Use the word judge in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “judge” in a sentence. How to connect “judge” with other words to make correct English sentences.

judge (n, v): a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal matters; to form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide about something or someone, especially after thinking carefully

Use “judge” in a sentence

Don’t judge a man by his appearance.
The judge concluded that the prisoner was innocent.
You can’t judge a book by its cover.
Don’t judge people by their appearance.
I’ll let you be the judge of that.
The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.

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Synonym: consider, decide, mediate, referee, umpire. Similar words: judgment, budget, nudge, fudge, trudge, grudge, drudgery, begrudge. Meaning: [dʒʌdʒ]  n. 1. a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice 2. an authority who is able to estimate worth or quality. v. 1. determine the result of (a competition) 2. form a critical opinion of 3. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time) 4. pronounce judgment on 5. put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of. 

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1 You cannot judge a tree by its bark. 

2 Blind men can judge no colours. 

3 Judge not of men and things at first sight. 

4 A blind man cannot judge colours. 

5 You can’t judge a book by its cover. 

6 Don’t judge men or things at first sight. 

7 Never judge people by their appearance. 

8 Judge not according to the appearance. 

9 Judge not of men and thing at first sight. 

10 Never judge a book by its cover. 

11 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 

12 Judge not a book by its cover. 

13 Never judge from appearances.

14 Never judge by appearances.

15 Tell not all you know nor judge of all you see if you would live in peace. 

16 An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men. 

17 To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune. 

18 Don’t judge by appearance.

19 He was as sober as a judge .

20 Never judge something by its looks.

21 Judge Keenan concluded that the surveillance had been lawful.

22 He is a clerk for a judge.

23 The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees.

24 The judge must issue a summons .

25 The judge reduced the charge to second-degree murder.

26 You can’t judge a tree by its bark.

27 She is a shrewd judge of character.

28 You mustn’t judge people by their exteriors.

29 The judge granted us a short adjournment.

30 That trial is not fair where affection is the judge

More similar words: judgment, budget, nudge, fudge, trudge, grudge, drudgery, begrudge, curmudgeon, pudgy, judaism, judicial, prejudice, judiciary, judicious, adjudicate, grudgingly, judiciously, judicial review, judicial branch, edge, hedge, gadget, ridge, sedge, midget, bridge, lodger, ledger, pledge. 

  • Use the word Judge in a sentences

Sentence Examples

They know about the federal judge!

One needs a yardstick to judge everything, you see.

Grady, he learned too late that you don’t measure size with a ruler, you don’t figure height with a yardstick and you never judge a man by how tall he looks in a mirror. The giant is as he does.

We must be grateful to judge Di Francesco for his extreme scrupulosity in delving into the folds of the debate.

But if blowing me in the alley makes her feel superior, who am I to judge?

Cases like this, Michael, a judge very often will sentence a person as if he were charged with murder even if the victim is still breathing.

You were the police. The judge came to my restaurant.

Oh, yes you are. You are your very own judge, jury and executioner.

In fact, hardly at all to judge by the young men from whom she found companionship.

«It was in court I saw her last —» (judge

«I do nor judge you Countess, but in my heart is written: What a man sows shall he also reap!»

Bring her to the temple and we will judge her.

The Retired County Court judge

Then I’ll justify myself to you and you shall judge.

The accused is taken backwards into the torture chamber, so as not to bewitch the judge when entering.

But, if we should judge from the confessions, we must take a closer look at the props in the torture chamber.


We judge the dead according to our customs.

You must return them to me when you judge it appropriate.

«Now death and nature with surprise Behold the trembling sinners rise To meet the judge‘s searching eyes. «

«For now before the judge severe No crime can pass unpunished here. «

I am not here to judge you.

Then I reckon it’s getting pretty close to a showdown, judge. — That’s her standing in the window now!

You’ll pick it up in no time! Say, judge.

To do out there just what judge Henry done here in Wyoming.

judge Henry’s foreman had to string him up because he was stealing cattle!

judge Henry’s foreman’s getting married to the school-marm.

The judge gave all of us girls 30 days.

They are. «Cardigan for city court judge.

Were you there too, judge?

Hey, judge, you, uh-you know Donley?

I’m not here to judge you.

Now that the verdict is unanimous, I’ll notify the judge.

Ask judge Hannan if he can delay about five minutes, will you, please? — I’ll appreciate it.

The judge says all right, Mr. Ashe.

The facts speak for themselves. judge: Quiet.

Will Your Honor pardon me? judge: Surely.

Lf Your Honor please… judge:

Nothing can make the slightest difference. judge:

holy or need to judge us when we sin

«Yes!» with excitement, «A real one! At least he found a rich friend who took it!» She wasn’t a good enough judge of expressions to be sure that her excitement was genuine

‘Why should I be judgemental? What right had I to judge? I had been married and had a family

Judge Al Nafa whispers behind his hand to a court employee, smiles, then turns his attention to John

The judge nods at the prosecutor

It all comes down to one question: how did you treat the least of these my brethren? I quote this from Matthew 25 where Jesus expresses how He will judge the nations

It is translated the valley where God will judge

they are about how they judge you

God uses Babylon as His rod of chastisement, but ultimately says He will judge Babylon for their excitement and over step

You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel

4 And he shall judge among the nations,

Why is it that we have not been willing to be cleansed more thoroughly? Why did we allow ourselves to be consumed with “blind spots” and things of the past that shaped us? This day won’t only be to judge those that have not attained unto the first resurrection

Jesus said to the Pharisees that He would not judge them

Moses would judge them

If we want to hold so highly the words of Paul, then Paul will judge us

be the judge and jury when you

JUDGE: This is the time and place for the trial of Erick Folsom, who has pleaded not guilty to the charge of rape of Samantha Perez on April 12 of the past year

JUDGE: Counsel for the state, you may call your first witness

(The JUDGE nods an approval, COURT CLERK calls in the witness

JOYCE: And after losing that game, did he not get into an argument with the line judge and call him a «blind son of a bitch»?

JUDGE: I don’t think so

JUDGE: You keep saying that, Miss Barns

JUDGE: Has the jury reached a decision?

JUDGE: The jury has found Eric Folsom not guilty as charged

(The JUDGE exits, ROBERT and ERICK shake hands, JOYCE remains in her chair with her head bowed low, KELLY and MARIA put their arms around SAMANTHA

After a moment, he gets up slowly and faces the empty chair of the JUDGE

The JUDGE and the COURT CLERK come running in

Not your laws, not your juries, and (pointing the gun at the JUDGE) not you

People judge mental illness through hearsay or the severity of the affects, however mental illness is only as dangerous as the individual behind the wheel

The best seats were on a dais to his left and in these seats sat the bank’s chairman and his wife, their daughter, government ministers, the chief judge and the Superintendent of the Metropolitan Police

The director of the live television special whispered into his microphone and the cameras panned in on the hangman, on the judge and on the soldier

He then asked the judge to stand and ask the soldier if he might have any last requests

father! Be careful not to judge prematurely

“He…he should’ve said something”, stammered her husband, as around him one judge after another jeered and called him every sort of stupid ass that their imaginations could conjure up

