Use the word involved in a sentence

Synonym: Byzantine, convoluted, knotty, mired, tangled, tortuous. Similar words: involve, involvement, evolve, revolve around, invoke, resolve, dissolve, revolving. Meaning: [ɪn’vɑlvd /-‘vɒl-]  adj. 1. connected by participation or association or use 2. entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire 3. emotionally involved 4. highly complex or intricate 5. enveloped. 

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1. Many of the crimes involved drugs.

2. We’ll make our decision and contact the people involved.

3. He’s involved in the organization of a new club.

4. He refused to name the members of staff involved.

5. His love life was complicated, and involved intense relationships.

6. Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved.

7. I don’t want to get involved.

8. We are keen that Britain should get involved too.

9. Villagers dispensed tea to people involved in the accident.

10. Students were involved in violent clashes with the police.

11. The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.

12. 400 workers were involved in the stoppage.

13. Somerville bitterly regretted his folly at becoming involved.

14. Several leading creatives are involved in the advertising campaign.

15. He was financially involved with a villain.

16. The President was not directly involved.

17. The project involved the whole of the university.

18. She’s very conscious of the problems involved.

19. There’s only a minimal amount of risk involved.

20. She became heavily involved in politics.

21. I don’t want to get involved in anything dodgy.

22. The victim’s conduct had involved an element of provocation.

23. She had no comprehension of what was involved.

24. I interrogated everyone even slightly involved.

25. She was wary of getting involved with him.

26. The game involved throwing metal rings over a stick.

27. I suspected that he was involved in the conspiracy.

28. He swore vengeance on everyone involved in the murder.

29. In this particular case,(sentence dictionary) no one else was involved.

30. The more you fight something, the more anxious you become —the more you’re involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. 

More similar words: involve, involvement, evolve, revolve around, invoke, resolve, dissolve, revolving, dived, improved, perceived, themselves, volume, voluble, volunteer, voluntary, evolution, in vain, invest, invent, invade, in view of, invasion, investor, revolutionary, inventory, invention, inveterate, invitation, investment. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«I am involved in the planning.«
(be: is/am/are, be: was/were, became, got)

Used with adverbs:

«He became heavily involved at church.«
(heavily, closely, deeply, very, actively, directly, primarily)

«She was intimately involved with him.«
(intimately, personally, emotionally, romantically, sexually)

Used with prepositions:

«He was involved in a car accident.«

«She became involved with politics in college.«

Used with nouns:

«She is a very involved parent at school.«

«The involved party was asked to leave event.«

Venna went thru it all looking for all your garden research,» Herndon choked when he heard that, «although it was me that actually did the digging involved

involved a fortnightly signing on procedure and, post operation [whilst still waiting for the result], I signed on as normal

«We don’t know for sure,» Ava said, while Herndon scowled, «but you have to understand that because of the exchange rate there are sums of money involved here that even we can’t calculate

Business and society was never something he was deeply involved with, unless it was the politics of their own tribe

you are involved in, God put you there for a purpose

«Colonel da Morais was involved,» Herndon said, «He had to be

She was having trouble keeping her mind on the financial conversation, especially if Venna was involved in the sexual conversation

While group singing of ‘bhajans’ can be done in a suitable place like a temple or a hall in a manner and time that least disturbance is caused to those not involved in it, the individual prayer is necessarily a communion with God best performed in a quiet corner of the house

she’d been involved in a long term relationship up in Bristol … it fell apart … she was considerably upset, partly because of that and partly because her sister had just got married … she was at the age when she could feel the clock ticking

‘Oh yes, she had the right temperament – caring but without getting emotionally involved, if you know what I mean

Because her sister could be involved, she gathered that he feared something from YingolNeerie

«The starship that makes up two thirds of Narrulla’s Tear’s weight is why she’s involved,» he said

The reason being the will can be contested later on the basis that force was involved in the signing of the will and the person was of unsound mind when doing so

Hence, the two witnesses who can vouch for your sound mind and no force being involved in the signing of the will

» She knew her sister was deeply involved with the Heavenly Mother, she wondered if it was politically possible to have a conversation with her about any hostile intentions on their part

