Use the word laboratory in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word laboratory, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use laboratory in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «laboratory». In addition, we also show how different variations of laboratory can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are laboratory’s. If you click on the variation of laboratory that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Laboratory in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word laboratory in a sentence.

  1. Caroll from a dataDyne laboratory.

  2. Some members of the laboratory (J.

  3. DNA can be manipulated in the laboratory.

  4. In laboratory experiments, extracts of I.

  5. Under controlled laboratory conditions, L.

  6. Integral launch dual compartment laboratory.

  7. Coulter, in a basement laboratory in Chicago.

  8. When grown in pure culture in the laboratory, C.

  9. The simulated laboratory contained eleven experiments.

  10. The transfer tunnel gave access to the laboratory module.

  11. Chadwick edited all the papers produced by the laboratory.

  12. He works at a laboratory loosely based on Cold Spring Harbor.

  13. The first director of the new laboratory was Hans von Halban.

  14. In laboratory tests on animal subjects, DDT has produced suspicious liver tumors.

  15. They were used to compare photos taken in space with those taken in a laboratory.

  16. Roy and Leon investigate a replicant eye-manufacturing laboratory and learn of J.

  17. Enzyme assays are laboratory procedures that measure the rate of enzyme reactions.

  18. Later, this behavior appeared to be an artifact of intrusive laboratory observation.

  19. Addabbo Federal Building, the Civil Court, and a Food and Drug Administration laboratory and offices.

  20. This was soon discarded in favour of having the British Mission fully integrated into the laboratory.

  21. After the war ended, the laboratory supported the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll.

  22. Priestley’s valuable library, scientific laboratory, and manuscripts were largely lost in the flames.

  23. He set up one laboratory in São Cristóvão devoted to photography and another to chemistry and physics.

  24. Due partly to their ready availability and the ease with which they may be grown in the laboratory, C.

  25. It was returned in 1959 after it had been cleaned, restored and underwent examination in a laboratory.

  26. The laboratory grew quickly to over 300 staff; about half were Canadians recruited by George Laurence.

  27. This occurs even in laboratory mice that have been isolated from predators for hundreds of generations.

  28. In 1960, Burnet scaled back his laboratory work, taking one day off per week to concentrate on writing.

  29. Wedgwood and Priestley met rarely, but exchanged letters, advice on chemistry, and laboratory equipment.

  30. This allows the detection and identification of organisms that have not been cultured in the laboratory.

  31. During this time, he missed his laboratory work, and he was constrained to social events and theorising.

  32. This capability makes the electron microscope a useful laboratory instrument for high resolution imaging.

  33. It retained that distinction until the launch of Chinese Tiangong-1 space laboratory on 29 September 2011.

  34. The laboratory soon branched out from physics and engineering into using the reactor for biological and medical research.

  35. Extensive work was then carried out on the ventilation system to allow the laboratory to work with plutonium more safely.

  36. Pinky and the Brain are two genetically altered laboratory mice who continuously plot and attempt to take over the world.

  37. These laboratory tests are only of diagnostic value during the acute phase of the illness with the exception of serology.

  38. After the exhumation the emphasis shifted from the excavation to laboratory analysis of the bones that had been recovered.

  39. To better understand the etiology of proteinuria, some scientists attempted to study the phenomenon in laboratory animals.

  40. It was divided into a series of mainly two-person cubicles, with a kitchen area, a darkroom, storage and laboratory space.

  41. In low-resource settings, PCR is often unavailable, or can only be performed later at a centralized diagnostic laboratory.

  42. In 1965, the newly opened Culham laboratory hosted what had become a periodic meeting of international fusion researchers.

  43. At the request of Norris Bradbury, who had replaced Oppenheimer as laboratory director, Fuchs remained until 15 June 1946.

  44. This was demonstrated in 1970 by an experiment run by the British Museum radiocarbon laboratory, in which weekly measurements were taken on the same sample for six months.

  45. About $131,000 worth of alterations were made to buildings occupied by the laboratory but the University of Chicago also had to make alterations for users displaced by it.

  46. Thorium dioxide is found in heat-resistant ceramics, such as high-temperature laboratory crucibles, either as the primary ingredient or as an addition to zirconium dioxide.

  47. The only structures originally in the vicinity were the McDonald Ranch House and its ancillary buildings, which scientists used as a laboratory for testing bomb components.

  48. The demonstration was a success, and the game proved very popular at MIT; the laboratory that hosted the PDP-1 soon banned play except during lunch and after working hours.

Laboratory’s in a sentence

Laboratory’s is a variation of laboratory, below you can find example sentences for laboratory’s.

