Use the word last in a sentence

Ava was back down by the time the last one was cool enough to hold

Q1 — When was the last time you kept a secret?

Q2 — When was the last time you helped a colleague?

We had a big party here last week

«Well; the things didn’t last,» Jorma said, «The pocket-eyes you mean

calculates it, down to the very last detail

Me and the guys were always regulars there and they decided to buy it from Jack, the last owner

minute; that was Casualty last week

“Did you see that film last night featuring the woman who was married to that chap? You know, the one who used to go out with the woman

when the last moment was actually due?” I hear you ask

eventually repenting at the last moment

Now, here’s the last thing I want you to understand about time

It could be last winter all over again

‘What? How long is it since you last did that?” Kira noted his hyper raised eyebrows behind the glasses with amusement

Those people might have your last name

Hence it was their second last day, and their first trip to the beach

He saw what she had now, another scrap of paper that Ava said was useless, the last in that folder

He wondered where she was now, playing in the snows of Kugenzglaw? Or did she experience one winter and head right back down to her old place down Sinbara point? What if she’d come up to the Wild Catch last Nightday?

Where were you last year at this exact time

Just after the last one, the corridor became a wide and gradual staircase that lead to the floor above and a bridge to a court atop the next building

I lived it up these last ten years, I lived like that house was mine

It literally breaks our overnight fast, which can last from 12 to 16 hours depending on what time we had dinner the previous night

«I probably still do,» Ava said, «Last I knew it was still in the back of some lab at the Kassikan

«Yeah, I can’t get the last bite of this in and it’s cold anyway

This will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days

“I am going to hurt you!” Bob declared, his simple mind latching onto the last thing he had heard and going with it

•Only use these traps as a last resort

Please do not use poisons even as a last resort

Underling’s back that he was just in the process of doing that very thing when he realized at the last moment that it might look like he was being sarcastic

The best time to apply compost to the lawn is in early spring (or as soon as the last frost is over)

Medical science has advanced by leaps and bounds in the last few decades

“Oh no, this is last month’s sales report,” Henry stated with fear

“It is last month’s and last year’s sales report!”

His parents sent him to summer camp last month and he had bug bites all over his arms and legs

Their ship was the last of the great daedelus sleepers and traveled so slowly that it reached Narrulla’s null point late in the Earth year 2342, a hundred ninety four years from its launch

Clunker,” Nancy said, putting the emphasis on his last name, which she knew he hated

«That was last year, she told me about both

My friends say I should have slurped up his liquefied remains a long time ago, but marriage should last forever, shouldn’t it? But now, looking at him wave around that big jaundiced hourglass on his backside, I’m not so sure

In this last chapter we will summaries what we have

It will last a long time and will protect plants from crawling insects

this is the last straw! You lied about being sick! You lied about Grandpa being sick!»

Millie dragged her feet in a last act of defiance, crying as she went

James closed his jaundiced eyes, perhaps for the last time

His nation still survived till the end, it was probably the last surviving mortal democracy

He wouldn’t last long enough to find out what happened

Then in the last ten years or so, one started hearing and reading about Senior Citizens

The superficial currents won’t last more than a minute, but it will be enough time for us to bypass the alarm and slip inside

» She must have seen Ava looking distracted, «Sorry, I guess I haven’t really changed much in the last couple years

That gun … when did I last see it?

Raising the cup to my lips, I drink my coffee, the hot liquid hitting me hard, while the Inspector outlines what happened last Monday evening

Silence looked down and saw the gun just at the last moment

Question: Last year we had moths growing in a cereal box in the pantry and they literally took over

But the last thing she was going to do was let anyone see her doubt

What good movies has he watched lately? What is his favorite class at school? Did his team win the game last weekend? What friends does he hang out with the most? Do not criticize his friends, habits, or favorites

The city is not on Beghtik dam, but draws water power thru the cut into the last canal of the interconnects

Liam had left his putter on the floor; he’d been practicing last night

It was only a little more than an hour till they were out on the open lake where he opened the throttle full and pounded over the water in the last gloom of dusk

And it will only last long enough to disorientate everyone and allow us to get away,” she said with a glint in her eye

It was his last chance …

This dusting will kill any flea eggs as they hatch and will last for a long time

“I don’t know,” he said at last as he took off his spy outfit and got changed into school clothes

‘Yes, he’s desperately trying to remember the last time he saw it in there, but you know what these glory holes are like

‘When was it last used for a production, Doreen?’

Herndon had seen this tunnel many times, the last time during this very year

Over the last couple of years, one class of investors has been hit the hardest – the retired individual

I’ve become totally fixated on the things over the course of the last month

‘What is it?’ I asked, sensing something behind that last exclamation

Her entertainment was this smelly, skittish animal, and the sting of the wounds from the last time it bucked her off

She told me that Henry has been really worried, desperately trying to remember when he last saw the gun, Stephen … they are pretty sure it was lent out with a load of other stuff for a themed party sometime back in March

I set the alarm without thinking last night so, when it goes off at the usual time, I wake just to lie in bed and wonder what I should do

Though the last one is the final one, it makes sense to destroy the previous ones

‘The last few days have been rather nerve-wracking but it’s all sorted out now

He’s not himself this morning … I try not to fuss over him, but I’d hazard a guess that he didn’t get much sleep last night

At one point, I nearly rang Emma, but thought better of it, she’d only feel that she had to come over and the last thing I want is for her to come round here and see me in pieces

An added benefit is that roses organically grown are more disease resistant, & they last longer!

«Has it been that long since we talked last?» she asked

Damn! That’s the last of that bottle … better go and open the other one

She hurried to get her last message off his lens as Herndon came into the room

Maybe I have taken you for granted the last few weeks you were here? Maybe I forgot to tell you how honored I am any time you could grace me with your presence? You are welcome in my home and in my bed at your pleasure, as I hoped you understood by now

He hasn’t mentioned where he slept last night yet … not that it’s any business of mine …

the truth, and with that admission the last of his strength began to drip away

When last he’d been out it was autumn and

«Ah, we find it at last,» Tahlmute said, as much for the man at the desk as doostEr

giggled, whittling away at the last splinters of another wonderful day that would

‘We’ve not been to that one and you mentioned it when the National Trust magazine came last time, Mum

«He paid me well the last time, in spite of the waste of time

Love does not last forever, not as you know it now

The lucky ones discover friendship and when you are true friends then love can last

the friendship that makes love last forever

It did say that at last count there were three hundred seventy one claimants

union, until, just as they began the last violent thrusts of fire rimmed ardour, just as