He even made a special series of videos to show on his body and as he slowly revolved under the hot studio lights, as he turned from judge to judge, each programme was revealed in all of its glory

listen to their story; namely the presiding judge in their

He then asked the judge to stand and ask the soldier if he might

The soldier responded to the judge by asking if he would grant a

means be judge and jury both

Remember the saying “you cannot judge a book by its cover

Catching her gist, and a shrewd judge of character, Alexei made a decision

of others, rather than to judge them

to judge, each programme was revealed in all of its glory

22And he says unto him, Out of thane own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked

2Saying, There was in a city a judge, who feared not God, neither regarded man:

6And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge says

Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold the judge

He would be the judge, what surprised him as different would score points for Ava, what surprised her when he saw Tdeshi in her scored points for Tdeshi

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete,

31Because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness

17 I said in my heart, “God will judge the righteous and the wicked; for there

judge of character, is old Tatilas

meeting the eyes of each of them in turn as if trying to judge their

For the Lord is our judge

Waterhouse and asked him to judge the more appropriate submission to pass along to his principles

he will judge the peoples with equity

he comes to judge the earth

He will judge the world in

‘I’m afraid that’s not how the law would judge her

morality, she was often too quick to judge and ended up

What she hadn’t expected was the judge granting them the right to move onto the property right away

«I knew you were a person to judge a soul yourself

‘You may leave now, monsieur,’ said the judge,

were they to judge His wisdom? He smiled at last and

The person who sat next to me in law school my freshman year in 1969 is the District Court judge in Arizona who was shot and killed by that young man who wanted to kill the Congresswoman

Basically they were short Cliff Notes style one-page summaries of the issue involving the case, the decision and the major points of law that the judge used to make his ruling

Be careful not to judge the maturity of others by their giftedness

«And so I wrote to the judge

She wrote out a longhand letter to the judge — the same judge that had sentenced her —

How ironic then that the same judge that sentenced a

Judge whether it will help the person to hear the revelation

We must be careful not to judge by appearances when moving in the prophetic

Before Jesus comes as a bridegroom He will come as a judge to

How does it line up with Scriptural truth and the early Church? Do not judge by your understanding, but

His calculation, therefore, though different in appearance, corresponds very nearly at bottom with that of Judge Hales

The tiger agreed and they went to look for someone to act as a judge

Rabbit: The rabbit listened to their story then said «Before I can judge I must see exactly what happened»

To ascertain what is the average profit of all the different trades carried on in a great kingdom, must be much more difficult; and to judge of what it may have been formerly, or in remote periods of time, with any degree of precision, must be altogether impossible

They stand and judge

David asked God to judge him

the parish where he was then living, as those justices should judge sufficient

‘Possibly – but I can only judge my own actions

They then called on the local priest, the local councilor, the head of the village Rotary Club and the president of the village Women’s Institute and insisted on a meeting at Judge Hall, Axel’s father’s house

» ˜ » You shall judge of the remaining cases, according to what is above written, having respect to the price of corn

In all those different stages, therefore, we can judge better of the real value of silver, by comparing it with corn, than by comparing it with any other commodity or set of commodities

over the past year, it was not to judge by appearances —

He informs us, too, that if we were to judge of the quantity of gold annually imported from the Brazils to Lisbon, by the amount of the tax paid to the king of Portugal, which it seems, is one-fifth of the standard metal, we might value it at eighteen millions of cruzadoes, or forty-five millions of French livres, equal to about twenty millions sterling

Fyuanuran was impossible to judge under the fleece, only his eyes showed of his face

judge it through its historical prospective, like human

But if this rise of price is owing to the increased value, in consequence of the improved fertility of the land which produces such provisions, it becomes a much nicer matter to judge, either in what proportion any pecuniary reward ought to be augmented, or whether it ought to be augmented at all

If, in the progress of improvement, therefore, the real price of one species of food necessarily rises, that of another as necessarily falls ; and it becomes a matter of more nicety to judge how far the rise in the one may be compensated by the fall in the other

His condition leaves him no time to receive the necessary information, and his education and habits are commonly such as to render him unfit to judge, even though he was fully informed

Who are we to testify before such a judge as herself?

If you had to judge a tree by the fruit it creates then Sai was doing well

He was their judge, and in some respects their legislator in peace and their leader in war

before stating that God will judge and destroy his enemies with consuming fire,

“Didn’t bank on my usefulness, did you? That should show you not to be so hasty to judge

What is the species of domestic industry which his capital can employ, and of which the produce is likely to be of the greatest value, every individual, it is evident, can in his local situation judge much better than any statesman or lawgiver can do for him

But the unseeing eyes upon them would judge their victory unacceptable

Consequently, I found myself regularly judged as being of inferior ability by automotive industry

as she judged her cereal boxes as the winner and she got pride of

She was already being judged,

Two years of academic work binned because of him, and seven years’ worth of Raw Sex Object judged worthless without his even looking at it

Scar judged the distance between him and the throne

And they judged

matter they judged themselves

This has been judged to be in harmony with the Word of God

Some will remain asleep until the judgment seat, and then they will be judged according to their deeds

It is at the Great White Throne, after the nations have been judged, that Babylon, called Magog here, is finally destroyed utterly

They won’t be judged, but they will give an account

ale kegs should be fine as when they landed it was judged to have

People shouldn’t be judged for it, because anyone who doesn’t find a cure for their afflictions belongs to a permanent mind prison

Once they judged themselves to be safely out of harms way the

it’s probably a myth, but is entirely possible if judged on Mum’s unerring ability for sticking her foot in her mouth

“You have to understand Duncan; he must be caught in the act before he can be judged,”

The people still believe in the Goddess in all her roles, they still know they will be judged and they still join in cooperation for the common good

Brent looked over the area and judged quickly that if he removed the metal at the rear he

1Judge not, that ye be not judged

2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete,

about nine years and a boy he judged to be seven, were sitting

Tom judged, than the outbound section

The other man had disappeared, but Tom judged the direction of

judged and closed his half-opened mouth abruptly

The dead were judged

‘The case still has to be judged by a jury, and

They judged what you had compared to the others that had something to play around these streets

While that demand continues the same, therefore, the market price of the commodities is likely to do so too, and to be either altogether, or as nearly as can be judged of, the same with the natural price

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged by no one

Mr King had judged eight-and-twenty shillings the quarter to be at that time the ordinary contract price in years of moderate plenty

Due to the slow recession of pain, Adros judged his body to be winning

Priests are now being severely judged and sentenced for those very crimes they could not have been touched for, a few decades ago

man, stood at the gates of heaven and was being judged by

The produce was divided equally between the proprietor and the farmer, after setting aside what was judged necessary for keeping up the stock, which was restored to the proprietor, when the farmer either quitted or was turned out of the farm

For some time after the discovery of America, the first inquiry of the Spaniards, when they arrived upon any unknown coast, used to be, if there was any gold or silver to be found in the neighbourhood? By the information which they received, they judged whether it was worth while to make a settlement there, or if the country was worth the conquering

To see a security camera in your dream means that you feel that you are being scrutinized and judged for your actions or behavior

But as the law for the encouragement of coinage derives its origin from those vulgar prejudices which have been introduced by the mercantile system, I judged it more proper to reserve them for this chapter