This usually involved fear and bullets and drowning and fire

Family members can help the older relative feel more involved by spending time with them

‘That’s easy, Liz … a load of stuff was lent out for a themed party of some sort, and we know that Dan was involved in the collection … in fact Henry didn’t check over the stuff until quite recently which was when he noticed the gun was missing

‘What’s she like?’ I asked, more convinced than ever that my only son is getting emotionally involved with this woman and not entirely sure how I feel about it

That would be best for everyone involved

’ I said, wondering just how involved he is with her

It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

Still, he would not be involved in such a thing and turned to go to the kedas

«The Brazilians are involved,» Tahlmute said, «That’s why money is no object

«You and I and everyone involved gets paid from that bead, but you could easily earn half of it

Stephen thinks that there is still a likelihood that I may be involved

He noticed that the map was an eye-copy of an old handwritten scrap of paper, more evidence that there was plenty of money involved in this deal

He didn’t want his neighbors to know he was involved in a business that needed codes and passwords

«How are the Brazilians involved

This involved studying one’s self, self-inquiry and self-examination and other things that can help you get to know yourself more

I have been romantically involved with Ava

It is my belief from personal relationships with the people involved that we are conveying this crate to the most likely rightful owner

«So how is the Kassikan involved

«Why is she involved,» doostEr asked

But Tahlmute had been involved with that drug twenty decades in the past, and he had positive accomplishments since

He worked with him with freight and knew him as a noble man, though often a liability when there were ladies involved

What you might need is to discover for yourself what people involved in real spiritual practice have discovered for thousands of years

I’m just a local Garda Sergeant so I wouldn’t be involved in that kind of investigation

Secondly, can you tell us the scale of the operation and how many human organs were involved

Tahlmute was clearly not enjoying the manual labor he was involved in

The ownership is in dispute and the people involved are not without stain,» he was honest with her, but the only rule I worry about is interfering in tribal affairs, but the Brazilians have never registered as a tribe

including very competent doctors who were involved

But Zamir was never involved in skin-trade, at least not the kind that I specialize in

’ She said, her mind working as she considered what was involved

How involved are you with this man, Liz?

‘Not the Mrs Wynell who is involved in that shooting in Bridgwater

«Even if Sammy is not involved in the crime we are investigating, we need to watch him for the crimes he is involved with

I just don’t want to get involved is all

How could she know anything about Elissa? Unless she was involved

For Ava to be this distracted when these events on the ground were unfolding, events her sister was involved in, meant there was some dire emergency to the system

I don’t think he got involved with any particular girl until he went off to university

We’ve become quite close friends, he’s a nice guy and I soon discover that he’s totally involved in his work

It’s comforting – living alone can be difficult when you are worried about something and just having someone who is not involved to talk to can clear your head

more involved in reaching out to the lost

The congregation needs to be actively involved in input of decisions affecting the Lord’s work

Failure to perceive the spiritual principles of the leadership involved in the eldership has led to many destructive, devastating, and disastrous results in too many churches

’ I said enjoying the sensation of being involved in something which is not linked to work

activities that emphasize the flesh to get people involved

‘Oh, yes, I’ll be there, but it’s Wally and Fred who are really involved

Fred makes Betty’s day by kissing her and giving her a present of a bunch of roses – the wicked flirt that he is! I sometimes wonder just how involved he is with those two – I don’t watch their comings and goings but I am under no illusions, and do not believe for a moment the people who maintain that elderly people have no sex lives

MEMBERS must be involved in growing the church collectively and individually

Bahkmar knew the meeting was being broken up and that the Haadij was involved

Both were involved in the sin, but only Eve allowed herself to be deluded

which God ever gave involved expediency

Thus, there is the principle of leadership involved here

There is a lot of chemistry involved in the selection of

There is another catch involved in this process

But I will tell you that incident didn’t seem little to me when I was involved in it

His staff was happy with the style and got into it, especially when they found there were good wages involved so there were now some creative artists turning out some really beautiful saddles using some of the exotic plumes that come from the tails of many species of local animals

To a woman, this dream signifies that she will be involved in a scandal

” She was always involved in extracurricular activities, had great parents, and had friends who loved her

Her appreciation grew as she realised that the scenes depicted, although looking like innocuous country views, were actually Errd … could it be that she was wrong, that whoever worked here was not involved in the immigration operation?

