Use the word interview in a sentence

Synonym: examine, interrogate, question, quiz, test. Similar words: interval, at intervals, intervention, at regular intervals, painter, interior, interact, Internet. Meaning: [‘ɪntə(r)vjuː]  n. 1. the questioning of a person (or a conversation in which information is elicited); often conducted by journalists 2. a conference (usually with someone important). v. 1. conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting 2. discuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of an evaluation 3. go for an interview in the hope of being hired. 

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1 Candidates will be invited for interview early next month.

2 Have you prepared for your interview?

3 Elton John gave an interview to Barbara Walters .

4 He wore his best clothes to the interview.

5 I felt really nervous before the interview.

6 I’ve got an interview with National Chemicals.

7 Trust me to balls up the interview!

8 He spruced up for the interview.

9 Stewart’s stock-in-trade was the face-to-face interview.

10 I’ve got a job interview tomorrow.

11 She was very impressive in the interview.

12 The interview lasted half an hour.

13 The interview will last about two hours.

14 The interview was much worse than he had expected.

15 She was duly summoned for an interview.

16 I was totally wired before the interview.

17 He wore his one good suit to the interview.

18 I’ve got an interview tomorrow and I’m dreading it.

19 The interview was broadcast on radio and television.

20 The newspaper printed the full text of the interview.

21 You’re bound to feel nervous about your interview.

22 Would you like to arrange for a personal interview?

23 The interview was broadcast live across Europe.

24 Did you hear the interview with him on the radio?

25 I’m sure that being late for the interview counted against me.

26 She pulled off a great coup in getting the president to agree to an interview.

27 As mentioned earlier,( the University supplements this information with an interview.

28 He is not very hopeful about the outcome of the interview.

29 It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with Prince Charles.

30 His mother has told ‘The Times’ about his death in an exclusive interview .

More similar words: interval, at intervals, intervention, at regular intervals, painter, interior, interact, Internet, interest, internal, interpret, interfere, enter into, in terms of, interrupt, interaction, interfere in, international, interfere with, interpretation, view, review, viewer, in view of, service, serving, supervisor, social services, intend, intent.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word interview, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use interview in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «interview».

Interview in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word interview in a sentence.

  1. In an interview with The A.V.

  2. In an interview with Robert A.

  3. In an interview with Arthur J.

  4. In an interview with Sing Out!

  5. In a 1989 interview, fellow No.

  6. In a 1916 interview, he stated,.

  7. In a 2005 interview with Kerrang!

  8. In a 1901 interview, Tesla said:.

  9. In an 1896 interview with Herbert P.

  10. He quoted McLoughlin in an interview:.

  11. Act I scene 5: Romeo’s first interview with Juliet.

  12. In the same interview, Rowling identified Robert F.

  13. Yuji Naka in an interview with Sega Saturn Magazine.

  14. This he refused to do, and his interview went ahead.

  15. They chose the interview questions from a given list.

  16. The centerpiece of the book is a Spiegelman interview conducted by Hillary Chute.

  17. Péron’s interview described some aspects of the behaviour of the King Island emu.

  18. In an interview with Ottawa Golf, Shepard stated the other landed near the ALSEP.

  19. In a BBC TV interview the day after that election, he claimed to be 83 years old.

  20. In a 1959 interview, Vessels felt that Chicado V was the best broodmare he owned.

  21. In a separate interview, he reportedly said regarding Parker and Stone, «Guys, you have it all wrong.

  22. Chandler, who was also allegedly at the meeting, made no public mention of it until a 1972 interview.

  23. Soon thereafter, Waddle also apologized again during an interview with a Japanese television network.

  24. During the interview, published on September 24, Dannemann stated: «I loved him, and Jimi loved me ..

  25. In a July 2006 interview, she said «[Children] know my name, and they ask me to say one of the lines.

  26. In an interview with, Estefan stated that the film would be released in 2009.

  27. Before release, the brothers discussed multiple developmental processes in an interview with Famitsu.

  28. In addition to the trailer, it features an interview with Jamie Babbit and behind the scenes footage.

  29. He stated in an interview, «[Donlevy] was then really on the skids and didn’t care what he was doing.

  30. In a 2018 interview with Houston Chronicle, Bruce Campbell voiced an interest in reviving the series.

  31. Nine years later, in January 2008, Thorpe gave his first press interview in 25 years, to The Guardian.

  32. Schmid told reporters during a post-match interview that Martins did not start due to a muscle strain.

  33. In a 1982 interview, when given the option to describe The Thing as «pro-science» like Who Goes There?

  34. In an interview with The Independent, Sarsgaard said, «I felt very sexy, weirdly, playing John Lotter.

  35. Square Enix re-released the game’s soundtrack, along with a video interview with Mitsuda in July 2009.

  36. In a 2016 interview with Grazia, she revealed her regret at not fully committing herself to her character and the series.

  37. In an interview printed in the weekly newspaper Saint Petersburg Life (Peterburgskaia zhizn’) in November 1892, he said,.

  38. Hendrix’s public relations manager, Les Perrin, granted an interview on Dutch radio soon after the hospital announcement.

  39. During his interview, Skelley admitted that he was aware that it was illegal to use D-846 powder with 2,700-pound rounds.

  40. When asked in a radio interview to describe himself (as a conductor) in one word, Monteux replied, «Damned professional».

  41. During an interview in May 2012, Vidya announced that she was dating Siddharth Roy Kapur, the CEO of UTV Motion Pictures.

  42. Obama attempted to reach out to Arab leaders by granting his first interview to an Arab satellite TV network, Al Arabiya.

  43. In an interview, Ice-T stated that «I didn’t want my band to get pigeon-holed as that’s the only reason that record sold.

  44. They also filmed an interview with a second survivor of the Enniskillen bombing, which was not included in the final cut.

  45. In an interview with John Robb in Sounds, Cobain said the band’s music was changing: «The early songs were really angry..

  46. Holly punches Thornburg when he attempts to interview McClane before Argyle crashes through the parking garage door in the limo and drives McClane and Holly away together.

  47. In an interview with Coup de Main magazine, Lo said that: «[While writing the song, I was thinking about] my way of getting through a hard time in ‘the best’ possible way.

  48. Paul remained coy about its status, claiming in an interview that he had not heard anything regarding a Breaking Bad movie even though filming had wrapped a month earlier.

  49. In a 1999 interview, Carpenter said audiences rejected The Thing for its nihilistic, depressing viewpoint at a time when the United States was in the midst of a recession.

