Use the word key in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “key” in a sentence. How to connect “key” with other words to make correct English sentences.

key (n, adj): a piece of metal that has been cut into a special shapeand is used for opening or closing a lock, starting a car engine, etc.; very important and having a lot of influence on other people or things

Use “key” in a sentence

Self confidence is the key to success.
Education is the key to success.
She inserted the key into the lock and opened the door.
The key to success is determination.
I lost my key somewhere around here.
Is this the key you are looking for?

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There are some key points that you need to pay attention to and implement in your business so that you can ensure the further success of your business

Children of elderly parents can play a key role by checking their parents’ homes for potential hazards

Personal knowledge about the patient can help in key diagnostic findings; but that does not take away the other aspects of the process of consultation

In females a hormone (oxytocin) plays a key factor in reducing the response to stress

communication is the key to grow and develop it

The first key to having a good conversation is becoming a better listener

It was like the ultimate skeleton key, able to open any lock

Henry’s the only one with a key to the props cupboard so it can’t have gone missing after that

Proper nutrition is the KEY to natural pest control

The key to growing organically is healthy soil

But how did he get hold of the gun? Henry keeps all the props locked up … Dan would have had to ask for it, borrowed the key or something

almost immediately heard a key turning in the door lock

David pops the trunk with a key fob

A key turns in the lock of the cell door and a GUARD

A key rattles in the lock and the door opens

The faceplate jerked back and he heard a key slide into the

At first, when the long hours of silence were rudely interrupted by activity out in the corridor, I did not believe in the sounds that came from the world outside of my cell: boots on ladder rungs, a scuff of rubber soles across rough concrete, and finally the sound of a key in a lock

The key to spiritual growth in the individual and the congregation are Christians living

This is how I suddenly got the Key to Awareness – which allows me to experience the interrelation between time and space, to experience death and birth every moment, always expecting the unforeseeable

This morning, as soon as she stepped into my office with some new texts in hand, the screen suddenly went black with a »system error», without my pressing a single key! What the heck, has she got a magnet or something? We called for a technician, as usual, but in the meanwhile the fair lady fumed and fretted at me and started shouting about my incompetence

A key in a padlock

«So you tech’s have a master key

I heard a key in a lock

The key in my lock turned

Using just as much theatrics, Moamar read the long list of charges, the council shouted ‘witness’ on cue in unison if not quite on key, and then Moamar shouted ‘GUILTY’ and that was about the extent of it

Menachem and I sat talking for an hour before we heard the key turn in the lock once more

The key turned in the lock as always, and in walked Robbie and The Man, their ever-present leader, their Knight Templar

I waited for the key to turn in the lock

She dabbed tentatively at a key on the plaque and watched as a series of ‘b’s appeared in one of the boxes on the screen in front of her

Angie pressed another key and the screen changed

Here’s the next key

 Releasing resistance is the key to getting back into

relationship with yourself is key to building a deeply loving,

If I read Proverbs correctly, one of the key components of a father is that he corrects his children

This is the key, it becomes more

collapses without this one key thing in place

first reflect some key differences to the Universe

The house felt oddly empty now the young people had gone … how ridiculous is that? Empty … a key word

Hazelnuts are a good source of folate, which plays a key role in keeping homocysteine within normal levels

This is where faith plays a key role in life

it be a cosmopolitan settlement; not just all Americans, The key then, for the individual, is to know when to Russians, or Chinese

Content addressability was the key

high above the lock and key

and a key turns

a key that is held in another hand of skin and bone,

They wait or they turn the key in the lock,

There is a key timing that this happens

“Exercise is the key to creating change in a person’s physical, emotional and mental states

he picked out the key to cells

I read in a book, a book written by a white person; it said not listening was the key to a happy marriage

the key with him

That sparkling delicious wetness held the key

Underneath I found the house key safe and happy in its place

With a foot on a chair and his Tsambouna in his arms he blew a note, long and loud and a little off key

A fair fight however incorporates the key elements of focus,

After I stuck my head under the shower, I locked up the house, shoved the key into my pocket and rushed to the Antonis

