

28. Have you seen her lately?

29. We’ve had a hellish time lately.

30. She’s been getting up to all sorts of mischief lately.

More similar words: privately, accurately, ultimately, desperately, fortunately, deliberately, approximately, definitely, relatively, satellite, late, plate, later, relate, isolate, violate, related, isolated, percolate, regulate, calculate, translate, stimulate, speculate, chocolate, insulated, manipulate, articulate, contemplate, sooner or later. 

Definition of Lately


Examples of Lately in a sentence

Frank has been drinking a lot of beer lately because he got fired last week.


Though the salon is usually profitable, lately we have been spending more than we have been making.


Lately, my normally happy-go-lucky mother has been displaying random bursts of anger for no reason.


While Molly is usually carefree, she has been really stressed out lately with the task of Christmas shopping.


Lately, the usually fast-growing city has experienced stagnant population growth.


Other words in the Neutral category:

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Об английском с любовью

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Present Perfect Tense. Отработка (drilling) маячков LATELY и RECENTLY.

Продолжим отрабатывать маячки по шаблонам или по моделям предложений; так можно развивать плавность речи и заодно учить маячки.

1. Маячки “LATELY” и “RECENTLY” переводим одинаково = “недавно”, “за последнее время”. Однако есть различие между этими словами. Запомнить разницу очень легко: если “lately” и “recently” сравнивать по длине, то есть по количеству букв, входящих в слово, то “lately” – короче, значит и ”расстояние по времени” тоже короче: “lately” = “недавно”, то есть в пределах часа, дня, нескольких дней, месяцев и т.д. “Recently” = “недавно”, тогда речь идет о месяцах, годах, десятилетиях и т.д. Оба маячка применяются в утвердительных (+),отрицательных (-) и вопросительных (?) предложениях.

Примеры утвердительных предложений.

(+) I have been there lately. = I’ve been there lately. = Недавно я там была.

(+) He has come back home recently. = He’s come back home recently. = Он недавно вернулся домой.

(+) She has told me about everything lately. = She’s told me everything lately. = Она недавно все мне рассказала.

(+) John has managed to make a good progress in English recently. = За последнее время Джон сумел добиться хороших результатов в английском языке.

(+) They have gained a lot of experience in their work recently. = They’ve gained a lot of experience in their work recently. = За последнее время они приобрели большой опыт в работе.

(+) The postal service has greatly improved lately. = За последнее время почтовое обслуживание значительно улучшилось.

(+) I have had a lot of trouble with my computer lately. = I’ve had a lot of trouble with my computer lately. = Недавно у меня было много проблем с компьютерем.

(+) This writer has published some interesting articles recently. = Этот писатель опубликовал несколько интересных статей за последнее время.

(+) My granny has often been ill lately. = Моя бабушка часто болела последнее время.

(+) Her health has improved lately. = Ее здоровье недавно улучшилось.

Примеры отрицательных предложений.

(-) I have not seen her here lately. = I haven’t seen here here lately. = Последнее время я ее здесь не видел.

(-) He has not called me up lately. = He hasn’t called me up lately. = Он не звонил мне последнее время.

(-) My father has not written to me lately. = Мой отец не писал мне последнее время.

(-) I have not heard from him recently. = I haven’t heard from him recently. = Я не получала от него вестей за последнее время.

(-) She has not work hard lately. = She hasn’t work hard lately. = Она не очень старательно работала последнее время.

Примеры вопросительных предложений.

(?) Have you read a newspaper recently? = Вы читали недавно газету?

(?) Have you seen any good films recently? = Вы видели какие-нибудь хорошие фильмы за последнее время?

(?) Has he been here lately? = Он был здесь недавно?

(?) Has she got married lately? = Она недавно вышла замуж?

(?) Has the lecture begun lately? = Лекция недавно началась?

ВНИМАНИЕ: словосочетание: “ЗА ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ время” может слегка варьироваться, но смысл остается прежним. Приведу примеры:

ЗА ПОСЛЕДНИЕ пять дней = IN THE PAST five days;

ЗА ПОСЛЕДНИЕ несколько дней = IN THE PAST few days;

ЗА ПОСЛЕДНИЕ три месяца = IN THE PAST three months;

ЗА ПОСЛЕДНИЕ десять лет = IN THE PAST ten years;


Примеры предложений со словосочетаниями: “За последние …”.