  50. In June 1955 the Daily Express journalist and reviewer Nancy Spain, accompanied by her friend Lord Noel-Buxton, arrived uninvited at Piers Court and demanded an interview.

Synonyms for interview

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word interview has the following synonyms: consultation, audience and question.

General information about «interview» example sentences

The example sentences for the word interview that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «interview» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «interview».

Examples of how to use the word “interview” in a sentence. How to connect “interview” with other words to make correct English sentences.

interview (n, v): a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course; to ask someone questions in an interview

Use “interview” in a sentence

I have a job interview today at 2:30.
How was the interview?
I’d like to interview your CEO.
He had an interview with the Prime Minister.
I had an interview with the Prime Minister this morning.
The interview went smoothly.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The company wanted to do a face-to-face interview.«
(face-to-face, in-person, one-on-one, phone, group)

«It was an extensive interview.«
(extensive, in-depth, lengthy, brief, long, short, easy, difficult)

«The manager asked her to come in for a follow-up interview.«
(follow-up, second)

«He did a live interview on the radio today.«

«I have a job interview tomorrow.«

«We saw an exclusive interview with the President.«

Used with verbs:

«They conducted hundreds of interviews for their research.«
(conducted, held, arranged, scheduled)

«The reporter requested an exclusive interview.«
(requested, asked for)

«He had an interview for the managerial position.«

«He is a private man and rarely does interviews.«
(does, accepts)

Used with nouns:

«He waited in the interview room for two hours.«

«She did not understand the interview process.«
(process, question)

«The interview footage is available online.«
(footage, clip, segment, transcript)

«He gets a lot of interview requests from the media.«

Used with prepositions:

«She said controversial things in the interview.«

«He had an interview for a job today.«

«She had an interview with the largest company in the city.«

«The actor gave an interview about his latest movie.«

Despite my best efforts, I was still called in for an interview with the manager

I’m going to interview the

Yes, I’m going to interview

Fade to: John watching the fire crackle as he waits to interview the President

Bush and John continue the interview

even remember that I did interview

One of the agencies I have registered my availability with rings just after eleven to say that they have lined up an interview for me

The job is at offices in Taunton – damn! – and the job sounds pretty lousy but beggars can’t be choosers and the underlying feeling I get from Jackie at the agency is that I should be grateful that anyone is prepared to interview someone as ancient as I am

We hope to obtain an interview with Mr Hansard very shortly

‘But Stephen, she’s got a job interview today

It’s still hot and sunny and this formal, interview suit is rather warm

Stephen had been a bit cagey when I told him who the interview was with … although he didn’t actually say so, I got the definite impression that this company is not a good employment bet

‘Mr Lisle, as I informed you at the start of this interview, the murder of Joanna Sadler is nothing to do with me

I shall certainly be giving them a report on this interview

I relate in scathing detail how the interview went, letting rip and quite enjoying the experience

‘But how did the interview go?’

After his interview with pure evil Theo went back to his hotel

«My interview with Sammy was most enlightening Melinda

She would write about the attack of Alan’s starship as soon as she could interview Vyinga

Terry was the happiest sixteen year old in the world and as he said in the post match interview on television, he was over the moon

Let‘s say you want to feel confident on command (useful as you head into that job interview)

prepared for the interview

Suddenly the interview was over

She was going for an interview for a PA job last time we got together

‘How did your interview for that job go, Dawn?’

I’ve got an interview for a teaching job next week!

said in the post match interview on television, he was over the

Then nothing … how frustrating! Where was the interview, Bunty? Did you get the job? I can’t see anything in the rest of December, nor in the entries for January 1963 …

The 13th was a Friday … obviously not bad luck for Bunty! So it is conceivable that if she went for an interview on the Friday she might just have started work on the following Monday which would be the 16th

‘I nabbed her after the meeting and she’s agreed to give me an interview

Mind you, I could leave it here … I’ll need it tonight to write up my interview with Ann Connaught

Bunty interviewed her and asked her the question all applicants who reach the interview stage are asked – How do you see the Foundation helping you? She replied that she felt it would give her the chance to improve herself, get some qualifications so that she could work as a secretary

Andy looked down at his hands resting on the table in the interview room painfully aware of the whirring coming from the recording machine sitting on the table which was taping every word said in the little room, and the laboured breathing of the uniformed constable who sat motionless on a chair by the door just staring into space

The door of the interview room opened and a tall, thin man in a grey suit came in

‘What you do make of our young hero?’ the Sergeant asked twenty minutes later when he appeared back in the interview room

Breakfast had appeared as before, but it was some hours before he was collected and escorted back to the interview room

Andy sat and smouldered in the echoing interview room

She really hadn’t thought ahead enough about this interview turning out this way

Having Angie with him had helped calm his nerves but all the same he’d be happier when the ensuing interview was over and done with

I’ve stuck him in the interview room with a cup of coffee and Jones sitting in the corner doing his statue impersonation

The Inspector glanced through the report as he walked towards the interview room to refresh his memory of what it contained

‘Perhaps you wouldn’t mind turning your mobile off while we conduct this interview, sir?’ Jarvis suggested once the formalities had been carried out

He watched as Jones led the man out of the room then turned off the recording machine and gave his thoughts to the interview he had just had

But enough of that, their problems are not yours, are they sir? Now if you would be good enough to come back to the interview room, sir – I’ve had the text of our little chat typed up and would like you to sign it, please

He’d found people to interview several of their friends, in most cases they were able to conduct the interview without anyone suspecting that they are being interviewed

Of course, he was not the only one to interview them, Ava had also been to see each of them

He hoped to be able to get out of even these and into his normal worker when he went to interview Kemberra, if he got out of here today

have to travel there to interview him, if he won’t come

After a brief but probing interview, during which Harry was told of the school’s twenty year history, and record for graduating the best and brightest, and his own responsibilities, should he be admitted

He knew that this was turning into a more confrontational interview

employer on his handling of the interview

increasingly agitated as the interview wore on

the interview had gone very well, indeed

Harry’s subsequent interview with the headmaster and the accommodation which Malvern College made on Harry’s behalf was cause for celebration when first received and read aloud; even now it rekindled a warmth of pride in them at the recollection of Harry’s triumph

turn the interview had taken

calm and stay in control of the interview, although he

‘Who?’ This interview seemed to be taking a different

It was with some surprise then that he was summoned to the headmaster’s offices and sat down for an interview just before the July event

This will be their first meeting but her visa has been approved already and she is now preparing all the papers she needs to submit at the American consulate here in Hong Kong and then for her interview

