Use the word kept in a sentence

Asked by: Dannie Jaskolski

Score: 4.3/5
(68 votes)

Kept Sentence Examples

I’m sorry I kept you waiting, but Tessa had nothing to do with it. The clock kept on ticking. She kept her eyes on the floor as she walked by him. He was reputed to have kept a cool head during battle and wasn’t easily intimidated.

Is kept correct?

The word keep is defined as “to have or retain possession,” of an object, or “place an object” somewhere. The past tense and past participle of the word keep is “kept”.

How do you write kept?

simple past tense and past participle of keep.

Should not keep or kept?

2 Answers. should is the past tense of modal verb shall. When forming a statement about the past using that modal verb, it is combined with auxiliary verb have and the past-participle of the lexical verb. The lexical verb here is keep and its past participle form is kept.

Should be kept in a sentence?

Sentence examples for should be kept as from inspiring English sources. As such, it should be kept as far away from politics as possible. The new thinking is that drinks should be kept as strong as possible. I’ve always believed that snakes and humans should be kept as far apart as possible.

32 related questions found

How do you use kept in a sentence?

Kept Sentence Examples

  1. I’m sorry I kept you waiting, but Tessa had nothing to do with it.
  2. The clock kept on ticking.
  3. She kept her eyes on the floor as she walked by him.
  4. He was reputed to have kept a cool head during battle and wasn’t easily intimidated.
  5. «Yeah,» he grunted as he kept his eyes on the road.

What is past tense of kept?

The past tense of keep is kept. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of keep is keeps. The present participle of keep is keeping. The past participle of keep is kept.

Is being kept means?

/kept/ kept woman/man. someone who does not work but is instead given money and a place to live by the person she or he is having a sexual relationship with. Marriage, cohabitation & other relationships. adulteress.

Has kept in a sentence?

Sentence examples for he has kept from inspiring English sources. He has kept that pledge. He has kept his word. He has kept about his business, undaunted.

Is a kept woman?

kept woman ​Definitions and Synonyms

​old-fashioneda woman who is given a home and money by a man who she has a sexual relationship with. People often also use kept man humorously about a man.

What kind of word is kept?

What type of word is ‘kept’? Kept is a verb — Word Type.

Has kept meaning?

«The clock has kept» implies the clock has continued to keep time further past the 40 years. It really just depends on the context you use it in. «Has kept» and «kept» are both the perfect past tense.

What is the meaning of kept on?

1 informal : to continue happening, doing something, working, etc. The rain kept on throughout the day. He talked and talked. At one point I thought he would keep on all night. She kept on talking after I told her to be quiet.

Is present perfect tense?

The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.

What does it mean when someone is well kept?

1 : always having a neat, tidy, and attractive appearance well-kept houses/lawns. 2 : known by only a few people a well-kept secret.

What is the meaning of a kept woman?

: a woman who is kept as a lover by someone.

When to Use Keeps and keep?

Keeps is used for present tense third person singular eg he/she/it keeps. Keep is used for every thing else, you keep, I keep, we keep, they keep.

What are assertive sentences?

An assertive sentence is a sentence that states a fact. Such sentences are simple statements. They state, assert, or declare something. They are also called declarative sentences. Assertive sentences usually end with a period or full stop.

What does Keeped mean?

An incorrect conjugation of «to keep.» 7. 1.

Random good picture Not show

(1) Fortune is easily found, but hard to be kept

(2) Fire that’s closest kept burns most of all. 

(3) Riches are gotten with pain, kept with care, and lost with grief. 

(4) He kept his finger on the trigger.

(5) I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

(6) How long should a murderer be kept in prison?

(7) All channels of communication need to be kept open.

(8) The plate is kept in a locked cupboard.

(9) Kept diaries, not stop what is pen, or memory.

(10) Their poultry are kept in the yard.

(11) The fans were kept back behind barricades.

(12) She always kept her room neat.

(13) He was kept in custody for his own safety.

(14) He was kept in detention by the police.

(15) Doctors kept the baby alive for six weeks.

(16) The women are kept separate from the men.

(17) We kept alive and caught the burglar.

(18) Palmer kept hammering away at his report.

(19) They kept a small flock of sheep.

(20) I kept the gun aimed squarely at his eyes.

(21) He kept a tight grip on her arm.

(22) Children should be kept away from fire.

(23) The affair must be kept confidential.

(24) He kept the news to himself.

(25) He kept his pipe clamped between his teeth.

(26) She kept the letters for sentimental reasons.

(27) The cat kept clawing at my trousers.

(28) The teacher kept preaching about the importance of study.

(29) Inge kept a diary during the war years.

(30) A bad custom is like a good cake[], better broken than kept

More similar words: skeptic, skeptical, skepticism, skeptically, take part, take pains, take place, brake pedal, take part in, take pride in, make progress, make possible, make peace with, take pleasure in, take precautions against, wept, swept, adept, depth, inept, slept, crept, keep to, septic, percept, peptic, accept, except, sceptic, neptune. 

«Have you kept all my old paperwork together?» she asked

Q1 — When was the last time you kept a secret?