We know there are 10 nations involved, and ultimately the whole word follows the beast, but it is too soon to authoritatively decipher what nations and where the Antichrist will rule

‘Not a lot … there was a rumour a while back that she was involved with the Anti’s at some time, but I’ve never really looked into it

Let weak) that predicates the survival of all parts involved

It seems that not only was she involved in that Welsh thing I told you about, but she was the mastermind behind it

‘I haven’t mentioned it to JJ yet, but I anticipate that he would want to be actively involved in the Guild and the setting up of a school for performing arts

» He had to say that now that she was involved

«I’m amazed to know that you understand what the word stargate means and that there would be strong equations involved in their construction

He wrapped her in his arms and caressed her whole body until they were quite involved in it for a few minutes

‘Didn’t you have to go over there when you were involved in that kidnapping case?’ Berndt asked, his brow furrowed

involved in chemical reactions, they usually lose one electron of their

They had been interested in those even though they kept the Kassikan out of the debates swirling around them, in spite of many efforts in the scientific media to get them involved

Something far greater that anything they could imagine; and it involved riding the dragons of their dreams

We just know that with chemical explosives and sun sails the centuries involved are not practical

This variation of the Locust Posture is much more difficult but the added effort involved

These instructions are simplicity itself and even the photograph of me lying with my head, shoulders and legs raised can give you little idea of the sheer muscular effort involved in holding them that way

‘Isn’t there some ceremony involved in that?’ I asked, trying to remember what happened when I carved mine

She went over to the common room table where the guys were still involved in that game of tenks to find out if Yarin might be interested in her presence

In those days she was involved in all the comings and goings around the port and nothing moved without her say-so

I let them borrow it because they needed to learn the negative outcomes of being involved in gangs that were highlighted in my messages I had just created

I suppose it could have threatened the mission if I had got romantically involved

‘As I say, some time ago Pantelis got wind of what was going on and over a period of time he collected his evidence: names, numbers, times, photographs, dates, recordings; a comprehensive list of villains, including prominent public figures, involved one way or another in the smuggling and acquisition of priceless cultural objects

are no different when it comes to getting involved in a girly-chat session; much as you’d prefer

It is important that the fight take place between those directly involved and that neither party elicits the help of friends or family

These types of people rarely speak but when they do they are ready with a very involved

Although this has been known to really hurt those involved

I only got involved with Alastair … married him … because I wanted a child

«There’s a lot of high precision arithmetic involved, much higher precision than the original sensor readings

‘Jo, you are sure about getting involved with me, aren’t you?’

Use Involved in a sentence. How to use the word Involved in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Involved. Sentence for Involved.

Involved in a Sentence

Examples of Involved in a sentence

  1. He had, when his political prejudices were not involved, a sharp critical taste and, as a member of the Goncourt Academy, was among the first to acclaim the writers Proust and Céline.
  2. Like most members of his culture, he was intensively involved in subsistence agriculture or other rnodes of basic survival.
  3. The use of the imagination is one of the vital components of successful hypnotherapy, regardless of whether the regression is involved or not.
  4. The segments are filmed using local actors or the people involved.
  5. Rico was involved in that, but Rico yelled at Spider.
  6. However, I knew from bitter experience that forging such a link at the end of the 20th century involved experimentation and error.
  7. From this he deduced that oxygen is not necessary for the first phase of heat production—that is, that the chemical reactions immediately involved in muscle contraction do not make use of oxygen—but that oxygen is needed and oxidative processes do occur after contraction when die muscle recovers.
  8. In the more severe form, fever, sweating, malaise, headache, sore throat, weakness, and a dry hacking cough are involved.
  9. Other problems arise in relation to the areas involved and the degree of nerve damage, and these depend upon the severity of the illness.
  10. One attack gives lifelong immunity but only to the specific type of polio involved.
  11. While any group of muscles may be involved, usually it is those of the lower extremities or back.
  12. Bulbar polio is a severe form in which the base of the brain is involved.
  13. Sambora, who was married to Locklear from 1994 to 2007 is not getting involved anymore, although he has supported her and Ava greatly.