  1. Bradbury became the laboratory’s second director the following day.

  2. Howe and Mackenzie then travelled to London to finalise arrangements for the laboratory’s governance.

  3. A series of conferences in April and May 1943 laid out the laboratory’s plan for the rest of the year.

  4. The laboratory’s ordnance-engineering division, known as Z Division, after its first director, Jerrold R.

  5. The Metallurgical laboratory’s first choice was helium, because it could be both a coolant and a neutron moderator.

  6. The term «Gadget» was a laboratory euphemism for a bomb, from which the laboratory’s weapon physics division, «G Division», took its name in August 1944.

  7. A radioisotope building, a steam plant, and other structures were added in April 1946 to support the laboratory’s peacetime educational and research missions.

  8. They synthesized C using the laboratory’s cyclotron accelerator and soon discovered that the atom’s half-life was far longer than had been previously thought.

  9. Trescott returns home to find his house ablaze; after he is told by his hysterical wife that Jimmie is still inside, he rushes into the house by way of the laboratory’s hidden passageway.

Synonyms for laboratory

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word laboratory has the following synonyms: lab, research lab, research laboratory, science lab, science laborator and testing ground.

General information about «laboratory» example sentences

The example sentences for the word laboratory that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «laboratory» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «laboratory».

Examples of how to use the word “laboratory” in a sentence. How to connect “laboratory” with other words to make correct English sentences.

laboratory (n): a room or building with scientific equipment for doing scientific tests or for teaching science, or a placewhere chemicals or medicines are produced

Use “laboratory” in a sentence

The new drug will be tested in this laboratory.
He works in a laboratory.
There was an explosion in the lab.

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Definition of Laboratory

a room or building equipped with the necessary tools for science research or experiments to take place

Examples of Laboratory in a sentence

Because our laboratory does not have the necessary equipment for the study, a workshop down the street must be used.


Biology students used the nearest laboratory to conduct their infamous frog dissections.


A fancy laboratory is not needed to conduct our research, but we will need a small workroom to work out of.


Several microscopes were missing from the science laboratory and couldn’t be located during the inventory search.


A chemical explosion in the laboratory of our latest test site caused a fire to spread through the building.


Other words in the Buildings category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

DURBIN: I can just tell you that what they call a laboratory wouldn’t pass any high school laboratory test. ❋ Unknown (2007)

By retaining a portion of the sample for future testing, the laboratory is able to test again if the initial results are inconclusive or if the employee claims a breach in the chain of custody or some other error. ❋ Unknown (2002)

An extension of his interest from here into the general problems of biology was unavoidable, and thus his laboratory is at present peopled by emigrants from all areas of science on both sides of chemistry — physics on the one hand and biology on the other. ❋ Unknown (1964)

One particular reason for our building such a laboratory is the attraction of a high-level energy source which may trigger off useful chemical reactions without the use of very high temperatures and pressures. ❋ Unknown (1957)

Rajput Singh was a nut ball Everybody knew he was a nut ball Since he was twelve years old he’d buried himself in what he called his laboratory, a fetid little room crammed with bits and pieces of salvaged electronics, odd chemicals, crumbling written histories of the experiments of ancient alchemists, classical New Age crystal gazers, feet away. and the madder dreams of modern wire headers overdosed on pleasure into a double fist to the point where their brains turned to cottage cheese. of the other man’s At thirty-five he was a daze-eyed little rat of a man with a perpetu ed. ❋ Shatner, William (1999)

The Metabolic disease laboratory is one of the few centers capable of diagnosing mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders. ❋ Unknown (2010)

OLED technology uses less energy than incandescent bulbs and, in laboratory use, is nearly as efficient as fluorescent. ❋ Evan Ramstad (2010)

Because this translocation confers an especially poor prognosis, Dr. Felix’s laboratory is investigating the causes of the translocation as well as developing drugs that will sensitize leukemia cells to die upon treatment. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Some dyes have shown carcinogenicity in laboratory animals, and dyes may be contaminated with several cancer-causing chemicals. ❋ Maria Rodale (2010)

The laboratory is the hub of our active program in Biochemical Genetics. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In fact, often, changes in laboratory tests results — such as an increase in liver enzymes — are the only signs of a rejection episode. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A discovery in a German laboratory is being demonstrated in San Francisco within twenty-four hours. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Program mentors include faculty from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Cornell University who are recognized leaders in laboratory or clinical research related to fetal treatment. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It was therefore important for me to gain laboratory experience to clarify these doubts about my future. ❋ Unknown (2009)