Vera and Theo took off the British flag and painted over the sign, but they kept everything else

They cost more than a natural quilt, but can be kept clean outdoors

He kept pining away for a blond girl he spent only one sleep with who was only passing thru Sinbara didn’t he? The one he met just before Ava

The one who was organized, kept promises and understood everything they talked about

Travis liked this stage of construction, when you could see the parts that kept everything from falling apart, before it got all dressed up

Still, good manners kept her locked in place even if it ended up costing her life

He just kept smiling and watching TV and dripping milk on his chin

He kept the appointments, he did most of the legwork, everything but negotiate the financial terms of the deal

He did not have the strength to force her, it was not just the Instinct that kept her safe from him

He kept his eyes down and tried to move as slowly as possible so as not to attract any attention

Henry kept studying the floor

They had always kept their papers separate, it was very unlike him to do that

What was that slut up to? And wasn’t he saying he kept up with what Venna was doing since she left him? He seemed to be a lot more interested in Venna than he was in Ava, and that was a painful thought

She kept staring at the pimples on Ackers’ face

«I had forgotten, we want that kept out of the news

Continuers prefer to continue with the occupations that kept them engaged in earlier life

May I ask who invented it?” The Operator asked as he kept his attention focused on the screen

“I can’t believe how sharp you keep this thing,” Nancy commented as she kept her eyes locked on Scar

Herndon kept his hair short

It didn’t help that he kept cutting off any potential escape route; he was always just at arms length away

‘Okay, so I didn’t fight over Dan, but I at least kept my self-respect

Johnny and Nancy kept running, trying to put more distance between themselves and the United Order, doing everything they could to keep the Chip safe

They kept walking down the street

He kept a little Brazilian decor

Because she completely trusted her relationship with Kulai already, she kept to the course

Gengee City was the second of the four main dams that kept the water in the current lake and not down in the cerrado where it once was

That was the main thought that kept racing through Johnny’s mind while he sat in class

He kept trying to push the thought out, but it kept coming back again

’ He said, ‘Paul Jarvis and I suggested it would be better all round if she kept away from the police station, though he has been keeping her up to date on what is going on

He kept squeezing until there was no more blue liquid in his device

He didn’t say a thing, just kept tossing sticks he snapped off into the fire

One thing was for sure, they were definitely going to find it if he kept it

Ackers tried to steady his nerves and his breathing while he kept his head up high

He wore a fancy top hat, but it was a size too big and kept slipping over his eyes while he rocked

He didn’t blink much and kept staring at Peter and twitching his nose

«You haven’t kept up on current events,» Tahlmute said

with a glass of wine from the chilled bottle that they kept in the little fridge in their

There are some aspects of her past that she would also prefer were kept private

He could also understand why Tahlmute wanted this kept quiet

“I give you my word, which I have kept throughout this bargain

It was a lot longer walking to the back shed where secure cargo was kept than it was riding on the second floor of a monster wagon

You would think that security was an issue, that I would be kept behind

Theo always kept an open mind

anything been kept secret but that it should come to light

i kept doing the same thing as i had done the previous time…as

His mother and Aunt Billie had kept in reasonably close contact for the twenty

He kept smiling, and assumed the relaxed, legs crossed,

brown side, was obviously of quality and still kept in good condition

every room bar the well kept drawing room, and with the preliminary inspection

She’d kept up on politics, at least until the mid 2260’s, by eleven year old news

«No, they kept it in front of them with some heroic work from the laser staff, but they were adrift while it happened and doing

’ I told my son when he arrived at the house just after five fifteen, complaining bitterly about a hold up on the motorway which had kept him stationary for over half an hour

The university where the ancient server was kept was founded in 1429bc

Leaving the car parked in a visitor’s space, I stroll along a path bordered by rather nicely kept shrubs towards the entrance to the offices

‘Yes … he had a supply he kept in the shed

The hair kept on falling, but I kept standing on the word: “Not a hair of

‘Yes, my tenants kept it up nicely

I could sense that there was a story corning, so I kept quiet

He kept on until I finally got so mad that I hit him

Ginger’s be-freckled golden skin, which matched the golden hair that she kept tied up tight in a bun, along with her aviator sunglasses and bright pink lip gloss, masked the harsh interior life of the tireless watchdog

She made sure his sailfish gear was stowed as he always kept it

The geosynchronous had to be kept on an optical link, the ions were still raging out there and the twenty third century practice of shielding the working parts of the starship inside a few dozen feet of metallic asteroid paid off handsomely in preserving their working electronics

He had kept the most interesting items for himself

Another mind kept making itself up to stay right where she was until she understood everything

‘They have wedged your head so it is kept still, Liz

He kept walking, staring at the waves around his feet

Barney is exhausting, though I have to say that Emma kept him beautifully under control

‘ And among the secular simulates, he’d heard some of them no longer even kept their personifications in God’s form

Horcheese kept her voice flat

» As Burn spoke, she kept her eyes on the sparkles of reflected light from the debris

kept the Israelites steadfast in their allegiance to God

Ahmed kept him busy the next few days supporting many other meetings as different groups of important souls from the expedition argued this way and that regarding the world of Satan

By the way, how would we ever reach Kavouri in that ramshackle car? And what time would we leave the “nice, isolated beach?” I kept wondering, rather anxious

It was willpower alone that kept him conscious

The Kid kept up with the pleasantries and, although he was clearly my captor, I started to look forward to our brief interludes

But then, they’d need at least as much storage as a backup takes and even that can’t be kept available for all the females in the Haad thru that one skinny trace

Nothing had crapped out yet, but Tig kept his face like stone, expecting something he never expected to fail at any moment

So, while Betty and I drag the boxes of decorations out of the cupboard where they live during the rest of the year, the men bring in the barrel used for the tree which is kept in Fred’s shed for some reason I cannot fathom, and the tree itself which has been lying in my drive for the last two days resulting in me having to park in the car park but that was a minor inconvenience, though I didn’t think so when I left my mobile in the car and only discovered it an hour later by which time the rain was pouring down

We expected the women who had Christian husbands to be kept

family members was kept private

I think the fact the members were kept informed and felt very much a part of the work of the church was one of

women would be kept informed of what is going on in this way, I believe it can be handled

I felt like a wraith, like the ghost of a man, a creature of no substance, and although the sound and the rage existed only within me, it was this fevered frenzy that kept me sane