They had plenty of good land; and as they were altogether independent of the mother city, they were at liberty to manage their own affairs in the way that they judged was most suitable to their own interest

The quantity of land assigned to each colonist was seldom very considerable, and, as the colony was not independent, they were not always at liberty to manage their own affairs in the way that they judged was most suitable to their own interest

What is necessary for the defence and support of the whole empire, and in what proportion each part ought to contribute, can be judged of only by that assembly which inspects and super-intends the affairs of the whole empire

Asdrubal judged it necessary to lead the whole, or almost the whole, of the standing army which he commanded in Spain, to the assistance of his brother in Italy

In general, however, and when the Roman armies were well commanded, they appear to have been very much superior; and if the Romans did not pursue the final conquest either of Parthia or Germany, it was probably because they judged that it was not worth while to add those two barbarous countries to an empire which was already too large

As I looked I judged the beach to be about 300-400yds wide but only about 30-40yds deep and on either side of the beach there were cliffs that must have been around 150ft in height and completely commanded the beach

From that year till their final dissolution, the parliament judged it necessary to allow the annual sum of £10,000 for that purpose

That was a finely judged show of intimidation by Frank, decided Danny, as he pondered over

Jesus, being without sin, became the serpent (sin) that was judged by God on our behalf, so that we could live

In general, there is not perhaps, any one article of expense or consumption by which the liberality or narrowness of a man’s whole expense can be better judged of than by his house-rent

These circumstances are judged of, in the one case, by the officers of the election, in the other, by those of the parish; and both the one and the other are, more or less, under the direction and influence of the intendant

I thought we were closer to them but as I looked I judged that we had only made it back about a quarter of the way

History should never be judged by contemporary standards lest we fall off the ―shoulders of giants

they simply will not be judged by normal standards

An individual should not be judged by his or her sins because aren‘t we all sinners to a greater or lesser degree? Otherwise, who would be left to condemn the sinner; who other than God is best qualified to judge a Man‘s heart?

The Past should never be judged by contemporary standards

And I have judged, and I shall bring judgment

A person should never be judged by the content of his or her religious beliefs but by the quality of his or her (own) actions

I remembered the speed that Dorian could summon when he chose to, and I judged the distance between me and the apartment steps

“When a member of our society is considered to reach full adulthood, which among us is judged to be age forty,” he said with equanimity

On and on I stumbled down the hill for what I judged to

of Christ” and be judged for their works

resurrection unbelievers will judged by Christ at the great “white throne

hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with

He looked towards the northeast where their path would take them and all he could see was the ashen gray and dull brown-yellow of what he judged to be a cloud made of sand

All will be judged and all will have fallen short

One, armed to the teeth, he sent to bring back the bodies, and the other he led speedily in a direction that he judged would cut off any retreat to the settlement, which he was sure they had come from

There are about an equal number of claims in the Bible either way, some saying all you need is faith, others saying you are judged by your ‘works

As we’ve already discussed, there are passages that say that salvation is by faith alone and others that say that you are judged by your works

Singing birds are judged by their tone, voice, beat, loudness, and continuation

i would be judged for the shortness of my tenure within the church

ery case needs to be judged on its own merits through the help of

You will be judged by our law

being judged or put in a situation of major conflict

28 And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was

Have you heard Reverend Jackson on this? Who is man to sit in judgment of another man? Judge not, that ye be judged

The cause-and-effect relationship was later judged by scientists to be shaky

22 Surely there was not held such a Passover from the days of the judges that judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel,

But I can’t forget the concern in his kind eyes as he did each procedure and judged by looking into mine, how much pain he could subject me to before it was too much

A plebian tribune could veto an act he judged injurious to his class

33 The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged

The way cannot be judged

Also, the flavours of raspberry and the marshmallowesque of the meringue was beautifully judged

Judge not, least ye be judged!

Those lower two zones are filled with souls who judged, and then banished

Luo Senhan found, however, when the normal person is in a place that is not normal, he will be judged as abnormal, and any of his actions according to the scene to explain

Your progress on this earth will be judged by two opposing forces—you and the World

and do judgment and justice, and then it was well with him? 16 He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him:

Flood: Judgment on those who use whatever power they have to inflict violence on others; sin judged; overcome; to be overcome and unable to sin

I judged the time had come for me to join the battle

52 You also, which has judged your sisters, bear your own shame

into her streets; and the wounded shall be judged in the midst of her by the sword on her on every side; and they shall know that I am

doings I judged them

4 Because, being ministers of his kingdom, you have not judged aright, nor kept the law, nor walked after the counsel of God;

10 For those who keep holiness holily shall be judged holy, and those who have learned such things shall find what to answer

9 For when they were tried albeit but in mercy chastised, they knew how the ungodly were judged in anger and tormented, thirsting in

should carefully think of your goodness, and when we ourselves are judged, we should look for mercy

7 There be nine things which I have judged in mine heart to be happy, and the tenth I will utter with my tongue, A man who has joy

26 A woman who honours her husband shall be judged wisest of all; but she who dishonours him in her pride shall be counted

19 Till he have rendered to every man according to his deeds, and to the works of men according to their devices; till he have judged

14 By the law of the Lord he judged the congregation, and the Lord had respect Jacob

comes, it will come in the same way as the Lord had judged Sodom

41 For the Earth have you not judged with truth

Judges walked with God and they knew Him as

Dallas had never established control in the Northeast, instead it was ruled by gangsters calling themselves Judges

“And I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear the causes between your

The Book of Judges is a vivid demonstration of the repeated apostasy of God’s people

God knows all the possible outcomes and where it will lead, and judges accordingly

and that my dear is what judges others… the negative energy

We find in Deuteronomy 17:8-13 that the priests are the judges

Israel was to have a court system where the priest is the one who judges, and never some sort of “official,” or ruler

We replace those false judges mentioned in chapter 3 of this writing (the section on Psalm 82), which are the principalities and powers

be instructed, ye judges of the earth

Everyone else was as an Angel, there was nothing that he had experienced directly was there? «Vic told me about the constables and the judges

As old Ted signed the contract for his new television programme, as the crowds cheered again and again, no one noticed the furious argument taking place between the judges

Each desperate contestant was made to stand in front of the panel of judges on a spot marked with a silver star, and almost without fail the judges poured torrents of scorn and condescension down upon their heads

The weeks passed and the judges ripped contestants to shreds until at last there were only twelve of them left in the competition

After much consultation and some legal wrangling, the judges reached an agreement

But, even if it were true, most of the general population agreed with the judges and so within the hour the stranger came to stand beside the princess in London’s great abbey at Westminster

He was one of the richest and most powerful men on Earth, but he initially chose to make his residence in the hills near Scranton because it would never be suspected, and he had near total control of so large an area, thru the judges and their constables

She told them about the political situation, how the Warlord of Pennsylvania had moved his forces all the way to the Potomac as soon as the Nigerians went home, using the judges and their constables and a tenuous membership in the Commonwealth of Laurentia as a facade of legitimacy

The federal government hasn’t been able to collect any taxes in generations, but the Judges collect the taxes anyway and keep it for themselves

