Use the word lack in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word lack, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use lack in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «lack».

Lack in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word lack in a sentence.

  1. There was a lack of humour.

  2. It died for lack of members.

  3. However, they lack a toothcomb.

  4. His lack of humanity is extreme!

  5. There was a marked lack of unity ..

  6. Much of this is due to lack of food.

  7. The young chicks lack tail streamers.

  8. Burbridge, despite a lack of resources.

  9. The fruit bodies lack any odour or taste.

  10. The naïveté and lack of perspective [lit.

  11. The molars lack accessory crests and other features.

  12. These plans were delayed because of a lack of funds.

  13. The vote failed for lack of 60 required «yes» votes.

  14. The living colugos lack such a strong postmetacristid.

  15. Delius’s music is often assumed to lack melody and form.

  16. Unlike true fungi, the cell walls of oomycetes contain cellulose and lack chitin.

  17. There was also no lack of grumbling about the rigours of fasting among the laity.

  18. The cruise across the Pacific was delayed because of a lack of good quality coal.

  19. Thulborn’s aestivation hypothesis was rejected by Hopson due to lack of evidence.

  20. Compounding this was a lack of modern cruisers to accompany the lone dreadnought.

  21. Alexandra, who had complained about the lack of chairs for herself and Alexei, sat to her son’s left.

  22. The main reason was a lack of funding; several bond authorizations for the building had been delayed.

  23. Colton is baffled by the lack of entry points and the apparent removal of the livers with bare hands.

  24. He had told me that he found indescribable delight in reading dictionaries for lack of other books.».

  25. Its presence would explain the lack of any signs of the endogenic activity on the Callistoan surface.

  26. Although Austin was also frustrated at the lack of progress, he disapproved of this drastic proposal.

  27. Forestry plantations of pine (Pinus spp.) and eucalypts are also unsuitable as they lack undergrowth.

  28. Impatient at the lack of progress, the Judge resolves the case by offering to marry Angelina himself.

  29. Further, many human serpins lack precise functional equivalents in model organisms such as the mouse.

  30. Hewett was surprised at the lack of exotic items at the site, where no human burials have been found.

  31. No half dollars were struck at Denver in 1955 and 1956 due to a lack of demand for additional pieces.

  32. Especially must he bear the onus of his lack of punitive action against such men as Forbes and Smith.

  33. They criticized the multiplayer mode for not including custom servers and the lack of active players.

  34. Korf wrote that, «[i]f a single fault can be found, it is surely the lack of documentation provided».

  35. Homicide was noted for its deliberate lack of gun-play and car chases in favor of dialogue and story.

  36. Henry was disconnected from his barons, and a mutual lack of understanding led to unrest and resentment towards his rule.

  37. Whereas Jones had single-handedly coded Minotaur, the small staff for Pathways was due to lack of money for a large team.

  38. Breeds in the study category lack genetic or historical documentation but are still considered to be of genetic interest.

  39. The book’s presentation was intended as unconventional, with its use of lowercase throughout and lack of quotation marks.

  40. His work is marked by a lack of the sentimentality common to ukiyo-e, and a focus on formalism influenced by Western art.

  41. Approximately 1.2 million people were homeless and the lack of temporary shelter may have led to the outbreak of disease.

  42. Frustrated by his lack of success and homesick, Jeter accrued $400-per-month phone bills from daily calls to his parents.

  43. Unable to become a doctor due to a lack of medical schools in the Congo, he found work as a minister, teacher, and nurse.

  44. One Minneapolis newspaper dubbed it the «battle ax» or «golf» dime, reflecting a lack of knowledge concerning the fasces.

  45. A lack of proper drainage had been a major contributing factor in the epidemics that had frequently ravaged the fortress.

  46. Most reviewers praised the redefined graphics, and soundtrack, but combat was considered too simplistic and some reviewers noted its lack of overall necessity to the game.

  47. He had now achieved his aim of becoming a research scientist, despite lack of formal qualifications, enabling him to spend more of his time collecting and studying plants.

  48. All three of the diamond-bearing rocks (kimberlite, lamproite and lamprophyre) lack certain minerals (melilite and kalsilite) that are incompatible with diamond formation.

  49. Gibbs’s nephew, Ralph Gibbs Van Name, a professor of physical chemistry at Yale, was unhappy with Rukeyser’s biography, in part because of her lack of scientific training.

  50. While positive serology and typical biopsy are highly suggestive of coeliac disease, lack of response to the diet may require these alternative diagnoses to be considered.

Synonyms for lack

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word lack has the following synonyms: deficiency, want and miss.

General information about «lack» example sentences

The example sentences for the word lack that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «lack» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «lack».

Examples of how to use the word “lack” in a sentence. How to connect “lack” with other words to make correct English sentences.

lack (of, n, v): the fact that something is not available or that there is not enough of it; to not have or not have enough of something that is needed or wanted

Use “lack” in a sentence

He showed a lack of judgment.
He is intelligent but he lacks experience.
He failed, due to lack of money.
Lack of sleep is bad for your health.

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Use the word lack in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use lack in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for lack.