He also found that the prices that emerged via the interaction of sellers and buyers in laboratory experiments often were very close to the market prices predicted by traditional demand-supply theory, even though the agents in the experiments lacked the information and analytical tools required to calculate in advance the price predicted by theory. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Studies in laboratory animals have found that testosterone deficiency accelerates plaque build-up on artery walls, which can restrict blood flow. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The mission of the laboratory is to provide excellence in patient care through providing the highest quality of blood products and related services including proper inventory, emergent transfusion response, quality control and assurance, specimen testing, and medical consultation services; such as transfusion reaction work-ups and serology consults. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It’s ‘labOratory!’ Why? [‘Cos] there are two fucking [Os] [in it]! ❋ Richard P Grimmer (2006)

«I say [Jeeves], where in your laboratory is all that [Frankenstein] shit?»
Me: «Sorry, our lab was busy finding a [cure for cancer].» ❋ I’mThatBitch (2013)

Laboratory example: “ Shabadaba guba lika [meeble] [MEEBLE]….laba laba..lable da babble da [babl] o Laable da gabble laable…oooo tongue twister!” ❋ Chadasaurus.rex (2021)

[I just] [watched] Dexter’s Laboratory. It was [the shit]. ❋ PaulJoe (2011)

…The Bat Cave (Chill Laboratory #[216])
Batman: Robin, [pass the joint].
Robin: [Yeeeeeee]… ❋ Dr. Douchebag (2010)

Has anyone ever noticed that [Dexter’s] Mom has such a huge butt?
Has anyone ever noticed that [Mandark] loves Dee-Dee for no reason?
Has anyone ever noticed how [Mandark’s] mother and father never understand him?
Why is Dee-Dee so ditzy anyway? All she does is annoy Dexter to bits!
But otherwise, Dexter’s Laboratory is the bomb! Woo-hoo! ❋ JellyBean600 (2018)

[I remember] [the days] of Dexter’s Laboratory, where not every cartoon needed to have an over-arching story; all you needed were [explosions] and monkeys! ❋ PinkElephantPants (2018)

«[I love you], [Dexy],» I [simp] Dexter’s Laboratory. ❋ I Stole Your Nose (2020)

Im gonna [castrate] [joey] with those [laboratory tongs]. ❋ Drew Studenic (2005)

[Mom] [get out] of my beeg laboratory! ❋ Shithead123456789 (2013)

It was hot already, she wouldn’t want anything more than this and the energy resources available on this planet guaranteed that even in lavish quarters like these, air conditioning would be nothing more than a laboratory curiosity for all time

«That’s fine, you said laboratory equipment was the main thing they put in ceramic shells

When they finally tramped down there, they found one of Taktor’s men named Ilumvi, Estwig, and a large man who was probably half Elf, half Dwarf and a laboratory muscle pill

«What am I interrupting?» Jaseem asked as he came thru his inner door and into the ‘den’ he often used as a laboratory

He was just a laboratory animal, raised in a jar and kept alive by machines, no more able to survive than a domestic animal turned loose in the wilds

She needed a serious laboratory analysis and a reconstruction to get over what all this yaag had done to her

In reality that chamber was in the cold of interstellar space in the ship’s shadow and not a virtual mock-up of an old-fashioned mortal human laboratory

“Yes we do, but they were created in space above the planet on a floating science laboratory;” Duncan began to protest but Kai held up his large hand, “it is cloaked Commander

We saw a laboratory and a workshop and even a good old familiar fork-lift truck

Yes, we tracked them to that asteroid belt where they supposedly were hiding a laboratory

driven to another laboratory a number of miles away,

The large space laboratory orbiting Aura, (in a cloaked state), was in a constant state of activity

She shudders, thinking about where the toothbrush has been, but her need to clean herself, to descale her mouth is greater than her distaste for the strange, thin man in the laboratory

He checks out the room, approaching the tables in the centre of the room on which the sachets are being stored, all the while watching the far end of the laboratory and the bathroom door

The doctor has been advised of their imminent arrival and is waiting in the doorway that leads up to the laboratory

The cells in the upstairs laboratory are clean and empty, the camp beds made up and clearly unused

At about the same time that the first officer is reading the words on the side of the Transit, a second officer is kneeling on the cracked earth at the back of the laboratory barn, running his finger through a trace of white powder

He led Jorma into a home that was surely more abloom with gadgetry than any laboratory Ava ever worked in including the ones at YingolNeerie

And so, Jack journeyed valiantly onwards towards this strange alien laboratory

Jack screamed and rushed out of the alien laboratory as fast as he could, only to find himself lost within the confines of Nevermore Forest

Later, they all rendezvoused outside the broken-down alien laboratory and explained everything that had just happened

Desa tied this in to the laboratory theory of human origins

“Our laboratory, the mechanical pod with it, one reactor module and one maintenance pod