All of the judges assembled next to Ted’s amazing new flower,

judges, all of which were televised

front of the panel of judges on a spot marked with a silver star, and

almost without fail the judges poured torrents of scorn and

The weeks passed and the judges ripped

The judges used every hyperbole in the thesaurus to describe

judges, the technicians and the watching public looked on in

After much consultation and some legal wrangling, the judges

were true, most of the general population agreed with the judges

The panel of judges sitting out in the audience wave the boring little shit away and insist that the show goes on

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged by no one

When the landlord, annuitant, or monied man, has a greater revenue than what he judges sufficient to maintain his own family, he employs either the whole or a part of the surplus in maintaining one or more menial servants

toppling the idol in his father’s yard, and then went on to lead his people to victory (see Judges 6:25)

The critic selectively judges

They necessarily became the judges in peace, and the leaders in war, of all who dwelt upon their estates

With the judges that were to determine the preference, this difference was perfectly decisive; and thus, for the gratification of the most childish, the meanest, and the most sordid of all vanities they gradually bartered their whole power and authority

God judges the

To the judges who were to decide the business, it appeared a most satisfactory account of the matter, when they were told that foreign trade brought money into the country, but that the laws in question hindered it from bringing so much as it otherwise would do

Lord God who judges her

But if a merchant ever buys up corn, either going to a particular market, or in a particular market, in order to sell it again soon after in the same market, it must be because he judges that the market cannot be so liberally supplied through the whole season as upon that particular occasion, and that the price, therefore, must soon rise

If he judges wrong in this, and if the price does not rise, he not only loses the whole profit of the stock which he employs in this manner, but a part of the stock itself, by the expense and loss which necessarily attend the storing and keeping of corn

If he judges right, instead of hurting the great body of the people, he renders them a most important service

It has generally been confined to what was necessary for paying competent salaries to the governor, to the judges, and to some other officers of police, and for maintaining a few of the most useful public works

The UFC would start with judges

The colony assemblies, besides, cannot be supposed the proper judges of what is necessary for the defence and support of the whole empire

to the test, as judges watched to see which

Whoever reads the instructions (They are to be found in Tyrol’s History of England) which were given to the judges of the circuit in the time of Henry II will see clearly that those judges were a sort of itinerant factors, sent round the country for the purpose of levying certain branches of the king’s revenue

But when, from different causes, chiefly from the continually increasing expense of defending the nation against the invasion of other nations, the private estate of the sovereign had become altogether insufficient for defraying the expense of the sovereignty; and when it had become necessary that the people should, for their own security, contribute towards this expense by taxes of different kinds; it seems to have been very commonly stipulated, that no present for the administration of justice should, under any pretence, be accepted either by the sovereign, or by his bailiffs and substitutes, the judges

Fixed salaries were appointed to the judges, which were supposed to compensate to them the loss of whatever might have been their share of the ancient emoluments of justice; as the taxes more than compensated to the sovereign the loss of his

The salaries of all the different judges, high and low, together with the whole expense of the administration and execution of justice, even where it is not managed with very good economy, makes, in any civilized country, but a very inconsiderable part of the whole expense of government

Where the fees of court are precisely regulated and ascertained where they are paid all at once, at a certain period of every process, into the hands of a cashier or receiver, to be by him distributed in certain known proportions among the different judges after the process is decided and not till it is decided ; there seems to be no more danger of corruption than when such fees are prohibited altogether

But not being paid to the judges till the process was determined, they might be some incitement to the diligence of the court in examining and deciding it

In courts which consisted of a considerable number of judges, by proportioning the share of each judge to the number of hours and days which he had employed in examining the process, either in the court, or in a committee, by order of the court, those fees might give some encouragement to the diligence of each particular judge

In the different parliaments of France, the fees of court (called epices and vacations) constitute the far greater part of the emoluments of the judges

The distribuion of these epices, too, is according to the diligence of the judges

The present admirable constitution of the courts of justice in England was, perhaps, originally, in a great measure, formed by this emulation, which anciently took place between their respective judges : each judge endeavouring to give, in his own court, the speediest and most effectual remedy which the law would admit, for every sort of injustice

A stamp-duty upon the law proceedings of each particular court, to be levied by that court, and applied towards the maintenance of the judges, and other officers belonging to it, might in the same manner, afford a revenue sufficient for defraying the expense of the administration of justice, without bringing any burden upon the general revenue of the society

The judges, indeed, might in this case, be under the temptation of multiplying unnecessarily the proceedings upon every cause, in order to increase, as much as possible, the produce of such a stamp-duty

But whether the administration of justice be so contrived as to defray its own expense, or whether the judges be maintained by fixed salaries paid to them from some other fund, it does not seen necessary that the person or persons entrusted with the executive power should be charged with the management of that fund, or with the payment of those salaries

A part, though indeed but a small part of the salary of the judges of the court of session in Scotland, arises from the interest of a sum of money

Instead of it, a new supreme court of judicature was established, consisting of a chief justice and three judges, to be appointed by the crown

During the night one of the judges, Simeas, helped him escape

At Rome, on the contrary, the principal courts of justice consisted either of a single judge, or of a small number of judges, whose characters, especially as they deliberated always in public, could not fail to be very much affected by any rash or unjust decision

In doubtful cases such courts, from their anxiety to avoid blame, would naturally endeavour to shelter themselves under the example or precedent of the judges who had sat before them, either in the same or in some other court

How far their chiefs are good judges in peace, or good leaders in war, is obvious to the observation of almost every single man among them

20 In this image we have God instructing Moses to lift up an image that spells out “God Judges Sin”

Let us suppose, for example, that a particular person judges that he can afford for house-rent all expense of sixty pounds a-year; and let us suppose, too, that a tax of four shillings in the pound, or of one-fifth, payable by the inhabitant, is laid upon house-rent

He will, therefore, content himself with a worse house, or a house of fifty pounds rent, which, with the additional ten pounds that he must pay for the tax, will make up the sum of sixty pounds a-year, the expense which he judges he can afford, and, in order to pay the tax, he will give up a part of the additional conveniency which he might have had from a house of ten pounds a-year more rent

} The tax of each individual is varied from year to year, according to different circumstances, of which the collector or the commissary, whom intendant appoints to assist him, are the judges

The officers of the king’s court, the judges, and other officers in the superior courts of justice, the officers of the troops, etc are assessed in the first manner

Which leads one to ask: Just when did police, prosecutors, and judges become mind-readers? This is another glaring instance of a law that should never have been passed

Take the time to attend a competition before entering and pay close attention to the techniques the exhibitors use and ask questions about what the judges are looking for

Arms are out to the sides with biceps flexed and the competitor is facing forward towards the judges and audience

The competitor is turned so judges can see his profile

Typically, judges will call for the competitor’s favorite most

During this time, the judges are looking for overall body

The judges are

Now note please that I am not saying the Afrikaner Judges acted outside of the law, but you only have to read about the fiasco surrounding the Coloured vote in the early 1950s (Harris case) to realise how the Nationalists changed the laws to suit themselves with the purpose obtaining absolute power

Some Judges showed their dismay by giving the lightest sentences possible

This upset Parliament so much that minimum sentences were introduced for specific crimes, thus causing once honourable Judges to become known as hanging Judges

Unmanly? Perhaps! But those who had endured the campaign are the better judges

We trusted the Judges not one inch for they were on the side of the law and not of the SAP