  • Such a frolic lad, good lack! (10)
  • Such a tricksy lad, good lack! (10)
  • What did it lack? (12)
  • Lack at these two! (10)
  • That is what their rulers lack. (10)
  • I congratulated myself on her lack of sentiment. (10)
  • Or can you accuse me of a lack of plain speaking? (12)
  • The lack of capital had tripped him at every turn. (13)
  • And she had no lack of chance to see that metamorphosis. (8)
  • Hippias, when he could forget himself, did not lack sense. (10)
  • Lack of influence there had thrown him on the world at forty. (16)
  • And until this month to lack confidence had never been his wont. (8)
  • Freaks and rash experiments are also shut out by lack of means. (16)
  • The last was given with a roar, for lack of her immediate response. (10)
  • We were but three at table, but there was no lack of entertainment. (10)
  • That this is not due to lack of innate power is shown by his oratorios. (3)
  • All unhappiness was fear and lack of vitality to live the present fully. (8)
  • From that lack of confidence he would like at once to dissociate himself. (8)
  • He would not for the world have let her know that he ever felt that lack. (8)
  • You reproach us with lack of common sense, as if the belly were its seat. (10)
  • His lack of discernment in treating the princess to it ruined my patience. (10)
  • I have just found a wanton-scented tress In an old desk, dusty for lack of use. (10)
  • Thus, dreadfully, was revealed to him the lack of imagination in the human being. (8)
  • And yet even while I was exulting in my solitude I became aware of a strange lack. (2)
  • He devised continually all manner of cover to conceal his enforced lack of exertion. (8)
  • No, it was not exactly resignation, it was rather sheer lack of commercial instinct. (8)
  • From their lack of fresh food, scurvy rioted amongst them, and out of 110 men 25 died. (19)
  • Her extravagance could be checked, and her complete lack of judgment could be corrected. (12)
  • It was late in the evening, almost midnight, indeed, and there had been no lack of punch. (1)
  • Greater Grub Street is not given to reviling the public for lack of ideals or appreciation. (16)
  • Greece was my lamp: burnt out for lack of oil; Rome, Python Rome, prey of its robber spoil! (10)
  • But there was no lack of animation in her little steel-grey eyes, nor of decision in her manner. (8)
  • Her unresponsive manner with him was not due to lack of fire in the blood or a loss of tenderness. (10)
  • That might seem to indicate a certain lack of confidence in the special proposal before the meeting. (8)
  • No deterioration of the stock was apprehended, still the nation must be accused of a lack of vigilance. (10)
  • She did not lack force, but it was directed into other, and for the time being, more important channels. (3)
  • The lack of rhythmic effect and the holding over of notes past the accented beat is shown in this exercise. (3)
  • To be so near to death has done me good; I shall not lack courage any more till the wind blows on my grave. (8)
  • I have tried it since then with every sort of accent and inflection, but I seem to lack the sense of humour. (2)
  • Hence his tragic operas, though often admirable in detail, lack the sustained strength demanded by their subjects. (3)
  • Religion, the lack of which in him the Countess deplored, would have guided him and silenced the internal strife. (10)
  • This lack of proper-size framing timbers saved the builder money but would cost the buyer a pretty penny some day. (17)
  • Sympathy we need, of course, and encouragement; but I am not sure that the lack of these is not a very good thing, too. (9)
  • How would the world go round, how could Society exist, without common-sense, practical ability, and the lack of sympathy? (8)
  • Ready for anything; venal through and through; stopping at nothing; cruel by nature, and consistent through lack of mind. (12)
  • She saw the pale-faced family that had given her shelter, and moaned for lack of a way of helping them and comforting them. (10)
  • This piece is grandly planned, but like other orchestral works of Strauss, its themes are not melodic and lack musical charm. (3)
  • It is this actual lack of experience, whatever verbal knowledge they have, which makes all the difference and all the trouble. (8)
  • Unfortunately at a loss for a biting retort, Raikes was reduced to that plain confession of a lack of wit; he offered combat. (10)
  • To such natures, to be gripped by the Nemesis which attends the lack of self-control is no reason for being more self-controlled. (8)
  • I lack a norm of what is necessary and what is dispensable, and I lack it especially where others are concerned. (12)
  • While this lively work had been doing in the center, there had been no lack of diligence elsewhere, and now all were as busy as bees. (7)
  • It was falling dark; and in the tremulous sky clouds were piled up, and drifted here and there with a sort of endless lack of purpose. (8)
  • I fancy it did not lack recognition in its time, altogether, for I used to see it in Italian and French translations on the bookstalls. (9)
  • He founded a distinctly national school which, for the lack of a successor of equal gifts, was destined to succumb to foreign influences. (3)
  • The superior vocal ability of the Italians was acknowledged, but the lack of rhythmic form in their music made an unfavorable impression. (3)
  • Those who charged her with a lamentable lack of perseverance were right; the linen which she began to hem fell into her lap only too soon. (5)
  • But Miss Shirley seemed to have grace enough, of a feeble and broken sort, for both, and he resolved to supply his own lack with sincerity. (9)
  • In face they were commonplace, with nothing but the American poetry of vivid purpose to light them up, where they did not wholly lack fire. (9)
  • Now, many books lack interest for any one; of those that remain, many lack interest for readers of a particular publication. (16)
  • His man-of-the-world, political shrewdness had been superimposed by life on a nature whose prime strength was its practicality and lack of imagination. (8)
  • Nevertheless, it all led gradually to the development of the fourth type of construction, which is called the platform-frame, for lack of a better name. (17)
  • He was reproached for its difficulty, for its lack of pleasing melodies, for the audacious harmonies which many critics considered inexcusable dissonances. (3)

Also see sentences for: absence, dearth, default, deficiency, destitution, drought, insufficiency.

Definition of lack:

  • lack, lak, v.t. and v.i. to want: to be in want: to be destitute of: to miss. | n. want: destitution. | ns. lack’-all, one who is destitute; lack’-brain (_shak._), a fool. | adjs. lack’-lin’en (_shak._), wanting linen; lack’-lus’tre, wanting brightness. | n. a want of brightness. (0)

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Study Vocabulary Words lack
to be without something; to not have enough of something

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Used with adverbs:

«He really lacks basic skills.«
(really, completely, apparently, clearly, obviously, simply, totally, definitely, truly)

Used with verbs:

«His life seems to lack direction.«
(seems to, appears to)

Used with prepositions:

«He definitely lacks in communication skills.«

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Study Vocabulary Words lack
the state of being without

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Used with adjectives:

«She has a noticeable lack of confidence.«
(noticeable, obvious, serious, severe, complete, total, utter)

«There is an overall lack of jobs in the city.«
(overall, general)

Used with prepositions:

«She is suffering from lack of sleep.«

«We were appalled by her lack of manners.«

«He was replaced for his lack of effort.«

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If you’re just interested in what you want in your life then you’re going to lack consistency

we justify our lack of faith with all these crazy theories,

The answers should be appropriate and one should be prepared to indicate the lack of knowledge in respect of the specific query rather than give a wrong or incomplete answer

Organic Fertilizers: Chemical fertilizers lack bacteria and enzymes essential for soil life and for nutritional exchanges necessary between plant and soil

“Exotic” diseases can be directly correlated to the lack of “Exotic” trace minerals

The plea, «I have no time,» is an utterly futile one, and indicates simply lack of interest

He is clearly frustrated at John’s lack of progress

Without Jack, the house was incomplete, empty – it underlined the lack, if you know what I mean

doubt, lack of faith, ignorance and everything else that separated me

all the lack of faith in this world my soul had drawn sustenance from what

those who had a lack of faith, that Joshua made his commitment to lead the children

‘I’ll not fall over through lack of food, I promise you

Lack of respect — He had no respect for others; ordered their destruction without any conscience

His lack of respect for God impacted others for bad — Look at the narrative

Doesshef groaned in frustration, probably as much in response to the constant bickering as the lack of ideas

The lack of true devoted leadership is a horrible price to pay for the decline in the

Lack of knowledge of the New

I think that Smiler took my lack of interest in his deliveries of food as a personal affront

of this book should assist brethren who want to eliminate the problem of lack of proper

Bahkmar was not so nonchalant about the lack of mothers but Enrico was busy for almost half an hour

On the other hand, nobody can say they lack these three characteristics completely; without them, even in a small degree, nobody survives infancy

Still, it is more likely there will be a lack of unity in a congregation without elders than in one Ch

Besides, when you are poor -that is away from powerful networks- you lack knowledge for a truly profitable enterprise

To place trauma upon self by worry, doubt, fear, and lack of hope is antichrist

The boots paused as though debating this sad lack of forethought

They stared at her, adding up the gashes in her head and limbs, the mess of her skirt and her lack of shoes into an algebra of puzzlement

Because of the lack of anointing, they were forced to find some other means to continue

position of power, without the fear of lack

the negatives, the lack and the can’ts in life

For the lack of even these basic truths, we need to reexamine the faith

I had imagined that Nepal would be just snow-capped mountains – but that says more about my lack of geographical knowledge than anything, I feel! Your description of the fauna and flora found in the tropical savanna and the forests was most interesting and the watercolours you enclosed are extremely good

