Use the word kind in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “kind” in a sentence. How to connect “kind” with other words to make correct English sentences.

kind (n, adj): a group with similar characteristics, or a particular type; generous, helpful, and thinking about other people’s feelings

Use “kind” in a sentence

He is very kind.
She isn’t kind to him. In fact, she’s not kind to anyone.
What kind of wine do you have?

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Synonym: considerate, decent, friendly, generous, gentle, make, nature, sort, species, sympathetic, tender, thoughtful, type, variety, warmhearted. Antonym: unkind. Similar words: kind of, look in, milking, parking, fucking, banking, kingdom, check in. Meaning: [kaɪnd]  n. a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality. adj. 1. having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior 2. agreeable, conducive to comfort 3. tolerant and forgiving under provocation. 

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1. Kind hearts are more than coronets. 

2. A kind word is never lost. 

3. Kind words are worth much and cost little. 

4. Kind words are the music of the world. 

5. Kind words butter no parsnips.

6. Soft (or Fine or Kind) words butter no parsnips. 

7. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 

8. Things of a kind come together; people of a kind fall into the same group. 

9. Aluminium is a kind of metal.

10. What kind of house do you live in?

11. This kind of reasoning is deeply perverse.

12. What kind of fish is this?

12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

13. Thank you all for your kind gifts.

14. Don’t say that kind of thing so loudly.

15. What kind of tours are available?

16. She has such a kind, friendly personality.

17. His cruelty belied his kind words.

18. What kind of bag was it?

19. What kind of wine do you have?

20. What kind of wine do u have available?

21. This is a kind of atomic spectrum.

22. He’s some kind of mathematical genius.

23. Its nozzle was smeared with some kind of lubricant.

24. This kind of biscuits is crisp.

25. Peony is a kind of herbs.

26. The regions differ in size(, but not in kind.

27. Men of privilege without power are waste material, Men of enlighten-ment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. 

28. Words and deeds are quite indifferent 23modes of the divine 24energy. Words are also action, and actions are a kind of words. 

29. When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. 

30. Experience never misleads; what you are missed by is only your judgement, and this misleads you by anticipating results from experience of a kind that is not produced by your experements. 

More similar words: kind of, look in, milking, parking, fucking, banking, kingdom, check in, break in, striking, look into, break into, find, mind, index, find out, behind, window, wind up, Indian, mind you, the working class, industry, indicate, reminder, in detail, in danger, never mind, fall behind, indicator. 

Definitions of Kind

Noun : natural group, race, character, sort, class, manner, nature.

Adjective : sympathetic, Having or showing sympathy or love for others, Disposed to do good to others.

Your uncle was very kind to me.

Your kind attention is invited to the subject, as mentioned earlier.

Your father is a kind man.

You need to protect them from any kind of damage.

You must consider what kind of work you want to do.

You have always been enough kind to me.

You can get addicted to a certain kind of madness.

You are very kind.

You are very kind to us.

You are too kind to me.

You are not kind to me.

You are kind to me.

You are a very kind man.

Would you be kind to shut that window?

Would you be so kind as to keep me informed?

Would you be kind enough to wait?

Be kind and explain it to me?

Women love men who are kind and generous.

With due deference, I bring the following facts to your kind notice.

Will your guides be kind to you?

Who is very kind and benevolent?

Which kind of friend do you prefer?

What kind of water you drink and use for cooking is essential.

What kind of tree is that?

What kind of surroundings does he or she like?

What kind of movies are popular these days?

What kind of sandwich did you order?

What kind of pie do you have?

What kind of overcoats would you like to see?

What kind of music do you like?

What kind of memorials do the people want to build for him?

What kind of material is this?

What kind of toys would you like?

What kind of house do you want to buy?

What kind of help do you need?

What kind of food contains in the grain of cereals?

What kind of food does a simple man like?

What kind of food do you prefer?

What kind of food do you like?

What kind of flower is this?

What kind of films do you like to see?

What kind of filling do you want on your salad?

What kind of dress do you like?

What kind of danger are we in?

What kind of computer is this?

What kind of citizens should education produce?

What kind of books does he think are most valuable?

What kind of books do you like?

What kind of animals lives around here?

What kind of animals and plants were found on his land?

What kind of an animal is it?

What kind of accommodation do you need?

What kind of a person are you?

What kind of a man was he?

What kind of a bird is this?

What a kind man you are!

We will use the most virulent kind in trying to make a vaccine.

We should be kind to animals.

We see more and more of this kind of stuff.

We ought to be kind to the poor.

We have to write many letters of one kind or the other during our lifetime.

We find a kind of emotional unity in our country.

We enjoy the natural beauty of a different kind when we visit another city.