SuperSeaweed makes your fertilizer last longer and you will have to use less

The last time I went in there I noticed that the walls were peeling badly

In short I have found peace at last

This is the last thing I thought he’d suggest

Over the last forty decades they’d developed the habit of Dusksleep as the one they do something and someone else

‘Mum mentioned your son when I saw her last

Her head went low again as Theo turned to take one last look at his old friend

For the last forty decades scientists agreed that life of humanoid evolution had been transported here from a planet at a star called YingolNeerie and Estwig had never heard otherwise

vengeance writ large, and that was when the company tried their one last, desperate

That had been good while it lasted, in some ways even better than Ava, almost the best of Ava and the best of Tdeshi

Then she realized it lasted three or four on the planet below

In Little League Baseball, games only lasted six innings unless they went into extra innings

She had to admit that while it lasted, life on a pirate ship was a lot more fun

sequence that lasted for millennia, but for Smith that moment of absolute happiness in

Those extroverts who tried it never lasted long and Rosy was left to cover the holes in the schedule, rehire and retrain the next warm body for the job

That lasted nearly nine months, I believe, by this time he was sharing a house with a mixed group – and they went around as a crowd much like he had in his teens

She lasted until they both graduated … I think she was expecting it to go on, but they were unable to get jobs in the same town and, after about six months of living fifty miles apart, it fizzled out

Each of them lasted a ten-thousandth of a second, but each one burned itself on his retina so that in only a few moments of looking up at that dazzling display, his vision was a network of slowly fading veins of blindness

He wondered if someone had recalled their commander from backup and Vincef had found a way to regain control of the expedition? He was glad his sentence had only lasted three days

It’s hard to tell how long my fall had lasted; suddenly, the spaceship seemed to decelerate and I realized I was arriving somewhere

In the primordial soup of creation a chemical chain might have a lifetime of a second, or it might exist in an unbroken sequence that lasted for millennia, but for Smith that moment of absolute happiness in the melody of life was nothing but a blink of an eye

This lasted for a few billion digits, a few thousand packets

The stand off lasted for nearly a minute before the sound of a siren in the distance saw the three of them break into a hectic run back the way they had come

They wouldn’t have thought forever lasted this long

Ali lasted eight overs

The fitments are not terribly up to date but were obviously good quality when they were purchased and have lasted well

over the jugs, building webs that lasted for a thousand years or

The stand off lasted for nearly a minute before the

(he had a total of one treatment that lasted about

but none of these relationships lasted

He knew only of the friendly starship that had started a period of contact between Kassidor and YingolNeerie that lasted most of the last twenty decades

“Their courtship lasted nearly two years

That was a tough job and without him I probably wouldn’t have lasted a week there

It was about a local decade that the devices reliably lasted

“This marketplace would accept it if it lasted a century

Instead I let out a squeaky high-pitched fart that lasted only a second

silence lasted several moments before the question was

‘This disaster only lasted a couple of days, but it

Smiles lasted the rest of the day

Heather had a different idea, which lasted several minutes

It wasn’t enough, and it never lasted long, but she enjoyed all he was willing to give

The screams of the injured men lasted only seconds—the dogs tore though

Her next one lasted a record three hours and twelve minutes before being found

and gave me an ovation that lasted a lot longer than it should have

More often than not, she was roused for the latter; few Captains in Transit lasted more than a decade before they lost their minds and Argos determined them to be hazardous to the ship and the entire mission

steps lasted only a few seconds

we made the most of the good weather while it lasted), so

Their rocky marriage — which lasted a year, maybe a

lasted 2000 years, and the time of the gentile Church has lasted

As good as that master had been, he wouldn’t have lasted a minute against Nathalia

Alan loved the 40’s, the era that lasted from late classical Greece til about 1000ad on Earth

And how have I lasted this long? I should have been dead ages ago

«And I didn’t think you would have lasted as long as you did,» Solo Ki spoke

Without Alan to come home to, Sarsawuf lasted past the release of ValosHallow and on into the gigs that went with it, four in two weeks, just one this week

Nathaniel’s ammunition lasted for twenty-eight seconds

How could one so caring have lasted so long against the Plague? The light of his halo was so pure it was almost painful to behold

the most monstrous coalition, which lasted over

journey that lasted a few minutes, she went deep

relationship had lasted a solid nine years, and would go on

When the German and Scythian nations overran the western provinces of the Roman empire, the confusions which followed so great a revolution lasted for several centuries

It was as hard as leather, and she could only chew on one side of her mouth, so it lasted until she reached the stream

But for Penelope, the effect lasted much longer — and was much more profound

“Okay, ‘magical’,” Isin surrendered, “They couldn’t have lasted a few days on that planet, let alone the years they claim to have been there

«It lasted like that for a few years

that lasted twelve days

It lasted a long time and was thoroughly gratifying

It lasted so long, in fact, that both boys had emptied their cocks into her body and had both stopped pumping before she knew a complete and of sensation

In 6357, Rylan Kamuna was chosen, and though the pretense of an elected monarch lasted until his death, it was then that the next Dynasty began

He lasted so long against them that the women and children had enough time to get away, but the men were slain when they went to reinforce the Mage

The anomaly only lasted three point two picoseconds before it returned to a normal state

using the ink, that was trickling down his face, as long as it lasted

The bounty which that philosophical emperor, as we learn from Lucian, bestowed upon one of the teachers of philosophy, probably lasted no longer than his own life

Combined with the money the children contributed until they married, it lasted until our last child had a home of her own

“You meant to say they had a war that lasted a hundred years”, his face looked a picture of disbelief as he said this

The thing was he only lasted another couple of days in the line once again he ignored advice this time about the snipers and that was the last time he did because they nailed him he had paid the ultimate price for his arrogance

Jon’s first voyage lasted two years and three days

The battle lasted for

April 16 and lasted until April 24 when the Hartford and the rest of the fleet passed them at night

Confederate naval initiatives, and therefore the Civil War lasted much longer than it would have otherwise

It was a very disheartening experience for all aboard, and it lasted for days and days

I must, however, differ from those who consider it a monolithic tongue, due to the fact that, in its present state, it has evolved from the ancient Briton, the Roman Latin, the Anglo and Saxon as well as the Frisian, the Norse, and of course French, after the Battle of Hastings in 1066, which resulted in the reign of the Plantagenets that lasted for two hundred years and resulted in the Court of England speaking French accordingly