They complain, diffidently, about the prices and the lack

To think I’d been concerned at Gilla’s apparent lack of enthusiasm for the proposed marriage! And you thought she was making the best of a bad job, settling for any man rather than none at all, Lintze! You idiot! Her delighted welcome for Caderl certainly knocks that idea on the head

Gilla, pursing her lips at the lack of warning, dashes off to implement crisis plans for the meal while I go back to my room to continue the packing which I have been half-heartedly attacking on and off since we got back from Lyme

Don’t let it or the lack of it hold you back

never seems to lack interest, but he’s a man,

Why was this not registering in her self confidence index? Because the lack of yaag cut that pathway off? Or was it a genetic defect

Grateful for the lack of undergrowth, I run as fast as I can, the two men flanking me

The regular practice of the Headstand helps to relieve insomnia, tension, nervousness and anxiety, poor circulation of the blood, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, hay fever, headaches, female disorders, and lack of energy

According to recent medical research, lack of vitamin E can produce sterility in both sexes, miscarriage, and loss of hair

Lack of this mineral results in poor circulation, constipation, and acidity

Dinner is potatoes with meat and greens – the woman apologising for the lack of choice

Is this another sign of the degeneration due to the lack of the Elements?

That frequently gives relief – it is the lack of ceremony, as though the child had no meaning, which mothers find hardest to bear

But the one that springs to mind is lack of proper nutrition … there is a lot of hunger in these areas

’ He invited, almost as though trying to make up for his lack of care during the morning ride

It is also because of lack of support that people are forced out of the potential to live a regular life and into a void of obscurity

This only happens with ignorance, lack of education and support

A lack of interest in her friends may imply you have less than long-term interest in your girlfriend and she may pull away from you thinking you feel less than confident about taking on all

He knew the captain was really offended by lack of military etiquette

It’s scary going into the tunnel – the apparent lack of any form of propulsion which didn’t worry me in daylight, suddenly takes on a very different aspect as we go into the darkness of the tunnel

One of the major concerns for those who have been labeled «Nice” is their lack of ability to build relationships

Having a lack of confidence is one of those things that can cause you to stumble in

Even though a lack of

A part of defeating the lack of

His comprehension of it was so automatic he might not have noticed if it wasn’t for her lack of underwear

And this is my daughter who, until now has shown a remarkable lack of interest in science fiction generally and Star Wars in particular and who, not so very long ago, castigated her brother for being a Star Wars geek

Given her brother’s obvious lack of filial concern for his sister and given Annie’s disgust at his behaviour, there seemed little alternative but that she should vacate the premises

And once all life had left, a sense of horror came and turned to shame for lack of true conviction

I was frustrated with Jack’s lack of improvement

lack of proper attention to the underlying causes of

moment he cleared something regarding my lack

situation was one that betrayed a lack of application or a dearth of

Embarrassed at his lack of care he began to apologize when he heard Tarak robustly laughing at his improper outburst

It sort of compensated for the lack of intellectual stimulus of the café … but the only men I met through that were either married or middle aged optimistic nerds

Whenever we were having trouble with the objectors to this project of hers, she used to pace up and down that place, furiously angry at their small-mindedness and lack of vision as she called it

It’s on a social level that she’d be at a disadvantage because of her lack of self-confidence and obvious intelligence … her early experience could have left her with a feeling of gaucheness and, combined with the fact that she wasn’t married, it would have made socializing rather difficult for her, especially if men liked her … that wouldn’t have made her very popular with the women

Having a lack of motivation

Blame ixon and the hippies both for their lack of moderation

from a severe lack of energy and trust, and had

it is only lack of food, Sarah

also appears due to the lack of self-‐love, which originates from past

love and happiness, and we therefore keep validating this lack of worth

brother’s obvious lack of filial concern for his sister and given

By doing so, you support the lack of love you hold towards yourself

attracting to you experiences to validate what you vibrate within (lack of

conditioning and the level of clarity, or the lack there of, in seeing truth

The old neural pathways, through lack of use, wil

‘There isn’t much by the way of choice here, Sarah, but the food is always excellent,’ Chris whispered across the table … ah, that explains the lack of menu

He had lain there in the dust for hours, hoping the lack of movement would spare him a heat stroke

“Which?” White Feathers intentionally vague, “The cabinet?” he paused, “Or the ice?” still keeping his lack of expression innocently

He pressed against her, his lack of erection the one noticeable factor about the non-embrace

Tania, at first and soon after her Poly, grew increasingly bored with the lack of excitement the ‘boat training’ offered as compared with the at least changing chores at the house

Lack of sleep and a surfeit of caffeine threaten a short circuit

was because of a lack of maintenance of the boiler

Cursing his lack of forethought in not bringing any food or drink with him, he shouldered his back pack and, with a despondent glance at the options in front of him, made a decision and set off in what seemed like the likeliest direction

watered, Tom thought, despite the warm weather and recent lack of

“A distinct lack of forethought on his part, I must say

A bucket of water sat next to the contraption to pitch hit for the lack of a plumbed water supply, but other than that slight modification, the house was now as well furnished as any in the whole state of California

clearly irritated at their lack of progress in locating the errant Major

“But it must be from lack of trying because I really don’t devote as much effort to it as I should

Shikone faulted her for lack of interest in sex and too much interest in crystals when their affair ended

The varnishing rooms were acrid and stung his eyes but were no less impressive for their lack of waste and cleverness of application

She never considered herself an athlete, but the genetics on this world kept one’s body in top form with relatively little effort and the lack of energy resources ensured that everyone got enough exercise

“Mystery is merely a lack of knowledge and understanding

You didn’t want to have revealed, so publicly your own formidable skill; lest you might be cast in the same mold as those you so pity for their own lack of depth

lack of room, but mostly because he wasn’t sure exactly where his hands should

‘ Corrente was satisfied with the man’s lack of false

Not for lack of effort, though

In this case his lack of serious interest in her was one of the causes

Grandchildren provide a second chance for us to do again what we may have lacked the first time with our children

The only thing it lacked was landscaping

honour to that part which lacked : That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another

Since they were in the nest for Morningday and Afternoonday, they didn’t sleep as much as they really should have and sometimes what they lacked in frequency they made up for in duration

lacked that homely touch

Of course, he lacked the intuition he had in

“Bloggingehow was my one source of inspiration that i could easily connect to, unlike other big corporate blogs that, although provided the information, lacked the intimacy a beginner needs in order to get the wheel turning

But our days on Earth are not guaranteed to last and there were some generations who lacked fulfillment of training, it has not been so with your father’s ancestors

lacked the strength to warm the land through heavy

She had found that his hands more than made up for what he lacked in manliness compared to Jorma or even Yorthops’ friend

It was so poor that its streets lacked paving, or even the

lacked the competence to discover it

though they lacked that lady’s penetrating quality

concerned he was fine, but he knew that he lacked the

lacked the funds and resources to pursue the Beauchamps

’ Marguerite nodded, although she still lacked

Tetloan’s form was still far from perfect, but like the One Elf taught him; what he lacked in perfection, he could compensate for with brute force and power