She has worked hard at her English in the past three months. = Последние три месяца она упорно работала над английским.

Nobody has phoned in the past two hours. = За последние пару часов никто не звонил.

He has been ill in the past few days. = Он проболел последние несколько дней.

They have asked me so many questions in the past ten minutes. = За последние десять минут они задали столько вопросов.

My brother has travelled a lot in the past ten years. = Последние десять лет мой брат много путушествовал.

He hasn’t gone in for sports in the past five years. = Последние пять лет он не занимался спортом.

I haven’ seen him in the past few days. = Последние несколько дней я его не видел.

She hasn’t worked in the past three years. = Последние три года она не работала.

We haven’t received any letters from her in the past six months. = Последние полгода я не получала никаких писем от нее.

She hasn’t called me up in the past few days. = Последние несколько дней она мне не звонила.

Have you met him in the past few months? = Вы встречали его за последние несколько месяцев?

Have they received any letters in the past few days? = Они получали какие-нибудь письма за последние несколько дней?

Has she been at home in the past few hours? = Вы находились дома последние несколько часов?

Has he lived here in the past three years? = Последние три года он жил здесь?

Have you had your English in the past a week? = Вы занимались английским языком последнюю неделю?

При переводах на английский язык многих смущает слово “последний”, и они связывают его с Past Indefinite Tense. Однако сочетания слов : “за последнее время” = “lately” или “за последнии пять минут” = “in the past five minutes” и т.д – это явная связь с настоящим. А если вы говорите — “последний раз” – “last” — это уже прошлое.


You know recently I have been having some unusual ideas.

Обсуждение ( 17 )


В данном контексте мне кажется лучше lately чем recently



Я так поняла, идеи приходят не единожды, потому и lately)


А в чем разница между recently и lately?



Можно было бы сказать: recently some odd ideas STARTED to come to my head / to me.



Я исходила из той логики, что ситуация (идеи в голове) происходит неоднократно, т.е в последнее время эти идеи всё приходят и приходят. Поэтому lately. А если, скажем так: «недавно ко мне пришла странная идея», то здесь уже recently. Мне лично так легче запоминается эта разница между ними, потому что в русском что «в последнее время», что «недавно» зачастую взаимозаменяются (хотя может это и не грамотно).


Получается, что вместе с Present Perfect Continuous лучше употреблять только lately? Просто у меня в учебнике recently и lately подаются как взаимозаменяемые.


Recently vs lately


Anushka Athukorala

Senior Member

Hello Members
I would like to know how «recently» differs from «lately». First I will explain what I have learnt in this forum and from other sources on the internet.

«Lately» is used for activities or events which are repetitive and recurring. It can be used only with the «perfect tense». Some examples
A. I have trained a few different breeds of dogs lately.
B. He had been running some government corporations lately.
C. He just resigned because he has been under lots of stress lately.

«Recently» is used for both activities or events which are repetitive and recurring and one time activities and events. It can be used owith the «perfect tense» and » simple past tense»Some examples.
C. I have trained a few different breeds of dogs recently.
D. He had been running some government corporations recently.
E. He just resigned because he has been under lots of stress recently.
F. We imported a German sheperd recently.
F. He recently crashed his car.

Please advise if my understanding is correct. Thank you.


Uncle Jack

Senior Member

«Recently» refers to a point or points in time in the recent past. It can be used for single events where «lately» cannot, but for repeated events it is less good if you want to emphasise that the action took place over a period of time. «I have trained a few different breeds of dogs recently» sounds fine to me. but I think «He just resigned because he has been under lots of stress recently» would be better with «lately», to help emphasise that this has been over a period of time, rather than being an isolated event (even though «be» makes it clear that this is a state rather than an action).

Note that, sentence E is not wrong or unnatural, it is just that I think that sentence C is better.


Lately vs Recently

How to use lately and recently? For example, of these two sentences:

Which one is grammatically correct?


3 Answers 3

At the same time, it is recently, not lately, that can be used as an adjective in the attributive way to express the quality or character of the thing we are talking about.

For example, you can say «a recently injured hand» or «recently discovered lands» but you can’t use lately here.

Also, you can’t replace recently by lately in the fixed expression»until recently».

Lastly, lately seems more formal while recently can be used in every situation.