The festivities lasted another four days

It was unlikely a challenge would be made, particularly with the twelve Nordic Guardians sharing ale with the Torvellen – as well as the presence of the Torvellen King – though Arawn explained that blood feuds lasted generations amongst the immortals which could be thousands of years old

have lasted for years

Druantia must have been stronger to have lasted so long without rest

Those dreams lasted most of the five hours she was able to stay asleep

That lasted more than a minute, and when they pulled away, they stared at each other for moments longer

Negotiations lasted four days in fact, in large pavilion-style tents set up in the centre of the battlefield

He had sensed those emotions rising in Adem and Jean earlier this evening, though it hadn’t lasted long enough to have been anything more than a few passionate kisses

countries, now including Canada that has lasted to this day

mid 1950s and lasted until about 1969

The happiness had lasted until he switched on the television and saw the new fight schedule

If you’re reading this, then I guess you lasted longer than I did in that terrible place

I knew nothing of my fever except that it lasted five weeks

Perhaps, he thought, some might even have lasted long enough to register what

It lasted a few years and despite its reputation it was not much of an insurrection

It lasted for decade, and it will take decades to restore a semblance of confidence…if ever

He had been watching me so he and another man took me by the arms, put me in a pickup with me in the middle, and drove up to this Pentecostal church where they took me into the church and they along with the pastor and two other men prayed over me, and laid hands on me this lasted for about 45 minutes

After the parade, which lasted all morning, we greeted each other and our sergeant who cried and told us that we were «not so f bad after all, and to be safe in the mean streets

Our standard tyres were another problem as they only lasted six thousand miles on average but were replaced according to regulations only at nine thousand miles

the only home they had; yet if this weather lasted they might soon have

weeks, while the snow lasted, Nora and Tot had fine times in the little

This lasted for about a week

So now that had come to an end, though it had certainly lasted longer than any other fling she’d had

Josie gave me a hug that lasted so long and was so tight that I felt the sobs breaking from her body against mine

It is to be wondered at that the Apartheid State lasted as long as it did and probably due to its powerful security forces

When she concluded the song, she received a standing ovation that lasted several minutes

The interrogation lasted all of a few minutes, and the same procedure was followed

What: The Cold War, a mix of declared and undeclared, official and unofficial wars and conflicts that lasted 40 years

We are here for a higher purpose which, when discovered and fulfilled, provides permanent peace of mind and lasting soul fulfillment

things can be said at business meetings that have lasting consequences

With each passing day the weight of the blows always seemed a little heavier and his invective a little louder, lasting for longer

«A crew like you re-affirms my faith in lasting the candle out

Her work in building bonds of friendship and economic benefit between our peoples over the last fifteen years will stand as a lasting tribute to her vision and practical ability

Remember, in order to maintain a long lasting relationship, it is important to have at least a few things that you and your loved one can laugh about, cry about, and even

You and father were bound by a friendship lasting years

Heart-Wall made from deep, lasting emotions that

or am I being fanciful? I know I’m only on my own for a short time, that Dave will be back in a couple of days and, with a bit of luck, we might build something lasting

He started using condoms, but then he arranged for the nurse to inject me with a long lasting birth control drug

“I guess you could say your school provided a lasting education even shonggot couldn’t erase, but I’d hate to think there was any such market where you could use that as advertising

There will be tests, of course, just to make sure, to make sure that there’s no lasting side effects, as it were, but I’m sure Rebecca will be up and about in no time…»

That became the longest lasting but loosest relationship of my life

her great escape turned into a horrible nightmare lasting 20 years

Columella, who reports this judgment of Democritus, does not controvert it, but proposes a very frugal method of inclosing with a hedge of brambles and briars, which he says he had found by experience to be both a lasting and an impenetrable fence ; but which, it seems, was not commonly known in the time of Democritus

wears off after a while and does them no lasting harm

Only Adros’ staff sticking out of its torso had a lasting effect

She might have lasting scars, but their

For most, it is our only lasting skill

Both had fulfilled their adolescent dreams of a stable and lasting marital union and had complied with the duties associated with that union

the greatest but also the most lasting of al punishments; and

it is only reckoned the greatest because it is the most lasting

then is it greater and more lasting? Because it has deprived

No part of it can be said to belong to any particular country, till it has been spread, as it were, over the face of that country, either in buildings, or in the lasting improvement of lands

Nothing, therefore, it is pretended, can be more disadvantageous to any country, than the trade which consists in the exchange of such lasting for such perishable commodities

The accumulated treasures of the prince have in former times afforded a much greater and more lasting resource

But this battle had demonstrated the lasting durability of Dwemer creations, and the inescapable exhaustion of mortal bodies

And it was a lasting reminder of home

I wouldn’t want you to keep that as your lasting

“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children

The great sages and prophets figured out how to find lasting happiness thousands of years ago, and humans have not changed

The most important single thing you can do to find lasting happiness is to learn and understand that it exists

You have to learn that sense pleasures and conditional happiness cannot lead to the lasting happiness that you want

Out of this power comes your ability to find lasting happiness

When you are free of such control, you can turn your attention to experience lasting happiness

If you have not learned to be happy regardless of what you do or do not achieve, you have not yet learned to tap the Source of lasting happiness

“So let’s drink to their lasting happiness and good health

Some of those who have found lasting happiness report that desire to help others becomes their overwhelming purpose in life

The inability to find even temporary happiness in any activity is sad, especially when lasting happiness is always there for the asking

If you cannot find a purpose, then the journey towards lasting happiness that I describe in this book may be a journey to that purpose

It is your attachment to them that causes much of your pain and blocks your ability to experience lasting happiness

The more time you can spend experiencing self-created happiness, the closer you are to finding lasting happiness

Previous chapters have stressed that we cannot look to the world around us, and our ideas about that world, to find lasting happiness

Our minds, which work with reason and the ways of the material world, are not up to the task of delivering lasting happiness to us

Through devotion, they can find lasting happiness

You can search the world over for something that will make you happy, but what happens in this world cannot bring you lasting happiness

We know that lasting happiness does not come in this fashion, but the ego does not know this

This is not the lasting happiness that we all seek

Even a standing army cannot in this case give him any lasting security ; because if the soldiers are not foreigners, which can seldom be the case, but drawn from the great body of the people, which must almost always be the case, they are likely to be soon corrupted by those very doctrines

“I expect you to make a quick recovery and there should be no lasting damage from the bullet wounds however the shrapnel may be a bit harder to mend but given time to rest I see no reason why you shouldn’t soon be back with your unit

lasting as long as this? Seven hundred years and still standing

But to make a lasting impression, he couldn’t just rely on what he’d been taught by