It simply meant that because he had only seen the passing of twenty-four sun stones, he lacked the rock-hard physique that could only be earned through a lifetime of rigorous work

With any luck, they can have the honor in their deaths that they utterly lacked while living

Though he was short for his race, at eye level with Brice, it was obvious the being was an elf, his eyes were the only indication Brice needed, even though unlike most elves, this one lacked the lush halo of gold hair and was completely bald

baked each day and lacked the coarseness he had come

He lacked the agility and speed to replicate any of the elf’s moves

Worse yet, several of the other soldiers Gunt had been able to scrounge from the refugees lacked limbs with which to even wield their fancy weapons

But what Miss Pringle lacked in height was more than made up by having the sharper voice

Ome had always lacked the ability to veil his emotions

His home-world was a poor, mineral drained planet that lacked sufficient Healers

The same question was on everyone’s mind, but only Atomin lacked sufficient faith in Anon to ask it

Not that they lacked healers on Scheria

motorcyclists and were lacked of the uniforms

It’s that her reading lacked the dignity I need

as floor, but it lacked to the Persians

Prior to your earth incarnations your soul group was blissfully at one with creation but lacked freedom

He’d been adamant that she was nothing but a slave who lacked all rights

For a man who lacked confidence in his cooking skills, he was not half bad at it

At night, he never lacked for stars

Roscius stepped forward to pose a question he had long been anxious to ask but nearly lacked the courage to — as he half-feared the answer

Though the latter stalked the darkness, they lacked not ability to fight in the light

It seemed that a few soldiers took the cues from their Praefect and took care to make sure that she lacked nothing, offering to carry her gathered materials back to the camp

What he lacked in technique, he made up in intensity

Nothing was torn, and nothing lacked a nail or paint, but all the fixtures and fittings had the furniture equivalent of senility

honor to that member which lacked, so that there may be no

The immortal woman’s voice was clear and strong though she sang in the Mortal Tongue, and her singing lacked the angelic quality of the voices Adem had heard on the island when they first arrived in Kismeria

Colours: the muted blue of the walls, the equipment surrounding him, they all lacked the clarity, the sharp presence of what had been

” He told himself that some clients didn’t have his educational opportunities, that they lacked his life experience or his expertise

It seemed that L-Seven-Six and the Darangi had something crucially in common: they both lacked any theological or spiritual hangups

She had allowed his lack of emotion to lull her into believing he lacked interest as well

Stopping for nothing except some mushrooms and a few nuts, they lacked water

There were many who would have been glad to save his Royal Highness the trouble, by assassinating him; for thus the fetish would remain with them for ever; but they lacked opportunity as a careful watch was kept on the King, till he was transferred to a safe region

Halon realised it meant that he lacked in the sufficient skill needed to control the Globe, especially in common sense, he thought

I found that it lacked both penetration and stopping power

An army is like a machine, and in the war with Spain the component parts were placed together for the first time, and the working lacked harmony

His vicious looks were a sign, it was evident that he only lacked the

Numbers of these lacked connections with the main sewers, which emptied through open culverts into the harbour and sea

after years on the mean streets we lacked the precision we once had as cadets

True, the boar lacked the shrewdness that would make him a direct threat, but still, he would need careful watching

What he lacked in subterfuge and

Since the inception of time our world has never lacked for lawyers: its membership exceeding (all) the grains of sands in (all) the oceans multiplied by (all) the stars in the heavens

I prefer to believe, however, that he simply lacked principled core values and that his pursuit of power was/is simply a political end game common among people of his generation, especially those situated on the left side of the political equation

In our own war we were always told that the terrorists lacked ground support but that was simply not always true in Rhodesia or in South Africa

However they simply could not be in Rhodesia and Owamboland and in South Africa at the same time because they lacked the manpower and equipment

Often I was paid with food, either a whole lamb or crates of fruits or vegetables; as a result, our house never lacked food

The CSA lacked the ability to send an invasion halfway around the world

Contrary to the accusation that the Aznar government lacked sincerity in the details of the police investigation, I read in several sources that the Aznar government was actually very responsible in the revelation of such an investigation

Despondent and demoralized; they lacked the will to do anything about their situation

” They had the operation planned in its entirety, all they lacked were the right people

Wherever she went, for whoever lacked fondness

But then, these men lacked that hatred; that fucking defiance that sets the survivors apart from the mere mortals

You know, I thought we might have had our killer in this recent murder at Watergate, but it too lacked vital evidence

Sometimes the best way to evade an enemy is to out-climb him, yet the men lacked confidence in their engines…bad news

It was simple and lacked detail, but it was a confession, and Michael/Shannon’s thumbprint crossed the signature and words of the text

Hilderich had refrained from asking questions about the reasoning behind their apparently random course through this probably impossible to map land, which lacked easily identifiable characteristics to use as points of reference

Distance lacked meaning in the Land of God, a land which almost defied logic in its flatness and its emptiness

This time Mrs Whitaker lacked the directness she had shown thus far

Maybe it was Hartle that lacked terms of reference…it was all in the point of view

They were tied haphazardly, knotted over and over again to make up in force what they lacked in skill

We will take him far away,” suggested Lone Dove, but her voice lacked conviction in that plan

Though it had little in the way of communicating sentiment and feeling and lacked a facial expression, the flatly lit red thick line in the middle of the black band felt to Hilderich almost as if it wanted to burn through him with enjoyable deliberation

” he said, though his voice lacked conviction

Throughout his ministry, the Bible tells us, Jesus prayed to his “Father” for guidance, as if in his earthly form he lacked some of the senses that had earlier been his, and now he needed guidance wherever he went, to do his “Father’s” will

Earlier still in the backdrop of prehistory there seem to have been animal attributes representing powers that Man recognized that he lacked, but had yearned for, over the eons of his rise from out of that natural order that had incubated him

It doesn’t use this power with effectiveness because it lacked it new operational systematics that is capable to build an organizational structure that it makes possible to integrate diverse activities of organizations, to accomplish transactions of payments and to accumulate resources, without the need of the physical money, without depending of the eternal state of helps

In his whole life, he had only once before seen the King of the Light in so much pain, and Ilmal himself now lacked words

Now only lacked the words

An officer from the DCF filed an affidavit alleging the children were not being properly educated, lacked proper medical care, and were living in social isolation in their condominium

22 Then David arose, and all the people that were with him, and they passed over Jordan, by the morning light there lacked not one of

22 Then Pharaoh said to him, But what have you lacked with me, that, note, you seek to go to your own country? And he answered:

courage that I feel many of us have lacked

lacked the imagination to mentally place themselves in one of about three hundred

21 Yea, forty years did you sustain them in the wilderness, so that they lacked

Sephiroth lacked expression as he

“I will try,” replied Yamada, but his words lacked enthusiasm

But her voice lacked certainty, and she looked to Ryota for

Abram, who’s name meant honoured father, only lacked one thing, children, especial-

man, and this would elevate him to have godlike attributes, (which he lacked!!!) —

She was a stronger character than Becky, there was no doubt about that but what Suzy lacked, Becky had in abundance and that was what Suzy hated her for the most