Post Views: 95

Last year, there were 13 drug overdoses in Orland Park and six deaths, five of which involved heroin, McCarthy said.


Klopp must come in or learn a few xtra things from a li» lle distance then come push us foward… I think we not very far off, all we need is a more hungrier coach, willing to stick it out there with the likes of Mourin loud mouth, who is more involved n passionate….


Getting it on your phone is the same as manually flashing any other Android factory image so that means there’s a little more involved than tapping a button.


The North American Free Trade Agreement helped spur DuPont Mexico’s growth, and its total investment grew 28 percent between 1996 and 1999 to $ 600 million, half of which involved joint ventures.


I don’t really have time (nor do I care) to make fancy involved meals with gourmet ingredients.


I can see positive value in the fact that the biblical God is not the Unmoved Mover of Greek philosophy, that God is an involved God, working God’s purpose out in a real world filled with real people.


In the same way, that truck crashes are usually more serious than car accidents, truck accident cases are also typically more complex and involved than car accident claims, especially if a wrongful death claim must be filed due to a fatality.


Later, in Seminary, I was given a slightly more involved defense for the Bible as the Word of God.


To become involved please call (424-RRB — 244-1538.4


I was born and raised there and have remained involved throughout my adult life.


Waiting for the appraisal can cause everyone involved concern.


Selling your home in Metrowest Massachusetts is an involved process that affects your family and your future.


The work is complex and far more involved than can be discussed here, but I’d propose that we can at least begin by coming to three realizations.


Lastly, I would like to be more involved and would prefer to invest in a property closer to my current location.


I loved being more involved and the feeling of control.


Navigation and more involved instructions are directed through the console-mounted mouse.


Parenting studies have found that parental ADHD symptoms were associated with decreased positive and involved parenting and more negative expressed emotion [17, 30].


This is true, especially to those without an insurance policy due to the fact that there is very little involved and the major cost to settle is often that of midwifery.


Less visible are a number of other association activities aimed at creating opportunities — programs that even the most involved SEMA members might not be aware of.


And that’s not even taking into account that the kids who get into charter schools are far more likely to have the one biggest advantage going in — involved parents.


A Guide for Father Involvement in Systems of Care (PDF — 1,608 KB) Martinez, Rider, Cayce, Forssell, Poirier, Hunt, Crawford, et al. (2013) Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health Offers strategies for systems and families to help fathers become more involved, including specific strategies for working with Hispanic/Latino, African-American, and Native American fathers.


Second, although implanting a microchip is a very simple and quick procedure, removing one is more involved and may require general anesthesia and surgery.


I also think it would be appropriate to have one ebook restricting itself to the average arguments women everywhere are hearing, and (if anyone had the patience) a separate point-by-point rebuttal of the more involved arguments upon arguments.


All rates are confirmed with you before commencement of work; there are no time limits, and no hidden fees; rates depend on complexity, time involved and what you send us to start with.


But making sure things are organized is a little more involved than just throwing the devices in my briefcase and walking out the door.


Often it will be appropriate for a worker to remain involved.


How many involved charges under Articles 129 or 282?


If they feel involved and excited, they’ll want to support it.


Attracting and keeping involved parents, and reaching out to underrepresented parent populations, are among the priorities for Hodge’s term.


Although Reverse 1031 Exchanges are even more complicated and involved, seller carry-back notes may also be utilized within a reverse 1031 Exchange structure depending on your circumstances.


For anything with more involved controls, it kept me from feeling like I was battling my games instead of playing them.


He said that it was the position of the law that the witness must be in court since the said document sought to be tendered involved him.


Call it «active learning,» or «classroom participation» — every teacher wants to know how to motivate students to particpate, and how to nurture more involved students and fewer apathetic ones.


The classic turn-based strategy — exciting, involved gaming that calls for long-term planning, clever tactics, transparent rules and tough decisions — is making a comeback.