Alessandra took a key from the pocket in her skirt and opened a cavern of serenity, and a surprise

Alessandra tried the key and we could turn the door handle and hear the latch lift and listen to the tumblers but even with all our pushing and pulling it still wouldn’t budge

Having said all of that, the key to everything dealing with life and love is balance

All of this is grand and great to think about, but never take only being nice as the key to an

// Animal interface is the key to compatibility for Animal implementations

court official kept a key with Omi’s dad, a trustworthy man in the area

«The key finding is really the fact that this computing, if that’s what these state changes are, is happening on all the bodies but the impactors

The sound of a key in the lock makes me jump – I’m not used to it

Can I have your key?”

key to Pandit-ji’s warehouse store

With a minute to go, we hear a key in the front door and very soon Katie’s standing in the kitchen doorway

‘Medical college is one key, but not for me,’ she said

Ken, shocked and concerned about the strange way in which his wife had been behaving lately, carried her back up to the bedroom, where he made sure that the curtains were drawn and that the windows were safely closed and locked, taking the key with him to ensure Helen’s safety

them, but this is one of the key techniques taught in The Sedona

I kept the key in my shirt pocket

She made a flurry of getting the key out of her XXL a-cup sports bra

no longer even turn the key to start his car without

He imitated turning the key in his car

key to all self-testing methods is finding the precise

Mama twirled the key ring in his hand

The whole key to this method of self-testing is to figure

She keyed in a series of commands into her computer, turning off the beeping, and then headed back to the window

children were all excited and keyed up for operation

and pointed arches, carve edged and keyed

Then he keyed the magic numbers into the magical money machine and watched in absolute wonder as the machine spewed out huge great wads of ten-pound notes

He no sooner got thru his door than he keyed in the address of Ava’s lab

Since Ava wasn’t around to catch him, he keyed in some override codes and enabled administration rights to his desk eye

keyed the magic numbers into the magical money machine and

He keyed the radio mike

Considerate of him to check I’m not busy … I quickly keyed in his number on my direct line out of the office

It was in the middle of this and everyone else all keyed up that a runner had arrived I have no idea where he has come from but I can see him repeating something to them

Once the scan was complete, he keyed in the code

Those precious numbers had to be keyed in from his station

After seemingly endless months of chasing from here to there, always at full throttle, she was burned out, completely keyed up and with a fuse so short, everything pissed her off

At the border, which was also crawling with police, she got keyed up all over again, when it was discovered that Caroline’s residency document didn’t have the current tax payment recorded

She stood in the doorway and watched Herminia’s gentle breathing, regretting that she was far too keyed to enjoy the comfort of such placid sleep: if she tried, all she would do was toss and turn

four minutes at a time on the stool, still keyed up by the close

He keyed his own microphone button, now plugged into an auxiliary jack behind the seats

“Next!” He keyed the microphone, and pushed all manual freak buttons

He grabbed his mobile and keyed in Bear’s number in Sydney

To the girl whom to my heart have sneaked To the girl whom inside her eyes I’ve been keyed

grabbed the wheel and keyed in a lower speed as not to run over the

“Knowing that this abduction could lead to war with my people, a war they had no hope of winning, Milishak and Melcom held Yzandra in a magic cell with no physical entrance, deep beneath the deepest dungeons of their palace, reachable only by a keyed Translocation plate in the royal apartments

The chair is mundane, but the platform it is bound to has had a keyed permanent Flight spell cast upon it, which is Levitation combined with Movement

Since it cannot be keyed to you, I suggest that Talia be given control of it

“While you do that, I will cast invisibility and inaudibility on this tine band, keyed to Talia and I

“The Wards of Hilia are keyed to me and Talia

The Wards were keyed to him and Talia, and he could read their condition

Then I can have these Wards Keyed to me, and use them to help defend my land, rather than contain it

The fact that someone else had keyed into it did not give her cause for rejoicing

This is recorded when it is keyed in by the computer but no one really looks at staff movements until payday

At 10:25 she reached the staff door and keyed in the code

He keyed in the number of the incubator just below them and the screen slowly lit up with a low light image