That was certainly a clear insinuation about me too; and I, as usual, kept on acting the fool lest I should lose that great friend

A part of me, the lingering essence of the creature in the box, wanted to lash out at him, but I kept my calm, breathing slowly, not wanting to antagonise the beast

This was why the techs were kept apart from each other off duty, so they would not know who was who and could be pitted against each other by their bosses

Once out of the shower, Robbie helped me to towel off and then dress while the other guard kept me carefully in his sights

When he did he was beat, this wasn’t the way he kept his personification

All thru it the crew sat and watched, the men of the council all had their pistols out and kept an especially sharp eye out for whispering among the rank and file

I considered a return to my hunger strike, but a combination of lethargy and Menachem’s cajoling kept me eating

I kept my face deadpan for a moment as I sipped at my now lukewarm tea, but I could not hold the pose

For the time being, he kept this problem from Elond, and she seemed to lose interest in the hostile starship as the local years went by

On Earth it would be black sambucca kept in the freezer

He ignored them, kept his attention on Ernesto

Sailing craft kept to the middle two thirds of its two thousand foot width

It came out in walking faster, he kept turning back to her and almost bumped into someone

“You should have kept running Elden

always kept his sword close

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Ms. Frieda Stehr

Score: 4.5/5
(6 votes)

(2) She always kept her room neat. (3) He was kept in custody for his own safety. (4) He was kept in detention by the police. (5) Palmer kept hammering away at his report.

How Use kept in a sentence?

[M] [T] You should have kept it secret. [M] [T] He was tired, but he kept working. [M] [T] Bad weather kept us from going out. [M] [T] She kept me waiting for 30 minutes.

What do you mean by kept?

: to continue having or holding (something) : to not return, lose, sell, give away, or throw away (something) : to continue in a specified state, condition, or position. : to cause (someone or something) to continue in a specified state, condition, or position.

How do you use by in a sentence?

We use by to mean ‘beside’ or ‘at the side of’:

  1. There’s a lovely café by the river. We could go there. (The café is beside the river.)
  2. Three people walked by the house as Henry opened the door. (They walked past the house.)
  3. Lisa waved as she went by. (She passed the house without stopping.)

Did you keep or kept?

The word keep is defined as “to have or retain possession,” of an object, or “place an object” somewhere. The past tense and past participle of the word keep is “kept”. The word keep when used as a verb, requires an object which can be seen in the following sentences in the present tense. You may keep the change.

19 related questions found

Should keep or kept?

2 Answers. should is the past tense of modal verb shall. When forming a statement about the past using that modal verb, it is combined with auxiliary verb have and the past-participle of the lexical verb. The lexical verb here is keep and its past participle form is kept.

What type of word is kept?

Kept is a verb — Word Type.

Why do we use by in sentence?

We use by to show how something is done: We send a postcard or a letter by post. We contact someone by phone or by email. We pay for something by credit card or by cash.

What is without in grammar?

de English Grammar Today. The preposition without means ‘not having something’ or ‘lacking something’: I can’t drink tea without milk.

Where do we use on?

«On» is used to indicate position, usually indicating that something is on top of something else. We might say, “My journal is on the desk.” In this function, “on” typically denotes proximity or position. Another example would be, “He sat on the stone wall.”

Is being kept means?

be. To exist; to have real existence. «People are being kept down.

What does kept spell?

past tense and past participle of keep.

What means keeper?

A keeper is someone who is responsible for something, especially a property or a lot of animals. A keeper might take care of a big summer house during the winter months. You can use keeper to mean «caretaker,» someone whose job involves maintaining a house, farm, estate, or grounds.

Have kept meaning?

If you say ‘I have kept’ that means that you used to keep whatever it was you were keeping. when you say ‘I’ve been keeping’ this implies that you are still in the process of keeping whatever it is that you are keeping.

How do you write kept?

The past tense of keep is kept.

What are assertive sentences?

Assertive sentence:

An assertive sentence is a sentence that states a fact. Such sentences are simple statements. They state, assert, or declare something. They are also called declarative sentences. Assertive sentences usually end with a period or full stop.

What is the example of without?

Without is defined as outside of, free from or not with. An example of without used as an adverb is in the sentence, «Please walk down the hall without talking,» which means that there is to be no talking while walking down the hall.

What part of grammar is the word to?

The word “TO” can be used as a Preposition and as an Adverb. Take a look at the definitions and examples below to learn how “TO” works as these parts of speech. “To” can be considered as a preposition if it is used to indicate that a noun/pronoun is moving towards something.

When something has no meaning?

1 : having no meaning especially : lacking any significance. 2 : having no assigned function in a language system. Other Words from meaningless Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About meaningless.

How can I use by in sentence?

B-y sentence example

  1. I guess he was stunned by my beauty. …
  2. I thought maybe by now you would have adjusted. …
  3. By that time, the others had all retired. …
  4. Felipa finally took her by the arm. …
  5. It is proved by my fine points. …
  6. She was just surprised by what was in the envelope.

When can you use by in a sentence?

We use by meaning ‘not later than‘ to refer to arrangements and deadlines: They said that the plumber would be here by Monday. The postman is always here by 11 am. Not: By the time you will wake up …

How do we use English?

We use how when we introduce direct and indirect questions:

  1. I haven’t seen you for ages. …
  2. How was the film? …
  3. Do you know how I can get to the bus station?
  4. I asked her how she was but she didn’t answer me.
  5. How old is your grandfather?
  6. How often do you get to your cottage at weekends?

Is kept a correct word?

Kept is the past tense and past participle of keep.

Our school toilets are kept neat and clean by the school sweepers.

Books, journals, magazines and newspapers are kept in a library.