P.S. The Ngram shows that since the 1870s there has been a noticeable decline in the use of the word lately and a corresponding rise in the use of the word recently.


Both recently and lately are similar and can often be used interchangeably. However, lately signifies that the speaker wants to discuss both the past and present and then contrast the two. Recently can also be used in the same way. However, recently can also be used simply to specify the time when something happened without implying that events in the past are needed to understand the context of current events.

For example, «I haven’t been sleeping well lately» and «I haven’t been sleeping well recently» are more-or-less equivalent. The speaker used to sleep well and now he doesn’t. Both the past and present are equally important to understand the situation, so either recently or lately can be used.

However, you would not say «I lately met my friend for lunch.» A listener would wonder «Lately? In contrast to what exactly?»

But you could say «I recently met my friend for lunch.» This just tells the listener when something happened and doesn’t imply that past events are important to understanding the context of current events.

If you aren’t sure whether to use lately or recently, you can normally just use recently and the proper nuance will be conveyed.


Предложения с lately и recently

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They are synonyms.

Examples of usage:
— I haven’t been to the movies, lately.
— I haven’t been to the store, recently.
— Have you been to the movies lately?
— Recently, have you been to the store? (Have you been to the store recently?)

In informal English, usually ‘lately’ is used at the end of the sentence. (I haven’t done this, lately. I haven’t colored lately. I haven’t worked out lately.) ‘Recently’ is used in the beginning of a sentence, like: Recently, I haven’t been feeling well. Recently, I haven’t watched any good TV shows.

Look, here:
I haven’t watched any good TV shows, lately.
Recently, I haven’t watched any good TV shows.

I haven’t spent time with my friends, lately.
Recently, I haven’t been spending time with my friends.


i posted on lang-8 of website earlier
and someone checked my English and then he corrected my sentence
like: I bought a new laptop recently!!
i typed I bought a new laptop lately!!
that’s why i was confused lol
but now, i got the mean!
in just case he corrected my English for formal version, right?


The difference can be seen when referring to a point in time (in the past).

Her grandfather passed away recently.
I bought a new laptop recently.
He recently visited my sister at the hospital.

In the examples, recently means something like «not too long ago». It is referring to only *one* point time in the near past. Simply, the event happened only once.

«Recently» is helpful especially when the specific date or time is not important, but you just want to say it happened «not too long ago».

«Lately» is somewhat linked to frequency. Meaning the event had/has been happening. Which is why you can’t use it with verbs which can only happen once, like:
Her grandfather died lately.❌

«Recently» and «lately» are interchangeable most of the time.
But I think «recently» is used more when the verb is in the past form. For simple past verbs, «recently» is used ⭕️& not «lately»❌.

But some people may say that it sounds ok even if it’s in the past.
I *had been buying laptops lately.

In written language, especially when grammar is checked, teachers may correct it and say it should be «I *have been buying laptops lately.»

Sorry this answer is too long! Hope it helped tho. :)


Sentences starting with lately

  • Lately he has turned the subject over, and is sorry that his father wore out the vest and did not bring away the chair. [4]
  • Lately you were praising to me the beauty of the great Hall of Columns nearly completed in the Temple of Amon over yonder in Thebes. [10]
  • Lately I quit Miss Withersteen. [13]
  • Lately his case has developed a something which is a wonder to the hired nurses, but which will not be much of a marvel to you if you have read medical philosophy much. [5]
  • Lately bad feeling has been growing on the Sagalac, and only a spark was needed to fire the ricks. [11]
  • Lately I have felt as if I were rotting with egotism. [5]
  • Lately evidences of bituminous coal have been detected. [5]
  • Lately I’m not as strong as I was. [5]
  • Lately there was another hunt for an heir to another princely house, and one was found who was circumstanced about as the Gaikwar had been. [5]

Sentences ending with lately

  • I’ve been thinking you over lately. [9]
  • Some chance allusion was made by a lady to an article in a recent magazine which had pleased her more than anything she had seen lately. [4]
  • The same tree they rested under when they first arrived, was there a short time ago, but the Viceroy of Egypt sent it to the Empress Eugenie lately. [5]
  • Have you seen them, any of them, lately? [8]
  • As we proceed, the people are wilder and much more curious about us, having, it is evident, seen few strangers lately. [4]
  • It was probably the only really bright and cheery hour she had known lately. [5]
  • I wonder what’s the matter with me lately? [5]
  • And speaking of the book, I inclose something which has been happening here lately. [5]
  • There’s been right smart rain lately. [4]
  • Believe me, Very sincerely yours, I have thought a good deal about this letter and the writer of it lately. [6]