Hamish keyed in the new number and the camera revealed a much younger female foetus

He hit the button for the scrambler line and keyed in a code that he had only been given that day

The monitor went black, and the chief keyed a button that shut down the

keyed it to the preset frequency and called out

Sanjay peered over Paul’s shoulder as he keyed in, Bugged & Buggers

1 Throughout the evening following this great outburst of healing, the rejoicing and happy throng overran Zebedee’s home, and the apostles of Jesus were keyed up to the highest pitch of emotional enthusiasm

Can‘s mind was keyed

One of the women keyed the proper code at her workstation

Josh keyed in a stop loss that would protect his investment

» Josh pulled up the appropriate screen and keyed in an order

She keyed the com

I keyed in full details of operational costs for all CGPB equipment

Isaac looked at the darkness under his wife’s eyes and instantly keyed on her mood

Luther keyed the MMARV’s over ride self destruct code into the control pad

She keyed in her code and the emergency hatch silently slid open

She quickly punched in a series of numbers and keyed the execute command

” She keyed in the data

Saul sat in the pilot’s seat and keyed the comm

If you work with different computers you will hear about flat files, sequential files, indexed or keyed files and databases

As mentioned earlier, all the files in our system are indexed files, so we’ll read them with a keyed read, even if we process the file one record at a time

Whether this is done or the record is busy, the program will then return so that another account number can be keyed

we won’t have to worry about what is keyed since any character that is not acceptable as this type of field will not be allowed by the input statement

We don’t need it for anything else but it will be set to 1 if the names keyed are satisfactory

Since this procedure is executed over and over, if 0 was keyed it could mean either that at least one field was changed or perhaps none at all so we need to determine if we have to update the file

If that happens, we will let them, but notify them by the message that actually prints the value they keyed

So if they keyed 4 they will see at the bottom of the screen

Since this stops everything until something is keyed, this assures that it will stay on the screen long enough

So if the characters keyed into the variable for the changed last name can be found in this string of values, the result will be 1

As soon as we find that a character is not in the string, we can stop the search since we know that the first name keyed is invalid

There is another kind of file that you can use called a keyed file, one with information on the people who enter the lottery

But keyed files can have duplicate keys

These reads would again be keyed reads and the remaining calculations shouldn’t take too much time

gradual thing, very low keyed

I was ninety-nine percent sure of my password but what I keyed didn’t work

That being so, when I enter a surname, how does the system arrive at someone that matches what I keyed? It appears that there’s another file – connected to these pages – with the data in a form that facilitates our searching

But it wasn’t relevant since it listed people with a first name other than what I keyed

One day I wanted to visit my website so I keyed the name but left out the letter s

Morita keyed his radio microphone and spoke in a low voice while walking towards the cinema

Mikel keyed the radio: «Release Gemini

Some thought changing the equipment was the answer; so they would be keyed up and tense for ages and then nothing would happen

The door buzzer startled her and she dived for the door, pulling it open quickly, keyed up for fight or flight

Bending back, while looking me straight in the eyes, he smiled, as if content in my rendering of the subject, said in a low keyed tone of speech; “I know where this Paul is, if you’d like, will take you there, for I too want to hear more of this Love that is spreading throughout the country

Stopping a moment to answer the call, Elizabeth keyed the microphone of her small, transistorized transceiver

Elizabeth rose from the ditch with Mary Takahashi and keyed her UHF radio while starting to follow Moten and his command party

Thinking for a moment before taking a decision, she then keyed her radio microphone, calling her bombers

She thus keyed her intercom to speak with the signals officer of the plane

Grabbing her portable UHF radio, she keyed the microphone and spoke in as much of a calm voice as she could muster

Reaching the bottom of the ladder and entering the cross tunnel, she righted herself, feet down, then allowed a few small bubbles to escape her lips while she looked down the tunnel in both directions, keyed for any approaching, unanticipated threats

A waitress keyed

Too keyed up to sit, she’d been pacing for the last forty-five minutes

She keyed yes to the prompt, ‘Commence total grid lockout in sixty seconds?’