A ship cannot be kept on its course without a compass.

Lions are kept in an enclosure in the zoo.

Secret affairs should be kept very quiet.

The plants should be kept in proper sunlight.

The opiate kept me asleep for four hours.

A zoo is a place where all kinds of animals are kept.

He proved a talented son as he kept the family prestige high.

She never liked long hair, and always kept it trimmed.

Where have you kept the book?

He had kept his promise.

Sea shells when kept in a basket are considered to be lucky in feng shui.

Onions need to be kept dry at all times.

She kept screaming in pain.

Some foods should not be kept in the fridge.

The Karva Chauth fast is kept for long life and well-being of the husband.

He needs to be kept under observation.

Your body is your temple and it should be kept clean at all times.

Consuming water kept in copper utensil is very beneficial.

Bathrooms should always be kept clean.

I kept gazing at him like a star.

I kept a little distance from him.

I am sorry to have kept you waiting.

She has kept her word.

I kept quiet.

Bad company should not be kept.

She kept us waiting.

We shall have kept our promise.

He kept mum.

I kept on saying.

They kept on saying.

He kept crying.

She is not a good girl and must be kept at arm’s length.

He was annoyed but he kept quite.

I kept her waiting.

kept rolling in bed the whole night.

Promiser should be kept.

He kept me in the dark about this matter.

She kept on playing with her doll.

He kept gambling for many years.

He kept his face expressionless to conceal his excitement.

She kept it away.

He kept away from the quarrel.

He kept us waiting.

I have kept my word.

He will have kept his promise.

I kept an eye on him.

He kept his house spick and span.

He this neighbours at an arm’s distance.

You kept me in the dark.

The patient is seriously ill and is kept under continuous observation.

Promises must be kept.

He kept his promise.

She kept her promise.

Newspapers are kept on stands.

He has not kept us in the dark.

He kept the money.

I always kept candles in the house in case there was a power cut.

He kept complaining.

He kept quiet.

And he kept his vow.

He not only made a promise, but kept it too.

He always kept his word.

People do not like to be kept waiting.

We kept quiet.

She kept me waiting.

I kept the matter concealed for many days.

I am awfully sorry to have kept you waiting to long.

Where have you kept my clothes ?

He kept me in dark.

She kept on asking me questions the whole time.

She kept crying all night.

She kept silent all day.

Illness kept me from attending the meeting.

The operation had to be kept secret.

I haven’t kept any secrets from you.

He kept his hat on to hide his baldness.

He kept Mary waiting for an hour.

He kept his mouth shut.

I was kept waiting nearly half an hour.

He kept himself aloof.

He kept his mouth shut and didn’t tell anyone what had happened.

She was kept under with morphine injections.

He kept his promise.

He kept the invaders at bay with a machine gun.

She kept on crying.

She kept on writing stories about animals.

She just kept her distance from him.

The soldier kept a sharp lookout in the darkness.

She kept on working.

You ought not to have kept her waiting on such a cold night.

My uncle kept on drinking in spite of his doctor’s advice.

He kept standing all the way.

They kept quiet so that they would not be found.

He managed to escape from the room where his kidnappers had kept him locked up.

He doesn’t like to be kept waiting for a long time.

He kept a diary during the trip.

She kept body and soul together in such days.

She kept her eyes closed.

They kept their love a secret.

The information is kept on our computer.

He kept me waiting.

They kept up a long conversation.

I kept quiet.

He kept on writing as though he did not hear.

It kept all the neighbours awake.

He kept a firm hold of the rope.

He kept his promise not to tell anybody about it.

His visit could not be kept secret.

Had you kept your promise?

They kept us waiting.

You should have kept your promise.

You have not kept your promise.

They are kept in almirahs with glass panes.

I kept him waiting.

Animals are kept in the cages at zoo.

The police kept an eye on thieves and pick-pockets in the fair.

The police kept the dacoits at bay.

How is your cool kept by you ?

We kept everything a secret.

He kept himself away from the quarrel.

We kept on seeing that.

One of the best things I love about my father is that he has always kept a very safe and open home environment.

I kept quiet.

He kept us waiting for more than an hour.

I was angry, still I kept quiet.

You kept the rule.

He kept away from the class.

He kept me waiting all morning.

He kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Moreover his fascination and passion for mathematics kept on growing.

Has the secret been kept by you?

He kept saying to himself that he must not tell so many lies.

He kept hmself away from the class.

He kept me waiting there for more than an hour this afternoon.

Our classroom was kept tidy.

Have you kept the secret?

He kept lookng at the daffodls for a long tme.

We kept them quiet.

He kept it secret that he had bought a bicycle for his son.

She kept on talking while eating.

I struggled to get free but one of them kept gripping me hard.

It is bad of me to have kept you waiting so long.

He kept on singing that song.

You should have kept it secret.

Your parents kept an eye on us.

They kept me waiting for an hour.

Your promise had not been kept by you.

They kept us waiting outside for a long time.

It is a variety of birds animals and beasts who are kept in a zoo.

She has kept her word.

I kept still and said nothing.

In most cases a pet is kept to entertain people or for companionship.

He kept an eye on them.

He kept playing the same record over and over until I had to leave the room.

He kept me waiting on purpose.

They just kept on running.

It is perhaps the most commonly kept pet in the world.

She need not have kept silent.

They can be best kept in the kitchen counter or in the pantry.

He kept it secret.

He could not stand being kept waiting so long.

He kept on crying.

The dog who he kept sometimes barked at strangers.

Have I kept you waiting long?

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long. A visitor has kept me busy till now.

I was kept waiting for an eternity.

I’m sorry I have kept you waiting so long.

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.