The first interview was with Ramada inns – a nationwide chain of hotels and I think also they have some overseas

The second interview was with Touche, Ross, a worldwide accounting firm

In March I have seven more interview schedule

set off to interview the witch of Troyes

Finally she had her interview from the American Consulate just on April 25, 1984 and at last everything is okay now

He had job interview in Sydney next Tuesday

As expected, the interview went well and Andrew was offered a job at the Sydney desk at three times his current salary at the Coonabarabran Times

I was glad reading your letter but, I wish that additional questionnaire they had sent to you was already your personal interview

Because someone told me that just two weeks from the date of your interview over there I will receive a letter from the Hong Kong American Consulate, stating all the requirements to be submitted

They didn’t tell me anything about an interview

In a month from the date yesterday they’ll inform me for an interview

Then maybe if everything will be okay on the interview then they can stamp a visa on my passport and I can fly to see you and be your wife forever

Hope the interview went well

As I have told you on the phone, my interview was fine and successful

To top it all off, this guy had never even heard of Zhlindu Tech! He bit his tongue and asked, «Is there anyone more suited you think I should interview

received encouraging news during their interview with the

At the very least I will interview all the locals

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your call and interview them

interview in an unfamiliar location, or have it at an awkward time

Allowing the writer to interview you can be a great way to help them

Have someone interview you about your topic

make the interview sound more professional

— There is an interview appeared in a magazine;

I’d been waiting for days to see him and finally our group from Australia was granted an interview

Print interview? Have someone else in the room with you

” She pushed ahead with the interview more quickly

In an interview with Newsweek, a former associate claims that Professor Spanners’ present militant stance against the butterfly world is the result of childhood trauma, which she traces back to being dive-bombed by a red admiral on a family picnic

In that lengthy article, the reporter related his interview with a Tibetan Buddhist monk

The interview also touched on the subject of reciting mantras

I will call you in a few days to arrange an interview at a time convenient to you

in the short time normally allotted for an interview

After the interview, the four of them head over to the cafeteria for some lunch

Raiya’s heart was skipping along, faster than when she attended her first interview for the post of psychiatrist

I was able to get interview with all of the local print and broadcast media

He flicked Radio Four on: An interview about the start of the

including an interview with the governor

After the interview,

In fact, a Brazilian admiral who was present at the interview suggested that Captain Morris

I was able to get an interview with her and approximately a month later, she called me and invited me to come to work at the University teaching Introduction to Women’s Studies

If she has only in her repertoire her dysfunctional interview with Sarah Palin, then it perhaps is true that 36

Soon he went on with an meticulous interrogation regarding my previous love life, while I was feeling as if I were being interviewed by a potential employer

girl from the school had been chosen to be interviewed

Bunty interviewed her and asked her the question all applicants who reach the interview stage are asked – How do you see the Foundation helping you? She replied that she felt it would give her the chance to improve herself, get some qualifications so that she could work as a secretary

“I would imagine you interviewed everyone here at the time?” Jorma asked

He thought they should write out a pamphlet for everyone they interviewed to read so they wouldn’t have to recite it so many times

Jorma was hurled back by the revelation of even that much, he wouldn’t want to know they’d been interviewed while still on the boat

The basic investigations were done and reviewed, a few peripheral people had been interviewed

Everyone who had actually seen Tdeshi’s body from the crew who picked it up at Karteng’s to the guy who left her unattended had been interviewed

He’d found people to interview several of their friends, in most cases they were able to conduct the interview without anyone suspecting that they are being interviewed

When she interviewed him about the neighborhood, they began a friendship, even though Ava was still with the Brazilian at the time

“The charges brought by Ava,” Vilbarl said, “The ones against Althart that you interviewed several of our staff about

A Man was being interviewed for a job as a Cop, and the Interviewer asked him,

When upon departing for a last angling adventure the next morning I was interviewed by Mr

Some of the best products I’ve ever brought on the Internet were not created by the owner of the business, they either got someone to create the product for them or they brought in experts and interviewed them and turned their knowledge into a product

Nlara said Luray had interviewed Vyinga’s whole crew about the starship attack

He wanted to be interviewed about his music

When interviewed, such people generally concurred they had visualized themselves free of cancer or had held a firm belief they would survive the disease

Before the game, the San Francisco Coach, Charlie Warren, was interviewed by

After having been interviewed by John he said, ―Okay, you got a job, let me call Ted

A journalist who enjoys a First Amendment right to obtain certain information as it relates to his or her pursuit of a ―storyline‖ should properly consider the sensibilities of the individual being interviewed; that questions raised should be fair and balanced and not intended to either harass, embarrass or otherwise offend that individual and that the highest (professional) standards should be (properly) observed at all times and that that journalist should neither conceal some hidden agenda nor interpose pre-conceived biases that purposely seek to discredit, distract or place that individual in a compromising position and that answers to stated questions should never be taken out of context or pre-determined and that, (most importantly), privacy rights should be observed at all times

Being interviewed by Detective Inspector Grunt was not my idea of an ideal way to spend Christmas Day

The police had interviewed him three times since the crash and he wondered whether they were showing so much interest because he was out on licence for murder

Thorne,” Worth announced sententiously as she opened the door to the study that Dorian had interviewed her in two nights before

By the way, I interviewed Jan recently, and if you haven’t already checked it out, be

I interviewed him this morning for our newscast and he stated that an indictment is pending, but refused to mention names

I was interviewed by a reporter once

That night when all was the activity of the day was finished Norman would switch on the TV and watch a BBC reporter interviewed a witness who reported the smell of gas before the blast

‘We have interviewed him

He had not conversed in Polish since his last visit to his uncle’s farm, months before, and he had to ask the first man whom he interviewed, who claimed to be a farm worker from some village in the western part of the country, to repeat his answers more than once

Thankfully, he was dead, but the man interviewed wasn’t

them subpoena powers and required that all those interviewed by approved by himself

the local radio station she had interviewed with the month before

invited on the 700 Club television show to be interviewed about her

While at the 700 Club she had a vision before being interviewed

15 — Extract from a note of the National Geographic magazine in which Philip Gingerich, one of the researchers who worked in Wadi Al-Hitan, Egypt, known as the valley of the whales, is interviewed

Salisbury’s journal was printed in one of the Sunday newspapers, who also interviewed both Lindsay and me

But when we interviewed Christopher about Katherine, he said that he was home studying that night