“I earnestly believe that the consequences of this day’s work will be to the lasting advantage, if not the very

longer lasting deck that will not only enhance the beauty of your home, but provide you with a

More lords and ladies followed, over twenty in all, lasting most of the day as they made their introductions and gave speeches about unrest and civil war

Reduces perspiration within 2 hours of use with its effects lasting several days:

The transmission was in a compression burst lasting no more three seconds, designed to insert itself, interrupting the scheduled broadcast, allowing millions of viewers to witness the true nature of those who hold power

But if political reconstruction has been slow, the vast improvement in sanitation accomplished by the army will prove of lasting benefit to Cuba

Suddenly awakening from a bad dream, at once startled however relieved; the gamut of one‘s emotions, a hairsbreadth (yet) seemingly lasting a lifetime

It did bring closure to some and lasting resentment in others

Roosevelt’s part in it was a minor skirmish lasting a few hours and some weeks in the tropics

His invasions were also much longer lasting, in several cases for decades

The second wave of violence was longer lasting, from 1855 to 1856, was far more violent, and happened in more cities

The Number of Lives Saved: There were 35 invasions in the 42 years before Roosevelt was in office, occupations lasting from weeks to up to twenty years in Haiti’s case

How did it feel to shoot down six enemy ships in an air-to-space-borne engagement lasting less than two minutes?

bring them lasting happiness? Does their desire to be loved and be happy cause them to believe that another human can satisfy all of their needs in just the way they need them to be satisfied? Don’t these expectations lead to eventual disillusionment?

A heat wave lasting for nearly a month hit Europe, causing fourteen thousand deaths in France

All knew that their land was flooded, but none could even imagine how deep and how lasting

“That will not prove to be a lasting ruse, Herr Krazinsky

The benefits of this simple preventive strategy to you are enormous and long lasting

‘We can stay conscious for about ten seconds; it won’t be very pleasant, but ten seconds are more than enough time to leap over, and we won’t suffer any permanent damage – nothing long lasting

“During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and part of northern Africa in 645–692…by AD 664 the Islamic empire had reached its greatest expansion

Wadi, when he went into a trance lasting for a couple of hours, the

“During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian Empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and much of northern Africa in 645–692

The many attempts at construction of a lasting platform seems to be the history of all the religions that have come and gone, as Man has tried to “civilize” himself

The wisdom of the ages seems to be the only lasting by-product of those many attempts that are still a work-in-progress today

History proves, making peace is spotty and not long lasting

They couldn’t do real work, so they dropped into this easy job lasting only a few hours a day — and all those holidays!

Are you aware of the ever lasting judgement God has cast onto these nations? Amongst their offences was their affiliation with the god of fire, Molech?

The individual chooses those types of lessons and spiritual healing may not have any lasting effect

You are able to create peace, please focus on things with lasting results

Each intention can bear many fruits! Volition and intention, then, contain the power or force to bring about significant and lasting results

“Truth and tears clear the way to deep and lasting friendship”

Without warning, there came the lasting screech of a

Salt: Purity; protection from sin and evil; covenant that never ends; unfruitfulness which leaves a void; that which remains and is lasting; seasoning;

frame, her chest heaving as she inhaled deep, lasting breaths

With a lasting draw of

With a lasting breath, he drew the Buster Sword,

Angel waited for the pain to subside then sat down and drank her green tea, she was nearly finished when another pained started this one was stronger than the others so thought to her self she should time them, thirty minutes later her pains were coming four minutes apart and lasting for thirty seconds, no she thought she should wake Mrs Worthington up, she slowly started to walked upstairs when she was stopped dead in her tracks as her breathe was taken away by another more severe contraction unable to move she just stood there hanging onto to the banister, when through her pain she heard Mrs Worthington, Angel what on earth is wrong…then she realised Angel was in labour, in no time quick Mrs Worthington had called for the car to be bought around and by the time she got Angel downstairs Harry was there to help her get Angel into the car

make a lasting impact in the life of a child

mind could live a long lasting life — no sickness, no need for food and with

Yet these states, however wonderful, are not lasting

M: Then you must build it of something lasting

M: Maybe it was not strong enough and lasting

of sparks, each spark lasting a second and the shower itself —

Gambling with my grandpa was fun, the card games lasting until bed, which, like

When one is in the midst of the flow of surging water knocking out all that which blocks its path, even the first time makes a lasting

Is there something real, something lasting,

The few whose impact was long lasting

Felt the experience had a lasting benefit

As long as it lasts, I’ll let it send, just in case there is someone there that can still listen, even if they can’t send

journey that lasts a lifetime

Human memory, the details anyway, lasts nowhere near that long, not a fraction that long

Unfortunately, Liesse Yare has had to stand down from the management – his health is deteriorating and, strictly between you and me, I should be surprised if he lasts the year

He wants to get as much distance under his keel as possible while the daylight lasts

It is a temporary condition, and usually lasts

is called for, it typically lasts from a few hours to a

“They’re surrounding Justice with an inescapable force-field that Justice can’t escape right now, but in order to hold it, at least one Hesean has to die in front of the Singularity, so that the force-field lasts,” The Hesean explained

‘It only lasts about an hour

‘Philippe says it only lasts an hour

From our human point of view, nothing lasts forever in a stable state

No creation, whatever its form, lasts forever

But the labour of the manufacturer fixes and realizes itself in some particular subject or vendible commodity, which lasts for some time at least after that labour is past

Such are the people who compose a numerous and splendid court, a great ecclesiastical establishment, great fleets and armies, who in time of peace produce nothing, and in time of war acquire nothing which can compensate the expense of maintaining them, even while the war lasts

sites, but the traffic rarely lasts long (e

Yes you can enjoy recurring income —but only to a point—nothing lasts forever

the punishment; and it lasts forever

Notice that only one of those emotions lasts forever

It is a relationship that lasts an eternity and also one that speaks of glory and magnificence!

lasts about and hour and a half before everyone heads back up to their rooms

“We’ll have to see how long this battery actually lasts

When the art of war, too, has gradually grown up to be a very intricate and complicated science; when the event of war ceases to be determined, as in the first ages of society, by a single irregular skirmish or battle ; but when the contest is generally spun out through several different campaigns, each of which lasts during the greater part of the year; it becomes universally necessary that the public should maintain those who serve the public in war, at least while they are employed in that service

That only lasts so long, you know?” Glen stood and moved to the mini-fridge to grab anything inside that looked like it had caffeine content

“As long as the food lasts

This phase is designed to be violent but brief and lasts as long as it takes for the Kidnappers to subdue my hostage

“I prefer pain that lasts, don’t you? Pain that cuts to the very heart of matters

I tried to convey to them that the surprise is ephemeral and fleeting, it lasts only an instant: it comes and it goes

The honor and recognition is imperishable, perennial: if it comes, it remains and lasts even after death

while the breeding season lasts

“The carcass lasts about five meals, then we have to supply the club with a new one

“But then, nothing lasts forever, does it; so, what happened?” He laughed again at her – something she would normally not tolerate for one instant; instead she managed a chuckle pretending she understood perfectly whatever the joke might be

“Two weeks? That was the entire duration of your marriage? The honeymoon lasts longer than that

It’s good as long as the beer lasts

3,400 Greek civilization begins and lasts until 146 BC when conquered by the Romans

“It’s a sequence of choices that lasts on the average for around seventy years, isn’t it?”