Short sentences using lately

  • I hain’t sold much lately. [4]
  • Have you seen him lately? [9]
  • I haven’t asked her lately. [5]

More example sentences with the word lately in them

  • In one so young, and so unused to the scenes in which she had lately moved, this sinking of the spirit was not surprising. [12]
  • When I postponed you lately, I did it because I thought I should be cramped for money until January, but that has turned out to be an error, so I hasten to cut short the postponement. [5]
  • Again and again you have recurred to my thoughts lately, and I was beginning to have some sad presages as to the cause of your silence. [14]
  • Only lately he wrote to his uncle from Paris that he was minded to make me his wife. [10]
  • I had been wounded lately, and was not able to ride without help; but the good Dwarf took me on behind him, and I held on to him and was safe enough. [5]
  • The weeks again wore on, and autumn became winter, and then at last one day the Cure came, bringing his brother, a great Parisian surgeon lately arrived from France on a short visit. [11]
  • The gold coins with the head of Alexander the Great are some of them so fresh one might think they were newer than much of the silver currency we were lately handling. [6]
  • I write it with pride, that at these suppers I was sometimes asked to speak; and, having been but lately to England, to give my opinion upon the state of affairs there. [9]
  • A new species, with a still larger neck-appendage (C. penduliger), has lately been discovered, see ‘Ibis,’ vol. [1]
  • The pious youth, who so lately had punished his flesh with the scourge to banish seductive dream-figures, had in these few days become quite another man. [10]
  • There was another who read the account of the exercises with intense interest, a gentleman of whom we have lately forborne to speak. [9]
  • The only complaints which we have heard have come from circuits which were so large that the judges could not dispose of the business, and the circuits in which Judges Pearson and Ralston lately presided. [7]
  • When you rode, which wasn’t often lately, the sage was full of sneakin’ men. [13]
  • So we dodged—we were used to that by this time—and when the scouts reached the spot we had so lately occupied, we were absent. [5]
  • A few lascars were still cleansing the decks; others were seated on their haunches between decks, eating curry from a calabash; a couple of passengers were indolently munching oranges; and Stone the quartermaster was inspecting the work lately done by the lascars. [11]
  • In this company were a couple of gallants, lately come over, Gabriel Beadle and John Russell, proper gentlemen, but unused to hardships, whom Smith has immortalized by his novel cure of their profanity. [4]
  • And thence we went to Mr. Premchand Roychand’s bungalow, in Lovelane, Byculla, where an Indian prince was to receive a deputation of the Jain community who desired to congratulate him upon a high honor lately conferred upon him by his sovereign, Victoria, Empress of India. [5]
  • Mr. J. Jenner Weir has lately given me an analogous case with ducks of two species. [1]
  • Such, or something very similar, has been the observation made to me lately, whilst I have been from home, by members of some of the ancient East Lancashire families, whose mansions lie on the hilly border-land between the two counties. [14]
  • But Barine, who usually could never gaze her fill at such a spectacle, did not thank her, for this sunset reminded her of another which she had lately watched at Dion’s side, and she again broke into convulsive sobs. [10]
  • The philosopher asked us at once whether we were aware that Theodosius had lately promulgated a new edict forbidding young maidens to appear in public as singers or flute-players. [10]
  • Such is the turn which things have taken lately, that when Gen. Adams writes a book, I am expected to write a commentary on it. [7]
  • A mounted policeman trotted past her as she crossed a gravel drive, and on the tree-flecked stretches, which lately had been empty as Eden, human figures were scattered. [9]
  • He had learned to speak French like a Parisian, had hobnobbed with wit and wickedness from Versailles to Rome, and then had come back to Annapolis to set the fashions and to spend the fortune his uncle lately had left him. [9]
  • Pentaur knew where to seek Gagabu, for he himself had been invited to the banquet which the prophet had prepared in honor of two sages who had lately come to the House of Seti from the university of Chennu. [10]
  • Quite lately, happening to meet a wounded French colonel on the road, Rostov had maintained with heat that peace was impossible between a legitimate sovereign and the criminal Bonaparte. [2]
  • He was preparing to enter the university, but he and his friend Obolenski had lately, in secret, agreed to join the hussars. [2]
  • In his appendix to «Variolae Triumphatae,» he says,— «There has been a wonderful practice lately used in several parts of the world, which indeed is not yet become common in our nation. [3]
  • Rich people were timid and suspicious; and as the Emperor had lately promulgated fresh and more stringent edicts against the magic arts, Posidonius had thought it prudent to postpone the meeting. [10]