After I interviewed him and asked if he had any questions, I could see what our keypuncher was talking about when she referred to the way he was acting

After the test, he was interviewed for a full teaching position at Los Angeles City College

agreed to be interviewed, but, fearing for his life, only under the condition

refused to be interviewed by W-FIVE

To Roger’s surprise, that nostalgic promenade touched Suni so personally that when he asked her what she remembered most from their trip to Europe, she quickly identified “our little stroll to the places you walked through when you were a boy…” Also while in Fuentesnuevas, a reporter interviewed Roger half an hour on radio and published an article, with his picture, in “La hora de León”, a daily newspaper for the province of León

The trip that Roger made with Suni and Carlos in the summer of 1983 was so salutary and rewarding that, when he was interviewed on the radio in Ponferrada, he made the promise to the listening public that he would return every year to his native region of El Bierzo “to recapture his youth”

He has been interviewed on radio and television in Spain, the Dominican Republic and the United States

We have all been interviewed

Although by the time I interviewed I had shifted from AZ DPW to the Corporation Commission, they had my resume in front of them

The interviews again went well, but doubts crept in when Hal said that I and the woman to follow would be the 21st and 22nd candidates interviewed

Ultimately, our being the “last” candidates interviewed redounded to our credit when old man Meyer, a 60ish alcoholic, ordered Hunsaker to get off the pot and hire somebody, anybody, and now

Westinghouse never apologized, but within two years, while Dixie and I were living in Orinda, after I had been laid off by Kaiser along with Gerri Randall, WEC flew me all the way from SFO to Pittsburgh and again interviewed me for an entire day for a job in the transportation section of their Legal Dept

After I was interviewed, a lawyer with better experience with barges, who was leaving the USG, applied without solicitation

Another interesting twist of fate, of which the Navy was ignorant when they recruited me, and for most of my tenure, was that I had been interviewed by telephone by Ingalls’ GC, George Washington Howell, before the Navy hired me—then on its third try, assigned me to Pascagoula

When I answered Navy OGC’s ad in the WSJ for several government contracts attorneys, they, too, put me on an intrastate airline to Ontario, CA, where David James, then NavSea Counsel (SEA OOL), now an ASBCA ALJ, interviewed me at GD’s NAVPRO for a GS-13 job there

He was promoted over me, so I interviewed for jobs with both Newport News and Electric Boat in Groton, CT; accepting the latter’s offer to start in February 1979

I interviewed figuring that there was no way another huge defense (military and commercial jet engines) manufacturer would hire me at 61 after what EB had done to me

By the time I got through my first year at Cornell in 1961, I had interviewed for and been given a salaried position for the summer, as director of public relations for the United Way of Raleigh, so I wouldn’t be separated from my fiancée during those months

It was an opportunity to be interviewed by JWT’s office in Coral Gables, FL, with the possible assignment of the writer and account executive position for Pan America’s Latin-American division

The next day I was interviewed by everyone in the office and a day later we were flown back to New York to await the decision

During this perilous time, we interviewed replacement workers at a motel that served as our headquarters during the strike

He had specific questions that often the chief operating officer being interviewed was unprepared to handle

’ ” One of the financial candidates interviewed by Pops was told in the interview there were no “yes men” in the management group

Ten years after Pops purchased his first newspaper, the Daily Sun, in Warner Robins, Jim Dumbell of the Charlotte Observer interviewed Foy S

When I finally decided to give the interview, I told my parents I had been interviewed for an article by Evan McGlinn called “5 of the Fortunate,” and they waited with trepidation for its publication, as did I

In July of 1991, my father was interviewed and given a large spread in the Ithaca Journal headlined: At 80, the Lion of Park still runs this show

The captive Shiganzhu I interviewed told me that they are rewarding people for breeding in Venak

witness, even though he wasn’t aware I already interviewed the

interviewed hundreds of George Potter fans from every walk of live, and here is the

Later we interviewed the star himself, along with his lovely wife Lydia in their home

interviewed are as secretive to the whereabouts of these

Then the reporter wrote: Since he»d interviewed and investigated many corrupt personalities, he theorized most of the world was populated by similar individuals

They»d interviewed the neighbors in the area and finally someone had seen suspicious action at an empty house

And when the captain of the guard had interviewed the natives

“I assume you’ve all been interviewed by these so-called Primagnons?” They all nodded or murmured in agreement

She interviewed the other archers in a search for witnesses, and Swann waited for his turn, ready to give her a severe put-down

I interviewed there, but sorta burned a couple ears on my way out the door… Some real idiots at that place

On the subject of the lottery, do you know why many of the winners are miserable when interviewed a year later? It’s because money, in itself, doesn’t guarantee happiness

She knew that it would throw him off no matter how many times he had interviewed girls in this room

Other visitors to the island who had been discreetly interviewed had not been exposed to the security systems much other than to note that there were armed guards at the research laboratories and some of the other buildings

Not only did they have to deal with the incubator issue but there were all the prisoners of the complex to process and interview, all of the staff had to be interviewed and assessed, those with no record or interest to the police were encouraged to keep working so that the activities of the clinics and hospital wards were not affected

When they’re interviewed by someone else somewhere in

Second, if there’s a picture of you being interviewed, laminate it for longevity

interviewed by a National news network last week

A comparison would be that I’m interviewed on a talk news show on traditional radio as you’re

you’re being interviewed on traditional channels or in online channels so that you know that

radio station to get interviewed

When you’re being interviewed have somebody else in the

station or somebody that came with you take pictures of you being interviewed with the

” Who’s the sponsor of the show you’re being interviewed

I’ve interviewed Brian Tracy, Michael Gerber, Al Ries; a number of people in that sort of the

LWC and MFH’s mother were interviewed by the ATF and gave them incriminating information

Alex Tew’s creative idea led to mass publicity by media and was interviewed in many TV channels and radio programmes, this led to increased publicity and valuation of the website jumped exponentially, and the high traffic attracted many companies include The Times newspaper and Yahoo to buy pixels to promote their business

«I saw a poster of him in Captain Reinhardt’s office when he interviewed me for the job, but I also remember seeing him around before he left town to fight with the Resistance,» Zoe said as she continued to look at the Resistance leader

intentions, just as with public officials who «say too much» when interviewed on talk shows

Cahill was interviewed on the «Today» show

In 1957, Tom Wolfe interviewed James Michener, a former slush pile reader and the author of «Tales of the South Pacific

Jeremy came to our digs with his parents who interviewed us over tea in the boarding house parlour, then watched as Jeremy was auditioned