The Angels and their ship are from there, I was grown here, in a laboratory on that starship, with mechanical parents

Most of the records of laboratory help are kept by a woman named Yompere

No longer a tomb, the room now served many other functions; play room, prison, torture chamber, and laboratory

So far we agree that Alan used to work for them in some kind of laboratory environment, and we agree that there is something strange about them, and we have first hand evidence of a laboratory device

I think his job at the laboratory might have been experimental subject

Hogan and the Prof helped carry the crockery back to the kitchen and then the marine followed the academic to his laboratory

The laboratory was more of a study than a hospital room

Beyond that they entered what Alan guessed was a bio-photonic laboratory

Stung by this reception, Chuff returned to his laboratory and basically became a recluse, working day and night to refine his theory — partly to prove himself to his colleagues, partly because he didn’t get out much anyway

To be fair, much of this criticism is justified: his laboratory comprises a workbench in the corner of his garage, and his training consists of a City & Guilds in woodwork and a Bronze swimming certificate

more of a laboratory and office stations,

At the time of laboratory testing the value of relative deformation (ε ) r

The system of normalization of frost resistance offered by us according to which number of cycles of freezing and thawing (F) of laboratory specimens is not given; a class of frost resistance of concrete is more rational

It is necessary to take into account that at production conditions, sand and crushed stone (gravel) have some humidity unlike laboratory (nominal) compositions of concrete, which define for dry initial materials

as compared to laboratory mixture on mass of water in aggregates: W = W − F ⋅ H

In a study meant to reveal therapeutic value of carrots researchers at the Wolfson Gastrointestinal Laboratory in Edinburgh, Scotland revealed that cholesterol level reduces by 11 percent if seven ounces of raw carrots a day is taken for three weeks

While one study suggests that high doses of supplemental vitamin C makes osteoarthritis, a type of degenerative arthritis that occurs with aging, worse in laboratory animals, another indicates that vitamin C-rich foods, such as parsley, provide humans with protection against inflammatory polyarthritis, a form of rheumatoid arthritis involving two or more joints

He dimmed the screen and left it sending the photo whilst he returned to the temporary laboratory which was springing up around the stone block

This seemed to be some kind of laboratory

Sheena led the girls through into the monkey house and introduced them to the laboratory technician

“Okay Sheena,” they said in unison, turning to the young laboratory technician, pushing each other with their shoulders as he looked at them

They both turned as the door opened and Frank Booker strode into the laboratory

You were at the laboratory the other day

Fly out to the island, retrieve a hard drive from the lab’s computer and destroy the laboratory

Dropping the plastic back down amongst the other mess on the counter, Conal walked through to the office at the back of the laboratory and sat at the desk

Watts did a quick search of the building, finding only one computer situated in a small office behind the main laboratory

The last thing he wanted was to get caught by the scientists and be taken into the laboratory so they could experiment on him

And that was just the people I could recognise: because there were hundreds of photos that I was in, wearing fatigues, those silly hats, examining crates of weird-looking stuff, some in exotic locations, others in what appeared to be laboratory facilities

“She has a private laboratory on the top level

So he must mean she is keeping it on a private one: either the one in her office or the one in the laboratory Tori told me about

As far as I know, Jeanine only has two private computers, one in her office, and one in her laboratory,” I say

“Tori told me there were insane security measures protecting Jeanine’s laboratory,” I say

“I want you to disarm the security system for Jeanine’s laboratory,” says Tobias without looking back

I open one of the doors off the main corridor, hoping to find a window so I can reorient myself, but I find only a ransacked laboratory, beakers and test tubes scattered across each counter

She puts her hand on the counter and leans into it, leans toward us, and again I see the revolutionary building strength inside her, taking over the parts of her that are young woman and GD and laboratory worker

In the laboratory, the fog cleared a bit and «he» can already be seen

laboratory somewhere, but her memories of the place were hazy

The man wore a faded laboratory coat

began tearing savagely at his laboratory coat with its fangs

“There’s a laboratory hidden in the basement of the mansion

“Did you find the entrance to the laboratory?” asked Samantha

experiment table rested at the centre of the laboratory, its blood-

keep watch over the basement laboratory without entering or

The space was more cramped than the laboratory, its square

” The PETA funds given to ELF have included assistance for an ELF arsonist who plead guilty to setting fires at a Michigan State University laboratory

the Harrington Breast Center, laboratory, and

Science Laboratory Building on the

The belief that every human being has a claim to equal treatment before the law, in the nursing home, in the hospital, in the laboratory, and in the eyes of his fellow (human) beings would be trashed as mere religious superstition

One may wonder when these anti-human “ethicists” will begin hiring apes as laboratory assistants