  • You have been through excitement and trouble lately, and it has made you feel such a need more than ever. [6]
  • But even in this I can see lately a shade of improvement. [2]
  • The Indians knew this because two men lately dead had revived and come back to tell them of the other world. [4]
  • Some of the things in it were not very familiar; he had spent lately a great deal on rugs, on stuffs, on Japanese bric-a-brac. [8]
  • The most encouraging thing I have seen lately is an experiment in one of our cities. [4]
  • And just lately they have had some cause for rejoicing. [10]
  • She wondered if the unrest and strife that had lately come to the little village of Cottonwoods was to involve her. [13]
  • Still, he knew the master of Castlegarry was alive, for he had seen him mentioned in a chance number of The Morning Post lately come to his hands. [11]
  • The meetings of the M. superba are sometimes very large; and an account has lately been published (3. [1]
  • The master for the English branches had lately left the school for private reasons, which need not be here mentioned,—but he had gone, at any rate, and it was his place which had been offered to Mr. Bernard Langdon. [6]
  • Nathan also said that some man, whom he could not remember, had said lately that Menard County was going to decide the contest and that made the contest very doubtful. [7]
  • It is not strange that the spurs of the man who had so lately got out of the saddle should catch in the scholastic robe of the man on the floor of the Senate. [6]
  • Here rare some specimens which I lately bought at an auction sale of the effects of a bankrupt bric-a-brac hunter: Generalstaatsverordnetenversammlungen. [5]
  • Another lately added sorrow arose from the lessons she gave her six year-old nephew. [2]
  • Apparently the censor sometimes revises his verdicts upon second thought, for several times lately he has suppressed journals after their issue and partial distribution. [5]
  • Next I discovered some emigrant wagons going into camp on the plaza and found that they had lately come through the hostile Indian country and had fared rather roughly. [5]
  • After Ledscha had so lately reminded the lover who so vehemently roused her jealous wrath what this night of the full moon meant to her, she could rely upon his appearance in spite of everything. [10]
  • She has seemed so fond of dress lately, and once she spoke of learning—yes, Mr. Bradshaw, of learning to—dance! [6]
  • He has been sick and threatened with consumption, but I have not inquired after him lately. [5]
  • As she entered, she saw a heap moving in one corner—a lion lately bought. [11]
  • I know what she has been busy with lately, and the queer idea she has got into her head. [6]
  • All her days she had lived precariously near it, and lately she had visited these people, had been torn by the sight of what they endured. [9]
  • At first, when she began to recover, I was conscious only of the vitality—but lately I feel the other quality. [9]
  • The cousins had seen each other lately, and Private Gellatly had had a talk with the man who was ha’sh. [11]
  • His friend Helena seemed to have the same feeling, when she saw what this day had given her sister; and the philosopher’s house, so lately shadowed by anxiety, and many a fear, would soon ring with voices uttering joyous congratulations. [10]
  • The good people seemed to have forgotten they ever had had any other minister, except Deacon Shearer and his set of malcontents, who were doing a dull business in the meeting-house lately occupied by the Reverend Mr. Fairweather. [6]
  • A loosely tied scarf round my arm showed that some one had lately left me, and would return to finish the bandaging. [11]
  • There were several rows and clusters of shabby frame-houses, and a supply of mud sufficient to insure the town against a famine in that article for a hundred years; for the overflow had but lately subsided. [5]
  • On this Seleukus referred me to a picture painted by old Sosibius, who has lately gone to Rome to work in Caesar’s new baths. [10]
  • I need not refer to the case lately read before this Society, in which a physician went, soon after performing an autopsy of a case of puerperal fever, to a woman in labor, who was seized with the same disease and perished. [3]
  • I have not received a letter from home lately, but got a «‘Journal'» the other day, in which I see the office has been sold. [5]
  • I have lately read an article by Joh. [1]
  • There’s been some queer deals lately an’ this seemed to me the queerest. [13]
  • A distinguished physiologist, Prof. Preyer, informs me that he had lately been experimenting on the function of the shell of the ear, and has come to nearly the same conclusion as that given here. [1]
  • Coming round a point of rock, I saw the Gray Monk, of whom strange legends had lately travelled to the city. [11]
  • A painful hush pervaded the place which had lately been so full of cheery life. [5]
  • The moral sense perhaps affords the best and highest distinction between man and the lower animals; but I need say nothing on this head, as I have so lately endeavoured to shew that the social instincts,—the prime principle of man’s moral constitution (50. [1]