While Edgar and I laboured, Alwyn interviewed new recruits

One of the officers being interviewed was stating he needed witnesses and their identities would be confidential

” After interviewing them, he had them killed

I think he’s interviewing some candidates for her job this week

A phone number and contact details scrolled along the bottom of the screen as the presenter went on to describe the bird sanctuary, giving a potted history of the Arlosh Warbler and interviewing the obviously irate chairman of the sanctuary committee who waffled on about desecration of protected sites and the like

As far as interviewing a co-operative witness was

I’m still interviewing and started sending out resumes to companies that don’t visit the campus

‘Well, we are interviewing everyone who was in the

interviewing thought-provoking questions while you record the call

No need to spend time hunting, interviewing and

between you and the person you’re interviewing, and sound behind and

interviewing so that they look both natural and professional

So, while he is interviewing Madison and her parents, and it becomes apparent that the mother and father care deeply about their shy daughter, he knows that

” murmured Manon staring at the screen, “Who are they interviewing there?”

learn any day by interviewing the families concerning one another

As the day of the competition drew nearer, the media got more and more involved – interviewing the contestants, the judges and the organisers, including me

Jan researched information for her book thoroughly, interviewing experts across the

I really experienced the underbelly of society, especially while interviewing council tenants for national crime surveys

I believe he is interviewing new management and legal counsel

Once, when I applied to study at a Bible College, the principal, on interviewing me,

«What kind of job are you interviewing for?»

Thanks for interviewing with us

was interviewing for a programmer/analyst position, who kept trying to call him a liar

He began interviewing Chinna

While he was Dean of Students, some SDS types from the other side of Midway protested JAG recruiters interviewing at UCLS one winter Friday afternoon

Spend hours interviewing qualified candidates in multiple rounds of interviews

They tested me by interviewing me over lunch during which they talked in a surprisingly matter of fact manner about the lurid and gross details of the client-kids’ injuries

Given that Baby Faced Nelson wanted me to leave asap but also had his reasons (state civil service commission) for not firing me, I did not have to slink around interviewing for jobs

A pair of reporters was interviewing a nerdy looking young

That left us with the 72 Gran Torino (like Clint Eastwood drove in the recent movie of the same name) in which to transport ourselves, dragging a U-Haul trailer with our most immediately needed personal possessions behind it, to Pascagoula for the Navy OGC job which I had obtained by answering an ad in the WSJ’s classifieds and interviewing with Dave James at the GD missile plant in Pomona where I had assumed that I would be employed

I spent a full day interviewing and all of them went very well

We were crushed, and I soon applied to Navy OGC in response to their ad in the WSJ and was hired after interviewing at GD’s Pomona Missile plant with Dave James, NavSea’s then GC

It was a gift that in September 1985 I was flown from TX to San Diego via Salt Lake City for a weekend interviewing with Southwest Marine, a small repair company with yards the length of the Pacific Coast, e

“After that, we spent many days counseling and interviewing Yzandra and treating her, and many were the hours she told me of her torments

A Cornell student who spent some time interviewing my father and watching him work was awed and exasperated by his methodical, organized approach to everything

For that reason, most of our investigators are busy in Gimoosh, interviewing everyone who was in the vicinity of your ship when you left it

“Why don’t you answer my question? Have you forgotten that I’ll be the one interviewing you?” he laughed

The only exception to the strict terms of her excommunication shall be Bishop Higbold’s annual inspection; when, according to the ancient custom here, he insists on interviewing each and every person at the convent

interviewing the star of the soon to be piloting prime time

The more interviewing I do with clients, prospects and salespeople, the more I can connect it back to communication problems

Depending on the structure of the organization and the competition process between various projects, this may include interviewing people and assessing their skill sets

If you both come with me we will go and start interviewing and debriefing

It doesn’t matter how small the radio or television station is or who the person is interviewing

Most of the time the host or reporter who’s interviewing you is going to be okay with that

interested in interviewing you for my book, which is coming out shortly

He was probably interviewing while I was at the funeral

This is not as bizarre as it might seem – his purpose in visiting London was to recruit colonial teachers for these camps, and he’d been interviewing applicants at The Overseas Visitors Club for the last week

interviewing people as fast as they could, trying to get a story together for the

After interviewing virtually all of the permanent staff, it became obvious that Rory had spent most of his time with the Company CEO May-Lin Shaw

You’re the one they would be interviewing if they were at all fair

He had been assigned the task of interviewing the railway station staff about the incident

Interviewing Terry Pugh would be awkward, but DC Potter had promised Jane he would check him out

DS Burrows said that he and Jane would be interviewing Rikki in about ten minutes time and Ellett was welcome to join them after the interview was completed

He went on to bring her up to date with what had been happening that evening, ‘Me and Demery had been interviewing Terry Pugh’s brother, Dewi, in the police station in Abermôr

Almost to the point of interviewing them

An anchorman was interviewing the chief of police

Asking out-of-the-box questions, miracle questions, interviewing an

Motivational interviewing aims at helping coachees to explore

Brief motivational interviewing consists of the following eight

Peter Farnsworth went on interviewing her for another minute, then let his place to Jean Marsant, who smiled while asking her a question in a hopeful tone, using French

‘’Just out of curiosity, could I ask who is interviewing you this Friday, miss?’’

They spent 3 days interviewing residents

Third, employees will be more content and this will result in cost benefits to the corporation, which won’t need to spend money on interviewing and hiring

“That’s good, will you be doing the interviewing,” asked

I was beginning to have doubts about interviewing

will depend to a large extent on whether you are doing the interviewing yourself e

and similarly you should ask for at least two if you are doing the interviewing

prospective tenant’s bank (if you are doing the interviewing) stating that the account is

She’s had the privilege of interviewing

Hemmingsworth would in turn be helped by Master Sergeant Jack Vicenza, the designated chief mechanic of the group, and Master Sergeant Harry Coyle, the chief armorer, in interviewing and selecting the candidates for the positions of aircraft mechanics and other ground support technicians

You will depart this camp in our bus, once we have finished interviewing all the volunteers here

feeling somewhat like he was interrogating her, like interviewing a

an apt job at interviewing witnesses and re-creating the scene

prepared, training, interviewing all of the applicants for ‘Day of Judgment’

We have a rigorous interviewing process where we evaluate candidates on what effort we

The black helmet she wore, which had been modified to act as a fixed mount for a video camcorder broken down into its sub-assemblies, attracted a question from one of the soldiers she was interviewing