Still, despite our misgivings we protected all Judges and courts and this included preventing crowds (supporters of the terrorist / criminal) making noise next to the court house

There had to be a panel of five judges which, fortunately, with the help of the stylists, was easy to arrange

As the day of the competition drew nearer, the media got more and more involved – interviewing the contestants, the judges and the organisers, including me

I dreamed that the judges didn’t pitch and then that the contestants didn’t pitch

With my checklist under my arm, I wandered around the hall inspecting each stand, thoroughly checking the contents against the checklist given to me by the judges

The judges arrived, walked around the hall and inspected each and every stand to ensure they conformed to the rules of the competition

However, not deterred he would just turn his attention to the judges or to the spectators or even to the owners of the hair salons represented

The judges came back from the change rooms and once again took their seats at the table facing the stage

He thanked the sponsors, the competing hair salons and the judges, as well as the spectators, for what had been a wonderful competition and what was now a first in the Helderberg area and hopefully not the last

They walked about the stage showing off their outfit and hair to the whistling and cheering crowd and to the judges who were at last smiling

Finally all the models stood together in front of the judges alongside their stylists

The contestants and models looked anywhere except at the judges while trying to control their nerves

It also explains the lack of a human rights culture and how the courts were abused into Apartheid legally for the Judges were not necessarily supporters

This in addition to liberal judges who have routinely used the bench to advance their own private prejudices without the formal consent of the governed; by judicial fiat and questionable constitutional interpretations conforming to their world views

Oberon was used to talking to judges and juries

In addition, I do not believe that polls have considered the strength of the Evangelical Christians who this time have decided to vote, and will do it in defense of traditional values and against same sex marriages, embryonic research, abortion and the Democrat’s opposition to the selection of well qualified judges whom the president has submitted for senate confirmation”

To gain conviction against him, Edgar was fighting more than just a highly skilled defense lawyer: also to consider were corrupt judges and public attorneys, all of whom, even the semi-honest, succumbed to political pressure

The rules were nice and easy to apply for our impromptu judges

Were it not there, he would have set a high bail and released Brian, however, he was uncomfortably aware of the treatment judges who release suspected drug traffickers and money launderers received in the press


They had been quite sure they would be the ugliest people in town, judging by the tourist channel on TV

what or who is judging you; you just care only about what

Pop had always been this ice-cold presence in his life, just watching him and judging

It was early in the morning, judging by

Judging by the way they both suddenly stopped dead once they realised they were on the verge of arguing about the carpet, they seem to have learned their lesson, for the time being at any rate

The window of my bedroom faces the front of the building so I hear the taxi drive over the gravel and the sound of the two them letting themselves in — judging by the amount of giggling going on, I’d say they have had a good time

«Are you really that confident?» Chief Horcheese wasn’t, judging by the way she’d asked

They are more worried about your judging them than

It is important to create unique hashtags so that your followers know which one to use when posting an image, and so the images they share for the contest will be properly categorized when the judging takes place

And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness (Isaiah 16:5)

I know this is a bit extreme; however, it happens, and with a reality check and coaching these people could use this need to be on stage to discover their talents, their strengths and change direction maybe end up presenting or judging a show

Don’t you think you’re using two different standards for judging Erick and Samantha?

«It looks like they don’t have the good stuff in here judging by the size of the bowls on these hookah’s

The only problem was that I had Bipolar Disorder and it had been deemed at a type 1, which of course is the more serious kind, judging from this story

The next day, with the show ground full to bursting with every type of plant, with new roses, new fuscias, begonias, hostas and hebe, with the walkways full to bursting with eager competitors and excited crowds, the judging commenced

The Queen and her family, who were sitting on the judging panel for the final, could do nothing but gasp in sheer ecstasy

plate, and judging by the array of padlocks hanging from various

Judging by the look on Jane’s face, Peter is being outrageous to his new sister-in-law

Judging There is a difference between judging and discerning

crowds, the judging commenced

Queen and her family, who were sitting on the judging panel for

judging by their ruddy complexion and rough clothing

Alistair parroted the same words and, judging by his sudden

Judging by the colour of the stains on his shirt he spilled more of the yoghurt then he ingested

Judging by the stain spreading across the front of the man’s trousers it is obvious that he has started to relax already

Judging by the movement of the sun, however, he decided

official channels, judging by the aftermath of the motorcycle attack

himself was still a boy – perhaps eight or nine years old, judging by

‘What does she do for a living?’ he asked, judging the older woman to be in her fifties

Simon ‘just happens’ to be looking at the gravestones in the churchyard when we get to church and, judging by the way his face lights up when he spots Anna, it looks as though he’s got it as badly as she has; that’s good

Judging by what we’ve found in her personal

unashamed Zionist, judging by what we found in his belongings

The doorway could only be opened from the outside, and only by passing a bio-cerebral test that was tuned to the Captain in Transit – which, judging by his current predicament, Rafe very much doubted he would pass

And judging by the last reel, it was a miracle she hadn’t been roused to kill him

Only a fool or drunkard would fail to make such a distinction, and judging by the amount of transactions occurring, Brice realized there was no shortage of them in this town

Judging by his height and eyes I’d say this ones an elf

The High Mage Nicola had chosen to personally lead the procession of Death Guards, which — judging by their numbers — seemed to be every last one

It had been over a month since Brice and the Death Guards had returned from their meeting with Rafe, and judging by the outcome of their conversation, they meant to defend the city to the end, no matter what that end may be

«Judging by his skill, I would say it’s not just arrogance that compels his manner of dress,» Brice replied, secretly healing his wounds without Coba’s knowledge

But the transcribers of those statutes seem frequently to have thought it sufficient to copy the regulation as far as the three or four first and lowest prices ; saving in this manner their own labour, and judging, I suppose, that this was enough to show what proportion ought to be observed in all higher prices

Screams began filling the night, coming from the wounded bleeding to death in front of him, and from the distant warehouse roof where Alec figured, judging by the shouts of «Long live the Destroyer!», the rest of their squad were fighting for their lives

Trying to turn her away would have been useless, not to mention time-consuming, and judging from the throng of demons arrayed near Tetloan, the three of them had far too little time left

Judging by the dwindling number of servants, he would soon have both things

Judging by their

Not by friends, judging from the grimace that curled briefly on his lips

judging after how crowded and rarely they run in

about the residents of visited cities, judging

Judging from the dead ewe’s stench, it might have been several days

What surprised them even more was that she and Zarko were on speaking terms, judging by the way they laughed and touched each other as they approached the house

She was clearly not in the mood for his sweet-talking, judging by the way she ignored his appreciative look over her figure and attire

You feel that others are judging you and your actions

You practice mindfulness without commenting on or judging the way you find the world

To be self-conscious about how others may see us is another form of judging or criticizing ourselves

I am not judging you, but you were married and had a family

Judging by the disarray of the store, it looked like someone had been through here before, but not everything was taken

The assembly of a province, like the vestry of a parish, may judge very properly concerning the affairs of its own particular district, but can have no proper means of judging concerning those of the whole empire

Judging by the position in the sky of the large, orangey-red orb that was the star Proxima, Chris reckoned on only a couple more hours before the light started to fail