Elizabeth Phelps, laboratory director of the University of New York Department of Psychology, remarks that just because it’s in the brain doesn’t mean it’s any less amendable to control according to moral or ethical standards

Another laboratory observation provides a similar oddity for field theory to consider

limits the ability to study OBEs under precise laboratory conditions

not as regimented as a laboratory

Their language laboratory, however, is equipped with up-to-date technology

We were then still childless, but Dixie had a good job as a GS-9, first female supervisory technician with the USDA’s laboratory in Mesa

In 1996 the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory said that maybe all the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on excavation, removal of tanks treatment of soil and etc was misguided and misspent effort

Dept of Agriculture’s Western Research Laboratory on the Apache Trail in Mesa, U

According to laboratory tests performed in one of the processing plants based in the

In 1984 he became a director of the Boyce Thompson Institute, a private research laboratory for agriculture and forestry that had moved from Yonkers to the Cornell Campus in Ithaca

If you build me a laboratory in your facility here, to my design, wherein I and those I choose to assist me may conduct research into matters of my deciding, I will give you that mountain

“That is generous of you, since I suspect you could afford to have your own laboratory built here, and have it all to yourself

, served on the board of directors of the private research laboratory from 1984 until his death, and Park, Jr

“Bring that to the laboratory,” the inspector ordered

They’re not certain that it was done deliberately, because the laboratory is used by many

be a kind of laboratory to test the air outside of this shelter

remember once, while working in the shelter’s laboratory a few

Enjoy!Warren and Roger continued on into the laboratory

set them up in a corner of the large laboratory

carefully explored during the 1st Cosmo-Art Laboratory, where we worked with the

spontaneous generation or something that is created in a chemical laboratory

Harman and Rheingold also point out that although mystics have been telling us how to achieve this state of higher awareness for thousands of years, Science has only officially begun to recognise it since it became possible to reproduce the experience under laboratory conditions, via biofeedback

experiences in the laboratory does not mean that the corresponding actual experiences

The horizontal and vertical plane of the brake stand exposed by a laboratory vaservagi.


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Горизонтальная и вертикальная плоскость тормозных стендов выставляется с помощью лабораторной васерваг и.


The data on practical testing the proposed technology in a laboratory unit is presented.


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Приведены данные практической проверки предлагаемой технологии на лабораторной установке.


whose main components are.


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Для этого используется лабораторный набор( рис. 1) с основными приборами.


Do you confirm visual assessments by a laboratory test e.g. ELISA?


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Подтверждаете ли вы результаты визуальной оценки с помощью лабораторной проверки, например ELISA?


The basis for diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is a laboratory method.


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Основой диагностики гипертиреоза является лабораторный метод.


Participants received a laboratory manual for the practical sessions and were taught.


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Участники получили лабораторное пособие для практических занятий и прошли обучение по следующим направлениям.


A laboratory device has been developed for studying

the process of reverse osmosis.


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Разработана лабораторная установка для исследования процесса обратного осмоса.




semi-automatic titrator in a laboratory workshop on potentiometric titration.


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Применение полуавтоматического титратора в лабораторном практикуме по потенциометрическому титрованию.


A laboratory equipped for the small-scale studying of operations and processes.


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Лабораторное оборудование для изучения операций и процессов в малых масштабах.


A laboratory work, covering physics, mathematics and informatics is given.


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Предложена лабораторная работа, охватывающая физику, математику и информатику.


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Она располагает хорошей диагностической аппаратурой и лабораториями.



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В настоящее время проводится сопоставительное лабораторное исследование.


The Subtle World has already become almost a laboratory concept.

The first step in the programme should be a laboratory comparison.


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Первый этап в программе

должен состоять в проведении сопоставительного анализа лабораторий.


Spider-man must enter a laboratory sequestered by his eternal enemies.


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Человек- паук должен проникнуть в лабораторию похищена их вечных врагов.


For the whole day the museum will become a laboratory of unusual experiments.


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этот день весь музей превратится в лабораторию самых необычных экспериментов.


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Development of


accelerator for simulating, in a laboratory, the impact of space debris particles in the millimetre

regime at


velocity of 10 kilometres per second.


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Разработка ускорителя для имитации в лабораторных условиях соударений с частицами космического мусора миллиметрового размера

на скорости 10 километров в секунду.


The last step is to draw up a laboratory test protocol, which includes final review of all documents and verification

of the compliance with requirements.


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Окончательным этапом является составление протокола лабораторных испытаний, то есть заключительная проверка всей документации,

подтверждение требований директив.


Plastics items made from these materials are often

subject to influences which cannot be detected in a laboratory test temperature,

pressure, stresses in the material, chemical substances, design features, etc.