“City council went through the motions of interviewing other people for the open seats but never appointed anyone

She’d been interviewing a hostile Ben Scully when Grant Tripp had arrived on the scene and she’d observed his abrupt U-turn when sighting the police vehicles on the property

Journalists from around the country went in to hyperdrive over the next four days, interviewing everyone they could from South Carolina who had ever met Matt Suba, the country‘s proposed Vice President

questions you should ask when interviewing Realtors®

He entered the hotel lobby which was teeming with policemen, journalists, and bewildered hotel staff, slipped past an elderly man interviewing the concierge, and leaped up the stairs to the second floor

She certainly didn’t feel like being at work interviewing all these Thorne visitors

He couldn’t quite see the woman who was interviewing him, but he sensed that this was his moment

I love the story of the reporter who was interviewing Roy

interviewing two fishermen

Walking the corridors of the port, she found herself in sick bay, interviewing Dr

They were interviewing the student editor from the Southern Illinois University’s Daily Egyptian

Hurst was still interviewing Vanessa Rodman when Senior Detective Harry Lake arrived in his old Ford sedan, closely followed by the van of the crime scene team of the Arlington County Police Department

himself for the forthcoming lengthy interviewing of Salvez

“What were they interviewing you for?” Worf asked

we moved from location to location while we were interviewing him in spite

“Captain Picard knows that Admiral Sheaar was interviewing me and he knows that Admiral Singer is somehow involved

interviewing anyone else, because there’s no one else there who looks as

We were interviewing the cleaner in Jessica Harper’s place and she accused us of carrying out an illegal search and threw us out, but not after calling Chief Inspector Dixon on the phone

“As you all know, Jamie Wilkinson and John Parker were asked to leave Dubbo before they had finished interviewing suspects

It appears we got a very up close and friendly look, even to the point of interviewing the Director of the largest hospital here in the capital city of Nepal

The police are interviewing people at the school

of interviewing companies and meeting with roofing company representatives, we picked

as one of the interviewing reporters quoted me to have said, “The research I’ve done taught me!”

In this case, you would create a guide or questionnaire, give it to each person you are interviewing to complete and then you simply edit the collected

Unfortunately, the order accepts no interviews

«All in good time,» Alfred said, «One of the first things we have to deal with is getting Alan back up here before he starts granting interviews to news magazines

interviews, which in turn led to numerous eulogies, many of them

He spent hours going over the transcripts, these things could sometimes get down to the picayune details of how the interviews were conducted

He reviewed all he could remember of the details of his interviews with the crew

Her tail had only been able to get close enough to overhear one of those interviews, but he reported it was cordial

that our actions and interviews are kept strictly

information to come out of the interviews

Isn’t it?? Hope you’re doing well with your interviews

Since my last letter I have had three job interviews to the University Placement Office

I think I did well in the interviews

I’ve had many interviews and I’m sending out lots of resumes and it will pay off one of these days

I had two interviews at the same time because after the interviewer handed my papers to the head of the visa section who approved all the visas I was called also to his office for some questions

gave us tips on how to crack job interviews

heavily on exclusive reports, interviews and stories to sell their copies

2) Live telephone recordings, such as interviews or webinars

When doing media interviews, reflect on your words

Rex had decided to do some interviews and

” When he interviews an applicant he looks for certain things: A down-to-earth personality, a caring about others, a desire to make one’s self better, and a conscience

There was something about this group, Roidon thought, to be admired: they were not taking the line of conformity, and those in governance were bewildered (if the media interviews of officials were anything to go by) at such defiance

Surely there was some European law against this — interviews

will sail on a cruise in the region of ocean already indicated to you in personal interviews

Maybe it is going to be interviews with those dog

At their initial interviews with Esther and Lena each girl had discussed all their issues, good and bad, in depth

“I have no plans on moving to any scale office, I am happy at Roy’s, and that’s where I can be found in case there are future interviews

US troops, writing in their diaries, letters home, and interviews with journalists in fact often referred to Filipinos as “Indians” when describing the enemy’s guerilla war tactics

Much will depend on our client’s instructions but we prefer neither to release any statements nor to give any interviews

) Much to Truman’s surprise, John Hall was one of the two CIA men conducting interviews at the training center

Yet, now was becoming a moving and emotional reality that was approaching at an inexorably rapid pace with radio interviews, newspapers articles and news and television appearances

We went on to have our coffee, and several more interviews, where we managed to pick up a few more juicy tidbits

Richard Nixon, far from the claim of supporters that he “suffered,” lived an extremely well off and enviable life since being forced out of office in disgrace, even getting paid $7 million for the David Frost interviews

The interviews did not take long, and Colling reported what he had learned to Peterson

The interviews were conducted in a bare room with pine-board walls

The interviews proved to be interesting and beneficial to Colling

When he completed the interviews, Colling reported to Brumerson

examples drawn from interviews he conducted for the

Full of the hubris of youth, unaccustomed to the honour of driving the inspector, or sitting in and taking full notes of the interviews, Leduc was seemingly irrepressible

“After this short word from our sponsors; and join us online for the discussion and interviews with the top three drivers

several interviews and some intense discussion, he hired her

of decisions, interviews and theses in

Interviews with the own people

Interviews with the own Teams of Coordination

Interviews with the own organizations

Interviews with the own multipliers

In fact, Moore had two interviews with Smith that he failed to acknowledge

interviews has been agreed for the Design and the deliverable at the end of this phase

Researchers to collect information from the foster family at the same time, through interviews, they determine whether participants growth of adoptive parents family environment is adverse, such as whether the adoptive parents have such

Knowing the definition that might help to some extend during some interviews, but not

Know the definition for the few questions that would be asked in interviews

The characters in the book are fictional but are based on interviews I have done and

Besides the interviews with the men you helped bring into the country, I also have another business meeting taking place right now

• Investigating through Interviews

interviews, meeting minutes and even notes dictated with the use of a MP3 player

Many police stations outsource police interviews

» Working from the results of hundreds of interviews with inmates in a

After many interviews, separate and together, as well as many home visitations by the Department of Social Services of the County of Orange, Roger and Josie were notified that their house had been judged worthy to become the home of a six-week old little girl

Spend hours interviewing qualified candidates in multiple rounds of interviews

Being a heavy drinker, I also welcomed faraway interviews with unlimited expense accounts (although I was too stupid to realize that putting expensive meals with wine on the expense account and coming to the next day’s interview hung over with alcohol on my breath was not conducive to my being hired)