Kids need at least two weeks notice to process this type of information, says Shirley Thomas, a child psychologist, «and be sure to remind your children how involved each parent will be in their life.»


She is an involved member of the Rotary Club of Birmingham and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.


TCU’s best run game concepts were running speed option and zone read, both of which involved Boykin in a major way.


A very involved position, the Staff Accountant spends a good deal of time producing Financial Statements, Cash Flow projections, and Budgets…


Mulling this, Waitukaitis devised his own experiment, which at first involved spending a lot of time throwing balls into buckets of cornstarch and water.


Of the 3,085 claims arising out of commercial law practice (including bankruptcy, securities and tax) reported to LAWPRO between 2000 and 2010, 1,205 — or close to 40 per cent — involved communications issues.


Perhaps better than any other vehicle on the market, this new Discovery proves just how outdated that notion is — not only is this British-built SUV a fully modern proposition, it’s one of the more involved and tech-rich vehicles on the road, thanks to its deeply complex off-road systems and considerable luxuries.


It’s worth noting, though, that these extra elements make setup more involved than most headsets.


It’s more involved than Parappa the Rapper and UmJammer Lammy, though not quite as involving as Ouendan.


You can expect to hear the traditional «mama» and «dada» as early as six months, but more involved words and phrases usually emerge from baby between 18 months and two years old.


Junior and senior high school students whose parents remain involved make better transitions, maintain the quality of their work, and develop realistic plans for their future;


A lot can get grouped into this «best interests» category, but in most cases it takes almost everything about the involved children into account — their ages, their routines, and, if they’re old enough, their preferences.


That was followed up by another odd press release that stated, «Hideo Kojima will remain involved throughout» the development of The Phantom Pain.


I feel more involved making strategic choices, unlike a 2D fighters where you have no chance to breath.


The first involved tracking Chinese pork.


In addition, early intervention provides community members with a heightened sense of justice, as they are more involved and can craft their own solutions.


  • Use the word involved in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And you’ve never been involved in a gender-fluctuant love triangle.

Be more aggressive, get more involved, talk to people, stay with the subject, be patient, take simpler pictures. Don’t take boring pictures.

I mean, you had to have labs involved and you couldn’t make your own decent prints.

I love being creatively involved at Donovan Decker…

Best not to get involved.

A poor and tacky woman comes barging into my life and a successful wealthy man like myself won’t leave your side when everyone else around him is telling him that it’s ridiculous to get involved.

Make sure you don’t get yourself involved in the act that I’m about to put on, okay?

If that’s the case, then you shouldn’t have gotten yourself involved.

If you insist on dragging it out, it’ll only exhaust everyone involved.

We’ve never once shared a meal, or held hands without having a ghost involved.

Griffin, don’t get involved.

I know your daughter is involved.

If you were involved in that, wouldn’t you want to change your face?

His bike was involved in a collision with a lorry resulting in multiple serious wounds.

I’m afraid Lorraine’s been involved in an accident at work.

You are involved, my friend.

Certainly in my case the whole idea of having anything to do with the drug culture ran up against a very big brick wall was when I started to get involved in feminism… and, as I say, it didn’t work at all.

He denies metaphysical paranoia was involved.

«…and yet, Count Oetsch is involved in the Father’s disappearance.»

This is my brother, but I never got involved in this matter.

Calm down, we’ll sort this out. — Get lost! — Don’t get involved.

There’s a child involved. — Nonsense.


And I want you to remember that no Potter… has ever been involved in a single scandal.

Count Alfred, I understand you’ve been seriously involved… in a disgraceful affair with a woman.

Plenty of other people have been involved in this case. Markham, Stewart, Druce… Fane.

Anyway, you’re not the sort… that’s usually involved in crimes like this.

One of the more lurid passages in Stoker’s novel involved Dracula feeding blood from a wound in his chest to Mina Harker as a mystical, quasi-sexual sacrament.

Yeah, we’re not getting involved in stock fraud.

Have you heard, Flott has been involved in a car accident.

Something vital may be involved in this.