Maybe these new fangled vehicles weren’t so bad after all, even if they lacked a bit of character

lacked at the beginning important international symbols, as shown in Times, one

Those who lacked common sense and those who were the risk takers of the world

Governor Palin electrified the conservative base of the Republican Party, which had been less than ecstatic over its own candidate’s bumbling campaign that lacked any clear message or true conviction

Selfless social service is lacking even in the well-known NGOs

It also discusses how to make the best of a situation in which a congregation has no elders, thus lacking in leadership

They have a nice house, nice car, matching furniture, nice kitchen, but are ultimately feeling that something is lacking in their life

The disciples would essentially gather together and go around the room and ask the question of if anyone was lacking

A leading question and lacking in foundation

lacking direction in a fingers crossed world,

That fresh, fragrant lightness of being that had once filled his heart was somehow lacking

Ken was nursing a dull head and an urgent desire for sugary drinks, but lacking the wherewithal to solve either problem he did his best to bury himself in the nutritional information on the back of the cereal packet

His reports were lacking any important information at all

Her being raised by the Eloi was the best thing that could have happened; they gave balance to what was lacking in her makeup

“And what exactly is lacking in my nose”, replied Archibald

«Oh, nothing’s lacking«, replied the senior citizen of the night

This is when something is lacking

what is lacking the inward or outward environments must be changed

months of your time and tons of money and the site is still lacking way too many

backfired on me because it cost me lots of money and my site was still lacking

You are looking externally for something that is lacking within you —

but lacking the wherewithal to solve either problem he did his best

made straight; and that which is lacking can’t be counted

All faces turned to the windows for some clue to the sudden inconvenience, though from their vantage point within the series of train cars and lacking a proper field of view, ready explanations were not forthcoming

conscious and badly lacking in respect

They spoke with the voices of women of purpose, and even the girlish banter which sprinkled their conversations was gilded with the genuineness of heartfelt joy, lacking the trivial frivolity so mechanically tittered by other young women tiresomely and without depth

So she found other things to thinks about, with a house full of people, conversation was the last thing she was lacking for

” Tetloan stammered, knowing his healing skills were more than a little bit lacking

And though they were rumors and as of yet lacking any evidence to support their existence, Alec assumed that it was because of these rumors that the Death Guard had come

Lacking vocal chords and functioning eardrums, communication with Hollabrand flowed smoother when conducted telepathically

Whereas in other matters, those requiring finesse and subtle adaptations of the energy, Tetloan seemed lacking in the slightest hint of power

Lacking the strength for a deep trip she found something close — a dead planet which she hoped was abandoned

hair, and they shuffled their feet as if lacking the strength

has more holes than Swiss cheese and almost lacking of

Lacking a head and heart, the woman’s lower half continued to stumble around, spurting black blood wherever it went

Jakkar had to admit, lacking the Oneness, the elves fought incredibly well – more so than even the Elders had

The station was a lonely place at that hour, lacking all the

Lacking support is the sure way to procrastination, and procrastination

Somebody may be keeping a short leash on you, where you are lacking the freedom to act independently

To dream about the death of a loved one suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies

It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances

Consider the significance of what you are shopping for and how you may be lacking that item in your life

Perhaps your sense of stability and security is lacking

To dream of emptiness suggests that there is something missing or lacking in your life

To dream that you are a parking attendant indicates that you are lacking your own direction in life

To dream that you are training for something suggests that you are lacking self-confidence and are having anxieties about your ability

Alternatively, a vacancy represents something that is missing or lacking in your life

To dream that you are a valet indicates that you are lacking your own direction in life

You are lacking motivation

To dream that you are yearning for something or someone indicates that there is a void that is lacking in your waking life

Lacking a son and heir, Mr Snickerty had seen fit to lavish all his attention and favour on his pet and, such favour being mostly dietary, the animal’s bowed legs and sagging belly endowed it with more than a little resemblance to its owner

To an Englishman, the same presenter may seem unsure of his words and lacking in self-confidence

Was he overprotective, lacking faith in her judgement, her own autonomy? He’d merely considered the risks and believed they could be reduced

At the time I didn’t see that the training was lacking in some areas

Various other books have been studied to see if they conform to similar criteria, but have been found lacking

with it in front of Danny, her walk lacking its

Later, when we realise that our understanding and technology was lacking, we replace the old theories with new theories, even though we know that they are incorrect when compared to the evidence

area lacking was the furniture for the officer’s quarters

Terese says it will interfere with my training, my concentration is lacking, and she says it’s your fault

Sorely lacking in our vaunted State Department under the aegis of Hillary Clinton

Journalstic Integretity, n, Another set of being that, for the most part, is lacking in current America

A quality sorely lacking in the present Democrat government, especially the executive branch

Sadly lacking in the United States of America in the Year of Our Lord 2011

The man has grit, courage, and integrity, all of which are sadly lacking in all too many current American politicians

The concepts of virtue and honor are closely related to integrity which, sad to say, is sorely lacking inside the Beltway

When L-Seven-Six was given the command to shut down, and his sentience faded and connection lost, the system eventually switched to a default when program errors could no longer be resolved, as if the workers had lost their manager and supervisor, lacking any organised structure for making executive decisions

Medical supplies at the front were absolutely lacking in the Shafteresque confusion, save for the hospital pouches the surgeons had carried on their own shoulders

(The) news, apart from informing the Public, is a medium (oftentimes) lacking underlying or supporting proofs or creditable evidence

Anti-Heroes have always fascinated our imaginations symbolizing, as many of them do, wayward lifestyles and manners in contrast with conventional customs (seemingly) common and lacking spontaneity and originality

The Soviet Empire‘s pre-meditated attempt (and subsequent failure) at eliminating all vestiges of God from the hearts and minds of its oppressed subjects offers some glimmer of hope in America‘s own internal struggles with anti-religious forces who, in a similar manner, are avidly seeking to promote a Secularist Agenda by advancing legislation aimed at removing religious symbols and displays from public forums and driving them underground where it is hoped such forms will one day be lost on future generations otherwise lacking the necessary (spiritual) predicates and values formerly derived by enlightened examples that, for centuries, provided structure and moral sustenance and meaning to religious thought

The skeptic or nonbeliever, on the other hand, is likely to repudiate the divine ―promises‖ of timeless standards; that is to say, of rewards and punishments, in favor of transitory principles lacking (eternal) assurances and meaning

―greener pastures‖, leaving in their wake neighbors and friends lacking similar opportunities for a variety of reasons

In this manner, a society will often settle on some inscrutable ―mean‖ or center point, conceded by popular opinion, that, however lacking the essential requirements of Truth, provides credible examples for others to follow

Knowledge lacking perspicacity is analogous to striking a book of matches without first understanding the principles of fire

of the household? However unrealistic such programming may appear by conventional standards, they remain real in the sense that they underscore the importance of what many contemporary children are often lacking; meaningful parent/child relationships

I am not certain that Iraq would be able, at least in the short term, to manage its newfound freedom(s) should such an opportunity present itself if and when Saddam Hussein has been forcefully removed from power, replaced by Who or What? Such a scenario is reminiscent of Imperial Japan, a nation lacking historical democratic traditions