The meeting lasts for another hour

Men also think sex is mutually fulfilling when it’s fast and only lasts a few minutes even though women often enjoy it much more when it’s slow and lasts for much longer than men plan on (since women can enjoy it for literally over an hour or longer when a man is focused just on her instead of on himself)

Yes, she has a right to sue under law the father of her child for child support that lasts for all of the years of her child’s life

Then the Constitution has a fresh new meaning, which lasts until the Court thinks it has an even better idea

world lasts, but for a moment

ness it comes into being, in consciousness it lasts and into pure

born and nothing dies, nothing lasts and nothing changes, all is

3 And the gates which it enters, these are the great gates of the calculation of the hours of the year; for this reason the sun is a great creation, whose circuit lasts twenty-eight years, and begins again from the beginning

long as it lasts and forgets when it is over

lasts, it has its needs like any other, but my mental process has

which it lasts, the love that gives it life

M: As long as it lasts

Duality lasts only as long as it is not ques-

the proof of truth, that what lasts longer is somehow more true

object of awareness as real; while it lasts?

Many young girls sit on a half-hour-agreed engagement, which usually lasts longer than one hour, for the modest price of about thirty dollars, which in turn goes up in price if one is not careful

days or it lasts for a week or more, who has the time to deal with all that added stress of PMS?

lasts about a year

And any member who lasts five years in

could argue that newness lasts forever, or that each moment is new, al-

Quality lasts, you see

bit of sunbathing while this weather lasts

(A marriage feast lasts for seven days

In those viviparous Animals which feed on grass, the conjunction between Male and Female lasts no longer than the very Act of Copulation…

3 And the gates which it enters these are the great gates of the calculation of the hours of the year; for this reason the sun is a great creation whose circuit lasts twenty-eight years and begins again from the beginning

think my motivation behind that would be), it lasts for just a

Where he fights, I fight, for as long as our love lasts, which I hope will be forever! Though I do admit that I feel better about agreeing now that you have compensated me fairly for my service

“With the larger size of your transmitting stone, and the fact that it’s power delivery is far more consistent and lasts all day and all night, it transfers almost as much power as mine does

The journey lasts only a heartbeat and it lasts forever

world, with the greatest possible blessing: life in Christ, that lasts

but the bread of life lasts forever, and satisfies the deepest needs

* The paralysis lasts from an hour to days, but usually clears up within

lasts the duration of the headache…

This phase lasts anywhere from four to seventy-two hours

«We can’t do anything much while this storm lasts

the country lasts that long,” he smiled wryly

recording lasts up to twenty four hours,” Frankie said, handing

Each kiss lasts but the kissing; and grief goes over;

«This lasts for maybe half an hour

of a grapefruit and lasts for a few seconds or minutes,

However, if the interpenetration lasts for some time (in other words,

leaves a trace in the ‘soul’ that lasts; leaving an imprint in the subconscious

If nothing seems to work and apathy lasts longer than a week or so, take your child to a doctor to make sure that no physical problem or serious emotional trauma are causing the disinterestedness

phase lasts for about 10 million years

This phase lasts only about

process that lasts about 12 years

longer the reception lasts, the more possibility of having an

A scalping strategy usually lasts between 3 to 5 minutes, although many scalpers are in

The kiss lasts only seconds, her tongue digging deep into his mouth as she squeezes his firmness in her grip

Lovejoy’s facial expression remains stoic, his stare at the boy lasts a second too long

It lasts not an instant

The music only lasts a few seconds,

‘Yes, I’ve had more than my share of bites, but it only lasts about half an hour

The last thing is, don’t walk over the same ground as anyone else because the forest is fragile and if twenty-four feet pound the same spot that will make a track that lasts for months, and our enemies, if we had any, would be able to follow us

Hope this one lasts longer than the rest

But that only lasts for ninety,

`I keep dreaming that she is alive but it lasts for only a little while,’ he started to explain

They were drowning and clasping at the lasts straws they could find

I hope it lasts


“It’s a well known fact” said Patty “teeth enamel lasts for millennia, archaeologists will tell you that cells have been found in tooth enamel, and if the box has been sealed for two millennium they should contain at least a few cells for the cell sniffer

According to “The Circle” files, the preponderance of drug usage seemed to occur amongst schoolchildren in the age group 12 and upwards and more heavily in the Cape – where “tik” (crystal methamphetamine) which is comparatively easy to manufacture and gives a “high” that lasts for three to four hours, was the biggest seller

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Painstaking and comprehensive they may be, but the last word they are not.

It should be the last word for a very long time.

The last word in the sentence appeared with a period.

This is by no means the last word on the subject.

They were instructed to read each sentence aloud and to recall the last word of each sentence.

However, pragmatics not pundits may have the last word.

In such situations the ventral system is called into play, and it has the «last word» in determining the conscious percept.

This issue provides an overview of the state-of-the-art, but it is certainly not the last word.

This last word shows that condescension had become an index not only of ethical practice, but also of personality.

Finally, a destressing rule instructs the synthesizer to destress pronouns that occur as the last word of a phrase.

They were instructed not to start with writing down the last word presented to them.

In this sense, neither the songs nor the miscellanies that preserve them represent the last word in the history of their texts.

It is unlikely, however, that this will be the last word on the matter.

Nevertheless, it is to be hoped that his book will form pretty much the last word on this particular controversy.

But we added that, in cases of difficulty, the president should have the last word on the allocation of portfolios.

Without aiming to have the last word on this complicated issue, then, let us try to make progress with it.

Yet it falls to me to have the last word.

One possibility is to front a constituent, so that the clitic can attach to its last word.

Such an account could seem like the last word, imperiously closing down the space for interpretation with both reportage and instant commentary.

Finally, a last word of appreciation and thanks to all who support our journal.