” HipHope threw up hir hands to show the iEyes of the u-N-i-verse that no matter what site stumbled or number keyed hir glovepad screens were security satellite locked into hir and T’s unicast

In this way, techno-precise music triggers the mind keyed to patriotism to march to anthems marshaling obedient citizens to war

Wishing he had his cell phone on him, instead of having left it behind in the limo, so he could have simply keyed this information into it; Joel realized he’d have to obtain this information the old fashioned way

We light-warped into a sandstorm of information, with each nano-bit-blasting fact desensitizing us to the reality or fiction of the following assertion x: whatever your mind is being skeleton keyed for

Vedara keyed the microphone for the onboard intercom channel

“Advanced search,” Stacey keyed in

He then keyed the code into the

keyed up for the event -after all it was the world championships

Opening the next drawer down he took out a prisoner’s leg chain that had keyed manacles at both ends

I keyed in the numbers again

Ava swung around in her stool and spread her screens out, began seriously keying at a couple of them

He had memories of keying things in and making it all up, but he didn’t really know that much, they would have to have all worked by luck

” They heard him flipping switches and keying in commands

After keying in the code nothing happened, no change from red

keying into a user-friendly tool in about ten minutes, not a complete month’s worth of

Keying in options, preferences or settings in screens and tables

set-up and first the consultant, then Megan, and finally Rob, were keying in transactions

from the bag, wiring it to the explosive, keying in the timer for

Trixie whined and he turned back to keying directions into

But, I cannot key it to you unless you are wearing it and strumming it at the same time that I’m keying it, and that could be dangerous

she carried on keying random things on the computer and

lot of my training was centred on, locating and keying the

Keying in the code the wait seemed interminable while the mechanism whirred

Jeffery starts keying her name into his Mac Air, “Got it

same procedure with Rochelle, except in this instance, keying two

Keying in a command sequence, Zelena programmed the ship‘s

He drove out of the basement carpark after keying his card for the gate

is a better choice since it saves keying

We could have gotten around keying the decimal point by allowing movement to the decimal portion of the amount with a tab

I can understand entering the street address, but wouldn’t just keying the zip code relieve me of inputting the city and state? This is so because each zip code is tied to one specific state and city

’’ Replied Elizabeth before keying again her UHF radio

’’ Answered Ingrid, keying the radio microphone of her oxygen mask

She stepped across the hall and opened an emergency weapons locker by keying in Garcia’s access code

Grabbing and keying the microphone of the portable UHF radio transceiver hooked to her flight vest, she spoke with a deliberate tone in it

dolphin eventually swam away, leaving Tammas at his desk keying one particular Morse code phrase over and over, SOS, but without transmitting it

He said that as he was sitting at his desk staring at the restaurant menu, he started keying in some nonsense about how tired he was and then, suddenly, Mi Tair started to come to him in pidgin

” the receptionist was again quite professional, and, keying in Ms

Moments later, after keying through the images, he said,

” The girl left him and began keying the information into the computer behind the counter

student, maybe keying in on the up-down motion; then later the

keying with the technology every year, but, when the

As I’d feared, keying my car wasn’t enough

This will help you utilize the code while avoiding the aggravation of keying it in yourself and debugging the errors

Fear of God is one of the important keys in walking

Do not clean the ears with pins, keys, pens, etc

Anyone can misplace a wallet or keys, then find it by figuring out where they are most likely to have been left

He escorts me back to Ted’s office and hands over the keys

He raises an eyebrow at me doubtfully but, all the same, picks up his car keys and makes for the door

After some discussion yesterday, it had been agreed that I would use the main front door for the time being, while Stephen organises a spare set of keys for the flat, as we are now calling it

From what we have seen of the way the young man lived, I was rather relieved when Stephen told me that he had fitted bolts to the doors … just in case those keys had gone wandering

I don’t suppose you heard anything in the night, did you?’ he asked, getting his keys out and opening the front door of the house

‘If you take the keys and open the house up …’

The man drove his van back to The Stables while we took a slight detour via Liz’s landlord in order to hand back the keys

‘You left your spare keys with me, Liz

One of the most important keys to a powerful faith, that which

Sighing with happiness, I reach into my handbag for my car keys and then walk up the drive to where my car is parked