Television has engendered a generation of Americans lacking imagination or (creative resourcefulness)

A Perfect Being cannot ―cause‖ its own creation inasmuch as (the) subsequent effects of Creation imply an (existing) potential for movement or change and/or possessing a set of predicates or determinants otherwise lacking in a Perfect Being that is ―entirely without limit or incapable of any infallibility, whatsoever

It may be reasonably argued that the Private Sector traditionally attracted (more) talented individuals (less) averse to risk taking in exchange for the prospect of potential advancement while other individuals possessing less capacity (perhaps) or who, lacking the requisite skills demanded by most companies, generally opted for quasi-guaranteed job security provided by the Public Sector

How could they have properly imagined how things would subsequently play out? Such was/is the inevitable outcome whenever parents, lacking proper perspective; that is to say, an appropriate level of giving (that oftentimes exceeds their means), subsequently choose the ―safer‖ path of least resistance by giving more rather than less

―rough housing‖ supposedly favors bigger, stronger, more athletic types at the expense (chagrin) of other children who, lacking the necessary corporeal endowments or, as they relate to musical chairs, quick feet and agility, (often) find themselves unable to compete at a higher level

The morally and intellectually constant are oftentimes prepared to assume the mantle of leadership in sharp contrast with other individuals who, lacking courage or insight, are likely to dismiss such opportunities that Chance has otherwise occasioned

Where matters become a bit shaky for many practicing Catholics, however, are areas lacking definite assurances or clarity as they relate to the teachings of the Gospel or in the traditional writings of our Church Fathers

A void within him, where the oil and The Life are lacking

In what manner do ―prevailing‖ moral and spiritual agencies informing the ―good life‖ reconcile contemporary standards lacking (historical) precedence; that is to say, whose identities or stores of knowledge have been irretrievably lost?

Thus says The Lord: Is My Word in need of confirmation by men without knowledge? Is the Word of My mouth subject to the words of men, whose understanding remains lacking, whose power is of no use at all? Shall My words be made subject to the approval of any self-appointed prophet, teacher, pastor, or preacher?

This argument does not necessarily apply, however, to ―lower‖ or evolving truths; that is to say, immeasurable ―truths‖ lacking infinite proportion; conditioned by circumstances or events that (oftentimes) require a reassessment of their former assumptions whose (ambiguous) validity lacks a critical center

‖ Instead, Evil has acquired a subjective meaning; that is to say, lacking certitude or prone to conventional (or essential) assumptions whose questionable propositions render formal interpretations problematical, if not (morally or ethically) judgmental because of their underlying ―uncertainty,‖ thereby raising the question: what constitutes Good, for that matter? Plato argued that ―which we call evil is merely ignorance and that good is that which everyone desires‖

Where the mind is not completely formed (Primitive) or has corrupted itself (Pride) or has been corrupted (Illness or Disease), however, such models may be found lacking ―significant‖ meaning or purpose or otherwise lose their appeal

Not that such obnoxious attitudes necessarily constitute an open form of rebellion, (although they may), but rather ―good-natured‖ razzing that remains cordial in whatever manner lacking proper respect

This defective reasoning, of course, does not admit a (conflicting) Higher Moral Authority that otherwise ―informs‖ a society whose members have (supposedly) been reduced to the lowest common denominator; material beings or high grade machines lacking moral and spiritual substance; guided solely by pre-determined dynamics subject to their (own) unitary laws

Lacking are the traditional principle standards and values that encouraged young people to hope, to aspire, to rise above the lowest common denominator of their immediate environment

Free Will is not absolute in any worldly manner because it is oftentimes influenced by internal conditions that remain vague and uncertain; that is to say, lacking absolute (consensual) authority; subject to an individual‘s moral, intellectual and material orientation that (nevertheless) seeks to follow God‘s purposeful intentions

Moral Issues are ―complex‖ to those lacking a moral compass; otherwise, such issues should not (normally) present a problem

These (human) restrictions, however, do not preclude the exercising of Free Will (or an individual‘s inherent capacity to make informed or independent decisions) that remain (the) necessary requirements for self-sufficiency and determination; whose absence would reduce Humankind to scripted characters in a play lacking moral and intellectual substance (or spiritual awareness) that otherwise elevates an individual beyond ceremonial customs to aspired spiritual ideals

These women, with few exceptions, were not motivated by a universal agenda (extending beyond the immediate requirements for Equal Rights) that has subsequently evolved in modern times into a feminization of the male ego, leaving in its wake something that can best be described as a masculine identity that is less than manly, giving subsequent rise to artificial relationships lacking fixed points of (gender) reference

The ineffectiveness of the ―United‖ Nations in brokering ―the peace‖ could be traced to some undefined moment in history when the United States and its European Allies—there was such a time!—abdicated their leadership positions that had become too unwieldy, or perhaps they simply grew weary or complacent or both and decided to observe geo-political events from the sidelines, passing the torch to inept, incipiently corrupt Third World nations lacking the proven capacity to govern by example

The radical assumptions that defined that generation did not seek reform in the conventional sense but establish, rather, a new social order out of a vacuum lacking transitional (customary) support or intellectual substance of any sort

Transitional elements, as emerging possibilities present themselves, are oftentimes prone to violence because of rising expectations; unlike a society‘s wealthier segments who, lacking little in the way of material comfort, are ―stable‖, as a rule, or (ironically), the abject poor who, (temporarily) resigned to their wretched living conditions, are equally ―at ease‖ in a dormant stage of transition waiting for such an opportunity when there will be reason enough for hope or ―change‖

Had I been a Jew, (referring to Barry Stanton) I should have felt ―naked, mortified and outraged‖ over the insensitive comments made by an individual lacking cultural refinement

The well-known voice of their sergeant would then hilariously suggest to those in the tower that they come down for a moment to enjoy the sight of his companion running about with his pants down, slapping his backside: he had stopped to relieve himself in the shadows below the tower and, lacking paper, had, in the dark, wiped himself with leaves covered in fire ants

He was looking at the ceiling in a noncommital manner, the expression on his face lacking its usually austere, professional look

But they seemed to be lacking the blaze in their eyes

lacking? Fear is the main obstruction to the flow of love

where the gifts of the Spirit were at work? Because their faith lacks

whom God gives riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his soul of all

do it whenever the recruiting drive lacks

As you may have come to know yourself, my daughter is greatly talented, but lacks the singular discipline to truly succeed a proper human should have

appointment and he lacks the support – and inclination –

Now that I hear it in a voice more distant from the grave, ‘Immortal’ lacks the ring of truth

Your thought process lacks clarity

Without the seductions of a conflicted ego, reality lacks the incentive to transform itself into illusion

However, an angle of 45 degrees lacks prestige and stability, and there is every possibility that small children and animals may take pleasure in passing beneath his inclined form

«It lacks but two days of Christmas, child, and in my old home

Dollar Value lacks precise measurement

The Beast is unable to make provisions for its long-term survival for the simple reason that it lacks the necessary predicates required in making reasonable long-term decisions