We are not taught this kind of thing in our school.

We are kind to you because you are kind to us.

This time we had been praying to God to be kind to her.

This kind of weather is right for the farmers.

This kind of thing is terrible.

This kind of murder is an act of pure barbarity.

This kind of joke does not amuse me.

We call This kind of haircut undercut layers.

This kind of food addiction is not at all healthy.

This kind of apple is delightful.

This kind appears at the bottom of the foot.

This is the kind of flirting that almost all girls do.

This is not the kind of stuff I want.

This is not some kind of superstition, but findings based on data.

I wish to bring to your kind notice that stray cases of cholera are occurring in the village.

This is for your kind information.

This is a different kind of apple than that.

They think of others, so they naturally say kind words.

They seemed to be very kind and friendly.

These kinds of potatoes grow well in this soil.

There are many more than ninety kinds of substances in the world.

Their boats are made of a kind of bark.

The youth of today likes this kind of music.

The warden is a very kind man.

The rich should be kind to the poor.

The machine is caught in some kind of lock.

The grocer is very kind to his customers.

The fortress was secure from every kind of attack.

This kind of face makeup downplays your beauty.

This kind of allergy is related to food.

The dog likes that kind of food.

The doctor was as kind as I thought.

The cow is a useful animal.

That’s very kind of you!

That’s a popular kind of food in this country.

That kind of work did not interest me.

That kind of man is not to be trusted.

That kind of joke does not give me any amusement.

I would like to thank you once again for this kind gesture.

Thank you for your kind remembrance.

So we should always try to smile, speak a cheery word, say kind things, and make others happy.

She was unkind to me.

She was very kind to me and was a good and noblewoman.

She should not do that kind of work.

She must be a very kindhearted lady.

She is very kind to me.

She is very kind and considerate.

She is kind to me only.

She is kind enough to help me.

She is always kind to everyone.

She is a kind and gentle lady.

She has a kind heart.

She attracted the wrong kind of people.

Selfish people hardly say kind things.

We should give this matter our kind and immediate attention.

Please be so kind as to show me the way to the station.

Physical activity of any kind is useful for us.

People who speak kind words are often remembered.

People have always been kind to me.

People always tend to trust you to resolve any kind of disagreement.

One should always be kind to others.

One always be kind to others.

I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your kind consideration.

My friend was kind enough to help me when I was in trouble.

Please allow me to thank you for your kind attention.

Look at each underlined verb and say what kind of meaning it expresses.

It’s kind of ironic.

It would be very kind of you.

It will be very kind of you if you bring a computer for me.

It will be very kind if you rent out the apartment to him for the next year.

It is kind of you to give me some help from the Students’ Aid Fund.

It is very kind of you to send me a birthday present.

It would be very kind of you to help them with it.

It was so kind of you to have remembered me on this occasion.

It was kind of you to help them.

It was kind of you to help him.

It was kind of him to wait.

It was kind of him to speak to us.

It was kind of him to help me.

It was kind of him not to complain at all.

It was full of every kind of desert plants.

It is with great agony that I wish to bring to your kind notice the callousness shown by some employees or your Department.

It will be very kind of you to remember me on my birthday.

It is very kind of you to help him like that.

It is very kind of you to have come here.

It is very kind of you to call on me.

This kind of behavior annoys everybody.

It is the -first institute of its kind in the world.

It is nothing but a kind of sound that comes when you breathe with incredible difficulty.

It is not kind of you to behave like this.

It is kind of you to lend me the money.

It is a kind of hanging pendant that is worn on the head.

It is a commercial activity involving some kind of trade or manufacture.

It will help you to remove dead skin cells and any kind of dirt and dust.

It would cost nothing to say a kind word to one who is sad or in trouble.

It can be a symptom of a kind of a brain tumor.

Is this the kind of dress to wear in the evening?

Is this the kind of dress to wear at the marriage party?

Is he kind to all his friends?

Inner peace comes with being kind and generous towards all people and things.

We can play Indoor games in every kind of weather.

In this kind of weather, we usually play indoor games, but when there is heavy snowfall, we are taken for ice skating.

I want to bring to your kind notice the problem of stray dogs in our locality.

I wish He wouldn’t do that kind of thing.

I will gladly avail of your kind offer.

I want your kind help.

I want the same kind of watch as I have lost.

I want the same kind of umbrella as she is carrying.

I shall keep this watch carefully.

I shall be very thankful to you for this kind gesture.

I sat by the side and spoke kind words to her.

I like this kind of weather.

I like this kind of book.

I know what kind of person he is.

I have obliged you for your kind guidance.

I expect you would let me know in your next letter what kind of extra-curricular reading you find interesting.