  • A whisper had passed that, two nights before, the Effendina had sent in haste for a famous Italian physician lately come to Cairo, and that since his visit Kaid had been sullen and depressed. [11]
  • He was very pale and looked as if he had but lately come out of a sick bed, and also as if he ought to get back into it again as soon as possible. [5]
  • It never came over me until lately how much good that old woman did in the world. [4]
  • We took off our shoes and went into the marble mausoleum of the Sultan Mahmoud, the neatest piece of architecture, inside, that I have seen lately. [5]
  • The passage was originally taken from the «Histoire Naturelle des Betes Ruminans et Rongeurs, Bipedes et Autres,» lately published in Paris. [6]
  • It has been only lately that Mr. Carnegie beatified me. [5]
  • This man had only lately come into his life, and was only near to him in a business sense. [11]
  • Veit Gundling, the old master-brewer, had lately departed this life, and the electors had been of one mind in choosing the coppersmith to fill his place, and he was likewise approved by the guilds. [10]
  • The heroic devotion of this woman, and Pretty Pierre’s act of friendship to her, together with the swift panorama of his past across the seas, awoke the whole man in Shon, as the staunch life that he had lately led rendered it possible. [11]
  • At the hands of the lately despised and injurious woman Rosalie was made ready to play the part in the last act, none knowing save the few who appeared in the final tableau, and they at the last moment only. [11]
  • Of the hundreds of tents which till lately had covered it, only those of the seventh cohort of the praetorian guard remained; for these, having to protect the person of the emperor, had not been quartered in the town. [10]
  • It reminded us of poor Maximilian, so lately shot. [5]
  • Frank J. McLean, of Ninth Tennessee Cavalry now, or lately, at Johnson’s Island, for Capt. [7]
  • And—without the air of having picked the single instance, but of having chosen from many—Mrs. Kame added that she had only lately seen Elsie Shorter, whose admiration for Honora was greater than ever. [9]
  • I have repeatedly observed this fact in England; but two gentlemen have lately written to me, saying that they form an exception to the rule. [1]
  • One of the obelisks erected by Rameses at Heliopolis is now standing in the Place de la Concorde at Paris, and has been lately translated by E. Chabas. [10]
  • I am suffering now from the fact that I, who have told the truth a good many times in my life, have lately received more letters than anybody else urging me to lead a righteous life. [5]
  • And I am not surprised to find Old Phelps lately rising to the audacity of criticising his exemplar. [4]
  • Sabina’s urgency would not alone have sufficed to put a term to his hesitancy, especially as it had lately been farther increased by a wish that was all his own. [10]
  • But there had never been a sign from her, nor any word from Mavick lately. [4]
  • In a long, narrow room apart hung the portraits, waiting to be attached to the upper end of the mummy-cases of those lately deceased, and still in the hands of embalmers. [10]
  • I have thought much of Anson lately. [11]
  • I have felt much less of the disagreeable pains in my chest lately, and much less also of the soreness and hoarseness. [14]
  • Being out of money, I sought work, and got it; did my duty faithfully about a year, and was then given the berth of night watchman yonder in that dead-house which you visited lately. [5]
  • Mrs. K—-is a Missourian, and lately she discovered, by accident, that she was a remarkable hypnotiser. [5]
  • He had ever loved appreciation, not to say flattery, and he had had very little of it lately. [11]
  • The little man looked down at the lately rebuilt hut, and ground his teeth, when, through an opening in the hedge, he saw the white robe of a man, who was sitting by Uarda. [10]
  • It was your little sister, was it not, of whom you were speaking to me lately? [10]
  • Among these Thackeray’s Lectures (which had lately been delivered in Manchester) were spoken of and that on Fielding especially dwelt upon. [14]
  • Her life till lately was like a long, sunny day, and now the hail is pelting her from all sides at once. [10]
  • And the populace?—He lately spoiled the game of your brother, who was acting for me, in a way. [10]
  • Prof. Wyman has lately shewn (Fourth Annual Report, Peabody Museum, 1871, p. 20), that this perforation is present in thirty-one per cent. [1]
  • The government has lately reduced the duty upon foreign wines. [5]
  • Dr. Beddoe has lately proved that, with the inhabitants of Britain, residence in towns and certain occupations have a deteriorating influence on height; and he infers that the result is to a certain extent inherited, as is likewise the case in the United States. [1]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word lately in a sentence? How do you use lately in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word lately?
It contains example sentences with the word lately, a sentence example for lately, and lately in sample sentence.