It must be kept in mind that if agricultural land is swallowed up by industry, we have to face the problem of starvation.

I was kept awake all night by the noise.

I used to have a parrot when I was little and I never kept it in a cage.

She kept on talking.

He was angry, still he kept quiet.

They were kept in caves made of rocks.

Moreover the committee organized sessions were kept open to the public.

Moreover we haven’t kept our water bodies clean.

The window is kept open every evening.

You kept me in the dark.

Should animals be kept in zoos?

Where have you kept my books ?

Accidents kept happening one after another.

People kept on writing.

You kept on saying.

She kept on washing.

They kept on singing.

We kept on reading.

He was annoyed, still he kept quiet.

I kept busy with my studies when they played.

The warrior in him kept his morale high.

The prisoner was kept in fetter.

I have kept my valuables under lock and key.

He kept them captives for years.

They are kept away for days.

Inspite of being angry, my father kept quiet.

His remarks kept the ball rolling.

He had kept his word.

The name of the candidate is kept under wraps.

The lady’s parties were the talk of the town as she kept a good table.

Knowing that the officer was angry, the Head clerk kept silent.

She has kept her word.

They had kept their word.

They had kept their word, hadn’t they ?

I kept my countenance.

I want the matter to be settled soon, because it has kept me on tenter-hooks all these days.

He kept a daily diary all his life.

He kept awake throughout the night.

I kept on a steady pace.

I have kept on a steady pace.

I have always kept my promises.

His answer was that he kept no accounts.

Where are your books kept by you?

I was kept waiting till 3 o’clock.

Besides making a promise, he kept it.

It was kept in a separate pond.

They have kept up a steady correspondence.

I am kept waiting by him.

He kept an eye on the test tube so as not to miss a single change taking place in its contents.

You have not kept your promise.

You had not kept bad company.

You kept me in the dark.

The historical records are kept at the museum.

She kept her eyes off.

She kept on talking after I asked her to stop.

They had better have kept their mouths shut.

They kept silence.

They kept singing until a rescue team came.

They kept on walking.

He had kept the secret to himself.

Wickets kept falling at regular intervals.

He kept back the part about himself.

It is likely that he kept me waiting on purpose.

He kept me waiting for more than an hour.

A sentence for the word kept. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use kept in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for kept.

  • She kept them at it. (10)
  • She kept her eyes on him. (10)
  • Beauchamp kept eye on him. (10)
  • She has kept her word, Percy. (10)
  • Adrian kept in the background. (10)
  • Sorry to have kept you waiting. (8)
  • Beauchamp kept the appointment. (10)
  • If only it could be kept from him! (8)
  • Guests kept arriving till midnight. (9)
  • His mother kept herself from laughing. (9)
  • In the end, they won and kept the field. (10)
  • Her mother kept her patience with difficulty. (9)
  • Wilfrid kept his eyes slanting on the floor. (10)
  • My father and Mr. Peterborough kept their chairs. (10)
  • Naturally the best driver of the two kept the whip. (10)
  • He kept her hand, indifferent to the gentle tension. (10)
  • Jonathan Eccles kept both hands firmly in his pockets. (22)
  • Baffled and sighing, Laetitia kept silence for a space. (10)
  • He kept coming up and touching her shoulder or forehead. (8)
  • The manhood of our country is kept down, in consequence. (10)
  • They kept the betrothed gentleman waiting a very long time. (10)
  • He kept her hand rather a long time, and gave it a hard squeeze. (8)
  • She has kept her secret very well, and so have the rest of them. (9)
  • At lunch he was almost cordial, and kept pressing Bosinney to eat. (8)
  • She kept her look forward at the dead wall Chillon had thrown up. (10)
  • The thought of his approaching interview with Dahlia kept him dumb. (10)
  • He had his arm about her, and kept gently patting her on the shoulder. (2)
  • If he put to sea, he kept in sight of land, like the ancient navigators. (9)
  • Vittoria kept her eyes on the fiercer sister, who now declined to speak. (10)
  • She kept her poppy colour throughout the day, so sensitive was this pride. (10)
  • It must have mystified the Cambridge salesmen, and I doubt if he kept it up. (9)
  • She kept nothing back, recounting the whole miserable fiasco of her marriage. (8)
  • Hilary could not meet those eyes; he kept his own fixed on the empty cocoa cup. (8)
  • He is apparently kept on constant service between Milan, and Verona, and Venice. (10)
  • Mrs. Amble kept down those sentiments which her vernacular might have expressed. (10)
  • The fear of human glances and human presences had kept her from fleeing by tram. (12)
  • After all he had done nothing to be ashamed of, even if he had kept knowledge dark. (8)
  • He laughed boisterously at something Lynde said, and kept filling his glass for him. (9)
  • Whoso drank of the ale of the Green Dragon kept in his memory a place apart for it. (10)
  • It is no true day so long as the goddess of the morning and the sun-god are kept asunder. (10)
  • She did not meet his gaze quite steadily and all that evening kept putting her confession off and off. (8)
  • All these weeks he had kept himself in hand; but to do so had cost him more than he liked to reflect on. (8)
  • His possessive instinct, subtle, less formal, more elastic since the War, kept all misgiving underground. (8)
  • She marvelled pityingly at the sort of madness which kept the streets so lively for no reasonable purpose. (10)
  • Nothing but the consciousness that he was subsisting on money not his own would have kept him from his vice. (22)
  • They had made the Marienburg their home, and kept it against foreign and domestic foes for five hundred years. (9)
  • There was a look of triumph and softness about her; the colour kept deepening in her cheeks, her figure swayed. (8)
  • They walked to their door after they left the horse at the livery stable around the corner, where Lapham kept it. (9)
  • I have broken her life and trodden on her heart, but I have saved another life and kept another heart from despair. (12)
  • In those three days she had stumbled on the secret he had kept for two years, and had instantly decided to cure him. (8)
  • The Tinleys of Bloxholme still kept to dancing, and had effectually driven away Mr. Pericles from their gatherings. (10)
  • His hands and neck still kept the brown of the Texan suns and winds, and he looked as business-like as Lapham himself. (9)
  • On the slack wire the balance must be kept by working the body from the waist down, and is mainly done with the legs. (21)
  • Yet the dread of a separation from her has kept me at these pastimes for a considerable period beyond my relish of them. (10)
  • If an Irishman was present, she kept him from overflooding, managed to extract just the flavour of him, the smack of salt. (10)
  • There was no great share of reverence in Barbara, but what little she possessed had always been kept for her eldest brother. (8)
  • The keeper of the dive, and several others in whose interest it was to have the peace kept, effected a partial reconciliation. (12)
  • Wooden beams and joists should be kept at least 2 inches from the chimney and at least 4 inches from the back of any fireplace. (17)
  • He kept mumbling prayers with his lips; but as he looked upon me darkling, it did not seem as if prayer were uppermost in his heart. (2)
  • Boyne remained alone in the vehicle, staring wildly round; the driver kept slowly and stupidly on, Boyne did not know how much farther. (9)
  • This recurring thought, more than the cogency of the new views, kept her from combating certain fallacies in them which had struck her. (10)
  • Like everything else that he has, this is provided and kept in repair by the wife, and is renewed as frequently as her scanty means permit. (1)
  • The arts had been kept alive only through the fostering care of the Church, and all had taken on a conventionally ecclesiastical character. (3)
  • He poured out stories of his American wanderings, including a tale of a murderous lonely inn, kept by Scots, whose genius tended to assassination. (2)