Furthermore, The Beast lacks the intellectual dexterity needed to anticipate, if not directly control, the dynamics of change

―thinking‖ (otherwise) lacks keen insight into the (essential) nature of the things they have ―learned‖

Basically, AHCI is the new set of drivers that fully support SATA-drive features and allows software to communicate with SATA devices that support features that older hardware lacks

By its very ―nature‖ artificial intelligence lacks the (natural) predicates that otherwise promote independent or self-contained thinking

Moral Relativism lacks a supporting structure; that is to say, lacks a universal standard by which to (correctly) assess the proposed merits of some moral or ethical proposition whereas Moral Absolutism, drawn to its own (unconditional) point(s) of reference or final conclusions, oftentimes assumes too heavy a burden that must otherwise be lessened by degrees or fall under its own weight

This argument does not necessarily apply, however, to ―lower‖ or evolving truths; that is to say, immeasurable ―truths‖ lacking infinite proportion; conditioned by circumstances or events that (oftentimes) require a reassessment of their former assumptions whose (ambiguous) validity lacks a critical center

In some manner, Reason, unlike Instinct, lacks a natural capacity for self-sufficiency…

Although the choices that we oftentimes make are the inevitable outcome of Free Will, such decisions, however, are not…inevitable! Unlike the Beast, that lacks a moral directory, Humankind enjoys a variety of moral templates derived from an eternal source

Your follow-up question, why do animals suffer in vain; that is to say, without heavenly hope, may be answered in this manner: 1) an animal does not hope because it lacks higher purpose and meaning

At present, France lacks both of them and, without Iraq, its situation will worsen in the future: hence, its iron strong opposition to any action against Saddam Hussein

See, Muembe there lacks perspective

And we already know that the definition of belief is an assertion that lacks sufficient proof to provide positive knowledge

Finally, it lacks system that avoids

It lacks the force

lacks the behavioural and

Therefore, it only lacks them new systematics as ours that makes the union of that political force and economic integration for circulation of that immense wealth that is dispersed to produce a peaceful revolution

who is a leper, or who leans on the staff, or that falls on the sword, or who lacks bread

He pointed out that the company lacks the analysis

has a servant, is better than he who honours himself, and lacks bread

▪ Person is reborn in a place that lacks water and where resources are quickly exhausted

“But she lacks warmth

where nothing lacks, what can give pain?

62 And now I have left him in the mountain of the brook of Jabuk, him and all belonging to him; he lacks nothing

sex, sagging skin and muscles, wrinkled skin that lacks good

as it lacks commitment

And because the weapon lacks microchips or other electronics, the Occidental State cannot deactivate it with their military satellites or an electromagnetic pulse

Investigations Office when the OPCC itself lacks transparency and integrity?”24

Only a perfect being lacks needs or desires

So a perfect being lacks needs, desires, and movement

Every action and interaction lacks meaning, sincerity

For it lacks the necessary and sufficient machinery to ‘live’ on its own

An isolated picodust particle is lifeless and lacks the basic machinery for life—but when more than a trillion particles form a group, the entire collective comes to life and acts as a single living organism

It is thick and lacks a title

The weather appears calm, but lacks the brightness and spirit of the sunshine

“What do you think this is, Dad?” Zachary shows he lacks the strong temperament that his father seems to hold

These election officials that threw out the ballots completely ignored an affidavit from an aircraft carrier postal clerk swearing to the fact that mail sent by naval personnel often lacks a postmark

49 And they said to Moses, your servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacks not one man of us

perception lacks a treacherous history

A faulty F is either not an F, because it lacks something necessary of F-ness, or still an F,

though it is not, or a faculty that lacks some perfection which it ought to have; and he associates

A newborn infant, for instance, can be highly influential but presumably lacks the ability to purposefully manipulate anyone

When the world lacks holiness, the Shekhinah draws away from the world

This small group, cunning and united, seeks to obtain an ally whose population would give the small group the numerical clout it lacks

“You forgive her now, but you’ll feel differently before another century has passed! Gods’ teeth, you will hate her and the very air she breathes in a week! I will tell you what she lacks the courage to say! You will be raped in the most brutal ways, and if you try to prepare yourself for it to reduce your suffering, you will be raped by surprise! You will be bound, naked and helpless, in the most humiliating positions imaginable! You will be tormented upon your most private places, with cruel little whips, and with pins, and with hot candle wax! You will suffer buggery, the ultimate violation! You will be violated in every place with phalluses and fingers and every common object that can be made to serve the purpose! You will not be able to feel forgiveness for her after decades and centuries of such torments!”

62 And now I have left him in the mountain of the brook of Jabuk him and all belonging to him; he lacks nothing

You do have many advantages that Zarkog lacks

Coupling that lack with the use of airpower which lacks mass, surprise, and consistency and you have a situation that wastes lives and money

“Your mother lacks compassion

“No, because she lacks the emotion needed to appreciate it

We have a practice of medicine that lacks discipline when weighing benefit

» In fact, your near future could not be life at all because it lacks life’s definition

Life needs or lacks nothing, it is always complete

for production and distribution – society still lacks

The boulder holds potential for movement and momentum, it simply lacks the

It is complete and lacks nothing

Nothing lacks in life

He goes about his business with no care of his actions and lacks the control necessary to maintain peace

Oh, sure it’s funny, but it somehow lacks any significant meaning, or not enough to be remembered in any detail

He tries to give his poem philosophical profoundness, but it somehow lacks any wit to be considered true wisdom, and even if it had any wit, the ideas are based on some ethereal bullshit about the primitive subconscious sections of the brain versus the higher spiritual being

And it lacks all seriousness in wording and context

Also a short speech doesn’t mean it lacks merit, maybe the audience needs a smaller dose of persuasion

Department of Justice]; has lost interest in his or her positive activities; has abandoned goals; lacks motivation; is very apathetic

2% covers up my problems where skim lacks that skill

A woman who lacks common sense and is easily influenced but who is highly imaginative and artistically gifted, a creative story teller, loving, affectionate and romantic in outlook

My life lacks the grandeur, the significance, the universal appeal of such stories

resolved in the male, as a bearer of the penis, but can never be resolved in the female, who lacks the instrument of maturity

lt further lacks a sociocultural analysis of the nature of mothering and

extent that the mother lacks the power and the esteem of others, she has already

It is assumed that the infant lacks peripheral vision and thinks in the separare, bínary categories and terms of adult masculinist thought

But even at this job she feels overwhelmed and lacks the confidence to

For example, if you can see clover and medic, then you should take it as a sign that your soil lacks nitrogen

«I have to clean up the house tomorrow, my father lacks any skill in that department

Remember: white lacks both melanin and carotene

a cat never lacks that

‘Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who does so destroys his own soul

Just lacks presentation usually

relationship or one that completely lacks love, you should get out as fast

It now lacks the necessary moral absolutes to correct the family breakdown that undermines progress

Genocide is the sign of lawlessness and lacks moral value in any conflict

My first point is, if the man lacks the Word

What is important is that you don’t neglect this extremely important aspect of business operations, but also not to be discouraged and disheartened by the lack of funds.