I don’t like that kind of man.

I don’t know what kind of creature is making such a terrible noise outside tonight.

I don’t enjoy that kind of music.

I do not say this in any kind of haughty spirit.

I do not read this kind of book.

I do not like this kind of book.

I cannot put up with this kind of treatment.

I can’t live that kind of life.

I asked the girl whether her guides were kind to her.

I am sure you will gladly give your kind consent and blessings.

I am sure you will be kind enough to me.

I am sincerely thankful to you for your kind gesture and generosity.

I am sending my detailed resume for your kind consideration.

I am sending my detailed resume for your kind and favorable consideration.

How kind of you!

How kind and good you are!

His mother is a kind and gentle lady.

Here is an exercise for you to identify the kind of sentence.

Here are many tips to help you choose the right kind of jewelry for your neck.

He’s very kind to me.

He wished to be kind and loving to them.

He was known to be a kind man.

He was kindhearted and helpful to all.

He was kind to needy.

He was kind to show me his gift.

He was kind enough to listen to me.

He was a kind ruler.

He was a kind fellow.

He was a just and kindhearted ruler.

He tells us to be honest, kind, and friendly.

He spoke kind words to the children.

He replied that he was okay, but kind of hungry.

He knows what kind to choose.

He is very kind to us.

He is very kind to me.

He is very kind and gentle.

He is very gentle, kind, and good looking.

He is too kindhearted not to forgive me.

He is the most loving and kindhearted person.

He is living a superficial kind of life.

He is kind towards the poor.

He is kind to those around him.

He is kind to the poor.

He is kind to everybody.

He is kind enough to help you.

He is kind and helpful to everyone.

He is a kindhearted man.

He helped me clear up, which was very kind of him.

He has always been kind and down to earth.

He has a kind word, even for a beggar.

He encouraged us to listen to this kind of music.

He certainly hadn’t done anything that deserved that kind of punishment.

Have you had no experience with this kind of work?

Find out what kind of makeup suits your skin, your face, and your age.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable adjective and tell its kind.

Everyone needs some kind of entertainment after hard work.

Everybody was kind to me in my childhood.

Everybody says that he is a kind soul.

Every human being has one kind of vanity or another.

Even the best outfits are incomplete without the right kind of party shoes.

Breast cancer is a typical kind of cancer during pregnancy.

Do you think they are kind?

Do you need some kind of help?

Do you like this kind of wine?

Do they have to put up with this kind of nonsense?

Did you think they were kind?

Can you describe the kind of birds you saw last evening?

Breast milk is said to be the best kind of nutrition your newborn baby can get right after delivery.

Blood donation is the highest kind of contribution.

Be kind to your dependents.

Be kind to the poor.

Be kind to everyone.

Be kind and help me.

Be kind and fear not.

As a result, it becomes a different kind of atom.

Are your guides kind to you?

Are you personally ready for this kind of emergency?

We do all kinds of shopping here.

After the party was over, my father thanked all the guests for their kind visit.

A kind word is more welcome than a costly present.

Synonyms for the word Kind


He maintains cordial relations with the other staff members of the college.

It was a cordial meeting.

The teachers are very cordial and helpful.

We continue to have cordial relations with them.

I bid you a most cordial and hearty welcome.

He was a staunch believer in maintaining cordial relations with his neighbors.

All the members of the family have very cordial relations with everyone in the colony.

He has had cordial relations with all.

We received a cordial welcome from them.


This is a friendly gesture and a nice way to impress a girl.

My brother has been friendly to him.

He is always friendly to me.

He is very friendly to us.

They are amicable people.

Everyone is friendly to her.

It is a friendly reminder that the invoice is overdue.

We should keep up friendly relations with neighboring countries.

I have been on friendly terms with him for more than twenty years.

You must be friendly with your neighbors.


She is very affectionate to her friends.

My father was no less affectionate and tender to me than my mother was.

He sent me an affectionate letter.

They’ve always been very affectionate with their in-laws.


Several charitable institutions are running because of his help.

He is the richest and charitable man in this locality.

They do not possess charitable qualities.

Several charitable institutions are running with his help.

He is lavish in giving money for charitable purposes.

The revenues go to a charitable foundation.


Such criminals do not deserve any sympathy or compassionate dealing.


One should be considerate towards elders, the sick, and the disabled.

We should be more considerate to the poor and needy.

He was considerate enough to take some fruits for his friend, who was ill.

Be considerate in dealing with others.

It was considerate of him to offer us a ride.

My friend was considerate enough to help me in my misfortunes.

We should be considerate of the old.

He is considerate of everybody’s feelings.


The old lady is of gentle deposition.