Also see sentences for: kentons, kerchief.

Definition of kept:

  • kept, pa.t. and pa.p. of keep_.(0)

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Sentences starting with kept

  • Kept it up till after midnight. [5]
  • Kept busy, with a promise of success and backsheesh when the matter was completed, the Arab would probably remain secret. [11]

Sentences ending with kept

  • I understand why you sent it, and you must try to understand why it cannot be kept. [4]
  • He even knew where the handkerchiefs were kept. [9]
  • Then the priest went up to him, and said: «You said you were ready to take the consequences of your folly, and a prince’s word must be kept. [10]
  • When the bridge was repaired and the boats were a second time confined to the draw it was provided that this record should be kept. [7]
  • He was not used to problems; he had only a code, which he had rigidly kept. [11]
  • First I went to the town where she’d first been taken, an’ I went to the place where she’d been kept. [13]
  • Had one of the vows been kept? [11]
  • The white handkerchiefs, the ‘senet’ (perfumery), the umbrella, and perhaps the hat, are kept. [5]
  • I was not surprised to see such poor watch kept. [11]
  • Upon the windows supposed by the reporters to be those from which the heiress looked, a strict watch was kept. [4]

Short sentences using kept

  • He kept his word. [4]
  • Kilby kept his word. [11]
  • I have kept to that. [5]
  • But I kept thinking hard. [11]
  • They have kept the faith. [11]
  • She just kept on. [4]
  • But I kept on firmly. [11]
  • I have kept my word. [5]
  • But fear kept me still. [9]
  • The oath was kept. [5]

Sentences containing kept two or more times

  • While strolling around, we kept the run of the moon all the time, and we still kept an eye on her after we got back to the hotel portico. [5]
  • The other «bogus» was deep philosophical stuff, which we judged nobody ever read; so we kept a galley of it standing, and kept on slapping the same old batches of it in, every now and then, till it got dangerous. [5]
  • I don’t doubt the old gentleman who lived so long on the top of his pillar would have kept a pretty sinner (if he could have had an elevator to hoist her up to him) longer than he would have kept her grandmother. [6]
  • At length Abelard offered to marry Heloise —but on a shameful condition: that the marriage should be kept secret from the world, to the end that (while her good name remained a wreck, as before,) his priestly reputation might be kept untarnished. [5]
  • I kept up my «blue» meditations and Higbie kept up a deal of thinking, too, but of a different sort. [5]
  • And I want Michael Clones to be kept with me, and Greenock, the master, and Ferens, the purser, to be kept where they are. [11]
  • You kept the lad hid away from the people that belonged to him, you kept him out of his own, and let others take his birthright. [11]
  • It had been kept secret from these people that I was to go with them, and they sullenly kept their muskets raised and cocked; but when Mr. Stevens told them who I was, they were agreeably surprised. [11]
  • Something in him kept saying that it was not fair to her; kept admonishing him to let things take their course; that now was not the time to see her; that it might place her in a false position. [11]
  • But while he kept his word he also kept his schemes to himself, and executed them with a single regard to his own interest and a Napoleonic selfishness. [4]