Plot and voice are thus obviously (and in every sense of the last word) dichotomised.

The last word is probably not said on this topic.

That was the day when geometrical intuition irrevocably pronounced its last word.

The stress falls on the tenth, on the last word of the line in the poetry, so you don’t drop that.

It appears as the last word on 201r.

Participants were given a sentence with its last word omitted and were asked to read it at a speed comfortable for comprehension.

In this experiment, participants were given an incomplete sentence lacking its last word.

The last word of the sentences was recorded with a pitch accent on its stressed syllable.

Hermeneutic understanding is thus realized as a collective product: neither interpreter nor historical/anthropological other has the last word.

He commented that the fact that member states had the last word on the appointment of commissioners was significant.

The participant read aloud sentences that were shown centered on the monitor while trying to remember the last word of each sentence.

Certainly these essays do not purport to represent the last word on the subject.

However, this is hardly the last word on the subject.

He had the last word in discussion, and in theory could overrule the other members.

A last word is necessary on the vexed topic of apparatus.

So, in this respect, it is not clear whether the cabinet or parliament has the last word.

The end time is not explicitly shown; it is simply the end time of the last word in the utterance.

After the last word is processed, the final state of the subnetwork of state / should be reached.

Dates are mapped to a year-monthday format and person names to their last word (their head in our terminology, frequently the last name).

One did not explain a fact; it was itself the last word in the matter; beyond it was out of bounds.

The last word has yet to be been written about this awkwardness.

Clearly, the last word in this debate has not yet been spoken.

The advantages of replicative collaboration is that all collaborators benefit from equal quality control (as opposed to «the last study has the last word«).

Clearly, we have not yet heard the last word on audio-lit.

However, as time went on, we realized that audiolingualism was not the last word, that it wasn’t necessarily the best way.

In 50% of the trials, the probe word was semantically and categorically related to the last word of the previously presented priming set.

This account of philosophy and practice in musical education provides what must be the last word on the topic for many years to come.

She may also turn out to have had the last word.

The last word of each group indicates which slot of the output template will be filled with information extracted by that group.

We have clearly not yet heard the last word on this subject, which deserves fuller exposition elsewhere.

Faithfull offers her own chapter-length version of the story, putting forth a competing narrative, no doubt meant to be the ‘ last word‘ on the subject.

It will not be the last word on the subject, but it is the most systematically comprehensive word spoken to date.

The best thing about this very excellent book is precisely the author’s keen awareness that it is not the last word on the subject.

It is not the last word, however.

As it is the system of which we are normally conscious it has, in a fashion, «the last word» in our judgmental interpretation of stimulation reaching our senses.

After the last word of the sentence is read, the participant presses a key to provide a response either to a grammaticality judgment or to a comprehension question.

The probe word was either unrelated to the last word in the stimulus series or semantically and categorically related to the last word in the series.

So death has the last word in this «visual text,» but it is death incorporated as much as it can be into the social fabric of life.

And with greater frequency, not just our own colleagues but media and government are turning to «professional» bioethicists for the «last word» concerning right and wrong in medicine.

It is nevertheless inevitable that, because our insights into transcription and its regulation are still developing rapidly, this volume will not for long be the last word on most topics.

As with most handbooks, it is meant to be consulted rather than read, to act as a point of departure rather than as the last word.

Note that for the ungrammatical and nonsense cases with utterance-final targets, children could have performed much better if they simply attended to the last word in these very short sentences.

The participants were asked to read aloud each word, and after the last word of each set, they had to write the words that they remembered.

His survey, despite its bulk, ought not to be the last word on the subject, however, because his homogenizing approach is only one of several viable ways to approach it.

While not the last word on the subject, this volume raises questions that may be productively explored further, either by this author or others in the field.

I do not claim to have the last word here, however; further reflection or investigation may show that the definition of faith given here needs alteration, refinement, or even replacement.

One last word from my last sermon.

That is my last word on the exercise.

The right to be given the last word is to be stolen from the electorate.

In a normal parliamentary democracy, the parliament has the right of initiative and also the last word on legislation, budget and the forming of coalitions.

The present proposal to phase in direct aids to farmers by 2013 cannot be the last word.

I find this rather strange, but perhaps she has not yet said her last word.

I should like to say one last word about economic issues.

Also, the financial crisis is still far from having said its last word.

It goes without saying that an assessment based entirely on this brief period cannot be the last word.

It is sometimes contended that the distributor is selling the manufacturer’s goods and that, therefore, the manufacturer should have the last word.

This brings me to my last word, on the political aspect.

Can he assure us that we have not heard the last word yet?

I hope that he has not said his last word on this matter.

Yet the statement has been made and repeated and reiterated behind me that really the last word had been said on this matter.

It must be obvious to everyone that it ought not to be the last word.

I should be ashamed of my country if this were the last word in a case of that sort.

Given what has happened in the past 10 years, is that the last word on acquired rights?

Are we satisfied that the very last word has been said on the question of steam?

Let me say one last word, about the future.

My last word would be with regard to the position of our international relations at this time.

I have one last word and it has been said in almost every speech.

I certainly do not think that logic or consistency need necessarily have the last word.

But is this a stage or is this the last word?

It may be that even that is not the last word.

One must remember that when these ships were launched they represented the last word at that time.

The people want peace, the people do not want war, and the people will have the last word.

The railways have always been in favour of larger wagons, but the railways do not have the last word.

One last word before leaving the evacuation areas.

I should like to say one last word about our export trade.

Add to that the privilege of having the last word on such an occasion, and my enjoyment is complete.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.
1. I last travelled abroad two years ago. I…. two years. (been)
2. I haven’t met him before. It’s the …. him. (time)
3. He started work in 1999. He….1999. (working)
4. It’s a long time since we ate out. We …. a long time. (for)
5. I’ve never read such a good story. It’s the …. read. (best)

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

I’m looking for the regex pattern, not the Java code, to match the last word in an English (or European language) sentence. If the last word is, in this case, «hi» then I want to match «hi» and not «hi.»

The regex (w+).$ will match «hi.», whereas the output should be just «hi». What’s the correct regex?

thufir@dur:~/NetBeansProjects/regex$ java -jar dist/regex.jar 

a b cd efg hi

a b cd efg hi.


package regex;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String matchesLastWordFine = "a b cd efg hi";
        String noMatchFound = matchesLastWordFine + ".";

    private static void lastWord(String sentence) {
        System.out.println("nntryingn" + sentence + "nmatches:");
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\w+)$");
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sentence);
        String match = null;
        while (matcher.find()) {
            match =;

My code is in Java, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m strictly looking for the regex, not the Java code. (Yes, I know it’s possible to strip out the last character with Java.)