Something vital is involved in it.

We would kill any man who was involved with you.

Dude, there’s not any chance of my becoming involved in this, is there?

Get involved in their affairs.

I told you I don’t want to become involved in any cheap, underhanded, vulgar affair.

the comtesse seems to be involved in the affair

in Lissa there has been some fishy business going on they took the comtesse away to Breslau she’s to appear before a court-martial because of espionage a Prussian hussar officer is involved too your majesty, allow me to ride to Lissa castle in advance

Oh, a very involved argument about La Butterfield’s double chin.


Be careful. Don’t become involved.

I became involved. — You did?

The inauguration tonight of night flying, comma owing to the peculiar hazards involved, comma demands the most rigid attention on the part of every man in the organization.

If my nephew is involved, as you say he is, why didn’t you settle this matter with him before he left for China?

A stone disappears, charges are filed, the police get involved. Understand?

How many picciotti are involved?

Other lives are involved.

What makes you think my boy’s involved?

involved in — перевод на русский

And I want you to remember that no Potter… has ever been involved in a single scandal.

И я хочу, чтобы ты запомнила… что еще никто из Поттеров не был вовлечен в скандал.

The villain who is now involved in more villainy with your Squire.

Злодей, который теперь вовлечен в еще большее количество подлости с вашим Сквайром.

the one involved in the scandal of cats, of rats

Его коллега из Римской оперы тот самый,который был вовлечен в скандал кошек и крыс

I’m involved in a mystery.

Я вовлечен в головоломку.

The human, the spectator, is involved in that which he watches.

Человек, наблюдатель, вовлечён в то, за чем он наблюдает.

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You’ve got me involved in a dirty nightclub shooting!

Из-за вас я замешан в убийстве!

You’re involved in the Dexter murder.

Ты замешан в убийстве Декстер.

I believe he was involved in that little altercation between your men…

Предполагаю, он был замешан в той маленькой разборке между вашими—

I can’t possibly believe he could be involved in anything untoward.

Я в принципе не могу поверить, что он замешан в чем-то недостойном.

I was involved in a romance too.

Я тоже оказался замешан в любовной истории.

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Look, Dan, I never got involved in politics, I never interfered in decision-making, but this time it’s different.

Дан, я никогда не занимался политикой и не участвовал в принятии решений. Но в этот раз все иначе.

I reckon she was involved in that space battle we picked up.

Я считаю, он участвовал в той космической битве, которую мы засекли.

I imagine you were involved in the…disturbances there?

И мне кажется, что ты участвовал в этих… беспорядках?

Oh, you were the young man who was involved in the incident last night.

Вы тот молодой человек, который участвовал в ночном инциденте.

His regiment had been involved in testing the Galahad tank.

Полк маркиза участвовал в испытаниях танка Гэллахада.

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You don’t think he could have been involved in Jean’s death.

Вы же не думаете, что он причастен к смерти Джин.

Father Logan could not have been involved in Villette’s death. I was with him at the time.

И я приехала сюда сказать, что Отец Логан не мог быть причастен к смерти мсье Вилетта, в это время он был со мной.

It is clear that Aydan was involved in either the theft or the killing.

Совершенно очевидно, что Айдан причастен к краже и убийству.

Now we have to prove that Tooms was involved in the killings you investigated 30 years ago.

Теперь мы должны доказать, что Тумс причастен к убийствам, которые вы расследовали 30 лет назад.

Someone sat in it and may have been involved in the murder.

На нём кто-то сидел и, вероятно, этот кто-то был причастен к убийству.

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Anyway, you’re not the sort… that’s usually involved in crimes like this.

Однако, вы не того типа человек, что обычно связан с такими преступлениями.

But it’s possible that somebody in your family was involved in her death.

Но возможно кто-то в твоей семье связан с ее смертью.

I’m not involved in drugs, Lieutenant.

Я не связан с наркотиками, лейтенант.

Now, why would I do that if I was involved in those murders?

Зачем бы я это делал, если бы был связан с этими убийствами?

Then I don’t see how he’s involved in your lives.

Тогда я не понимаю, как он связан с вашей жизнью.