More example sentences with the word kept in them

  • So, you see, you’ve kept me here talking when there’s no need and while my business waits. [11]
  • You have kept yourself shut up. [9]
  • You’re famished when you’re not poisoned; you’re badly clothed and badly fed; you’re kept together by flogging; you’re treated worse than a convict in jail or a victim in a plague hospital. [11]
  • Mr. Noble—«Senator Dilworthy, your bank account shows that up to that day, and even on that very day, you conducted all your financial business through the medium of checks instead of bills, and so kept careful record of every moneyed transaction. [5]
  • I know that you, you alone, kept him prisoner here five long years. [11]
  • I said to you, Give up; but you kept on. [11]
  • And I promise you that if any such proposition shall hereafter come, it shall not be rejected and kept a secret from you. [7]
  • But—from the way you spoke, I should have thought nothing could have kept you away. [9]
  • But I’m kept, you see, for a worse fate and a sadder. [11]
  • You die because you have not kept your promise, but have returned to your sins. [5]
  • I couldn’t go yesterday—I didn’t want to go,» she added, fearing he might think his work had kept her. [9]
  • At about ten years of age I began going to what we always called the «Port School,» because it was kept at Cambridgeport, a mile from the College. [6]
  • In all she wrote she kept but two things back, her grandfather’s death—and one other. [11]
  • His ledger, take-it-altogether, would not show a balance on the right side; but perhaps the losses on his books will turn out to be credits in a world where accounts are kept on a different basis. [5]
  • And yet you would have said that neither a cooper nor a carpenter kept them in use. [11]
  • A wiser person would have kept such a thing discreetly to himself, but with this harmless creature everything comes out. [5]
  • But Venters’s voice would have kept anybody’s legs from bucklin’. [13]
  • Secondly, these missionaries would gradually, and without creating suspicion or exciting alarm, introduce a rudimentary cleanliness among the nobility, and from them it would work down to the people, if the priests could be kept quiet. [5]
  • The convent, too, would be ready to receive her—the abbess had told him so—if Herr Groland, of Nuremberg, kept his promise of paying her admission dues. [10]
  • For I was worth a million dollars, and did not care «whether school kept or not! [5]
  • The Thugs were worshipers of Bhowanee; and to this god they sacrificed anybody that came handy; but they kept the dead man’s things themselves, for the god cared for nothing but the corpse. [5]
  • She was much worn with the vigil she had kept, and received me with an apathy to frighten me. [9]
  • See here—these shoes—how worn they are—she kept them to remind her of our last long journey. [12]
  • Fortunately there was work of Richter’s and of Mr. Whipple’s left undone that kept him busy. [9]
  • His round of work not consuming all his energies, he must needs cultivate the Doctor’s garden, which he kept in one perpetual bloom, from the blowing of the first crocus to the fading of the last dahlia. [6]
  • He kept his word, found Shon M’Gann, and on an autumn day of a year not so long ago lounged in this hut on Clear Mountain. [11]
  • She had one word which she always kept on hand, and ready, like a life-preserver, a kind of emergency word to strap on when she was likely to get washed overboard in a sudden way—that was the word Synonymous. [5]
  • He kept his word to you—at the risk of his life, and, as his son, I take a greater pride in him to-day than I ever have before. [9]
  • I kept my word as you see—and you have seen too how I endure my fate. [10]
  • Mr. Marmaduke was wont to rise at noon, and knew not wheat from barley, or good leaf from bad; his hands he kept like a lady’s, rendering them almost useless by the long lace on the sleeves, and his chief pastime was card-playing. [9]
  • But the old woman’s struggle between the duty that kept her near the fire and the love that drew her away from it was not of long duration. [10]
  • Not one Egyptian woman would have failed to appear if the plague had not kept so many imprisoned in their houses. [10]
  • True, the cautious woman took no part in the conversation afterward, but she kept her charge in sight while she was skilfully knotting the fringe into a cloth which she had woven herself. [10]
  • I kissed the woman openly—is there none among you who has kissed secretly, and has kept the matter hidden? [11]
  • How the good woman of the house took them in and kept them has been briefly mentioned. [6]
  • I’ve kept the wolf from the door. [11]
  • She kept up with tireless energy; and in the moments of dejection and misgiving which harassed her husband she remained dauntless, and put heart into him when he had lost it altogether. [8]
  • Mr. Holwell, perishing with thirst, kept himself alive by sucking the perspiration from his sleeves. [5]
  • Madame Marie sat with the doctor beside the bed of her dear mistress, and in another room, George Fournel, with the Avocat, kept watch beside the body of the Seigneur of Pontiac. [11]
  • Whitie watched him with somber eyes of love, and Ring, crouched on the little rise of ground above, kept tireless guard. [13]
  • Now send Cyrus with my shoes and cloak, and have my litter got ready, for Paulina has been kept waiting long enough. [10]
  • I kept quiet, with my ears cocked, about fifteen minutes, I reckon. [5]
  • Lassiter traveled slower, with more exceeding care as to the ground he chose, and he kept speaking low to the dogs. [13]
  • I became acquainted with Monsieur Bihin, le plus bel homme du monde, and one of the biggest, a great many years ago, and have kept up my agreeable relations with him ever since. [6]
  • Carts piled high with household utensils, chairs, and cupboards kept emerging from the gates of the yards and moving along the streets. [2]
  • Dick’s face whitened with his thoughts, but he kept still until he could speak calmly. [6]
  • The veteran Memnon, with his one arm, had kept watch on the temple-roof during that night’s orgy, planning measures for repulsing the enemy’s attack, till the storm had burst on him and his adherents with the «artillery of heaven. [10]
  • They kept up with him, in the fascination of the sight, to the next corner, where he turned down the side street still searching the gutter. [8]
  • He kept me with him all the time, and I never got a chance to run off. [5]
  • He kept company with German students, though more addicted to study than we members of the fighting clubs (corps). [6]
  • So he added with deliberation: «If alliance must still be kept with this evil government of France, then be sure there is no Vaufontaine who would care to inherit a duchy so discredited. [11]
  • She came on with a calm and cheerful countenance, stopped once, and casting her eyes upwards, said, ‘Why have they kept me five days from thee, my husband? [5]