What regex should I put in the pattern?

Given a string, the task is to write a Python program to print the last word in that string.


Input: sky is blue in color

Output: color

Explanation: color is last word in the sentence.

Input: Learn algorithms at geeksforgeeks

Output: geeksforgeeks

Explanation: geeksforgeeks is last word in the sentence.

Approach #1: Using For loop + String Concatenation

  • Scan the sentence
  • Take an empty string, newstring.
  • Traverse the string in reverse order and add character to newstring using string concatenation.
  • Break the loop till we get first space character.
  • Reverse newstring and return it (it is the last word in the sentence).

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


def lastWord(string):

    newstring = ""

    length = len(string)

    for i in range(length-1, 0, -1):

        if(string[i] == " "):

            return newstring[::-1]


            newstring = newstring + string[i]

string = "Learn algorithms at geeksforgeeks"




Approach #2: Using split() method

  • As all the words in a sentence are separated by spaces.
  • We have to split the sentence by spaces using split().
  • We split all the words by spaces and store them in a list.
  • The last element in the list is the answer

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


def lastWord(string):

    lis = list(string.split(" "))

    length = len(lis)

    return lis[length-1]

string = "Learn algorithms at geeksforgeeks"




The time and space complexity for all the methods are the same:

Time Complexity: O(n)

Auxiliary Space: O(n)

Approach #3: Using rfind() method

In this approach, we use the rfind() method to find the index of the last space in the string.
The part of the string from the last space to the end of the string is the last word.
Below is the implementation of the above approach:


def lastWord(string):

  index = string.rfind(" ")

  return string[index+1:]

string = "Learn algorithms at geeksforgeeks"


Time Complexity: O(n)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Approach #4: Using reversed() function:


  1. Reverse the given string.
  2. Find the index of the first space in the reversed string.
  3. Return the last word in the original string by taking a slice from the original string starting from the end of the
  4. reversed string to the position of the first space in the reversed string.


def lastWord(string):

    reversed_string = string[::-1]

    index = reversed_string.find(" ")

    return string[-index-1:]

string = "Learn algorithms at geeksforgeeks"


Time Complexity:
The time complexity of the find() function used in the implementation is O(n), where n is the length of the string. The slicing operation in Python also takes O(n) time complexity. Therefore, the overall time complexity of this algorithm is O(n).

Space Complexity:
The space complexity of this algorithm is O(n), where n is the length of the string. This is because we are creating a new string object by reversing the original string. However, the space complexity can be further optimized by iterating over the string from the end to find the last word instead of reversing the entire string

Adverbs can take different positions in a sentence. It depends on the type of sentence and on what role the adverb plays and what words the adverb defines, characterizes, describes.

Most often, we put adverbs after the verb but before adjectives, other adverbs, or participles.

She walked quickly away.
He runs slowly along.

A rule that explains where an adverb is in a sentence.

Place of adverbs in a sentence.

Adverb and three main positions

There are three main positions for an adverb in a sentence:

  • before the verb
  • at the beginning of a sentence
  • at the end of a sentence
Three positions of adverbs in an English sentence.
Adverbs in a sentence.

Let’s look at these positions separately.

At the end

We put an Adverb at the end of a sentence after the predicate and the object.

The water is rising fast.

At the beginning

We put an adverb at the beginning of a sentence before the subject.

Today I have a piano lesson.

An example of a sentence using the adverb today, hands playing the piano.

In the middle

Most often, we put an adverb in the middle of a sentence. But “middle” is not an accurate concept. Where exactly this middle is located, it depends on the words next to which we use the adverb.

  1. In interrogative sentences, we put an adverb between the subject and the main verb.

Did he often go out like that?

  1. If the predicate in the sentence is only one verb, then we put the adverb before the verb.

You rarely agree with me.

  1. If the predicate contains more than one word, then we put the adverb after the modal verb or after the auxiliary verb (if there is a modal verb or auxiliary verb).

You must never do this again.

There are adverbs that we can put before a modal verb or an auxiliary verb.

He surely can prepare for this.

Adverb placement depending on the type of adverb

The place of an adverb depends on what type of adverbs it belongs to. Different adverbs can appear in different places.

Adverbs of manner

We usually use Adverbs of manner:

  • before main verbs
  • after auxiliary verbs
  • at the end of the sentence
  1. If the verb is in the Passive Voice, then we use an adverb between the auxiliary verb and the verb in the third form.
  2. We usually use Adverbs of manner after the verb or after the Object.
  3. We can NOT use an Adverb of manner between the verb and direct object. If the sentence has a verb and a direct object, then we use an adverb of manner before the verb or after the object.
  4. Usually we put an adverb of manner that answers the question HOW after the verb or after the verb and the object.

She held the baby gently.
We are running slowly.

  1. We usually put the adverbs well, fast, quickly, immediately, slowly at the end of a sentence.

I wrote him an answer immediately.
The truck picked up speed slowly.

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency are adverbs that indicate how often, with what frequency an action occurs.

Adverbs of frequency answer the question “How often?

  1. Most often we put Adverbs of frequency before the main verb.
  2. We can use normally, occasionally, sometimes, usually at the beginning of a sentence or at the end of a sentence.
  3. We usually put Adverbs of frequency that accurately describe the time (weekly, every day, every Saturday) at the end of a sentence.

We have another board meeting on Monday.
I wish we could have fried chicken every week.
Maybe we could do this every month.

  1. We put Adverbs of frequency after the verb to be if the sentence contains the verb to be in the form of Present Simple or Past Simple.

My routine is always the same.

  1. We often use usually, never, always, often, sometimes, ever, rarely in the middle of a sentence.

I often wish I knew more about gardening.

  1. We can use usually at the beginning of a sentence.

Usually, I keep it to myself.

Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree express the degree to which something is happening. These are such adverbs as:

  • almost
  • absolutely
  • completely
  • very
  • quite
  • extremely
  • rather
  • just
  • totally
List of adverbs of degree.
Adverbs of the degree.
  1. We put Adverbs of degree in the middle of a sentence.
  2. We put Adverbs of degree after Auxiliary Verbs.
  3. We put Adverbs of degree after modal verbs.

I feel really guilty about that.

  1. We put Adverbs of degree before adjectives.

When guns speak it is too late to argue.

  1. We put Adverbs of degree before other adverbs.

He loses his temper very easily.