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Изготавливаемые из него продукты часто подвергаются воздействиям,

которые не могут быть учтены в лабораторных тестах температура,

давление, напряжение материала, воздействие химических веществ, особенности конструкции и т. д.


If earlier, Nike company presented a laboratory, where it’s possible to create sneakers for every client in just


hour, now, ASICS announced that unusual microwave ovens will be installed in many stores.


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Если ранее компания Nike презентовала лабораторию, где для каждого клиента можно создать сникеры за час,

то теперь ASICS заявила, что во многих магазинах установит необычные микроволновки.


In many cases, it is recommended the involvement during certification a laboratory as Sicom testing,

characterized by


competent person and by a’extreme care for your product and customer protection.


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Во многих случаях рекомендуется участие во время Сертификация лабораторией тестирования» СИКОМ», характеризуется

компетентным лицом и’ крайне осторожно для защиты вашего продукта и клиента.


It has been reported in a laboratory study, for example,

that nanopolystyrene beads can inhibit photosynthesis and cause oxidative stress in algae.


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В результате лабораторных исследований установлено, например, что нано- гранулы

полистирола могут подавлять фотосинтез и вызывать оксидантный стресс у водорослей.


The notification states that the use of PCN

is allowed for analysis, in scientific research or as a laboratory analytical standard UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.10/5, sect. 2.2.1.


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В уведомлении указывается, что применение ПХН разрешено для проведения анализа,

для научных исследований и в качестве лабораторного аналитического стандарта UNEP/ FAO/ RC/ CRC. 10/ 5,

п. 2. 2. 1.




intercomparisons for main components and heavy metals, carry out field intercomparisons at selected sites(CCC, Task Force),

and arrange a laboratory intercomparison on elemental carbon/organic carbon(EC/OC)(CCC);


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Организация лабораторных сопоставлений для основных компонентов и тяжелых металлов, проведение полевых сопоставлений на отдельных участках( КХЦ, Целевая группа) и организация лабораторных сопоставлений по элементарному углероду/ органическому углероду( ЭУ/ ОУ)( КХЦ);


In the first case


sample of blood is sent to a laboratory and


special number can be called to find out about the result.


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В первом случае проба крови высылается в лабораторию, и результаты можно узнать, только назвав специальный номер.


The notification states that the use of SCCPs is allowed for analysis,

in scientific research or as a laboratory analytical standard UNEP/FAO/RC/CRC.10/6, annex II, sect. 2.2.1.


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В уведомлении указывается, что применение КЦХП разрешается для анализа,

для научных исследований и в качестве лабораторного аналитического стандарта UNEP/ FAO/ RC/ CRC. 10/ 6,

приложение II, п. 2. 2. 1.


Specimen transportation and referral mechanisms within a laboratory network should be well described,

with clear transportation arrangements in place.


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Механизмы транспортировки и направления образцов внутри лабораторной сети должны быть хорошо описаны

и подкреплены четкой организацией транспорта на местах.


The TTO Circle operates as a laboratory for the development and testing of new tools,

methods and instruments to support technology transfer and the commercialisation of research results in Europe.


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ТТО Circle является лабораторией для разработки и тестирования новых средств, методов и

инструментов в поддержку трансфера технологий и коммерциализации результатов научных исследований в Европе.


A laboratory (UK: , US: ; informally, lab) is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Without timely access to precise laboratory test results, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis or assessment of your pet’s health.


We recommend routine exams and laboratory testing to screen for parasites.


The new laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies for testing, including microbiological analyses and hygiene monitoring.


I have worried and wondered whether these nasties would ever acquire such sequences since my first encounters with the West Nile, Zika and chikungunya viruses, all discovered in the Uganda laboratory where I began work in 1953.


Often school-age kids don’t need any prodding to turn their home into a laboratory — just the time, space, materials, and supervision to safely do their thing.


«Then one time at about 3 a.m. one of my students was leaving the laboratory, and as he walked out the sprinklers for the lawn went on, about 10 yards away from our building.


In a paper being published today in PLOS ONE, researchers in the laboratory of Gladstone Investigator Warner C. Greene, MD, PhD, have uncovered the molecular signals that guide the activation of latent HIV.


ImagineArray ™ does not require extra equipment beyond what is already present in most laboratories.


After a short trip to the Union Nature Preserve, Sebastian will explore the tunnels of The Marrow and access a frightening laboratory.


Effectively performed analysis of products in strict accordance of more than fifty laboratory methods and assured test results met specification limits.


The logo is only used on foods that are confirmed with laboratory testing to be low in all FODMAPs.