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I’m sorry you’ve been involved in this, miss.

Извините, что мы втянули в это вас, мисс.

Too bad you got involved in this business. Otherwise we might be having a pleasant match.

Жаль, что вас втянули в эту грязную историю у нас могли бы быть интересные состязания.

I got involved in something I have no control over.

Меня втянули в кое-какие дела, и я погряз в них по самые уши.

I got involved in this relationship.

Меня втянули в эти отношения.

Irene could come in any minute and I don’t want to be involved in one of your unique spectacles.

Ирен может войти в любую минуту, и я не хотела бы быть втянутой в одно из твоих специфических представлений.

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A boy here had got himself involved in lots of nonsense, but murder?

Убийство. Парень, конечно, занимался всякой ерундой, но… убийство?

When the truth comes out about some of the dirt I’ve been involved in my future in this state will be unlimited.

Когда наружу выйдет правда, о тех делах, которыми я занимался, мои перспективы в этом штате улучшаться.

But, as the good doctor said, I was involved in some sort of charity…

Как сказал добрый доктор, я занимался какой-то благотворительностью.

Wasn’t involved in drugs.

Не занимался наркотиками.

The inmate was involved in extortion and racketeering, and we analyzed the legal framework required to take action.

Заключённый занимался шантажом и вымогательством, и мы анализировали правовую базу, чтобы найти основания для перевода. — Он назвал имя заключённого?

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We shouldn’t be involved in political matters

Нам не стоит вмешиваться в политику.

You shouldn’t get involved in things that don’t concern you.

Вам не следует вмешиваться в вещи, которые к вам не относятся.

Then they won’t be involved in military campaigns, border wars.

Они не будут вмешиваться в военные кампании, приграничные войны?

We shouldn’t get involved in things like this.

Нам не следует вмешиваться в такие дела.

We shouldn’t be involved in the uprising.

Мы не должны вмешиваться в ваш конфликт.

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And that he himself is involved in a plot to stop his daughter from marrying Sam Freeman.

Это правда. И он принимает участие в событиях, чтобы предотвратить ее замужество с Сэмом Фримэном.

Well, I am proud of you, Michael, getting so involved in your baby’s life.

Ну, я горжусь тобой, Майкл, теперь ты принимаешь участие в жизни малышки.

So your friends were involved in cody’s death?

Так это твои друзья принимали участие в смерти Коди?

Father, I ain’t one to look a gift horse, but you still haven’t told me how you’re involved in all this.

Отец, не то чтобы я смотрела дарёному коню в зубы, но вы мне так и не рассказали, какое участие в этом принимаете.

I think you were involved in 1975.

Я думаю вы принимали участие в 1975.

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Why should I be involved in the struggle between Yamamori and Hirono?

Почему это мне нужно ввязываться в битву между Ямамори и Хироно?

Why would a teacher want to get involved in a war between us and the ‘Heads?

— Зачем учителям ввязываться в войну между нашими бандами?

Lady, I confess, I won’t get involved in this kind of thing anymore.

Бабуля, обещаю больше не ввязываться в такие дела!

Don’t see the benefit, getting involved in a stranger’s troubles without an up-front price.

Не вижу выгоды, ввязываться в чужие проблемы, не договорившись об авансе.

I’m not involved in anything that dangerous.

Я не стану ввязываться в такое опасное дело.

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Sentences for involved. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use involved in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for involved.