The children like her because she is gentle with them.

He is of a gentle disposition.

Give the child gentle swings at the time of sleeping.

Rub it gently.

He was a gentle and loving person.

Pigeons are gentle birds who thrive on each other’s company.

The moon cast a gentle light.

My father speaks in a gentle tone.


She was gracious enough to go and see him.

He was gracious enough to accept my invitation.


Will you kindly untie this knot?

I request you to remit my fine kindly.

You are to make life kindly and tolerable for all of us.

Would you kindly inquire and let me know of the inordinate delay in the collection of my cheque?

Kindly grant me leave for four days.

He spoke kindly with me.

Will you kindly come here at nine?


I can’t help loving her.

She extended a loving hand to the children.


Thank you very much for your thoughtful present.


We should learn to be tolerant and forgiving.

I am tolerant by nature.

The scriptures and sacred books make us broad-minded, tolerant, and patient.

One should be tolerant of criticism.

They’re tolerant of us.

Antonyms for the word Kind


He’s antagonistic toward us.

He was antagonistic toward the man.

The two friends are antagonistic to each other.


The throat can be affected in common cold and flu.

The cold wind was roaring outside.


How do you keep your cool?

Some of the neighbors tried to cool their tempers and separated them.

It was chilly yesterday.

Let’s not wait until it’s too cool to enjoy.

Bathe at least twice a day to make sure that you stay cool and fresh.


They had no respect for him due to his cruel behavior.

He is a cruel husband.

What a cruel act!

People hated him for his cruel behavior.

It is cruel for them to make the boy work so hard.


A disagreeable thought came to him.

The phrase implies that the thing is disagreeable.

He was a disagreeable older man.

I didn’t expect his behavior to descend to such a disagreeable level.

What a disagreeable fellow he is!

There is no more disagreeable thing than this.


It would have been discourteous to omit them.

It is discourteous to tweet about.


I cannot help disliking him.


He passed the examination through hard work.

I am working hard for the next house test.

Could you speak louder? I’m hard of hearing.

Is it hard to speak English?

Those who work hard will succeed.


Do not use harsh words with anybody,

She has used harsh words for her parents.

She stops them with her harsh and loud voice.

We should never be harsh towards him.

They would look awkward if they sang before others in their harsh voice.

I stepped outside and was bathed in the harsh direct sunlight.

Exposure to the harsh ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause sunspots on your skin.

Don’t use a harsh shampoo that drains all moisture.


The sight of him is hateful to us.

The sight of him was hateful to them.


They remain indifferent to their duty in the examination.

The press and people severely criticized them for this indifferent attitude.

I am not indifferent to the beauties of nature.

Like others, he too was indifferent to money-matters.

He is indifferent to his children.

He is indifferent to praise or blame.

He is indifferent to politics.

He is indifferent to what he wears.

Too many people are indifferent to politics.

They are quite indifferent to strangers.

They are quite indifferent to strangers.

He is indifferent about his clothes.

Lots of people are indifferent to politics.

She was indifferent to politics.


It does not mean that he is a book-worm.

I didn’t mean to give that impression.

What do you mean they are killing each other?

I didn’t mean to offend anyone.


Yesterday evening while I was returning home from school, I had a nasty accident.

Once I had a nasty fall from the roof of the house and was severely hurt.

This is the nasty business.

Sometimes the food is so nasty that you cannot even swallow it.

It was a very nasty fall.

You must remove nasty yellow curry stains from these clothes.

Well, here are some nasty habits to let go for the sake of love.

He is not such a nasty man, as you think.

He has a nasty cut on his leg.

He gave her a nasty look.


This is the rough draft of the peace treaty.

A man’s hands are as rough and twisted as the dry branches of a tree.

You can use the space below for rough work.

But its rough use can put our life into danger.

Arrange your week points in a logical sequence and write out a rough draft.

This is a rough world we are living in.

He did a rough drawing to show me the way to the station.

He has rough manners.

I have a rough idea of where it is.

The ship encountered rough seas.


Please forgive me for being rude to you.

He is too gentle to be rude to anyone.

He deals with rude students with courage and sympathy.

The news of your father’s death has come to me as a rude shock.

He is a rude person.

It is rude to speak with our mouths full.

He was very rude to her.

He should apologize to her for being so rude to her mother.

I have trouble putting up with her rude manner.

It is rude of him not to give me a call.

It is rude to stare at someone.


There is a severe shortage of oil in this city.

We had a harsh winter ten years ago.

I felt severe pain on the shoulder.

That country has a severe climate.


I am so sorry to have indulged in such a fit of an unfriendly temper.

They were unfriendly to him.

He looked unfriendly at first.