Oyo State Ministry of Health has declared that no single case of Lassa fever has been established in the state since last year when the first suspected case was subjected to clinical test at the federal ministry of health’s reference laboratory in Lagos.


We do not provide super bills and can not assist with claim resolution for laboratory tests or consultations.


Many tests are available through a professional diagnostic laboratory.


Not just for convenience, access to an in-house laboratory can be crucial in an pet emergency situation.


But speciation has been observed in the laboratory.


One of the most important tools at our scientific disposal in understanding mammalian gene function is the laboratory mouse.


Dr. Ryu and Mr. Park toured Dr. Vertegaal’s laboratory and viewed technical demonstrations and presentations related to the Patents-in-Suit.


McLaren also confirmed the staggering allegations made by Dr Grigory Rodchenkov, the head of the Moscow laboratory between 2005 and 2015, that steroid-tainted urine samples were substituted with clean ones in Sochi with the help of Russia’s intelligence and anti-doping officials to enable athletes to pass doping tests.


I began working as a postdoc in the Sette laboratory at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology in February 2016.


After quality assessment of the sectioning and staining, each bin of samples was returned to the laboratory at Public Health England.


So, when I think about the ingredients in my beauty products, it seems to make sense that something that sprouted straight from the earth will be healthier than a laboratory concoction.


In the laboratory, this is the secret to obesogenic rat chow.


The work, appearing in a paper in the May 29 issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience, was done in the laboratory of Yuki Oka, assistant professor of biology.


Our technicians prepare the culture in our laboratory following strict quality control procedures.


On the other hand, he cited a report by the Spiez laboratory run by the Swiss government, which learned that samples from Salisbury contained not only Novichok, but also the Swiss-produced BZ nerve agent, which had not been produced in either Russia or the USSR.


We can arrange for conventional blood testing, and also work with several highly specialised testing laboratories in America as well as Australia and NZ if you do require specialised testing.


All three hospitals perform many laboratory tests on site.


Direct and indirect costs were calculated for midwifery and obstetric clinical time; use of operating theatres, laboratory tests, imaging, wards, allied health, pharmacy; capital depreciation; and clinical overheads.


Blandford: Well it depends how tenuous it is, but if it were dense of the sort that you could make in a laboratory, you would be subject to burns and in many circumstances radiation exposure.


That was the lesson that emerged from Winship Cancer Institute researcher Erwin Van Meir’s laboratory, highlighted in a recent paper in Oncogene.


He further urged industry leaders, and the business community to partner government to establish furnish tertiary institutions with state of the art laboratories to enable them train more researches and engineers for the country adding that «if we do not get our minds set into this direction, we are heading for trouble as a country.»


And in his laboratory, centrifuges, electron microscopes and spectrometers were also used to separate out the graphene and test the outcome.


In order to better understand biological functions of ADAR in vivo, the laboratory has analyzed the effects of ADAR1 gene mutations in mouse models.


In Stage 2 of CI there are often more numerous and well-defined signs and symptoms.13,14,15,16 This allows the condition to be more easily assessed from history, physical evaluations and laboratory tests.


Alice’s looking glass may be the latest bit of literary magic worthy of physics laboratories.


Partnering with Alere allows you to incorporate the industry’s best practices into your drug and alcohol testing program, which may include laboratory services at three SAMHSA Certified facilities and two that are dedicated to medication monitoring.


All testing and validation of finished product is conducted by independent FDA recognized laboratories.


The Helenere laboratories have created this all-natural Hedelweiss line which contains extracts of the beautiful Alpine Edelweiss flower.


COD LIVER OIL TESTING When the Weston A. Price Foundation first became aware of concerns about fermented cod liver oil, they sent a sample to Dr. Grootveld’s laboratory for testing.


So he and his collaborators built a device that other researchers can use to make nanostraws in their own laboratories.


Depending on the test results and the animal’s symptoms additional laboratory tests, radiographs and a cardiac ultrasound may also be recommended to determine infection and severity.


It is possible to obtain entry-level employment as a laboratory technician with a master’s degree; although, most research positions require a Ph.D..


The goal, of course, is to maximize productivity — and now a study quantifies the impact of each of these categories of workers on laboratories» output.


We will form a collaborative team with four laboratories to take advantage of these new tools and rich data to create anatomically realistic computational models of large brain networks that underlie working memory.


The chicken producer plunged into crisis Monday after police said BRF executives conspired with laboratories to falsify test results and cover up a salmonella outbreak, the latest fallout from a food-safety investigation that threw the country’s meat industry into disarray last year.


They usually have no skeleton at all, but do have highly developed eyes and a complex nervous system, and indeed in laboratory experiments are capable of learning to some extent.