  • Every other was involved in it. (8)
  • Questions of morality involved. (8)
  • But I feel that a great deal more is involved. (9)
  • Here again a very personal matter is involved. (17)
  • The new order of things involved many changes. (19)
  • But was not Rose involved in him, and part of him? (10)
  • Ottilia divined that her burning blush had involved me. (10)
  • They speak of the strong love interest involved in the problem. (9)
  • Only, I must decline to be involved in argument with him, please. (8)
  • It involved the challenge of consequences, not an evasion of them. (10)
  • But it seemed a conclusion that involved success and fortune for us. (9)
  • It settled down upon the attack and, drifting back, involved the defense. (1)
  • The latter had become involved in a violent altercation with the policeman. (12)
  • The Besworth question, as at present considered, involved the money question. (10)
  • Shelton became involved in argument with his neighbour on the English character. (8)
  • He could not have written of it with such unconcern if it involved the secretary! (10)
  • The horror and distress you were involved in, the stretch of mind, the wear of spirits! (4)
  • But my dinner-table is involved, and I cannot count on a young woman to talk across it. (10)
  • The songs are often involved in style, but always possess unity and directness of effect. (3)
  • Because, to sing, involved the highest accomplishment of which the human spirit could boast. (10)
  • Will he play us false or will he be true in the operation of this or that principle involved? (9)
  • Mrs. March was less interested in this figure of speech than in the personal aspects involved. (9)
  • There is no reason why the ladies of your family or of mine should be involved in our quarrel. (8)
  • His style is sometimes bizarre and involved, but his themes are always effective and significant. (3)
  • He so certainly involved her in the burlesque of the transformation that she had to quench memory. (10)
  • Each conjecture involved improbabilities so gross that it left the field free to any opposite theory. (9)
  • March was so well pleased with this view of the case that he suggested the idea involved to Fulkerson. (9)
  • She passed her hand over her forehead, as if to clear away the confusion in which all this involved her. (9)
  • Such a death had its romance; involved him in no way save as a mourner, could perhaps even be hushed up! (8)
  • The general manager appears like magic when there is an accident or injury in which the circus is involved. (21)
  • What involved and intricate turnings and turnings on itself; what fugitive replacement of emotion by emotion! (8)
  • There were people, he said, who seemed fated to suffer shipwreck in all matters where their hearts were involved. (12)
  • It was a passage apparently from real life, and it involved a dissatisfied boarder and the daughter of the landlady. (9)
  • Her husband had been extravagant; and at his death, about two years before, had left his affairs dreadfully involved. (4)
  • Boardman had gone back to the coats and trousers, abandoning Dan to the subtler difficulties in which he was involved. (9)
  • His close association with proletarians necessarily involved him in such matters and in a knowledge of their affairs. (12)
  • Every two or three hundred yards a tree had fallen across the river, and usually involved more than another in its fall. (2)
  • It was not for the plot that she cared; she had read too many stories to care for the plot; it was the problem involved. (9)
  • The estate at Delaford was never reckoned more than two thousand a year, and his brother left everything sadly involved. (4)
  • Even the baronet smiled at so cunning a distinction as that involved in swearing a thing, and not swearing it upon oath. (10)
  • In spite of many a bad business in which his reckless nature had involved him, he was a good fellow, with a loving heart. (5)
  • I perceived he was so muddled as to be unable to conceal that his interests were involved in my capture; but I was merry too. (10)
  • This commission not only brought a fair payment for the manuscript on delivery, but involved a vital secondary consideration. (16)
  • At the same time, her heart cried out violently against the business of a visit to Lady de Culme, and all the steps it involved. (10)
  • Few, probably, appreciate the tremendous undertaking involved in this picturesque invasion, and the difficulties met and overcome. (21)
  • He liked the large, impersonal topics which could be dealt with on their human side, and involved characters rather than individuals. (9)
  • On the other hand, those who urged this course seem to have been blind to the enormous violation of faith involved in such a course. (14)
  • The finding of a wedding-ring was celebrated through all the palpitating accessories and rosy ceremonies involved by that famous instrument. (10)
  • She went with it to the background in the library, where, against the glass door of the cases, she involved herself in it and stood shimmering. (9)
  • He was alternately picturesque and sententious until he reached Baden; there he became involved, from thinking of a revelation of beauty in woman. (10)
  • It was intricate and deeply involved with the growing consciousness that property without anyone to leave it to is the negation of true Forsyteism. (8)
  • His utter ignorance of worldly matters, too, brought him into financial troubles, and involved his domestic affairs in a state of continual confusion. (3)
  • It involved possession and renunciation, ultimate veracity and deceit; it involved inferences that inflamed his senses, and possibilities that threatened to be decisive in his life. (12)

Also see sentences for: complex, complicated, entangled, intricate.

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