I dislike her unfriendly attitude.

She had an unfriendly attitude.

Can you figure out why the boss is so unfriendly this week?


Don’t be unkind to your friends.

She was unkind to him.


Don’t run away with the idea that I am unsociable. I just haven’t time to go out much.

He is not so much unsociable as bashful.


Such violent feelings were too for him.

A violent thought brings violent bodily movements.

She’s violent right now. It’d be better to avoid her.

It’s going to be violent weather!

His opposition was more violent than I had bargained for.

Recent comics have too many violent scenes.

kind — перевод на русский


Would you be so kind in telling me what happened to you?

Не будете ли Вы так добры рассказать, что с Вами произошло?

Be very kind to him.

Будьте добры к нему.

Although you haven’t been kind to my uncle, I will be pleased to help you one more time.

Вы не были добры к моему дяде, но тем не менее я буду рада Вам ещё раз помочь.

I wonder if you’ll be kind enough to let me tell you my side.

Не будете ли вы так добры выслушать мою позицию.

Oh, how kind are you, Monsieur.

О, месье, как вы добры.

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Will you kindly respect my gray hair?

— Будьте любезны, уважьте мои седины.

Kind of you to see me.

— Спасибо. Вы очень любезны.

-Your Grace is too kind.

— Вы очень любезны, Ваша Светлость.

Then if you will be so kind, judge.

Если вы будете так любезны, судья.

— Thank you. You’re very kind.

Вы очень любезны.

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It simply is an act of self deception to put that kind of religious interpretation on out of thought.

Ёто просто акт самообмана налагать религиозные интерпретации на такого рода мысли.

Will be a love nest The practical kind

Может стать любовным гнездышком для продолжения рода

Then if she’s that kind of a girl, well, the rest is easy.

И если она такого рода девушка… то остальное просто.

Not much, perhaps, but just of a certain kind.

Возможно, но воображения определённого рода.

«With respect to the said newspapers the said Charles Foster Kane hereby relinquishes all control thereof and of the syndicates pertaining thereto and any and all other newspaper, press and publishing properties of any kind and agrees to abandon all claim thereto… »

С уважением к вышеназванным газетам, Чарльз Фостер Кейн отказывается от всяческого контроля над ними, над их профсоюзами, а также всеми другими газетами и любого рода издательствами. От имущественных претензий.

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This world’s divided into two kinds of people… the hunter and the hunted.

все люди делятся на два типа: охотники и жертвы.

Now, there are three kinds of music on this Fantasia program.

В программе «Фантазия» вы услышите три типа музыки.

Now, the number that opens our Fantasia program, the Toccata and Fugue, is music of this third kind, what we call absolute music.

Итак, программу «Фантазия» открывает Токката и Фуга, музыка третьего типа. Мы её называем чистая музыка.

Your love is the romantic kind.

Ваша же любовь романтического типа.

He said that there are three kinds of men.

Он сказал, что есть три типа людей.

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But it’s very kind of you to take an interest.

Очень мило, что вас это волнует.

— Oh, how kind.

— Ой, как мило.

— I’ll open the door. — It was kind of you to come, Miss Frazier.

Очень мило, что вы пришли, мисс Фрезер.

That’s very kind of you but this could never be like Kansas.

Это очень мило, но здесь никогда не будет так, как в Канзасе.

That’s very kind of you sister, but I’m not hungry.

Это очень мило с твоей стороны, сестрёнка, но я не голоден.

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Well, you know, they’re pretty, but it’s kind of odd, the whole idea of someone giving someone a flower ’cause it’s like, «Oh, you know, I like you, so let me give you something that’s dying.»

Ну, знаешь, да они красивые, но это немного странно, вся идея дарения цветов потому что это как «О, знаешь, ты мне нравишься, так что я хочу подарить тебе что-то что умирает»

It’s like this, miss. You see, the horse is kind of tired today… on account of having won the Grand National on Friday.

Дело в том, мисс, что он сегодня немного усталый… после того, как в пятницу выиграл Большой Национальный приз.

It’s kind of frightening.

Немного жутковато.

That sounds kind of old-fashioned and domestic coming from you, Trudy.

Это звучит немного старомодно. Странно слышать это от вас, Труди.

Have you got a brunette with green eyes, kind of slanted either alone or with a little guy, weighs about 115 pounds wears a grey hat and grey suit?

Брюнетка, с зелеными глазами, немного раскосыми, живет одна, или с невысоким парнем, весит где-то 52 килограмма, ходит в серой шляпе и сером костюме.

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Yeah, yesterday you got in trouble because you bought the wrong kind of sage.

Да, вчера у тебя были проблемы, потому что ты купил неправильный вид шалфея.