The gaoler fiddled with his keys and unlocked the door at the end of the passage,

Marat’s noble nose, lit a cheroot while the gaoler fumbled with his keys

Keys rattled on a chain

Slightly breathless, I check I have my keys in my bag and follow him out to the car, getting in the back with Rose

He has no such qualms, it seems, for he gives me a hug before checking that I have my keys and leading me out to where he’s parked his car

He just smiled at us, a sly and crafty smile, the grin of the clinically insane behind rusty Bedlam bars, except that in this case the lunatic carried the keys to the cell upon his belt

Some holes are keys, some are the speaker and mic

The desk and pocket systems differ only in the size of the crystal ball and keys

potion and took his keys when he fell asleep

The gaoler fiddled with his keys and unlocked the door at the end of the passage, pushing it back to reveal a short flight of steps carved out of natural rock

His guard leant against the wall and, having struck a match along Citizen Marat’s noble nose, lit a cheroot while the gaoler fumbled with his keys

“You’re just as stubborn as I am,” she told him, and he just grinned at her and headed for the drivers side, “and I suppose you want to drive too?” she said handing him the keys

She rattled the car keys over his head

He got in the suburban and she handed him the keys

Alderfolk Pottypears went into his offices and collected the keys;

receivers of the keys,

rooms in our heads for which we lose the keys,

that similar keys hang around the necks of others

while others have no keys left

‘ And then he began whistling the anonymous soulful tune he’d played earlier — but in keys not yet appreciated by the untrained ear

“The crazy black cannot detonate those bombs without the codes or the keys

In the background two large looking gentlemen in suits checked a clipboard list, closed the front door to one of the houses and put the keys into a black leather briefcase

In the bottom of the envelope was a set of keys to a brand new second hand caravan that was parked on top of the cliffs in exactly the same spot where the fisherman and his wife had lived before they had met their no longer mutual friend

I hand him my keys, understanding immediately where he is coming from

They vacated the premises and gave the keys to the court

one ever came and Omi had access to the keys

Now here I was back between the cart shafts dragging a schedule again, with keys and locks to my routine

“It was an external request, but it’s League, unless Brasil has cracked our private keys

It was a standard Pan Solar League Soul Registry record with all the right keys and holograms and challenge questions

While there are many keys to effective meditation, the essence of the practice is learning to focus your attention as you choose

‘Gary – can we have the car keys to get your sleeping bag out?’ I called as he carried a box down the stairs

The keys were old and loose

He hesitates as he gets his keys out, ‘Can I twist your arm into repeating the experience perhaps?’

with the bunch of keys in his pocket

He kept the keys inside his sock

‘So we are idiots isn’t it? You don’t have the keys, but how did the fucking

the keys more than ten times, but he wouldn’t listen

The keys to

and put the keys into a black leather briefcase

In the bottom of the envelope was a set of keys to a brand new

I grab my coat, check my keys are in my bag for the hundredth time, and we set off

I have gone over how this works in previous keys, but it

sign of the “Crossed Keys

I have keys and I have drugs

He put the keys in the ignition and started the engine

’ He said pocketing the keys

He keys in the four digit code and presses the green button

” The grocer nodded in agreement, muttered something about ‘probably should make sure,’ put his keys in his vest pocket and shuffled quickly toward his own home not far away

It took him a moment to manipulate the keys and open the message – his fingers were stiff in the chilly morning air and reluctant to work

It must be Bex and Leona, probably too drunk to find the keys

door was followed by the clink of jangling keys

’ He said waving the keys in the air

‘Chas left the keys in it though – I’ve brought them in

’ Chrissie put in, watching as Ozzie stowed the keys on the windowsill by the sink

He fumbled with the keys in the pre-dawn light but eventually found the keyhole and, throwing his hastily packed bag onto the front passenger seat, he jumped into the driver’s seat and started the engine