  1. Sometimes we put Adverbs of degree before modal verbs and before auxiliary verbs. Usually, we use such adverbs as:
  • certainly
  • definitely
  • really
  • surely

You definitely could have handled things better.
I think I really could have won.

The rule explains the place of the adverb enough in a sentence.
Adverb enough.
  1. The adverb enough is an exception to this rule. We put the Adverb enough after the word it characterizes.

I have lived long enough.

Adverbs of place and time

Let’s see where we use the adverbs of place and adverbs of time.

  1. Most often we put the adverb of place and time at the end of the sentence.

I thought you didn’t have family nearby.
They found her place in Miami yesterday.

  1. We put monosyllabic adverbs of time (for example, such as now, then, soon) before main verbs but after auxiliary verbs including the verb to be.

Now imagine you see another woman.
Yes, he is now a respectable man.

  1. We can use adverbs of place and time at the very beginning of a sentence when we want to make the sentence more emotional.

Today, we have to correct his mistakes.

  1. We put the adverbs here and there at the end of the sentence.

Independent thought is not valued there.

  1. Most often we put adverbs of place and time after the verb or verb + object.

I can’t change what happened yesterday.
You have to attend my wedding next month.

  1. Most often we put such adverbs as towards, outside, backward, everywhere, nearby, downstairs, southward, at the end of the sentence or in the middle of the sentence, but immediately after the verb.

I made iced tea and left it downstairs.
With this speaker, you can hear everything outside.
I can run backward!

  1. We put adverbs of time that accurately define the time (for example, yesterday, now, tomorrow) at the end of the sentence.

The ship is going to be back tomorrow.

He wants it to happen now.

If we want to emphasize time, we can put an adverb that accurately specifies the time at the beginning of the sentence.

Tomorrow I’m moving to Palais Royal.

Adverbs that show the speaker’s degree of confidence.

Let’s talk about the place in the sentence occupied by Adverbs that show the speaker’s degree of confidence in what the speaker is saying.

  1. We can put at the beginning of the sentence such adverbs as:
  • definitely
  • perhaps
  • probably
  • certainly
  • clearly
  • maybe
  • obviously

Certainly, you have an opinion about that.

Definitely think twice before correcting one of your mistakes again.

Maybe someone else was in her apartment that night.

We can also put adverbs like this in the middle of a sentence:

They’ll probably name a street after me.
This assumption is clearly no longer valid.

The rule tells what adverbs we can use at the beginning of a sentence.
Adverbs at the beginning of an English sentence.

Adverbs that emphasize the meaning of the word they describe

The next group of adverbs is adverbs that emphasize the meaning of the word they describe.

  1. Look at the following adverbs:
  • very
  • really
  • terribly
  • extremely
  • almost
  • quite
  • pretty

We usually put such adverbs in the middle of the sentence before the word that these adverbs characterize.

He is very tired.
She found it extremely difficult to get a job.
I’m quite happy to wait for you here.

Adverbs defining a verb

  1. We put an adverb after the verb to be. If the adverb defines the verb to be in one of its forms.

He was never a good man.

  1. If an adverb defines another adverb or adjective, then we put such an adverb most often before the word that it defines.

I can see it quite clearly.
They walked rather slowly.

Adverbs connecting sentences

Adverbs can connect sentences in a logical sequence.

Such adverbs can appear at the beginning of the sentence or in the middle of the sentence. These are such adverbs as:

  • next
  • anyway
  • however
  • besides
  • next

Adverbs that explain the speaker’s point of view

Let’s take a look at Adverbs that explain the speaker’s point of view in what he says.

  • fortunately
  • surprisingly
  • personally

We most often put them at the beginning of the sentence.

Honestly, I wish I had time to do more reading.
Often their homes are their only major material possession.

We can put some of these adverbs at the end of a sentence.

I know what you’ve done for me, honestly.

Always, Never, and Only

Now let’s talk about some adverbs separately. These are very popular adverbs that we often use in English.

  1. Always and never.

We usually put always and never in the middle of the sentence before the verb they define.

The bread always falls buttered side down.
Love is never paid but with true love.

  1. Only.

Only is an incredibly popular adverb. Most often, we put only before the word that the adverb only characterizes.

Wisdom is only found in truth.
A man can only die once.

Additional tips

If we have two or more adverbs to define one verb, then the order of these adverbs should be as follows:

  1. Adverb of manner
  2. Adverb of place
  3. Adverb of time
The rule says in what order we use adverbs in an English sentence.
The order in which adverbs should be used.

Did I help you? Buy me a coffee 🙂

I live in Ukraine. Now, this website is the only source of money I have. If you would like to thank me for the articles I wrote, you can click Buy me a coffee. Thank you! ❤❤❤

Synonym: communicate, express, phrase, put, say, tell, voice. Similar words: in a word, in other words, cord, order, work, record, in order, border. Meaning: [wɜrd /wɜːd]  n. 1. a unit of language that native speakers can identify 2. a brief statement 3. new information about specific and timely events 4. the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus) 5. a promise 6. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group 7. an exchange of views on some topic 8. the sacred writings of the Christian religions 9. a verbal command for action 10. a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory. v. put into words or an expression. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The word «Impossible» is not in my dictionary. 

2. A kind word is never lost. 

3. There is great difference between word and deed. 

4. One honest word is better than two oaths. 

5. Love rules his kingdom without a word

6. A word spoken is past recalling. 

7. Many a true word is spoken in jest. 

8. A word to the wise is enough. 

9. The word once spoken can never be realled. 

10. To a wise man one word is enough. 

11. Believe somebody on his bare word

12. A word in season is most precious. 

13. Every brave man is a man of his word

14. There is many a true word spoken in jest. 

15. A wise man hears one word and understand two. 

16. A word spoken is an arrow let fly. 

17. A word in time is worth two afterwards. 

17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

18. A word spoken cannot be recalled. 

19. A word is enough to the wise. 

20. Suit the action to the word

21. A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 

22. An honest man’s word is as good as his bond. 

23. While the word is in your mouth, it is your own; when ’tis once spoken, ’tis another’s. 

24. A word is no arrow, but it can pierce the heart. 

25. The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. 

26. Half a tale [word] is enough for a wise man. 

27. Education commences at the mother’s knee, andevery word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. 

28. Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. 

29. Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall. 

30. On the great clock of time there is but one word, «Now». 

More similar words: in a word, in other words, cord, order, work, record, in order, border, works, worth, worry, world, at work, can afford, afford to, work off, work at, work up, worthy, work out, at worst, worker, network, workout, in order to, out of order, border on, disorder, be worth, according. 

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