My interviews with them went great

I had undergone many stress interviews by then, but nothing like this

The interviews again went well, but doubts crept in when Hal said that I and the woman to follow would be the 21st and 22nd candidates interviewed

Once I got up the nerve to tell Dixie that I had been laid off (can’t say your are fired when the entire company is laid off), she understood that we only needed one car because she could always drop me at the BART station to go into The City for job interviews and pick me up when I called from there

During the early 1970s I had two interviews with Westinghouse in Pittsburgh

, one of the early conglomerates, put together by ‘70s raider Roy Ash, flew me from Oakland to Burbank for day long interviews at their CHQ in Woodland Hills

The interviews went well (I was told so later by the Ingalls attorneys), but corporate decided that Ingalls already had enough government contracts attorneys (Howell, Bill Powers, and French Caldwell), so they instead hired a black male real estate guy, Bill Jordan

I was the one who raised the questions in my three interviews (VP, Director, and Manager to whom I would report): a) since Pressly was still there and Ingalls Contracts let their attorney/contract administrators go 1:1 with him, and he had stolen my job, did they think this would prejudice them in the Navy’s eyes, and b) did Ingalls believe that I had a financial COI because i) GD owned both EB and BIW, ii) I was receiving GD pension, and iii) I had nearly 200k in GD stock

The interviews with him and my prospective colleagues went very well

during interviews, all the way up to HR VP, what had transpired in ‘78

one who raised the questions in my three interviews (VP, Director, and

Needless to say, the interviews with Gilbraith and President Mike Stevenson went very well

Walton Beach by Metric Systems for all-day interviews to be their third lawyer, but primarily a CA

He had warned me via phone before my interviews that many of the lab’s Hispanic females were very prone to filing EEO claims versus Anglo male bosses

When Dino informed me by phone that my interviews had “generally” gone well except for one woman, I guessed both Esparza’s identity and the remark to which she took exception

feels easier and safer to avoid those job interviews than to put

For that reason, and based on interviews with his friends who all agreed he very much wanted to see Allen, it was decided that the overdose was “accidental”

But if you read interviews with these “Righteous Gentiles,” you will find that they did not save Jews because the victims were Jews; they saved Jews because Jews are human

Rose Kennedy paid to Chapel Hill during the weekend, came up with a bevy of questions which the famous mother hadn’t faced in thousands of previous interviews

Events include tests of knowledge, wizardry, and mathematical ability, speeches and interviews before banks of judges, debates between candidates on ethics, administration and diplomacy, individual combat both armed and unarmed, and candidates who are still in contention during the final round of competition are tested in command of troops and naval vessels during war games

As he finished his interviews, the student somewhat sarcastically asked Park’s administrative secretary, Jean Ballard, “Mr

After interviews with numerous investment bankers, Goldman Sachs, which originally took Park Communications public, was selected

of endless interviews with the client, I would try talking to his

company was holding interviews at the best hotel in the city

We will tell Abbess Tetta to keep you locked in the miserium until we return for next year’s interviews

Subsequent declassified documents and interviews with mission survivors reveal a courageous and harrowing pattern of Cold War intrigues

Interviews with Coast Guard personnel at U

They»d seen one of his TV interviews and were enthusiastic about how well he came across and as he

“The interviews will begin shortly,” he said aloud

“Our next ten interviews will be with

Watch some TV interviews

interviews or the job?

interviews I was informed that, no, as a receptionist I would have to speak more than just one

formation of new galaxies robert Britt says that interviews with more than

Publicists will also find ways for you to score a couple of interviews,

Collect stories in the press of celebrities who wet the bed as children but outgrew it (celebrities will sometimes mention this sort of thing — or their biographers will — in interviews)

An interview is a conversation where questions are asked and answers are given. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

In an interview with Khaleej Times, Abdulredha Abu Alhassan, executive director of the Rail Planning and Projects Development at the RTA, described the plush amenities that were showcased in the prototype pod.


In Free for All: Fixing School Food in America, Janet Poppendieck interviews food service directors and principals around the country (and, surprisingly, not just in impoverished areas) who describe how the school breakfast line on a Monday morning (especially following a long weekend or a vacation) is always noticeably longer than other days of the week, as hungry children return to school and get what may be their first adequate meal in days.


Obviously it’s just more opportunities to fire up a cigar or two and interview Sami Khedira and Mario Mandzukic after another Scudetto is signed, sealed and delivered.


But her words REVEALED her instead.The more people read that interview, in which he was very polished and smooth, the more alarmed people will be.


During a job interview, a time will arise when you have the floor.


Iain Black is available for media interviews this afternoon.


The reason why Tanzania did better than us in 2017 is because their hotels are brand new and modern while our hotels are 40 years old,» he said during an interview on a local TV programme.


Speaking in an interview, Ngog said he would be happy for Bolton to cash in.


The experience leads Alex to a realization: Getting regular interviews with NBA players will be tough, but five years ago Thompson was just another kid knocking around the New Jersey suburbs.


You would hope so, and yet Terri Coates, a practicing midwife, lecturer in Midwifery, and clinical editor to Call the Midwife, doesn’t seem to be in favour of it in this interview from Tuesday’s Mail:


I saw the brief post match interview that Sanchez gave during the Confeds Cup.


Each episode includes an interview with a small business owner or industry expert and I also feature a small businesses product.


This wonderfully light-hearted chat after potentially his final British Grand Prix is only made better by Mark Webber spending the entire interview trying to desperately swallow some food.


When you finish the interviews, you’ll be able to write a detailed description of your ideal customer — using her own words to describe herself.


In his interview with Elizabeth Thompson, Mr. Bernier also mentioned that the spirit of the resolution was that every time a politician brought in a new program, he/she would have to cut an existing program of equal value.


A Christian campaigner has spoken with Premier one month since she engaged with the broadcaster in a fierce interview on ITV’s This Morning which became side-tracked by the topic of homosexuality.


March 2018 — the Guardian and New York Times publish fresh revelations, based on interviews with former Cambridge Analytica employee Chris Wylie, suggesting as many as 50M Facebook users might have had their information passed to Cambridge Analytica without their knowledge or consent.


In a candid interview with WCNY’s The Capitol Pressroom on Monday, Deputy Senate Majority Leader John DeFrancisco said the internal Republican debate over increasing the state’s minimum wage included calculations over the political and electoral fallout.


Klobuchar said in a February interview on NBC’s Meet the Press that fining companies such as Facebook and Twitter for failing to purge bot accounts would be a «great idea,» but acknowledged the limitations.


