Use the word join in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “join” in a sentence. How to connect “join” with other words to make correct English sentences.

join (v): to connect or fasten things together

Use “join” in a sentence

She was invited to join peace congress.
I’d like to join your group.
I’d like to join your group.
Would you join me for a walk?
Come over here and join us.

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1. That’s Mrs Gregory. She is my music teacher. That’s Mrs Gregory who is my music teacher. — Это миссис Грегори. Она мой учитель музыки. Это миссис Грегори, которая является моим учителем музыки.
2. That’s my maths teacher. You spoke to her last year. That’s my maths teacher that you spoke to last year. — Это мой учитель математики. Вы говорили с ней в прошлом году. Это мой учитель математики, с которой вы говорили в прошлом году.
3. This is my brother. He wanted to meet you. This is my brother who wanted to meet you. — Это мой брат. Он хотел встретиться с вами. Это мой брат, который хотел встретиться с вами.
4. That’s my cat. It caught a bird yesterday. That’s my cat which caught a bird yesterday. — Это мой кот. Он вчера поймал птицу. Это мой кот, который вчера поймал птицу.
5. Here’s your iPod. You lost it last week. Here’s your iPod that you lost last week. — Вот ваш IPod. Вы потеряли его на прошлой неделе. Вот ваш IPod, что вы потеряли на прошлой неделе.
6. This is the house. I stayed here. This is the house where I stayed. — Это дом. Я остановился здесь. Это дом, где я остановился.

a)    Join the sentences. Use the words in brackets.
1   I’m taking a coat. It might get cold later, (in case)
I’m takins a coat in case it gets cold later.
2    He’s going to bed early. He doesn’t want to be
tired tomorrow. (so that)
3    He is whispering. He doesn’t want to wake his
brother up. (so as not to)
4    We’re trying to save up some money. We want
to buy a house. (with a view to)
5    These are nail clippers. You use them to cut
toenails. (for)
b)  Choose three of the sentences In Ex. 4a and
rewrite them in as many ways as possible.
I’m taking a coat so that I don’t get cold later. I’m
taking a coat so as not to get cold later etc.


a) Practising clauses of purpose
•      Direct Ss’ attention to the words in brackets.
•      Explain the task.
•     Ss complete the task individually.
•     Check answers with the class.
Answer Key
2     He’s going to bed early so that he won’t be
tired tomorrow.
3     He is whispering so as not to wake his
brother up.
4      We’re trying to save up some money with a
view to buying a house.
5     These are nail clippers for cutting toenails.
b) Consolidating clauses of purpose
•      Draw Ss’ attention to the fact that there are
many ways of expressing purpose which
have the same meaning.
•     Read out the example sentences.
•     Ss work in pairs to complete the task.
•     Invite some pairs to read out their
sentences to the class.
Making up a story about a
disastrous party
•     Write the title of the story “A Disastrous
Party” on the board.
•      Draw Ss’ attention to the ideas for the story.
•      Divide Ss into groups of 3-4. Ss make up a
‘chain story’, taking it in turns to say what
went wrong.
Suggested Answer Key
2     He’s going to bed early so as not to be tired
3     He is whispering so that he won’t wake his
brother up.
4      We’re trying to save up some money so that
we can buy a house.
5    These are nail clippers to cut toenails. etc

ваш ответ

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похожие вопросы 5

1 Соедините предложения, используя слова в скобках. Используйте время Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1 Дженни приготовила обед. Затем, она погладила одежду. (после)

2 Новости начались. Джон включил телевизор (уже… когда)

3 Они накрыли стол. Затем, прибыли гости. (до того)

4 Дети пошли спать. Затем, Стив пришел домой. (к тому времени)

5 Их гости уехали. Затем, они убирали дом. (после)

6 Сэм ждал. Джоан закончила разговаривать. (пока не)

1 After Jenny had cooked lunch, she ironed the clothes. (После того как Дженни приготовила обед, она погладила одежду)

2 The news had already started when John turned on the TV. (Новости уже начались, когда Джон включил телевизор)

3 They had set the table before the guests arrived. (Они накрыли на стол до того, как прибыли гости)

4 The kids had gone to bed by the time Steve came home. (Дети ушли спать к тому времени, как Стив пришел домой)

5 After the guests had left, they tidied the house. (После того, как уехали гости, они убрались в доме)

6 Sam waited until Joan had finished speaking. (Сэм ждал, пока Джоан не закончила разговаривать)

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