  • Frau Friedrich, the wife of the man in charge of the fountains, kept a neat inn, in which, however, she by no means dished up to all persons what they would like. [10]
  • Franz von Welemisl, who was wont to creep like her shadow, and who was again a guest at the Tetzels’ house, had been kept within doors by the cough that plagued him. [10]
  • The poor relation who was staying at the house would insist on Helen’s remaining a few days: Old Sophy was in such a condition, that it kept her in continual anxiety, and there were many cares which Helen could take off from her. [6]
  • But the man who knew of the terrible thing he had done, who had saved him from the consequences of that terrible thing, was in sore trouble, and this broke down the gloomy guard he had kept over his dread secret. [11]
  • It was Patty who kept her head, and made us a stately curtsey. [9]
  • But kill Gabord, who had put himself in danger to serve me, who himself had kept the chains from off my ankles and body, whose own life depended upon my security—«Come, come, Robert Moray,» said I, «what relish have you for that? [11]
  • The two servants, who had kept near them, knit their hands together, and thus carried her in advance of the princess. [10]
  • Mistress Kitty Fagan, who had kept her ears pretty wide open, carried them. [6]
  • But every one who could have directed them on their way had fled before them, so they had kept too far northward and wandered near the fortress of Thabne. [10]
  • Powhatan kept the whites who were with him to instruct the Indians in the art of war. [4]
  • She did not whistle for him either, but he kept on coming. [11]
  • They were always whispering around my bed and plotting against me, and it broke my sleep and kept me fagged out, because I got no good rest. [5]
  • And all the while the river flowing through the endless prairies, high-banked, ennobled by living woods, lipped with green, kept surging in her ears, inviting her, alluring her—alluring her with a force too deep and powerful for weak human nature to bear for long. [11]
  • Yet all the while for Sheila one dark thought kept hovering over everything. [11]
  • There are facts which you have kept out of view. [7]
  • The bands to which the woman belonged were forced by the cavalry into the palaestra and the neighbouring Maander, and kept there until Eumedes brought re-enforcements and compelled the Gauls to surrender. [10]
  • The Pilot alone, which relied on sensation for its circulation, kept hammering away for a time with veiled accusations. [9]
  • Under light awnings, which kept off the sun, were sold sandals and kerchiefs of every material and hue, ornaments, amulets, fans, and sun-shades, sweet essences of every kind, and other gifts for offerings or for the toilet. [10]
  • Herring’s colored portrait, which I have always kept, shows him as a great, powerful chestnut horse, well deserving the name of «bullock,» which one of the jockeys applied to him. [6]
  • Handing the flowers, which he had kept hidden behind his back, to her, he said: «Take them and carry them to mother, Bessie; this is the anniversary of her wedding-day. [10]
  • In the room where he awaited the verdict of the expert, he kept saying to himself: «She would have made everything else look cheap—if it could have been. [11]
  • I know that whenever I have said most, and felt most, something in me kept saying all the time: ‘You’re lying, you’re lying, you’re lying! [11]
  • When Carmen went, when Zoe fled, when his cousin Auguste Charron took his flight, when defeats at law abashed him, the house and mills, and stores and offices, and goodly trees, and well- kept yards and barns and cattle-sheds all looked the same. [11]
  • The arrangement adopted when they started, that the officer prisoners should be kept separate from the rest, had long since been abandoned. [2]
  • I had resolved, when the administration came in, not to take an appointment; and I had kept my resolution. [4]
  • Barbara had retired when Peter at last appeared, so weary that he could scarcely touch the meal that had been kept ready for him. [10]
  • Like many Southerners, when it became a question of go or stay, Mr. Brinsmade’s unfaltering love for the Union had kept him in. [9]
  • I didn’t know what to say, but I did say this after a while:—«‘W-well, Mr. President, I guess I’ve kept you long enough—g-guess you’re a pretty busy man. [9]
  • Fran Van der Werff, you have been kept waiting a long time, please follow me. [10]
  • Every year festivals were kept, with prayers and sacrifices, to the ‘love of the brothers. [10]
  • The young strangers were kept long at the piano. [5]
  • But these treasures were kept jealously guarded, accessible to no human being except himself and his artists. [10]
  • The Keilhau ones were kept in a cellar, and through the opening we thrust a pole to which the blade of a rapier was fastened. [10]
  • Only her hands were busy; her eyes were elsewhere, and suddenly they brightened again, for the couple on which she kept them fixed were coming back, straight towards the hedge, and she would soon be able again to hear what they were saying. [10]
  • Provisions and fuel were always kept here in his father’s time. [10]
  • When old Busino went to the Masque at Whitehall, his colleagues kept exclaiming, «Oh, do look at this one—oh, do see that! [4]
  • The court only went so far as to rule that the prisoner was to be kept in close confinement, so that he might be within reach of the hand of justice, if the supreme decision should be «guilty! [10]
  • She is not well to-day, and we have kept the knowledge from her. [11]
  • De Morgan is well remembered as a very distinguished mathematician, whose works have kept his name in high honor to the present time. [6]
  • But they were well nursed in the hospital; the people of Honolulu kept them supplied with all the dainties they could need; they gathered strength fast, and were presently nearly as good as new. [5]
  • We watched the weather all through that awful night, and kept an eye on the barometer, to be prepared for the least change. [5]
  • All day long we kept this up, without water for the mules and without ever changing the team. [5]
  • Well, sometimes when we have met since, I have told you the same story, and you’ve kept your promise and listened. [11]
  • There was no way to tell whether she’d been kept a prisoner or not. [13]
  • Wilhelm knew the way and strode in front of Henrica; the Junker kept close at her side. [10]
  • I halted; waited; watched; the conversation continued between the four men; it grew earnest; Backus drew gradually away; the gamblers followed, and kept at his elbow. [5]
  • Our guardian kept watch over my brothers’ speed in learning. [10]
  • He kept close watch over her, and at the least indication of restlessness, that he knew led to tossing and rolling of the body, he held her tightly, so no violent move could reopen her wounds. [13]

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