“I guess I overreacted, but I think you’re judging this new country too soon,” she said

Would I be too scared? The risk of judging it wrongly, wrong approach, wrong speed

Judging by her lack of response to his appearance, perhaps she was an AI projection after all

She offered him some old clothes from her ex that had been prepared to go off to charity, an offer she’d regretted now, judging by his uncomfortable reaction

Of the great and extensive interests of his country he is altogether incapable of judging; and unless very particular pains have been taken to render him otherwise, he is equally incapable of defending his country in war

drinking, vaulting the fences in their own version of the Grand National and leaving a trail of litter and slightly damaged plants, but judging the

“Well I suppose you will be glad Pte Lamb because you will be leaving us the day after tomorrow you era finally going home and will travel on the hospital ship Asturias and judging from the grin on your face it wont be day to soon

“Tell me about this munitions job as its better to hear it first hand than from one of the girls and judging by that cough and the colour of your skin it is non to healthy

What he was saying was lost in the volume of the band and the buzz of the crowd, but the closeness of his huge bulk and his breath in her ear must have been annoying, judging by the expression on her face

But judging by his episode in the hospital with the bread knife she was doubtful

But somewhere along the line, some club members have forgotten that it’s the animal’s bloodlines and pedigrees we’re supposed to be judging, not their owners

“She wants’ me to tell him that her name is Madeline and that she is twenty one and single I think that she is quite enamoured by George and judging by his face I would say the feeling is mutual

Judging by their positions I would have said that they had been killed by blast that’s why they were lying so naturally

Jean and Terese both raised an eyebrow in that calculating way women did when they were judging you

You have bright eyes, and judging by your presence here, you possess a letter that caused my guard at the bottom of the gangplank let you up

If it were any other Halfling, they’d say it was sheer madness, but judging by the queer history of Dalbo Dall, anything was possible

Some readers, all women, judging by their names, told me they found this uninteresting if not plain boring and a horrible distraction

individual break through the oppressive, judging, and restrictive limitations of the past

Yes, they had come this way, and judging by the pungency of the odour, not too long ago

Vera simply looked at me without judging or condoning me

Then the model was dressed in a chosen outfit that set off the intended creative theme, and then modelled the completed look for a final judging

RegardingMatthew19:28,whichsays, “So Jesus said to them, ‘Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when The Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel’ ”,JasonhadaskedifJudaswouldbeoneofthosetwelve?

The field was full of water and judging from how far it came up the fence posts, I guessed that it had to be at least six inches deep

Judging by the size of the hangover, he must have drunk a whole goddamn bunch before Sylvia went on her berserk rampage and busted every bottle in the place

Judging by the panicked way she’d been running, they had apparently seen him, so there would be no sense in looking for them at the faggot’s apartment

Judging the one who hides with mystery

“You were judging me

For her part, Clarissa, if anything, appeared amused by the entire excursion, but it was amusement with a cutting edge, an air of barely contained violence that made me shy away any time her judging gaze slid across me

In the face of all these challenges, and judging him not on politics and ideological tests, Obama can point to humanitarian victories, limited but still impressive

Judging by appearances; this plane was about eighty-nine percent of a write off

With all of that it mind, Mike no longer seemed quite so awful and judging by Sylvia’s power over him, he could easily be controlled

Judging an ex president by the same criteria as a president, who lived or died by their actions or had their lives greatly improved, leads to a slightly longer list of best presidents

They were fascinated by its bzz-bzz-bzz performance as it clicked and clattered out a seemingly endless message from some HQ up the line, judging by the prefix

Judging from what I saw on the display next though, it seemed like for some reason, we were like best buddies

Political awareness lectures were offered to the workers regularly and, judging by the packed audiences, it looked as though they were very popular

More bodies entered, a couple of young males of the Imperial line, judging by their resemblance to the Emperor

Judging by some of the anodyne comments made by the more liberal Moderators in recent years, there are some who believe in so little as to leave nothing about which it would be worth differing

Judging that a piece of wood would offer him better protection than his bare hands, Molo picked it up

Judging by the width across the ball of the foot, these could only have been made by his brother-in-marriage; Howling Cat

At first, he couldn’t see much at all, although he had the impression of a dimly-lit room, judging by the dresser and curtains in view

A judge is a person who presides over court proceedings, either alone or as a part of a panel of judges. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

In addition, its «St Andrews Single Vineyard Release» of the same vintage knocked judges off their feet with its complexity, persistent finish and elegance.


When environmental groups succeeded in getting a federal judge to grant a February 24 order that temporarily halted work in the Atchafalaya Basin while a permit for the pipeline is being challenged, Rosinski wondered whether construction could still legally move forward on her land.


«It is clear now,» he told the judge, «that at the time of the download, Uber and Mr. Levandowski were planning to build a replica lidar system for Uber.


The outrage ballooned after a lawyer for a student injured in the shooting, Daniela Menescal, 17, filed a petition in Broward court asking that a judge review whether the school district can limit the amount paid to victims in this manner.


We will have a rough patch followed by an implosion and we will say «let’s judge at the end of the season»


I was returned two years latter when the judge declared the divorce petition moot, but kept the order on my husband and expanded it to include those that his father and friends deemed mal contents, Usually ex military.


Just last month a federal judge in New York rejected a challenge to the phone data collection program brought by the ACLU, saying that there was no evidence that the information had been misused


Lagasse has appeared as a guest judge in four seasons of Bravo’s hit food series, «Top Chef,» was named a co-host for the tenth season of the «Rachael Ray Show,» and in January 2016, he entered his fourth season of «Emeril’s Florida» on the Cooking Channel.


Serious reckoning with her own faults brings her down off the judge‘s seat.


A statement from CAS read: «The appeal filed on 12 December 2016 by Club Atletico Velez Sarsfield against the decision issued on 24 August 2016 by the single judge of the sub-committee of the FIFA players» status committee (the challenged decision) is dismissed and, accordingly, the challenged decision is confirmed.»


At the hands of bureaucrats, bosses, and judges, Christian merchants, universities, schools, hospitals, charities, campus fellowships, students, public officials, employees, and citizens have been fired, fined, shut down, threatened with a loss of accreditation, and evicted for living out traditional convictions about marriage and sexuality.


A California Superior Court judge ruled in 2011 that the company’s advances violated a federal law that forbids assignment or sale of military pensions.


Federal judge in Hawaii has blocked the major provisions of President Trump’s revised ban on refugee resettlement and travel from six predominantly Muslim countries, hours before the executive order was to take effect.


The court rises, all bow to the judge, and Leveson makes his way out of court room 73.


At one point, Shih earned the judge‘s ire by interrupting her description of an advisor to a long-term plan.


Join us for beer, good conversation, and a battle to the death to see which entrepreneurs can dazzle and excite the judges in under sixty seconds.


The event was held to honor the newest member of the Court of Appeals, Rowan Wilson, whose confirmation this month marks the first time two black judges are serving simultaneously on the state’s highest court.


Immediately following the address, the judge announced that Tsarnaev would be executed for his crimes.


-LRB-…) The news is a ruling by federal bankruptcy judge Steven Rhodes that, contrary to the arguments of public workers» unions, pensions can be cut in the restructuring.