If he wants to be kind, it’s all right with me.

Если он хочет делать вид, что все в порядке со мной

Kind of a tall, dark, handsome-like gentleman.

На вид высокий, смуглый, красивый, как джентльмен.

Your husband created a new kind of journalism, and you helped him.

Ваш муж создал новый вид журналистики, и Вы помогали ему в этом.

That’s the worst kind of wolf.

Лиса — худший вид волка.

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— You’ll do nothing of the kind.

— Ничего подобного.

You’ll do nothing of the kind.

Ты не сделаешь ничего подобного.

It’s nothing of the kind.

Ничего подобного.

You didn’t do anything of the kind, Lizzie.

Ничего подобного, Лиззи.

I won’t do anything of the kind.

Не будет ничего подобного.

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— It’s awfully kind of you, but I can’t…

— Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны, но я не могу…

It’s awful kind of you to look after me.

Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны присмотреть за мной.

It’s very kind of you but I’ll be all right if they just change the cloth.

Мило с вашей стороны, но мне будет достаточного поменять скатерть.

It’s very kind of you, but I’m not very hungry.

Спасибо, это очень мило с вашей стороны, но я не голодна.

That’s wonderfully kind of you.

— Очень мило с Вашей стороны.

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If this is some kind of sick training session, you better… you better tell me!

Нет, папа. Если это какая-то нелепая тренировка, сразу скажи!

I was a bit worried, she was kind of nervous tonight.

Я переживал… Она сегодня была какая-то нервная.

I’ve no memory of ever being bit by any kind of bee.

Не помню, чтобы меня хоть какая-то пчела жалила.

Dad told me he heard you were in some kind of building work.

Отец сказал мне, что он слышал, будто у тебя какая-то работа, связанная со строительством.

A kind of magic or whatever it was.

Какая-то магия…

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  • Use the word Kind in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He has a rare kind of hypermnesia.

The Flightmare, it sprayed you with some kind of mist.

Someone tried to alter Scott’s brain neurons by surgically implanting some kind of microfilament.

Again it’s the kind of zeitgeist of abstract expressionism, that freedom, that release from the conventions of picture making that were earlier is there with Frank.

I guess it would look kind of funny… if we denied the marriage now, wouldn’t it?

Somebody’s gotta give me a policy, some kind of yardstick.

We eat the same kind of vittles

They don’t know each other directly… but a waiter named Shimazaki is a middleman for some kind of negotiations.

Bare legs are kind of splotchy under the spotlights.

I didn’t want them to start getting rough… so I said to them pacifically: «Dear, sweet clodhoppers… if you knew anything of sexual psychology… you would know hat nothing could give me keener pleasure… than to be manhandled by you meaty boys… ecstasy of the naughtiest kind.

Knock it off! — It’s that kind of smarts we need, right, Mopey?

So if you have a whole record store, how come you’ve been kind of mopey lately, man?

Gabriel trekked alone across Occupied France before he eventually found refuge here in Nice with Madeleine, a kind-hearted woman.

They got a plastic bag, filled it with weeds, and kind of wedged all the electrics so they can’t joogle about.

«Moral consciousness implies a kind of scission,

A young primatologist. In an unstable region falls for. A different kind of guerilla… a warlord.

Hits prosts, artistic, religious in some kind of way.

And I can kind of see it out of the corner of my eyes, that there was this man standing down at the end of my bed, kind of like this schlumpy old man.

what kind of person is this!

What kind of earring will match with this kind of clothes? Diamond?

Nobody does these kind of things anymore. Look at my age.

Your mom is that kind of lady.

Am I the only one to be pick on? Am I some kind of passing dog? Not a dog, but a god.

What the heck kind of guy is he?

Frank got a Guggenheim Fellowship to travel around the United States and document the kind of culture that he saw evolving here which he believed was spreading elsewhere.

And you realise the whole book is a narrative, a kind of narrative of optimism that’s died, the show is over, and Frank understands that beautifully.

But it wasn’t that big a deal. The kind of book that I do loses money all the time. So I wasn’t surprised.

I said «That’s typical. That’s the kind of photograph I took.»

And it’s only the next day that I realised I like get this kind of blur, a Picasso-like hand, a kid that some TV guy once said, «Oh, I like that kid with the beard.»

Everyone is a kind of actor in front of William Klein’s lens, everything turned into a kind of show.

They can pass within inches of each other without touching. So it’s full of beautiful possibilities, it’s all this kind of bull fighting stuff that people do. And within that is the kind of sexy sense of intimacy.

Lee Friedlander and Diane Arbus worked these streets, as did Garry Winogrand who became a kind of pack leader for a generation of hungry young street photographers. He invited me to his place on 93rd Street on the West Side, said «Come on up sometime.