It was Chrissie who first noticed the car keys were gone

A space on the sill where she had seen Ozzie put the keys

he fumbled with the keys on his belt

direction of the guard post to find the keys and starting handle for the

Socks and shoes, an overcoat grabbed from the hall, car keys retrieved from the living room, these are the components of ordinary life that he gathers unto him as he walks back into the nightmare

She’s coming over with the keys at about nine thirty

‘She’s very kindly come out with her set of keys and agreed to come with us to the hostel

’ The big policeman said, reaching for the car keys hanging on a rack on the wall

‘Eh? … oh, yes … well, he arranged for two months’ hire to be transferred to our bank account and I promised to get a set of keys made available for him

‘I expect they left the keys in the kitchen for you, Mrs Brown

He didn’t add that Chas wouldn’t have been able to send the keys back by whatever arrangement had been made

A few more plastic keys are pressed

knew the public house known as the Crossed Keys in Alnwick? You

Tom did indeed remember the Crossed Keys

Buttworst looked around the room as the keys of the scientific

As for the people carrier — he’d found the papers relating to the hire of the van in the glove compartment – it had been easy to take the vehicle back, handing over the keys on behalf of Chas

Tom held out his hand for the car keys

He walks out into the car park and fumbles in his jacket for his keys, feeling slightly muzzy, but he can still function

key chain and yanked it off Johnson’s belt, throwing the keys as far across the

Alex pauses in the shadows of a box hedge on the opposite side of the road as Ted fumbles for his keys under the last of the working street lights, takes another hit on his flask and pushes open the gate in the small front garden of one of the villas

He handed over the car keys to profuse thanks from Oliver

There are no keys in the ignition, but the player is snug in its black plastic housing

Alex ducks back into the car and puts Billy’s keys on the top of the dashboard

He fumbles in his pockets for the keys to the Transit, realises that they are not there and starts to feel sweat breaking out on his forehead

He went back to his keys, ‘She’s on her way down there now, you’ll know her and can make introductions

He tries to make a mental note not to leave the keys in the ignition next time, but the words won’t form properly in his head

Seeing his brother on the floor, unmoving, impossibly silent under the circumstances, is like having the keys to the cell door thrust into his hands

Ten minutes later, clutching my car keys and wincingly aware that my bank account is now some £40 lighter, I retrieve my fully functional car

Johnson then punched more keys

He padded his keys for awhile, then read and poked, read and poked

Again, she fumbled with the keys for a minute before Rob snatched them from her and headed for the back door saying, «I’ll take care of it Em

Hartman stopped in front of his office door, scrabbled through his keys and

Synonym: answer, clue, explanation, lead, note, opener, pitch, tone. Similar words: turkey, hockey, monkey. Meaning: [kɪː]  n. 1. metal device shaped in such a way that when it is inserted into the appropriate lock the lock’s mechanism can be rotated 2. something crucial for explaining 3. pitch of the voice 4. any of 24 major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of music 5. a kilogram of a narcotic drug 6. a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple 7. United States lawyer and poet who wrote a poem after witnessing the British attack on Baltimore during the War of 1812; the poem was later set to music and entitled `The Star-Spangled Banner’ (1779-1843) 8. a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida 9. (basketball) a space (including the foul line) in front of the basket at each end of a basketball court; usually painted a different color from the rest of the court 10. a list of answers to a test 11. a list of words or phrases that explain symbols or abbreviations 12. a generic term for any device whose possession entitles the holder to a means of access 13. mechanical device used to wind another device that is driven by a spring (as a clock) 14. the central building block at the top of an arch or vault 15. a lever that actuates a mechanism when depressed. v. 1. identify as in botany or biology, for example 2. provide with a key 3. vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key 4. regulate the musical pitch of 5. harmonize with or adjust to. adj. 1. serving as an essential component 2. effective; producing a desired effect. 

Random good picture Not show

1) Sloth is the key of [to] poverty. 

2) The wife is the key of the house. 

3) A golden key opens every door. 

4) Doubt is the key of knowledge. 

5) A golden key can open any door. 

6) The used key is always bright. 

7) Money is the key that opens all doors. 

8) Idleness is the key of beggary. 

9) Idleness is the key of beggary, and the root of all evil. 