: of late : recently

has been friendlier lately


Example Sentences

He has been feeling better lately.

Lately, she has been worrying about her son.

Recent Examples on the Web

Just as candle companies have lately been iterating on attractive chalices for their wax, so too have incense ateliers—elevating the traditional stand into art that stands on its own.

Austa Somvichian-clausen, Robb Report, 11 Apr. 2023

Okay, so what’s Heidi been doing in the fitness department lately?

Korin Miller, Women’s Health, 11 Apr. 2023

Slotkin’s reelection last fall was the third most-expensive House race in the nation, and Michigan itself has been trending blue lately, with both legislative chambers and the governorship now controlled by Democrats.

Daniel Strauss, The New Republic, 10 Apr. 2023

Mario‘s modest haul amounted to the biggest opening day for a Hollywood animation since the start of the pandemic and the second-biggest single day for a U.S. studio film in 2023 — but that’s not saying much given how poorly Hollywood films have fared in China lately.

Patrick Brzeski, The Hollywood Reporter, 9 Apr. 2023

More artsy and low-key, Stari Grad, located along the island’s northern side, has been coming into its own lately as an alternative Hvar base — and for all the right reasons.

Anja Mutic, Travel + Leisure, 9 Apr. 2023

But this year, the district has sharply reduced pumping from the Colorado River, lately running just three or four pumps.

Ian James, Los Angeles Times, 8 Apr. 2023

Anyone who has been to a grocery store lately will know that both of these mobilizations failed: Kellogg Co. is still outperforming market predictions — even with inflation raising prices.

Miles Klee, Rolling Stone, 8 Apr. 2023

If friends, lovers, family, or work relationships have felt undeniably difficult lately, this chapter is likely coming to a close in March.

Meghan Rose, Glamour, 1 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘lately.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

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15th century, in the meaning defined above

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The first known use of lately was
in the 15th century

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“Lately.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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13 Apr 2023
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  • #6

´m reviwing my grammar notes and I´ve lerant that LATELY is an time adverb and as all of them it goes as a complement at the end of the sentence.However, I´ve ound many expample in which it goes at the beginning.

Lately, I´ve been missing you… —> (this example is extracted from a thread in this forum )

Am I wrong thinking that LATELY always goes at the end ?

Syntactically, «lately» can go at the beginning or end of a sentence. The difference is semantic, something that can be insignificant or more pronounced. The idea is that at the beginning, adverbs modify the entire sentence; when they come at the end, adverbs modify the head of the adverb. So, it’s a question of focus. In Lately, I’ve been missing you, the adverb modifies «I’ve been missing you;» the focus is on the entire sentence; I’m looking at things from my perspective. By contrast, in I’ve missing you lately, the adverb is drawn to modify its head «you» (the focus is on «you» and not on «someone else» not mentioned). The difference can be seen so small that, for all practical purposes, it doesn’t really matter where you put this «lately.» In other cases, the difference can be more pronounced. For example, in the link given by Dani0110 we have I don’t know what’s been bothering you lately. Here, that «lately» modifies «you,» where «you» becomes the focus. Shift the adverb to the front, and the focus changes; now the entire sentence is modified by the adverb, the effect being (at least to me) that the focus now is more on «I:» Lately, I don’t know what’s been bothering you.

Last edited: Feb 10, 2017

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