Rose slowed in 3-4 which no one but a blind man or mma noob (or, as we’ve come to expect, pro mma judge) would have given to her.


But a judge decided the carriers were employees under workers» compensation law.


It’s blind judging and if the judge doesn’t like the taste of your food he has the right to score it down.


Each precinct primary is to be conducted by a presiding judge and the assistants he names.


And if you MUST judge, let your judgments be righteous ones.


They presented evidence that Page may be acting as a Russian agent and the judge approved the warrant.


They give the finger to God and say, screw you, we’re going to keep being evil, then God judges them because He is JUST, and His character demands that He be just, otherwise He’d violate His nature.


The Family Wealth Report Awards celebrate best-in-class providers of private banking and wealth management services, with winners selected by a panel of judges based on their demonstrated innovation and excellence during 2015.


There was a highly inventive theme which showed a strong grasp of the technical possibilities of aluminium foil, while, at the same time, giving consideration for convenience and environmental impact,» explained the judges.


Elevating consciousness in consumer choice, reducing food waste, feeding the world, advancing sustainability and facilitating technology transfer are just a few of the global challenges that innovative packaging can address, said judges of the 28th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation.


District Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn agreed June 27 to allow the three lawsuits against DOL’s rule that are pending in the state to be consolidated, and both parties filed a motion asking that the judge render a decision in the case as soon as October.


«Once we reach an agreement that someone wants to buy the building, we have to take that offer to a judge who determines that it’s acceptable,» Curran said.


I used to sing in bars and I’ve seen drunken criminals and drunken judges, friends celebrating a birthday, men cheating on their wives, call girls waiting for clients, disrespectful glances, angry yelling, empty wallets, fits of laughter, fighting, vomiting, old friends catching up on good times.


Three different judges then judged all the purples for the different age divisions and drum roll…..


Last week a Canadian judge ruled in favour of Iranian LGBTQ activist Shadi Amin in her defamation suit against a Canadian who operated a hitherto anonymous website attacking her.


Raw Story says Hironimus wants her son to undergo an evaluation to make sure he is mentally and emotionally ready to undergo the procedure, but a judge denied her request.


Last week, the judge denied the NCAA’s motion for a summary judgment.


The «Dancing with the Stars» judge and the «Days of Our Lives» actor «quietly» split in September after a nine-month engagement, according to People magazine.


Whether or not others judge harshly (think of other kids» reactions, too…), a mom might have sort of a complex about it herself, I suppose.


Otherwise we are in danger of having a series of hustings in which the candidates all share similar limited horizons and we finish up with a series of non-debates where we are expected judge who is likely to be the best celebrity.


Lead judge Michael Richmond, vp, packaging consulting solutions at HAVI, touted, «This is a year of more… there’s more innovation, there’s more sustainability, there’s more non-food, there are more holistic solutions.»


Mangano became one of the 19 original members of the legislature, which replaced the board in 1996 after a federal judge found the weighted voting system to be unconstitutional.


He was of the view that «history will yet record also that when militants of the NPP violently stormed a court, freed suspects on trial and threatened the presiding judge with assault, they did not receive even a slap on their wrists, they were in fact set free».


random question and do the judge me… lol….


It’s been dismissed by the FA committee that judges these things, so officially it’s not a pen.


According to the email, Uber «urged» Levandowski «to fully cooperate» with a federal judge‘s order to hand over evidence and testimony.


You have to be the judge of this recipe and taste as you go… this is the best advice I can give you.


The trial judge did not accept the ACCC’s contention that the major supermarket chains did not place a close constraint on Metcash’s wholesale pricing, noting (para 257-260 of the trial judgment; reproduced at para 280 of Yates J’s judgment)


Again, just like leaks, our society tends to shame, judge, and react rather ridiculously to health concerns on parts of the body we’ve collectively sexualized.


This guarantees that the doctrine of the faith will develop organically in history, with a competent authority to judge and guide this development, competent because it derives from Christ.


Sysco Corp. climbed 3.1 percent, the most since September, after its planned $ 3.5 billion takeover of US Foods Inc. was blocked by a federal judge.


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a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law; a magistrate charged with the administration of justice.

a person appointed to decide in any competition, contest, or matter at issue; authorized arbiter: the judges of a beauty contest.

a person qualified to pass a critical judgment: a good judge of horses.

an administrative head of Israel in the period between the death of Joshua and the accession to the throne by Saul.

(especially in rural areas) a county official with supervisory duties, often employed part-time or on an honorary basis.

verb (used with object), judged, judg·ing.

to pass legal judgment on; pass sentence on (a person): The court judged him guilty.

to hear evidence or legal arguments in (a case) in order to pass judgment; adjudicate; try: The Supreme Court is judging that case.

to form a judgment or opinion of; decide upon critically: You can’t judge a book by its cover.

to decide or settle authoritatively; adjudge: The censor judged the book obscene and forbade its sale.

to infer, think, or hold as an opinion; conclude about or assess: He judged her to be correct.

to make a careful guess about; estimate: We judged the distance to be about four miles.

(of the ancient Hebrew judges) to govern.

verb (used without object), judged, judg·ing.

to act as a judge; pass judgment: No one would judge between us.

to form an opinion or estimate: I have heard the evidence and will judge accordingly.

to make a mental judgment.



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Origin of judge

First recorded in 1175–1225; (verb) Middle English jugen, from Anglo-French juger, Old French jugier, from Latin jūdicāre “to judge,” equivalent to jūdic- (stem of jūdex ) “a judge” + -āre infinitive suffix; (noun) Middle English juge, from Old French, from Latin jūdicem, accusative of jūdex

synonym study for judge

2. Judge, referee, umpire refer to one who is entrusted with decisions affecting others. Judge, in its legal and other uses, implies particularly that one has qualifications and authority for giving decisions in matters at issue: a judge appointed to the Supreme Court; a judge in the pie competition. A referee usually examines and reports on the merits of a case as an aid to a court. An umpire gives the final ruling when arbitrators of a case disagree.


judge·a·ble, adjectivejudg·er, nounjudge·less, adjectivejudge·like, adjective

judge·ship, nounre·judge, verb, re·judged, re·judg·ing.sub·judge, nounsub·judge·ship, nounun·der·judge, verb (used with object), un·der·judged, un·der·judg·ing.un·der·judge, nounun·judge·a·ble, adjectiveun·judged, adjectiveun·judge·like, adjectivewell-judged, adjective

Words nearby judge

Judeo-, Judeo-Christian, Judeo-Spanish, Jude the Obscure, Judezmo, judge, judge a book by its cover, one can’t, judge advocate, judge advocate general, Judge Lynch, judge-made Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to judge

authority, court, critic, expert, inspector, justice, referee, appreciate, assess, conclude, consider, criticize, decide, derive, determine, discern, distinguish, draw, evaluate, examine

How to use judge in a sentence

  • In response to a question from defendants’ counsel, Bastian said he would provide more detail in the written order, which the judge said he plans to issue later Thursday or Friday.

  • Lawyers for Bluestone are asking the judge to throw out the federal case, saying the state settlement and hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal fines the company already paid for the same violations should resolve the matters.

  • A judge last September granted asylum to Yariel Valdés González, a Blade contributor who faced persecution in Cuba because of his work as an independent journalist.