10) Knowledge is a Treasure, but Practice is the key to it. 

11) Knowledge is a treasure,( but practice is the key to it. Lao Tzu 

12) Insert the key in/into the lock.

13) The key fell on the ground with a jingle.

14) I saw you put the key in your pocket.

15) Too much force will twist the key.

16) We made a duplicate of the key.

17) Confidence is the key to success.

18) Use this key to toggle between the two typefaces.

19) Education was the key to upward social mobility.

20) Transport has always been the key to developing trade.

21) He turned the key in the lock.

22) There’s a special key for winding up this clock.

23) He fumbled the key into the ignition.

24) I’d like a key to room 809, please.

25) I left my key inside my room.

26) Her key hung on a string around her neck.

27) He opened the door with his key.

28) She got the key stuck in the lock.

29) Sloth is the key of poverty.

30) I’d like to have another key, if that’s ok.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«He kept the master key in a safe place.«
(master, duplicate, spare)

«She was looking for her apartment key.«
(apartment, car, door, house, room)

«We need to replace some of the computer keys.«
(computer, typewriter, piano, organ)

Used with verbs:

«She turned the key in the lock.«
(turned, inserted, put)

«He forgot to take the key from the door.«
(take, remove)

«She used the spare key to get in the house.«
(used, found)

«He left a key with his parents.«

«I accidently locked the keys in my car.«

«You need a key to open the safe.«
(open, unlock)

«Press the enter key twice.«
(press, hold down, punch, tap, hit)

Used with prepositions:

«You have to lock it with a key.«

«She doesn’t have the key for the room.«
(for, to)

Use Key in a sentence. How to use the word Key in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Key. Sentence for Key.

Key - Sentence for Key - Use Key in a Sentence Examples

Examples of Key in a sentence

  1. Motivation is the key to success.
  2. Must have a key type of momentum in the country of a people, this is a moral excellence.
  3. Unlock the cabinet with this key.
  4. I know my keys are here somewhere.
  5. Do you know where Donald put his keys?
  6. This is the key to the whole mystery.
  7. It was careless of you to lose the key.
  8. Donald got out his key and opened the door.
  9. Give me the keys so I can unlock the door.
  10. It was careless of you to lose my car key.
  11. I have a spare key to my house hidden outside.
  12. I spent the whole evening trying to find my keys.
  13. Donald pulled out his keys, but then he noticed the door was already unlocked.
  14. I lost the door key, so I can’t enter the house.
  15. Donald locked the drawer and put the key his pocket.
  16. I left my keys on the table. Could you bring them to me?
  17. In this journey, Guillermo carries boxes, paper … he does not know for sure, because he does not carry it or have the key to open it.
  18. Knowing what to do before, during and after an earthquake is key to your survival and that of your family.
  19. She also shared that one key to co-parenting is to have the same rules under two roofs.
  20. One vital key to its success is that the makers had repeatedly failed with many other projects before this one.
  21. Whether it’s an intelligent watch, a practical jacket or anything else that addresses basic human needs, you can see from all these that perseverance is the key.

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A sentence using the word key. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use key in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for key.