It was a kind of nervous energy. Things responded to his energy.

They are about a certain kind of male looking that does go on. But, at the same time, he also, I think, had a feeling for what kind of woman would respond more positively.

Sometimes sexiness, but sometimes a kind of just bravado — «back at you, buddy.»

They see the interracial couple and they go «Oh, my god, they’ve had a monkey.» It’s such an outrageous kind of a gag, which is like a bad racist joke. And that’s exactly what Winogrand was aiming at and why he glommed on to moments like that.

He liked to make pictures which he knew would make both the most liberal and educated and the most politically conservative people, make them both kind of upset.

He did like to kind of startle people out of…what they thought was true.

I was after that kind of blank reality that that the subject matter would present.

And what I was after is some kind of very democratic view of what this entire thing looks like.

But I could hold a camera like this and, and kind of sway and the framing keeps changing.

And after a couple of days, I entered a very different kind of psychological state.

I’ve had that kind of training.

The kind that requires each button to be punched only once.

Sorry that I kind of slammed the phone on you the other day.

I was just thinking what kind of person it is who can spin such a web of lies and how far he would be ready to go to uphold the lie.

You belong here… with your own kind.

If you do it right, it’s just kind of a showstopper.

Learn how to use word kind in a sentence and make better sentences with `word kind` by reading word kind sentence examples.