Pebble managed to address the two biggest complaints people have about smartwatches: their lack of functionality and clunky looks.


This clearly shows your lack of intelligence and thus does not surprise me you believe in fairy tales.


VANCOUVER — Wednesday’s bunker fuel spill in English Bay exposed the B.C. Liberals» empty promises and lack of leadership on oil spill cleanup, says New Democrat leader John Horgan.


However, the entire journey has not come without some hiccups, as a large part of crypto investors have pointed out the lack of progress and the general slow movement of the project, contributing to some degree of negative market sentiment against it.


Although lack breakfast appropriateness has never stopped me before.


This apparent lack of rigour will disappoint some people, particularly those looking for a simple rule.


The alarms over AT&T’s deal for Time Warner stem from mounting frustration over high prices and the lack of competition in the telecom industry, with most Americans limited to one or two providers of broadband services.


Sharing is fine on the playground, but it doesn’t work in fantasy football, where the lack of a featured back drives owners crazy.


At the end of the ten hours, I came in and he made me give him two pennies which was my contribution to the social security and he gave me two one Dollar bills and a long lecture about the evils of Democrats and the welfare state and the lack of self-reliance and it went on and on and on, so I had the right antecedents too.


I haven’t made them yet so I love them (part of it might be due to the lack of nice bowls/jars like you use lol), but I definitely need to try one of these recipes asap.


Most economists find the «lack of inflation growth» perplexing in view of the tight labor market and a pickup in GDP growth.


Many of the stories we hear from the region are about a dire lack; but they are also connected by a sense of the pride that people have in relation to the food of their home country, as well as the humility and hospitality that goes into making and sharing it.


Following extensive travels throughout his country he lamented the fact that the delicate, fertile part of the Greek soil had been washed away through rains and the lack of vegetation in the country (Edberg, 149-50).


With amiable charm and a refreshing lack of pretense, Professor Tim Clydesdale has penned a more-than-hopeful volume with the message that the Big Questions can be back on the academic table.


As for the market fallout, the Euro and European equities were generally stronger as the morning progressed, but then plunged as Draghi started talking and the lack of ECB action became evident.


Lower income levels, lack of confidence in investing and greater exposure to eldercare issues may be contributing factors


Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, also a Democratic candidate for governor, wrote in a series of tweets: «While Baltimore seemed a perfect fit based on @Amazon’s criteria, it’s clear that a lack of public transportation, following Larry Hogan’s decision to kill the Red Line, was a critical nail in the coffin.


Emily Chang asks Joyus Founder & CEO Sukhinder Singh Cassidy to respond to comments by Sequoia’s Mike Moritz attributing the lack of women in VC as…


Atheism is nothing more than a lack of belief in any particular deity (it technically doesn’t even deny the existence of a deity, it just doesn’t actively believe one exists, though I suppose we could get into the whole «weak atheism vs strong atheism» thing if we wanted to).


This accounts for most of the lack of footnotes in the volume.


While everyone else is making plans for Christmas and New Years» — dinner at her place, lunch at his, and drinks and someone else’s — there’s a bunch of people out there who don’t have parties or gatherings to look forward to, and the lack of events for them to attend during the holiday season may create a larger emptiness than usual.


«Low consumer knowledge of organic foods and lack of production are major challenges the Latin American food industry faces,» he said.


«There’s a certain lack of authenticity that comes along with the hiring of a large PR firm, that you kind of need help in shaping your message or spinning what you have to say,» Argenti says.


The quinoa «edge» for lack of a better word, is minimized.


The long-term supply and availability of high quality coffee is seriously threatened and there is a lack of research to identify appropriate and innovative ways of increasing cup quality and volumes of quality coffee.


I probably confused you with the lack of F recipe on Monday though.


She says she saw plenty of money in the ecosystem but a lack of understanding about the customers that Israeli companies were hoping to target, including in the U.S. «I always asked myself why founders weren’t spending more time here,» says Galili.


Given that lack of jurisprudence, the bill seeks to redefine «market» as «any market» and to remove the term «substantial» to define the market to be any market in Australia — which might otherwise prevent the application of section 50.


This is such a great recipe, I love all of the clever nutritional components of it: the carrot pulp chock full of vitamin A, the chia or flax seeds loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, the raisins for some potassium, the use of nutritious spelt flour, the lack of butter and minimal use of processed sugar, and the use of carob chips to add a little excitement to the muffins!


He blamed a lack of «truthful and balanced information» in his missteps in judging the case of Bishop Juan Barros, a protege of Chile’s most notorious predator priest, the Reverend Fernando Karadima.


What you can learn on this website is that animal foods come in packages which are disease promoting for a number of factors in addition to their protein: the fat, the lack of fiber, the dearth of antioxidants, the large number of contaminants, and hormones to name a few.


So, the outlook for 2018 is expected to look a lot like the narrow trading band seen in 2017, which means a lack of upside garners a big yawn from investors.


I plan on writing a review of the book for a future AM/FX but Danielle’s insider status and extreme lack of filter make for some spicy reading (she worked at the Dallas Fed for 9 years, advising Richard Fisher).


It was a long process because it was my first smoothie but I am really proud of myself:) I chopped the bananas and put them into the frindge for a cuple of hours because of the lack of time.


But her team was flummoxed by the lack of growth — and, worse, surprised.


If there is a lack of seasons in your area, it is easy to get back in touch fresh produce by going to your local farmers market.


«The FCA and PRA are not alleging that he acted with a lack of integrity or that he lacks fitness and propriety to continue to perform his role as Group Chief Executive Officer,» the company said Friday, adding its board «continues to have unanimous confidence in Mr. Staley.»


If an investor sells the shares at a time when no active market for them exists, such lack of an active market will most likely adversely affect the price received for the shares.


Given the lack of domestic cell manufacturing, the Section 201 remedies proposed by Suniva and SolarWorld would have created a bottleneck in terms of cell supply, and put these smaller U.S. module makers in a compromised position.


With moves like these, Evercore analyst Ken Sena says the outlook is positive, despite the lack of ad bucks generated from the brand’s big bang.


Ya, I don’t see anyone on the Braves who could fill that position, except maybe Freeman, but his lack of walks will come back to hurt if things don’t change.


My lack of planning is hence how this dish first came about.


Another downside: You can’t easily add employees because of limited space and lack of dedicated desks.


Much of my athletic wear specializes in breathability, and as a runner, I tend to prioritize qualities such as flexibility and a lack of weight or bulk.


However it’s clear to me that the German international has enjoyed his time at Arsenal, despite a lack of major honours and that his only vision right now is to continue with Arsenal, in an attempt to return the glory days to the Gunners.


I was a bit leery about the lack of spice, so I also added 1 tsp each cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and a small amount of clove.


There’s been a lot of recent press coverage about how millennials are turning out to be a marketing disappointment because of their lack of disposable income and job prospects (Bloomberg BusinessWeek called them «penny pinching» just last month).


We may be limited by our financial situations or by a lack of diversity in the fair trade market, but, if we start with a step, it’s quite possible we’ll gain the momentum and the perspective to keep on walking.


Travel, new cuisine, fantastic culture and a serious lack of Fast Food.


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