«You might have to vote on accrediting a New York City crime laboratory on Tuesday and then next Tuesday you’re in court attacking the evidence that is being presented against your client.»


This research was performed at the Atmospheric Measurement Laboratory, an atmospheric sciences laboratory at PNNL.


Technicians provide patient monitoring, client education, surgical and dental assistance, laboratory diagnostics, administration of medicines and treatments, and anesthesia among other vital animal care and veterinary clinical tasks.


Synonym: lab, research lab, research laboratory, science lab, science laboratory, testing ground. Similar words: elaborate, collaboration, labor, laboriously, regulatory, conciliatory, operator, refrigerator. Meaning: [‘læbrətɔrɪ /lə’bɒrətrɪ]  n. 1. a workplace for the conduct of scientific research 2. a region resembling a laboratory inasmuch as it offers opportunities for observation and practice and experimentation. 

Random good picture Not show

1. He is now in the laboratory.

2. The laboratory was well insulated against all outside noise.

3. The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria.

4. The laboratory was reorganized as a separate establishment.

5. The language laboratory is not operational yet.

6. She was taken on as a laboratory assistant.

7. She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory.

8. Our laboratory is well equipped.

9. He runs his own research laboratory.

10. You may have the liberty of the language laboratory.

11. The laboratory tests are of little real value.

12. We have very high safety standards in this laboratory.

13. They will proceed to build another laboratory building.

14. This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.

15. Can this effect be reproduced in a laboratory?

16. The athletes’reflexes were tested under laboratory conditions.

17. Is it possible to multiply bacteria in the laboratory?

18. Did you perceive anyone entering the laboratory?

19. These laboratory instruments are of our own making.

20. Laboratory and field tests have been conducted.

21. Six mice were bred in the laboratory.

22. They work in a laboratory studying growth patterns.

23. What are the dimensions of this language laboratory?

24. Blood samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis.

25. This change has been timed under laboratory conditions.

26. To confirm the diagnosis,[] the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacteria.

27. This phenomenon has been observed in both laboratory and field studies.

28. She had an image of a mad scientist working in his laboratory.

29. The report concluded the cheapest option was to close the laboratory.

30. They collect blood samples for analysis at a national laboratory.

More similar words: elaborate, collaboration, labor, laboriously, regulatory, conciliatory, operator, refrigerator, administrator, abortion, story, history, factory, storage, territory, inventory, senator, educator, decorate, predator, elevator, corporate, regulator, indicator, incorporate, legislator, exploration, corporation, coordinator, investigator. 

лаборатория, лабораторный


- лаборатория

hot laboratory — «горячая» лаборатория, лаборатория для исследования высокоактивных веществ
laboratory of the mind /of ideas/ — работа ума /мысли/

- ванна
- рабочее пространство


- лабораторный

laboratory test — лабораторные испытания; лабораторная проба
laboratory findings — данные лабораторного исследования
laboratory routine — лабораторная практика
in laboratory conditions — в лабораторных условиях

Мои примеры


experiments conducted in a modern laboratory — эксперименты, проведённые в современной лаборатории  
culture bacteria in laboratory dishes — выращивать бактерии в лабораторных чашках  
chief of laboratory — заведующий лабораторией; завлаб  
hybrid computation and simulation laboratory — лаборатория гибридных вычислительных и моделирующих средств  
advanced concept laboratory — лаборатория перспективных концепций  
advanced concepts laboratory — научно-исследовательская лаборатория перспективных концепций  
laboratory accreditation for ready-mix concrete — лабораторная приёмка товарного бетона  
laboratory consolidation — уплотнение в лабораторных условиях  
construction products research laboratory — исследовательская лаборатория строительных изделий  
cosmetic laboratory — косметическая лаборатория  
cosmic ray physics laboratory — лаборатория физики космического излучения  
criminal laboratory — криминалистическая лаборатория  

Примеры с переводом

He had direct charge of the laboratory.

Лаборатория находилась в его непосредственном подчинении.

The laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year.

Лаборатория работает с бюджетом миллион в год.

We have very high safety standards in this laboratory.

В этой лаборатории очень строгие правила техники безопасности.

All laboratory men feature in this research.

В этом исследовании заняты все работники лаборатории.

The new teacher was assigned to the science laboratory.

Нового учителя направили в научную лабораторию.

Many of the laboratory animals express the trait.

Этот характерный признак проявляется у многих лабораторных животных.

Students will carry out simple laboratory experiments.

Студенты выполнят несложные лабораторные опыты.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The grant administrator visited the laboratory

Researchers incubated the cells in the laboratory.

She enjoys her clinical practice but is looking forward to working in a laboratory.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): laboratory
мн. ч.(plural): laboratories

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