  • He said he hopes other judges will strike down coronavirus mandates.

  • That summer, an administrative law judge rejected the settlement, noting that, among other defects, it largely sidestepped a core question — whether McDonald’s was a joint employer.

  • Meanwhile, almost exactly 30 years after the trial, the judge left his home to board a steamboat and was never heard from again.

  • “I think it is important to say it is too soon to judge success or failure,” said Col. Steven Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.

  • Who among Scalise’s constituents could possibly care if he supported naming a post office for a black judge who died in 1988?

  • Judge Hinkle said “the Constitution requires the Clerk to issue such licenses.”

  • So, in an unusual order (PDF) issued on New Years Day, District Judge Robert Hinkle clarified the issue.

  • Judge or sheriff, it was all one to them, each being equally terrible in their eyes.

  • “And the matter of the will was all disposed of by the probate judge today, I hear,” said the judge, his hand on the door.

  • Judge for yourself the difficulty surrounding the remainder of the symbols and fundamental truths of christianity.

  • I should judge that a peck of corn is about the average product of a day’s work through all this region.

  • He was a good judge of men, that eagle-faced major; he knew that the slightest move with hostile intent would mean a smoking gun.

British Dictionary definitions for judge


a person who is appointed to determine the result of contests or competitions

a person qualified to comment criticallya good judge of antiques

a leader of the peoples of Israel from Joshua’s death to the accession of Saul


to hear and decide upon (a case at law)

(tr) to pass judgment on; sentence

(when tr, may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to decide or deem (something) after inquiry or deliberation

to determine the result of (a contest or competition)

to appraise (something) critically

(tr; takes a clause as object) to believe (something) to be the case; suspect

Derived forms of judge

judgeable, adjectivejudgeless, adjectivejudgelike, adjectivejudger, noun

judgingly, adverb

Word Origin for judge

C14: from Old French jugier, from Latin jūdicāre to pass judgment, from jūdex a judge

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with judge

In addition to the idiom beginning with judge

  • judge a book by its cover, one can’t

also see:

  • sober as a judge

Also seejudgment.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Judge sentence example. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use judge in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for judge.

  • Judge of him by that. (10)
  • Val saw the Judge nod. (8)
  • Let each judge for himself. (9)
  • Nobody laughs at the judge. (10)
  • But when did she judge amiss? (4)
  • I judge you do him an injustice. (8)
  • The judge of others, of course. (10)
  • Still she was compelled to judge. (10)
  • You have the right to be my judge. (10)
  • You do not judge, and you are judged. (8)
  • I do not know; I do not wish to judge. (8)
  • I want to have my mother with me, judge. (9)
  • But still he did not part with the judge. (9)
  • Did they not therefore judge me soundly? (10)
  • She could then see more and judge better. (4)
  • I am not asked to judge you, and I will not. (9)
  • Judge her as I do, though you are a man, I pray. (10)
  • Judge of the case by your own reigning Families. (10)
  • Call on your Creator, and be my judge, if you dare. (10)
  • You stepped out for the dogs to judge better of us. (10)
  • Did I judge by the flower, and they by root and stem? (10)
  • I judge it might be due to humanity to look at its face. (8)
  • For just half an hour: I judge by your voice in talking. (10)
  • No woman in the kingdom was a better judge of a dew carpet. (8)
  • She felt that a man would judge evil of the circumstances. (10)
  • The judge stiffened to defiance in making this humiliation. (9)
  • But I judge your form of chivalry is sacrifice to the state. (8)
  • Judge Hoar told me when he was here the other day, that Mr. (14)
  • He was pulled up instantly for close inspection by the judge. (10)
  • To judge by her way of living there is money in the business. (12)
  • She is fair; a Beauty, some have said, who judge not by lines. (10)
  • He could be no judge, however, of the evil he was holding cheap. (4)
  • As the probate judge remarked, it would take five aces to beat it. (1)
  • The judge asked himself that, without being able to answer himself. (9)
  • I judge by the quiet of my sleep that we have come to no harm there. (10)
  • Mr. Knightley, I shall not allow you to be a fair judge in this case. (4)
  • Judge of yourself as you will; but I know now what my feelings were then. (10)
  • Then there was a sudden hush; the judge came in, bowed, and took his seat. (8)
  • The judge looked disgusted with his wife for the word; then he looked aghast. (9)
  • I judge that the independence you desire will be achieved in two or three years. (12)
  • He was a civilian, if one might judge from his habit, which was that of a planter. (1)
  • They dread to grant distinctions, and to judge of us discerningly is beyond them. (10)
  • A propinquity, if I might judge from their countenances, uncoveted by either party. (6)
  • My dear Catherine, you alone, who know my heart, can judge of my present happiness. (4)
  • The judge rose from his chair and went towards the window, which he had thrown open. (9)
  • After two or three years he got by the same means to be a judge of the Supreme Court. (16)
  • The judge and Ellen had already conjectured clearly enough, and Boyne did not fear them. (9)
  • I wanted to get a cab, but she would walk: The judge kept moving on, with his head down. (9)
  • Whether it was so trifling an affair as to justify this inattention let the reader judge. (7)
  • I merely point out her unfortunate way of seeking redress; beyond that I do not presume to judge. (12)
  • But justice and human progress should not and will not wait until the corrupt judge becomes honest. (16)
  • Breckon had not been able to convince himself that his proposal to consult Judge Kenton was not a pose. (9)
  • The contracts once signed, the judge and Wheeler seemed to regard that their responsibilities were over. (13)
  • These were not the best of times with Judge Kenton, and Boyne was not the first object of his impatience. (9)
  • Why, since he had accepted his fate, should he pretend to judge the conduct of people his superiors in rank? (10)
  • You shall see her and hear her, and judge if she is worth your visit to Schloss Sonnenberg and a short siege. (10)
  • Behind the wooden erection, by which he was fenced from more ordinary mortals, the learned Judge leaned forward. (8)
  • And hence I could hold more free communication with the Protestants, and judge them more justly, than the Catholics. (2)
  • The Barnard referred to was, of course, the infamous judge from whom, a few years later, the judicial robes were stripped. (16)
  • The judge, who had not sat in a court for more than a generation, was a vigorous, elderly man with a sweeping gray mustache. (13)
  • He had never been a persona grata to the judge, and if he did not become so now, he at least ceased to be actively displeasing. (9)
  • As to the actual results thus accomplished, other than the publicity obtained, the general public is not in a position to judge. (16)
  • I should think that, if there is a moral government of the universe, the Judge of all the earth would know when to hold his hand. (9)
  • She has made a capital selection of her vocabulary from Johnson, and does not work it badly, if we may judge by Harry and Melville. (10)
  • He himself thought that this was his best work; so far as we can judge by the considerable fragment that exists, he was in the right. (2)
  • He had undertaken his duties with his accustomed energy and conscientiousness, and at times wearied even the judge with his scruples. (13)
  • You will soon be able to judge of the general credit due, by listening to some particulars which you can yourself immediately contradict or confirm. (4)
  • Emma, an early riser that morning, for the purpose of a private consultation with Mr. Redworth, found her lying placidly wakeful, to judge by appearances. (10)

Also see sentences for: adept, consider, count, critic, distinguish, justice, reckon.

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