  • It was a key. (8)
  • I have my key. (10)
  • And you have a key? (8)
  • He had the key now. (10)
  • He took out his key. (10)
  • No key; so, keep in. (22)
  • Mechanically Rhoda took the key. (10)
  • Where is the key of the cupboard? (10)
  • Where is the key of the cupboard? (22)
  • You toss me a key from the walls. (10)
  • He raised the mat and saw the key. (12)
  • He took the key and opened the box. (10)
  • Locked the door and left the key in. (8)
  • She shot the bolt and turned the key. (12)
  • That is the key to a great deal of capacity. (4)
  • Depend upon it he is the key of the mystery. (10)
  • I have now a key to all her odd looks and ways. (4)
  • What changes did he introduce: Key relationship? (3)
  • That was the wonder, and that gave them the key. (10)
  • Take the key, open that box; I will make inquiries. (10)
  • Torture was their key to the reading of the battle. (10)
  • She drew the key from her purse, and opened a drawer. (10)
  • And did you by mistake leave your latch key in the door? (8)
  • Too soon after, I had the key to the enigmatical scene. (10)
  • Love, it was declared, is the only key to understanding. (16)
  • Once beheld she gives the key Airing every doorway, she. (10)
  • I stood to the touch of a key Turned in a fast-shut door. (10)
  • The key of Lady Charlotte will come in the course of events. (10)
  • Having a bath; with his room locked and the key in his pocket. (8)
  • She evidently had her key in her hand, for she disappeared at once. (8)
  • The key was explained by a cage on a stool, and a bird flying out. (10)
  • They had looked upon it as the key to French power in North-America. (19)
  • Kit was now on his toes, all himself, like one who has found the key. (10)
  • It must have been done from the window, unless someone had a skeleton key. (8)
  • For that way lies the key, this way the cupboard, of the supplies, their fuel. (10)
  • Of what use were words from a mind tuned in one key to a mind tuned in another? (8)
  • Old Jolyon turned the key softly in the lock, pushed open the door, and beckoned. (8)
  • She did not answer, looking past him at the door; and Keith heard a key in the latch. (8)
  • Luciano returned to his party to inform them that they held the key of the emergency. (10)
  • Not where the troubled passions toss the mind, In turbid cities, can the key be bare. (10)
  • By agreement with the agent he had taken the key of the Hofmann flat into his keeping. (12)
  • Luigi heard the clear thin sound of a key dropped to her from one of the upper windows. (10)
  • The key to Rhoda at this period was a desire to be made warm with praise of her person. (10)
  • Indeed, their very foibles sometimes furnished our best exegetical key to their writings. (16)
  • Masonry walls should be made rough to give the necessary key for the plaster to cling to. (17)
  • Willoughby appeared to her scarce human, unreadable, save by the key that she could supply. (10)
  • All support will be withdrawn from you, and you will be put under lock and key where you belong. (12)
  • She took a key out of a leather-case, and unlocked the steel door of the safe built into the wall. (12)
  • The Rajah is of opinion, that he sails home with the key of the riddle of their power to vanquish. (10)
  • I struck the key of his possible fatherly feelings: What misery were not our friends suffering now. (10)
  • I counted them just before putting them under my pillow; then I locked the door and had the key here. (8)
  • He rose to put the key into the door, and his son stepped down from the little porch to the brick walk. (9)
  • Karen acknowledged the compulsion of that gesture; she put her hand into her pocket, and gave him the key. (12)
  • But the key to young men is the ambition, or, in the place of it, the romantic sentiment nourished by them. (22)
  • Comedy, they say, is the true diversion, as it is likewise the key of the great Book, the music of the Book. (10)
  • And on that day of mid-June, when he received her telegram, it was as if he had been handed the key of Paradise. (8)
  • He came to the door of Forty-two, obviously one of those which are only shut at night, and tried the larger key. (8)
  • Crossjay related that his bedroom door was locked and the key gone, and Sir Willoughby sitting up in the laboratory. (10)
  • And yet, after he had stood there for some time in indecision, he slipped the key into the keyhole and opened the door. (12)
  • Her hand held the huge key of the front door, and he clasped that burning hand with the cold key in it. (8)
  • Patrick finished his airy sketch of the Irish case in a key signifying that he might be one among the many, but unobtrusive. (10)
  • Dacier smiled in a way to show the lock without the key; and she was insensibly drawn nearer to him, speculating on the smile. (10)
  • Many stories are told of this redoubtable Edinburgh burglar, but the one I have in my mind most vividly gives the key of all the rest. (2)
  • Mrs. Mountstuart tried petting him, which drew attention to him, and put us all in his key for several awkward minutes, more than once. (10)
  • He had returned from business, humming and rubbing his hands, like one newly primed with a suggestion that was the key of a knotty problem. (10)
  • There may be, moreover, while each has the key of the fellow breast, a mutually sensitive nerve to protest against intrusion of light or sound. (10)
  • This section is practically like the first, save that the second subject and the close are transferred into the principal key, in which the movement ends. (3)

Also see sentences for: clue, coin, corner, explanation, guide, hint, intimation.

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