And yet the interview was by left-leaning CNN by a woman who struggled to keep her professional composure.


Driscoll’s interview received a standing ovation, according to the Bible Society of Australia, which reports more details.


You don’t have to love fashion to love this interview.


Tribune Publishing’s largest shareholder, Oaktree Capital Management, signaled it currently supports the company’s strategy, according to a Chicago Tribune interview with a top official.


During an appearance on Fox News on Thursday morning, Giuliani accused special counsel Robert S. Mueller III of trying to trap Trump into perjury by making him sit for an extended interview as part of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign.


The New York Times reported that Cambridge Analytica still possesses most or all of the data, according to interviews with a half-dozen former employees and contractors.


In a series of interviews, Zuckerberg also suggested he would be willing to testify before Congress.


Jim Rogers stated in an interview with Bloomberg that «the next bear market will be worst in my lifetime,» adding that he didn’t know when that bear market would occur.


On the first free night, Friday the 18th, KPIX broadcast a live special, «Threads of Love,» hosted by their local news talent, who cut to celebrity interviews from the floor, in the format of political convention coverage.


Flavia Francesquini interviews comedian Judy Gold.


It was the fall of 2005, in Singapore, during nearly five hours of interview spread over two days.


on (Image) Murmurs that Diafra Sakho could soon give an explosive interview calling out the West Ham board


Keep your eyes peeled for a special interview involving these guys in next week’s Video Highlights!


In the interview he didn’t blame Sumlin for a lack of understanding of NFL offenses and Xs and Os so much as the spread offense doesn’t translate and teaches you nothing about the NFL.


Mr Jackson in an interview on Accra-based Citi FM said «I would say roughly 100 have returned so far this year.


A recent interview with The New York Times suggests that James Murphy (of LCD Soundsystem) is working with his recently disbanded mates on a song for an upcoming film.


The best interviews are conversations — but you can’t have a conversation with someone you hardly know.


David Sill sheds some light in this interview about successful sales coaching.


All that suggests that it’s important to get the interview right.


In a fascinating 2011 interview that aired on 60 Minutes, scientists from Givaudan, one of the largest companies in the $ 24 billion flavor market, admitted their number one goal when creating flavors was to make them addictive!


Asked in the ABC interview whether he believed Trump was obstructing justice in making the request, Comey said: «Possibly.


In my interviews with some high-powered women, sometimes working in a traditionally man’s world such as Kate Thorp, founder of Real Girls Media and DivineCaroline, I have been struck by the fact that their husbands are often stay-at-home dads or at least have flexible jobs.


With recent news that coach David Blatt says he’s not a «max player», Chris Haynes of the Northeast Ohio Media Group had an exclusive interview with the Cavaliers» big-man, who seems to be ignoring his coach’s comments.


Howard Buffett, 58, told Bloomberg Television’s Betty Liu in an interview airing today.


Carissa Dunphy interviews Ali Rittenhouse, who trains small business owners and virtual assistants how to embrace and utilize technology to their benefit.


Whatever your boss’s preferred strategy, the annual appraisal isn’t a job interview, and you shouldn’t sell yourself too hard.


In an interview a few months ago, Lee described herself to Quartz as an introverted CEO, which she also said is her greatest strength.


Look at the recent interview with David Cameron on the Marr show.


Donovan Mitchell, the hero of the game, had this to say about Derrick Favors in his walk-off post-game interview:


In an interview with Fox Business last we


Each month, we deliver the latest news, information, and interviews focused exclusively for the world’s largest food service and hospitality capital of the word, Metro New York.


  • Use the word Interview in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It seems the interview is out…

I want us to get Lárus and interview him.

Yeah, you know, like advice for the interview.

And she’s written to the American for an interview.

He nearly killed three reporters I sent to interview him today!

Gabrielle’s interview with R├®vande resulted in a contract as a dancer in the revue’s Palace Theater.

Dear Mr. R├®vande, In response to our interview this morning, and your offer of a contract, I must inform you that my acceptance depends on a strict condition:

A prospective marriage interview in the snow? Great!

And the time for the interview has nearly ended, sir.

Flaherty ended his interview by remarking:

I’d like to… madame make an interview with you.

Make an interview with you.

Your Majesty, this interview is no laughing matter.

It’ll be your last interview with the cashier!

Hey Tommy, how about an interview?

A fine time to arrange an interview, with a person not half awake.

Ed, the movie hound, read me an interview with him in last night’s Telegram.

Yes. I remember the whole interview.

There’s more newspapermen wanting to interview Miss Lovelace. Oh, fine.

And what was the subject of the interview?

I’ll see about the license at once and interview the vicar.

I don’t think it’ll do much good, Richmond… though it was decent of you to arrange the interview.

Today you have had most distressing interview… with lady.

All you’ve got to do is get me a private interview with Horace P. Hemingway.

Would you care to interview a new patient?

We want to interview you.

Then the next step is to interview Mosley Thorpe.

Well the interview is ended.

He doesn’t want to interview me or make a fuss over me.

He’s going on an interview this morning to…

I say, he’s going on an interview this morning to see Mr. Mo Littvack, the president of the Irish Woolen Mills.

I gotta go down to Washington to interview some Congressmen.

You can get me an interview with the prisoner.

One interview is all I want.

Kunie’s marriage interview is tomorrow, right?

I — I hope the interview was satisfactory, gentlemen.

Someone to take care of Kit and new clothes so that you can interview managers.

I have a fitting at Madame Bonnet’s, and I promised an interview with The Stage magazine.

Have your secretary call off that interview.

In Swedish it means «the interview is ended.»

Suggest we interview Miss Roland immediately.

But, Pop- — Also have desire to interview Miss Betty Adams… to learn if she used camera for picture-taking this morning.

Tell him Mr. Canavan sent you for his police card… and that you’re gonna interview Antoinette Gateson, who arrives at Newark Airport at 3:00.

He told me to get your police card and tell you… I was going to interview Tony Gateson.

Exclusive interview by Steve Leyton. «

He got that interview from a maid I fired.

Quote: «In an exclusive interview with the Express today…

I didn’t come here to give an interview.

Definition of Interview

a meeting of people face to face during which someone is asked questions

Examples of Interview in a sentence

A local news reporter is conducting an interview with town residents in hopes of finding out how long they have been without safe drinking water.


During the police interview, the suspect was questioned about his whereabouts on the night of the crime.


The nervous nurse struggled to answer questions like why she should be hired during her panel interview at the hospital.


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