  • That fine, long word kind of describes it very well, the cleansing of your body of any toxins.
  • Again, I am going to use the word kind, because that is the memory I carried away.
  • On Thursday he spelled » divertimento, » a kind of musical composition, as his first word.
  • Kind was the word.
  • Its about great but really simple techniques and its up to u what kind of word constallation u use.
  • The author’s kind spirit, evident from the first word, is one you’ll not want to disengage from.
  • My students do a flashcard or some kind of word to earn their turn, so it’s a fun reward for them.
  • JL Berg is some kind of word wizard.
  • Quantifier is a kind of unit word that expresses person, thing or movement.
  • A simple smile and a kind word each day can go a long way in the life of someone who needs it.
  • :I suppose the generic English word for a thing of that kind is » pannier «.
  • Word is a kind of group.
  • The word » stupid » serves as a kind of catchall.
  • Kind of like the copy guy on Saturday Night Live but everything had the word Mesa in it.
  • The first solo show of Janice Krasnow, at Jose Freire, is a series of word paintings forming a kind of body art that initially feels a little too close for comfort.
  • They are kind, friendly, accepting and they spread the gospel in deed and word.
  • For the word that uses netizens, these ana are provided quite ‘ scampish characteristic ‘ , having additional kind humorous.
  • Her head and heart are easily turned by any young man who looks her way and gives her a kind word.
  • Kind of like a kid does when learning a new vocabulary word.
  • At this moment, memory can repeat in brain some word or something, or,[Sentence dictionary] the imagination wears some kind to be able to make the occasion of him cerebra calm.
  • From the first page of The Last kind Words to the very last word, Piccirilli had me engaged.
  • They help start my day with a real smile and a kind word.
  • Art is a kind word when the output is repetitive remakes of Batman, Spiderman and Transformers.
  • Thats the kind of simpering word parsing you get these days.
  • And everytime the word popped up, I kind of felt like I was in a scene from Fargo.
  • Not one word from the staff about any kind of delay either.
  • She’s the kind of writer who savors each word.
  • Psychopathy and Sadism cannot be cured or deflected with a kind word.
  • I’m just realizing this now, but what kind of a title is Say the word.
  • I love it. I think it’s such a unique word. I just find it irresistible which is prob. why it became kind of a catch phrase.
  • Always quick with a kind word and even quicker with a secret helping hand for anyone in need.
  • An eye is not a kind of word.
  • Many people throughout the word have some kind of problem that they want to overcome.
  • Trump is a joke word for any kind of incompetence or deliberate lie.
  • The word ‘ghillie’ is an old Scottish term for a special kind of game warden.
  • And the kindest word I can use for the recipes themselves is ‘uninspired’and that’s very kind.
  • This kind of word formation is called conversion, a self-explanatory name.
  • Also, am I the only one who thinks the word clench is kind of gross.
  • The manager is outstanding and always has a kind word and smile.
  • Dysfunctional is the word most people use today to describe this kind of family.
  • It is a truly exceptional, pioneering work that is worth every kind word it received.
  • The Diceman plays the sleazeball head honcho of a record company who has a kind word for no one.
  • He depends on word of mouth, the best kind of advertising.
  • But he has suffered, if that’s the word, from an odd kind of typecasting.
  • The Last kind word is another in Housewright’s McKenzie series.
  • We need to investigate this thoroughly. word of mouth is regarded as the best kind of advertising.
  • :It’s an old word, apparently originating from the Middle English word » tissu «, meaning » a rich kind of cloth «, according to the American Heritage Dictionary.
  • Complicit is too kind a word for her.
  • 5 years ago and the woman who works the register has never had a kind word to say.
  • But the most common associated with the word is the kind you use on your body.
  • It is the kind of adventure that holds the reader with every word.
  • Always a smile and kind word.
  • This is kind of like a word search puzzle.
  • The bedrock of the God kind of meditation is the word of God.
  • It can also be helpful to do a Web search with the program’s name and the word ‘scam’ or ‘diploma mill’ to see what kind of results come up.
  • It’s a cumbersome, wishy washy kind of word, and Ms.
  • He isn’t doing this by complicated word study or text analysis or any kind of alienating exegesis.
  • He could not say thank you or speak a kind word if his life depended on it.
  • Like Jeremiah speaking to Israel before the Captivity, I have not a kind word to say for it.
  • Her stories are the kind that i like to read to the last word.
  • At the beginning, I thought, my word, what kind of story is this going to be.
  • The word salmon can mean a kind of fish.
  • Estranged would be a kind word for Natches Mackay’s relationship with his father.
  • But the final agreement urges such relief only in some cases, typifying the kind of compromise worked out word by word during long negotiations.
  • Rani is always quick with a kind word.
  • Not one kind word for Marino, who has been her dearest friend and companion over the years.
  • Disgusting is too kind a word.
  • Margaret, the manager, always greets you with a warm smile and a kind word.
  • A man who preached this kind of sermon could not even know what God’s word said.
  • At the end of word War I nationalism used to be of a kind that is today called patriotism.
  • Actually, drivel is too kind of a word.
  • Sometimes I say a word so often it kind of loses it’s power.
  • I like this because the app lets you skip the word for free and its kind of easy and fun.
  • The word we use for that kind of connection is love.
  • Your store was beyond dirty, even filthy is a kind word to describe it.
  • To give a genuine smile and kind word and beyond if I see a need that I can fill.
  • However, she never had a kind word for either HRC or Obama until DJT became president.
  • These were Sanders’ proposals, and Krugman never had a kind word for Sanders.
  • He always has a smile on his face and a kind word to say.
  • Then it kind of goes unsaid that it will be graphic written word.
  • The kind of combination that adds resonance to the written word and photos.
  • People who are god, kind, loving and follow the word and the light without drama and abuse.
  • Nice is another word for kind.
  • I don’t mean the aforementioned subject word as in some kind of holly hobby, craftsy sentiment.
  • The name comes from the word, Fezziwig, the name of Scrooge’s kind mentor in Charles Dickens’A Christmas Carol.
  • It’s also a great mistake to undervalue a single kind word or action.
  • Alternatively, if you’re more of a literati, free online strategy word games might be more the kind of puzzle for you.
  • It’s not really a review kind of word.
  • To never be given a kind word or treated as little more than an animal is so emotionally painful.
  • As the author says, passive income has become kind of a buzz word over the last few years.
  • John always has a kind word to say about others, even those that he disagrees with.
  • The service is outstanding and very personable, always a smile and a kind word.
  • I got some kind of smokey whiskey drink that had the word blood in the name, but it was great.
  • He is kind in word and deed.
  • And it all coalesces under ‘ Graffiti Bridge, ‘ for Prince a kind of Holy Grail inscribed with the word.
  • I am the kind of reader that reads slowly, and makes sure he comprehends every word and sentence.
  • Even syophocant is too kind a word.
  • Any Christian who studies the word should be able to see through this kind of stuff immediately.
  • The French word «negligee» means, «neglected» and describes a kind of women’s clothing worn in the bedroom or at night.
  • Eleven minutes pass and I get my cider without any kind word from waitress.

Similar words: World Governing, Working Part, Worland, Worse Yet, World Record, Workington, World Waited, Working Days, Word Existence, World Winning, Worf, Work Master, World Credited, Workingwoman, Workbench, Worldbeaters, Work Shift, World Leader, World Food Programme, Worse Printed

Definition of Kind

caring; nice

Examples of Kind in a sentence

A kind volunteer showed compassion by giving out blankets to flood victims at the local shelter.


The elderly woman was known for being kind, as she lovingly cared for children in her home for over two decades.


A kind gentleman helped the women and children into the life boat, thinking only of saving others and not himself.


Mother Teresa’s kind and benevolent deeds are known throughout the world of humanitarians.


Only when he became sick did the ruthless businessman become kind and sympathetic to the plight of others.


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